/*++ Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: cache.c Abstract: Implements a cache mechanism to speed up OpenRegKeyStr. Author: Jim Schmidt (jimschm) 11-Sep-2000 Revisions: --*/ #include "pch.h" #include "migutilp.h" #include "regp.h" #define DBG_REG "Reg" typedef struct { HKEY Key; BOOL Unicode; UINT RefCount; UINT ClosesNeeded; REGSAM Sam; UINT KeyStringBytes; BYTE KeyString[]; } REGKEYCACHE, *PREGKEYCACHE; typedef struct { HKEY Key; BOOL Unicode; UINT RefCount; UINT ClosesNeeded; REGSAM Sam; UINT KeyStringBytes; CHAR KeyString[MAX_REGISTRY_KEY]; } WORKITEMA, *PWORKITEMA; typedef struct { HKEY Key; BOOL Unicode; UINT RefCount; UINT ClosesNeeded; REGSAM Sam; UINT KeyStringBytes; WCHAR KeyString[MAX_REGISTRY_KEY]; } WORKITEMW, *PWORKITEMW; GROWLIST g_KeyCache = GROWLIST_INIT; UINT g_MaxCacheCount = 0; UINT g_CacheAddPos; CHAR g_LastParent[MAX_REGISTRY_KEY]; UINT g_LastParentBytes; UINT g_LastParentUse; WCHAR g_LastParentW[MAX_REGISTRY_KEY]; UINT g_LastParentBytesW; UINT g_LastParentUseW; BOOL pRemoveItemFromCache ( IN UINT Item ); // // Implementation // VOID RegInitializeCache ( IN UINT InitialCacheSize ) { if (InitialCacheSize > 64) { InitialCacheSize = 64; } g_MaxCacheCount = InitialCacheSize; g_CacheAddPos = 0; g_LastParentUse = 0; g_LastParentUseW = 0; } VOID RegTerminateCache ( VOID ) { UINT u; UINT count; count = GrowListGetSize (&g_KeyCache); for (u = 0 ; u < count ; u++) { pRemoveItemFromCache (u); } FreeGrowList (&g_KeyCache); g_MaxCacheCount = 0; g_LastParentUse = 0; g_LastParentUseW = 0; } BOOL pRemoveItemFromCache ( IN UINT Item ) { PREGKEYCACHE cacheItem; cacheItem = (PREGKEYCACHE) GrowListGetItem (&g_KeyCache, Item); if (!cacheItem) { return TRUE; } if (cacheItem->RefCount == 0) { while (cacheItem->ClosesNeeded) { CloseRegKeyWorker (cacheItem->Key); cacheItem->ClosesNeeded--; } return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } VOID RegRecordParentInCacheA ( IN PCSTR KeyString, IN PCSTR StringEnd ) { HKEY key; UINT byteCount; CHAR lowerStr[MAX_REGISTRY_KEY]; HKEY rootKey; UINT end; if (!g_MaxCacheCount) { return; } if(!KeyString){ MYASSERT(KeyString); return; } if (StringEnd <= KeyString) { return; } byteCount = (UINT) (UINT_PTR) ((PBYTE) StringEnd - (PBYTE) KeyString); if (byteCount >= (MAX_REGISTRY_KEY * sizeof (CHAR))) { DEBUGMSG((DBG_WARNING, "RegRecordParentInCacheA: byteCount >= (MAX_REGISTRY_KEY * sizeof (CHAR))")); return; } if (g_LastParentUse && g_LastParentUse < 3 && g_LastParentBytes == byteCount) { StringCopyABA (lowerStr, KeyString, StringEnd); CharLowerA (lowerStr); if (StringMatchA (g_LastParent, lowerStr)) { g_LastParentUse++; if (g_LastParentUse == 3) { // // Stimulate the cache // rootKey = ConvertRootStringToKeyA (lowerStr, &end); if (rootKey) { MYASSERT(end <= TcharCountA(lowerStr)); if (lowerStr[end]) { #ifdef DEBUG key = OpenRegKeyWorkerA (rootKey, &lowerStr[end], __FILE__, __LINE__); #else key = OpenRegKeyWorkerA (rootKey, &lowerStr[end]); #endif if (key) { RegAddKeyToCacheA (lowerStr, key, g_OpenSam); CloseRegKey (key); } } } } return; } } StringCopyABA (g_LastParent, KeyString, StringEnd); CharLowerA (g_LastParent); g_LastParentBytes = byteCount; g_LastParentUse = 1; } HKEY RegGetKeyFromCacheA ( IN PCSTR KeyString, IN PCSTR KeyEnd, OPTIONAL IN REGSAM Sam, IN BOOL IncRefCount ) { UINT stringBytes; PCSTR end; CHAR lowerStr[MAX_REGISTRY_KEY]; UINT u; UINT count; PREGKEYCACHE cacheItem; if(!KeyString){ MYASSERT(KeyString); return NULL; } count = GrowListGetSize (&g_KeyCache); if (!count) { return NULL; } if (!KeyEnd) { end = StackStringCopyA (lowerStr, KeyString); } else { if (KeyEnd > (KeyString + MAX_REGISTRY_KEY)) { KeyEnd = KeyString + MAX_REGISTRY_KEY; } end = StringCopyABA (lowerStr, KeyString, KeyEnd); } CharLowerA (lowerStr); stringBytes = (UINT) (UINT_PTR) ((PBYTE) end - (PBYTE) lowerStr); // // Scan the cache sequentially (it should be small), and return a match // if one is found. Stored strings are always in lower case. // u = g_CacheAddPos; do { cacheItem = (PREGKEYCACHE) GrowListGetItem (&g_KeyCache, u); if (!cacheItem) { return NULL; } if ((cacheItem->KeyStringBytes == stringBytes) && (!cacheItem->Unicode) && ((cacheItem->Sam & Sam) == Sam) && (StringMatchA ((PCSTR) cacheItem->KeyString, lowerStr)) ) { if (IncRefCount) { cacheItem->RefCount++; } return cacheItem->Key; } u++; if (u >= count) { u = 0; } } while (u != g_CacheAddPos); return NULL; } VOID RegAddKeyToCacheA ( IN PCSTR KeyString, IN HKEY Key, IN REGSAM Sam ) { PREGKEYCACHE cacheItem; PREGKEYCACHE lastAddItem; WORKITEMA workItem; PCSTR end; UINT minStructSize; UINT pos; UINT count; UINT u; if(!KeyString){ MYASSERT(KeyString); return; } if (!g_MaxCacheCount || !Key) { return; } // // Scan the cache for the existing Key // count = GrowListGetSize (&g_KeyCache); for (u = 0 ; u < count ; u++) { cacheItem = (PREGKEYCACHE) GrowListGetItem (&g_KeyCache, u); if (cacheItem->Key == Key) { cacheItem->RefCount++; g_CacheAddPos = u; cacheItem->Sam |= Sam; if (cacheItem->KeyStringBytes == 0 && *KeyString && !cacheItem->Unicode) { // // This key was added before we knew the name. Update the name // now. // DEBUGMSG ((DBG_REG, "Updating empty-named key %s", KeyString)); minStructSize = sizeof (workItem) - sizeof (workItem.KeyString); CopyMemory (&workItem, cacheItem, minStructSize); end = StackStringCopyA (workItem.KeyString, KeyString); CharLowerA (workItem.KeyString); workItem.KeyStringBytes = (UINT) (UINT_PTR) ((PBYTE) end - (PBYTE) workItem.KeyString); workItem.ClosesNeeded++; minStructSize += workItem.KeyStringBytes + sizeof (CHAR); GrowListSetItem (&g_KeyCache, u, (PBYTE) &workItem, minStructSize); } else if (*KeyString == 0) { cacheItem->ClosesNeeded++; } return; } } // // Create the new cache item // workItem.Key = Key; workItem.Unicode = FALSE; workItem.RefCount = 1; workItem.ClosesNeeded = 1; workItem.Sam = Sam; end = StackStringCopyA (workItem.KeyString, KeyString); CharLowerA (workItem.KeyString); workItem.KeyStringBytes = (UINT) (UINT_PTR) ((PBYTE) end - (PBYTE) workItem.KeyString); minStructSize = sizeof (workItem) - sizeof (workItem.KeyString) + workItem.KeyStringBytes + sizeof (CHAR); // // Put work item into grow list // if (count < g_MaxCacheCount) { g_CacheAddPos = count; GrowListAppend (&g_KeyCache, (PBYTE) &workItem, minStructSize); } else { // // Look for a closed key to discard. If cache is too full, then // increase the cache size. If the cache size hits 64, then don't // cache this add. // lastAddItem = (PREGKEYCACHE) GrowListGetItem (&g_KeyCache, g_CacheAddPos); if (lastAddItem) { for (pos = 0 ; pos < count ; pos++) { if (pos == g_CacheAddPos) { continue; } cacheItem = (PREGKEYCACHE) GrowListGetItem (&g_KeyCache, pos); if (cacheItem->KeyStringBytes >= lastAddItem->KeyStringBytes) { break; } if (cacheItem->Unicode) { continue; } if (cacheItem->RefCount) { continue; } if (!StringPrefixA ((PCSTR) lastAddItem->KeyString, (PCSTR) cacheItem->KeyString)) { break; } } if (pos == count) { if (g_MaxCacheCount == 64) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_REG, "Cache is full of open keys")); return; } g_MaxCacheCount++; GrowListAppend (&g_KeyCache, (PBYTE) &workItem, minStructSize); } else { pRemoveItemFromCache (pos); GrowListSetItem (&g_KeyCache, pos, (PBYTE) &workItem, minStructSize); } g_CacheAddPos = pos; } } } BOOL RegDecrementRefCount ( IN HKEY Key ) { UINT u; UINT count; PREGKEYCACHE cacheItem; if (!g_MaxCacheCount) { return FALSE; } count = GrowListGetSize (&g_KeyCache); for (u = 0 ; u < count ; u++) { cacheItem = (PREGKEYCACHE) GrowListGetItem (&g_KeyCache, u); if (cacheItem->Key == Key) { if (cacheItem->RefCount == 0) { // // The caller is tried to close the key more times than what // it was opened. // if (cacheItem->Unicode) { DEBUGMSGW (( DBG_WHOOPS, "Reg key %s ref count == 0; trying to close it too many times", cacheItem->KeyString )); } else { DEBUGMSGA (( DBG_WHOOPS, "Reg key %s ref count == 0; trying to close it too many times", cacheItem->KeyString )); } } else { cacheItem->RefCount--; } // // Return TRUE to postpone the close // return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } VOID RegRecordParentInCacheW ( IN PCWSTR KeyString, IN PCWSTR StringEnd ) { HKEY key; UINT byteCount; WCHAR lowerStr[MAX_REGISTRY_KEY]; HKEY rootKey; UINT end; if (!g_MaxCacheCount) { return; } if(!KeyString){ MYASSERT(KeyString); return; } if (StringEnd <= KeyString) { return; } byteCount = (UINT) (UINT_PTR) ((PBYTE) StringEnd - (PBYTE) KeyString); if (byteCount >= (MAX_REGISTRY_KEY * sizeof (WCHAR))) { DEBUGMSG((DBG_WARNING, "RegRecordParentInCacheW: byteCount >= (MAX_REGISTRY_KEY * sizeof (WCHAR))")); return; } if (g_LastParentUseW && g_LastParentUseW < 3 && g_LastParentBytesW == byteCount) { StringCopyABW (lowerStr, KeyString, StringEnd); CharLowerW (lowerStr); if (StringMatchW (g_LastParentW, lowerStr)) { g_LastParentUseW++; if (g_LastParentUseW == 3) { // // Stimulate the cache // rootKey = ConvertRootStringToKeyW (lowerStr, &end); if (rootKey) { MYASSERT(end <= TcharCountW(lowerStr)); if (lowerStr[end]) { #ifdef DEBUG key = OpenRegKeyWorkerW (rootKey, &lowerStr[end], __FILE__, __LINE__); #else key = OpenRegKeyWorkerW (rootKey, &lowerStr[end]); #endif if (key) { RegAddKeyToCacheW (lowerStr, key, g_OpenSam); CloseRegKey (key); } } } } return; } } StringCopyABW (g_LastParentW, KeyString, StringEnd); CharLowerW (g_LastParentW); g_LastParentBytesW = byteCount; g_LastParentUseW = 1; } HKEY RegGetKeyFromCacheW ( IN PCWSTR KeyString, IN PCWSTR KeyEnd, OPTIONAL IN REGSAM Sam, IN BOOL IncRefCount ) { UINT stringBytes; PCWSTR end; WCHAR lowerStr[MAX_REGISTRY_KEY]; UINT u; UINT count; PREGKEYCACHE cacheItem; if(!KeyString){ MYASSERT(KeyString); return NULL; } count = GrowListGetSize (&g_KeyCache); if (!count) { return NULL; } if (!KeyEnd) { end = StackStringCopyW (lowerStr, KeyString); } else { if (KeyEnd > (KeyString + MAX_REGISTRY_KEY)) { KeyEnd = KeyString + MAX_REGISTRY_KEY; } end = StringCopyABW (lowerStr, KeyString, KeyEnd); } CharLowerW (lowerStr); stringBytes = (UINT) (UINT_PTR) ((PBYTE) end - (PBYTE) lowerStr); // // Scan the cache sequentially (it should be small), and return a match // if one is found. Stored strings are always in lower case. // u = g_CacheAddPos; do { cacheItem = (PREGKEYCACHE) GrowListGetItem (&g_KeyCache, u); if (!cacheItem) { return NULL; } if ((cacheItem->KeyStringBytes == stringBytes) && (cacheItem->Unicode) && ((cacheItem->Sam & Sam) == Sam) && (StringMatchW ((PCWSTR) cacheItem->KeyString, lowerStr)) ) { if (IncRefCount) { cacheItem->RefCount++; } return cacheItem->Key; } u++; if (u >= count) { u = 0; } } while (u != g_CacheAddPos); return NULL; } VOID RegAddKeyToCacheW ( IN PCWSTR KeyString, IN HKEY Key, IN REGSAM Sam ) { PREGKEYCACHE cacheItem; PREGKEYCACHE lastAddItem; WORKITEMW workItem; PCWSTR end; UINT minStructSize; UINT pos; UINT count; UINT u; if(!KeyString){ MYASSERT(KeyString); return; } if (!g_MaxCacheCount || !Key) { return; } // // Scan the cache for the existing Key // count = GrowListGetSize (&g_KeyCache); for (u = 0 ; u < count ; u++) { cacheItem = (PREGKEYCACHE) GrowListGetItem (&g_KeyCache, u); if (cacheItem->Key == Key) { cacheItem->RefCount++; g_CacheAddPos = u; cacheItem->Sam |= Sam; if (cacheItem->KeyStringBytes == 0 && *KeyString && cacheItem->Unicode) { // // This key was added before we knew the name. Update the name // now. // minStructSize = sizeof (workItem) - sizeof (workItem.KeyString); CopyMemory (&workItem, cacheItem, minStructSize); end = StackStringCopyW (workItem.KeyString, KeyString); CharLowerW (workItem.KeyString); workItem.KeyStringBytes = (UINT) (UINT_PTR) ((PBYTE) end - (PBYTE) workItem.KeyString); workItem.ClosesNeeded++; minStructSize += workItem.KeyStringBytes + sizeof (WCHAR); GrowListSetItem (&g_KeyCache, u, (PBYTE) &workItem, minStructSize); } else if (*KeyString == 0) { cacheItem->ClosesNeeded++; } return; } } // // Create the new cache item // workItem.Key = Key; workItem.Unicode = TRUE; workItem.RefCount = 1; workItem.ClosesNeeded = 1; workItem.Sam = Sam; end = StackStringCopyW (workItem.KeyString, KeyString); CharLowerW (workItem.KeyString); workItem.KeyStringBytes = (UINT) (UINT_PTR) ((PBYTE) end - (PBYTE) workItem.KeyString); minStructSize = sizeof (workItem) - sizeof (workItem.KeyString) + workItem.KeyStringBytes + sizeof (WCHAR); // // Put work item into grow list // if (count < g_MaxCacheCount) { g_CacheAddPos = count; GrowListAppend (&g_KeyCache, (PBYTE) &workItem, minStructSize); } else { // // Look for a closed key to discard. If cache is too full, then // increase the cache size. If the cache size hits 64, then don't // cache this add. // lastAddItem = (PREGKEYCACHE) GrowListGetItem (&g_KeyCache, g_CacheAddPos); if (lastAddItem) { for (pos = 0 ; pos < count ; pos++) { if (pos == g_CacheAddPos) { continue; } cacheItem = (PREGKEYCACHE) GrowListGetItem (&g_KeyCache, pos); if (cacheItem->KeyStringBytes >= lastAddItem->KeyStringBytes) { break; } if (!cacheItem->Unicode) { continue; } if (cacheItem->RefCount) { continue; } if (!StringPrefixW ((PCWSTR) lastAddItem->KeyString, (PCWSTR) cacheItem->KeyString)) { break; } } if (pos == count) { if (g_MaxCacheCount == 64) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_REG, "Cache is full of open keys")); return; } g_MaxCacheCount++; GrowListAppend (&g_KeyCache, (PBYTE) &workItem, minStructSize); } else { pRemoveItemFromCache (pos); GrowListSetItem (&g_KeyCache, pos, (PBYTE) &workItem, minStructSize); } g_CacheAddPos = pos; } } }