if NT_INST else TITLE "Spin Locks" ;++ ; ; Copyright (c) 1989 Microsoft Corporation ; ; Module Name: ; ; spindbg.asm ; ; Abstract: ; ; Author: ; ; Bryan Willman (bryanwi) 13 Dec 89 ; ; Environment: ; ; Kernel mode only. ; ; Revision History: ; ;-- PAGE .386p include ks386.inc include callconv.inc ; calling convention macros include mac386.inc include irqli386.inc if DBG EXTRNP _KeBugCheckEx,5 ifdef DBGMP EXTRNP _KiPollDebugger,0 endif extrn _KeTickCount:DWORD extrn _KiSpinlockTimeout:DWORD endif _TEXT$00 SEGMENT DWORD PUBLIC 'CODE' ASSUME DS:FLAT, ES:FLAT, SS:NOTHING, FS:NOTHING, GS:NOTHING ;++ ; ; VOID ; Kii386SpinOnSpinLock ( ; IN PKSPIN_LOCK SpinLock ; IN ULONG Flag ; ) ; ; Routine Description: ; ; This function is called on a debug build to spin on a spinlock. ; It is invoked by the DEBUG version of SPIN_ON_SPINLOCK macro. ; ; Warning: ; ; Not called with C calling conventions ; Does not destroy any register ; ;-- cPublicProc Kii386SpinOnSpinLock,2 if DBG cPublicFpo 2,2 push eax push ebx mov eax, [esp+12] ; (eax) = LockAddress mov ebx, PCR[PcPrcbData.PbCurrentThread] or ebx, 1 ; or on busy bit cmp ebx, [eax] ; current thread the owner? je short ssl_sameid ; Yes, go abort ssl_10: mov ebx, _KeTickCount ; Current time add ebx, _KiSpinlockTimeout ; wait n ticks ifdef DBGMP test byte ptr [esp+16], 2 ; poll debugger while waiting? jnz short ssl_30 endif ; ; Spin while watching KeTickCount ; ssl_20: YIELD cmp _KeTickCount, ebx ; check current time jnc short ssl_timeout ; NC, too many ticks have gone by test dword ptr [eax], 1 jnz short ssl_20 ssl_exit: pop ebx ; Spinlock is not busy, return pop eax stdRET Kii386SpinOnSpinLock ifdef DBGMP ; ; Spin while watching KeTickCount & poll debugger ; ssl_30: YIELD cmp _KeTickCount, ebx ; check current time jnc short ssl_timeout ; overflowed stdCall _KiPollDebugger test dword ptr [eax], 1 jnz short ssl_30 pop ebx ; Spinlock is not busy, return pop eax stdRET Kii386SpinOnSpinLock endif ; ; Out of line expection conditions ; ssl_sameid: test byte ptr [esp+16], 1 ; ID check enabled? jz short ssl_10 ; no, continue push eax CurrentIrql ; Get current IRQL cmp al, SYNCH_LEVEL ; Above synch_level we may seen the same pop eax ; thread on two different processors jg ssl_10 ; recursed on lock, abort stdCall _KeBugCheckEx, ssl_timeout: test byte ptr [esp+16], 4 ; Timeout check enabled? jz short ssl_10 ; no, continue CurrentIrql ; Check to see what level we're spinning at cmp al, DISPATCH_LEVEL mov eax, [esp+12] ; restore eax jc short ssl_10 ; if < dispatch_level, don't timeout test dword ptr [eax], 1 ; Check to see if spinlock was freed jz short ssl_exit public SpinLockSpinningForTooLong SpinLockSpinningForTooLong: int 3 ; Stop here jmp short ssl_10 ; re-wait else ; DBG stdRET Kii386SpinOnSpinLock endif stdENDP Kii386SpinOnSpinLock,2 _TEXT$00 ends endif ; NT_INST end