page ,132 ; SCCSID = @(#)tparse.asm 4.1 87/04/28 ; SCCSID = @(#)tparse.asm 4.1 87/04/28 TITLE COMMAND interface to SYSPARSE ;/* ; * Microsoft Confidential ; * Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1991 ; * All Rights Reserved. ; */ .xlist .xcref include comsw.asm include comseg.asm ;an000; .list .cref TRANSPACE SEGMENT PUBLIC BYTE ;AN000; CmpxSW equ 0 ;AN000; do not check complex list KeySW equ 0 ;AN000; do not support keywords Val2SW equ 0 ;AN000; do not Support value definition 2 IncSW equ 0 ;AN000; do not include QusSW equ 0 ;AN025; do not include quoted string LFEOLSW equ 0 ;AN044; do not use 0ah as line terminator .xlist .xcref include ;AN000; .list .cref TRANSPACE ENDS ;AN000; TRANCODE SEGMENT PUBLIC BYTE ;AN000; ASSUME CS:TRANGROUP,DS:NOTHING,ES:NOTHING,SS:NOTHING ;AN054; ; **************************************************************** ; * ; * ROUTINE: CMD_PARSE ; * ; * FUNCTION: Interface for transient COMMAND to invoke ; * SYSPARSE. ; * ; * INPUT: inputs to SYSPARSE ; * ; * OUTPUT: outputs from SYSPARSE ; * ; **************************************************************** public Cmd_parse ;AN000; .xlist .xcref INCLUDE parse.asm ;AN000; .list .cref Cmd_parse Proc near ;AN000; call sysparse ;AN000; ret ;AN000; Cmd_parse endp ;AN000; public Append_parse ;AN010; Append_parse Proc Far ;AN010; call sysparse ;AN010; ret ;AN010; Append_parse endp ;AN010; trancode ends ;AN000; end ;AN000;