;======================= START OF SPECIFICATIONS ========================= ; ; MODULE NAME: DEBMES.FIL ; ; DESCRIPTIVE NAME: MESSAGES USED BY DEBUG ; ; FUNCTION: PROVIDES FASTBLD.EXE THE MESSAGES THAT ARE TO BE USED BY DEBUG. ; ; ENTRY POINT: NA ; ; INPUT: NA ; ; EXIT NORMAL: NA ; ; EXIT ERROR: NA ; ; INTERNAL REFERENCES: NA ; ; EXTERNAL REFERENCES: NA ; ; NOTES: THIS MODULE IS TO BE PREPPED BY FASTBLD.EXE. ; ; FASTBLD.EXE CREATES: DEBUG.CLA ; DEBUG.CLB ; DEBUG.CLC ; DEBUG.CLD ; DEBUG.CL1 ; DEBUG.CL2 ; ; REVISION HISTORY: NA ; ; COPYRIGHT: "MS DOS DEBUG Utility" ; "Version 5.00 (C) Copyright 1991 Microsoft" ; "Licensed Material - Property of Microsoft " ; "All rights reserved" ; ;======================= END OF SPECIFICATIONS =========================== ;========================================================================= ;debug utility message file ;========================================================================= :util DEBUG ;utility name :class 1 ;extended errors :class A ;system messages :use 1 COMMON1 ;"Incorrect DOS version" :use 2 COMMON2 ;"Insufficient memory" :use 3 COMMON3 ;"Error loading messages" :def 4 "Allocation failed or specified buffer too small",CR,LF :def 90 "Starts Debug, a program testing and editing tool.",cr,lf,cr,lf :def 91 "DEBUG [pathname [arglist]]",cr,lf,cr,lf :def 92 " pathname Program or other file to debug.", cr,lf :def 93 " arglist Arguments to pass to the program when it is loaded",cr,lf,cr,lf :def 94 "Once Debug is started, enter ? to display a list of debugging commands.",cr,lf :def 100 "A (assemble), ...." :def 101 "...." :def 102 "...." :def 103 "...." :def 104 "...." :def 105 "...." :class B ;utility messages :def 6 "Bad device name" ;baddev_ptr :def 7 "Couldn't open list device PRN",CR,LF "Enter name of list device? " ;badlstmes_ptr :def 8 CR,LF ;crlf_ptr :def 9 CR,LF,"Program terminated normally",CR,LF ;endmes_ptr :def 10 "Invalid drive specification",CR,LF ;nambad_ptr :def 12 "File creation error",CR,LF ;noroom_ptr :def 13 "Insufficient space on disk",CR,LF ;nospace_ptr :def 14 "Disk error reading drive %1",CR,LF ;dr1_ptr :def 15 "Disk error writing drive %1",CR,LF ;dr2_ptr :def 16 "Write protect error reading drive %1",CR,LF ;dr3_ptr :def 17 "Write protect error writing drive %1",CR,LF ;dr4_ptr :def 19 "%1^ Error" ;synerr :def 20 "Error in EXE or HEX file",CR,LF ;exebad_ptr/hexerr_ptr :class C :def 21 "EXE and HEX files cannot be written",CR,LF ;exewrt_ptr/hexwrt_ptr :def 22 "EXEC failure" ;execemes_ptr :def 23 "(W)rite error, no destination defined",CR,LF ;nonamespec_ptr :def 24 "Access denied",CR,LF ;accmes_ptr :def 25 "Parity error or nonexistant memory error detected" ;paritymes_ptr :def 26 "-" ;prompt_ptr :def 27 "%1 -" ;change_flag_ptr :def 32 "%1%2" ;unassem_ln_ptr :def 33 "%1:%2 %3" ;hex_ptr :def 34 "%1 %2" ;add_ptr :def 35 "%1 %2",CR,LF,":" ;single_reg_ptr :def 36 "%1=%2 " ;register_ptr :def 37 "%1 Error" ;errmes_ptr :def 38 "Writing %1 bytes" ;wrtmes_ptr :def 39 "%1:%2=" ;loc_ptr :def 40 "%1" ;little_ptr :class D :def 41 "%1" ;big_ptr :def 42 "%1:%2 %3 %4 %5:%6" ;comp_ptr :def 44 32,8 ;bacmes_ptr ; :def 45 "Unable to allocate message handler",CR,LF ;fatal_error :def 46 "%1" ;arg_buf_ptr :def 47 "%1" ;one_char_buf_ptr :def 50 "%1 of a total %2 EMS pages have been allocated",cr,lf :def 51 "%1 of a total %2 EMS handles have been allocated",cr,lf :def 55 "Handle created = %1 ",cr,lf :def 56 "Logical page %1 mapped to physical page %2 ",cr,lf :def 57 "EMS hardward/software failure",cr,lf :def 58 "Handle not found",cr,lf :def 59 "Invalid function code",cr,lf :def 60 "No free handles",cr,lf :def 61 "Save/Restore error",cr,lf :def 62 "Total pages exceeded",cr,lf :def 63 "Free pages exceeded",cr,lf :def 64 "Parameter error",cr,lf :def 65 "Logical Page out of range",cr,lf :def 66 "Physical Page out of range",cr,lf :def 67 "Save area already in use",cr,lf :def 68 "Save area not in use",cr,lf :def 70 "General EMS error",cr,lf :def 71 "Missing or invalid EMS parameter",cr,lf :def 72 "Handle %1 has %2 pages allocated",cr,lf :def 75 "Physical page %1 = Frame segment %2",cr,lf :def 76 "Handle %1 deallocated",cr,lf :def 78 "EMS not installed",cr,lf :end ;========================================================================= ;=========================================================================