//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation // All rights reserved. // // File Name: // dntext.c // // Description: // Translatable text for DOS based MAKEBOOT program. // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- const char szNtVersionName[] = "Windows XP"; const char szDiskLabel1[] = "Windows XP Setup Boot Disk"; const char szDiskLabel2[] = "Windows XP Setup Disk #2"; const char szDiskLabel3[] = "Windows XP Setup Disk #3"; const char szDiskLabel4[] = "Windows XP Setup Disk #4"; const char szCannotFindFile[] = "Cannot find file %s\n"; const char szNotEnoughMemory[] = "Not enough free memory to complete request\n"; const char szNotExecFormat[] = "%s is not in an executable file format\n"; const char szStars[] = "****************************************************"; const char szExplanationLine1[] = "This program creates the Setup boot disks"; const char szExplanationLine2[] = "for Microsoft %s."; const char szExplanationLine3[] = "To create these disks, you need to provide 7 blank,"; const char szExplanationLine4[] = "formatted, high-density disks."; const char szInsertFirstDiskLine1[] = "Insert one of these disks into drive %c:. This disk"; const char szInsertFirstDiskLine2[] = "will become the %s."; const char szInsertAnotherDiskLine1[] = "Insert another disk into drive %c:. This disk will"; const char szInsertAnotherDiskLine2[] = "become the %s."; const char szPressAnyKeyWhenReady[] = "Press any key when you are ready."; const char szCompletedSuccessfully[] = "The setup boot disks have been created successfully."; const char szComplete[] = "complete"; const char szUnknownSpawnError[] = "An unknown error has occurred trying to execute %s."; const char szSpecifyDrive[] = "Please specify the floppy drive to copy the images to: "; const char szInvalidDriveLetter[] = "Invalid drive letter\n"; const char szNotAFloppy[] = "Drive %c: is not a floppy drive\n"; const char szAttemptToCreateFloppyAgain[] = "Do you want to attempt to create this floppy again?"; const char szPressEnterOrEsc[] = "Press Enter to try again or Esc to exit."; const char szErrorDiskWriteProtected[] = "Error: Disk write protected\n"; const char szErrorUnknownDiskUnit[] = "Error: Unknown disk unit\n"; const char szErrorDriveNotReady[] = "Error: Drive not ready\n"; const char szErrorUnknownCommand[] = "Error: Unknown command\n"; const char szErrorDataError[] = "Error: Data error (Bad CRC)\n"; const char szErrorBadRequest[] = "Error: Bad request structure length\n"; const char szErrorSeekError[] = "Error: Seek error\n"; const char szErrorMediaTypeNotFound[] = "Error: Media type not found\n"; const char szErrorSectorNotFound[] = "Error: Sector not found\n"; const char szErrorWriteFault[] = "Error: Write fault\n"; const char szErrorGeneralFailure[] = "Error: General failure\n"; const char szErrorInvalidRequest[] = "Error: Invalid request or bad command\n"; const char szErrorAddressMarkNotFound[] = "Error: Address mark not found\n"; const char szErrorDiskWriteFault[] = "Error: Disk write fault\n"; const char szErrorDmaOverrun[] = "Error: Direct Memory Access (DMA) overrun\n"; const char szErrorCrcError[] = "Error: Data read (CRC or ECC) error\n"; const char szErrorControllerFailure[] = "Error: Controller failure\n"; const char szErrorDiskTimedOut[] = "Error: Disk timed out or failed to respond\n"; const char szDiskLabel5[] = "Windows XP Setup Disk #5"; const char szDiskLabel6[] = "Windows XP Setup Disk #6"; const char szDiskLabel7[] = "Windows XP Setup Disk #7";