page ,132 ; SCCSID = @(#)tspc.asm 4.1 85/09/22 ; SCCSID = @(#)tspc.asm 4.1 85/09/22 TITLE COMMAND Transient Uninitialized DATA ;/* ; * Microsoft Confidential ; * Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1991 ; * All Rights Reserved. ; */ comment % The TRANSPACE segment contains variable data that is considered volatile between command cycles, and therefore is not included in the transient checksum area. Contents of these variables MUST be initialized before use, and must not be relied upon from command cycle to command cycle. No constant data values should be stored here. % .xlist .xcref include comsw.asm include include include include comequ.asm include comseg.asm .list .cref ; Uninitialized transient data TRANSPACE SEGMENT PUBLIC BYTE PUBLIC ALLSWITCH PUBLIC append_exec ;AN041; PUBLIC arg PUBLIC argbufptr PUBLIC ARGC PUBLIC ARG1S PUBLIC ARG2S PUBLIC ARGTS PUBLIC arg_buf PUBLIC ASCII PUBLIC AttrSelect PUBLIC AttrSpecified PUBLIC BatBuf PUBLIC BatBufEnd PUBLIC BatBufPos PUBLIC BATHAND PUBLIC BINARY PUBLIC BITS PUBLIC BWDBUF PUBLIC BYTCNT PUBLIC bytes_free PUBLIC CFLAG PUBLIC CHARBUF PUBLIC CHKDRV PUBLIC COM PUBLIC COMBUF PUBLIC comma PUBLIC comptr PUBLIC COMSW PUBLIC CONCAT PUBLIC copy_Num PUBLIC CountryPtrInfo PUBLIC CountryPtrId PUBLIC CountryPtr PUBLIC CPDATE PUBLIC CPTIME PUBLIC cpyflag PUBLIC CURDRV PUBLIC DATE_DAY ;AN000; PUBLIC DATE_MONTH ;AN000; PUBLIC DATE_OUTPUT ;AN000; PUBLIC DATE_TYPE ;AN000; PUBLIC DATE_YEAR ;AN000; PUBLIC DEST PUBLIC DESTBUF PUBLIC DestClosed PUBLIC DESTDIR PUBLIC DESTFCB PUBLIC DESTFCB2 PUBLIC DESTHAND PUBLIC DESTINFO PUBLIC DESTISDEV PUBLIC DESTISDIR PUBLIC DESTNAME PUBLIC DESTSIZ PUBLIC DESTSWITCH PUBLIC DESTTAIL PUBLIC DESTVARS PUBLIC DIRBUF PUBLIC DIRCHAR PUBLIC dirflag ;AN015; PUBLIC Dir_Num PUBLIC display_ioctl ;AN000; PUBLIC display_mode ;AN000; PUBLIC display_width ;AN000; PUBLIC DRIVE_NUMBER ;AN000; PUBLIC DRIVE_OUTPUT ;AN000; PUBLIC DRIVE_TYPE ;AN000; PUBLIC DRIVE_VALUE ;AN000; PUBLIC ELCNT PUBLIC ELPOS PUBLIC ENDDESTBUF PUBLIC EXECPATH PUBLIC EXEC_ADDR PUBLIC EXEFCB PUBLIC expand_star PUBLIC ext_entered ;AN005; PUBLIC FBUF PUBLIC FileCnt PUBLIC FileCntTotal PUBLIC FileSiz PUBLIC FileSizTotal PUBLIC file_size_high PUBLIC file_size_low PUBLIC FILTYP PUBLIC FIRSTDEST PUBLIC FRSTSRCH PUBLIC GOTOLEN PUBLIC HEADCALL PUBLIC ID PUBLIC IDLEN PUBLIC IFNOTFLAG PUBLIC if_not_count PUBLIC INEXACT PUBLIC INTERNATVARS PUBLIC KPARSE PUBLIC last_arg PUBLIC PerLine PUBLIC LeftOnLine PUBLIC LeftOnPage PUBLIC linperpag ;AN000; PUBLIC major_ver_num PUBLIC MELCOPY PUBLIC MELSTART PUBLIC minor_ver_num PUBLIC msg_flag ;AN022; PUBLIC msg_numb ;AN022; PUBLIC NOWRITE PUBLIC NXTADD PUBLIC objcnt PUBLIC OCtrlZ PUBLIC OFilePtr_Hi PUBLIC OFilePtr_Lo PUBLIC OldCtrlCHandler PUBLIC one_char_val PUBLIC PARM1 PUBLIC PARM2 PUBLIC parse_last ;AN018; PUBLIC PARSE1_ADDR ;AN000; PUBLIC PARSE1_CODE ;AN000; PUBLIC PARSE1_OUTPUT ;AN000; PUBLIC PARSE1_SYN ;AN000; PUBLIC PARSE1_TYPE ;AN000; PUBLIC PATHCNT PUBLIC pathinfo PUBLIC PATHPOS PUBLIC PATHSW PUBLIC PLUS PUBLIC plus_comma PUBLIC print_err_flag ;AN000; PUBLIC psep_char PUBLIC RCH_ADDR PUBLIC RDEOF PUBLIC RE_INSTR PUBLIC RESSEG PUBLIC SCANBUF PUBLIC SDIRBUF PUBLIC search_best PUBLIC search_best_buf PUBLIC search_curdir_buf PUBLIC search_error PUBLIC SKPDEL PUBLIC SOURCE PUBLIC SPECDRV PUBLIC SRCBUF PUBLIC SRCHAND PUBLIC SRCINFO PUBLIC SRCISDEV PUBLIC SRCISDIR PUBLIC SRCPT PUBLIC SRCSIZ PUBLIC SRCTAIL PUBLIC SRCVARS PUBLIC srcxname PUBLIC STACK PUBLIC STARTEL PUBLIC string_ptr_2 ;AD061; PUBLIC string_ptr_2_sb ;AN000; PUBLIC subst_buffer ;AN061; PUBLIC SWITCHAR PUBLIC system_cpage PUBLIC TERMREAD PUBLIC TIME_FRACTION ;AN000; PUBLIC TIME_HOUR ;AN000; PUBLIC TIME_MINUTES ;AN000; PUBLIC TIME_OUTPUT ;AN000; PUBLIC TIME_SECONDS ;AN000; PUBLIC TIME_TYPE ;AN000; PUBLIC TPA PUBLIC tpbuf PUBLIC TRANSPACEEND PUBLIC TRAN_TPA PUBLIC trgxname PUBLIC UCOMBUF PUBLIC USERDIR1 PUBLIC vol_drv PUBLIC vol_ioctl_buf ;AC030; PUBLIC vol_serial ;AC030; PUBLIC vol_label ;AC030; PUBLIC WRITTEN PUBLIC zflag PUBLIC ENV_PTR_SEG PUBLIC ENV_SIZE PUBLIC CMD_PTR_SEG PUBLIC CMD_PTR_OFF PUBLIC CMD_SIZE PUBLIC SCS_EXIT_CODE PUBLIC SCS_CUR_DRIVE PUBLIC SCS_NUM_DRIVES PUBLIC SCS_STD_HANDLE PUBLIC SCS_STD_BITS PUBLIC SCS_CODEPAGE PUBLIC SCS_TSREXIT PUBLIC SCS_BATSTATUS PUBLIC SCS_RDRINFO PUBLIC EXECPATH_SEG PUBLIC EXECPATH_OFF PUBLIC EXECPATH_SIZE PUBLIC EXECEXT_TYPE Public TypeFilSiz ;stores size of file to be typed IF IBM PUBLIC ROM_CALL PUBLIC ROM_CS PUBLIC ROM_IP ENDIF ORG 0 ZERO = $ SRCXNAME DB DIRSTRLEN + 20 DUP (?) ;g buffer for name translate TRGXNAME DB DIRSTRLEN + 20 DUP (?) ;g buffer for name translate JUNK1 DB 2(?) FOO_JUNK DB 2 (?) UCOMBUF DB COMBUFLEN+3 DUP(?) ; Raw console buffer COMBUF DB COMBUFLEN+3 DUP(?) ; Cooked console buffer USERDIR1 DB DIRSTRLEN+3 DUP(?) ; Storage for users current directory ;EXECPATH DB COMBUFLEN+3 DUP(?) ; Path for external command EXECPATH DB EXECPATHLEN DUP(?) ; ntvdm MAX_PATH+13 extended RE_INSTR DB DIRSTRLEN+3+13 DUP (?) ; path for input to redirection ; sudeepb - start of cmdinfo structure (it should always match cmdsvc.h ; definition of cmdinfo. ENV_PTR_SEG DW ? ENV_SIZE DW ? SCS_CUR_DRIVE DW ? SCS_NUM_DRIVES DW ? CMD_PTR_SEG DW ? CMD_PTR_OFF DW ? CMD_SIZE DW ? SCS_EXIT_CODE DW ? SCS_STD_HANDLE DW 0 SCS_RDRINFO DD 0 SCS_CODEPAGE DW ? SCS_TSREXIT DW 0 SCS_BATSTATUS DW 0 EXECPATH_SEG DW 0 EXECPATH_OFF DW 0 EXECPATH_SIZE DW 0 EXECEXT_TYPE DW 0 ; end of cmdinfo SCS_STD_BITS DB 0 ; Variables passed up from resident HEADCALL LABEL DWORD DW ? RESSEG DW ? TPA DW ? SWITCHAR DB ? DIRCHAR DB ? EXEC_ADDR DD ? RCH_ADDR DD ? fTest DW ? TRAN_TPA DW ? CHKDRV DB ? RDEOF LABEL BYTE ; Misc flags IFNOTFLAG LABEL BYTE FILTYP DB ? CURDRV DB ? CONCAT LABEL BYTE PARM1 DB ? ARGC LABEL BYTE PARM2 DB ? COMSW DW ? ; Switches between command and 1st arg ARG1S DW ? ; Switches between 1st and 2nd arg DESTSWITCH LABEL WORD ARG2S DW ? ; Switches after 2nd arg ALLSWITCH LABEL WORD ARGTS DW ? ; ALL switches except for COMSW CFLAG DB ? DESTCLOSED LABEL BYTE SPECDRV DB ? BYTCNT DW ? ; Size of buffer between RES and TRANS NXTADD DW ? FRSTSRCH DB ? LeftOnLine DB ? ; entries left on line u.b. DIR PerLine DB ? ; entries/line u.b. DIR LeftOnPage DW ? ; lines left on page u.b. DIR FileCnt DW ? ; file count u.b. DIR FileSiz DD ? ; file size u.b. DIR ; Note: keep FileCntTotal & FileSizTotal adjacent. FileCntTotal DD ? ; total file count u.b. DIR FileSizTotal DD ? ; total file size u.b. DIR CHARBUF DB 80 DUP (?) ;line byte character buffer for xenix write DESTFCB2 LABEL BYTE IDLEN DB ? ID DB 8 DUP(?) COM DB 3 DUP(?) DEST DB 37 DUP(?) DESTNAME DB 11 DUP(?) DESTFCB LABEL BYTE DESTDIR DB DIRSTRLEN DUP(?) ; Directory for PATH searches GOTOLEN LABEL WORD BWDBUF LABEL BYTE EXEFCB LABEL WORD DIRBUF DB DIRSTRLEN+3 DUP(?) SDIRBUF DB 12 DUP(?) BITS DW ? PATHCNT DW ? PATHPOS DW ? PATHSW DW ? AttrSpecified db ? ; attribute bits u.b. DIR AttrSelect db ? ; attribute bits u.b. DIR comma db 0 ;g flag set if +,, occurs plus_comma db 0 ;g flag set if +,, occurs dirflag db 0 ;AN015; set when pathcrunch called from DIR parse_last dw 0 ;AN018; used to hold parsing position system_cpage DW 0 ;AC001; used for CHCP variable arg_buf db 128 dup (?) file_size_low dw ? ;AC000; file_size_high dw ? ;AC000; string_ptr_2 dw ? ;AD061;string_ptr_2_sb dw ? copy_Num dw ? cpyflag db ? Dir_Num DW ? bytes_free dw ? dw ? major_ver_num dw ? minor_ver_num dw ? one_char_val db ?,0 vol_drv db ? IF IBM ROM_CALL DB ? ; flag for rom function ROM_IP DW ? ROM_CS DW ? ENDIF DESTVARS LABEL BYTE DESTISDIR DB ? DESTSIZ DB ? DESTTAIL DW ? DESTINFO DB ? DESTBUF DB DIRSTRLEN + 20 DUP (?) ENDDESTBUF LABEL BYTE DESTHAND DW ? DESTISDEV DB ? FIRSTDEST DB ? MELCOPY DB ? MELSTART DW ? SRCVARS LABEL BYTE SRCISDIR DB ? SRCSIZ DB ? SRCTAIL DW ? SRCINFO DB ? SRCBUF DB DIRSTRLEN + 20 DUP (?) SRCHAND DW ? SRCISDEV DB ? SCANBUF DB DIRSTRLEN + 20 DUP (?) SRCPT DW ? INEXACT DB ? NOWRITE DB ? BINARY DB ? WRITTEN DW ? TERMREAD DB ? ASCII DB ? PLUS DB ? objcnt db ? ; Used in copy CPDATE DW ? CPTIME DW ? OFilePtr_Lo DW ? ; original file ptr for COPY when OFilePtr_Hi DW ? ; 1st source is also destination OCtrlZ DB ? ; original ctrl+Z for COPY when ditto BATHAND DW ? ; Batch handle STARTEL DW ? ELCNT DB ? ELPOS DB ? SKPDEL DB ? SOURCE DB 11 DUP(?) ext_entered db 0 ;AN005; display_ioctl db 0 ;AN000; info level db 0 ;AN000; reserved dw crt_ioctl_ln ;AN000; length of data dw ? ;AN000; control flags display_mode db ? ;AN000; display mode, colors db 0 ;AN000; reserved dw ? ;AN023; colors dw ? ;AN000; display width (PELS) dw ? ;AN000; display length (PELS) display_width dw ? ;AN000; display width linperpag dw linesperpage ;AN000; display length (default to linesperpage) vol_ioctl_buf label byte ;AN000; buffer for ioctl volume label/serial call dw 0 ;AN000; info level vol_serial dd 0 ;AN000; volume serial number vol_label db 11 dup (" ") ;AN000; volume label - init to blanks db 8 dup (" ") ;AN000; file system type expand_star db ? msg_flag db ? ;AN022; flag set if non-utility message issued msg_numb dw 0 ;AN022; set with extended error message issued append_exec db 0 ;AN041; set if internal append executed print_err_flag dw 0 ;AN000; flag set if error during sysdispmsg subst_buffer db parm_block_size*2 dup (0);AN061; ;;;; IFDEF DBCS 3/3/KK KPARSE DB ? ;;;; ENDIF 3/3/KK ; Data declarations taken out of parse.asm arg arg_unit <> ; pointers, arg count, string buffer argbufptr DW ? ; index for argv[].argpointer tpbuf DB 128 DUP (?) ; temporary buffer LAST_ARG DW ? ; point at which to accumulate switch info comptr dw ? ; ptr into combuf ; Data declarations taken out of path.asm fbuf find_buf <> ; dma buffer for findfirst/findnext pathinfo DW 3 DUP (?) ; ES, SI(old), and SI(new) of user path psep_char DB ? ; '/' or '\' search_best DB (?) ; best code, best filename so far fname_max_len equ 13 search_best_buf DB fname_max_len DUP (?) search_curdir_buf DB 64 DUP (?) ; a place for CurDir info, if successful search_error DW (?) ; address of error message to be printed ; Data declarations taken out of tbatch.asm if_not_count DW ? zflag db ? ; Used by typefil to indicate ^Z's DW 80H DUP(0) ; Init to 0 to make sure the linker is not fooled STACK LABEL WORD INTERNATVARS internat_block <> DB (internat_block_max - ($ - INTERNATVARS)) DUP (?) ; Buffer for DOS function 64h (Get extended country information) ; subfunctions 2, 4, 6, or 7: CountryPtrInfo label byte CountryPtrId db ? CountryPtr dd ? .erre (($ - CountryPtrInfo) GE 5) OldCtrlCHandler dd ? ; previous int 23 vector BatBufPos DW ? ; integer position in buffer of next byte BatBuf DB BatLen DUP (?) BatBufEnd DW ? TypeFilSiz dd ? ;stores size of file to be typed ; ***************************************************** ; EMG 4.00 ; DATA STARTING HERE WAS ADDED BY EMG FOR 4.00 ; FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF COMMON PARSE ROUTINE ; ***************************************************** ; ; COMMON PARSE OUTPUT BLOCKS ; ; ; Common output blocks for PARSE number, complex, or string values. ; PARSE1_OUTPUT LABEL BYTE ;AN000; PARSE1_TYPE DB 0 ;AN000; type PARSE1_CODE DB 0 ;AN000; return value PARSE1_SYN DW 0 ;AN000; es offset of synonym PARSE1_ADDR DD 0 ;AN000; numeric value / address ; of string value ; ; Common output block for PARSE date strings. ; DATE_OUTPUT LABEL BYTE ;AN000; DATE_TYPE DB 0 ;AN000; type DB 0 ;AN000; return value DW 0 ;AN000; es offset of synonym DATE_YEAR DW 0 ;AN000; year DATE_MONTH DB 0 ;AN000; month DATE_DAY DB 0 ;AN000; day ; ; Common output block for PARSE time strings. ; TIME_OUTPUT LABEL BYTE ;AN000; TIME_TYPE DB 0 ;AN000; type DB 0 ;AN000; return value DW 0 ;AN000; es offset of synonym TIME_HOUR DB 0 ;AN000; hour TIME_MINUTES DB 0 ;AN000; minutes TIME_SECONDS DB 0 ;AN000; seconds TIME_FRACTION DB 0 ;AN000; hundredths ; ; Common output block for PARSE drive specifier (one based drive number). ; DRIVE_OUTPUT LABEL BYTE ;AN000; DRIVE_TYPE DB 0 ;AN000; type DRIVE_VALUE DB 0 ;AN000; return value DW 0 ;AN000; es offset of synonym DRIVE_NUMBER DB 0 ;AN000; drive number DB 0,0,0 ;AN000; reserved TRANSPACEEND LABEL BYTE TRANSPACE ENDS END