page ,132 title COMMAND COPY routines. ;/* ; * Microsoft Confidential ; * Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1991 ; * All Rights Reserved. ; */ comment % ----------------------------------------------------------------- ;*** COPY.ASM Source files: copy.asm, copypr1.asm, copypr2.asm ;*** MODIFICATION HISTORY 11/01/83 EE Added a few lines at the end of SCANSRC2 to get multiple file concatenations (eg copy a.*+b.*+c.*) to work properly. 11/02/83 EE Commented out the code in CPARSE which added drive designators to tokens which begin with path characters so that PARSELINE will work correctly. 11/04/83 EE Commented out the code in CPARSE that considered paren's to be individual tokens. That distinction is no longer needed for FOR loop processing. 11/17/83 EE CPARSE upper case conversion is now flag dependent. Flag is 1 when Cparse is called from COPY. 11/17/83 EE Took out the comment chars around code described in 11/04/83 mod. It now is conditional on flag like previous mod. 11/21/83 NP Added printf 12/09/83 EE CPARSE changed to use CPYFLAG to determine when a colon should be added to a token. 05/30/84 MZ Initialize all copy variables. Fix confusion with destclosed NOTE: DestHand is the destination handle. There are two special values: -1 meaning destination was never opened and 0 which means that the destination has been openned and closed. 06/01/84 MZ Above reasoning totally specious. Returned things to normal 06/06/86 EG Change to fix problem of source switches /a and /b getting lost on large and multiple file (wildcard) copies. 06/09/86 EG Change to use xnametrans call to verify that source and destination are not equal. 06/24/90 DO If the destination of a file concatenation is the same as first source file AND we run out of disk space before completing the concatenation, restore the first source file as best we can. See SeekEnd and CopErr. Bug #859. M031 SR 10/11/90 Bug #3069. Use deny write sharing mode to open files instead of compatibility mode. This gives lesser sharing violations when files are opened for read on a copy. % ------------------------------------------------------------------------- .xlist .xcref include comsw.asm include include include include comseg.asm include comequ.asm .list .cref DATARES segment public byte extrn VerVal:word DATARES ends TRANDATA segment public byte extrn BadCd_Ptr:word extrn Copied_Ptr:word extrn Extend_Buf_Ptr:word extrn Extend_Buf_Sub:byte extrn File_Name_Ptr:word extrn InBDev_Ptr:word extrn Msg_Disp_Class:byte extrn Overwr_Ptr:word TRANDATA ends TRANSPACE segment public byte extrn AllSwitch:word extrn ArgC:byte extrn Ascii:byte extrn Binary:byte extrn BytCnt:word extrn CFlag:byte extrn Comma:byte extrn Concat:byte extrn Copy_Num:word extrn CpDate:word extrn CpTime:word extrn CpyFlag:byte extrn CurDrv:byte extrn DestBuf:byte extrn DestClosed:byte extrn DestFcb:byte extrn DestFcb2:byte extrn DestHand:word extrn DestInfo:byte extrn DestIsDir:byte extrn DestSiz:byte extrn DestSwitch:word extrn DestTail:word extrn DestVars:byte extrn DirBuf:byte extrn Expand_Star:byte extrn FileCnt:word extrn FirstDest:byte extrn FrstSrch:byte extrn Inexact:byte extrn MelCopy:byte extrn MelStart:word extrn Msg_Flag:byte extrn NoWrite:byte extrn NxtAdd:word extrn ObjCnt:byte extrn OCtrlZ:byte extrn OFilePtr_Hi:word extrn OFilePtr_Lo:word extrn One_Char_Val:byte extrn Parse_Last:word extrn Plus:byte extrn Plus_Comma:byte extrn RdEof:byte extrn ResSeg:word extrn ScanBuf:byte extrn SDirBuf:byte extrn SrcBuf:byte extrn SrcHand:word extrn SrcInfo:byte extrn SrcIsDev:byte extrn SrcPt:word extrn SrcSiz:byte extrn SrcTail:word extrn SrcVars:byte extrn SrcXName:byte extrn StartEl:word extrn String_Ptr_2:word extrn TermRead:byte extrn Tpa:word extrn UserDir1:byte extrn Written:word TRANSPACE ends ;*** COPY CODE TRANCODE segment public byte extrn CError:near extrn CopErr:near extrn TCommand:near public Copy assume cs:TRANGROUP,ds:TRANGROUP,es:TRANGROUP,ss:NOTHING break Copy Copy: assume ds:TRANGROUP,es:TRANGROUP ; Initialize internal variables. xor ax,ax ; AX = 0 mov Copy_Num,ax ; # files copied (destinations) = 0 mov SrcPt,ax ; cmd line ptr for source scan = 0 mov SrcTail,ax ; ptr to last element of source pathname = 0 mov CFlag,al ; 'destination file created' = false mov NxtAdd,ax ; ptr into TPA buffer = 0 mov DestSwitch,ax ; destination switches = none mov StartEl,ax ; CParse ptr to last pathname element = 0 mov DestTail,ax ; ptr to last element of dest pathname = 0 mov DestClosed,al ; 'destination file closed' = false mov DestSiz,al ; length of destination pathname = 0 mov SrcSiz,al ; length of source pathname = 0 mov DestInfo,al ; destination pathname flags = none mov SrcInfo,al ; source pathname flags = none mov Inexact,al ; 'inexact copy' = false mov DestVars,al ; 'dest pathname is directory' = false mov SrcVars,al ; 'source pathname is directory' = false mov UserDir1,al ; saved working directory = null mov NoWrite,al ; 'no write' (source = dest) = false mov RdEof,al ; 'read end of file' = false mov SrcHand,ax ; source handle = 0 mov CpDate,ax ; copy date = 0 mov CpTime,ax ; copy time = 0 mov SrcIsDev,al ; 'source is device' = false mov OCtrlZ,al ; 'Ctrl+Z removed from original' = false mov OFilePtr_Lo,ax mov OFilePtr_Hi,ax ; original destination file ptr = null mov TermRead,al ; 'terminate read' = false mov Comma,al ; '"+,," found' = false mov Plus_Comma,al ; '"+,," found last time' = false (?) mov Msg_Flag,al ;AN022; 'non-utility msg issued' = false mov AllSwitch,ax ; all switches = none mov ArgC,al ; source/dest argument count = 0 mov Plus,al ; '"+" in command line' = false mov Binary,al ; 'binary copy' = false mov Ascii,al ; 'ascii copy' = false mov FileCnt,ax ; # files copied (destinations) = 0 mov Written,ax ; 'destination written to' = false mov Concat,al ; 'concatenating' = false mov MelCopy,al ; 'Mel Hallerman copy' = false mov MelStart,ax ; Mel Hallerman cmd line ptr = 0 ; Initialize buffers with double-nulls. mov word ptr ScanBuf,ax mov word ptr DestBuf,ax mov word ptr SrcBuf,ax mov word ptr SDirBuf,ax mov word ptr DirBuf,ax mov word ptr DestFcb,ax mov ObjCnt,al ; # CParse cmd-line objects found = 0 dec ax ; AX = 0FFFFh mov DestHand,ax ; destination handle = 'never opened' mov FrstSrch,al ; 'first search for source' = true mov FirstDest,al ; 'first time for dest' = true mov DestIsDir,al ; 'haven't analyzed destination' mov si,81h ; SI = ptr to command line mov bl,PLUS_CHR ; BL = special delimiter = "+" inc Expand_Star ; CParse 'expand * to ?s' = true mov CpyFlag,1 ; CParse 'called from COPY' = true ;* Scan the command line for destination information. DestScan: xor bp,bp ; BP = switch flag accumulator mov di,offset TRANGROUP:ScanBuf ; ES:DI = ptr to pathname buf mov Parse_Last,si ;AN018; save cmd line ptr invoke CParse ; parse next object pushf ; save CParse flags inc ObjCnt ; count object test bh,80h jz @f ; no "+" delimiter mov Plus,1 ; "+" delimiter occurred @@: test bh,1 jz TestP2 ; not a switch ; Found a switch. test bp,SwitchV ;AN038; Verify requested? jz Not_SlashV ;AN038; No - set the switch test AllSwitch,SwitchV ;AN038; Verify already entered? jz Not_SlashV ;AN038; No - set the switch ;AD018; or AllSwitch,FBadSwitch ;AN038; Set up bad switch or bp,FBadSwitch ;AN018; Set up bad switch Not_SlashV: ;AN038; or DestSwitch,bp ; assume destination or AllSwitch,bp ; keep tabs on all switches test bp,not SwitchCopy ;AN018; Bad switch? jz Not_Bad_Switch ;AN018; Switches are okay popf ;AN018; fix up stack mov ax,BadSwt_ptr ;AN018; get "Invalid switch" message number invoke Setup_Parse_Error_Msg ;AN018; setup to print the message jmp CError ;AC018; exit Not_Bad_Switch: ;AN018; switch okay popf ; restore CParse flags jc CheckDone ; found CR jmp short DestScan ; continue scanning for destination TestP2: popf ; restore CParse flags jc CheckDone ; found CR test bh,80h jnz @f ; found a "+pathname" argument inc ArgC ; count independent pathname args @@: push si ; save cmd line ptr mov ax,StartEl ; AX = ptr to last path element mov si,offset TRANGROUP:ScanBuf ; SI = ptr to path string sub ax,si ; AX = offset of last element mov di,offset TRANGROUP:DestBuf ; DI = ptr to destination buf add ax,di ; AX = ptr to last element in ; destination path buffer mov DestTail,ax ; save ptr to last element mov DestSiz,cl ; save path string length inc cx ; CX = mov length (incl null) rep movsb ; DestBuf = possible destination path mov DestInfo,bh ; save CParse info flags mov DestSwitch,0 ; clear destination switches pop si ; SI = ptr into cmd line again jmp DestScan ;AC018; continue scanning for dest CheckDone: ; We reached the CR. The destination scan is finished. ; Disallow "copy file1+" as file overwriting itself. ; ; (Note that "copy file1+file2+" will be accepted, and ; equivalent to "copy file1+file2".) ; Bugbug: it looks like "copy /x file1+" would slip ; through this check, since the switch would count ; as another object in ObjCnt. cmp Plus,1 ; "+" with jne cdCont cmp ArgC,1 ; one arg, jne cdCont cmp ObjCnt,2 ; two objects.. jne cdCont mov dx,offset TRANGROUP:OverWr_ptr jmp CopErr ; is file overwrite. cdCont: mov al,Plus ; AL = '"+" occurred' mov Concat,al ; if "+" occurred, we're concatenating shl al,1 shl al,1 mov Inexact,al ; therefore making an inexact copy mov al,ArgC ; AL = # independent arguments or al,al jnz Try_Too_Many ; more than 0 args; check if too many mov dx,offset TRANGROUP:Extend_Buf_Ptr ; DX = ptr to msg block mov Extend_Buf_Ptr,LessArgs_Ptr ; set msg # "param missing" jmp short CError_ParseJ ; take parse error exit Try_Too_Many: cmp al,2 jbe ACountOk ; <= 2 arguments - ok mov dx,offset TRANGROUP:Extend_Buf_Ptr ; DX = ptr to msg block mov Extend_Buf_Ptr,MoreArgs_Ptr ; set msg # "too many params" CError_ParseJ: mov Msg_Disp_Class,PARSE_MSG_CLASS ; parse error message CError4J: jmp CError ; command error exit ACountOk: mov bp,offset TRANGROUP:DestVars ; BP = base of dest variables ; Bugbug: use of BP without segment override implies SS. ; SS is implicitly assumed to point at TRANGROUP. cmp al,1 jne Got2Args ; we have 2 arguments ; Only one independent pathname argument on command line. ; Set destination to d:*.*, where d: is current drive. ; Bugbug: but is this appropriate for "copy x:file1+x:file2"? ; The two files would be appended as d:file1, rather than x:file1. mov al,CurDrv ; AL = current drive (0 = A) add al,CAPITAL_A ; AL = current drive letter mov ah,':' ; AX = "d:" mov [bp].siz,2 ; pathname length = 2 mov di,offset TRANGROUP:DestBuf ; ES:DI = ptr to dest path buf stosw ; store "d:" mov DestSwitch,0 ; clear destination switches mov [bp].info,2 ; mark destination 'wildcard present' mov [bp].isdir,0 ; mark destination 'not a directory' invoke SetStars ; add wildcards Got2Args: ; If destination pathname is "d:", add full wildcard filename cmp [bp].siz,2 jne NotShortDest ; not two chars, can't be "d:" mov al,':' cmp destbuf+1,al jne NotShortDest ; it's just a 2-character filename or [bp].info,2 ; mark destination 'wildcard present' mov di,offset TRANGROUP:DestBuf+2 ; ES:DI = ptr after "d:" mov [bp].isdir,0 ; mark destination 'not a directory' invoke SetStars ; add wildcards NotShortDest: ; If destination pathname ends with "\", try to make ; sure it's "d:\". mov di,[bp].ttail ; DI = ptr to last path element cmp byte ptr [di],0 jne ChkSwtches ; not a null, so last char not "\" mov dx,offset TRANGROUP:BadCD_Ptr ; DX = ptr to msg block mov al,':' cmp byte ptr [di-2],al jne CError4J ; it's not "d:\", exit with error msg mov [bp].isdir,2 ; destination 'is a directory' or [bp].info,6 ; destination wildcarded and contains ; path character invoke SetStars ; add wildcards ChkSwtches: ;AD018; mov ax,[ALLSWITCH] ;AD018; test ax,NOT SwitchCopy ;AD018; jz NOT_BAD_SWITCH ;AN000; Switches are okay ;AD018; MOV DX,OFFSET TranGroup:Extend_Buf_ptr ;AC000; get extended message pointer ;AD018; mov Extend_Buf_ptr,BadSwt_ptr ;AN000; get "Invalid switch" message number ;AD018; jmp short CERROR_PARSEJ ;AC000; Switch specified which is not known ;AD018; NOT_BAD_SWITCH: ; We have enough information about the destination for now. ; Turn on verify if requested. Save the current verify flag. mov ax,AllSwitch ; AX = all switch flags test ax,SwitchV jz NoVerif ; no /v, no verify mov ah,GET_VERIFY_ON_WRITE ; AH = 'Get Verify Flag' int 21h ; call DOS push ds mov ds,ResSeg assume ds:RESGROUP xor ah,ah mov VerVal,ax ; save current verify flag pop ds assume ds:TRANGROUP mov ax,(SET_VERIFY_ON_WRITE shl 8) or 1 ; AX = 'Set Verify Flag' int 21h ; call DOS NoVerif: ;* Scan for first source. xor bp,bp ; BP = switch flags accumulator mov si,81h ; SI = ptr into command line mov bl,PLUS_CHR ; BL = special CParse delimiter = "+" ScanFSrc: mov di,offset TRANGROUP:ScanBuf ; DI = ptr to pathname buf invoke CParse ; parse first source pathname test bh,1 ; switch? jnz ScanFSrc ; yes, try again or DestSwitch,bp ; include copy-wide switches on dest ; Set ascii copying mode if concatenating, unless /b is specified. test bp,SWITCHB jnz NoSetCAsc ; /b - explicit binary copy cmp Concat,0 je NoSetCAsc ; we're not concatenating mov Ascii,SWITCHA ; set ascii copy NoSetCAsc: call Source_Set ; set source variables call FrstSrc ; set up first source copy jmp FirstEnt ; jump into the copy loop public EndCopy EndCopy: ;* End of the road. Close destination, display # files ; copied (meaning # destinations), and go back to main ; transient COMMAND code. call CloseDest EndCopy2: mov dx,offset TRANGROUP:Copied_Ptr mov si,FileCnt mov Copy_Num,si invoke Std_PrintF jmp TCommand ; stack could be messed up SrcNonexist: ;* Source doesn't exist. If concatenating, ignore and continue. ; Otherwise, say 'file not found' and quit. cmp Concat,0 jne NextSrc ; concatenating - go on to next source ; Set up error message. mov Msg_Disp_Class,EXT_MSG_CLASS ; extended error msg mov dx,offset TRANGROUP:Extend_Buf_Ptr ; DX = ptr to msg block mov Extend_Buf_Ptr,ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ; 'file not found' msg# mov String_Ptr_2,offset TRANGROUP:SrcBuf ; point at bad pathname mov Extend_Buf_Sub,ONE_SUBST ; 1 substitution jmp CopErr ; print msg and clean up SourceProc: ;* Preparatory processing for each source file. ; Called at FrstSrc for first source file. call Source_Set ; set source variables & ascii/binary cmp Concat,0 jne LeaveCFlag ; concatenating - leave CFlag alone FrstSrc: xor ax,ax mov CFlag,al ; 'destination not created' mov NxtAdd,ax ; copy buffer ptr = 0 mov DestClosed,al ; 'destination not closed' LeaveCFlag: mov SrcPt,si ; save cmd-line ptr mov di,offset TRANGROUP:UserDir1 ; DI = ptr to buf for user's ; current dir mov bp,offset TRANGROUP:SrcVars ; BP = base of source variables invoke BuildPath ; cd to source dir, figure ; out stuff about source mov si,SrcTail ; SI = ptr to source filename return NextSrc: ;* Next source. Come here after handling each pathname. ; We're done unless there are additional source pathnames ; to be appended. ; ; Note that all files matching an ambiguous pathname ; are processed before coming here. cmp Plus,0 jne MoreCp ; copying "+" sources - keep going EndCopyJ2: jmp EndCopy ; done copying MoreCp: xor bp,bp ; BP = switch flags accumulator mov si,SrcPt ; SI = ptr to current pos'n in cmd line mov bl,PLUS_CHR ; BL = special delimiter = "+" ScanSrc: mov di,offset TRANGROUP:ScanBuf ; DI = ptr to pathname buf invoke CParse ; parse first source name jc EndCopyJ2 ; CR found - we're done test bh,80h jz EndCopyJ2 ; no "+" delimiter - we're done test bh,1 jnz ScanSrc ; switch found - keep looking ; ScanBuf contains the next source pathname. call SourceProc ; prepare this source cmp Comma,1 ;g was +,, found last time? jne NoStamp ;g no - try for a file mov Plus_Comma,1 ;g yes - set flag jmp SrcNonexist ;g we know we won't find it NoStamp: ;g mov Plus_Comma,0 ;g reset +,, flag FirstEnt: ; ;M047 ; The only case we need to worry about is when the source is wildcarded and ;the destination is not. For this case, ConCat is not yet set to indicate ;concatenation. We check for this case. ; ;NB: This change has been backed out and replaced by M048. This is not the ;right place to do this check. ; ; This is where we enter the loop with the first source. mov di,FCB ; DI = ptr to FCB mov ax,PARSE_FILE_DESCRIPTOR shl 8 ; 'Parse Filename' int 21h ; call DOS cmp byte ptr [si],0 ; did we parse the whole thing? jne SrchDone ; no, error, simulate 'not found' mov ax,word ptr SrcBuf ; AX = possible "d:" cmp ah,':' je @f ; AX = definite "d:" mov al,'@' ; AL = drive 'letter' for current drive @@: or al,20h ; AL = lowercase drive letter sub al,60h ; AL = drive id (0=current,1=A,..) mov ds:FCB,al ; put drive id in FCB ; FCB contains drive and filename to search. mov ah,DIR_SEARCH_FIRST ; AH = 'Find First File' call Search SrchDone: pushf ; save flags from Search invoke RestUDir1 ; restore users current directory popf ; restore flags from search jz @f ; found the source - continue jmp SrcNonexist ; didn't find the source @@: xor al,al xchg al,FrstSrch or al,al jz NextAmbig SetNMel: mov cx,12 mov di,offset TRANGROUP:SDirBuf mov si,offset TRANGROUP:DirBuf rep movsb ; save very first source name NextAmbig: xor al,al mov NoWrite,al ; turn off nowrite mov di,SrcTail mov si,offset TRANGROUP:DirBuf + 1 invoke Fcb_To_Ascz ; SrcBuf has complete name MelDo: cmp Concat,0 jne ShowCpNam ; concatenating - show name test SrcInfo,2 ; wildcard - show name jz DoRead ShowCpNam: mov dx,offset TRANGROUP:File_Name_Ptr invoke Std_PrintF invoke CrLf2 DoRead: call DoCopy cmp Concat,0 jne NoDClose ; concatenating - don't close dest call CloseDest ; close current destination jc NoDClose ; concatenating - dest not closed mov CFlag,0 ; 'destination not created' NoDClose: cmp Concat,0 je NoFlush ; not concatenating - don't flush ; Concatenating - flush output between source files so LostErr ; stuff works correctly. invoke FlshFil test MelCopy,0FFh jz @f jmp short DoMelCopy @@: NoFlush: call SearchNext ; try next match jnz NextSrcJ ; not found - finished with ; this source spec mov DestClosed,0 ; 'destination not closed' jmp NextAmbig ; do next ambig match DoMelCopy: cmp MelCopy,0FFh je ContMel mov si,SrcPt mov MelStart,si mov MelCopy,0FFh ContMel: xor bp,bp mov si,SrcPt mov bl,PLUS_CHR ScanSrc2: mov di,offset TRANGROUP:ScanBuf invoke CParse test bh,80h jz NextMel ; no "+" - go back to start test bh,1 jnz ScanSrc2 ; switch - keep scanning call SourceProc invoke RestUDir1 mov di,offset TRANGROUP:DestFcb2 mov ax,PARSE_FILE_DESCRIPTOR shl 8 int 21h mov bx,offset TRANGROUP:SDirBuf + 1 mov si,offset TRANGROUP:DestFcb2 + 1 mov di,SrcTail invoke BuildName cmp Concat,0 je MelDoJ ; not concatenating - continue ; Yes, turn off nowrite because this part of the code ; is only reached after the first file has been dealt with. mov NoWrite,0 MelDoJ: jmp MelDo NextSrcJ: jmp NextSrc NextMel: call CloseDest xor ax,ax mov CFlag,al mov NxtAdd,ax mov DestClosed,al mov si,MelStart mov SrcPt,si call SearchNext jz SetNMelJ jmp EndCopy2 SetNMelJ: jmp SetNMel SearchNext: mov ah,DIR_SEARCH_NEXT test SrcInfo,2 jnz Search ; do search-next if ambig or ah,ah ; reset zero flag return Search: push ax mov ah,SET_DMA mov dx,offset TRANGROUP:DirBuf int 21h ; put result of search in dirbuf pop ax ; restore search first/next command mov dx,FCB int 21h ; Do the search or al,al return DoCopy: mov si,offset TRANGROUP:SrcBuf ;g do name translate of source mov di,offset TRANGROUP:SrcXName ;g save for name comparison mov ah,XNAMETRANS ;g int 21h ;g mov RdEof,0 ; no EOF yet mov ax,EXTOPEN shl 8 ; open the file ;M046 ; For reads, the sharing mode should be deny none so that any process can ;open this file again in any other sharing mode. This is mainly to allow ;multiple's to access the same file without getting sharing ;violations ; mov bx,DENY_NONE or READ_OPEN_MODE ; open mode for COPY ;M046 xor cx,cx ; no special files mov dx,READ_OPEN_FLAG ; set up open flags int 21h jnc OpenOk ; Bogosity: IBM wants us to issue Access Denied in this case. ; They asked for it... jmp short Error_On_Source ;AC022; clean up and exit OpenOk: mov bx,ax ; save handle mov SrcHand,bx ; save handle mov ax,(FILE_TIMES shl 8) int 21h jc Error_On_Source mov CpDate,dx ; save date mov CpTime,cx ; save time jmp short No_Copy_Xa ; (xa copy code removed) Error_On_Source: ;AN022; we have a BAD error invoke Set_Ext_Error_Msg ;AN022; set up the error message mov String_Ptr_2,offset TRANGROUP:SrcBuf ;AN022; get address of failed string mov Extend_Buf_Sub,ONE_SUBST ;AN022; put number of subst in control block invoke Std_EprintF ;AN022; print it cmp SrcHand,0 ;AN022; did we open the file? je No_Close_Src ;AN022; no - don't close call CloseSrc ;AN022; clean up No_Close_Src: ;AN022; cmp CFlag,0 ;AN022; was destination created? je EndCopyJ3 ;AN022; no - just cleanup and exit jmp EndCopy ;AN022; clean up concatenation and exit EndCopyJ3: ;AN022; jmp EndCopy2 ;AN022; No_Copy_Xa: mov bx,SrcHand ;AN022; get handle back mov ax,(IOCTL shl 8) int 21h ; get device stuff and dl,DEVID_ISDEV mov SrcIsDev,dl ; set source info jz CopyLp ; source not a device cmp Binary,0 je CopyLp ; ascii device ok mov dx,offset TRANGROUP:InBDev_Ptr ; cannot do binary input jmp CopErr CopyLp: mov bx,SrcHand mov cx,BytCnt mov dx,NxtAdd sub cx,dx ; compute available space jnz GotRoom invoke FlshFil cmp TermRead,0 jne CloseSrc ; give up mov cx,BytCnt GotRoom: push ds mov ds,Tpa assume ds:NOTHING mov ah,READ int 21h pop ds assume ds:TRANGROUP jc Error_On_Source ;AC022; give up if error mov cx,ax ; get count jcxz CloseSrc ; no more to read cmp SrcIsDev,0 jne NoTestA ; is a device, ascii mode cmp Ascii,0 je BinRead NoTestA: mov dx,cx mov di,NxtAdd mov al,1Ah push es mov es,Tpa repne scasb ; scan for EOF pop es jne UseAll inc RdEof inc cx UseAll: sub dx,cx mov cx,dx BinRead: add cx,NxtAdd mov NxtAdd,cx cmp cx,BytCnt ; is buffer full? jb TestDev ; if not, we may have found eof invoke FlshFil cmp TermRead,0 jne CloseSrc ; give up jmp short CopyLp TestDev: cmp SrcIsDev,0 je CloseSrc ; if file then EOF cmp RdEof,0 je CopyLp ; on device, go till ^Z CloseSrc: mov bx,SrcHand mov ah,CLOSE int 21h return CloseDest: ; We are called to close the destination. ; We need to note whether or not there is any internal data left ; to be flushed out. cmp DestClosed,0 retnz ; don't double close mov al,byte ptr DestSwitch invoke SetAsc ; check for b or a switch jz BinClos ; on destination mov bx,NxtAdd ; ;M048 -- TryFlush changes the state of ConCat flag. So, before we append a ;^Z, let's always flush out. This way if the ConCat flag changes, we will ;just return without appending a ^Z incorrectly for the first file(since we ;are concatenating now). Also, in case it is a single file copy, we will ;anyway write the ^Z out separately. The only drawback is that there is a ;performance overhead on single ASCII file copies which now always involve ;2 writes instead of 1 before. Is this really that important? ; ;M048; cmp bx,BytCnt ; is memory full? ;M048; jne PutZ invoke TryFlush ; flush (and double-check for concat) je NoConc ConChng: ; concat flag changed on us stc return NoConc: xor bx,bx PutZ: push ds mov ds,Tpa mov word ptr [bx],1Ah ; add EOF mark (ctrl-Z) pop ds inc NxtAdd mov NoWrite,0 ; make sure our ^z gets written mov ax,Written add ax,NxtAdd jc BinClos ; > 1 cmp ax,1 je ForgetItJ ; Written = 0 NxtAdd = 1 (the ^Z) BinClos: invoke TryFlush jnz ConChng cmp Written,0 ForgetItJ: jne No_Forget ; wrote something jmp ForgetIt ; never wrote nothing No_Forget: mov bx,DestHand mov cx,CpTime mov dx,CpDate cmp Inexact,0 ; copy not exact? je DoDClose ; if no, copy date & time mov ah,GET_TIME int 21h shl cl,1 shl cl,1 ; left justify min in cl shl cx,1 shl cx,1 shl cx,1 ; hours to high 5 bits, min to 5-10 shr dh,1 ; divide seconds by 2 (now 5 bits) or cl,dh ; and stick into low 5 bits of cx push cx ; save packed time mov ah,GET_DATE int 21h sub cx,1980 xchg ch,cl shl cx,1 ; year to high 7 bits shl dh,1 ; month to high 3 bits shl dh,1 shl dh,1 shl dh,1 shl dh,1 ; most sig bit of month in carry adc ch,0 ; put that bit next to year or dl,dh ; or low three of month into day mov dh,ch ; get year and high bit of month pop cx ; get time back DoDClose: cmp bx,0 jle CloseDone mov ax,(FILE_TIMES shl 8) or 1 int 21h ; set date and time jc Cleanup_Err ;AN022; handle error ; See if the destination has *anything* in it. ; If not, just close and delete it. mov ax,(LSEEK shl 8) + 2 ; seek to EOF xor dx,dx mov cx,dx int 21h ; DX:AX is file size or dx,ax pushf mov ax,(IOCTL SHL 8) + 0 ; get the destination attributes int 21h push dx ; save them away mov ah,CLOSE int 21h pop dx jnc Close_Cont ;AN022; handle error on close popf ;AN022; get the flags back Cleanup_Err: ;AN022; call CleanUpErr ;AN022; attempt to delete the target call DestDelete ;AN022; attempt to delete the target jmp short FileClosed ;AN022; close the file Close_Cont: ;AN022; no error - continue popf jnz CloseDone test dx,80h ; is the destination a device? jnz CloseDone ; yes, copy succeeded call DestDelete jmp short FileClosed CloseDone: inc FileCnt FileClosed: inc DestClosed Ret50: clc return ForgetIt: mov bx,DestHand call DoDClose ; close the dest call DestDelete mov FileCnt,0 ; no files transferred jmp Ret50 DestDelete: mov dx,offset TRANGROUP:DestBuf mov ah,UNLINK int 21h ; and delete it return Source_Set proc near push si mov ax,StartEl mov si,offset TRANGROUP:ScanBuf ; adjust to copy sub ax,si mov di,offset TRANGROUP:SrcBuf add ax,di mov SrcTail,ax mov SrcSiz,cl ; save its size inc cx ; include the nul rep movsb ; save this source mov SrcInfo,bh ; save info about it pop si mov ax,bp ; switches so far invoke SetAsc ; set a,b switches accordingly invoke Switch ; get any more switches on this arg invoke SetAsc ; set return Source_Set endp ;**************************************************************** ;* ;* ROUTINE: CleanupErr ;* ;* FUNCTION: Issues extended error message for destination ;* if not alreay issued ;* ;* INPUT: return from INT 21 ;* ;* OUTPUT: none ;* ;**************************************************************** CleanupErr proc near ;AN022; cmp Msg_Flag,0 ;AN022; have we already issued a message? jnz CleanupErr_Cont ;AN022; yes - don't issue duplicate error invoke Set_Ext_Error_Msg ;AN022; set up error message mov String_Ptr_2,offset TRANGROUP:DestBuf ;AN022; get address of failed string mov Extend_Buf_Sub,ONE_SUBST ;AN022; put number of subst in control block invoke Std_EPrintF ;AN022; issue the error message CleanupErr_Cont: ;AN022; ret ;AN022; return to caller CleanupErr endp ;AN022; TRANCODE ends end