/*++ Copyright (c) 1993 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: spi386.h Abstract: x86-specific header file for text setup. Author: Ted Miller (tedm) 29-October-1993 Revision History: 03-Oct-1996 jimschm Split Win95 and Win3.1 stuff 28-Feb-1997 marcw SpCopyWin9xFiles and SpDeleteWin9xFiles now declared in this header (was spcopy.h). Also, added SpAssignDriveLettersToMatchWin9x. 10-Aug-1999 marcw Added SpWin9xOverrideGuiModeCodePage --*/ #pragma once #include "fci.h" #ifndef _SPi386_DEFN_ #define _SPi386_DEFN_ ENUMNONNTUPRADETYPE SpLocateWin95( OUT PDISK_REGION *InstallRegion, OUT PWSTR *InstallPath, OUT PDISK_REGION *SystemPartitionRegion ); BOOLEAN SpLocateWin31( IN PVOID SifHandle, OUT PDISK_REGION *InstallRegion, OUT PWSTR *InstallPath, OUT PDISK_REGION *SystemPartitionRegion ); BOOLEAN SpConfirmRemoveWin31( VOID ); VOID SpRemoveWin31( IN PDISK_REGION NtPartitionRegion, IN LPCWSTR Sysroot ); BOOLEAN SpIsWin31Dir( IN PDISK_REGION Region, IN PWSTR PathComponent, IN ULONG MinKB ); BOOLEAN SpIsWin4Dir( IN PDISK_REGION Region, IN PWSTR PathComponent ); BOOLEAN SpBackUpWin9xFiles ( IN PVOID SifHandle, IN TCOMP CompressionType ); VOID SpRemoveExtraBootIniEntry ( VOID ); BOOLEAN SpAddRollbackBootOption ( BOOLEAN DefaultBootOption ); VOID SpMoveWin9xFiles ( IN PVOID SifHandle ); VOID SpDeleteWin9xFiles ( IN PVOID SifHandle ); BOOLEAN SpExecuteWin9xRollback ( IN PVOID SifHandle, IN PWSTR BootDeviceNtPath ); NTSTATUS SpDiskRegistryAssignCdRomLetter( IN PWSTR CdromName, IN WCHAR DriveLetter ); BOOLEAN SpDiskRegistryAssignDriveLetter( ULONG Signature, LARGE_INTEGER StartingOffset, LARGE_INTEGER Length, UCHAR DriveLetter ); NTSTATUS SpMigrateDiskRegistry( IN HANDLE hDestSystemHive ); NTSTATUS SpMigrateDiskRegistry ( ); VOID SpWin9xOverrideGuiModeCodePage ( HKEY NlsRegKey ); BOOLEAN SpIsWindowsUpgrade( IN PVOID SifFileHandle ); #endif // ndef _SPi386_DEFN_