PAGE 60,132 TITLE Edlcmd2 - PART2 procedures called from EDLIN ;/* ; * Microsoft Confidential ; * Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1991 ; * All Rights Reserved. ; */ ;======================= START OF SPECIFICATIONS ========================= ; ; MODULE NAME: EDLCMD2.SAL ; ; DESCRIPTIVE NAME: EDLIN ROUTINES ; ; FUNCTION: THIS MODULE PROVIDES ROUTINES NEEDED FOR EDLIN'S EXECUTION. ; ; ENTRY POINT: ANY CALLED ROUTINE ; ; EXIT NORMAL: NA ; ; EXIT ERROR : NA ; ; INTERNAL REFERENCES: ; ; EXTERNAL REFERENCES: ; ; ROUTINE: EDLCMD1 - ROUTINES MAY BE CALLED FROM EDLCMD1 ; EDLMES - ROUTINES MAY BE CALLED FROM EDLMES ; ; NOTES: THIS MODULE IS TO BE PREPPED BY SALUT WITH THE "PR" OPTIONS. ; LINK EDLIN+EDLCMD1+EDLCMD2+EDLMES+EDLPARSE ; ; ; REVISION HISTORY: ; ; AN000 VERSION DOS 4.00 - REVISIONS MADE RELATE TO THE FOLLOWING: ; ; - IMPLEMENT SYSPARSE ; - IMPLEMENT MESSAGE RETRIEVER ; - IMPLEMENT DBCS ENABLING ; - ENHANCED VIDEO SUPPORT ; - EXTENDED OPENS ; - SCROLLING ERROR ; ; COPYRIGHT: "MS DOS EDLIN UTILITY" ; "VERSION 4.00 (C) COPYRIGHT 1988 Microsoft" ; ;======================= END OF SPECIFICATIONS =========================== include edlequ.asm include CODE SEGMENT PUBLIC CODE ENDS CONST SEGMENT PUBLIC WORD CONST ENDS cstack segment stack cstack ends DATA SEGMENT PUBLIC WORD DATA ENDS DG GROUP CODE,CONST,cstack,DATA CONST SEGMENT PUBLIC WORD extrn msg_crlf:abs,msg_lf:abs,qmes_ptr:byte,ask_ptr:byte extrn bak:byte,$$$file:byte,delflg:byte,loadmod:byte,txt1:byte extrn txt2:byte,memful_ptr:word extrn Del_Bak_Ptr:byte ;an000;dms; extrn cont_ptr:byte ;an000;dms:6/10/87 CONST ENDS DATA SEGMENT PUBLIC WORD extrn ParamCt:WORD extrn current:word,pointer:word,start:word,endtxt:word extrn wrt_handle:word,editbuf:byte,ext_ptr:word,qflg:byte extrn temp_path:byte,line_num:word,line_flag:byte extrn line_num_buf_ptr:byte,arg_buf:byte,arg_buf_ptr:word extrn olddat:byte,oldlen:word,newlen:word,param1:word,param2:word extrn srchflg:byte,srchmod:byte,comline:word,lstfnd:word,numpos:word extrn lstnum:word,last_mem:word,srchcnt:word,amnt_req:word extrn lc_adj:byte ;an000;dms:6/10/87 extrn continue:byte ;an000;dms:6/10/87 extrn pg_count:byte ;an000;dms:6/10/87 extrn Disp_Len:byte ;an000;dms; extrn Disp_Width:byte ;an000;dms; extrn lc_flag:byte ;an000;dms:6/10/87 ifdef DBCS extrn lbtbl:dword endif DATA ENDS CODE SEGMENT PUBLIC ASSUME CS:DG,DS:DG,SS:CStack,ES:DG public findlin,shownum,loadbuf,crlf,lf,abortcom,unquote public kill_bl,make_caps,display,dispone,make_cntrl public query,quit,scanln,delbak,scaneof,memerr public fndfirst,fndnext,replace ifdef DBCS public testkanj endif extrn std_printf:near,command:near,chkrange:near,ComErr:NEAR extrn Xerror:near extrn display_message:near FINDLIN: ; Inputs ; BX = Line number to be located in buffer (0 means last line+1) ; Outputs: ; DX = Actual line found ; DI = Pointer to start of line DX ; Zero set if BX = DX (if specified line found) ; AL,CX destroyed. No other registers affected. MOV DX,[CURRENT] MOV DI,[POINTER] CMP BX,DX ; fast find. Current = requested retz JA FINDIT ; start scanning at current? OR BX,BX ; special case of EOF? JZ FINDIT ; yes MOV DX,1 ; set up for scan at beginning MOV DI,OFFSET DG:START CMP BX,DX ; at beginning? retz FINDIT: MOV CX,[ENDTXT] ; count of bytes in buffer SUB CX,DI ; for scan SCANLN: MOV AL,10 ; LF is what we look for. OR AL,AL ; Clear zero flag for JCXZ FINLIN: JCXZ RET4 ; at end? Yes, no skip. REPNE SCASB ; find EOL INC DX ; increment count CMP BX,DX ; find correct line? JNZ FINLIN ; no, try again. RET4: return ; Inputs: ; BX = Line number to be displayed ; Function: ; Displays line number on terminal in 8-character ; format, suppressing leading zeros. ; AX, CX, DX destroyed. No other registers affected. SHOWNUM: mov dx,offset dg:line_num_buf_ptr mov line_num,bx MOV line_flag,"*" CMP BX,[CURRENT] JZ STARLIN MOV line_flag," " STARLIN: call std_printf ret5: return DISPONE: MOV DI,1 DISPLAY: ; Inputs: ; BX = Line number ; SI = Pointer to text buffer ; DI = No. of lines ; Function: ; Ouputs specified no. of line to terminal, each ; with leading line number. ; Outputs: ; BX = Last line output. ; All registers destroyed. MOV CX,[ENDTXT] SUB CX,SI retz ; no lines to display ;========================================================================= ; Initialize screen size and line counts for use by display. ; ; Date : 6/10/87 ;========================================================================= push ax ;an000;save affected regs mov al,dg:disp_len ;an000;length of video display mov pg_count,al ;an000;init. screen size ctr. pop ax ;an000;restore affected regs ;========================================================================= mov dx,di ;number of lines to print ; ; CX is the number of bytes in the buffer ; dx is the number of lines to be output ; DISPLN: SaveReg CALL SHOWNUM RestoreReg mov di,offset dg:arg_buf ; ; Copy chars until CR/LF or end of line hit ; OUTLN: LODSB CMP DI,254+offset dg:arg_buf ; are we at end of buffer? JAE StoreDone ; Yes, do NOT store CMP AL," " JAE SEND CMP AL,10 JZ SEND CMP AL,13 JZ SEND CMP AL,9 JZ SEND MOV AH,"^" OR AL,40h XCHG AL,AH STOSW JMP short StoreDone SEND: stosb StoreDone: CMP AL,10 ; perform copy until LF is seen LOOPNZ OUTLN ; ; Make sure buffer ends with CRLF ; cmp byte ptr [di-1],10 jz Terminate ; ; No LF seen. See if CR ; cmp byte ptr [di-1],CR jz StoreLF mov al,CR stosb StoreLF: mov al,10 stosb Terminate: mov byte ptr [di],0 call EDLIN_DISP_COUNT ;an000;determine lines printed ; DMS:6/10/87 push dx mov dx,offset dg:arg_buf_ptr call std_printf pop dx JCXZ ret7 INC BX call EDLIN_PG_COUNT ;an000;adjust screen line count ; DMS:6/10/87 cmp lc_flag,false ;an000;continue DISPLAY? ; DMS:6/10/87 JNZ DISPLN DEC BX ret7: return FNDFIRST: MOV DI,1+OFFSET DG:TXT1 mov byte ptr[olddat],1 ;replace with old value if none new CALL GETTEXT OR AL,AL ;Reset zero flag in case CX is zero JCXZ RET7 cmp al,1ah ;terminated with a ^Z ? jne sj8 mov byte ptr[olddat],0 ;do not replace with old value sj8: MOV [OLDLEN],CX XOR CX,CX CMP AL,0DH JZ SETBUF CMP BYTE PTR [SRCHFLG],0 JZ NXTBUF SETBUF: DEC SI NXTBUF: MOV [COMLINE],SI MOV DI,1+OFFSET DG:TXT2 CALL GETTEXT CMP BYTE PTR [SRCHFLG],0 JNZ NOTREPL CMP AL,0DH JNZ HAVCHR DEC SI HAVCHR: MOV [COMLINE],SI NOTREPL: MOV [NEWLEN],CX MOV BX,[PARAM1] OR BX,BX JNZ CALLER cmp byte ptr[srchmod],0 jne sj9 mov bx,1 ;start from line number 1 jmp short sj9a sj9: MOV BX,[CURRENT] INC BX ;Default search and replace to current+1 sj9a: CALL CHKRANGE CALLER: CALL FINDLIN MOV [LSTFND],DI MOV [NUMPOS],DI MOV [LSTNUM],DX MOV BX,[PARAM2] CMP BX,1 SBB BX,-1 ;Decrement everything except zero CALL FINDLIN MOV CX,DI SUB CX,[LSTFND] OR AL,-1 JCXZ aret CMP CX,[OLDLEN] jae sj10 aret: return sj10: MOV [SRCHCNT],CX FNDNEXT: ; Inputs: ; [TXT1+1] has string to search for ; [OLDLEN] has length of the string ; [LSTFND] has starting position of search in text buffer ; [LSTNUM] has line number which has [LSTFND] ; [SRCHCNT] has length to be searched ; [NUMPOS] has beginning of line which has [LSTFND] ; Outputs: ; Zero flag set if match found ; [LSTFND],[LSTNUM],[SRCHCNT] updated for continuing the search ; [NUMPOS] has beginning of line in which match was made MOV AL,[TXT1+1] MOV CX,[SRCHCNT] MOV DI,[LSTFND] SCAN: OR DI,DI ;Clear zero flag in case CX=0 REPNE SCASB ;look for first byte of string retnz ;return if you don't find ifdef DBCS call kanji_check ;see if the found byte is on a character boundary jnz scan endif MOV DX,CX MOV BX,DI ;Save search position MOV CX,[OLDLEN] DEC CX MOV SI,2 + OFFSET DG:TXT1 CMP AL,AL ;Set zero flag in case CX=0 REPE CMPSB MOV CX,DX MOV DI,BX JNZ SCAN MOV [SRCHCNT],CX MOV CX,DI MOV [LSTFND],DI MOV DI,[NUMPOS] SUB CX,DI MOV AL,10 MOV DX,[LSTNUM] ;Determine line number of match GETLIN: INC DX MOV BX,DI REPNE SCASB JZ GETLIN DEC DX MOV [LSTNUM],DX MOV [NUMPOS],BX XOR AL,AL return ifdef DBCS ;Kanji_check idea is to scan backwards to the first ; character which can't be a kanji or part of one ; (.lt. DB_SP_LO) then scan forward to see if the ; current byte is on character boundary ; ;Output ZR <==> we're on a character boundary ; NZ <==> we're not on character boundary i.e. No Match kanji_check: push ax ;save search character push di dec di ;point to the character we found mov si,di ;start searching bakwards from there std srch_loop: lodsb cmp al,DB_SP_LO jae srch_loop inc si ;point to first non-kanji cld ;forward search kan_loop: cmp si,di ;are we at current byte? jae passed_char ;if we are, or are passed it, exit call next_char ;otherwise advance si to next char jmp short kan_loop ;and loop passed_char: pop di pop ax ret ;Next_char si points to a character boundary ; advance si to point to the beginning of the next char ; ; next_char: push ax lodsb call testkanj jz not_kanj inc si not_kanj: pop ax ret ;--------------------------------------------------------------------; ; TESTKANJ ~ FIND OUT IS THE BYTE IS A KANJI PREFIX ; ; ; ; entry: AL byte to test ; ; ; ; exit: NZ if lead byte ortherwise ZR ; ; ; ; modifies: AX ; ; ; ;--------------------------------------------------------------------; testkanj: push ax xchg ah,al ;put byte in ah push ds push si lds si,cs:[lbtbl] ;get pointer to lead byte table ktlop: lodsb ;direction flag should be OK or al,al ;are we at the end of table? jz notlead ;brif so cmp al,ah ;is START RANGE > CHARACTER? ja notlead ;brif so, not a lead character (carry clear) lodsb ;get second range byte cmp ah,al ;is CHARACTER > END RANGE ja ktlop ;brif so, not a lead character (check next range) or al,al ;make NZ notl_exit: pop si pop ds pop ax ret notlead: cmp al,al jmp notl_exit endif GETTEXT: ; Inputs: ; SI points into command line buffer ; DI points to result buffer ; Function: ; Moves [SI] to [DI] until ctrl-Z (1AH) or ; RETURN (0DH) is found. Termination char not moved. ; Outputs: ; AL = Termination character ; CX = No of characters moved. ; SI points one past termination character ; DI points to next free location XOR CX,CX GETIT: LODSB ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- cmp al,quote_char ;a quote character? jne sj101 ;no, skip.... lodsb ;yes, get quoted character call make_cntrl jmp short sj102 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- sj101: CMP AL,1AH JZ DEFCHK sj102: CMP AL,0DH JZ DEFCHK STOSB INC CX JMP SHORT GETIT DEFCHK: OR CX,CX JZ OLDTXT PUSH DI SUB DI,CX MOV BYTE PTR [DI-1],cl POP DI return OLDTXT: cmp byte ptr[olddat],1 ;replace with old text? je sj11 ;yes... mov byte ptr[di-1],cl ;zero text buffer char count return sj11: MOV CL,BYTE PTR [DI-1] ADD DI,CX return REPLACE: ; Inputs: ; CX = Length of new text ; DX = Length of original text ; SI = Pointer to new text ; DI = Pointer to old text in buffer ; Function: ; New text replaces old text in buffer and buffer ; size is adjusted. CX or DX may be zero. ; CX, SI, DI all destroyed. No other registers affected. CMP CX,DX JZ COPYIN PUSH SI PUSH DI PUSH CX MOV SI,DI ADD SI,DX ADD DI,CX MOV AX,[ENDTXT] SUB AX,DX ADD AX,CX CMP AX,[LAST_MEM] JAE MEMERR XCHG AX,[ENDTXT] MOV CX,AX SUB CX,SI CMP SI,DI JA DOMOV ADD SI,CX ADD DI,CX STD DOMOV: INC CX REP MOVSB CLD POP CX POP DI POP SI COPYIN: REP MOVSB return MEMERR: MOV DX,OFFSET DG:MEMFUL_ptr call std_printf JMP COMMAND LOADBUF: MOV DI,2 + OFFSET DG:EDITBUF MOV CX,255 MOV DX,-1 LOADLP: LODSB STOSB INC DX CMP AL,13 LOOPNZ LOADLP MOV [EDITBUF+1],DL retz TRUNCLP: LODSB INC DX CMP AL,13 JNZ TRUNCLP DEC DI STOSB return SCANEOF: cmp [loadmod],0 je sj52 ;----- Load till physical end of file cmp cx,word ptr[amnt_req] jb sj51 xor al,al inc al ;reset zero flag return sj51: jcxz sj51b push di ;get rid of any ^Z at the end of the file add di,cx dec di ;points to last char cmp byte ptr [di],1ah pop di jne sj51b dec cx sj51b: xor al,al ;set zero flag call check_end ;check that we have a CRLF pair at the end return ;----- Load till first ^Z is found sj52: PUSH DI PUSH CX MOV AL,1AH or cx,cx jz not_found ;skip with zero flag set REPNE SCASB ;Scan for end of file mark jnz not_found LAHF ;Save flags momentarily inc cx ;include the ^Z SAHF ;Restore flags not_found: mov di,cx ;not found at the end POP CX LAHF ;Save flags momentarily SUB CX,DI ;Reduce byte count if EOF found SAHF ;Restore flags POP DI call check_end ;check that we have a CRLF pair at the end return ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; If the end of file was found, then check that the last character ; in the file is a LF. If not put a CRLF pair in. check_end: jnz not_end ;end was not reached pushf ;save return flag push di ;save pointer to buffer add di,cx ;points to one past end on text dec di ;points to last character cmp di,offset dg:start je check_no cmp byte ptr[di],0ah ;is a LF the last character? je check_done ;yes, exit check_no: mov byte ptr[di+1],0dh ;no, put a CR inc cx ;one more char in text mov byte ptr[di+2],0ah ;put a LF inc cx ;another character at the end check_done: pop di popf not_end: return CRLF: push dx mov ax,msg_crlf call display_message pop dx return LF: mov ax,msg_lf jmp display_message ABORTCOM: MOV AX,CS MOV DS,AX MOV ES,AX MOV AX,cstack MOV SS,AX MOV SP,STACK STI CALL CRLF JMP COMMAND DELBAK: ;Delete old backup file (.BAK) MOV BYTE PTR [DELFLG],1 MOV DI,[EXT_PTR] MOV SI,OFFSET DG:BAK MOVSW MOVSW MOVSB MOV AH,UNLINK MOV DX,OFFSET DG:TEMP_PATH INT 21H ; $if c ;error ? ;an000; dms; JNC $$IF1 cmp ax,Access_Denied ;file read only? ;an000; dms; ; $if e ;yes ;an000; dms; JNE $$IF2 mov bx,[Wrt_Handle] ;close .$$$ file ;an000; dms; mov ah,Close ;close function ;an000; dms; int 21h ;close it ;an000; dms; mov di,[Ext_Ptr] ;point to extension ;an000; dms; mov si,offset dg:$$$File ;point to .$$$ extension;an000; dms; movsw ;get .$$$ extension ;an000; dms; movsw ; ;an000; dms; movsb ; ;an000; dms; mov dx,offset dg:Temp_Path ;point to .$$$ file ;an000; dms; mov ah,Unlink ;delete it ;an000; dms; int 21h ; ;an000; dms; mov di,[Ext_Ptr] ;point to extension ;an000; dms; mov si,offset dg:BAK ;point to .BAK extension;an000; dms; movsw ;get .BAK extension ;an000; dms; movsw ; ;an000; dms; movsb ; ;an000; dms; mov dx,offset dg:Del_Bak_Ptr;point to error message ;an000; dms; jmp Xerror ;display message & exit ;an000; dms; ; $endif $$IF2: ; $endif $$IF1: MOV DI,[EXT_PTR] MOV SI,OFFSET DG:$$$FILE MOVSW MOVSW MOVSB return ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Will scan buffer given pointed to by SI and get rid of quote ;characters, compressing the line and adjusting the length at the ;begining of the line. ; Preserves al registers except flags and AX . unquote: push cx push di push si mov di,si mov cl,[si-1] ;length of buffer xor ch,ch mov al,quote_char cld unq_loop: jcxz unq_done ;no more chars in the buffer, exit repnz scasb ;search for quote character jnz unq_done ;none found, exit push cx ;save chars left in buffer push di ;save pointer to quoted character push ax ;save quote character mov al,byte ptr[di] ;get quoted character call make_cntrl mov byte ptr[di],al pop ax ;restore quote character mov si,di dec di ;points to the quote character inc cx ;include the carriage return also rep movsb ;compact line pop di ;now points to after quoted character pop cx jcxz sj13 ;if quote char was last of line do not adjust dec cx ;one less char left in the buffer sj13: pop si dec byte ptr[si-1] ;one less character in total buffer count also push si jmp short unq_loop unq_done: pop si pop di pop cx return ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; ; Convert the character in AL to the corresponding control ; character. AL has to be between @ and _ to be converted. That is, ; it has to be a capital letter. All other letters are left unchanged. make_cntrl: push ax and ax,11100000b cmp ax,01000000b pop ax jne sj14 and ax,00011111b sj14: return ;---- Kill spaces in buffer --------------------------------------------; ;========================================================================= ; kill_bl : Parses over spaces in a buffer. ; ; Date : 6/10/86 ;========================================================================= kill_bl: push bx ;an000;save affected reg. kill_bl_cont: lodsb ;get rid of blanks cmp al,9 je kill_bl_cont ;an000;it is a tab cmp al,10 je kill_bl_cont ;an000;if LF cmp al,' ' je kill_bl_cont ;an000;we have a space ifdef DBCS ;an000;is this a kanji assembly call testkanj ;an000;do we have a dbcs lead byte ; $if nz ;an000;yes, we have a lead byte JZ $$IF5 cmp al,DB_SP_HI ;an000;is it DB_SP_HI ; $if z ;an000;it is DB_SP_HI JNZ $$IF6 mov bl,ds:[si] ;an000;set up for compare cmp bl,DB_SP_LO ;an000;is it DB_SP_LO ; $if z ;an000;we have an asian blank JNZ $$IF7 lodsb ;an000;skip byte containing 81h jmp kill_bl_cont ; $endif ;an000; $$IF7: ; $endif ;an000;fall through no delim $$IF6: ; found ; $endif ;an000;end test for dbcs lead byte $$IF5: endif ;an000;end conditional assembly pop bx ;an000;restore affected reg. return ;----- Capitalize the character in AL ----------------------------------; ; ; ; Input: ; ; ; ; AL contains a character to capitalize ; ; ; ; Output: ; ; ; ; AL contains a capitalized character ; ; ; ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------; MAKE_CAPS: CMP AL,"a" JB CAPS1 CMP AL,"z" ifdef DBCS JA CAPS1 ; M003 MSKK TAR 476, kana chars else JG CAPS1 endif AND AL,0DFH CAPS1: return QUIT: CMP ParamCt,1 JZ Quit1 CERR: JMP ComErr Quit1: CMP Param1,0 JNZ CERR MOV DX,OFFSET DG:QMES_ptr call std_printf IFDEF DBCS CALL TESTKANJ JZ ASCII MOV AX, (STD_CON_INPUT_FLUSH SHL 8) + 0 INT 21H ; Eat the trailing byte. JMP CRLF ASCII: ENDIF ;========================================================================= ; We are invoking the VAL_YN proc here. This will replace the ; method of Y/N validation used prior to DOS 4.00. ; ; Date : 6/10/87 ;========================================================================= call val_yn ;an000;pass Y/N byte in AL to macro cmp ax,yes ;an000;did we return a Y jz NoCRLF ;an000; dms; close the file cmp ax,no ;an000; dms; return N? ; $if ne ;an000; dms; neither N or Y - reprompt JE $$IF11 call crlf ; spit out crlf jmp Quit1 ;an000; dms; reprompt ; $endif ;an000; dms; $$IF11: call crlf ; spit out CRLF return ;an000; dms; ;========================================================================= ; End of Y/N validation check for qmes_ptr ;========================================================================= NOCRLF: MOV BX,[WRT_HANDLE] MOV AH,CLOSE INT 21H MOV DX,OFFSET DG:TEMP_PATH MOV AH,UNLINK INT 21H mov ah,exit xor al,al INT 21H QUERY: TEST BYTE PTR [QFLG],-1 retz MOV DX,OFFSET DG:ASK_ptr call std_printf PUSH AX CALL CRLF POP AX IFDEF DBCS CALL TESTKANJ JZ ASCII1 PUSH AX MOV AX,(STD_CON_INPUT_FLUSH SHL 8) + 0 INT 21H ;Eat the trailing byte XOR AX,AX INC AX ; non zero flag POP AX return ASCII1: ENDIF CMP AL,13 ;Carriage return means yes retz ;========================================================================= ; We are invoking the VAL_YN proc here. This will replace the ; method of Y/N validation used prior to DOS 4.00. ; This invocation of val_yn will return ZR if Y is found, otherwise ; it will return NZ. ; ; Date : 6/10/87 ;========================================================================= call val_yn ;an000;pass Y/N byte in AL to macro cmp ax,yes ;an000;did we return a Y je Query_Exit ;an000; dms; exit Y/N validation cmp ax,no ;an000; dms; N response? jne Query ;an000; dms; no - reprompt user cmp ax,yes ;an000; dms; must have N response - force ; NZ flag Query_Exit: ;========================================================================= ; End of Y/N validation check for ask_ptr ;========================================================================= return ;========================================================================= ; EDLIN_DISP_COUNT: This routine will determine the number of lines ; actually displayed to the screen. Lines displayed to ; the screen for one EDLIN line printed will be calculated ; by the following formula: ; ; LINES_PRINTED = (LINE_LEN + 10) / SCREEN_WIDTH ; ; LINES_PRINTED - Actual number of lines printed on screen ; for one EDLIN line. If LINES_PRINTED has ; a remainder, it will be rounded up. ; ; LINE_LEN - The length, in bytes, of the EDLIN line ; printed. ; ; SCREEN_WIDTH - The width in bytes of the current display. ; ; Inputs : DI - offset into buffer containing line printed ; DISP_WIDTH - width of current video output ; ; Outputs: LC_ADJ - factor to adjust line counter by ; ; Date : 6/10/87 ;========================================================================= EDLIN_DISP_COUNT proc near ;an000;lines printed push dx ;an000;save affected regs push di ;an000; push ax ;an000; push bx ;an000; push cx ;an000; mov bx,offset dg:arg_buf ;an000;arg_buf holds line ; printed mov ax,di ;an000;where print line ends sub ax,bx ;an000;diff = line's length add ax,10 ;an000;adjust for leading blks mov cl,dg:disp_width ;an000;set up for division div cl ;an000;divide AX by the ; width of the console cmp ah,0 ;an000;see if a remainder ; $if nz ;an000;if a remainder JZ $$IF13 add al,1 ;an000;increment AL 1 ; to round upward ; $endif ;an000; $$IF13: mov lc_adj,al ;an000;number of lines printed ; on console pop cx ;an000;restore affected regs pop bx ;an000; pop ax ;an000; pop di ;an000; pop dx ;an000; ret ;an000;return to caller EDLIN_DISP_COUNT endp ;an000;end proc ;========================================================================= ; EDLIN_PG_COUNT : This routine determines whether or not we will continue ; displaying text lines based on the count of lines that ; can be output to the current video screen. ; ; Inputs : LC_ADJ - adjustment factor for number of lines printed ; PG_COUNT - number of lines remaining on current video ; display ; DX - holds the total number of lines to print ; CONTINUE - signals if the user wants to continue ; printing lines. ; ; Outputs: LC_FLAG - used to signal completion of print ; ; Date : 6/10/87 ;========================================================================= EDLIN_PG_COUNT proc near ;an000;track remaining lines push ax ;an000;save affected regs mov lc_flag,true ;an000;init. flag to signal ; continue printing mov al,pg_count ;an000;set up for page adj. cmp al,lc_adj ;an000;see if we are at end ; $if be ;an000 JNBE $$IF15 mov pg_count,0 ;an000;set pg_count to 0 ; $else JMP SHORT $$EN15 $$IF15: sub al,lc_adj ;an000;adjust number of lines mov pg_count,al ;an000;save remaining line ct. ; $endif ;an000; $$EN15: dec dx ;an000;decrease total number ; of lines to print by 1 ; $if nz ;an000;more lines to print JZ $$IF18 cmp pg_count,0 ;an000;have we printed screen ; $if be ;an000;we have printed screen JNBE $$IF19 call EDLIN_PG_PROMPT ;an000;prompt the user to ; "Continue(Y/N)?" cmp continue,true ;an000;did user say continue ; $if z ;an000;continue JNZ $$IF20 mov al,dg:disp_len ;an000;begin init of screen ; dec al ;an000; length mov pg_count,al ;an000; ; $else ;an000;do not continue JMP SHORT $$EN20 $$IF20: mov lc_flag,false ;an000;signal no more to print ; $endif ;an000; $$EN20: ; $endif ;an000; $$IF19: ; $else ;an000;total lines printed JMP SHORT $$EN18 $$IF18: mov lc_flag,false ;an000;signal no more to print ; $endif ;an000; $$EN18: pop ax ;an000;restore affected regs ret ;an000;return to caller EDLIN_PG_COUNT endp ;an000;end procedure ;========================================================================= ; EDLIN_PG_PROMPT : This routine prompts the user as to whether or not to ; continue printing lines to the video display, if lines ; are still present for printing. ; ; Inputs : none ; ; Outputs: CONTINUE - flag that signals other routines whether or ; not to continue printing. ; ; Date : 6/10/87 ;========================================================================= EDLIN_PG_PROMPT proc near ;an000;ask user to continue? push dx ;an000;save affected regs. push ax ;an000; EPP_Reprompt: mov dx,offset dg:cont_ptr ;an000;point to Continue msg. call std_printf ;an000;invoke message ret. push ax ;an000;save affected regs. call crlf ;an000;send crlf pop ax ;an000;restore affected regs. call val_yn ;an000;Y/N validation cmp ax,yes ;an000;did we have a Y jz EPP_True_Exit ;an000;we had a Y cmp ax,no ;an000;did we have a N jz EPP_False_Exit ;an000;yes jmp EPP_Reprompt ;an000;neither Y or N - reprompt EPP_True_Exit: mov Continue,True ;an000;flag Y found jmp short EPP_Exit ;an000;exit routine EPP_False_Exit: mov Continue,False ;an000;flag N found EPP_Exit: pop ax ;an000;restore affected regs. pop dx ;an000; ret ;an000;return to caller EDLIN_PG_PROMPT endp ;an000;end procedure ;========================================================================= ; val_yn: This proc validates a Y/N response entered by the user. The ; routine uses the new functionality of "GET EXTENDED COUNTRY ; INFORMATION" being implemented in DOS 4.00. ; ; Inputs : AL - character to be validated for Y/N response ; ; Outputs: AX - 00h = "N"o ; - 01h = "Y"es ;========================================================================= val_yn proc near ;an000;validate Y/N response push dx ;an000;save affected registers push cx ;an000; push bx ;an000; mov dl,al ;an000;character to be checked for Y/N mov ah,GetExtCntry ;an000;get extended country information mov al,yn_chk ;an000;perform Y/N checking mov cx,max_len ;an000;max. len. of Y/N char. int 21h ;an000;invoke function pop bx ;an000;restore affected registers pop cx ;an000; pop dx ;an000; ret ;an000;return to caller val_yn endp ;an000;end proc code ends end