page ,132 title COMMAND Initialization ;/* ; * Microsoft Confidential ; * Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1991 ; * All Rights Reserved. ; */ ; ; Revision History ; ================ ; M002 SR 07/15/90 Resize right at the start because ; Carousel depends on it. ; ; M004 SR 07/17/90 Initialization reworked so that ; transient is now moved at EndInit. ; The old approach assumed that the ; biggest block is the one currently ; loaded in, an assumption not true ; for UMBs. ; ; M005 SR 07/20/90 Numerous hacks for Carousel ; 1. Set CurrentPDB to ours at start ; 2. Normalize cs:ip of int 2fh hook ; so that cs is different. ; ; M013 SR 08/06/90 Fixed Setup_res_end & Move_res_code ; to use new GetVersion call that ; returns info about whether DOS is in ; HMA or not. ; ; M015 SR 08/09/90 Increased default environment size to ; 256 bytes from 160 bytes ; ; M026 SR 9/12/90 Fixed environment trashing on second ; Command if new comspec is given. ; ; M030 SR 10/3/90 Before calling int 2fh 4a02h, set di ; to 0ffffh so that we are ok if no one ; answers this int 2fh. ; ; M042 SR 12/13/90 Bug #4660. Changed setup_res_end to ; take care of the dummy segment that ; adds a para to the resident size. ; .xlist .xcref include comsw.asm include include include include include include comseg.asm include comequ.asm include resmsg.equ include envdata.asm include include include .list .cref ENVBIG equ 32768 ENVSML equ 256 ;Increased to 256 ; M015 KOREA_COUNTRY_CODE equ 82 CODERES segment public byte extrn ContC :near extrn DskErr :near extrn Int_2e :near extrn LodCom :near extrn MsgInt2fHandler :far extrn SetVect :near extrn ChkSum :near extrn CrLf :near extrn LoadCom :near extrn RPrint :near ifdef BILINGUAL extrn RPrint@ :near endif ; BILINGUAL extrn EndCode :byte extrn StartCode :byte ifdef DBCS extrn ItestKanj :near endif extrn BadMemErr :near CODERES ends DATARES segment public byte extrn Abort_Char :byte extrn AccDen :byte extrn Append_State :word extrn Batch :word extrn Com_Fcb1 :dword extrn Com_Fcb2 :dword extrn Com_Ptr :dword extrn ComDrv :byte extrn ComSpec :byte extrn ComSpec_End :word extrn Crit_Msg_Off :word extrn Crit_Msg_Seg :word extrn DataResEnd :byte extrn Dbcs_Vector_Addr :word extrn EchoFlag :byte extrn EnvirSeg :word extrn ExtMsgEnd :byte extrn fFail :byte extrn FUCase_addr :word extrn InitFlag :byte extrn Int2fHandler :dword extrn Io_Save :word extrn Io_Stderr :byte extrn LTpa :word extrn MemSiz :word extrn MySeg :word extrn MySeg1 :word extrn MySeg2 :word extrn MySeg3 :word extrn Nest :word extrn OldTerm :dword extrn Parent :word extrn ParseMes_Ptr :word extrn ParsMsgPtrs :word extrn PermCom :byte extrn PutBackDrv :byte extrn PutBackComSpec :byte extrn RDirChar :byte extrn Res_Tpa :word extrn ResMsgEnd :word extrn RSwitChar :byte extrn SingleCom :word extrn KSwitchFlag :byte extrn Sum :word extrn TrnSeg :word extrn TrnMvFlg :byte extrn ResSize :word extrn RStack :word extrn ComInHMA :byte ;flag set if in HMA extrn XMMCallAddr :dword ;far call address to XMM EXTRN SCS_CMDPROMPT :BYTE EXTRN SCS_DOSONLY :BYTE ; ;All far pointers to resident routines that are to be patched ; extrn Int2f_Entry :dword extrn Int2e_Entry :dword extrn Ctrlc_Entry :dword extrn CritErr_Entry :dword extrn Int2f_Trap :near extrn Int2e_Trap :near extrn Ctrlc_Trap :near extrn CritErr_Trap :near extrn LodCom_Trap :near EXTRN SCS_PAUSE:BYTE ; yst extrn EndInit :near extrn Carousel_i2f_Hook :byte ; M005 extrn SCS_REENTERED :byte extrn SCS_FIRSTCOM :byte ifdef BETA3WARN %out Take this out before we ship extrn Beta3Warned:byte endif DATARES ends ;;ENVIRONMENT segment public para ; default COMMAND environment ;; ;; extrn EComSpec :byte ;; extrn EnvirEnd :byte ;; extrn PathString :byte ;; ;;ENVIRONMENT ends TAIL segment public para extrn TranStart :word TAIL ends TRANCODE segment public byte extrn DatInit :far TRANCODE ends TRANDATA segment extrn TranDataEnd :byte TRANDATA ends TRANSPACE segment public byte extrn TranSpaceEnd :byte TRANSPACE ends ; ******************************************************************* ; START OF INIT PORTION ; This code is deallocated after initialization. INIT SEGMENT PUBLIC PARA ;NTVDM not used extrn AutoBat :byte extrn BadComAccMsg :byte extrn BadComLkMsg :byte extrn Badcspfl :byte extrn BadVerMsg :byte extrn Chuckenv :byte extrn Command_?_syn :byte extrn Command_c_syn :byte extrn Command_d_syn :byte extrn Command_e_syn :byte extrn Command_f_syn :byte extrn Command_k_syn :byte extrn Command_l_syn :byte extrn Command_l2_syn :byte extrn Command_m_syn :byte extrn Command_u_syn :byte extrn Command_p_syn :byte extrn Command_y_syn :byte extrn Command_z_syn :byte extrn Comnd1_syn :word extrn Comnd1_addr :dword extrn ComSpect :byte extrn ComspString :byte extrn CopyrightMsg :byte extrn Dswitch :byte ;; extrn Ecomloc :word extrn EnvMax :word extrn EnvSiz :word extrn EqualSign :byte extrn Eswitch :byte extrn Ext_msg :byte extrn HelpMsgs:word extrn InitAdd :dword extrn InitEnd :word extrn Init_Parse :dword extrn Internat_Info :byte ; NTVDM not used extrn KautoBat :byte extrn Lcasea :byte extrn Lcasez :byte extrn Num_positionals :word extrn OldEnv :word extrn Old_parse_ptr :word extrn OutEnvMsg :byte extrn Parse_command :byte extrn PrdAttm :byte extrn ResetEnv :word extrn Scswitch :byte extrn Skswitch :byte extrn Space :byte extrn Triage_Add :dword extrn TrnSize :word extrn Ucasea :byte extrn UsedEnv :word extrn PathString :byte extrn ComspString :byte extrn Reloc_Table :word extrn FirstCom :byte extrn ResJmpTable :dword extrn TriageError :near extrn NUM_RELOC_ENTRIES :abs extrn DevFlag :byte extrn PathFlag :byte PUBLIC ConProc PUBLIC Init_ContC_SpecialCase assume cs:ResGroup,ds:ResGroup,es:ResGroup,ss:ResGroup org 0 ZERO = $ ConProc: mov sp,offset ResGroup:RStack ; must be first instruction ; ; M005; We need to set the PSP to us right at start because Carousel needs ; M005; to be lied to and it does not set PSP when it transfers control to ; M005; us after loading us as an overlay. By setting PSP, we ensure that ; M005; is also not lied to. ; mov ah,SET_CURRENT_PDB ; M005 mov bx,es ; M005 int 21h ; M005 mov ah,GET_VERSION int 21h cmp ax,EXPECTED_VERSION je OkDos ; DOS version is ok mov dx,offset ResGroup:BadVerMsg ; DX = ptr to msg call RPrint mov ax,es cmp es:PDB_Parent_Pid,ax ; if COMMAND is own parent, Here: jnz GoExit ; loop forever SVC SVC_DEMEXITVDM GoExit: int 20h ; otherwise, exit okdos: ; ; Calculate and save the end of the INIT segment (which is also ; the beginning of TRANGROUP). ; mov dx,offset resgroup:TranStart+15 ;eg get end of init code mov cl,4 ;eg change to paragraphs shr dx,cl ;eg mov ax,cs ;eg get current segment add ax,dx ;eg calculate segment of end of init mov InitEnd,ax ;eg save this SAVE xor si,si xor bp,bp mov al,5 ; query cmdprompt mov ah,setdpb int 21h mov byte ptr [scs_cmdprompt],al ; ds is resseg mov al,7 ; query DOSONLY bit mov ah,setdpb int 21h mov byte ptr [scs_dosonly],al ; ds is resseg RESTORE ; ; Check for /? on the command line. If found, display help text ; and exit. ; ; NOTE: this routine may terminate the program, never returning. ; call CheckHelp call CheckZSwitch ;SR; ; We have to patch the segment values for the various interrupt entry points. ;This is because we need to have the default addresses of the handlers in our ;stub before the relocation is done. These values will then be changed once ;the resident is relocated ; call patch_segs ; ; Turn APPEND off during initialization processing ; mov ax,APPENDINSTALL ; see if append installed int 2fh ; cmp al,0 ; append installed? je set_msg_addr ; no - continue mov ax,APPENDDOS ; see if append DOS version right int 2fh ; cmp ax,-1 ; append version correct? jne set_msg_addr ; no - continue mov ax,APPENDGETSTATE ; Get the state of Append int 2fh ; mov Append_State,bx ; save append state xor bx,bx ; clear out state mov ax,APPENDSETSTATE ; Set the state of Append int 2fh ; set everything off set_msg_addr: mov di,offset resgroup:DataresEnd ; get address of resident end mov ResMsgEnd,di ; save it call get_XMMAddr ;get XMM call address ; ;Check if this is the first instance of If not, we just exit ;this routine without moving any code. ;After the int 2fh, ds:si points at the resident jump table in the previous ;stub. We just have to copy this over ; mov ax,GET_COMMAND_STATE int 2fh assume ds:nothing or ax,ax jnz first_com ;this is the first instance ifdef BETA3WARN %out Take this out before we ship mov es:Beta3Warned, 0ffh endif mov word ptr es:ResJmpTable,si ;save old stub jump table mov word ptr es:ResJmpTable+2,ds jmp short init_cntry first_com: mov es:FirstCom,1 ;indicate first mov SCS_FIRSTCOM,1 init_cntry: push es pop ds assume ds:RESGROUP mov ah,GETEXTCNTRY ; get extended country info mov al,4 ; get file ucase table mov dx,-1 ; mov bx,-1 ; mov cx,5 ; number of bytes we want mov di,offset resgroup:Fucase_addr ; buffer for address int 21h ; ; Bugbug: conditionalize dbcs_vector stuff? push ds ; mov ax, (ECS_CALL shl 8) or GETLEADBTBL ; int 21h ; mov bx,ds ; get segment to bx pop ds ; mov Dbcs_vector_addr,si ; save address of mov Dbcs_vector_addr+2,bx ; dbcs vector mov ax,word ptr ds:PDB_Parent_Pid ; Init PARENT so we can exit mov Parent,ax ; correctly. mov ax,word ptr ds:Pdb_Exit mov word ptr OldTerm,ax mov ax,word ptr ds:Pdb_Exit+2 mov word ptr Oldterm+2,ax mov ax,offset ResGroup:EndCode + 15 mov cl,4 ; ax = size of resident part of shr ax,cl ; command in paragraphs. Add mov cx,cs ; this to CS and you get the add ax,cx ; segment of the TPA. mov Res_tpa, ax ; Temporarily save the TPA segment and ax, 0f000h add ax, 01000h ; Round up to next 64K boundary jnc TpaSet ; Memory wrap if carry set mov ax, Res_tpa TpaSet: mov Ltpa,ax ; Good enough for the moment mov ax,word ptr ds:PDB_Block_Len ; ax = # of paras given to command mov Myseg1,ds ; These 3 variables are used as part of mov Myseg2,ds ; 3 long ptrs that the transient will mov Myseg,ds ; use to call resident routines. mov Myseg3,ds ; segment of msg retriever routine mov Memsiz,ax ; Needed for execing other programs ; M002; ; M002; First reallocate the COMMAND size to its memory image ; M002; push ax ; M002 mov bx,offset RESGROUP:TranStart ; M002 add bx,offset TRANGROUP:TranSpaceEnd; M002 add bx,15 ; M002; round up the size mov cl,4 ; M002 shr bx,cl ;size of ; M002 mov ah,SETBLOCK ;free all memory above pgm ; M002 int 21h ; M002 pop ax ; M002 ; ; Compute maximum size of environment ; mov EnvMax,(Environsiz + 15) / 16 + (EnvMaximum-zero + 15)/16 - 1 ; ; Compute minimum size of environment ; mov EnvSiz, ENVSML / 16 mov dx,offset TranGroup:Transpaceend + 15 ; dx = size of transient mov cl,4 ; in paragraphs. shr dx,cl mov Trnsize,dx ;eg save size of transient in paragraphs sub ax,dx ; max seg addr - # para's needed for transient mov Trnseg,ax ; = seg addr to load the transient at. mov ax,ds:PDB_Environ ; ax = environment segment or ax,ax ; if there is no environment segment, jz buildenv ; go compute one. inc byte ptr Chuckenv ; flag no new environseg to set up jmp short environpassed ; otherwise one was passed to us. buildenv: ; (this label isn't very accurate) ; ;We allocate a buffer here just large enough to hold the 'PATH=' and ;the COMSPEC. After parsing, we will allocate an environment of the right ;size and free this buffer. We need this buffer because we no longer have an ;ENVIRONMENT segment but need a place to store the COMSPEC which can be ;given on the command line before we know the environment size. This routine ;will not return in case of an allocation error. It will either exit or hang ;depending on whether or not this is the first COMMAND.COM or not. ; call alloc_env ;try to allocate buffer ;; mov ax,offset ResGroup:PathString ; compute the segment of the ;; mov cl,4 ; environment and put it in ;; shr ax,cl ; ax. ;; mov dx,ds ;; add ax,dx environpassed: mov Envirseg,ax ; save the environment's segment and mov es,ax ; load into es. assume es:nothing gottheenvir: ; ; initialize the command drive ; mov ah,GET_DEFAULT_DRIVE int 21h inc al mov Comdrv,al mov al,byte ptr ds:Fcb ; al = default drive number for command or al,al jz nocomdrv ; no drive specified mov ah,':' mov Comdrv,al add al,40h ; convert number to uppercase character std cmp byte ptr Chuckenv,0 ; if a new environment is being built, jnz notwidenv ; move the default comspec string in it push ds ; 2 bytes to make room for a drivespec. push es ; the drivespec is in ax and is copied pop ds ; on to the front of the string. mov di,Env_Ecomspec + ENVIRONSIZ2 - 1 ;eg mov si,Env_Ecomspec + ENVIRONSIZ2 - 3 ;eg mov cx,ENVIRONSIZ2 - 2 rep movsb pop ds mov word ptr es:Env_Ecomspec,ax notwidenv: cld ; add the drivespec to the string ; NTVDM not used ; mov word ptr AutoBat,ax ; used to reference autoexec.bat ; mov word ptr KautoBat,ax ; used to reference kautoexe.bat 3/3/kk nocomdrv: call setvect ; set interrupt vectors 22h, 23h, & 24h ;********************************* ; parsing starts here ;********************************* push cs ; get local segment push cs ; into ds,es pop ds ; pop es ; assume ds:ResGroup,es:ResGroup ; mov si,80h ; get command line lodsb ; get length of line mov di,si ; get line position in di xor ah,ah ; ax = length of command line ; ; insure that the command line correctly ends with a cr ; add di,ax ; go to end of command line mov byte ptr [di],0dh ; insert a carriage return xor cx,cx ; clear cx mov Num_positionals,cx ; initialize positionals ; ; Scan the command line looking for the parameters ; Parse_command_line: mov di,offset ResGroup:Parse_Command ; Get address of parse_command mov cx,Num_positionals ; Get number of positionals xor dx,dx ; clear dx mov Old_parse_ptr,si ; save position before calling parser call init_parse ; call parser mov Num_positionals,cx ; Save number of positionals cmp ax,END_OF_LINE ; are we at end of line? jnz SkipArgdsDoneJmp jmp ArgsDoneJ3 ; yes - exit SkipArgdsDoneJmp: cmp ax,RESULT_NO_ERROR ; did an error occur jz parse_cont ; no - continue ; ; Before issuing error message - make sure switch is not /C or /K ; parse_line_error: push si ; save line position push ax ; save error number cmp ax,BADSWT_PTR ; Was error invalid switch? jnz parse_line_error_disp ; No - just issue message mov di,si ; Get terminating pointer in DI mov si,Old_parse_ptr ; Get starting pointer in SI init_chk_delim: cmp si,di ; at end of parsed parameter? jz parse_line_error_disp ; Yes - just display message lodsb ; cmp al,Space ; Skip blank spaces jz init_chk_delim ; cmp al,TAB_CHR ; Skip tab characters jz init_chk_delim ; cmp al,Rswitchar ; Switch? jnz parse_line_error_disp ; No - just issue message lodsb ; Get the char after the switch ifdef DBCS call ItestKanj ; Is it DBCS? jnz parse_line_error_disp ; Yes - can't be /C or /K endif call iupconv ; upper case it cmp al,Scswitch ; it is /C? jz AltSetCSwitch cmp al,Skswitch ; it is /K? jz AltSetKSwitch jmp parse_line_error_disp ; AltSetCSwitch: pop dx ; even up stack pop dx ; even up stack jmp setSSwitch ; Yes - go set COMMAND /C AltSetKSwitch: pop dx ; even up stack pop dx ; even up stack jmp setKSwitch ; Yes - go set COMMAND /K parse_line_error_disp: pop ax ; restore error number pop si ; restore line position mov dx,ax ; get message number call RPrintParse call CrLf jmp short Parse_command_line ; continue parsing parse_cont: ; ; See if a switch was entered ; ; Bugbug: See if Comnd1_Syn can be moved into a reg. before the compare ; ; Several stub switches have been added below in order to provide improved ; compatibility with applications using unsupported switches in ; The stubs generally do not do anything, but, they keep ; from erroring out. In many cases, this is enough to keep the app working. ; ; STUB SWITCHES ; /LOW Force to keep resident data in LOW memory. ; (does nothing) ; /Y Step through batch file specified by /c or /k ; (does nothing) ; /L:nnnn internal buffers size ; (does nothing) ; /U:nnn input buffers size ; (does nothing) ; /K command run batch file specified by command and continue ; turns on /P switch if not already specified. ; cmp Comnd1_Syn,offset ResGroup:Command_f_syn ; was /F entered? jnz NoFSwitch jmp SetFSwitch ; yes go set fail switch NoFSwitch: cmp Comnd1_Syn,offset resgroup:Command_p_syn ; was /P entered? jnz NoPSwitch jmp SetPSwitch ; yes go set up PERMCOM NoPSwitch: cmp Comnd1_Syn,offset resgroup:Command_d_syn ; was /D entered? jnz NoDSwitch jmp SetDSwitch ; yes go set date switch NoDSwitch: cmp Comnd1_Syn,offset resgroup:Command_c_syn ; was /C entered? jnz NoSSwitch jmp SetSSwitch ; yes go set up SINGLECOM NoSSwitch: cmp Comnd1_Syn,offset resgroup:Command_k_syn ; was /K entered? jnz NoKSwitch jmp SetKSwitch ; yes go set up environment NoKSwitch: cmp Comnd1_Syn,offset resgroup:Command_y_syn ; was /Y entered? jnz NoYSwitch jmp SetYSwitch ; yes go set up environment NoYSwitch: cmp Comnd1_Syn,offset resgroup:Command_e_syn ; was /E entered? jnz NoESwitch jmp SetESwitch ; yes go set up environment NoESwitch: cmp Comnd1_Syn,offset resgroup:Command_l_syn ; was /LOW entered? jnz NoLSwitch jmp SetLSwitch ; yes go set up message flag NoLSwitch: cmp Comnd1_Syn,offset resgroup:Command_l2_syn ; was /L entered? jnz NoL2Switch jmp SetL2Switch ; yes go set up environment NoL2Switch: cmp Comnd1_Syn,offset resgroup:Command_m_syn ; was /MSG entered? jnz NoMSwitch jmp SetMSwitch ; yes go set up message flag NoMSwitch: cmp Comnd1_Syn,offset resgroup:Command_u_syn ; was /U entered? jnz NoUSwitch jmp SetUSwitch ; yes go set up message flag NoUSwitch: jmp ChkOtherArgs ; Must be something else ArgsdoneJ3: ; long jump needed jmp ArgsDone ; SetFSwitch: cmp fFail,-1 ; has fail switch been set? jnz failok ; no - set it mov ax,Moreargs_ptr ; set up too many arguments jmp parse_line_error ; go issue error message failok: mov fFail,-1 ; fail all INT 24s. jmp Parse_command_line ; SetPSwitch: ; ; We have a permanent COMMAND switch /P. Flag this and stash the ; termination address. ; cmp PermCom,0 ; has /p switch been set? jz permcomok ; no - set it mov ax,moreargs_ptr ; set up too many arguments jmp parse_line_error ; go issue error message permcomok: inc PermCom mov word ptr OldTerm,offset DATARES:LodCom_Trap mov word ptr OldTerm+2,ds ; ; make sure that we display the date and time. if the flag was not ; initialized, set it to indicate yes, do prompt. ; cmp Comnd1_Syn,offset resgroup:Command_k_syn jnz RealPSwitch jmp ArgsDone RealPSwitch: cmp byte ptr PrdAttm,-1 jnz Parse_command_line_jmp ; keep parsing mov byte ptr PrdAttm,0 ; if not set explicit, set to prompt Parse_command_line_jmp: ; jmp parse_command_line ; keep parsing ArgsDoneJump: jmp ArgsDone SetDSwitch: ; ; Flag no date/time prompting. ; cmp Dswitch,0 ; has /D switch been set? jz setdateok ; no - set it mov ax,Moreargs_ptr ; set up too many arguments jmp parse_line_error ; go issue error message setdateok: inc Dswitch ; indicate /D entered mov byte ptr PrdAttm,1 ; user explicitly says no date time jmp Parse_command_line ; continue parsing SetYSwitch: ; ; Y switch is ignored. Present to keep apps that actually use it in a ; static create process or something from having problems ; (important after a win9xupg.) ; jmp Parse_command_line ; continue parsing SetKSwitch: ; ; Treat this just like /C, just keep going ; mov KSwitchFlag,1 jmp SetSSwitch ; ; Look for environment-size setting switch ; ; The environment size is represented in decimal bytes and is ; converted into pargraphs (rounded up to the next paragraph). ; SetSSwitch: ; ; Set up pointer to command line, flag no date/time and turn off singlecom. ; mov SingleCom,si ; point to the rest of the command line mov Permcom,0 ; a singlecom must not be a permcom mov byte ptr PrdAttm,1 ; no date or time either, explicit jmp ArgsDone ; ; Look for environment-size setting switch ; ; The environment size is represented in decimal bytes and is ; converted into pargraphs (rounded up to the next paragraph). ; SetESwitch: cmp Eswitch,0 ; has fail switch been set? jz eswitchok ; no - set it mov ax,Moreargs_ptr ; set up too many arguments jmp Parse_line_error ; go issue error message eswitchok: inc Eswitch ; indicate /E entered mov di,offset ResGroup:Comnd1_Addr ; get number returned mov bx,word ptr [di] ; into bx add bx, 0fh ; Round up to next paragraph mov cl,4 ; convert to pargraphs shr bx, cl ; by right 4 mov EnvSiz,BX ; EnvSiz is in paragraphs jmp Parse_command_line ; continue parsing command line SetL2Switch: Jmp Parse_Command_Line SetMSwitch: cmp Ext_msg,SET_EXTENDED_MSG ; has /MSG switch been set? jnz setMswitchok ; no - set it mov ax,Moreargs_ptr ; set up too many arguments jmp Parse_line_error ; go issue error message setMswitchok: mov Ext_msg,SET_EXTENDED_MSG ; set /MSG switch jmp Parse_command_line ; keep parsing SetLSwitch: jmp Parse_Command_Line SetUSwitch: Jmp Parse_Command_Line ArgsDoneJ: jmp ArgsDone ; ; We have a non-switch character here. ; ChkOtherArgs: push ds ; push si ; save place in command line lds si,Comnd1_Addr ; get address of filespec assume ds:nothing ; mov dx,si ; put in dx also mov ax,(OPEN shl 8) or 2 ; Read and write int 21h jc ChkSrchSpec ; Wasn't a file mov bx,ax mov ax,IOCTL shl 8 int 21h test dl,80h jnz IsaDevice BadSetCon: ; mov ah,CLOSE ; Close initial handle, wasn't a device int 21h jmp short ChkSrchSpec IsaDevice: xor dh,dh or dl,3 ; Make sure has CON attributes mov ax,(IOCTL shl 8) or 1 int 21h jc BadSetCon ; Can't set attributes - quit mov dx,bx ; Save new handle cmp es:DevFlag,1 jz DevErr push cx mov cx,3 xor bx,bx rcclloop: ; Close 0,1 and 2 mov ah,CLOSE int 21h inc bx loop rcclloop mov bx,dx ; New device handle mov ah,XDUP int 21h ; Dup to 0 mov ah,XDUP int 21h ; Dup to 1 mov ah,XDUP int 21h ; Dup to 2 mov ah,CLOSE int 21h ; Close initial handle pop cx pop si ; restore position of command line pop ds ; ;SR; ; Register the fact that we already have redirected the output and cannot do ;it again ; inc es:DevFlag ; jmp Parse_command_line ; continue parsing DevErr: pop si pop ds mov dx,1 call RPrintParse ;"Too many parameters" call CrLf jmp Parse_command_line ChkSrchSpec: ; Not a device, so must be directory spec cmp es:PathFlag,1 ;already set COMSPEC? jz DevErr ;yes, error inc es:PathFlag ;mark that we have a path ; ;We do not have an ENVIRONMENT segment any more so we need to allocate a ;temporary buffer to hold the COMSPEC. Later, this buffer will be freed and ;its contents moved to the final location of the environment. If there was ;no environment passed before, then a buffer has already been allocated and ;so we check for this case. Fortunately, Chuckenv would have been previously ;set if we had been passed an environment. ; mov ax,EnvirSeg cmp byte ptr Chuckenv,1 ;passed environment? mov byte ptr Chuckenv,0 ;ignore passed environment jne no_alloc ;no, default, dont allocate ; ;We have to override the passed environment. Allocate a buffer for use now. ;This buffer will later be replaced by a proper environment ; call alloc_env ;allocate env buffer ;; mov ax,offset ResGroup:PathString ; Figure environment pointer ;; mov cl,4 ;; shr ax,cl ;; mov dx,cs ; ;; add ax,dx mov EnvirSeg,ax no_alloc: mov es,ax assume es:nothing push si ; remember location of file xor cx,cx ; clear cx for counting countloop: lodsb ; get a character inc cx ; increment counter cmp al,END_OF_LINE_OUT ; are we at end of line? jnz countloop ; no - keep counting mov al,Space dec si ; move back one mov byte ptr [si],al ; put a space at end of line pop si ; get location back mov di,Env_Ecomspec ; get location of COMSPEC ComtrLoop: lodsb dec cx cmp al,Space jz SetComsr stosb ifdef DBCS xor ah,ah endif jcxz setcomsr ifdef DBCS push ds ; Make sure we have push cs ; local DS for pop ds ; ItestKanj call ItestKanj pop ds ; restore parser ds jz ComtrLoop dec cx movsb inc ah jcxz setcomsr endif jmp short comtrloop setcomsr: push cx push cs ; Get local segment pop ds ; assume ds:ResGroup ; push ds mov si,offset ResGroup:ComSpect mov cx,14 mov al,es:[di-1] ifdef DBCS or ah,ah jnz iNotRoot ; Last char was KANJI second byte, might be '\' endif cmp al,RDirChar jnz iNotRoot inc si ; Don't make a double / dec cx iNotRoot: rep movsb mov dx,Env_Ecomspec ; Now lets make sure its good! push es pop ds mov ax,OPEN shl 8 int 21h ; Open COMMAND.COM pop ds jc SetComsrBad ; No COMMAND.COM here mov bx,ax ; Handle mov ah,CLOSE int 21h ; Close COMMAND.COM SetComsrRet: pop cx pop si pop ds ; assume ds:ResGroup ; ArgsDoneJ2: push cs ; Make sure local ES is pop es ; restored jmp Parse_command_line ; continue parsing command line SetComsrBad: mov dx,offset ResGroup:BadComlkMsg ; dx = ptr to msg ; Note: we're about to make a near call to TriageError, which ; lives in a different segment and group. Some linkers will ; generate a warning like "Possible fix-up overflow". We're ; ok, though, because we all fit in 64 KB and, at init time, ; we're still all together. call triageError cmp ax, 65 jnz doprt mov dx,offset ResGroup:BadComaccMsg ; dx = ptr to msg DoPrt: call RPrint mov si,offset ResGroup:ComSpect mov di,Env_Ecomspec mov cx,14 rep movsb ; get my default back jmp short SetComsrRet ;********************************* ; Parsing Ends Here ;********************************* ArgsDone: mov es,EnvirSeg ; get environment back assume es:nothing ; cmp PermCom,0 jz ComReturns push es ; Save environment pointer mov ah,SET_CURRENT_PDB mov bx,ds mov es,bx int 21h ; current process is me mov di,PDB_EXIT ; Diddle the addresses in my header mov ax,offset DATARES:LodCom_Trap stosw mov ax,ds stosw mov ax,offset DATARES:Ctrlc_Trap stosw mov ax,ds stosw mov ax,offset DATARES:CritErr_Trap stosw mov ax,ds stosw mov word ptr ds:PDB_Parent_Pid,ds ; Parent is me forever mov dx,offset DATARES:Int2e_Trap mov ax,(SET_INTERRUPT_VECTOR shl 8) or 02eh int 21h ;set magic interrupt pop es ;Remember environment ComReturns: mov ax,word ptr ds:PDB_Parent_Pid mov Parent,ax ; Save parent mov word ptr ds:PDB_Parent_Pid,ds ; Parent is me mov ax,word ptr ds:PDB_Jfn_Table mov Io_save,ax ; Get the default stdin and out mov al,byte ptr ds:[PDB_Jfn_Table+2] mov Io_Stderr,al ; Get the default stdin and out mov word ptr Com_ptr+2,ds ; set all these to resident mov word ptr Com_fcb1+2,ds mov word ptr Com_fcb2+2,ds mov di,offset ResGroup:ComSpec mov si,Env_Ecomspec cmp byte ptr Chuckenv,0 mov ax,ds ; Xchg es,ds push es pop ds mov es,ax jz CopyComsp ; All set up for copy push cs pop ds mov si,offset ResGroup:ComspString push es push di call IfindE mov si,di push es pop ds pop di pop es jnc CopyComsp ComSpecNofnd: mov si,Env_Ecomspec ; push cs pop ds assume es:ResGroup CopyComsp: mov es:PutBackComSpec.SubstPtr,di ; Save ptr to beginning of comspec path cmp byte ptr [si+1],':' ; Is there a drive specifier in comspec jnz CopyComspLoop ; If not, do not skip over first 2 bytes add es:PutBackComSpec.SubstPtr,2 CopyComspLoop: lodsb stosb or al,al jnz CopyComspLoop mov es:Comspec_end,di ; Save ptr to end of comspec path dec es:Comspec_end mov ah,es:comdrv add ah,'A'-1 mov es:PutBackDrv,ah ; save drive letter call setup_for_messages ; set up parse and extended error messages ;SR; ;The routine below sets up the exact resident size of COMMAND. If this is not ;the first COMMAND, then the resident code is not duplicated and the resident ;size is just the data. If we are the first COMMAND, it checks if we are to ;be loaded into HIMEM. If not, then the resident size includes the code and ;the data otherwise it is just the data. ; call Setup_res_end ;put resident size in ResSize push cs pop ds assume ds:RESGROUP ;; if we are the permanent one, tell ntvdm the real comspec. cmp PermCom, 0 je comspec_to_32_done push ax mov dx, offset RESGROUP:ComSpec CMDSVC SVC_CMDCOMSPEC mov SCS_PAUSE,al ; yst 4-5-93 pop ax comspec_to_32_done: ;; mov bx,ResMsgEnd ; get end of resident ;; add bx,15 ;; mov cl,4 ;; shr bx,cl Public EnvMaximum EnvMaximum: ;;; ;;; NOTE: The transient has to loaded directly after shrinking to the ;;; resident size. ;;; There is an assumption made when loading the transient that it ;;; still intact after the resident portion. ;;; If any other ALLOC/DEALLOC/SETBLOCK operations are performed ;;; inbetween, then there is a real good chance that the non-resident ;;; portion will be overwritten by arena information. ;SR; ;Do not shrink to the resident now. We will then be running in deallocated ;memory and BAAADNESS! can ensue. ; ;; mov ah,SETBLOCK ;; int 21h ; shrink to the resident only ; ; Load in the transient and compute the checksum. We may do this in one of ; two ways: First, cheat and use the transient loading code that exists in ; the resident piece. This may be OK except that it will hit the disk. ; ; But we do not need to hit the disk! The transient is already loaded but is ; in the wrong place. We need to block transfer it up to the correct spot. ; ; ; M004; Start of changes ; ; ; Compute checksum right now before we can get corrupted and save it ; mov si,offset RESGROUP:TranStart add si,100h mov cx,offset TRANGROUP:TranDataEnd - 100H cld shr cx,1 xor dx,dx Ichksum: lodsw add dx,ax adc dx,0 loop Ichksum mov Sum,dx ;store checksum ; ; M004; End of changes ; cmp byte ptr PrdAttm,0 ;eg jnz NoBatchSeg ;eg don't do autoexec or date time ; ; allocate batch segment for d:/autoexec.bat + no arguments ; ; NTVDM temp name of the batch file may be up to 63 bytes, plus NULL ; mov bx,((SIZE BatchSegment) + 15 + 1 + 0fh)/16 ;eg mov bx,((SIZE BatchSegment) + 64 + 0fh)/16 ;eg mov ah,ALLOC ;eg int 21h ;eg jc NoBatchSeg ;eg didn't allocate - pretend no batch mov Batch,ax ;eg save batch segment nobatchseg: ;; mov bx, 0ffffh ; get size of largest block for env ;; mov ah, ALLOC ;; int 21h ;; ;;; only allocate maximum 64k worth of environment ;; ;; sub bx,TrnSize ;eg subtract # of transient paragraphs ;; sub bx,128 ;eg make sure we have 2k left ;; mov EnvMax, bx ;; cmp bx, 4096 ; 64k = 4096 paragraphs ;; jb maxok ;; mov bx, 4096-1 ;; mov EnvMax, bx ;;maxok: ;; ;; mov ah, ALLOC ; get max size ;; int 21h ;; mov bx,EnvirSeg ;g get old environment segment mov OldEnv,bx ;g save it mov UsedEnv,0 ;g initialize env size counter mov ds,bx assume ds:nothing ;; mov EnvirSeg,ax ;;;Bugbug: There is no need to initialize es at this point-- no string moves ;; mov es,ax xor si,si mov di,si ;SR; ;This is the maximum allowed size for the environment ; mov bx,4096 - 1 ; max. allowed env. size mov EnvMax,bx shl bx,1 shl bx,1 shl bx,1 shl bx,1 mov EnvMax, bx ; convert envmax to bytes dec bx ; dec by one to leave room for double 0 xor dx,dx ; use dx to indicate that there was ; no environment size error. public NxtStr NxtStr: call GetStrLen ; get the size of the current env string ;Bugbug: Can use ss here to address UsedEnv push ds ;g get addressability to environment push cs ;g counter pop ds ;g assume ds:ResGroup add UsedEnv,cx ;g add the string length to env size pop ds ;g assume ds:nothing cmp cx,1 ; end of environment was encountered. jz EnvExit sub bx,cx jae OkCpyStr ; can't fit in all of enviroment. inc dx ; out of env space msg must be displayed jmp short EnvExit OkCpyStr: jmp NxtStr EnvExit: push cs pop ds assume ds:ResGroup or dx,dx ; dx will be non-zero if error jz EnvNoErr mov dx,offset ResGroup:OutEnvMsg ; dx = ptr to msg call RPrint EnvNoErr: mov ax,EnvSiz ;env size previously set mov cl,4 shl ax,cl ;get size in bytes cmp ax,UsedEnv ;is it a new env? ja st_envsize ;yes, store the size mov ax,UsedEnv add ax,15 ;round up st_envsize: shr ax,cl mov EnvSiz,ax ;store env size needed(paras) ;;; ;;; bx now has the left over size of the maximum environment ;;; we want to shrink the environment down to the minimum size ;;; set the environment size to max(envsiz,env used) ;; mov cx, EnvMax ;; sub cx, bx ; cx now has the environment used ;; add cx, 16 ; round up to next paragraph ;; shr cx, 1 ;; shr cx, 1 ;; shr cx, 1 ;; shr cx, 1 ;; cmp cx, EnvSiz ; is environment used > envsiz ;; jb EnvSet ;; mov EnvSiz, cx ;;EnvSet: ;; mov bx, EnvSiz ; set environment to size needed ;; mov ax,es ;eg get environment segment ;; add ax,bx ;eg add number of environment paragraphs ;; cmp ax,InitEnd ;eg does this go past end of init? ;; ja EnvSetOk ;eg yes - do the setblock ;; mov ax,es ;eg no - get back the environment segment ;; mov bx,InitEnd ;eg get the segment at end of init ;; sub bx,ax ;eg setblock envir segment to end of init code ;; mov ResetEnv,1 ;eg set flag so we know to set envir later ;; ;;envsetok: ;; mov ah, setblock ;; int 21h ifndef NEC_98 cmp SCS_FIRSTCOM,1 jz nophead ; don't print header for first instance else ;NEC_98 endif ;NEC_98 cmp SCS_CMDPROMPT,1 je nophead cmp SingleCom,0 jnz nophead ; don't print header if singlecom mov dx,offset ResGroup:CopyrightMsg ; dx = ptr to msg call RPrint nophead: cmp Batch,0 ;eg did we set up a batch segment? jnz DoDate ;eg yes - go initialize it jmp NoDttm ; don't do autoexec or date time ; ; allocate batch segment for d:/autoexec.bat + no arguments ; DoDate: mov ax,Batch ;eg get batch segment mov EchoFlag,3 ; set batch echo mov Nest,1 ; g set nest flag to 1 batch mov es,ax ; ; initialize the segment ; xor di,di mov al,BATCHTYPE stosb mov al,1 ; g initialize echo for batch exit stosb ; g ;SR; ; Hosebag! This guy does not use the struct fields to init the BatchSegment ; xor ax,ax ; initialize to zero stosb ; clear out BatchEOF stosw ; g batch segment of last job - batlast stosw ; g segment for for stosb ; g for flag stosw ; position in file - batseek stosw ; ; clean out the parameters ; mov ax,-1 ; initialize to no parameters mov cx,10 rep stosw ; ; NTVDM Get temp file name from 32 bit command.lib ; if 0 ; ; decide whether we should grab the default drive ; cmp byte ptr AutoBat,0 jnz NoAutSet mov ah,GET_DEFAULT_DRIVE int 21h add al,Ucasea mov AutoBat,al mov KautoBat,al ; 3/3/kk NoAutSet: ; ; copy in the batch file name (including nul) ; mov si,offset ResGroup:AutoBat mov cx,8 rep movsw movsb ; move in carriage return to terminate string endif push es pop ds assume ds:nothing mov dx, di CMDSVC SVC_GETAUTOEXECBAT ;NTVDM not used mov dx,offset ResGroup:AutoBat mov ax,OPEN shl 8 int 21h ; see if autoexec.bat exists push cs pop ds assume ds:ResGroup jc NoAbat mov bx,ax mov ah,CLOSE int 21h ifndef NEC_98 jmp Drv0 ; go process autoexec else ;NEC_98 jmp short Drv0 ; NEC01 91/07/30 Warning Error Del endif ;NEC_98 noabat: push ax call Setup_Seg mov word ptr Triage_Add+2,ax pop ax call Triage_Add cmp ax, 65 jz AccDenErr ; was network access denied ; NTVDM we don't do kautoexe.bat if 0 ; If AUTOEXEC.BAT is not found, then check for KAUTOEXE.BAT. Changed ; by Ellen to check only when in Korea. The country information ; returned will overlay the old parse data area, but we don't care ; since we won't need the parse information or country information. ; We only care about the country code returned in BX. mov dx,offset ResGroup:Internat_Info ; set up internat vars mov ax,INTERNATIONAL shl 8 ; get country dependent info int 21h ; jc NoKabat ; error - don't bother with it cmp bx,KOREA_COUNTRY_CODE ; are we speaking korean? jnz OpenErr ; no, don't check for kautoexe mov di,BatFile ; 3/3/kk mov si,offset ResGroup:KautoBat ; another trial to do 3/3/kk mov cx,8 ; auto execution for the 3/3/kk rep movsw ; non-english country 3/3/kk movsb ; move in carraige return to terminate string mov dx,offset ResGroup:KautoBat ; 3/3/kk mov ax,OPEN shl 8 ; 3/3/kk int 21h ; see if kautoexe.bat exists 3/3/kk jc NoKabat ; 3/3/kk mov bx,ax ; 3/3/kk mov ah,CLOSE ; 3/3/kk int 21h ; 3/3/kk jmp short Drv0 ; 3/3/kk NoKabat: ; 3/3/kk call Triage_Add ; get extended error cmp ax, 65 ; network access denied? jnz OpenErr ; no - go deallocate batch endif AccDenErr: ; yes - put out message mov dx,offset ResGroup:AccDen ; dx = ptr to msg call RPrint OpenErr: mov es,Batch ; not found--turn off batch job mov ah,DEALLOC int 21h mov Batch,0 ; after dealloc in case of ^c mov EchoFlag,1 mov Nest,0 ;g indicate no batch in progress DoDttm: mov ax,offset TranGroup:Datinit mov word ptr InitAdd,ax ;;;M004 mov ax,TrnSeg ; ; M004; We cant use TrnSeg now because it is not initialized. We now that ; M004; the transient starts on a para boundary at the label TranStart. ; M004; We use TranStart to get the start of the transient segment. ; mov ax,offset RESGROUP:TranStart ; M004 mov cl,4 ; M004 shr ax,cl ; get relative seg ; M004 mov cx,cs add ax,cx ; ax = transient seg ; M004 mov word ptr InitAdd+2,ax ; call dword ptr InitAdd NoDttm: Copyright: public Copyright ; Bugbug: remove Copyright label. ;if IBMVER ; cmp SingleCom,0 ; jnz Drv0 ; don't print header if singlecom ; mov dx,offset ResGroup:CopyrightMsg ; dx = ptr to msg ; call RPrint ;endif Drv0: ; Reset APPEND state push ds ; save data segment push cs ; Get local segment into DS pop ds ; mov ax,APPENDSETSTATE ; Set the state of Append mov bx,Append_State ; back to the original state int 2fh ; pop ds ; get data segment back ; ;Check FirstCom set previously to see if this is the first instance of ; If not, we do not move Instead, we copy over the ;jump table from the previous stub to the current stub. ; cmp FirstCom,1 ;first jz move_code ;yes, move it push es push ds push ds pop es mov di,offset DATARES:Int2f_Entry mov ds,word ptr es:ResJmpTable+2 ;get segment address mov si,word ptr es:ResJmpTable ;get offset address mov cx,NUM_RELOC_ENTRIES ;number of dword ptrs shl cx,1 shl cx,1 ;size of table in bytes cld rep movsb ;copy the jump table ; ;Check if the resident code is in HMA. We assume that it is in HMA if its ;code segment > 0f000h. If in HMA, we set the ComInHMA flag ; cmp es:[di-2],0f000h ;is resident code in HMA? jb res_low ;no, dont set flag mov es:ComInHMA,1 ;indicate code in HMA res_low: pop ds pop es jmp short finish_init ; ;Now, we can move the resident code to its final location, either to HIMEM ;or to overlay the messages in the data segment if the user has not used the ;/msg switch. ; move_code: call Move_res_code ;move the code finish_init: jmp RESGROUP:EndInit ;g finish initializing ; ; Get length of string pointed to by DS:SI. Length includes NULL. ; Length is returned in CX ; GetStrLen: xor cx,cx NxtChar: lodsb inc cx or al,al jnz NxtChar ret ; ; If the transient has been loaded in TranSeg, then we need to use that ; segment for calls to routines in the transient area. Otherwise, the current ; code segment is used ; Segment returned in AX. ; Setup_Seg: mov ax,TrnSeg cmp TrnMvFlg, 1 ; Has transient portion been moved jz setup_end push bx mov bx,cs mov ax,offset ResGroup:TranStart shr ax,1 shr ax,1 shr ax,1 shr ax,1 add ax,bx pop bx setup_end: ret ;*** RPrintParse - display parse error message ; ; ENTRY DX = parse error # ; ; EXIT nothing ; ; USED flags ; ; EFFECTS ; Message is displayed on stdout. RPrintParse proc assume ds:ResGroup,ss:ResGroup push dx ; preserve DX xchg bx,dx ; bx = parse error # ; dx = saved BX ifdef BILINGUAL push ax push bx mov ax,4f01h ; get code page xor bx,bx int 2fh ifdef JAPAN cmp bx,932 endif ; JAPAN ifdef KOREA cmp bx,949 endif ; KOREA ifdef TAIWAN cmp bx,950 endif ; TAIWAN ifdef PRC cmp bx,936 endif ; TAIWAN pop bx pop ax jz @f ; if DBCS code page add bx,11 @@: endif ; BILINGUAL dec bx ; bx = parse error index, from 0 shl bx,1 ; bx = offset in word table mov bx,ParsMsgPtrs[bx] ; bx = ptr to error msg xchg bx,dx ; dx = ptr to error msg ; bx = restored ifdef BILINGUAL call RPrint@ ; print the message else ; !BILINGUAL call RPrint ; print the message endif ; !BILINGUAL pop dx ; restore DX ret RPrintParse endp IfindE: call ifind ; find the name jc ifind2 ; carry means not found jmp short Iscasb1 ; scan for = sign ; ; on return of find1, es:di points to beginning of name ; ifind: cld call Icount0 ; cx = length of name mov es,EnvirSeg xor di,di ifind1: push cx push si push di Ifind11: lodsb ifdef DBCS call ItestKanj jz NotKanj4 dec si lodsw inc di inc di cmp ax,es:[di-2] jnz Ifind12 dec cx loop Ifind11 jmp short Ifind12 NotKanj4: endif call IupConv inc di cmp al,es:[di-1] jnz Ifind12 loop Ifind11 Ifind12: pop di pop si pop cx jz Ifind2 push cx call Iscasb2 ; scan for a nul pop cx cmp byte ptr es:[di],0 jnz Ifind1 stc ; indicate not found Ifind2: ret Icount0: push ds pop es mov di,si push di ; count number of chars until "=" call Iscasb1 jmp short Icountx push di ; count number of chars until nul call Iscasb2 Icountx: pop cx sub di,cx xchg di,cx ret Iscasb1: mov al,Equalsign ; scan for an = jmp short Iscasbx Iscasb2: xor al,al ; scan for a nul Iscasbx: mov cx,100h repnz scasb ret ; **************************************************************** ; * ; * ROUTINE: IUPCONV (ADDED BY EMG 4.00) ; * ; * FUNCTION: This routine returns the upper case equivalent of ; * the character in AL from the file upper case table ; * in DOS if character if above ascii 128, else ; * subtracts 20H if between "a" and "z". ; * ; * INPUT: DS set to resident ; * AL char to be upper cased ; * FUCASE_ADDR set to the file upper case table ; * ; * OUTPUT: AL upper cased character ; * ; **************************************************************** IupConv proc near assume ds:ResGroup ; cmp al,80h ; see if char is > ascii 128 jb other_fucase ; no - upper case math sub al,80h ; only upper 128 chars in table push ds ; push bx ; lds bx,dword ptr fucase_addr+1 ; get table address add bx,2 ; skip over first word xlat ds:byte ptr [bx] ; convert to upper case pop bx ; pop ds ; jmp short iupconv_end ; we finished - exit other_fucase: ; cmp al,Lcasea ; if between "a" and "z", jb iupconv_end ; subtract 20h to get cmp al,Lcasez ; upper case equivalent. ja iupconv_end ; sub al,20h ; Change lower-case to upper iupconv_end: ; ret IupConv endp ; init_contc_specialcase: ; This routine is called if control-C add sp,6 ; is type during the date/time prompt push si ; at initialization time. The desired mov si,dx ; response is to make it look like the mov word ptr [si+1],0d00h ; user typed by "popping" the pop si ; INT 21h stuff off the stack, putting iret ; a in the user's buffer, and ; returning directly to the user. ; In this case the user is TCODE. ; **************************************************************** ; * ; * ROUTINE: Setup_for_messages ; * ; * FUNCTION: Sets up system for PARSE and EXTENDED ERROR ; * messages as follows: ; * ; * IF /P and /MSG are entered ; * keep PARSE and EXTENDED ERRORS in memory ; * ELSE IF /P is entered ; * use PARSE and EXTENDED ERRORS on disk ; * remove PARSE ERRORS from memory ; * ELSE ; * remove PARSE ERRORS from memory ; * ENDIF ; * ; * INPUT: PERMCOM Set up with user input ; * EXT_MSG Set up with user input ; * System set up to retain PARSE ERRORS ; * ; * OUTPUT: registers unchanged ; * ; **************************************************************** setup_for_messages proc near push bx push ds ; save data segment push es ; save environment segment push ax ; push dx ; push di ; mov ax,cs ; get local segment to ES and DS mov ds,ax ; mov es,ax ; cmp PermCom,0 ; was permcom set? jz no_permcom ; No - don't worry about messages ;* We're permanent. Install our message services int 2f handler. push es mov ax,(GET_INTERRUPT_VECTOR shl 8) or 2Fh int 21h mov word ptr Int2fHandler,bx mov word ptr Int2fHandler+2,es pop es ; DS = RESGROUP seg addr ; ; M005; We will not hook int 2fh on any other than the first. ; M005; Carousel loads as a permanent and when we exit Carousel, ; M005; it just wipes our arena out. So, int 2fh is still hooked and the ; M005; first int 2fh call after exit from Carousel (from the DOS terminate ; M005; call) goes off into space. ; cmp FirstCom,0 ; M005 je no_msg_hook ; M005 ; ; M005; !!!SLIMIEST CAROUSEL HACK OFF ALL!!! ; M005; Carousel plays around with the interrupt vector tables. He saves it ; M005; before loading a new Then, it takes hold of the current ; M005;'s PSP and then looks at all interrupt vectors whose ; M005; segment matches the PSP and then updates these segments ; M005; to the new's PSP in his saved vector table. Whenever we ; M005; we pop into his menu, he puts this saved table into the vector table. ; M005; If we now quit, Carousel just wipes out's arena and then ; M005; issues a terminate. Unfortunately, the int 2fh vector is pointing at ; M005; the that was wiped out and so the next int 2fh call will ; M005; bomb. To prevent Carousel from doing this clever(1**$$#) patching, we ; M005; renormalize our int 2fh pointer so that its cs is not the same as the ; M005; PSP. Now, he does no such patching and our int 2fh vector ; M005; remains nice and happy. The renormalized pointer points at a far ; M005; jump to the actual int 2fh entry point. ; push ds ; M005 mov dx,offset DATARES:Carousel_i2f_Hook ; M005 sub dx,10h ; renormalize offset; M005 mov ax,ds ; M005 inc ax ; Relocated cs ; M005 mov ds,ax ; M005 mov ax,(SET_INTERRUPT_VECTOR shl 8) or 2Fh int 21h pop ds ; M005 mov word ptr Carousel_i2f_Hook+3,ds ; M005 ; patch in the cs for jump no_msg_hook: ; M005 cmp Ext_Msg,SET_EXTENDED_MSG jne short permcom_end ; no /msg - exit permcom_slash_msg: ; Keep messages in memory mov di,offset ResGroup:ExtMsgEnd ; get address of resident end mov ResMsgEnd,di ; save it jmp short permcom_end ; exit no_permcom: cmp Ext_msg,SET_EXTENDED_MSG ; was /msg specified? jnz permcom_end ; no - no error mov dx,LessArgs_Ptr ; get message number for "Required parameter missing" call RPrintParse permcom_end: pop di ; pop dx ; pop ax ; pop es ; get environment back pop ds ; pop bx ret ; setup_for_messages endp ;*** CheckHelp - print help text and exit if /? is on command line ; ; ENTRY command-line tail at 81h ; ; EXIT return if /? not found ; terminate if /? found ; ; USED AX,BX,CX,DX,SI,DI ; ; EFFECTS Help text displayed if /? found on command line CheckHelp proc assume cs:RESGROUP,ds:RESGROUP,es:RESGROUP,ss:RESGROUP mov si,81h ; DS:SI = ptr to command-line tail mov di,offset RESGROUP:Parse_Command ; ES:DI = ptr to primary parse block xor cx,cx ; CX = # positional param's found xor dx,dx ; DX will be ptr to result buffer chParse: call Init_Parse ; call system parser cmp ax,END_OF_LINE je chRet ; end of command line, no /? found cmp ax,RESULT_NO_ERROR je chWhich ; valid syntax element found jmp chParse ; go parse more chWhich: cmp Comnd1_Syn,offset RESGROUP:Command_?_Syn je chHelp ; /? found - display help & exit cmp Comnd1_Syn,offset RESGROUP:Command_C_Syn je chRet ; /c found - ignore rest of line cmp Comnd1_Syn,offset RESGROUP:Command_K_Syn je chRet ; /k found - ignore rest of line cmp Comnd1_Syn,offset RESGROUP:Command_z_Syn je chRet ; /c found - ignore rest of line jmp chParse ; anything else - ignore, keep looking chHelp: mov si,offset RESGROUP:HelpMsgs ; SI = ptr to msg ptr list chHelpNext: lodsw ; AX = ptr to msg or ax,ax jz chHelpDone ; end of list - all done mov dx,ax ; DX = ptr to msg call RPrint ; display msg jmp chHelpNext ; go do next msg chHelpDone: int 20h ; terminate program chRet: ret CheckHelp endp st_invalid macro mov ax,0ffffh push ax push ax endm st_valid macro push bx push cx endm CleanForStd macro add sp,12 endm ;*** CheckZSwitch - Handle special /Z switch of ; This switch has been added for SCS functionality ; such that DOS apps can exec non-dos apps and ; still leave DOS in a consistant state such that ; it can be re-entered. ; ; ENTRY command-line tail at 81h ; ; EXIT non-dos binary is execed and terminates after ; non-dos binary completes. ; ; EFFECTS CheckZSwitch proc assume cs:RESGROUP,ds:RESGROUP,es:RESGROUP,ss:RESGROUP mov si,81h ; DS:SI = ptr to command-line tail mov di,offset RESGROUP:Parse_Command ; ES:DI = ptr to primary parse block xor cx,cx ; CX = # positional param's found xor dx,dx ; DX will be ptr to result buffer czParse: call Init_Parse ; call system parser cmp ax,END_OF_LINE je czRet ; end of command line, no /? found cmp ax,RESULT_NO_ERROR je czWhich ; valid syntax element found jmp short czRet czWhich: cmp Comnd1_Syn,offset RESGROUP:Command_z_Syn je czSwitch jmp short czRet czSwitch: push bp xor bx,bx mov si,bx mov bp,bx mov ax,5303h int 21h jnc st_stdin st_invalid jmp short go_stdout st_stdin: st_valid go_stdout: mov bx,1 mov ax,5303h int 21h jnc st_stdout st_invalid jmp short go_stderr st_stdout: st_valid go_stderr: mov bx,2 mov ax,5303h int 21h jnc st_stderr st_invalid jmp short std_done st_stderr: st_valid std_done: mov ah,19h int 21h mov si,84h ; 84h because that is where the real ; command starts (i.e. 7/z\bfoo.exe) mov bx,ds:2ch mov bp,sp push es mov es,bx xor ah,ah ; no "cmd /c" CMDSVC SVC_CMDEXEC ; Exec non-dos binary pop es ; ds:si is command tail (DOS_style) ; es is env segment ; al = current drive ; ss:bp = std handles ; returns al = return code lahf CleanForStd pop bp sahf jc czReEnter mov ah,4ch int 21h czRet: ret czReEnter: xor ah,ah mov [SCS_REENTERED],3 mov byte ptr ds:80h,0 ret CheckZSwitch endp ;***** Setup_res_end -- This routine determines the resident size of COMMAND. ; It determines based on 2 factors: ; 1. Is this is the first COMMAND? ; 2. Is COMMAND to be loaded into HIMEM? ; The strategy works as follows: ; ; if ( First COMMAND) ; then if (COMMAND in HIMEM) ; ResSize = resident_data; ; else ; ResSize = resident_data + resident_code; ; else ; ResSize = resident_data; ; ; Int 2fh calls have been added to determine whether or not we are the first ;COMMAND and whether DOS is in HIMEM. ; ; ENTRY: ResMsgEnd = resident size of data in paras ; ; EXIT: ResSize = resident size in low memory ; ; REGISTERS AFFECTED: ax,cx,dx ; ; NTVDM use diff al value so we don't confuse dos 5.0 ; NTVDM GET_COMMAND_STATE equ 5500h GET_COMMAND_STATE equ 5501h GET_HMA_ADDR equ 4a02h Setup_res_end proc near push ds mov ax,cs mov ds,ax ;ds = RESGROUP assume ds:RESGROUP mov cx,ResMsgEnd ;set resident size = data ;M042 -- Begin changes ;If messages are to be kept behind, we need to round up the messages to ;the next para boundary. This is because we have a dummy segment between the ;data and the resident code segment so that the code segment starts on a ;para boundary ; cmp cx,offset RESGROUP: ExtMsgEnd ;messages to be resident? jne calc_res ;no, continue add cx,15 ;round up and cx,0fff0h calc_res: ; ;M042 -- End changes ; xor ax,ax cmp FirstCom,1 ;is it first jnz not_first ;no, do not keep code ; ;We issue a version check call with al=01 to detect if DOS is in HMA. If so, ;bit 4 of dh is set ; push bx push cx mov ax,(SET_CTRL_C_TRAPPING shl 8) or 06h ;is DOS in HIMEM? ;M013 int 21h pop cx ;bugbug: remove version check after testing cmp bl,5 ;bl has true version ; M013 jb oldver xor ax,ax and dh,10h ;is DOS in HMA ; M013 pop bx jnz not_first ;DOS in HIMEM, code not ; resident mov ax,offset CODERES: EndCode ;size of code in bytes not_first: ; ;Note that ax = 0(side effect of int 2fh), if the code is not to be retained ; add cx,ax add cx,15 ;round up to next para shr cx,1 shr cx,1 shr cx,1 shr cx,1 ;ax = para size of res code mov ResSize,cx ;store resident size pop ds assume ds:nothing ret ;bugbug: remove this code (for version independent COMMAND) after testing oldver: pop bx mov ax,offset CODERES: EndCode ;size of code in bytes jmp short not_first setup_res_end endp ;*** Move_res_code -- This routine moves the resident code to its final ; location. We check if DOS is in HIMEM. If so, we try to load ourselves ; in HIMEM. If we fail, then we remain low and update ResSize to reflect ; the correct resident size. When remaining low, we have to check if we ; need to overlay the messages part of the data segment which is determined ; by the /msg switch. ; ; ENTRY: ResMsgEnd = end of resident data ; ; EXIT: The resident code is either up high or in its final location ; down low. ; ; REGISTERS AFFECTED: ax,bx,cx,dx,si,di ; Move_res_code proc near push ds push es mov ax,cs mov ds,ax assume ds:RESGROUP mov ax,(SET_CTRL_C_TRAPPING shl 8) or 06h ; M013 int 21h ;DOS in HIMEM? and dh,10h ; M013 jnz move_high ;yes, move code high ; ;Check if messages have been discarded or not ; load_low: push ds pop es ;es = RESGROUP mov di,ResMsgEnd ;end offset in DATARES mov bx,offset RESGROUP: ExtMsgEnd ;end offset of messages cmp di,bx ;are messages to be kept? jz no_move ;yes, dont move code jmp short setup_move ;es:di points at dest. move_high: ; ;We have to call DOS to get the load address in HIMEM for COMMAND ;We pass in bx the number of bytes we need ; mov bx,offset CODERES: EndCode ;M030; ; Set di=0ffffh so that we load low in case no one answers this int 2fh ; mov di,0ffffh ;DT - in case no-one handles ;this ; M030 mov ax,GET_HMA_ADDR int 2fh ; ;If the offset = 0xffff, then no HMA available ; cmp di,0ffffh ;HMA available? mov ComInHMA,1 ;assume in HMA jnz setup_move ;no error, es:di = memory mov ComInHMA,0 ;could not load in HMA ; ;Zero means that we do not have enough HIMEM. Remain low and update ;ResSize to reflect this ; mov cx,ResMsgEnd ;size of data in bytes mov ax,offset CODERES: EndCode ;size of code in bytes add cx,ax add cx,15 ;round up to next para shr cx,1 shr cx,1 shr cx,1 shr cx,1 ;ax = para size of res code mov ResSize,cx ;store resident size jmp short load_low ;let code remain low no_move: mov cl,4 add di,0fh and di,0fff0h ;round it to a para offset jmp short patch_up setup_move: mov si,offset RESGROUP: StartCode mov cx,offset CODERES: EndCode ;cx = bytes to move cld push di ;need di for patching offset rep movsb pop di patch_up: call patch_stub pop es pop ds assume ds:nothing ret Move_res_code endp ;*** Alloc_env -- This routine allocates the temporary environment for the ; Init code to initialize the COMSPEC. This is not a complete environment. ; Later on, at EndInit time, a proper sized environment is allocated and ; the contents of this temporary environment are copied to it. This routine ; will not be called in case a valid environment is passed to ; ; ENTRY: None ; ; EXIT: ax = segment of allocated environment segment ; ; REGISTERS AFFECTED: ax,bx,cx ; Alloc_env proc near push ds push es push si push di ; ;Allocate default environment size ; mov bx,SIZE Environment / 16 ;temp env size in paras mov ah,ALLOC int 21h jc init_nomem ;insufficient memory, error mov es,ax assume es:nothing ;es = temp env segment xor di,di mov ax,di ; ;First clear out the entire buffer ; mov cx,SIZE Environment rep stosb ; ;Init. the path string (PATH=) first ; push ss ; M026 pop ds ; ds = RESGROUP ; M026 assume ds:RESGROUP ; M026 mov si,offset RESGROUP: PathString ;ds:si = "PATH=\0" mov di,Env_Pathstring ;offset of Path in env seg pathlp: lodsb stosb or al,al ;end of string? jnz pathlp ;no, continue transfer ; ;Init. the Comspec string ; mov si,offset RESGROUP: ComspString ;"COMSPEC=\COMMAND.COM\0" mov di,Env_Comstring ;location of Comspec string comsplp: lodsb stosb or al,al ;end of string? jnz comsplp mov ax,es ;return env seg in ax pop di pop si pop es pop ds assume ds:nothing ret init_nomem: ; ;We call the error routine from here. This routine never returns. It either ;terminates COMMAND with error( if it is not the first invocation ) or hangs ;the system ( if it is the first COMMAND.COM ). ; call alloc_error Alloc_env endp ;*** Alloc_error: This routine just jumps to the actual label where we ; check if this is a permanent or secondary and take the ; appropriate action. ; ; ENTRY: ds = RESGROUP = DATARES ; ; EXIT: None - does not return ; ; REGISTERS AFFECTED: Does not matter ; public Alloc_error Alloc_error proc near jmp RESGROUP:BadMemErr Alloc_error endp ;*** Patch_stub -- This routine patches in the segment and offset values in ; the stub table of the various entry points in the resident code segment. ; Some of them are interrupt entry points and some of them are entries from ; the transient to the resident code segment. ; ; ENTRY: ds = RESGROUP ; es:di = segment:offset of final location of resident code ; ; EXIT: All segments and offsets patched into the stub table ; ; REGISTERS AFFECTED: ax, bx, cx, dx, si, di ; ; Patch_stub proc near assume ds:RESGROUP push es mov bx,es ;bx = resident code segment mov dx,di mov di,offset DATARES:Int2f_Entry mov si,offset RESGROUP:Reloc_Table push ds pop es ;es = RESGROUP = DATARES ; ;bx:dx = segment:offset of resident code segment ;es:di = entry point table in stub ;ds:si = offset table in INIT segment -- offsets of code entry points now ; mov cx,NUM_RELOC_ENTRIES ;number of entry points patchlp: lodsw ;get current offset add ax,dx ;offset it by code seg location stosw ;store offset mov ax,bx stosw ;store segment loop patchlp pop es ret Patch_stub endp ;*** Patch_segs -- This routine patches the segment values in the dword ; pointers that the stub uses to jump to the actual handler. These values ; are temporarily needed to handle these interrupts if they occur before ; the resident is relocated to its final position and all the addresses of ; the handlers have been updated. ; ; ENTRY: es = PSP segment = code segment ; ; EXIT: Current segment values patched into the jump table in the ; stub. ; ; REGISTERS AFFECTED: ax, cx, di ; Patch_segs proc near mov di,offset RESGROUP:Int2f_Entry mov cx,4 ;we have to patch 4 handlers add di,2 mov ax,es pseglp: stosw ;store the segment value add di,2 ;skip the next offset value loop pseglp ret Patch_segs endp ;*** get_XMMAddr -- This routine gets the call address for the XMM driver ; by issuing the appropriate int 2fh. This is stored in a stub variable ; and is used by the stub when we have to jump to the resident in HMA ; ; ENTRY: ds = RESGROUP ; ; EXIT: XMMCallAddr = XMM driver far call address ; ; REGISTERS AFFECTED: ; get_XMMAddr proc near assume ds:RESGROUP push es mov ax,XMM_MULTIPLEX SHL 8 + XMM_INSTALL_CHECK int 2Fh cmp al,80h ; Q: installed jne short cXMMexit ; N: set error, quit ; ; get the XMM control functions entry point, save it, we ; need to call it later. ; mov ax,XMM_MULTIPLEX SHL 8 + XMM_FUNCTION_ADDR int 2Fh mov word ptr [XMMCallAddr], bx mov word ptr [XMMCallAddr+2],es cXMMexit: pop es ret ; done get_XMMAddr endp ; IRename ; Input : ds:dx - Existing File ; ds:di - NewFile ; Output None ; IRename proc near mov ah,56h push ds pop es int 21h ret IRename endp ; IAccess ; Input : ds:dx - file name ; Output CY Set if file not found ; CY Clear if file found IAccess proc near mov ax,4300h int 21h ret IAccess endp ; IDelete ; Input ds:dx - file to delete ; Output None IDelete proc near mov ah,41h int 21h ret IDelete endp INIT ENDS END