/*++ Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: entry.c Abstract: Implements the DLL entry point that provides all Cobra module entry points to the engine. Author: Jim Schmidt (jimschm) 11-Aug-2000 Revision History: --*/ #include "pch.h" #include "v1p.h" typedef struct { PCTSTR Name; TYPE_ENTRYPOINTS EntryPoints; } ETM_TABLE, *PETM_TABLE; typedef struct { PCTSTR Name; VIRTUAL_COMPUTER_ENTRYPOINTS EntryPoints; } VCM_TABLE, *PVCM_TABLE; typedef struct { PCTSTR Name; SOURCE_ENTRYPOINTS EntryPoints; } SOURCE_TABLE, *PSOURCE_TABLE; typedef struct { PCTSTR Name; DESTINATION_ENTRYPOINTS EntryPoints; } DESTINATION_TABLE, *PDESTINATION_TABLE; // // Add an entry for each ETM module in the DLL // ETM_TABLE g_EtmEntryPoints[] = { { TEXT("SCRIPT"), ISM_VERSION, ScriptEtmInitialize, ScriptEtmParse, ScriptEtmTerminate, NULL }, { TEXT("CERTIFICATES"), ISM_VERSION, CertificatesEtmInitialize, NULL, NULL, CertificatesEtmNewUserCreated }, {NULL} }; // // Add an entry for each VCM module in the DLL // VCM_TABLE g_VcmEntryPoints[] = { { TEXT("SCRIPT"), ISM_VERSION, ScriptVcmInitialize, ScriptVcmParse, ScriptVcmQueueEnumeration, NULL, ScriptTerminate }, {NULL} }; // // Add an entry for each source module in the DLL // SOURCE_TABLE g_SourceEntryPoints[] = { { TEXT("SCRIPT"), ISM_VERSION, ScriptSgmInitialize, ScriptSgmParse, ScriptSgmQueueEnumeration, NULL, (PSGMTERMINATE) ScriptTerminate, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }, {NULL} }; // // Add an entry for each destination module in the DLL // DESTINATION_TABLE g_DestinationEntryPoints[] = { { TEXT("SCRIPT"), ISM_VERSION, ScriptDgmInitialize, ScriptDgmQueueEnumeration, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, ScriptCsmInitialize, ScriptCsmExecute, NULL, ScriptCsmTerminate, ScriptOpmInitialize, ScriptOpmTerminate }, {NULL} }; EXPORT BOOL WINAPI DllMain ( IN HINSTANCE hInstance, IN DWORD dwReason, IN LPVOID lpReserved ) { if (dwReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) { g_hInst = hInstance; } return TRUE; } BOOL WINAPI pFindModule ( IN PCTSTR ModuleId, OUT PVOID IsmBuffer, IN PCTSTR *TableEntry, IN UINT StructureSize ) { while (*TableEntry) { if (StringIMatch (*TableEntry, ModuleId)) { CopyMemory ( IsmBuffer, (PBYTE) (TableEntry + 1), StructureSize ); return TRUE; } TableEntry = (PCTSTR *) ((PBYTE) (TableEntry + 1) + StructureSize); } return FALSE; } EXPORT BOOL WINAPI TypeModule ( IN PCTSTR ModuleId, IN OUT PTYPE_ENTRYPOINTS TypeEntryPoints ) { return pFindModule ( ModuleId, (PVOID) TypeEntryPoints, (PCTSTR *) g_EtmEntryPoints, sizeof (TYPE_ENTRYPOINTS) ); } EXPORT BOOL WINAPI VirtualComputerModule ( IN PCTSTR ModuleId, IN OUT PVIRTUAL_COMPUTER_ENTRYPOINTS VirtualComputerEntryPoints ) { return pFindModule ( ModuleId, (PVOID) VirtualComputerEntryPoints, (PCTSTR *) g_VcmEntryPoints, sizeof (VIRTUAL_COMPUTER_ENTRYPOINTS) ); } EXPORT BOOL WINAPI SourceModule ( IN PCTSTR ModuleId, IN OUT PSOURCE_ENTRYPOINTS SourceEntryPoints ) { return pFindModule ( ModuleId, (PVOID) SourceEntryPoints, (PCTSTR *) g_SourceEntryPoints, sizeof (SOURCE_ENTRYPOINTS) ); } EXPORT BOOL WINAPI DestinationModule ( IN PCTSTR ModuleId, IN OUT PDESTINATION_ENTRYPOINTS DestinationEntryPoints ) { return pFindModule ( ModuleId, (PVOID) DestinationEntryPoints, (PCTSTR *) g_DestinationEntryPoints, sizeof (DESTINATION_ENTRYPOINTS) ); }