//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Microsoft Corporation // All rights reserved. // // File Name: // common.rc // // Description: // This file has some wizard-wide definitions and the string tables // for the wizard. It contains no dialog templates. // // Don't edit this file with VC. // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "..\include\comres.h" // // This is the ICON for the setupmgr app. Pay no attention to the comment // app studio shoves into the component .rc files in this project // IDI_SETUPMGR ICON DISCARDABLE "..\\resource\\setupmgr.ico" IDI_DOWN_ARROW ICON DISCARDABLE "..\\resource\\down.ico" IDI_UP_ARROW ICON DISCARDABLE "..\\resource\\up.ico" // // These are blt'ed on the propsheet // IDB_BANNER BITMAP DISCARDABLE "..\\resource\\header.bmp" IDB_WATERMARK BITMAP DISCARDABLE "..\\resource\\water.bmp" // // Misc stuff // STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_LARGEFONTNAME "Verdana Bold" IDS_LARGEFONTSIZE "12" IDS_SMALLFONTNAME "MS Shell Dlg" IDS_SMALLFONTSIZE "9" IDS_DONTSPECIFYSETTING "Not specified" IDS_ERROR "Error" IDS_ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY "Out of memory. Exiting." END // // Titles and sub-titles of wizard pages // STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_WIZARD_TITLE "Setup Manager" IDS_NEWOREDIT_TITLE "New or Existing Answer File" IDS_NEWOREDIT_SUBTITLE "An answer file tells Setup how to install and configure Windows." IDS_PRODUCT_TITLE "Type of Setup" IDS_PRODUCT_SUBTITLE "The type of setup you choose determines the name and format of the resulting answer file." IDS_UNATTENDMODE_TITLE "User Interaction" IDS_UNATTENDMODE_SUBTITLE "Select the type of user interaction you want." IDS_NAMEORG_TITLE "Name and Organization" IDS_NAMEORG_SUBTITLE "You can customize Windows Setup by providing a default name and organization." IDS_PID_TITLE "Product Key" IDS_PID_SUBTITLE "The Product Key identifies your copy of Windows." IDS_NETWORKING_TITLE "Network Settings" IDS_NETWORKING_SUBTITLE "Network software allows the destination computers to connect to other computers, networks, and the Internet." IDS_DOMAINJ_TITLE "Workgroup or Domain" IDS_DOMAINJ_SUBTITLE "The destination computers may belong to either a workgroup or a domain." IDS_SAVESCRIPT_TITLE "Answer File Name" IDS_SAVESCRIPT_SUBTITLE "The answer file is saved with the name and location you specify." IDS_PRINTERS_TITLE "Install Printers" IDS_PRINTERS_SUBTITLE "You can automatically install network printers on the destination computers." IDS_ADMINPASSWD_TITLE "Administrator Password" IDS_ADMINPASSWD_SUBTITLE "You can specify a password for the Administrator account on all destination computers." IDS_DISPLAY_TITLE "Display Settings" IDS_DISPLAY_SUBTITLE "Windows will be set up with the display settings you specify." IDS_COMPNAME_TITLE "Computer Names" IDS_COMPNAME_SUBTITLE "Each computer on a network must have a unique identifier." IDS_LANWIZ_TITLE "Networking Components" IDS_LANWIZ_SUBTITLE "To add a custom component, click Add." IDS_RUNONCE_TITLE "Run Once" IDS_RUNONCE_SUBTITLE "You can configure Windows to automatically run a command the first time a user logs on." IDS_CMDLINES_TITLE "Additional Commands" IDS_CMDLINES_SUBTITLE "You can add commands that will automatically run at the end of unattended Setup." IDS_ADDDIRS_TITLE "Additional Files or Folders" IDS_ADDDIRS_SUBTITLE "You can specify additional files or folders to be copied to the destination computers." IDS_COPYFILES_TITLE "Copying Files" IDS_COPYFILES_SUBTITLE "Please wait while Setup Manager copies the Setup files." IDS_TIMEZONE_TITLE "Time Zone" IDS_TIMEZONE_SUBTITLE "Windows will be set up with the time zone setting you specify." IDS_TARGETPATH_TITLE "Installation Folder" IDS_TARGETPATH_SUBTITLE "You can specify the name of the Windows folder." IDS_DISTFOLD_TITLE "Distribution Share Location" IDS_DISTFOLD_SUBTITLE "The distribution share contains the OPK tools, the Windows files, and your configuration sets." IDS_STANDALONE_TITLE "Distribution Share" IDS_STANDALONE_SUBTITLE "The distribution share contains the OPK tools, the Windows files, and your configuration sets." IDS_SRVLICENSE_TITLE "Licensing Mode" IDS_SRVLICENSE_SUBTITLE "You can license servers by concurrent connection or by individual client access license." IDS_ADVANCED_TITLE "Additional Settings" IDS_ADVANCED_SUBTITLE "You can specify additional settings for your answer file." IDS_COPYFILES1_TITLE "Location of Setup Files" IDS_COPYFILES1_SUBTITLE "Setup Manager is ready to copy the Windows Setup files to the distribution share." IDS_NUMNET_TITLE "Network Adapters" IDS_NUMNET_SUBTITLE "Each destination computer can have more than one network adapter." IDS_OEMADS_TITLE "OEM Branding" IDS_OEMADS_SUBTITLE "You can customize Windows Setup by adding your company's branding." IDS_TAPI_TITLE "Telephony" IDS_TAPI_SUBTITLE "You can provide telephony information for the end user." IDS_REGIONAL_TITLE "Regional Settings" IDS_REGIONAL_SUBTITLE "You can customize Windows for different regions and languages." IDS_LANGUAGES_TITLE "Languages" IDS_LANGUAGES_SUBTITLE "Language support allows end users to view Web pages and other content encoded in a different language and character set." IDS_SIF_TEXT_TITLE "Setup Information File Text" IDS_SIF_TEXT_SUBTITLE "You can specify text descriptions of OS images on Remote Installation Servers." IDS_OEM_DUP_STRING_TITLE "Identification String" IDS_OEM_DUP_STRING_SUBTITLE "You can add a string to the registry on the duplicated computers to help identify the Sysprep image." IDS_IE_TITLE "Browser and Shell Settings" IDS_IE_SUBTITLE "You can customize the browser and shell settings for Windows." IDS_SCSI_TITLE "Additional Mass Storage Drivers" IDS_SCSI_SUBTITLE "You can add new or additional drivers for mass storage devices." IDS_HAL_TITLE "Hardware Abstraction Layer" IDS_HAL_SUBTITLE "You can change the default hardware abstraction layer (HAL) to the HAL of your choice." IDS_LICENSEAGREEMENT_TITLE "License Agreement" IDS_LICENSEAGREEMENT_SUBTITLE "Do you accept the terms of the License Agreement for Windows?" IDS_SYSPREP_FOLDER_TITLE "Sysprep Folder" IDS_SYSPREP_FOLDER_SUBTITLE "You can create a folder on your computer to customize your Sysprep installation." IDS_SYSPREP_COMPNAME_TITLE "Computer Name" IDS_SYSPREP_COMPNAME_SUBTITLE "Assign a name to the destination computer." IDS_PLATFORM_TITLE "Product" IDS_PLATFORM_SUBTITLE "Which Windows product will be installed using this answer file?" IDS_LICENSE_TITLE "License Agreement" IDS_LICENSE_SUBTITLE "Please read the following License Agreement. To continue, you must accept the Agreement." IDS_CONFIG_TITLE "Configuration Set" IDS_CONFIG_SUBTITLE "You can create a new configuration set or use an existing one." IDS_LANG_TITLE "Target Language" IDS_LANG_SUBTITLE "You can choose which language you want to deploy." IDS_CREATE_TITLE "Configuration Folder" IDS_CREATE_SUBTITLE "The configuration folder will now be created." IDS_MODE_TITLE "Type of Installation" IDS_MODE_SUBTITLE "Select the type of installation you want to use." IDS_OEMINFO_TITLE "OEM Branding Information" IDS_OEMINFO_SUBTITLE "Provide manufacturer, model, and support information for end users." IDS_PRODUCTKEY_TITLE "Product Key" IDS_PRODUCTKEY_SUBTITLE "You can provide a Windows Product Key for the destination computers." IDS_LOGO_TITLE "Logo Information" IDS_LOGO_SUBTITLE "You can display your company logo on the General tab of the System Properties dialog box." IDS_APPINSTALL_TITLE "Preinstalled Applications" IDS_APPINSTALL_SUBTITLE "Items are installed or run in the order in which they appear in the list." IDS_OOBECUST_TITLE "Branding Opportunities" IDS_OOBECUST_SUBTITLE "You can customize the Windows Welcome screens using text and graphics." IDS_SCREENSTWO_TITLE "System Settings" IDS_SCREENSTWO_SUBTITLE "You can change the default settings for language, region, keyboard, and time zone." IDS_OOBEUSB_TITLE "USB Hardware Detection" IDS_OOBEUSB_SUBTITLE "Complete this page if the destination computer will have a USB keyboard, mouse, or other input device." IDS_HELPCENT_TITLE "Help and Support Customization" IDS_HELPCENT_SUBTITLE "You can add customized Help and Support information and co-brand the Help and Support page." IDS_ISP_TITLE "Internet Sign-up" IDS_ISP_SUBTITLE "You can select the ISP offers that appear during Windows Welcome." IDS_OEMCUST_TITLE "Other Windows Welcome Customizations" IDS_OEMCUST_SUBTITLE "You can make other changes to Windows Welcome." IDS_BTITLE_TITLE "Browser Title" IDS_BTITLE_SUBTITLE "You can customize the text that appears in the title bar of the browser." IDS_BTOOLBARS_TITLE "Browser Toolbar Buttons" IDS_BTOOLBARS_SUBTITLE "You can add toolbar buttons to Internet Explorer." IDS_STARTSEARCH_TITLE "Important URLs" IDS_STARTSEARCH_SUBTITLE "You can add custom home page, search, and support URLs to Internet Explorer." IDS_FAVORITES_TITLE "Favorites and Links" IDS_FAVORITES_SUBTITLE "You can add URLs to the Favorites list and Links bar in Internet Explorer." IDS_SCREENS_TITLE "Mouse Tutorial" IDS_SCREENS_SUBTITLE "You can provide your own mouse tutorial during Windows Welcome." IDS_SKU_TITLE "Product" IDS_SKU_SUBTITLE "Which Windows product do you want to install?" IDS_STARTMENU_TITLE "Start Menu" IDS_STARTMENU_SUBTITLE "You can add programs to the Most Frequently Used section of the Start menu." IDS_OEMLINK_TITLE "OEM Link on the Start Menu" IDS_OEMLINK_SUBTITLE "You can add a branded link to the Start menu that points to an HTML (.htm) or executable (.exe) file." IDS_OPTCOMP_TITLE "Windows Components" IDS_OPTCOMP_SUBTITLE "You can install commonly used Windows components." END // // String constants for ..\base\display.c // STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_DISP_WINDOWS_DEFAULT "Use Windows default" IDS_DISP_NUM_COLORS "%d Colors" IDS_DISP_HIGH_COLOR "High Color (%d bit)" IDS_DISP_TRUE_COLOR "True Color (%d bit)" IDS_DISP_HERTZ "Hertz" IDS_INVALID_BITS_PER_PEL "The number of bits per pixel must be greater than or equal to 1." IDS_INVALID_BITS_PER_PEL_HIGH "The number of bits per pixel must be less than or equal to 32." IDS_INVALID_X_RESOLUTION "The minimum horizontal resolution setting is 640." IDS_INVALID_Y_RESOLUTION "The minimum vertical resolution setting is 480." IDS_INVALID_REFRESH_RATE "The refresh rate must be greater than or equal to 1." END // // base\runonce.c // STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_ADD_PRINTER "AddPrinter" END // // main\adddirs.c // STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_OEMROOT_NAME "User Supplied Files" IDS_SYSDRIVE_NAME "System Drive" IDS_SYSDIR_NAME "Windows Folder" IDS_OTHERDRIVES_NAME "Other Drives" IDS_PNPDRIVERS_NAME "Plug and Play Drivers" IDS_TEMPFILES_NAME "Temporary Files" IDS_LANGFILES_NAME "Language Files" IDS_SYSPREPFILES_NAME "Sysprep Install files" IDS_TEXTMODE_NAME "Textmode" IDS_ADD_DESCR_ROOT "Any files that you copy to the User Supplied Files folder are automatically copied to the destination computers by Windows Setup." IDS_ADD_DESCR_SYSDRIVE "Any files that you copy to the System Drive folder are automatically copied to the drive letter where Windows is installed." IDS_ADD_DESCR_WINNT "Any files that you copy to the Windows folder are automatically copied to the folder in which Windows is installed." IDS_ADD_DESCR_OTHER "Any files that you copy to the Other Drives folder are automatically copied to a fixed drive letter." IDS_ADD_DESCR_PNP "Windows Setup will search the Plug and Play Drivers folder for any Plug And Play drivers that are not shipped with Windows. Copy all Plug and Play driver files required for your deployment to this folder." IDS_ADD_DESCR_TEMP "Any files that you copy to the Temporary Files folder are automatically copied to the temporary Setup directory ($OEM$), and are deleted when Setup is finished." IDS_ADD_DESCR_LANG "Language files should be copied to this folder so they are available to Windows Setup." IDS_ADD_DESCR_SYSPREP "Sysprep install files should be copied to this folder so Windows Setup can use them during install." IDS_ADD_DESCR_TEXTMODE "Any files that you copy to this folder are available to the system during Text Mode Setup. Files that are typically in this folder are mass storage drivers and HALs." IDS_SELECT_FILE_OR_FOLDER "Select the file or folder to copy." END // // base\copyfile.c // STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_COPYMSG1 "Setup Manager is building the list of files to copy..." IDS_COPYMSG2 "Setup Manager is copying files..." IDS_FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS "The distribution share already contains a file named '%s'." IDS_MODIFIED "modified" IDS_BYTES "bytes" END // // base\copyfil1.c // STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_SERVER_CD_NAME "Windows Server CD" IDS_WORKSTATION_CD_NAME "Windows Professional CD" END // // base\timezone.c // STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_SET_SAME_AS_SERVER "Set Same as Server" END // // base\siftext.c // STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_SIF_DEFAULT_DESCRIPTION "Windows Professional - Standard Installation" IDS_SIF_DEFAULT_HELP_TEXT "This will install Windows Professional in a standard configuration." END // // base\syslic.c // STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_SYSPREP_LICENSE_TEXT "To use this option, you must accept the terms of the End User License Agreement (EULA) and any Microsoft license agreements you have for the version of Windows you want to install. For more information about the EULA, consult your documentation or your Microsoft license agreement." END // // main\stdalone.c // STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_STANDALONE_TEXT1 "Setup Manager can create a distribution share on your computer or network with the required Windows source files. You can then add files " IDS_STANDALONE_TEXT2 "to further customize your installations. For example, you can supply additional device drivers." END // // main\savescr.c // STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_WINNTSIF_TEXT "If the answer file will be used for performing an unattended installation by booting directly from the Windows CD, then the file must be named Winnt.sif and be put on a floppy disk." END // // main\distfold.c // STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_SELECT_DISTRIB_FOLDER "Select the distribution share." IDS_WINDOWS_DISTRIB_FOLDER "Windows Distribution Share" END // // common\save.c // STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_INSERT_CD "Please insert the Windows CD into drive %c:" IDS_USAGE "Usage" END // // Misc error strings specific to 'base' pages // STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_ERR_INVALID_COMPUTER_NAME "The computer name is not valid. Computer names may not contain spaces or any of the following characters: %s" IDS_ERR_INVALID_COMPUTER_NAME_IN_FILE "The computer name on line %d of file %s is not valid and will be omitted from the list of computer names. Do you want to continue importing computer names from this file?" IDS_ERR_MISMATCH_PASSWORD "The passwords do not match. Please retype the password." IDS_ERR_INVALID_PRINTER_NAME "The printer name is not valid. Network printer names must be of the form \\\\server\\share and they can only contain characters that are valid in a network name." IDS_ERR_SPECIFY_TARGPATH "Specify the folder in which you want to install Windows." IDS_ERR_INVALID_TARGPATH "The folder name is not valid. The installation folder must be a valid DOS 8.3 path name." IDS_ERR_DRIVE_IN_TARGPATH "A drive letter cannot be included in the folder to install into. Use the /tempdrive option of Winnt32.exe to specify the target drive." IDS_ERR_CANNOT_LOAD_TIMEZONES "Setup Manager cannot load the time zone data from the registry. The time zone settings page will be skipped." IDS_ERR_REQUIRE_USERNAME "An answer must be provided for the Default User Name when creating a fully automated answer file." IDS_ERR_USERNAME_INVALID "The name you have entered is not valid. Please enter a different name." IDS_ERR_REQUIRE_ORGNAME "An answer must be provided for the Default Organization when creating a fully automated answer file." IDS_ERR_REQUIRE_PID "A complete Product ID must be provided when creating a fully automated answer file." IDS_ERR_REQUIRE_COMPUTERNAME "At least one computer name must be specified when creating a fully automated answer file. You can also enable automatic computer name assignment." IDS_ERR_MUST_ACCEPT_EULA "You must accept the terms of the End User License Agreement (EULA) to fully automate the installation of Windows." IDS_ERR_FULL_UNATTEND_REGION_SET "On a fully automated script, the user will not be able to select regional settings during Setup." IDS_ERR_SYSPREP_REQUIRE_COMPNAME "A computer name must be specified when creating a fully automated answer file." IDS_WARN_NO_PASSWORD_AUTOLOGON "When specifying a blank password, the number of times to automatically log on can only be set to 1. Do you want to accept this setting and continue?" END // // general purpose error strings // STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_ERR_CREATE_FOLDER "An error occurred while creating folder %s." IDS_ERR_DELETE_FOLDER "An error occurred while deleting folder %s." IDS_ERR_COPY_FILE "An error occurred while copying file %s to %s." IDS_ERR_DELETE_FILE "An error occurred while deleting file %s." IDS_ERR_ENTER_FILENAME "Enter a file name." IDS_ERR_CANNOT_COPY_PATH "Setup Manager cannot copy the path %s." IDS_DELETE_FOLDER_CONFIRM "Setup Manager wizard will delete folder %s. Do you want to continue?" IDS_DELETE_FILE_CONFIRM "Setup Manager will delete file %s. Do you want to continue?" IDS_ERR_OUT_OF_MEMORY "Setup Manager is out of memory and cannot continue." IDS_WELCOME_TEXT_OEM "For help with this wizard, see the white paper entitled ""Step-by-Step Guide to OEM Preinstallation of Windows XP,"" on the OPK CD." IDS_WELCOME_TEXT_CORP "" END // // error strings from the 'common' dir // STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_WARN_CANCEL_WIZARD "This will close Setup Manager. Are you sure you want to cancel?" IDS_ERR_CANNOT_FIND_ANSWER_FILE "Setup Manager cannot find the file %s. Select a different file." IDS_ERR_FILE_NOT_SETUPMGR "The file %s was not created by Setup Manager and may not be a valid answer file. Do you want try loading settings from this file anyway?" IDS_ERR_SAVEFILE_NOT_SETUPMGR "The file %s was not created by Setup Manager. Do you want to overwrite it anyway?" IDS_ERR_FILE_ALREADY_EXISTS "The file %s already exists. Do you want to overwrite it?" IDS_ERRORS_WRITING_ANSWER_FILE "An error occurred while Setup Manager was writing to the file %s." IDS_ERRORS_WRITING_UDF "An error occurred while Setup Manager was writing the multiple computer name script %s." IDS_ERR_OPEN_SAMPLE_BAT "Setup Manager cannot create the sample batch script %s." IDS_FATAL_ERR_CREATE_PAGE "Setup Manager cannot create the wizard pages and cannot continue." IDS_ERR_BAD_SCRIPT_EXTENSION "You cannot use the .bat or .udf extensions for an answer file." IDS_ERR_LOCATING_PRINTERS "Setup Manager cannot detect the printers for this computer." END // // misc errors reported by 'main' pages // STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_ERR_NO_CDROM_DRIVE "Setup Manager cannot find a CD-ROM drive on this computer. You can copy the Setup files from another location instead." IDS_ERR_INSERT_CD "Insert the %s." IDS_ERR_ADDING_TVITEM "An error occurred during addition of a tree-view item." IDS_OPEN_CMDLINES_FAILED "Setup Manager cannot open command lines file %s. The commands to be run at the end of setup cannot be saved to the distribution share." IDS_ERR_ENTER_SETUP_PATH "Specify the path to the Windows Setup files." IDS_WARN_COPY_CANCEL "Canceling the file copy process will cancel Setup Manager. Are you sure you want to cancel?" IDS_ERR_INSUFICIENT_SPACE "There is not enough space available on the %s drive to hold the Setup files. %d MB are needed but only %d MB are available." IDS_ERR_NOT_PRODUCT "The folder %s does not contain the Windows Setup files." IDS_ERR_CREATING_DISTFOLD "An error occurred during creation of the %s folder." IDS_ERR_FOLDER_IS_FILE "%s is a file. Select a folder instead." IDS_ERR_FOLDER_NOT_EXIST "Setup Manager cannot find folder %s. Select a different folder, or create a new distribution share." IDS_ERR_DISTFOLD_EXISTS "The folder %s already exists. Do you want to make this the distribution share anyway?" IDS_ERR_NOT_VALID_DISTFOLD "Setup Manager cannot find the Windows Setup files in folder %s. This is not a valid distribution folder. Do you want to use it as the distribution share anyway?" IDS_ERR_ENTER_DIST_FOLDER "Please enter the distribution share name." IDS_ERR_ENTER_SHARENAME "Please enter the share name." IDS_ERR_SHARENAME_INUSE "The share name %s is already being used. Please enter a different share name." IDS_ERR_ENABLE_SHARE "Setup Manager could not enable the share (rc=%u). This can be done at a later time. Do you want to continue without enabling the share?" IDS_ERR_SPECIFY_FILE "Please specify the location of the file %s." IDS_ERR_UNABLE_TO_COPY_SYSPREP_FILE "An error occurred. Please manually copy the file %s to the %s folder before you run Sysprep on this computer." IDS_ERR_SPECIFY_LANG_PATH "Please specify the path to the Windows Setup files so the language files you have selected can be copied." IDS_ERR_UNABLE_TO_COPY_LANG_DIR "An error occurred. Please manually copy the files in the folder %s to the %s folder so that the language files will be installed properly." IDS_ERR_NOT_NT5_FILES "The files specified are not from the correct version of Windows. Please specify files from Windows XP or a later version of Windows." IDS_ERR_NOT_WORKSTATION_FILES "The files specified are Windows XP files but they are not Windows XP Professional files. Please specify the location of the Windows XP Professional files." IDS_ERR_NOT_PERSONAL_FILES "The files specified are Windows XP files but they are not Windows XP Personal files. Please specify the location of the Windows XP Personal files." IDS_ERR_NOT_ENTERPRISE_FILES "The files specified are Windows XP files but they are not Windows XP Enterprise files. Please specify the location of the Windows XP Enterprise files." IDS_ERR_NOT_WEBBLADE_FILES "The files specified are Windows XP files but they are not Windows XP Web Server files. Please specify the location of the Windows XP Web Server files." IDS_ERR_NOT_SERVER_FILES "The files specified are not Windows Server files. Please specify the location of the Windows Server files." IDS_ERR_CANNOT_DETERMINE_VERSION "Setup Manager cannot determine the version of these Windows files. Do you want to copy the files anyway?" IDS_ERR_CANNOT_DETERMINE_PRODUCT "Setup Manager cannot determine the product type of these Windows files. Do you want to copy the files anyway?" IDS_ERR_UNABLE_TO_DETERMINE_FREE_SPACE "Setup Manager cannot determine the free space available on %s." IDS_ERR_CANNOT_GET_LOCAL_COMPNAME "Setup Manager cannot determine the local computer's name." IDS_ERR_NO_PATH_CHOSEN "You have not made a selection. Please select a Windows source folder to copy." IDS_ERR_CANNOT_FIND_LANG_FILE "Setup Manager cannot find the language file %s. Please manually copy this file to the Sysprep folder." IDS_ERR_NEED_DIST_FOLDER_FOR_FILES "You chose not to create a distribution share, but a distribution share is needed for the IE Branding file and/or the language files you have specified. Are you sure you want to continue?" IDS_ERR_NEED_SYSPREP_FOLDER_FOR_FILES "You chose not to create or modify a Sysprep folder, but a Sysprep folder is needed for the language files you specified. Are you sure you want to continue?" IDS_ERR_MIGHT_NEED_SYSPREP_FOLDER_FOR_FILES "You chose not to create or modify a Sysprep folder, but you are allowing the end user to choose regional settings during Setup. Some of the language files may not exist on the hard drive, and the end user will be prompted for the Windows Setup source files. Are you sure you want to continue?" IDS_ERR_INS_FILE_NO_COPY "The INS file that you chose on the Browser and Shell Settings page cannot be found. Please manually copy the file to %s." IDS_ERR_PASSWORD_ENCRYPT_FAILED "The Administrator password could not be encrypted. Do you want to continue storing a clear text password in the answer file?" IDS_ERR_NOTWINDOWSCD "The CD in the drive is not a Windows Setup CD. Please insert a Windows Setup CD, and then click Next." END // // misc errors reported by 'oc' pages // STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_ERR_BAD_AREA_CODE "One or more characters you entered for the area code are not valid. Valid characters are 0 through 9." IDS_ERR_BAD_OUTSIDE_LINE "One or more characters you entered for the outside line are not valid. Valid characters are 0 through 9, *, #, and comma." IDS_ERR_FRIENDLY_NAME_BLANK "Please enter a Friendly Name." IDS_ERR_URL_BLANK "Please enter a URL." IDS_ERR_INS_FILE_NOT_EXIST "The INS file you specified cannot be found. Are you sure you want to continue?" END // // Error strings for network // STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_ERR_NETWORK_BAD_DEVICE "The network path %s is not valid." IDS_ERR_NETWORK_NOT_CONNECTED "The path specified by %s is not redirected." IDS_ERR_NETWORK_CONNECTION_UNAVAIL "The path specified by %s is not currently connected, but it is a persistent connection." IDS_ERR_NETWORK_NO_NETWORK "Setup Manager cannot find network path %s because the network is unavailable." IDS_ERR_NETWORK_EXTENDED_ERROR "An error occurred in %s: %s %s." IDS_ERR_NETWORK_UNKNOWN_ERROR "An unknown network error occurred while accessing %s." IDS_ERR_NETWORK_ACCESS_DENIED "The current user does not have sufficient permission to connect to %s." END // // String constants for Network Components // STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_CLIENT_FOR_MS_NETWORKS "Client for Microsoft Networks" IDS_CLIENT_FOR_MS_NETWORKS_DESC "Allows your computer to access resources on a Microsoft network." IDS_CLIENT_FOR_NETWARE "Client Service for NetWare" IDS_CLIENT_FOR_NETWARE_DESC "Enables this computer to log on to NetWare servers and access their resources." IDS_GATEWAY_FOR_NETWARE "Gateway (and Client) Services for NetWare" IDS_GATEWAY_FOR_NETWARE_DESC "Enables other Windows computers to access NetWare servers without running NetWare Client Software." IDS_FILE_AND_PRINT_SHARING "File and Printer Sharing for Microsoft Networks" IDS_FILE_AND_PRINT_SHARING_DESC "Allows other computers to access resources on your computer using a Microsoft network." IDS_PACKET_SCHEDULING_DRIVER "QoS Packet Scheduler" IDS_PACKET_SCHEDULING_DRIVER_DESC "Quality of Service Packet Scheduler. This component provides network traffic control, including rate-of-flow and prioritization services." IDS_APPLETALK_PROTOCOL "AppleTalk Protocol" IDS_APPLETALK_PROTOCOL_DESC "Enables other computers to communicate with your computer and printers via the AppleTalk protocol. Also allows a Windows Server to be an AppleTalk router." IDS_TCPIP "Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)" IDS_TCPIP_DESC "Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. The default wide area network protocol that provides communication across diverse interconnected networks." IDS_NETWORK_MONITOR_AGENT "Network Monitor Agent v2 Driver" IDS_NETWORK_MONITOR_AGENT_DESC "Netmon Packet capture driver that allows the Netmon UI to acquire packets from the local network." IDS_IPX_PROTOCOL "NWLink IPX/SPX/NetBIOS Compatible Transport Protocol" IDS_IPX_PROTOCOL_DESC "An implementation of the IPX and SPX protocols, which are used by NetWare networks." IDS_DLC_PROTOCOL "DLC Protocol" IDS_DLC_PROTOCOL_DESC "Data Link Control enables this computer to connect to an IBM mainframe and set up printers attached directly to network control." IDS_NETBEUI_PROTOCOL "NetBEUI Protocol" IDS_NETBEUI_PROTOCOL_DESC "A non-routable protocol designed for use in small LANs." IDS_SAP_AGENT "SAP Agent" IDS_SAP_AGENT_DESC "Service Advertising Protocol advertises servers and addresses on a network." IDS_APPLETALK_TITLE "AppleTalk Protocol Properties" IDS_TCPIP_TITLE "Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties" IDS_IPX_PROTOCOL_TITLE "NWLink IPX/SPX/NetBIOS Compatible Transport Protocol" IDS_MSCLIENT_TITLE "Client for Microsoft Network Properties" END // // Unattended Mode page // STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_UMODE_FULLUNATTEND "You provide all required answers in the answer file, and the end user is not prompted for them." IDS_UMODE_PROVIDE_DEFAULTS "You provide default options in the answer file, and the end user can change any of them." IDS_UMODE_DEFAULT_HIDE "You provide answers for setup pages that are hidden from the end user." IDS_UMODE_READONLY "You provide all required answers in the answer file. The end user can see the options but cannot change them." IDS_UMODE_GUI_ATTENDED "Only the text-mode portion of Setup is automated. The GUI portion of Setup runs normally, prompting the end user at each page." END // // Browse strings // STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_TEXT_FILES "Text Files" IDS_EXECUTABLE_FILES "Executable Files" IDS_BITMAP_FILES "Bitmap Files" IDS_HAL_FILES "HAL Files" IDS_SCSI_FILES "OEM SCSI Files" IDS_REMOTE_BOOT_FILES "Remote Boot Files" IDS_SYSPREP_FILES "Sysprep Inf Files" IDS_ALL_FILES "All Files" END // // Batch script strings // STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_BATCH_SCRIPT_LINE1 "This is a SAMPLE batch script generated by Setup Manager." IDS_BATCH_SCRIPT_LINE2 "If this script is moved from the location where it was generated, it may have to be modified." IDS_ERROR_VERSION "Setup Manager needs Windows NT 4.0 with Service Pack 6 or higher and Internet Explorer 5 or higher to run." END // // Date strings // STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_JANUARY "January" IDS_FEBRUARY "February" IDS_MARCH "March" IDS_APRIL "April" IDS_MAY "May" IDS_JUNE "June" IDS_JULY "July" IDS_AUGUST "August" IDS_SEPTEMBER "September" IDS_OCTOBER "October" IDS_NOVEMBER "November" IDS_DECEMBER "December" IDS_SUNDAY "Sunday" IDS_MONDAY "Monday" IDS_TUESDAY "Tuesday" IDS_WEDNESDAY "Wednesday" IDS_THURSDAY "Thursday" IDS_FRIDAY "Friday" IDS_SATURDAY "Saturday" END