/*++ Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: cookies.c Abstract: Implements the cookies type module, which abstracts physical access to cookies, and queues all cookies to be migrated when the cookies component is enabled. Author: Calin Negreanu (calinn) 11 July 2000 Revision History: jimschm 12-Oct-2000 Substantial redesign to work around several limiations in wininet apis --*/ // // Includes // #include "pch.h" #include "logmsg.h" #include #define DBG_COOKIES "Cookies" // // Strings // #define S_COOKIES_POOL_NAME "Cookies" #define S_COOKIES_NAME TEXT("Cookies") #define S_COOKIES_SHELL_FOLDER TEXT("Cookies.CSIDL_COOKIES") // // Constants // #define MAX_COOKIE_FILE_SIZE 65536 // // Macros // // None // // Types // typedef struct { PCTSTR Pattern; HASHTABLE_ENUM HashData; } COOKIES_ENUM, *PCOOKIES_ENUM; // // Globals // PMHANDLE g_CookiesPool = NULL; BOOL g_DelayCookiesOp; HASHTABLE g_CookiesTable; MIG_OBJECTTYPEID g_CookieTypeId = 0; GROWBUFFER g_CookieConversionBuff = INIT_GROWBUFFER; PCTSTR g_Days[] = { TEXT("SUN"), TEXT("MON"), TEXT("TUE"), TEXT("WED"), TEXT("THU"), TEXT("FRI"), TEXT("SAT") }; PCTSTR g_Months[] = { TEXT("JAN"), TEXT("FEB"), TEXT("MAR"), TEXT("APR"), TEXT("MAY"), TEXT("JUN"), TEXT("JUL"), TEXT("AUG"), TEXT("SEP"), TEXT("OCT"), TEXT("NOV"), TEXT("DEC") }; typedef struct { PCTSTR Url; PCTSTR CookieName; PCTSTR CookieData; PCTSTR ExpirationString; } COOKIE_ITEM, *PCOOKIE_ITEM; typedef struct { // return value PCOOKIE_ITEM Item; // private enum members PCOOKIE_ITEM Array; UINT ArrayCount; UINT ArrayPos; INTERNET_CACHE_ENTRY_INFO *CacheEntry; HANDLE EnumHandle; GROWBUFFER CacheBuf; PMHANDLE Pool; } COOKIE_ENUM, *PCOOKIE_ENUM; // // Macro expansion list // // None // // Private function prototypes // // None // // Macro expansion definition // // None // // Private prototypes // TYPE_ENUMFIRSTPHYSICALOBJECT EnumFirstCookie; TYPE_ENUMNEXTPHYSICALOBJECT EnumNextCookie; TYPE_ABORTENUMPHYSICALOBJECT AbortCookieEnum; TYPE_CONVERTOBJECTTOMULTISZ ConvertCookieToMultiSz; TYPE_CONVERTMULTISZTOOBJECT ConvertMultiSzToCookie; TYPE_GETNATIVEOBJECTNAME GetNativeCookieName; TYPE_ACQUIREPHYSICALOBJECT AcquireCookie; TYPE_RELEASEPHYSICALOBJECT ReleaseCookie; TYPE_DOESPHYSICALOBJECTEXIST DoesCookieExist; TYPE_REMOVEPHYSICALOBJECT RemoveCookie; TYPE_CREATEPHYSICALOBJECT CreateCookie; TYPE_CONVERTOBJECTCONTENTTOUNICODE ConvertCookieContentToUnicode; TYPE_CONVERTOBJECTCONTENTTOANSI ConvertCookieContentToAnsi; TYPE_FREECONVERTEDOBJECTCONTENT FreeConvertedCookieContent; BOOL pEnumNextCookie ( IN OUT PCOOKIE_ENUM EnumPtr ); VOID pAbortCookieEnum ( IN PCOOKIE_ENUM EnumPtr ZEROED ); // // Code // BOOL CookiesInitialize ( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: CookiesInitialize is the ModuleInitialize entry point for the cookies module. Arguments: None. Return Value: TRUE if init succeeded, FALSE otherwise. --*/ { g_CookiesTable = HtAllocEx ( CASE_SENSITIVE, sizeof (PCTSTR), DEFAULT_BUCKET_SIZE ); if (!g_CookiesTable) { return FALSE; } g_CookiesPool = PmCreateNamedPool (S_COOKIES_POOL_NAME); return (g_CookiesPool != NULL); } VOID CookiesTerminate ( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: CookiesTerminate is the ModuleTerminate entry point for the cookies module. Arguments: None. Return Value: None. --*/ { GbFree (&g_CookieConversionBuff); if (g_CookiesTable) { HtFree (g_CookiesTable); g_CookiesTable = NULL; } if (g_CookiesPool) { PmEmptyPool (g_CookiesPool); PmDestroyPool (g_CookiesPool); g_CookiesPool = NULL; } } VOID WINAPI CookiesEtmNewUserCreated ( IN PCTSTR UserName, IN PCTSTR DomainName, IN PCTSTR UserProfileRoot, IN PSID UserSid ) /*++ Routine Description: CookiesEtmNewUserCreated is a callback that gets called when a new user account is created. In this case, we must delay the apply of cookies, because we can only apply to the current user. Arguments: UserName - Specifies the name of the user being created DomainName - Specifies the NT domain name for the user (or NULL for no domain) UserProfileRoot - Specifies the root path to the user profile directory UserSid - Specifies the user's SID Return Value: None. --*/ { // a new user was created, the cookies operations need to be delayed CookiesTerminate (); g_DelayCookiesOp = TRUE; } BOOL pGetCookiesPath ( OUT PTSTR Buffer ) /*++ Routine Description: pGetCookiesPath retreives the path to CSIDL_COOKIES. This path is needed for registration of a static exclusion (so that .txt files in CSIDL_COOKIES do not get processed). Arguments: Buffer - Receives the path Return Value: TRUE if the cookies directory was obtained, FALSE otherwise. --*/ { HRESULT result; LPITEMIDLIST pidl; BOOL b; LPMALLOC malloc; result = SHGetMalloc (&malloc); if (result != S_OK) { return FALSE; } result = SHGetSpecialFolderLocation (NULL, CSIDL_COOKIES, &pidl); if (result != S_OK) { return FALSE; } b = SHGetPathFromIDList (pidl, Buffer); IMalloc_Free (malloc, pidl); return b; } /*++ The following routines parse a cookie TXT file (specifically, the wininet form of a cookie file). They are fairly straight-forward. --*/ BOOL pGetNextLineFromFile ( IN OUT PCSTR *CurrentPos, OUT PCSTR *LineStart, OUT PCSTR *LineEnd, IN PCSTR FileEnd ) { PCSTR pos; pos = *CurrentPos; *LineEnd = NULL; // // Find the first non-whitespace character // while (pos < FileEnd) { if (!_ismbcspace (_mbsnextc (pos))) { break; } pos = _mbsinc (pos); } *LineStart = pos; // // Find the end // if (pos < FileEnd) { pos = _mbsinc (pos); while (pos < FileEnd) { if (*pos == '\r' || *pos == '\n') { break; } pos = _mbsinc (pos); } *LineEnd = pos; } *CurrentPos = pos; return *LineEnd != NULL; } PCTSTR pConvertStrToTchar ( IN PMHANDLE Pool, OPTIONAL IN PCSTR Start, IN PCSTR End ) { #ifdef UNICODE return DbcsToUnicodeN (Pool, Start, CharCountABA (Start, End)); #else PTSTR dupStr; dupStr = AllocTextEx (Pool, (HALF_PTR) ((PBYTE) End - (PBYTE) Start) + 1); StringCopyAB (dupStr, Start, End); return dupStr; #endif } VOID pFreeUtilString ( IN PCTSTR String ) { #ifdef UNICODE FreeConvertedStr (String); #else FreeText (String); #endif } PCOOKIE_ITEM pGetCookiesFromFile ( IN PCTSTR LocalFileName, IN PMHANDLE CookiePool, OUT UINT *ItemCount ) { LONGLONG fileSize; HANDLE file; HANDLE map; PCSTR cookieFile; PCSTR currentPos; PCSTR lineStart; PCSTR lineEnd; PCSTR endOfFile; PCTSTR convertedStr; PCTSTR cookieName; PCTSTR cookieData; PCTSTR cookieUrl; GROWBUFFER tempBuf = INIT_GROWBUFFER; PCOOKIE_ITEM cookieArray; BOOL b; FILETIME expireTime; SYSTEMTIME cookieSysTime; TCHAR dateBuf[64]; PTSTR dateBufEnd; // Let's check the size of the file. We don't want a malformed cookie // file to force us to map a huge file into memory. fileSize = BfGetFileSize (LocalFileName); if (fileSize > MAX_COOKIE_FILE_SIZE) { return NULL; } cookieFile = MapFileIntoMemory (LocalFileName, &file, &map); if (!cookieFile) { return NULL; } // // Parse the file // endOfFile = cookieFile + GetFileSize (file, NULL); currentPos = cookieFile; do { // // Get the cookie name, cookie data, and url. Then skip a line. Then // get the expiration low and high values. // // cookie name b = pGetNextLineFromFile (¤tPos, &lineStart, &lineEnd, endOfFile); if (b) { cookieName = pConvertStrToTchar (CookiePool, lineStart, lineEnd); } // cookie data b = b && pGetNextLineFromFile (¤tPos, &lineStart, &lineEnd, endOfFile); if (b) { cookieData = pConvertStrToTchar (CookiePool, lineStart, lineEnd); } // url b = b && pGetNextLineFromFile (¤tPos, &lineStart, &lineEnd, endOfFile); if (b) { convertedStr = pConvertStrToTchar (NULL, lineStart, lineEnd); cookieUrl = JoinTextEx (CookiePool, TEXT("http://"), convertedStr, NULL, 0, NULL); pFreeUtilString (convertedStr); } // don't care about the next line b = b && pGetNextLineFromFile (¤tPos, &lineStart, &lineEnd, endOfFile); // low DWORD for expire time b = b && pGetNextLineFromFile (¤tPos, &lineStart, &lineEnd, endOfFile); if (b) { convertedStr = pConvertStrToTchar (NULL, lineStart, lineEnd); expireTime.dwLowDateTime = _tcstoul (convertedStr, NULL, 10); pFreeUtilString (convertedStr); } // high DWORD for expire time b = b && pGetNextLineFromFile (¤tPos, &lineStart, &lineEnd, endOfFile); if (b) { convertedStr = pConvertStrToTchar (NULL, lineStart, lineEnd); expireTime.dwHighDateTime = _tcstoul (convertedStr, NULL, 10); pFreeUtilString (convertedStr); // // Got the cookie; now find a "*" line (the terminator for the cookie) // while (pGetNextLineFromFile (¤tPos, &lineStart, &lineEnd, endOfFile)) { if (StringMatchABA ("*", lineStart, lineEnd)) { break; } } // // Create an expiration string // if (FileTimeToSystemTime (&expireTime, &cookieSysTime)) { // // Need to make something like this: "expires = Sat, 01-Jan-2000 00:00:00 GMT" // dateBufEnd = StringCopy (dateBuf, TEXT("expires = ")); dateBufEnd += wsprintf ( dateBufEnd, TEXT("%s, %02u-%s-%04u %02u:%02u:%02u GMT"), g_Days[cookieSysTime.wDayOfWeek], (UINT) cookieSysTime.wDay, g_Months[cookieSysTime.wMonth - 1], (UINT) cookieSysTime.wYear, cookieSysTime.wHour, cookieSysTime.wMinute, cookieSysTime.wSecond ); } else { *dateBuf = 0; } // // Add an entry to the array of cookie items // cookieArray = (PCOOKIE_ITEM) GbGrow (&tempBuf, sizeof (COOKIE_ITEM)); cookieArray->Url = cookieUrl; cookieArray->CookieName = cookieName; cookieArray->CookieData = cookieData; cookieArray->ExpirationString = PmDuplicateString (CookiePool, dateBuf); } } while (b); // // Transfer array to caller's pool // *ItemCount = tempBuf.End / sizeof (COOKIE_ITEM); if (tempBuf.End) { cookieArray = (PCOOKIE_ITEM) PmDuplicateMemory (CookiePool, tempBuf.Buf, tempBuf.End); } else { cookieArray = NULL; } // // Clean up // GbFree (&tempBuf); UnmapFile (cookieFile, map, file); return cookieArray; } MIG_OBJECTSTRINGHANDLE pCreateCookieHandle ( IN PCTSTR Url, IN PCTSTR CookieName ) /*++ Routine Description: pCreateCookieHandle generates a MIG_OBJECTSTRINGHANDLE for a cookie object. This routine decorates the CookieName leaf so that case is preserved. Arguments: Url - Specifies the node portion (the URL associated with the cookie) CookieName - Specifies the case-sensitive name of the cookie Return Value: A handle to the cookie object (which may be cast to a PCTSTR), or NULL if an error occurs. --*/ { PTSTR buffer; PTSTR p; PCTSTR q; MIG_OBJECTSTRINGHANDLE result; CHARTYPE ch; // // Cobra object strings are case-insensitive, but CookieName is not. Here // we convert CookieName into all lower-case, decorating with a caret to // indicate uppercase // buffer = AllocText (TcharCount (CookieName) * 2 + 1); q = CookieName; p = buffer; while (*q) { ch = (CHARTYPE) _tcsnextc (q); if (_istupper (ch) || ch == TEXT('#')) { *p++ = TEXT('#'); } #ifndef UNICODE if (IsLeadByte (q)) { *p++ = *q++; } #endif *p++ = *q++; } *p = 0; CharLower (buffer); result = IsmCreateObjectHandle (Url, buffer); FreeText (buffer); return result; } BOOL pCreateCookieStrings ( IN MIG_OBJECTSTRINGHANDLE ObjectName, OUT PCTSTR *Url, OUT PCTSTR *Cookie ) /*++ Routine Description: pCreateCookieStrings converts an object handle into the URL and cookie name strings. It performs decoding of the decoration needed to support case-sensitive cookie names. Arguments: ObjectName - Specifies the encoded object name Url - Receives the URL string, unencoded Cookie - Receives the cookie name, unencoded Return Value: TRUE of the object was converted to strings, FALSE otherwise. The caller must call pDestroyCookieStrings to clean up Url and Cookie. --*/ { PCTSTR node; PCTSTR leaf; PTSTR buffer; PTSTR p; PCTSTR q; PTSTR p2; // // Cobra object strings are case-insensitive, but CookieName is not. // Therefore, we must convert the string from an encoded lowercase format // into the original form. // IsmCreateObjectStringsFromHandle (ObjectName, &node, &leaf); if (!node || !leaf) { IsmDestroyObjectString (node); IsmDestroyObjectString (leaf); return FALSE; } *Url = node; // // Decode Cookie // buffer = AllocText (TcharCount (leaf) + 1); CharLower ((PTSTR) leaf); q = leaf; p = buffer; while (*q) { if (_tcsnextc (q) == TEXT('#')) { q = _tcsinc (q); if (*q == 0) { break; } p2 = p; } else { p2 = NULL; } #ifndef UNICODE if (IsLeadByte (q)) { *p++ = *q++; } #endif *p++ = *q++; if (p2) { *p = 0; CharUpper (p2); } } *p = 0; *Cookie = buffer; IsmDestroyObjectString (leaf); return TRUE; } VOID pDestroyCookieStrings ( IN PCTSTR Url, IN PCTSTR CookieName ) { IsmDestroyObjectString (Url); FreeText (CookieName); } VOID pAbortCookieEnum ( IN PCOOKIE_ENUM EnumPtr ZEROED ) { if (EnumPtr->Pool) { GbFree (&EnumPtr->CacheBuf); if (EnumPtr->EnumHandle) { FindCloseUrlCache (EnumPtr->EnumHandle); } PmDestroyPool (EnumPtr->Pool); } ZeroMemory (EnumPtr, sizeof (COOKIE_ENUM)); } /*++ The following enumeration routines enumerate the current user's cookies on the physical machine. They use wininet apis as much as possible, but they have to parse cookie TXT files because of api limitations. --*/ BOOL pEnumFirstCookie ( OUT PCOOKIE_ENUM EnumPtr ) { DWORD size; BOOL b = FALSE; ZeroMemory (EnumPtr, sizeof (COOKIE_ENUM)); EnumPtr->Pool = PmCreatePoolEx (512); size = EnumPtr->CacheBuf.End; EnumPtr->EnumHandle = FindFirstUrlCacheEntry (TEXT("cookie:"), NULL, &size); if (!EnumPtr->EnumHandle) { if (GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { EnumPtr->CacheEntry = (INTERNET_CACHE_ENTRY_INFO *) GbGrow (&EnumPtr->CacheBuf, size); MYASSERT (EnumPtr->CacheEntry); EnumPtr->EnumHandle = FindFirstUrlCacheEntry ( TEXT("cookie:"), EnumPtr->CacheEntry, &size ); if (EnumPtr->EnumHandle) { b = TRUE; } } } if (!b) { pAbortCookieEnum (EnumPtr); return FALSE; } return pEnumNextCookie (EnumPtr); } BOOL pEnumNextCookie ( IN OUT PCOOKIE_ENUM EnumPtr ) { DWORD size; BOOL b; INTERNET_CACHE_ENTRY_INFO *cacheEntry = EnumPtr->CacheEntry; for (;;) { // // Is the cookie array empty? If so, fill it now. // if (!EnumPtr->ArrayCount) { if (!cacheEntry) { return FALSE; } EnumPtr->Array = pGetCookiesFromFile ( cacheEntry->lpszLocalFileName, EnumPtr->Pool, &EnumPtr->ArrayCount ); if (EnumPtr->Array) { // // Array was filled. Return the first item. // EnumPtr->Item = EnumPtr->Array; EnumPtr->ArrayPos = 1; return TRUE; } DEBUGMSG ((DBG_ERROR, "Unable to get cookies from %s", cacheEntry->lpszLocalFileName)); } else if (EnumPtr->ArrayPos < EnumPtr->ArrayCount) { // // Another element in the array is available. Return it. // EnumPtr->Item = &EnumPtr->Array[EnumPtr->ArrayPos]; EnumPtr->ArrayPos++; return TRUE; } // // Current local file enumeration is done. Now get the next local file. // EnumPtr->ArrayCount = 0; PmEmptyPool (EnumPtr->Pool); size = EnumPtr->CacheBuf.End; b = FindNextUrlCacheEntry ( EnumPtr->EnumHandle, (INTERNET_CACHE_ENTRY_INFO *) EnumPtr->CacheBuf.Buf, &size ); if (!b) { if (GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { EnumPtr->CacheBuf.End = 0; EnumPtr->CacheEntry = (INTERNET_CACHE_ENTRY_INFO *) GbGrow (&EnumPtr->CacheBuf, size); MYASSERT (EnumPtr->CacheEntry); b = FindNextUrlCacheEntry ( EnumPtr->EnumHandle, (INTERNET_CACHE_ENTRY_INFO *) EnumPtr->CacheBuf.Buf, &size ); } } if (!b) { // // Enumeration is complete // break; } } pAbortCookieEnum (EnumPtr); return FALSE; } VOID pAddCookieToHashTable ( IN OUT PGROWBUFFER TempBuf, IN MIG_OBJECTSTRINGHANDLE ObjectName, IN PCTSTR Url, IN PCTSTR CookieName, IN PCTSTR CookieData, IN PCTSTR ExpirationString ) /*++ Routine Description: pAddCookieToHashTable puts a cookie in a hash table that is used for cache purposes. Cookies cannot be read easily in a random order. Therefore, a hash table is used to store each cookie. This routine adds the cookie to the hash table, complete with its URL, cookie name, cookie data and expiration string. Arguments: TempBuf - Specifies an initialized grow buffer used for temporary memory allocations, receives undefined temporary data. ObjectName - Specifies the cookie URL and name Url - Specifies the cookie URL (unencoded) CookieName - Specifies the cookie name (unencoded) CookieData - Specifies the cookie data string ExpirationString - Specifies the cookie expiration date, in string format Return Value: None. --*/ { PCTSTR dupData; // // Write the cookie to the hash table. The object string is stored in the // hash table, along with a pointer to the cookie data and expiration // string. The cookie data and expieration string are kept in a separate // pool. // if (!HtFindString (g_CookiesTable, ObjectName)) { TempBuf->End = 0; GbMultiSzAppend (TempBuf, CookieData); GbMultiSzAppend (TempBuf, ExpirationString); dupData = (PCTSTR) PmDuplicateMemory (g_CookiesPool, TempBuf->Buf, TempBuf->End); HtAddStringAndData (g_CookiesTable, ObjectName, &dupData); } ELSE_DEBUGMSG ((DBG_ERROR, "Cookie already in the hash table: %s:%s", Url, CookieName)); } BOOL pLoadCookiesData ( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: pLoadCookieData fills the hash table with all of the current user's cookies. The hash table is later used to drive enumeration, to acquire the cookie, and to test its existence. Arguments: None. Return Value: TRUE if the cookie cache was filled, FALSE otherwise. --*/ { COOKIE_ENUM e; GROWBUFFER tempBuf = INIT_GROWBUFFER; MIG_OBJECTSTRINGHANDLE objectName; if (pEnumFirstCookie (&e)) { do { // // Store the cookie in a hash table (used for caching) // objectName = pCreateCookieHandle (e.Item->Url, e.Item->CookieName); pAddCookieToHashTable ( &tempBuf, objectName, e.Item->Url, e.Item->CookieName, e.Item->CookieData, e.Item->ExpirationString ); IsmDestroyObjectHandle (objectName); } while (pEnumNextCookie (&e)); } GbFree (&tempBuf); return TRUE; } BOOL WINAPI CookiesEtmInitialize ( IN MIG_PLATFORMTYPEID Platform, IN PMIG_LOGCALLBACK LogCallback, IN PVOID Reserved ) /*++ Routine Description: CookiesEtmInitialize initializes the physical type module aspect of this code. The ETM module is responsible for abstracting all access to cookies. Arguments: Platform - Specifies the platform that the type is running on (PLATFORM_SOURCE or PLATFORM_DESTINATION) LogCallback - Specifies the arg to pass to the central logging mechanism Reserved - Unused Return Value: TRUE if initialization succeeded, FALSE otherwise. --*/ { TYPE_REGISTER cookieTypeData; TCHAR cookiesDir[MAX_PATH]; MIG_OBJECTSTRINGHANDLE handle; LogReInit (NULL, NULL, NULL, (PLOGCALLBACK) LogCallback); // // Initialize a hash table of all cookies // pLoadCookiesData (); // // Exclude the cookies .txt files from other processing // if (Platform == PLATFORM_SOURCE) { if (pGetCookiesPath (cookiesDir)) { handle = IsmCreateObjectHandle (cookiesDir, NULL); IsmRegisterStaticExclusion (MIG_FILE_TYPE, handle); IsmSetEnvironmentString (PLATFORM_SOURCE, NULL, S_COOKIES_SHELL_FOLDER, handle); IsmDestroyObjectHandle (handle); } ELSE_DEBUGMSG ((DBG_COOKIES, "Unable to get cookies path")); } else { if (IsmCopyEnvironmentString (PLATFORM_SOURCE, NULL, S_COOKIES_SHELL_FOLDER, cookiesDir)) { IsmRegisterStaticExclusion (MIG_FILE_TYPE, cookiesDir); } } // // Register the type module callbacks // ZeroMemory (&cookieTypeData, sizeof (TYPE_REGISTER)); cookieTypeData.Priority = PRIORITY_COOKIE; if (Platform != PLATFORM_SOURCE) { cookieTypeData.RemovePhysicalObject = RemoveCookie; cookieTypeData.CreatePhysicalObject = CreateCookie; } cookieTypeData.DoesPhysicalObjectExist = DoesCookieExist; cookieTypeData.EnumFirstPhysicalObject = EnumFirstCookie; cookieTypeData.EnumNextPhysicalObject = EnumNextCookie; cookieTypeData.AbortEnumPhysicalObject = AbortCookieEnum; cookieTypeData.ConvertObjectToMultiSz = ConvertCookieToMultiSz; cookieTypeData.ConvertMultiSzToObject = ConvertMultiSzToCookie; cookieTypeData.GetNativeObjectName = GetNativeCookieName; cookieTypeData.AcquirePhysicalObject = AcquireCookie; cookieTypeData.ReleasePhysicalObject = ReleaseCookie; cookieTypeData.ConvertObjectContentToUnicode = ConvertCookieContentToUnicode; cookieTypeData.ConvertObjectContentToAnsi = ConvertCookieContentToAnsi; cookieTypeData.FreeConvertedObjectContent = FreeConvertedCookieContent; g_CookieTypeId = IsmRegisterObjectType ( S_COOKIES_NAME, TRUE, FALSE, &cookieTypeData ); MYASSERT (g_CookieTypeId); return TRUE; } BOOL WINAPI CookiesSgmParse ( IN PVOID Reserved ) /*++ Routine Description: CookiesSgmParse registers a component with the engine. Arguments: Reserved - Unused. Return Value: Always TRUE. --*/ { TCHAR cookiesDir[MAX_PATH]; IsmAddComponentAlias ( TEXT("$Browser"), MASTERGROUP_SYSTEM, S_COOKIES_NAME, COMPONENT_SUBCOMPONENT, FALSE ); if (pGetCookiesPath (cookiesDir)) { IsmAddComponentAlias ( S_COOKIES_NAME, MASTERGROUP_SYSTEM, cookiesDir, COMPONENT_FOLDER, FALSE ); } return TRUE; } BOOL WINAPI CookiesSgmQueueEnumeration ( IN PVOID Reserved ) /*++ Routine Description: CookiesSgmQueueEnumeration queues all cookies to be processed if the cookies component is selected. Arguments: Reserved - Unused Return Value: Always TRUE. --*/ { ENCODEDSTRHANDLE pattern; if (!IsmIsComponentSelected (S_COOKIES_NAME, COMPONENT_SUBCOMPONENT)) { return TRUE; } // // Use the ISM's build-in callback // pattern = IsmCreateSimpleObjectPattern (NULL, TRUE, NULL, TRUE); IsmQueueEnumeration ( g_CookieTypeId, pattern, NULL, QUEUE_MAKE_APPLY|QUEUE_OVERWRITE_DEST|QUEUE_MAKE_NONCRITICAL, S_COOKIES_NAME ); IsmDestroyObjectHandle (pattern); return TRUE; } BOOL WINAPI CookiesSourceInitialize ( IN PMIG_LOGCALLBACK LogCallback, IN PVOID Reserved ) /*++ Routine Description: CookiesSourceInitialize initializes the SGM module. Arguments: LogCallback - Specifies the argument to pass to the log APIs Reserved - Unused Return Value: Always TRUE. --*/ { LogReInit (NULL, NULL, NULL, (PLOGCALLBACK) LogCallback); return TRUE; } BOOL CookiesVcmQueueEnumeration ( IN PVOID Reserved ) /*++ Routine Description: CookiesVcmQueueEnumeration is similar to the SGM queue enumeration, except that it only marks cookies as persistent. There is no need to set destination priority or apply here. Arguments: Reserved - Unused Return Value: Always TRUE. --*/ { if (!IsmIsComponentSelected (S_COOKIES_NAME, COMPONENT_SUBCOMPONENT)) { return TRUE; } IsmQueueEnumeration (g_CookieTypeId, NULL, NULL, QUEUE_MAKE_PERSISTENT|QUEUE_MAKE_NONCRITICAL, NULL); return TRUE; } /*++ The following enumeration routines are the ETM entry points. They rely on the enumeration routines above to access the physical machine. --*/ BOOL pEnumCookieWorker ( OUT PMIG_TYPEOBJECTENUM EnumPtr, IN PCOOKIES_ENUM CookieEnum ) { PCTSTR expiresStr; // // Clean up previous enum resources // pDestroyCookieStrings (EnumPtr->ObjectNode, EnumPtr->ObjectLeaf); EnumPtr->ObjectNode = NULL; EnumPtr->ObjectLeaf = NULL; IsmReleaseMemory (EnumPtr->NativeObjectName); EnumPtr->NativeObjectName = NULL; // // Find the next match // for (;;) { EnumPtr->ObjectName = CookieEnum->HashData.String; if (ObsPatternMatch (CookieEnum->Pattern, EnumPtr->ObjectName)) { break; } if (!EnumNextHashTableString (&CookieEnum->HashData)) { AbortCookieEnum (EnumPtr); return FALSE; } } // // Fill the caller's structure and return success // if (!pCreateCookieStrings (EnumPtr->ObjectName, &EnumPtr->ObjectNode, &EnumPtr->ObjectLeaf)) { return FALSE; } EnumPtr->NativeObjectName = GetNativeCookieName (EnumPtr->ObjectName); EnumPtr->Level = 1; EnumPtr->SubLevel = 0; EnumPtr->IsLeaf = TRUE; EnumPtr->IsNode = TRUE; expiresStr = *((PCTSTR *) CookieEnum->HashData.ExtraData); expiresStr = GetEndOfString (expiresStr) + 1; EnumPtr->Details.DetailsSize = SizeOfString (expiresStr); EnumPtr->Details.DetailsData = (PCBYTE) expiresStr; return TRUE; } BOOL EnumFirstCookie ( IN OUT PMIG_TYPEOBJECTENUM EnumPtr, CALLER_INITIALIZED IN MIG_OBJECTSTRINGHANDLE Pattern, IN UINT MaxLevel ) { PCOOKIES_ENUM cookieEnum = NULL; if (!g_CookiesTable) { return FALSE; } cookieEnum = (PCOOKIES_ENUM) PmGetMemory (g_CookiesPool, sizeof (COOKIES_ENUM)); cookieEnum->Pattern = PmDuplicateString (g_CookiesPool, Pattern); EnumPtr->EtmHandle = (LONG_PTR) cookieEnum; if (EnumFirstHashTableString (&cookieEnum->HashData, g_CookiesTable)) { return pEnumCookieWorker (EnumPtr, cookieEnum); } else { AbortCookieEnum (EnumPtr); return FALSE; } } BOOL EnumNextCookie ( IN OUT PMIG_TYPEOBJECTENUM EnumPtr ) { PCOOKIES_ENUM cookieEnum = NULL; cookieEnum = (PCOOKIES_ENUM)(EnumPtr->EtmHandle); if (!cookieEnum) { return FALSE; } if (EnumNextHashTableString (&cookieEnum->HashData)) { return pEnumCookieWorker (EnumPtr, cookieEnum); } else { AbortCookieEnum (EnumPtr); return FALSE; } } VOID AbortCookieEnum ( IN PMIG_TYPEOBJECTENUM EnumPtr ZEROED ) { PCOOKIES_ENUM cookieEnum; pDestroyCookieStrings (EnumPtr->ObjectNode, EnumPtr->ObjectLeaf); IsmReleaseMemory (EnumPtr->NativeObjectName); cookieEnum = (PCOOKIES_ENUM)(EnumPtr->EtmHandle); if (cookieEnum) { PmReleaseMemory (g_CookiesPool, cookieEnum->Pattern); PmReleaseMemory (g_CookiesPool, cookieEnum); } ZeroMemory (EnumPtr, sizeof (MIG_TYPEOBJECTENUM)); } /*++ The next set of functions implement the ETM entry points to acquire, test, create and remove cookies. They rely on the cookie hash table being accurate. --*/ BOOL AcquireCookie ( IN MIG_OBJECTSTRINGHANDLE ObjectName, OUT PMIG_CONTENT ObjectContent, CALLER_INITIALIZED IN MIG_CONTENTTYPE ContentType, IN UINT MemoryContentLimit ) { PCTSTR cookieData = NULL; MYASSERT (ObjectContent); if (ContentType == CONTENTTYPE_FILE) { // nobody should request this as a file MYASSERT (FALSE); return FALSE; } if (HtFindStringEx (g_CookiesTable, ObjectName, (PVOID) (&cookieData), FALSE)) { ObjectContent->MemoryContent.ContentBytes = (PCBYTE) cookieData; ObjectContent->MemoryContent.ContentSize = SizeOfString (cookieData); cookieData = GetEndOfString (cookieData) + 1; ObjectContent->Details.DetailsData = (PCBYTE) cookieData; ObjectContent->Details.DetailsSize = SizeOfString (cookieData); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } BOOL ReleaseCookie ( IN PMIG_CONTENT ObjectContent ZEROED ) { if (ObjectContent) { ZeroMemory (ObjectContent, sizeof (MIG_CONTENT)); } return TRUE; } BOOL DoesCookieExist ( IN MIG_OBJECTSTRINGHANDLE ObjectName ) { if (g_DelayCookiesOp) { return FALSE; } if (HtFindString (g_CookiesTable, ObjectName)) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } BOOL pRemoveCookieWorker ( IN PCTSTR ObjectName, IN PCTSTR Url, IN PCTSTR CookieName ) { BOOL result = TRUE; if (InternetSetCookie ( Url, CookieName, TEXT("foo; expires = Sat, 01-Jan-2000 00:00:00 GMT") )) { HtRemoveString (g_CookiesTable, ObjectName); } else { result = FALSE; DEBUGMSG (( DBG_ERROR, "Unable to delete cookie %s for URL %s\n", CookieName, Url )); } return result; } BOOL RemoveCookie ( IN MIG_OBJECTSTRINGHANDLE ObjectName ) { PCTSTR url; PCTSTR cookieName; BOOL result = FALSE; if (pCreateCookieStrings (ObjectName, &url, &cookieName)) { if (url && cookieName) { if (g_DelayCookiesOp) { // // delay this cookie create because wininet apis do not work // for non-logged on users // IsmRecordDelayedOperation ( JRNOP_DELETE, g_CookieTypeId, ObjectName, NULL ); result = TRUE; } else { // // add journal entry, then perform cookie deletion // IsmRecordOperation ( JRNOP_DELETE, g_CookieTypeId, ObjectName ); result = pRemoveCookieWorker (ObjectName, url, cookieName); } } pDestroyCookieStrings (url, cookieName); } return result; } BOOL pCreateCookieWorker ( IN MIG_OBJECTSTRINGHANDLE ObjectName, IN PMIG_CONTENT ObjectContent, IN PCTSTR Url, IN PCTSTR CookieName ) { PCTSTR fixedCookieData; PCTSTR cookieData; PCTSTR expires; BOOL result = FALSE; GROWBUFFER tempBuf = INIT_GROWBUFFER; // // write the object by joining the content with the details // cookieData = (PCTSTR) (ObjectContent->MemoryContent.ContentBytes); expires = (PCTSTR) (ObjectContent->Details.DetailsData); fixedCookieData = JoinTextEx ( NULL, cookieData, expires, TEXT(";"), 0, NULL ); if (InternetSetCookie (Url, CookieName, fixedCookieData)) { pAddCookieToHashTable ( &tempBuf, ObjectName, Url, CookieName, cookieData, expires ); result = TRUE; } else { DEBUGMSG (( DBG_COOKIES, "Unable to set cookie %s for URL %s\n", CookieName, Url )); } FreeText (fixedCookieData); GbFree (&tempBuf); return result; } BOOL CreateCookie ( IN MIG_OBJECTSTRINGHANDLE ObjectName, IN PMIG_CONTENT ObjectContent ) { PCTSTR url; PCTSTR cookieName; BOOL result = FALSE; if (!ObjectContent->ContentInFile) { if (ObjectContent->MemoryContent.ContentBytes && ObjectContent->MemoryContent.ContentSize && ObjectContent->Details.DetailsSize && ObjectContent->Details.DetailsData ) { if (pCreateCookieStrings (ObjectName, &url, &cookieName)) { if (url && cookieName) { if (g_DelayCookiesOp) { // // delay this cookie create because wininet apis do not work // for non-logged on users // IsmRecordDelayedOperation ( JRNOP_CREATE, g_CookieTypeId, ObjectName, ObjectContent ); result = TRUE; } else { // // add journal entry, then create the cookie // IsmRecordOperation ( JRNOP_CREATE, g_CookieTypeId, ObjectName ); if (DoesCookieExist (ObjectName)) { // // Fail because cookie cannot be overwritten // result = FALSE; } else { result = pCreateCookieWorker ( ObjectName, ObjectContent, url, cookieName ); } } } ELSE_DEBUGMSG ((DBG_ERROR, "Invalid cookie node or leaf: %s", ObjectName)); pDestroyCookieStrings (url, cookieName); } ELSE_DEBUGMSG ((DBG_ERROR, "Invalid cookie object: %s", ObjectName)); } ELSE_DEBUGMSG ((DBG_ERROR, "Can't write incomplete cookie object")); } return result; } /*++ The next group of functions converts a cookie object into a string format, suitable for output to an INF file. The reverse conversion is also implemented. --*/ PCTSTR ConvertCookieToMultiSz ( IN MIG_OBJECTSTRINGHANDLE ObjectName, IN PMIG_CONTENT ObjectContent ) { PCTSTR url, cookieName; PTSTR result = NULL; PCTSTR data; if (pCreateCookieStrings (ObjectName, &url, &cookieName)) { MYASSERT (url); MYASSERT (cookieName); // // Build a multi-sz in the following format: // // \0\0\0\0\0 // g_CookieConversionBuff.End = 0; // GbCopyQuotedString (&g_CookieConversionBuff, url); // GbCopyQuotedString (&g_CookieConversionBuff, cookieName); // MYASSERT (!ObjectContent->ContentInFile); if ((!ObjectContent->ContentInFile) && (ObjectContent->MemoryContent.ContentSize) && (ObjectContent->MemoryContent.ContentBytes) ) { data = (PCTSTR) ObjectContent->MemoryContent.ContentBytes; GbCopyQuotedString (&g_CookieConversionBuff, data); } // MYASSERT (ObjectContent->Details.DetailsSize); if (ObjectContent->Details.DetailsSize && ObjectContent->Details.DetailsData ) { data = (PCTSTR) ObjectContent->Details.DetailsData; GbCopyQuotedString (&g_CookieConversionBuff, data); } // nul terminator GbCopyString (&g_CookieConversionBuff, TEXT("")); // // Transfer multi-sz to ISM memory // result = IsmGetMemory (g_CookieConversionBuff.End); CopyMemory (result, g_CookieConversionBuff.Buf, g_CookieConversionBuff.End); // // Clean up // pDestroyCookieStrings (url, cookieName); } ELSE_DEBUGMSG ((DBG_ERROR, "Invalid cookie object: %s", ObjectName)); return result; } BOOL ConvertMultiSzToCookie ( IN PCTSTR ObjectMultiSz, OUT MIG_OBJECTSTRINGHANDLE *ObjectName, OUT PMIG_CONTENT ObjectContent OPTIONAL CALLER_INITIALIZED ) { MULTISZ_ENUM e; PCTSTR strings[4]; UINT field; g_CookieConversionBuff.End = 0; // // Fill the object content from the following multi-sz: // // \0\0\0\0\0 // field = 0; if (EnumFirstMultiSz (&e, ObjectMultiSz)) { do { strings[field] = e.CurrentString; field++; } while (field < 4 && EnumNextMultiSz (&e)); } // // Validate data (end-user can edit it!) // if (field != 4) { return FALSE; } if (!strings[0] || !strings[1] || !strings[3]) { return FALSE; } // // Create the content struct // if (ObjectContent) { ObjectContent->ContentInFile = FALSE; ObjectContent->MemoryContent.ContentSize = SizeOfString (strings[2]); if (ObjectContent->MemoryContent.ContentSize) { ObjectContent->MemoryContent.ContentBytes = IsmGetMemory (ObjectContent->MemoryContent.ContentSize); CopyMemory ( (PBYTE) ObjectContent->MemoryContent.ContentBytes, strings[2], ObjectContent->MemoryContent.ContentSize ); } ObjectContent->Details.DetailsSize = SizeOfString (strings[3]); ObjectContent->Details.DetailsData = IsmGetMemory (ObjectContent->Details.DetailsSize); CopyMemory ( (PBYTE) ObjectContent->Details.DetailsData, strings[3], ObjectContent->Details.DetailsSize ); } *ObjectName = pCreateCookieHandle (strings[0], strings[1]); return TRUE; } PCTSTR GetNativeCookieName ( IN MIG_OBJECTSTRINGHANDLE ObjectName ) /*++ Routine Description: GetNativeCookieName converts the standard Cobra object into a more friendly format. The Cobra object comes in the form of ^a^b^c, where is the URL, and is the cookie name. The Cookies native name is in the format of :. Here is an example: Cobra object: ^ahttp://foo.com/^b^c#my#cookie Native object: cookie://foo.com/:MyCookie (^a, ^b and ^c are placeholders for ISM-defined control characters.) Arguments: ObjectName - Specifies the encoded object name Return Value: A string that is equivalent to ObjectName, but is in a friendly format. This string must be freed with IsmReleaseMemory. --*/ { PCTSTR cookieName; UINT size; PTSTR result = NULL; PCTSTR url; PCTSTR subUrl; PCTSTR cookieUrl; PCTSTR fullName; if (pCreateCookieStrings (ObjectName, &url, &cookieName)) { if (url && cookieName) { // // Skip beyond http:// prefix // subUrl = _tcschr (url, TEXT(':')); if (subUrl) { subUrl = _tcsinc (subUrl); if (_tcsnextc (subUrl) == TEXT('/')) { subUrl = _tcsinc (subUrl); } if (_tcsnextc (subUrl) == TEXT('/')) { subUrl = _tcsinc (subUrl); } // // Connect sub url with cookie:// prefix, then make full native name // cookieUrl = JoinText (TEXT("cookie://"), subUrl); fullName = JoinTextEx ( NULL, cookieUrl, cookieName, TEXT(":"), 0, NULL ); FreeText (cookieUrl); size = SizeOfString (fullName); result = IsmGetMemory (size); if (result) { CopyMemory (result, fullName, size); } FreeText (fullName); } } pDestroyCookieStrings (url, cookieName); } return result; } PMIG_CONTENT ConvertCookieContentToUnicode ( IN MIG_OBJECTSTRINGHANDLE ObjectName, IN PMIG_CONTENT ObjectContent ) { PMIG_CONTENT result = NULL; if (!ObjectContent) { return result; } if (ObjectContent->ContentInFile) { return result; } result = IsmGetMemory (sizeof (MIG_CONTENT)); if (result) { CopyMemory (result, ObjectContent, sizeof (MIG_CONTENT)); if ((ObjectContent->MemoryContent.ContentSize != 0) && (ObjectContent->MemoryContent.ContentBytes != NULL) ) { // convert cookie content result->MemoryContent.ContentBytes = IsmGetMemory (ObjectContent->MemoryContent.ContentSize * 2); if (result->MemoryContent.ContentBytes) { DirectDbcsToUnicodeN ( (PWSTR)result->MemoryContent.ContentBytes, (PSTR)ObjectContent->MemoryContent.ContentBytes, ObjectContent->MemoryContent.ContentSize ); result->MemoryContent.ContentSize = SizeOfStringW ((PWSTR)result->MemoryContent.ContentBytes); } } if ((ObjectContent->Details.DetailsSize != 0) && (ObjectContent->Details.DetailsData != NULL) ) { // convert cookie details result->Details.DetailsData = IsmGetMemory (ObjectContent->Details.DetailsSize * 2); if (result->Details.DetailsData) { DirectDbcsToUnicodeN ( (PWSTR)result->Details.DetailsData, (PSTR)ObjectContent->Details.DetailsData, ObjectContent->Details.DetailsSize ); result->Details.DetailsSize = SizeOfStringW ((PWSTR)result->Details.DetailsData); } } } return result; } PMIG_CONTENT ConvertCookieContentToAnsi ( IN MIG_OBJECTSTRINGHANDLE ObjectName, IN PMIG_CONTENT ObjectContent ) { PMIG_CONTENT result = NULL; if (!ObjectContent) { return result; } if (ObjectContent->ContentInFile) { return result; } result = IsmGetMemory (sizeof (MIG_CONTENT)); if (result) { CopyMemory (result, ObjectContent, sizeof (MIG_CONTENT)); if ((ObjectContent->MemoryContent.ContentSize != 0) && (ObjectContent->MemoryContent.ContentBytes != NULL) ) { // convert cookie content result->MemoryContent.ContentBytes = IsmGetMemory (ObjectContent->MemoryContent.ContentSize); if (result->MemoryContent.ContentBytes) { DirectUnicodeToDbcsN ( (PSTR)result->MemoryContent.ContentBytes, (PWSTR)ObjectContent->MemoryContent.ContentBytes, ObjectContent->MemoryContent.ContentSize ); result->MemoryContent.ContentSize = SizeOfStringA ((PSTR)result->MemoryContent.ContentBytes); } } if ((ObjectContent->Details.DetailsSize != 0) && (ObjectContent->Details.DetailsData != NULL) ) { // convert cookie details result->Details.DetailsData = IsmGetMemory (ObjectContent->Details.DetailsSize); if (result->Details.DetailsData) { DirectUnicodeToDbcsN ( (PSTR)result->Details.DetailsData, (PWSTR)ObjectContent->Details.DetailsData, ObjectContent->Details.DetailsSize ); result->Details.DetailsSize = SizeOfStringA ((PSTR)result->Details.DetailsData); } } } return result; } BOOL FreeConvertedCookieContent ( IN PMIG_CONTENT ObjectContent ) { if (!ObjectContent) { return TRUE; } if (ObjectContent->MemoryContent.ContentBytes) { IsmReleaseMemory (ObjectContent->MemoryContent.ContentBytes); } if (ObjectContent->Details.DetailsData) { IsmReleaseMemory (ObjectContent->Details.DetailsData); } IsmReleaseMemory (ObjectContent); return TRUE; }