/*++ Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: dynupdt.c Abstract: The Dynamic Update feature of WINNT32. Author: Ovidiu Temereanca (ovidiut) 02-Jul-2000 Revision History: --*/ #include "precomp.h" // // BUGBUG - comment functions // #define GUIDRVS_FIELD_CABNAME 1 #define GUIDRVS_FIELD_INFNAME 2 #define GUIDRVS_FIELD_DRIVERVER 3 #define GUIDRVS_FIELD_HARDWAREID 4 #define MAX_UPGCHK_ELAPSED_SECONDS (30 * 60) PDYNUPDT_STATUS g_DynUpdtStatus; static WORD g_MapProductTypeToSuite[] = { 0, // pro VER_SUITE_SMALLBUSINESS, // srv VER_SUITE_ENTERPRISE, // ads VER_SUITE_DATACENTER, // dtc VER_SUITE_PERSONAL, // per VER_SUITE_BLADE, // bla VER_SUITE_SMALLBUSINESS_RESTRICTED, // sbs }; static BYTE g_MapProductTypeToPT[] = { VER_NT_WORKSTATION, VER_NT_SERVER, VER_NT_SERVER, VER_NT_SERVER, VER_NT_WORKSTATION, VER_NT_SERVER, VER_NT_SERVER, }; typedef BOOL (*PCOMPLOADFN) ( IN PCTSTR LibraryPath ); BOOL DynUpdtDebugLog( IN Winnt32DebugLevel Level, IN LPCTSTR Text, IN UINT MessageId, ... ) { va_list arglist; BOOL b; TCHAR bigBuffer[1024]; PCTSTR prefix; DWORD rc = GetLastError (); // // this param is never used momentarily // MYASSERT (Text); if (!Text) { return FALSE; } MYASSERT (!MessageId); if (Level <= Winnt32LogError) { prefix = TEXT("DUError"); } else if (Level == Winnt32LogWarning) { prefix = TEXT("DUWarning"); } else { prefix = TEXT("DUInfo"); } _sntprintf (bigBuffer, sizeof (bigBuffer) / sizeof (TCHAR) - 1, TEXT("%s: %s"), prefix, Text); bigBuffer[sizeof (bigBuffer) / sizeof (TCHAR) - 1] = 0; va_start(arglist,MessageId); b = DebugLog2 (Level, bigBuffer, MessageId, arglist); va_end(arglist); SetLastError (rc); return b; } BOOL pDoesFileExist ( IN PCTSTR FilePath ) { WIN32_FIND_DATA fd; return FileExists (FilePath, &fd) && !(fd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY); } BOOL pDoesDirectoryExist ( IN PCTSTR DirPath ) { WIN32_FIND_DATA fd; return FileExists (DirPath, &fd) && (fd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY); } BOOL pNonemptyFilePresent ( IN PCTSTR FilePath ) { WIN32_FIND_DATA fd; return FileExists (FilePath, &fd) && fd.nFileSizeLow > 0 && !(fd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY); } BOOL pGetTargetInfo ( OUT POSVERSIONINFOEX TargetVersion, OPTIONAL OUT PTSTR TargetPlatform, OPTIONAL IN DWORD TargetPlatformChars, OPTIONAL OUT PLCID LocaleID OPTIONAL ) { TCHAR buffer[256]; UINT productType; // // get some data from the main inf // if (!FullInfName[0]) { if (!FindPathToWinnt32File (InfName, FullInfName, ARRAYSIZE(FullInfName))) { DynUpdtDebugLog ( Winnt32LogError, TEXT("pGetTargetInfo: FindPathToWinnt32File failed"), 0 ); return FALSE; } } if (TargetVersion) { if (!GetPrivateProfileString ( TEXT("Miscellaneous"), TEXT("ProductType"), TEXT(""), buffer, ARRAYSIZE(buffer), FullInfName )) { DynUpdtDebugLog ( Winnt32LogError, TEXT("%1 key in [%2] section is missing from %3; aborting operation"), 0, TEXT("ProductType"), TEXT("Miscellaneous"), FullInfName ); return FALSE; } productType = _ttoi (buffer); MYASSERT (ARRAYSIZE(g_MapProductTypeToSuite) == ARRAYSIZE(g_MapProductTypeToPT)); if (productType >= ARRAYSIZE(g_MapProductTypeToPT)) { DynUpdtDebugLog ( Winnt32LogError, TEXT("Invalid %1 value (%2) in %3"), 0, TEXT("ProductType"), buffer, FullInfName ); return FALSE; } if (!GetPrivateProfileString ( TEXT("Miscellaneous"), TEXT("ServicePack"), TEXT(""), buffer, ARRAYSIZE(buffer), FullInfName )) { DynUpdtDebugLog ( Winnt32LogError, TEXT("%1 key in [%2] section is missing from %3; aborting operation"), 0, TEXT("ServicePack"), TEXT("Miscellaneous"), FullInfName ); return FALSE; } if (_stscanf ( buffer, TEXT("%hu.%hu"), &TargetVersion->wServicePackMajor, &TargetVersion->wServicePackMinor ) != 2) { DynUpdtDebugLog ( Winnt32LogError, TEXT("Invalid %1 value (%2) in %3"), 0, TEXT("ServicePack"), buffer, FullInfName ); return FALSE; } TargetVersion->dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFOEX); TargetVersion->dwMajorVersion = VER_PRODUCTMAJORVERSION; TargetVersion->dwMinorVersion = VER_PRODUCTMINORVERSION; TargetVersion->dwBuildNumber = VER_PRODUCTBUILD; TargetVersion->dwPlatformId = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT; TargetVersion->wSuiteMask = g_MapProductTypeToSuite[productType]; TargetVersion->wProductType = g_MapProductTypeToPT[productType]; } if (TargetPlatform) { if (!GetPrivateProfileString ( TEXT("Miscellaneous"), TEXT("DestinationPlatform"), TEXT(""), TargetPlatform, TargetPlatformChars, FullInfName )) { DynUpdtDebugLog ( Winnt32LogError, TEXT("%1 key in [%2] section is missing from %3; aborting operation"), 0, TEXT("DestinationPlatform"), TEXT("Miscellaneous"), FullInfName ); return FALSE; } } if (LocaleID) { MYASSERT (SourceNativeLangID); *LocaleID = SourceNativeLangID; } return TRUE; } BOOL pInitializeSupport ( IN PCTSTR ComponentName, IN PCOMPLOADFN LoadFn, IN BOOL UseRegistryReplacement ) { TCHAR pathSupportLib[MAX_PATH]; #ifdef PRERELEASE if (UseRegistryReplacement) { HKEY key; DWORD rc; BOOL b = FALSE; rc = RegOpenKey ( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TEXT("Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Setup\\Winnt32\\5.1"), &key ); if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD size = 0; rc = RegQueryValueEx (key, ComponentName, NULL, NULL, NULL, &size); if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS && size > 0) { PTSTR buf = MALLOC (size); if (buf) { rc = RegQueryValueEx (key, ComponentName, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)buf, &size); if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS && (*LoadFn) (buf)) { DynUpdtDebugLog ( Winnt32LogInformation, TEXT("pInitializeSupport: using registry specified replacement file <%1>"), 0, buf ); b = TRUE; } FREE (buf); } } RegCloseKey (key); } if (b) { return TRUE; } } #endif if (FindPathToWinnt32File (ComponentName, pathSupportLib, ARRAYSIZE(pathSupportLib))) { if ((*LoadFn) (pathSupportLib)) { return TRUE; } } DynUpdtDebugLog ( Winnt32LogError, TEXT("pInitializeSupport: %1 could not be loaded or is corrupt"), 0, ComponentName ); return FALSE; } BOOL pLoadHwdbLib ( IN PCTSTR LibraryPath ) { DWORD rc; // // Use WinVerifyTrust first? // g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbLib = LoadLibraryEx (LibraryPath, NULL, LOAD_WITH_ALTERED_SEARCH_PATH); if (!g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbLib) { return FALSE; } g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbInitialize = (PHWDBINITIALIZE) GetProcAddress (g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbLib, S_HWDBAPI_HWDBINITIALIZE); g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbTerminate = (PHWDBTERMINATE) GetProcAddress (g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbLib, S_HWDBAPI_HWDBTERMINATE); g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbOpen = (PHWDBOPEN) GetProcAddress (g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbLib, S_HWDBAPI_HWDBOPEN); g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbClose = (PHWDBCLOSE) GetProcAddress (g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbLib, S_HWDBAPI_HWDBCLOSE); g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbAppendInfs = (PHWDBAPPENDINFS) GetProcAddress (g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbLib, S_HWDBAPI_HWDBAPPENDINFS); g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbFlush = (PHWDBFLUSH) GetProcAddress (g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbLib, S_HWDBAPI_HWDBFLUSH); g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbHasDriver = (PHWDBHASDRIVER) GetProcAddress (g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbLib, S_HWDBAPI_HWDBHASDRIVER); g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbHasAnyDriver = (PHWDBHASANYDRIVER) GetProcAddress (g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbLib, S_HWDBAPI_HWDBHASANYDRIVER); if (!g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbInitialize || !g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbTerminate || !g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbOpen || !g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbClose || !g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbAppendInfs || !g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbFlush || !g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbHasDriver || !g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbHasAnyDriver ) { g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbInitialize = NULL; g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbTerminate = NULL; g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbOpen = NULL; g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbClose = NULL; g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbAppendInfs = NULL; g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbFlush = NULL; g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbHasDriver = NULL; g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbHasAnyDriver = NULL; rc = GetLastError (); FreeLibrary (g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbLib); g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbLib = NULL; SetLastError (rc); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } BOOL pLoadDuLib ( IN PCTSTR LibraryPath ) { DWORD rc; g_DynUpdtStatus->DuLib = LoadLibraryEx (LibraryPath, NULL, LOAD_WITH_ALTERED_SEARCH_PATH); if (!g_DynUpdtStatus->DuLib) { return FALSE; } g_DynUpdtStatus->DuIsSupported = (PDUISSUPPORTED) GetProcAddress (g_DynUpdtStatus->DuLib, API_DU_ISSUPPORTED); g_DynUpdtStatus->DuInitialize = (PDUINITIALIZE) GetProcAddress (g_DynUpdtStatus->DuLib, API_DU_INITIALIZE); g_DynUpdtStatus->DuDoDetection = (PDUDODETECTION) GetProcAddress (g_DynUpdtStatus->DuLib, API_DU_DODETECTION); g_DynUpdtStatus->DuQueryUnsupDrvs = (PDUQUERYUNSUPDRVS) GetProcAddress (g_DynUpdtStatus->DuLib, API_DU_QUERYUNSUPDRVS); g_DynUpdtStatus->DuBeginDownload = (PDUBEGINDOWNLOAD) GetProcAddress (g_DynUpdtStatus->DuLib, API_DU_BEGINDOWNLOAD); g_DynUpdtStatus->DuAbortDownload = (PDUABORTDOWNLOAD) GetProcAddress (g_DynUpdtStatus->DuLib, API_DU_ABORTDOWNLOAD); g_DynUpdtStatus->DuUninitialize = (PDUUNINITIALIZE) GetProcAddress (g_DynUpdtStatus->DuLib, API_DU_UNINITIALIZE); if (!g_DynUpdtStatus->DuIsSupported || !g_DynUpdtStatus->DuInitialize || !g_DynUpdtStatus->DuDoDetection || !g_DynUpdtStatus->DuQueryUnsupDrvs || !g_DynUpdtStatus->DuBeginDownload || !g_DynUpdtStatus->DuAbortDownload || !g_DynUpdtStatus->DuUninitialize ) { DynUpdtDebugLog ( Winnt32LogError, TEXT("pLoadDuLib: %1 is missing one or more required entry points"), 0, LibraryPath ); g_DynUpdtStatus->DuIsSupported = NULL; g_DynUpdtStatus->DuInitialize = NULL; g_DynUpdtStatus->DuDoDetection = NULL; g_DynUpdtStatus->DuQueryUnsupDrvs = NULL; g_DynUpdtStatus->DuBeginDownload = NULL; g_DynUpdtStatus->DuAbortDownload = NULL; g_DynUpdtStatus->DuUninitialize = NULL; rc = GetLastError (); FreeLibrary (g_DynUpdtStatus->DuLib); g_DynUpdtStatus->DuLib = NULL; SetLastError (rc); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } #ifndef UNICODE BOOL pLoadWin9xDuSupport ( VOID ) { if (!UpgradeSupport.DllModuleHandle) { return FALSE; } g_DynUpdtStatus->Win9xGetIncompDrvs = (PWIN9XGETINCOMPDRVS) GetProcAddress (UpgradeSupport.DllModuleHandle, "Win9xGetIncompDrvs"); g_DynUpdtStatus->Win9xReleaseIncompDrvs = (PWIN9XRELEASEINCOMPDRVS) GetProcAddress (UpgradeSupport.DllModuleHandle, "Win9xReleaseIncompDrvs"); if (!g_DynUpdtStatus->Win9xGetIncompDrvs) { DynUpdtDebugLog ( Winnt32LogError, TEXT("Winnt32DuIsSupported: %1 is missing in the upgrade support module"), 0, "Win9xGetIncompDrvs" ); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } #endif BOOL pInitSupportLibs ( VOID ) { return (Winnt32Restarted () || pInitializeSupport (S_DUCTRL_DLL, pLoadDuLib, TRUE)) && pInitializeSupport (S_HWDB_DLL, pLoadHwdbLib, FALSE) && g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbInitialize (g_DynUpdtStatus->TempDir); } BOOL pInitNtPnpDb ( IN BOOL AllowRebuild ) { TCHAR hwdbPath[MAX_PATH]; BOOL b = TRUE; if (!FindPathToWinnt32File (S_HWCOMP_DAT, hwdbPath, ARRAYSIZE(hwdbPath))) { DynUpdtDebugLog (Winnt32LogError, TEXT("pInitNtPnpDb: %1 not found"), 0, S_HWCOMP_DAT); b = FALSE; } MYASSERT (g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbInitialize); if (b && !g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbInitialize (g_DynUpdtStatus->TempDir)) { DynUpdtDebugLog (Winnt32LogError, TEXT("pInitNtPnpDb: HwdbInitialize(%1) FAILED"), 0, g_DynUpdtStatus->TempDir); b = FALSE; } MYASSERT (g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbOpen); if (b) { g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbDatabase = g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbOpen (hwdbPath); if (!g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbDatabase) { DynUpdtDebugLog (Winnt32LogError, TEXT("pInitNtPnpDb: HwdbOpen(%1) FAILED"), 0, hwdbPath); b = FALSE; } } if (!b && AllowRebuild) { // // just rebuild the database in memory // g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbDatabase = g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbOpen (NULL); if (g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbDatabase) { b = g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbAppendInfs (g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbDatabase, NativeSourcePaths[0], NULL, NULL); if (b) { DynUpdtDebugLog (Winnt32LogWarning, TEXT("pInitNtPnpDb: PnP database was successfully rebuilt"), 0); // // also try to save the database // if (g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbFlush) { BuildPath (hwdbPath, NativeSourcePaths[0], S_HWCOMP_DAT); g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbFlush (g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbDatabase, hwdbPath); } } } } return b; } BOOL IsNetConnectivityAvailable ( VOID ) { #ifdef UNICODE return TRUE; #else BOOL (*pfnWin9xAnyNetDevicePresent) (VOID); if (UpgradeSupport.DllModuleHandle) { (FARPROC)pfnWin9xAnyNetDevicePresent = GetProcAddress (UpgradeSupport.DllModuleHandle, "Win9xAnyNetDevicePresent"); if (pfnWin9xAnyNetDevicePresent) { return pfnWin9xAnyNetDevicePresent(); } } return TRUE; #endif } BOOL DynamicUpdateIsSupported ( IN HWND ParentWnd ) { DWORD rc; if (g_DynUpdtStatus->Disabled) { return FALSE; } // // disable this for DTC // if (ProductFlavor == DATACENTER_PRODUCTTYPE) { return FALSE; } if (AnyBlockingCompatibilityItems ()) { // // no point in supporting DU; setup will stop anyway // return FALSE; } CleanUpOldLocalSources (ParentWnd); if (!InspectFilesystems (ParentWnd)) { DynUpdtDebugLog (Winnt32LogWarning, TEXT("InspectFilesystems blocks DU"), 0); return FALSE; } if (!EnoughMemory (ParentWnd, TRUE)) { return FALSE; } if (!FindLocalSourceAndCheckSpace (ParentWnd, TRUE, DYN_DISKSPACE_PADDING)) { DynUpdtDebugLog (Winnt32LogWarning, TEXT("Not enough disk space blocks DU"), 0); return FALSE; } if (!g_DynUpdtStatus->SupportQueried) { g_DynUpdtStatus->SupportQueried = TRUE; if (g_DynUpdtStatus->DynamicUpdatesSource[0]) { g_DynUpdtStatus->SupportPresent = TRUE; } else { g_DynUpdtStatus->SupportPresent = Winnt32DuIsSupported () && IsNetConnectivityAvailable (); if (!g_DynUpdtStatus->SupportPresent) { rc = GetLastError (); DynamicUpdateUninitialize (); SetLastError (rc); } } } return g_DynUpdtStatus->SupportPresent; } BOOL DynamicUpdateInitDownload ( IN HWND hNotifyWnd ) { DYNUPDT_INIT dynUpdtInit; MYASSERT (!g_DynUpdtStatus->Disabled); MYASSERT (!Winnt32Restarted ()); MyDelnode (g_DynUpdtStatus->WorkingDir); BuildPath (g_DynUpdtStatus->TempDir, g_DynUpdtStatus->WorkingDir, S_SUBDIRNAME_TEMP); if (CreateMultiLevelDirectory (g_DynUpdtStatus->TempDir) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DynUpdtDebugLog ( Winnt32LogError, TEXT("DynamicUpdateInitDownload: CreateMultiLevelDirectory failed"), 0 ); return FALSE; } if (!pGetTargetInfo ( &g_DynUpdtStatus->TargetOsVersion, NULL, 0, &g_DynUpdtStatus->TargetLCID )) { return FALSE; } dynUpdtInit.TargetOsVersion = &g_DynUpdtStatus->TargetOsVersion; dynUpdtInit.TargetPlatform = g_DynUpdtStatus->TargetPlatform; dynUpdtInit.TargetLCID = g_DynUpdtStatus->TargetLCID; dynUpdtInit.Upgrade = Upgrade; dynUpdtInit.SourceDirs = info.SourceDirectories; dynUpdtInit.SourceDirsCount = SourceCount; dynUpdtInit.Unattend = UnattendSwitchSpecified; dynUpdtInit.AnswerFile = UnattendedScriptFile; dynUpdtInit.ProgressWindow = hNotifyWnd; dynUpdtInit.DownloadRoot = g_DynUpdtStatus->WorkingDir; dynUpdtInit.TempDir = g_DynUpdtStatus->TempDir; return Winnt32DuInitialize (&dynUpdtInit); } BOOL DynamicUpdateStart ( OUT PDWORD TotalEstimatedTime, OUT PDWORD TotalEstimatedSize ) { if (g_DynUpdtStatus->Disabled) { return FALSE; } return Winnt32DuInitiateGetUpdates (TotalEstimatedTime, TotalEstimatedSize); } VOID DynamicUpdateCancel ( VOID ) { if (g_DynUpdtStatus->Disabled) { return; } Winnt32DuCancel (); } BOOL DynamicUpdateProcessFiles ( OUT PBOOL StopSetup ) { if (g_DynUpdtStatus->Disabled) { return TRUE; } return Winnt32DuProcessFiles (StopSetup); } BOOL DynamicUpdateWriteParams ( IN PCTSTR ParamsFile ) { return Winnt32DuWriteParams (ParamsFile); } VOID DynamicUpdateUninitialize ( VOID ) { if (g_DynUpdtStatus->Disabled) { return; } Winnt32DuUninitialize (); } BOOL DynamicUpdatePrepareRestart ( VOID ) { PCTSTR prevCmdLine; DWORD size; #if defined(_X86_) TCHAR reportNum[16]; #endif if (g_DynUpdtStatus->Disabled) { return FALSE; } #define S_ARG_RESTART TEXT("Restart") if (!UnattendedOperation) { // // build the restart answer file // BuildPath (g_DynUpdtStatus->RestartAnswerFile, g_DynUpdtStatus->WorkingDir, S_RESTART_TXT); #if defined(_X86_) wsprintf (reportNum, TEXT("%u"), g_UpgradeReportMode); #endif // // write data to the restart answer file // if (!WritePrivateProfileString ( WINNT_UNATTENDED, ISNT() ? WINNT_D_NTUPGRADE : WINNT_D_WIN95UPGRADE, Upgrade ? WINNT_A_YES : WINNT_A_NO, g_DynUpdtStatus->RestartAnswerFile ) || ProductId[0] && !WritePrivateProfileString ( WINNT_USERDATA, WINNT_US_PRODUCTKEY, ProductId, g_DynUpdtStatus->RestartAnswerFile ) || !WritePrivateProfileString ( WINNT_UNATTENDED, WINNT_U_DYNAMICUPDATESHARE, g_DynUpdtStatus->DynamicUpdatesSource, g_DynUpdtStatus->RestartAnswerFile ) || #if defined(_X86_) !WritePrivateProfileString ( WINNT_UNATTENDED, WINNT_D_REPORTMODE, reportNum, g_DynUpdtStatus->RestartAnswerFile ) || #endif (ForceNTFSConversion && !WritePrivateProfileString ( WINNT_UNATTENDED, TEXT("ForceNTFSConversion"), WINNT_A_YES, g_DynUpdtStatus->RestartAnswerFile )) || !SaveAdvancedOptions ( g_DynUpdtStatus->RestartAnswerFile ) || !SaveLanguageOptions ( g_DynUpdtStatus->RestartAnswerFile ) || !SaveAccessibilityOptions ( g_DynUpdtStatus->RestartAnswerFile ) ) { return FALSE; } } prevCmdLine = GetCommandLine (); size = (lstrlen (prevCmdLine) + 1 + 1) * sizeof (TCHAR) + sizeof (S_ARG_RESTART) + (UnattendedOperation ? 0 : (1 + lstrlen (g_DynUpdtStatus->RestartAnswerFile)) * sizeof (TCHAR)); g_DynUpdtStatus->RestartCmdLine = HeapAlloc (GetProcessHeap (), 0, size); if (!g_DynUpdtStatus->RestartCmdLine) { return FALSE; } _sntprintf ( g_DynUpdtStatus->RestartCmdLine, size / sizeof(TCHAR), UnattendedOperation ? TEXT("%s /%s") : TEXT("%s /%s:%s"), prevCmdLine, S_ARG_RESTART, g_DynUpdtStatus->RestartAnswerFile ); return TRUE; } BOOL pComputeChecksum ( IN PCTSTR FileName, OUT PDWORD Chksum ) { DWORD chksum, size, dwords, bytes; HANDLE hFile, hMap; PVOID viewBase; PDWORD base, limit; PBYTE base2; DWORD rc; rc = MapFileForRead (FileName, &size, &hFile, &hMap, &viewBase); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) { SetLastError (rc); return FALSE; } dwords = size / sizeof (DWORD); base = (PDWORD)viewBase; limit = base + dwords; chksum = 0; while (base < limit) { chksum += *base; base++; } bytes = size % sizeof (DWORD); base2 = (PBYTE)base; while (bytes) { chksum += *base2; base2++; bytes--; } UnmapFile (hMap, viewBase); CloseHandle (hFile); *Chksum = chksum; return TRUE; } BOOL pGetFiletimeStamps ( IN PCTSTR FileName, OUT PFILETIME CreationTime, OUT PFILETIME LastWriteTime ) { WIN32_FIND_DATA fd; HANDLE h; h = FindFirstFile (FileName, &fd); if (h == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return FALSE; } FindClose (h); *CreationTime = fd.ftCreationTime; *LastWriteTime = fd.ftLastWriteTime; return TRUE; } BOOL pSaveLastDownloadInfo ( VOID ) { SYSTEMTIME currentTime; DWORD chksum; FILETIME ftCreationTime; FILETIME ftLastWriteTime; ULONGLONG data[2]; DWORD rc; HKEY key; TCHAR keyName[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR filePath[MAX_PATH]; PTSTR p; // // we always want to get to the CD dosnet.inf (in the same directory as winnt32.exe) // if (!MyGetModuleFileName (NULL, filePath, ARRAYSIZE(filePath))) { return FALSE; } p = _tcsrchr (filePath, TEXT('\\')); if (!p) { return FALSE; } lstrcpy (p + 1, InfName); GetCurrentWinnt32RegKey (keyName, ARRAYSIZE(keyName)); ConcatenatePaths (keyName, WINNT_U_DYNAMICUPDATESHARE, ARRAYSIZE(keyName)); rc = RegCreateKey (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, keyName, &key); if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS) { GetSystemTime (¤tTime); rc = RegSetValueEx ( key, TEXT("LastDownloadTime"), 0, REG_BINARY, (CONST BYTE *) (¤tTime), sizeof (currentTime) ); if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS) { rc = RegSetValueEx ( key, TEXT(""), 0, REG_SZ, (CONST BYTE *) g_DynUpdtStatus->DynamicUpdatesSource, (lstrlen (g_DynUpdtStatus->DynamicUpdatesSource) + 1) * sizeof (TCHAR) ); } if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (pComputeChecksum (filePath, &chksum)) { rc = RegSetValueEx ( key, TEXT("Checksum"), 0, REG_DWORD, (CONST BYTE *) (&chksum), sizeof (chksum) ); } } if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (pGetFiletimeStamps (filePath, &ftCreationTime, &ftLastWriteTime)) { data[0] = ((ULONGLONG)ftCreationTime.dwHighDateTime << 32) | (ULONGLONG)ftCreationTime.dwLowDateTime; data[1] = ((ULONGLONG)ftLastWriteTime.dwHighDateTime << 32 ) | (ULONGLONG)ftLastWriteTime.dwLowDateTime; rc = RegSetValueEx ( key, TEXT("TimeStamp"), 0, REG_BINARY, (CONST BYTE *)data, sizeof (data) ); } } RegCloseKey (key); } if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) { SetLastError (rc); } return rc == ERROR_SUCCESS; } BOOL pGetRecentDUShare ( IN DWORD MaxElapsedSeconds ) { SYSTEMTIME lastDownload, currentTime; ULONGLONG lastDownloadIn100Ns, currentTimeIn100Ns; ULONGLONG difference; DWORD rc, size, type; HKEY key = NULL; BOOL b = FALSE; PTSTR duShare = NULL; TCHAR keyName[MAX_PATH]; FILETIME ftCreationTime; FILETIME ftLastWriteTime; ULONGLONG data[2], storedData[2]; DWORD chksum, storedChksum; TCHAR filePath[MAX_PATH]; PTSTR p; if (!MyGetModuleFileName (NULL, filePath, ARRAYSIZE(filePath))) { return FALSE; } p = _tcsrchr (filePath, TEXT('\\')); if (!p) { return FALSE; } lstrcpy (p + 1, InfName); GetCurrentWinnt32RegKey (keyName, ARRAYSIZE(keyName)); ConcatenatePaths (keyName, WINNT_U_DYNAMICUPDATESHARE, ARRAYSIZE(keyName)); rc = RegOpenKeyEx ( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, keyName, 0, KEY_READ, &key ); if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS) { size = sizeof (lastDownload); rc = RegQueryValueEx ( key, TEXT("LastDownloadTime"), NULL, &type, (PBYTE) (&lastDownload), &size ); } if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS && type == REG_BINARY && size == sizeof (lastDownload)) { // // Compare current time to report time // GetSystemTime (¤tTime); lastDownloadIn100Ns = SystemTimeToFileTime64 (&lastDownload); currentTimeIn100Ns = SystemTimeToFileTime64 (¤tTime); if (currentTimeIn100Ns > lastDownloadIn100Ns) { // // Compute difference in seconds // difference = currentTimeIn100Ns - lastDownloadIn100Ns; difference /= (10 * 1000 * 1000); if (difference < MaxElapsedSeconds) { b = TRUE; } } } if (b) { b = FALSE; rc = RegQueryValueEx ( key, TEXT(""), NULL, &type, NULL, &size ); if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS && type == REG_SZ && size > 0 && size <= sizeof (g_DynUpdtStatus->DynamicUpdatesSource)) { duShare = MALLOC (size); if (duShare) { rc = RegQueryValueEx ( key, TEXT(""), NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)duShare, &size ); if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS && pDoesDirectoryExist (duShare)) { b = TRUE; } else { FREE (duShare); duShare = NULL; } } } } if (b) { b = FALSE; if (pGetFiletimeStamps (filePath, &ftCreationTime, &ftLastWriteTime)) { rc = RegQueryValueEx ( key, TEXT("TimeStamp"), 0, &type, (LPBYTE)storedData, &size ); if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS && type == REG_BINARY) { data[0] = ((ULONGLONG)ftCreationTime.dwHighDateTime << 32) | (ULONGLONG)ftCreationTime.dwLowDateTime; data[1] = ((ULONGLONG)ftLastWriteTime.dwHighDateTime << 32 ) | (ULONGLONG)ftLastWriteTime.dwLowDateTime; if (data[0] == storedData[0] && data[1] == storedData[1]) { b = TRUE; } } } } if (b) { b = FALSE; if (pComputeChecksum (filePath, &chksum)) { rc = RegQueryValueEx ( key, TEXT("Checksum"), NULL, &type, (LPBYTE)&storedChksum, &size ); if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS && type == REG_DWORD && storedChksum == chksum) { b = TRUE; } } } if (!b && duShare) { FREE (duShare); duShare = NULL; } if (duShare) { MYASSERT (b); MYASSERT (!g_DynUpdtStatus->DynamicUpdatesSource[0]); lstrcpy (g_DynUpdtStatus->DynamicUpdatesSource, duShare); RemoveTrailingWack (g_DynUpdtStatus->DynamicUpdatesSource); g_DynUpdtStatus->UserSpecifiedUpdates = TRUE; } if (key) { RegCloseKey (key); } return b; } BOOL DynamicUpdateInitialize ( VOID ) { if (g_DynUpdtStatus->Disabled) { return TRUE; } if (!MyGetWindowsDirectory (g_DynUpdtStatus->WorkingDir, ARRAYSIZE(g_DynUpdtStatus->WorkingDir))) { return FALSE; } if (!ConcatenatePaths (g_DynUpdtStatus->WorkingDir, S_DOWNLOAD_ROOT, ARRAYSIZE(g_DynUpdtStatus->WorkingDir))) { return FALSE; } if (!BuildPath (g_DynUpdtStatus->TempDir, g_DynUpdtStatus->WorkingDir, S_SUBDIRNAME_TEMP)) { return FALSE; } g_DynUpdtStatus->Diamond = DiamondInitialize (g_DynUpdtStatus->TempDir); if (!g_DynUpdtStatus->Diamond) { DynUpdtDebugLog (Winnt32LogError, TEXT("Unable to initialize compression/decompression engine"), 0); return FALSE; } if (!CheckUpgradeOnly && !g_DynUpdtStatus->UserSpecifiedUpdates) { if (pGetRecentDUShare (MAX_UPGCHK_ELAPSED_SECONDS)) { g_DynUpdtStatus->PreserveWorkingDir = TRUE; // // this might be considered sensitive information; // only log it if the user asks for it // DynUpdtDebugLog ( Winnt32LogDetailedInformation, TEXT("Using recent share %1"), 0, g_DynUpdtStatus->DynamicUpdatesSource ); } } if (!g_DynUpdtStatus->PreserveWorkingDir && !Winnt32Restarted ()) { MyDelnode (g_DynUpdtStatus->WorkingDir); } if (g_DynUpdtStatus->UserSpecifiedUpdates) { BuildPath (g_DynUpdtStatus->DriversSource, g_DynUpdtStatus->DynamicUpdatesSource, S_SUBDIRNAME_DRIVERS); } else { BuildPath (g_DynUpdtStatus->DriversSource, g_DynUpdtStatus->WorkingDir, S_SUBDIRNAME_DRIVERS); } BuildPath (g_DynUpdtStatus->SelectedDrivers, g_DynUpdtStatus->WorkingDir, S_SUBDIRNAME_DRIVERS); if (Winnt32Restarted ()) { BuildPath (g_DynUpdtStatus->Winnt32Path, g_DynUpdtStatus->WorkingDir, S_SUBDIRNAME_WINNT32); } else { BuildPath ( g_DynUpdtStatus->Winnt32Path, g_DynUpdtStatus->UserSpecifiedUpdates ? g_DynUpdtStatus->DynamicUpdatesSource : g_DynUpdtStatus->WorkingDir, S_SUBDIRNAME_WINNT32 ); } if (!pGetTargetInfo ( NULL, g_DynUpdtStatus->TargetPlatform, ARRAYSIZE(g_DynUpdtStatus->TargetPlatform), NULL )) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } PTSTR GetFileExtension ( IN PCTSTR FileSpec ) { PTSTR p; p = _tcsrchr (FileSpec, TEXT('.')); if (p && _tcschr (p, TEXT('\\'))) { p = NULL; } return p; } BOOL BuildSifName ( IN PCTSTR CabName, OUT PTSTR SifName, IN UINT CchSifName ) { PTSTR p; if (FAILED(StringCchCopy (SifName, CchSifName, CabName))) { return FALSE; } p = GetFileExtension (SifName); if (!p) { p = _tcschr (SifName, 0); } return SUCCEEDED (StringCchCopy (p, SifName + CchSifName - p, TEXT(".sif"))); } BOOL WINAPI Winnt32QueryCallback ( IN DWORD SetupQueryId, IN PVOID InData, IN DWORD InDataSize, IN OUT PVOID OutData, OPTIONAL IN OUT PDWORD OutDataSize ) { BOOL b = FALSE; BOOL bException = FALSE; switch (SetupQueryId) { case SETUPQUERYID_PNPID: { PPNPID_INFO p; PTSTR listPnpIds = NULL; if (!OutData || !OutDataSize || *OutDataSize < sizeof (PNPID_INFO) ) { SetLastError (ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); break; } if (!g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbHasAnyDriver) { SetLastError (ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION); break; } __try { p = (PPNPID_INFO)OutData; if (g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbDatabase) { #ifdef UNICODE listPnpIds = MultiSzAnsiToUnicode ((PCSTR)InData); #else listPnpIds = (PSTR)InData; #endif p->Handled = (*g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbHasAnyDriver) ( g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbDatabase, listPnpIds, &p->Unsupported ); } else { // // disable all driver downloads by doing this // p->Handled = TRUE; } } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { SetLastError (GetExceptionCode()); DynUpdtDebugLog (Winnt32LogError, TEXT("Winnt32QueryCallback: HwdbHasAnyDriver threw an exception"), 0); bException = TRUE; p->Handled = TRUE; } if (bException) { __try { // // bad string passed back, or some internal error // try to print the string // if (listPnpIds) { PTSTR multisz = CreatePrintableString (listPnpIds); DynUpdtDebugLog (Winnt32LogError, TEXT(" - The string was %1"), 0, multisz); FREE (multisz); } } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { DynUpdtDebugLog (Winnt32LogError, TEXT(" - Bad string"), 0); } } #ifdef UNICODE if (listPnpIds) { FREE (listPnpIds); } #endif b = TRUE; } break; case SETUPQUERYID_DOWNLOADDRIVER: { if (!OutData || !OutDataSize || *OutDataSize < sizeof (BOOL) ) { SetLastError (ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); break; } b = TRUE; } break; } return b; } BOOL WINAPI Winnt32DuIsSupported ( VOID ) { BOOL b = FALSE; DynUpdtDebugLog (DynUpdtLogLevel, TEXT("Enter Winnt32DuIsSupported"), 0); #ifndef UNICODE if (!pLoadWin9xDuSupport ()) { DynUpdtDebugLog ( Winnt32LogWarning, TEXT("Winnt32DuIsSupported: %1 support module not loaded; no drivers will be downloaded"), 0, "w95upg.dll" ); } #endif TRY { b = pInitSupportLibs () && (Winnt32Restarted () || g_DynUpdtStatus->DuIsSupported ()); } EXCEPT (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { SetLastError (_exception_code ()); DynUpdtDebugLog (Winnt32LogError, TEXT("Winnt32DuIsSupported: an exception occured"), 0); } END_EXCEPT #ifndef UNICODE if (!b) { g_DynUpdtStatus->Win9xGetIncompDrvs = NULL; g_DynUpdtStatus->Win9xReleaseIncompDrvs = NULL; } #endif DynUpdtDebugLog (DynUpdtLogLevel, TEXT("Leave Winnt32DuIsSupported (%1!d!)"), 0, b); return b; } BOOL WINAPI Winnt32DuInitialize ( IN PDYNUPDT_INIT InitData ) { DWORD rc; BOOL b = FALSE; DynUpdtDebugLog (DynUpdtLogLevel, TEXT("Enter Winnt32DuInitialize"), 0); __try { MYASSERT (InitData); MYASSERT (InitData->TempDir); MYASSERT (g_DynUpdtStatus->DuInitialize); MYASSERT (!Winnt32Restarted ()); if (CreateMultiLevelDirectory (InitData->TempDir) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DynUpdtDebugLog (Winnt32LogError, TEXT("Winnt32DuInitialize: CreateDirectory(%1) FAILED"), 0, InitData->TempDir); __leave; } // // initialize the Whistler PNP database // if (!g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbDatabase) { // // ignore db load error // pInitNtPnpDb (FALSE); } TRY { // // if a download source already exists, no need to initialize the control // since no download will be really necessary // MYASSERT (!g_DynUpdtStatus->DynamicUpdatesSource[0]); g_DynUpdtStatus->Connection = (*g_DynUpdtStatus->DuInitialize) ( InitData->DownloadRoot, InitData->TempDir, InitData->TargetOsVersion, InitData->TargetPlatform, InitData->TargetLCID, InitData->Unattend, InitData->Upgrade, Winnt32QueryCallback ); if (g_DynUpdtStatus->Connection == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DynUpdtDebugLog ( Winnt32LogError, TEXT("DuInitialize FAILED"), 0 ); __leave; } g_DynUpdtStatus->ProgressWindow = InitData->ProgressWindow; b = TRUE; } EXCEPT (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { SetLastError (_exception_code ()); DynUpdtDebugLog (Winnt32LogError, TEXT("Winnt32DuInitialize: an exception occured"), 0); } END_EXCEPT } __finally { if (!b) { DynUpdtDebugLog (Winnt32LogError, TEXT("Winnt32DuInitialize FAILED"), 0); } } DynUpdtDebugLog (DynUpdtLogLevel, TEXT("Leave Winnt32DuInitialize (%1!d!)"), 0, b); return b; } BOOL WINAPI Winnt32DuInitiateGetUpdates ( OUT PDWORD TotalEstimatedTime, OUT PDWORD TotalEstimatedSize ) { BOOL b = FALSE; #ifndef UNICODE PSTR* incompWin9xDrivers; PSTRINGLIST listEntry; PCSTR* q; BOOL free; PSTR empty = TEXT(""); #endif DynUpdtDebugLog (DynUpdtLogLevel, TEXT("Enter Winnt32DuInitiateGetUpdates"), 0); if (g_DynUpdtStatus->Connection != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && g_DynUpdtStatus->DuDoDetection && g_DynUpdtStatus->DuBeginDownload ) { TRY { #ifdef UNICODE b = (*g_DynUpdtStatus->DuDoDetection) (g_DynUpdtStatus->Connection, TotalEstimatedTime, TotalEstimatedSize); if (!b) { DynUpdtDebugLog ( DynUpdtLogLevel, TEXT("DuDoDetection returned FALSE; no files will be downloaded"), 0 ); } #else b = TRUE; g_DynUpdtStatus->IncompatibleDriversCount = 0; if (g_DynUpdtStatus->Win9xGetIncompDrvs) { // // let the upgrade module do detection on Win95 // b = (*g_DynUpdtStatus->Win9xGetIncompDrvs) (&incompWin9xDrivers); free = TRUE; } else { incompWin9xDrivers = ∅ free = FALSE; } if (b) { b = (*g_DynUpdtStatus->DuQueryUnsupDrvs) ( g_DynUpdtStatus->Connection, incompWin9xDrivers, TotalEstimatedTime, TotalEstimatedSize ); if (incompWin9xDrivers) { for (q = incompWin9xDrivers; *q; q++) { g_DynUpdtStatus->IncompatibleDriversCount++; } } if (free && g_DynUpdtStatus->Win9xReleaseIncompDrvs) { (*g_DynUpdtStatus->Win9xReleaseIncompDrvs) (incompWin9xDrivers); } if (!b) { DynUpdtDebugLog ( DynUpdtLogLevel, TEXT("DuQueryUnsupportedDrivers returned FALSE; no files will be downloaded"), 0 ); } } else { DynUpdtDebugLog ( DynUpdtLogLevel, TEXT("Win9xGetIncompDrvs returned FALSE; no files will be downloaded"), 0 ); } #endif if (b) { b = (*g_DynUpdtStatus->DuBeginDownload) (g_DynUpdtStatus->Connection, g_DynUpdtStatus->ProgressWindow); if (!b) { DynUpdtDebugLog ( DynUpdtLogLevel, TEXT("DuBeginDownload returned FALSE; no files will be downloaded"), 0 ); } } } EXCEPT (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { SetLastError (_exception_code ()); DynUpdtDebugLog ( Winnt32LogError, TEXT("Winnt32DuInitiateGetUpdates: an exception occured; no files will be downloaded"), 0 ); } END_EXCEPT } else { SetLastError (ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION); } DynUpdtDebugLog (DynUpdtLogLevel, TEXT("Leave Winnt32DuInitiateGetUpdates (%1!d!)"), 0, b); return b; } VOID WINAPI Winnt32DuCancel ( VOID ) { DynUpdtDebugLog (DynUpdtLogLevel, TEXT("Enter Winnt32DuCancel"), 0); TRY { if (g_DynUpdtStatus->Connection != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && g_DynUpdtStatus->DuAbortDownload ) { (*g_DynUpdtStatus->DuAbortDownload) (g_DynUpdtStatus->Connection); } } EXCEPT (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { SetLastError (_exception_code ()); DynUpdtDebugLog (Winnt32LogError, TEXT("Winnt32DuCancel: an exception occured"), 0); } END_EXCEPT DynUpdtDebugLog (DynUpdtLogLevel, TEXT("Leave Winnt32DuCancel"), 0); } BOOL WINAPI Winnt32DuProcessFiles ( OUT PBOOL StopSetup ) { BOOL b; DynUpdtDebugLog (DynUpdtLogLevel, TEXT("Enter Winnt32DuProcessFiles"), 0); b = ProcessDownloadedFiles (StopSetup); DynUpdtDebugLog (DynUpdtLogLevel, TEXT("Leave Winnt32DuProcessFiles (%1!d!)"), 0, b); return b; } BOOL WINAPI Winnt32DuWriteParams ( IN PCTSTR ParamsFile ) { PSDLIST p; PSTRINGLIST q; DWORD len1, len2; PTSTR pathList1 = NULL, pathList2 = NULL; PTSTR append1, append2; BOOL b = TRUE; if (!DynamicUpdateSuccessful ()) { DynUpdtDebugLog (DynUpdtLogLevel, TEXT("Winnt32DuWriteParams: disabled because DU did not succeed"), 0); return TRUE; } DynUpdtDebugLog (DynUpdtLogLevel, TEXT("Enter Winnt32DuWriteParams"), 0); // // store paths to all downloaded drivers in a key in the answer file, // so later on Textmode Setup (or GUI setup) will append this list to the OemPnPDriversPath // if (g_DynUpdtStatus->NewDriversList) { len1 = len2 = 0; for (p = g_DynUpdtStatus->NewDriversList; p; p = p->Next) { if (p->Data) { len1 += lstrlen (p->String) + 1; } else { len2 += lstrlen (p->String) + 1; } } if (len1) { pathList1 = (PTSTR) MALLOC (len1 * sizeof (TCHAR)); if (!pathList1) { b = FALSE; goto exit; } *pathList1 = 0; append1 = pathList1; } if (len2) { pathList2 = (PTSTR) MALLOC (len2 * sizeof (TCHAR)); if (!pathList2) { FREE (pathList1); b = FALSE; goto exit; } *pathList2 = 0; append2 = pathList2; } for (p = g_DynUpdtStatus->NewDriversList; p; p = p->Next) { if (p->Data) { if (append1 != pathList1) { *append1++ = TEXT(','); } lstrcpy (append1, p->String); append1 = _tcschr (append1, 0); } else { if (append2 != pathList2) { *append2++ = TEXT(','); } lstrcpy (append2, p->String); append2 = _tcschr (append2, 0); } } if (len1) { if (!WritePrivateProfileString ( WINNT_SETUPPARAMS, WINNT_SP_DYNUPDTADDITIONALGUIDRIVERS, pathList1, ParamsFile )) { b = FALSE; } } if (b && len2) { if (!WritePrivateProfileString ( WINNT_SETUPPARAMS, WINNT_SP_DYNUPDTADDITIONALPOSTGUIDRIVERS, pathList2, ParamsFile )) { b = FALSE; } } if (pathList1) { FREE (pathList1); } if (pathList2) { FREE (pathList2); } if (b && g_DynUpdtStatus->GuidrvsInfSource[0]) { if (!WritePrivateProfileString ( WINNT_SETUPPARAMS, WINNT_SP_DYNUPDTDRIVERINFOFILE, g_DynUpdtStatus->GuidrvsInfSource, ParamsFile )) { b = FALSE; } } } // // store paths to all downloaded BOOT drivers in a key in the answer file, // so later on Textmode Setup will append this to the boot drivers list // if (b && g_DynUpdtStatus->BootDriverPathList) { len1 = 0; for (q = g_DynUpdtStatus->BootDriverPathList; q; q = q->Next) { len1 += lstrlen (q->String) + 1; } pathList1 = (PTSTR) MALLOC (len1 * sizeof (TCHAR)); if (!pathList1) { b = FALSE; goto exit; } *pathList1 = 0; append1 = pathList1; for (q = g_DynUpdtStatus->BootDriverPathList; q; q = q->Next) { if (append1 != pathList1) { *append1++ = TEXT(','); } lstrcpy (append1, q->String); append1 = _tcschr (append1, 0); } if (!WritePrivateProfileString ( WINNT_SETUPPARAMS, WINNT_SP_DYNUPDTBOOTDRIVERPRESENT, WINNT_A_YES, ParamsFile ) || !WritePrivateProfileString ( WINNT_SETUPPARAMS, WINNT_SP_DYNUPDTBOOTDRIVERROOT, S_SUBDIRNAME_DRIVERS, ParamsFile ) || !WritePrivateProfileString ( WINNT_SETUPPARAMS, WINNT_SP_DYNUPDTBOOTDRIVERS, pathList1, ParamsFile )) { b = FALSE; } FREE (pathList1); } if (b && g_DynUpdtStatus->UpdatesCabTarget[0]) { TCHAR buffer[2*MAX_PATH]; _sntprintf ( buffer, ARRAYSIZE(buffer), TEXT("\"%s\""), g_DynUpdtStatus->UpdatesCabTarget ); b = WritePrivateProfileString ( WINNT_SETUPPARAMS, WINNT_SP_UPDATEDSOURCES, buffer, ParamsFile ); } // // new assemblies to be installed during GUI setup // if (b && g_DynUpdtStatus->DuasmsTarget[0]) { b = WritePrivateProfileString ( WINNT_SETUPPARAMS, WINNT_SP_UPDATEDDUASMS, g_DynUpdtStatus->DuasmsTarget, ParamsFile ); } #if defined(_X86_) // // last but not least, replace the Win9xupg NT side migration dll (w95upgnt.dll) // if a new one is available // if (b && Upgrade && !ISNT() && g_DynUpdtStatus->Winnt32Path[0]) { TCHAR source[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR target[MAX_PATH]; BuildPath (target, g_DynUpdtStatus->Winnt32Path, TEXT("w95upgnt.dll")); if (pDoesFileExist (target)) { // // check file versions first // BuildPath (source, NativeSourcePaths[0], TEXT("w95upgnt.dll")); if (!IsFileVersionLesser (target, source)) { if (_tcsnicmp ( g_DynUpdtStatus->Winnt32Path, g_DynUpdtStatus->WorkingDir, lstrlen (g_DynUpdtStatus->WorkingDir) )) { // // copy the file in a local directory first // BuildPath (source, g_DynUpdtStatus->WorkingDir, TEXT("w95upgnt.dll")); if (CopyFile (target, source, FALSE)) { lstrcpy (target, source); } else { // // failed to copy the NT-side upgrade module! // fail the upgrade // DynUpdtDebugLog ( Winnt32LogSevereError, TEXT("Failed to copy replacement %1 to %2; upgrade aborted"), 0, target, source ); b = FALSE; } } if (b) { b = WritePrivateProfileString ( WINNT_WIN95UPG_95_DIR, WINNT_WIN95UPG_NTKEY, target, ParamsFile ); DynUpdtDebugLog (DynUpdtLogLevel, TEXT("Will use replacement %1 on the NT side of migration"), 0, target); } } } } #endif if (b) { if (g_DynUpdtStatus->WorkingDir[0]) { b = WritePrivateProfileString ( WINNT_SETUPPARAMS, WINNT_SP_DYNUPDTWORKINGDIR, g_DynUpdtStatus->WorkingDir, ParamsFile ); } } if (b) { // // flush it to disk // WritePrivateProfileString (NULL, NULL, NULL, ParamsFile); } exit: DynUpdtDebugLog (DynUpdtLogLevel, TEXT("Leave Winnt32DuWriteParams (%1!d!)"), 0, b); return b; } VOID WINAPI Winnt32DuUninitialize ( VOID ) { DWORD i; #if 0 TCHAR pathPss[MAX_PATH]; PTSTR p; #endif DynUpdtDebugLog (DynUpdtLogLevel, TEXT("Enter Winnt32DuUninitialize"), 0); TRY { if (g_DynUpdtStatus->Connection != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if (g_DynUpdtStatus->DuUninitialize) { (*g_DynUpdtStatus->DuUninitialize) (g_DynUpdtStatus->Connection); } g_DynUpdtStatus->Connection = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } g_DynUpdtStatus->DuIsSupported = NULL; g_DynUpdtStatus->ProgressWindow = NULL; g_DynUpdtStatus->DuInitialize = NULL; g_DynUpdtStatus->DuDoDetection = NULL; g_DynUpdtStatus->DuQueryUnsupDrvs = NULL; g_DynUpdtStatus->DuBeginDownload = NULL; g_DynUpdtStatus->DuAbortDownload = NULL; g_DynUpdtStatus->DuUninitialize = NULL; if (g_DynUpdtStatus->DuLib) { FreeLibrary (g_DynUpdtStatus->DuLib); g_DynUpdtStatus->DuLib = NULL; } if (g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbDatabase) { g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbClose (g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbDatabase); g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbDatabase = NULL; } if (g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbTerminate) { (*g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbTerminate) (); } g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbInitialize = NULL; g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbTerminate = NULL; g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbOpen = NULL; g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbClose = NULL; g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbAppendInfs = NULL; g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbFlush = NULL; g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbHasDriver = NULL; g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbHasAnyDriver = NULL; if (g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbLib) { FreeLibrary (g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbLib); g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbLib = NULL; } #ifndef UNICODE g_DynUpdtStatus->Win9xGetIncompDrvs = NULL; g_DynUpdtStatus->Win9xReleaseIncompDrvs = NULL; #endif #if 0 if (g_DynUpdtStatus->WorkingDir[0]) { p = _tcsrchr (g_DynUpdtStatus->WorkingDir, TEXT('\\')); if (!p) { p = g_DynUpdtStatus->WorkingDir; } lstrcpyn ( pathPss, g_DynUpdtStatus->WorkingDir, MIN (ARRAYSIZE(pathPss), (INT)(p - g_DynUpdtStatus->WorkingDir + 2)) ); ConcatenatePaths (pathPss, TEXT("setup.pss"), ARRAYSIZE(pathPss)); CreateMultiLevelDirectory (pathPss); ConcatenatePaths (pathPss, p, ARRAYSIZE(pathPss)); MyDelnode (pathPss); } #endif if (!DynamicUpdateSuccessful ()) { if (g_DynUpdtStatus->WorkingDir[0]) { #if 0 // // rename this directory to make sure no module uses any DU files // MYASSERT (pathPss[0]); if (!MoveFile (g_DynUpdtStatus->WorkingDir, pathPss)) { DynUpdtDebugLog ( Winnt32LogError, TEXT("Winnt32DuUninitialize: MoveFile %1 -> %2 failed"), 0, g_DynUpdtStatus->WorkingDir, pathPss ); MyDelnode (g_DynUpdtStatus->WorkingDir); } #else MyDelnode (g_DynUpdtStatus->WorkingDir); #endif } } DiamondTerminate (g_DynUpdtStatus->Diamond); } EXCEPT (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { SetLastError (_exception_code ()); DynUpdtDebugLog (Winnt32LogError, TEXT("Winnt32DuUninitialize: an exception occured"), 0); } END_EXCEPT DynUpdtDebugLog (DynUpdtLogLevel, TEXT("Leave Winnt32DuUninitialize"), 0); } BOOL pAddMissingPrinterDrivers ( IN OUT PSTRINGLIST* List ) { DWORD nBytesNeeded = 0; DWORD nDriverRetrieved = 0; DWORD rc; PDRIVER_INFO_6 buffer = NULL; DWORD index; PCTSTR printerPnpId; PSTRINGLIST p; BOOL unsupported; BOOL b = FALSE; if (!EnumPrinterDrivers ( NULL, NULL, 6, NULL, 0, &nBytesNeeded, &nDriverRetrieved )) { if (GetLastError() != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { goto exit; } } if (nBytesNeeded) { buffer = (PDRIVER_INFO_6) MALLOC (nBytesNeeded); if (!buffer) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); goto exit; } // // get printer driver information // if (!EnumPrinterDrivers ( NULL, NULL, 6, (LPBYTE)buffer, nBytesNeeded, &nBytesNeeded, &nDriverRetrieved )) { if (GetLastError() != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { goto exit; } } for (index = 0; index < nDriverRetrieved; index++) { printerPnpId = buffer[index].pszHardwareID; if (!printerPnpId) { continue; } if (g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbHasDriver ( g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbDatabase, printerPnpId, &unsupported )) { continue; } // // not an in-box driver // p = (PSTRINGLIST) MALLOC (sizeof (STRINGLIST)); if (!p) { SetLastError (ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); goto exit; } p->String = MALLOC ((lstrlen (printerPnpId) + 2) * sizeof (TCHAR)); if (!p->String) { FREE (p); SetLastError (ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); goto exit; } wsprintf (p->String, TEXT("%s%c"), printerPnpId, TEXT('\0')); p->Next = NULL; if (!InsertList ((PGENERIC_LIST*)List, (PGENERIC_LIST)p)) { DeleteStringCell (p); SetLastError (ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); goto exit; } } } b = TRUE; exit: rc = GetLastError(); if (buffer) { FREE (buffer); } SetLastError(rc); return b; } HDEVINFO (WINAPI* SetupapiDiGetClassDevs) ( IN CONST GUID *ClassGuid, OPTIONAL IN PCWSTR Enumerator, OPTIONAL IN HWND hwndParent, OPTIONAL IN DWORD Flags ); BOOL (WINAPI* SetupapiDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty) ( IN HDEVINFO DeviceInfoSet, IN PSP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData, IN DWORD Property, OUT PDWORD PropertyRegDataType, OPTIONAL OUT PBYTE PropertyBuffer, IN DWORD PropertyBufferSize, OUT PDWORD RequiredSize OPTIONAL ); BOOL (WINAPI* SetupapiDiEnumDeviceInfo) ( IN HDEVINFO DeviceInfoSet, IN DWORD MemberIndex, OUT PSP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData ); BOOL (WINAPI* SetupapiDiDestroyDeviceInfoList) ( IN HDEVINFO DeviceInfoSet ); #ifdef UNICODE PSTRINGLIST BuildMissingPnpIdList ( VOID ) { HDEVINFO hDeviceInfoSet; INT nIndex = 0; SP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData; PTSTR buffer = NULL; ULONG uHwidSize, uCompatidSize; DWORD rc; BOOL unsupported; PSTRINGLIST p; PSTRINGLIST list = NULL; HMODULE hSetupapi; BOOL b; BOOL bException; if (OsVersion.dwMajorVersion <= 4) { return list; } hSetupapi = LoadLibrary (TEXT("setupapi.dll")); if (!hSetupapi) { return list; } // // get the entry points // (FARPROC)SetupapiDiEnumDeviceInfo = GetProcAddress (hSetupapi, "SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo"); (FARPROC)SetupapiDiDestroyDeviceInfoList = GetProcAddress (hSetupapi, "SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList"); (FARPROC)SetupapiDiGetClassDevs = GetProcAddress (hSetupapi, "SetupDiGetClassDevsW"); (FARPROC)SetupapiDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty = GetProcAddress (hSetupapi, "SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryPropertyW"); if (!SetupapiDiEnumDeviceInfo || !SetupapiDiDestroyDeviceInfoList || !SetupapiDiGetClassDevs || !SetupapiDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty ) { FreeLibrary (hSetupapi); return list; } hDeviceInfoSet = SetupapiDiGetClassDevs (NULL, NULL, NULL, DIGCF_ALLCLASSES); if (hDeviceInfoSet == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { FreeLibrary (hSetupapi); return list; } DeviceInfoData.cbSize = sizeof (SP_DEVINFO_DATA); while (SetupapiDiEnumDeviceInfo (hDeviceInfoSet, nIndex++, &DeviceInfoData)) { uHwidSize = uCompatidSize = 0; if (!SetupapiDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty ( hDeviceInfoSet, &DeviceInfoData, SPDRP_HARDWAREID, NULL, NULL, 0, &uHwidSize )) { if (GetLastError() != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER && GetLastError() != ERROR_INVALID_DATA ) { goto exit; } } if (!SetupapiDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty ( hDeviceInfoSet, &DeviceInfoData, SPDRP_COMPATIBLEIDS, NULL, NULL, 0, &uCompatidSize )) { if (GetLastError() != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER && GetLastError() != ERROR_INVALID_DATA ) { goto exit; } } // // allocate memory for the multi-sz buffer // if (!uHwidSize && !uCompatidSize) { continue; } buffer = (PTSTR) MALLOC ((uHwidSize + uCompatidSize) * sizeof (TCHAR)); if (!buffer) { SetLastError (ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); goto exit; } // // get the hardware id and compatible id // if (uHwidSize) { if (!SetupapiDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty( hDeviceInfoSet, &DeviceInfoData, SPDRP_HARDWAREID, NULL, (PBYTE)buffer, uHwidSize, NULL )) { goto exit; } } if (uCompatidSize) { rc = uHwidSize / sizeof (TCHAR); if (rc > 0) { rc--; } if (!SetupapiDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty( hDeviceInfoSet, &DeviceInfoData, SPDRP_COMPATIBLEIDS, NULL, (PBYTE)&buffer[rc], uCompatidSize, NULL )) { goto exit; } } // // check if there is an inbox driver for this device // bException = FALSE; __try { b = g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbHasAnyDriver ( g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbDatabase, buffer, &unsupported ); } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { SetLastError (GetExceptionCode()); DynUpdtDebugLog (Winnt32LogError, TEXT("BuildMissingPnpIdList: HwdbHasAnyDriver threw an exception"), 0); bException = TRUE; b = TRUE; } if (bException) { __try { // // bad string passed back, or some internal error // try to print the string // PTSTR multisz = CreatePrintableString (buffer); DynUpdtDebugLog (Winnt32LogError, TEXT(" - The string was %1"), 0, multisz); FREE (multisz); } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { DynUpdtDebugLog (Winnt32LogError, TEXT(" - Bad string"), 0); } } if (b) { FREE (buffer); buffer = NULL; continue; } // // no inbox driver - add it to the list // p = (PSTRINGLIST) MALLOC (sizeof (STRINGLIST)); if (!p) { SetLastError (ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); goto exit; } p->String = buffer; p->Next = NULL; buffer = NULL; if (!InsertList ((PGENERIC_LIST*)&list, (PGENERIC_LIST)p)) { DeleteStringCell (p); DeleteStringList (list); list = NULL; SetLastError (ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); goto exit; } } if (GetLastError() == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) { SetLastError (ERROR_SUCCESS); } exit: rc = GetLastError(); SetupapiDiDestroyDeviceInfoList(hDeviceInfoSet); FreeLibrary (hSetupapi); if (buffer) { FREE (buffer); } if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // // get printer drivers // if (ISNT()) { if (!pAddMissingPrinterDrivers (&list)) { rc = GetLastError(); DeleteStringList (list); list = NULL; } } } SetLastError(rc); return list; } #endif BOOL pHwdbHasAnyMissingDrivers ( IN HANDLE Hwdb, IN PSTRINGLIST MissingPnpIds ) { PSTRINGLIST p; BOOL unsupported; BOOL b = FALSE; for (p = MissingPnpIds; p; p = p->Next) { BOOL bException = FALSE; __try { if (g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbHasAnyDriver (Hwdb, p->String, &unsupported)) { b = TRUE; break; } } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { SetLastError (GetExceptionCode()); DynUpdtDebugLog ( Winnt32LogError, TEXT("pHwdbHasAnyMissingDrivers: HwdbHasAnyDriver threw an exception"), 0 ); bException = TRUE; } if (bException) { __try { // // bad string passed back, or some internal error // try to print the string // PTSTR multisz = CreatePrintableString (p->String); DynUpdtDebugLog (Winnt32LogError, TEXT(" - The string was %1"), 0, multisz); FREE (multisz); } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { DynUpdtDebugLog (Winnt32LogError, TEXT(" - Bad string"), 0); } } } return b; } typedef struct { PCTSTR BaseDir; PCTSTR Filename; } CONTEXT_EXTRACTFILEINDIR, *PCONTEXT_EXTRACTFILEINDIR; UINT pExtractFileInDir ( IN PVOID Context, IN UINT Code, IN UINT_PTR Param1, IN UINT_PTR Param2 ) { if (g_DynUpdtStatus->Cancelled) { return ERROR_CANCELLED; } switch (Code) { case SPFILENOTIFY_FILEINCABINET: { PFILE_IN_CABINET_INFO FileInCabInfo = (PFILE_IN_CABINET_INFO)Param1; PCONTEXT_EXTRACTFILEINDIR ctx = (PCONTEXT_EXTRACTFILEINDIR)Context; PTSTR p; if (lstrcmpi (FileInCabInfo->NameInCabinet, ctx->Filename)) { return FILEOP_SKIP; } BuildPath (FileInCabInfo->FullTargetName, ctx->BaseDir, FileInCabInfo->NameInCabinet); if (_tcschr (FileInCabInfo->NameInCabinet, TEXT('\\'))) { // // target file is in a subdir; first create it // p = _tcsrchr (FileInCabInfo->FullTargetName, TEXT('\\')); if (p) { *p = 0; } if (CreateMultiLevelDirectory (FileInCabInfo->FullTargetName) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return FILEOP_ABORT; } if (p) { *p = TEXT('\\'); } } return FILEOP_DOIT; } case SPFILENOTIFY_NEEDNEWCABINET: { PCABINET_INFO CabInfo = (PCABINET_INFO)Param1; DynUpdtDebugLog ( Winnt32LogError, TEXT("pExtractFileInDir: NeedNewCabinet %1\\%2 on %3 (SetId=%4!u!;CabinetNumber=%5!u!)"), 0, CabInfo->CabinetPath, CabInfo->CabinetFile, CabInfo->DiskName, CabInfo->SetId, CabInfo->CabinetNumber ); return ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } } return NO_ERROR; } UINT pExpandCabInDir ( IN PVOID Context, IN UINT Code, IN UINT_PTR Param1, IN UINT_PTR Param2 ) { if (g_DynUpdtStatus->Cancelled) { return ERROR_CANCELLED; } switch (Code) { case SPFILENOTIFY_FILEINCABINET: { PFILE_IN_CABINET_INFO FileInCabInfo = (PFILE_IN_CABINET_INFO)Param1; PTSTR p; BuildPath (FileInCabInfo->FullTargetName, (PCTSTR)Context, FileInCabInfo->NameInCabinet); if (_tcschr (FileInCabInfo->NameInCabinet, TEXT('\\'))) { // // target file is in a subdir; first create it // p = _tcsrchr (FileInCabInfo->FullTargetName, TEXT('\\')); if (p) { *p = 0; } if (CreateMultiLevelDirectory (FileInCabInfo->FullTargetName) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return FILEOP_ABORT; } if (p) { *p = TEXT('\\'); } } return FILEOP_DOIT; } case SPFILENOTIFY_NEEDNEWCABINET: { PCABINET_INFO CabInfo = (PCABINET_INFO)Param1; DynUpdtDebugLog ( Winnt32LogError, TEXT("pExpandCabInDir: NeedNewCabinet %1\\%2 on %3 (SetId=%4!u!;CabinetNumber=%5!u!)"), 0, CabInfo->CabinetPath, CabInfo->CabinetFile, CabInfo->DiskName, CabInfo->SetId, CabInfo->CabinetNumber ); return ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; } } return NO_ERROR; } BOOL pGetAutoSubdirName ( IN PCTSTR FilePath, OUT PTSTR DirName, IN DWORD DirNameChars ) { PTSTR p, q; lstrcpyn (DirName, FilePath, DirNameChars); p = _tcsrchr (DirName, TEXT('.')); q = _tcsrchr (DirName, TEXT('\\')); if (!p || (q && p < q)) { return FALSE; } *p = 0; return TRUE; } BOOL pAddLibrariesForCompToCopyQueue ( IN PCTSTR ModuleName, IN PCTSTR Subdir, IN PCTSTR BaseDir, IN HSPFILEQ SetupQueue ) { static struct { PCTSTR SubDir; PCTSTR LibsMultiSz; } g_SubdirReqLibs [] = { TEXT("win9xupg"), TEXT("setupapi.dll\0cfgmgr32.dll\0msvcrt.dll\0cabinet.dll\0imagehlp.dll\0"), TEXT("winntupg"), TEXT("setupapi.dll\0cfgmgr32.dll\0msvcrt.dll\0"), }; INT i; TCHAR dst[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR src[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR sourceFile[MAX_PATH]; PTSTR p, q; PCTSTR fileName; for (i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE (g_SubdirReqLibs); i++) { if (Subdir == g_SubdirReqLibs[i].SubDir || Subdir && !lstrcmpi (Subdir, g_SubdirReqLibs[i].SubDir) ) { break; } } if (i >= ARRAYSIZE (g_SubdirReqLibs)) { return TRUE; } // // prepare src and dest path // if (!MyGetModuleFileName (NULL, src, ARRAYSIZE(src))) { return FALSE; } p = _tcsrchr (src, TEXT('\\')); if (!p) { return FALSE; } *p = 0; i = _sntprintf (dst, ARRAYSIZE(dst), TEXT("%s"), BaseDir); if (i < 0) { return FALSE; } q = dst + i; if (Subdir) { i = _sntprintf (p, ARRAYSIZE(src) - (p - src), TEXT("\\%s"), Subdir); if (i < 0) { return FALSE; } p += i; i = _sntprintf (q, ARRAYSIZE(dst) - (q - dst), TEXT("\\%s"), Subdir); if (i < 0) { return FALSE; } q += i; } // // copy each source file // for (fileName = g_SubdirReqLibs[i].LibsMultiSz; *fileName; fileName = _tcschr (fileName, 0) + 1) { i = _sntprintf (q, ARRAYSIZE(dst) - (q - dst), TEXT("\\%s"), fileName); if (i < 0) { return FALSE; } // // check if file already exists at dest // if (!pDoesFileExist (dst)) { // // check if the source file actually exists // if (!BuildPath (sourceFile, src, fileName)) { return FALSE; } if (!pDoesFileExist (sourceFile)) { DynUpdtDebugLog (Winnt32LogError, TEXT("Source file %1 not found"), 0, sourceFile); return FALSE; } // // prepare source path and copy file // *q = 0; if (!SetupapiQueueCopy ( SetupQueue, src, NULL, fileName, NULL, NULL, dst, NULL, SP_COPY_SOURCEPATH_ABSOLUTE )) { return FALSE; } } } return TRUE; } BOOL pIsBootDriver ( IN PCTSTR DriverFilesDir ) { FILEPATTERN_ENUM e; BOOL b = FALSE; if (EnumFirstFilePattern (&e, DriverFilesDir, TEXT("txtsetup.oem"))) { b = !(e.FindData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY); AbortEnumFilePattern (&e); } return b; } BOOL pIsExcluded ( IN HINF GuiDrvsInf, IN PCTSTR PnPId, IN PCTSTR ActualInfFilename, IN PCTSTR SourceDir, IN PCTSTR FullInfPath ) { TCHAR buffer[MAX_PATH]; PTSTR packageName; INFCONTEXT ic; TCHAR field[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR driverVer[MAX_PATH]; if (!((GuiDrvsInf != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && PnPId && ActualInfFilename && SourceDir && FullInfPath))) { MYASSERT (FALSE); return FALSE; } if (FAILED (StringCchCopy (buffer, ARRAYSIZE(buffer), SourceDir))) { MYASSERT (FALSE); return FALSE; } packageName = _tcsrchr (buffer, TEXT('\\')); if (!packageName) { return FALSE; } packageName++; if (SetupapiFindFirstLine (GuiDrvsInf, TEXT("ExcludedDrivers"), NULL, &ic)) { do { if (!SetupapiGetStringField (&ic, GUIDRVS_FIELD_CABNAME, field, ARRAYSIZE(field), NULL)) { continue; } if (lstrcmpi (field, packageName)) { continue; } if (!SetupapiGetStringField (&ic, GUIDRVS_FIELD_INFNAME, field, ARRAYSIZE(field), NULL)) { return TRUE; } if (lstrcmpi (field, ActualInfFilename)) { continue; } if (SetupapiGetStringField (&ic, GUIDRVS_FIELD_DRIVERVER, field, ARRAYSIZE(field), NULL)) { if (field[0] != TEXT('*')) { // // read the DriverVer value out of this INF // GetPrivateProfileString ( TEXT("Version"), TEXT("DriverVer"), TEXT(""), driverVer, ARRAYSIZE(driverVer), FullInfPath ); if (lstrcmpi (field, driverVer)) { continue; } } } if (SetupapiGetStringField (&ic, GUIDRVS_FIELD_HARDWAREID, field, ARRAYSIZE(field), NULL) && lstrcmpi (field, PnPId) ) { continue; } return TRUE; } while (SetupapiFindNextLine (&ic, &ic)); } return FALSE; } BOOL Winnt32HwdbAppendInfsCallback ( IN PVOID Context, IN PCTSTR PnpId, IN PCTSTR ActualInfFilename, IN PCTSTR SourceDir, IN PCTSTR FullInfPath ) { HINF hGuiDrvs = (HINF)Context; MYASSERT (hGuiDrvs != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); return !pIsExcluded (hGuiDrvs, PnpId, ActualInfFilename, SourceDir, FullInfPath); } BOOL pBuildHwcompDat ( IN PCTSTR DriverDir, IN HINF GuidrvsInf, OPTIONAL IN BOOL AlwaysRebuild, IN BOOL AllowUI ) { HANDLE hDB; TCHAR datFile[MAX_PATH]; BOOL b = TRUE; BuildPath (datFile, DriverDir, S_HWCOMP_DAT); if (AlwaysRebuild) { SetFileAttributes (datFile, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); DeleteFile (datFile); } if (pDoesFileExist (datFile)) { return TRUE; } hDB = g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbOpen (NULL); if (!hDB) { return FALSE; } if (g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbAppendInfs ( hDB, DriverDir, GuidrvsInf != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ? Winnt32HwdbAppendInfsCallback : NULL, (PVOID)GuidrvsInf )) { if (g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbFlush (hDB, datFile)) { DynUpdtDebugLog (DynUpdtLogLevel, TEXT("Successfully built %1"), 0, datFile); } else { if (AllowUI) { MessageBoxFromMessage ( g_DynUpdtStatus->ProgressWindow, MSG_ERROR_WRITING_FILE, FALSE, AppTitleStringId, MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR | MB_TASKMODAL, GetLastError (), datFile ); } b = FALSE; } } else { if (AllowUI) { MessageBoxFromMessage ( g_DynUpdtStatus->ProgressWindow, MSG_ERROR_PROCESSING_DRIVER, FALSE, AppTitleStringId, MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR | MB_TASKMODAL, DriverDir ); } b = FALSE; } g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbClose (hDB); return b; } UINT pWriteAnsiFilelistToFile ( IN PVOID Context, IN UINT Code, IN UINT_PTR Param1, IN UINT_PTR Param2 ) { if (g_DynUpdtStatus->Cancelled) { return ERROR_CANCELLED; } switch (Code) { case SPFILENOTIFY_FILEINCABINET: { PFILE_IN_CABINET_INFO FileInCabInfo = (PFILE_IN_CABINET_INFO)Param1; CHAR ansi[MAX_PATH]; INT size; DWORD bytes; PCTSTR p; MYASSERT (!_tcschr (FileInCabInfo->NameInCabinet, TEXT('\\'))); #pragma prefast(suppress:53, the result of _snprintf is tested) #ifdef UNICODE size = _snprintf (ansi, ARRAYSIZE(ansi), "%ls\r\n", FileInCabInfo->NameInCabinet); #else size = _snprintf (ansi, ARRAYSIZE(ansi), "%s\r\n", FileInCabInfo->NameInCabinet); #endif if (size < 0) { return FILEOP_ABORT; } // // Warning: ansi may not be nul-terminated, but it doesn't matter // for the write operation below // if (!WriteFile ((HANDLE)Context, ansi, size, &bytes, NULL) || bytes != size) { return FILEOP_ABORT; } return FILEOP_SKIP; } } return NO_ERROR; } BOOL CreateFileListSif ( IN PCTSTR SifPath, IN PCTSTR SectionName, IN PCTSTR CabinetToScan ) { HANDLE sif; CHAR ansi[MAX_PATH]; INT size; DWORD bytes; BOOL b = TRUE; // // First prepare the section string // #ifdef UNICODE #pragma prefast(suppress:53, the result of _snprintf is tested) size = _snprintf (ansi, ARRAYSIZE(ansi), "[%ls]\r\n", SectionName); #else #pragma prefast(suppress:53, the result of _snprintf is tested) size = _snprintf (ansi, ARRAYSIZE(ansi), "[%s]\r\n", SectionName); #endif if (size < 0) { return FALSE; } // // Warning: the string above may not be nul-terminated, but it doesn't matter // for the write operation below // sif = CreateFile ( SifPath, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN, NULL ); if (sif == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return FALSE; } if (!WriteFile (sif, ansi, size, &bytes, NULL) || bytes != size) { b = FALSE; goto exit; } b = MySetupIterateCabinet (CabinetToScan, 0, pWriteAnsiFilelistToFile, (PVOID)sif); exit: CloseHandle (sif); if (!b) { DeleteFile (SifPath); } return b; } BOOL pIsExecutableModule ( IN PCTSTR ModulePath ) { PCTSTR p; p = GetFileExtension (ModulePath); return p && !lstrcmpi (p, TEXT(".dll")); } UINT pCopyFilesCallback ( IN PVOID Context, //context used by the callback routine IN UINT Notification, //notification sent to callback routine IN UINT_PTR Param1, //additional notification information IN UINT_PTR Param2 //additional notification information ) { switch (Notification) { case SPFILENOTIFY_COPYERROR: return FILEOP_ABORT; case SPFILENOTIFY_STARTCOPY: // // try to avoid unnecessary setupapi warnings that the files are not signed // or even blocked because of this; try to copy the file ourselves first // { PFILEPATHS paths = (PFILEPATHS)Param1; if (CopyFile (paths->Source, paths->Target, FALSE)) { return FILEOP_SKIP; } } break; case SPFILENOTIFY_STARTQUEUE: case SPFILENOTIFY_STARTSUBQUEUE: case SPFILENOTIFY_ENDSUBQUEUE: case SPFILENOTIFY_ENDQUEUE: return !g_DynUpdtStatus->Cancelled; } return SetupapiDefaultQueueCallback (Context, Notification, Param1, Param2); } BOOL pProcessWinnt32Files ( IN PCTSTR Winnt32Cab, IN BOOL ClientInstall, OUT PBOOL StopSetup ) { FILEPATTERNREC_ENUM e; TCHAR winnt32WorkingDir[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR dst[MAX_PATH]; PTSTR p, subdir; HSPFILEQ hq; BOOL bLoaded; BOOL bRestartRequired; BOOL bReloadMainInf = FALSE; TCHAR buffer[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR origSubPath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR origFileName[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR origFilePath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR destFilePath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR version[100]; BOOL b = TRUE; *StopSetup = FALSE; if (!pNonemptyFilePresent (Winnt32Cab)) { if (!ClientInstall) { DynUpdtDebugLog (DynUpdtLogLevel, TEXT("Package %1 is not present"), 0, Winnt32Cab); } return TRUE; } else { // // don't process the cabinet in client installation mode; just warn about that // if (ClientInstall) { // // user specified updates location, but they didn't run winnt32 /prepare now or before // MessageBoxFromMessage ( g_DynUpdtStatus->ProgressWindow, MSG_MUST_PREPARE_SHARE, FALSE, AppTitleStringId, MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP | MB_TASKMODAL, g_DynUpdtStatus->DynamicUpdatesSource ); *StopSetup = TRUE; return FALSE; } } DynUpdtDebugLog ( DynUpdtLogLevel, TEXT("Analyzing package %1..."), 0, Winnt32Cab ); // // expand it in the corresponding subdir // BuildPath ( winnt32WorkingDir, g_DynUpdtStatus->PrepareWinnt32 ? g_DynUpdtStatus->DynamicUpdatesSource : g_DynUpdtStatus->WorkingDir, S_SUBDIRNAME_WINNT32 ); // // expand CAB in this dir // if (CreateMultiLevelDirectory (winnt32WorkingDir) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DynUpdtDebugLog (Winnt32LogError, TEXT("Unable to create dir %1"), 0, winnt32WorkingDir); return FALSE; } if (!MySetupIterateCabinet (Winnt32Cab, 0, pExpandCabInDir, (PVOID)winnt32WorkingDir)) { DynUpdtDebugLog (Winnt32LogError, TEXT("Unable to expand cabinet %1"), 0, Winnt32Cab); return FALSE; } // // ISSUE: the patching support is currently not available for platforms other than x86 // #if defined(_X86_) // // now let's look for any patches // if (EnumFirstFilePatternRecursive (&e, winnt32WorkingDir, S_PATCH_FILE_EXT, 0)) { do { BOOL bDeleteTempFile = FALSE; if (g_DynUpdtStatus->Cancelled) { SetLastError (ERROR_CANCELLED); b = FALSE; break; } if (e.FindData->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { continue; } DynUpdtDebugLog ( DynUpdtLogLevel, TEXT("pProcessWinnt32Files: found patch %1"), 0, e.FullPath ); // // get the original file from the sources location // the filename is obtained cutting the ._p1 extension // if (FAILED(StringCchCopy (origFileName, ARRAYSIZE(origFileName), e.FileName))) { // // should never happen, as e.FileName comes from an enum routine // MYASSERT (FALSE); b = FALSE; break; } p = GetFileExtension (origFileName); if (!p) { MYASSERT (FALSE); continue; } *p = 0; if (FAILED(StringCchCopy (origSubPath, ARRAYSIZE(origSubPath), e.SubPath))) { MYASSERT (FALSE); b = FALSE; break; } p = GetFileExtension (origSubPath); if (!p) { MYASSERT (FALSE); continue; } *p = 0; if (!MyGetModuleFileName (NULL, origFilePath, ARRAYSIZE(origFilePath)) || !(p = _tcsrchr (origFilePath, TEXT('\\')))) { b = FALSE; break; } *p = 0; if (!ConcatenatePaths (origFilePath, origSubPath, ARRAYSIZE(origFilePath))) { MYASSERT (FALSE); b = FALSE; break; } // // now check if this file (in it's compressed form or not) actually exists // if (!pDoesFileExist (origFilePath)) { // // try the compressed form // p = _tcschr (origFilePath, 0); MYASSERT (p); if (!p) { continue; } p = _tcsdec (origFilePath, p); MYASSERT (p); if (!p) { continue; } *p = TEXT('_'); if (!pDoesFileExist (origFilePath)) { DynUpdtDebugLog ( Winnt32LogError, TEXT("pProcessWinnt32Files: Unable to find original file %1 to apply the patch"), 0, origSubPath ); b = FALSE; break; } // // expand the file to the temp dir // if (!BuildPath (buffer, g_DynUpdtStatus->TempDir, origSubPath)) { MYASSERT (FALSE); b = FALSE; break; } p = _tcsrchr (buffer, TEXT('\\')); MYASSERT (p); if (!p) { continue; } *p = 0; if (CreateMultiLevelDirectory (buffer) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DynUpdtDebugLog (Winnt32LogError, TEXT("pProcessWinnt32Files: Unable to create dir %1"), 0, buffer); b = FALSE; break; } if (!MySetupIterateCabinet (origFilePath, 0, pExpandCabInDir, buffer)) { DynUpdtDebugLog ( Winnt32LogError, TEXT("pProcessWinnt32Files: Unable to expand original file %1 to dir %2"), 0, origFilePath, buffer ); b = FALSE; break; } *p = TEXT('\\'); // // dest is NOT shorter than source // MYASSERT (ARRAYSIZE(origFilePath) <= ARRAYSIZE(buffer)); lstrcpy (origFilePath, buffer); bDeleteTempFile = TRUE; } BuildPath (destFilePath, winnt32WorkingDir, TEXT("$$temp$$.~~~")); // // now really apply the patch // if (!ApplyPatchToFile (e.FullPath, origFilePath, destFilePath, 0)) { DynUpdtDebugLog ( Winnt32LogError, TEXT("pProcessWinnt32Files: ApplyPatchToFile failed to apply patch %1 to file %2"), 0, e.FullPath, origFilePath ); b = FALSE; break; } // // success! now move the file to the real destination // if (!BuildPath (buffer, winnt32WorkingDir, origSubPath)) { b = FALSE; break; } p = _tcsrchr (buffer, TEXT('\\')); MYASSERT (p); if (!p) { continue; } *p = 0; if (CreateMultiLevelDirectory (buffer) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DynUpdtDebugLog (Winnt32LogError, TEXT("pProcessWinnt32Files: Unable to create dir %1"), 0, buffer); b = FALSE; break; } *p = TEXT('\\'); SetFileAttributes (buffer, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); DeleteFile (buffer); if (!MoveFile (destFilePath, buffer)) { DynUpdtDebugLog (Winnt32LogError, TEXT("pProcessWinnt32Files: Unable to move file %1 to final dest %2"), 0, destFilePath, buffer); b = FALSE; break; } if (!GetFileVersion (buffer, version)) { MYASSERT (ARRAYSIZE(version) <= ARRAYSIZE("")); lstrcpy (version, TEXT("")); } DynUpdtDebugLog ( DynUpdtLogLevel, TEXT("pProcessWinnt32Files: successfully applied patch %1 to file %2; the new file %3 has version %4"), 0, e.FullPath, origFilePath, buffer, version ); // // now remove the patch file // SetFileAttributes (e.FullPath, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); DeleteFile (e.FullPath); if (bDeleteTempFile) { SetFileAttributes (origFilePath, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); DeleteFile (origFilePath); } } while (EnumNextFilePatternRecursive (&e)); AbortEnumFilePatternRecursive (&e); } #endif if (!b) { goto exit; } // // process new Winnt32 components // hq = SetupapiOpenFileQueue (); if (hq == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return FALSE; } if (EnumFirstFilePatternRecursive (&e, winnt32WorkingDir, TEXT("*"), 0)) { do { if (g_DynUpdtStatus->Cancelled) { SetLastError (ERROR_CANCELLED); b = FALSE; break; } if (e.FindData->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { continue; } if (!MyGetModuleFileName (NULL, dst, MAX_PATH) || !(p = _tcsrchr (dst, TEXT('\\')))) { b = FALSE; break; } *p = 0; if (!ConcatenatePaths (dst, e.SubPath, MAX_PATH)) { b = FALSE; break; } // // check file versions first // if (IsFileVersionLesser (e.FullPath, dst)) { continue; } // // if there's a file named winnt32.rst, force restart // if (!lstrcmpi (e.FileName, S_RESTART_FILENAME)) { if (!g_DynUpdtStatus->PrepareWinnt32) { g_DynUpdtStatus->RestartWinnt32 = TRUE; DynUpdtDebugLog ( DynUpdtLogLevel, TEXT("File %1 present; winnt32 will restart"), 0, e.FileName ); } } else { // // check if dosnet.inf is present; if it is, reset the global variables // if (!lstrcmpi (e.FileName, InfName) && FullInfName[0]) { FullInfName[0] = 0; bReloadMainInf = TRUE; } bLoaded = FALSE; bRestartRequired = Upgrade || !_tcschr (e.SubPath, TEXT('\\')); if (GetModuleHandle (e.FileName) != NULL) { bLoaded = TRUE; if (!g_DynUpdtStatus->PrepareWinnt32) { // // do NOT restart if it's NOT an upgrade and this is one of the upgrade modules // if (bRestartRequired) { // // need to restart winnt32 so the newly registered component can be used instead // g_DynUpdtStatus->RestartWinnt32 = TRUE; DynUpdtDebugLog ( DynUpdtLogLevel, TEXT("A newer version is available for %1; winnt32 will restart"), 0, e.SubPath ); } } } if ((bLoaded || pIsExecutableModule (e.FullPath)) && (bRestartRequired || g_DynUpdtStatus->PrepareWinnt32) ) { // // make all required libraries available for this module // p = _tcsrchr (e.SubPath, TEXT('\\')); if (p) { *p = 0; subdir = e.SubPath; } else { subdir = NULL; } if (!pAddLibrariesForCompToCopyQueue (e.FileName, subdir, winnt32WorkingDir, hq)) { b = FALSE; break; } if (p) { *p = TEXT('\\'); } } } } while (EnumNextFilePatternRecursive (&e)); AbortEnumFilePatternRecursive (&e); if (b) { PVOID ctx; ctx = SetupapiInitDefaultQueueCallback (NULL); b = SetupapiCommitFileQueue (NULL, hq, pCopyFilesCallback, ctx); SetupapiTermDefaultQueueCallback (ctx); if (!b) { DynUpdtDebugLog (Winnt32LogError, TEXT("pProcessWinnt32Files: SetupapiCommitFileQueue failed"), 0); } } } SetupapiCloseFileQueue (hq); if (b) { SetFileAttributes (Winnt32Cab, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); if (!DeleteFile (Winnt32Cab)) { DynUpdtDebugLog (Winnt32LogSevereError, TEXT("pProcessWinnt32Files: unable to delete file %1"), 0, Winnt32Cab); b = FALSE; } } if (b && bReloadMainInf) { b = FindPathToWinnt32File (InfName, FullInfName, MAX_PATH); MYASSERT (b); if (MainInf) { UnloadInfFile (MainInf); MainInf = NULL; b = LoadInfFile (FullInfName, TRUE, &MainInf) == NO_ERROR; } } exit: return b; } BOOL pValidOsFile ( IN PCTSTR FilePath ) { DWORD headerSum, checkSum; if (!g_DynUpdtStatus->ImagehlpDll) { // // first time, try to load the library // g_DynUpdtStatus->ImagehlpDll = LoadLibrary (TEXT("imagehlp.dll")); if (!g_DynUpdtStatus->ImagehlpDll) { // // mark the failure // DynUpdtDebugLog ( Winnt32LogWarning, TEXT("pValidOsFile: unable to load %1 (rc=%2!u!); all files are assumed valid"), 0, TEXT("imagehlp.dll"), GetLastError () ); g_DynUpdtStatus->ImagehlpDll = (HANDLE)-1; return TRUE; } g_DynUpdtStatus->IhMapFileAndCheckSum = (PFNMAPFILEANDCHECKSUM) GetProcAddress ( g_DynUpdtStatus->ImagehlpDll, #ifdef UNICODE "MapFileAndCheckSumW" #else "MapFileAndCheckSumA" #endif ); if (!g_DynUpdtStatus->IhMapFileAndCheckSum) { // // mark the failure // DynUpdtDebugLog ( Winnt32LogWarning, TEXT("pValidOsFile: unable to find required proc in %1 (rc=%2!u!); all files are assumed valid"), 0, TEXT("imagehlp.dll"), GetLastError () ); FreeLibrary (g_DynUpdtStatus->ImagehlpDll); g_DynUpdtStatus->ImagehlpDll = (HANDLE)-1; return TRUE; } } if (g_DynUpdtStatus->ImagehlpDll == (HANDLE)-1) { // // imagehlp not available, just asssume it's good // return TRUE; } if (g_DynUpdtStatus->IhMapFileAndCheckSum ((PTSTR)FilePath, &headerSum, &checkSum) != CHECKSUM_SUCCESS) { DynUpdtDebugLog ( Winnt32LogWarning, TEXT("pValidOsFile: unable to compute checksum of %1 (rc=%2!u!); file is assumed valid"), 0, FilePath, GetLastError () ); return TRUE; } // // verify if the 2 values match // if (headerSum != 0 && headerSum != checkSum) { DynUpdtDebugLog ( Winnt32LogError, TEXT("pValidOsFile: invalid checksum for %1 (header=%2!x!,file=%3!x!)"), 0, FilePath, headerSum, checkSum ); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } BOOL pProcessUpdates ( IN PCTSTR UpdatesCab, IN BOOL ClientInstall, OUT PBOOL StopSetup ) { TCHAR updatesSourceDir[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR buffer[MAX_PATH]; FILEPATTERNREC_ENUM e; TCHAR origSubPath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR origFileName[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR origFilePath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR destFilePath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR version[100]; PTSTR p; TCHAR updatesCabPath[MAX_PATH]; HANDLE hCabContext; BOOL result; BOOL bPatchApplied = FALSE; HANDLE hCab; PSTRINGLIST listUpdatesFiles = NULL; PCTSTR cabPath; BOOL bCatalogFileFound; BOOL b = TRUE; *StopSetup = FALSE; if (!pNonemptyFilePresent (UpdatesCab)) { if (!ClientInstall) { DynUpdtDebugLog (DynUpdtLogLevel, TEXT("Package %1 is not present"), 0, UpdatesCab); } return TRUE; } DynUpdtDebugLog ( DynUpdtLogLevel, TEXT("Analyzing package %1..."), 0, UpdatesCab ); if (ClientInstall) { BOOL bMustPrepare = TRUE; if (BuildSifName (UpdatesCab, destFilePath, ARRAYSIZE(destFilePath)) && pDoesFileExist (destFilePath) && BuildPath (updatesSourceDir, g_DynUpdtStatus->DynamicUpdatesSource, S_SUBDIRNAME_UPDATES) && DoesDirectoryExist (updatesSourceDir)) { bMustPrepare = FALSE; } if (bMustPrepare) { // // user specified updates location, but they didn't run winnt32 /prepare now or before // MessageBoxFromMessage ( g_DynUpdtStatus->ProgressWindow, MSG_MUST_PREPARE_SHARE, FALSE, AppTitleStringId, MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP | MB_TASKMODAL, g_DynUpdtStatus->DynamicUpdatesSource ); *StopSetup = TRUE; return FALSE; } } else { if (!BuildPath ( updatesSourceDir, g_DynUpdtStatus->PrepareWinnt32 ? g_DynUpdtStatus->DynamicUpdatesSource : g_DynUpdtStatus->WorkingDir, S_SUBDIRNAME_UPDATES )) { return FALSE; } // // expand CAB in this dir // make sure dir is initially empty // MyDelnode (updatesSourceDir); if (CreateMultiLevelDirectory (updatesSourceDir) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DynUpdtDebugLog (Winnt32LogError, TEXT("Unable to create dir %1"), 0, updatesSourceDir); return FALSE; } if (!MySetupIterateCabinet (UpdatesCab, 0, pExpandCabInDir, (PVOID)updatesSourceDir)) { DynUpdtDebugLog (Winnt32LogError, TEXT("Unable to expand cabinet %1"), 0, UpdatesCab); return FALSE; } // // ISSUE: the patching support is currently not available for platforms other than x86 // #if defined(_X86_) // // now let's look for any patches // if (EnumFirstFilePatternRecursive (&e, updatesSourceDir, S_PATCH_FILE_EXT, 0)) { // // load drvindex.inf in advance // TCHAR driverInfName[MAX_PATH]; PVOID driverInfHandle; TCHAR driverCabName[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR driverCabPath[MAX_PATH]; if (!FindPathToInstallationFile (DRVINDEX_INF, driverInfName, MAX_PATH)) { DynUpdtDebugLog ( Winnt32LogError, TEXT("pProcessUpdates: Unable to find %1"), 0, DRVINDEX_INF ); AbortEnumFilePatternRecursive (&e); b = FALSE; goto exit; } if (LoadInfFile (driverInfName, FALSE, &driverInfHandle) != NO_ERROR) { DynUpdtDebugLog ( Winnt32LogError, TEXT("pProcessUpdates: Unable to load %1"), 0, driverInfName ); AbortEnumFilePatternRecursive (&e); b = FALSE; goto exit; } do { BOOL bDeleteTempFile = FALSE; if (g_DynUpdtStatus->Cancelled) { SetLastError (ERROR_CANCELLED); b = FALSE; break; } if (e.FindData->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { continue; } DynUpdtDebugLog ( DynUpdtLogLevel, TEXT("pProcessUpdates: found patch %1"), 0, e.FullPath ); // // get the original file from the sources location // the filename is obtained cutting the ._p1 extension // if (FAILED (StringCchCopy (origFileName, ARRAYSIZE(origFileName), e.FileName))) { MYASSERT (FALSE); b = FALSE; break; } p = GetFileExtension (origFileName); if (!p) { MYASSERT (FALSE); continue; } *p = 0; if (FAILED (StringCchCopy (origSubPath, ARRAYSIZE(origSubPath), e.SubPath))) { MYASSERT (FALSE); b = FALSE; break; } p = GetFileExtension (origSubPath); if (!p) { MYASSERT (FALSE); continue; } *p = 0; if (!BuildPath (origFilePath, SourcePaths[0], origSubPath)) { MYASSERT (FALSE); b = FALSE; break; } // // now check if this file (in it's compressed form or not) actually exists // note that the file may exist in driver.cab // if (InDriverCacheInf (driverInfHandle, origFileName, driverCabName, MAX_PATH)) { CONTEXT_EXTRACTFILEINDIR ctx; // // extract the file to the temp dir // if (!driverCabName[0]) { DynUpdtDebugLog ( Winnt32LogError, TEXT("pProcessUpdates: cab name not found for %1 in %2"), 0, origFileName, driverInfName ); b = FALSE; break; } if (!BuildPath (buffer, g_DynUpdtStatus->TempDir, origSubPath)) { MYASSERT (FALSE); b = FALSE; break; } p = _tcsrchr (buffer, TEXT('\\')); MYASSERT (p); if (!p) { MYASSERT (FALSE); continue; } *p = 0; if (CreateMultiLevelDirectory (buffer) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DynUpdtDebugLog (Winnt32LogError, TEXT("pProcessUpdates: Unable to create dir %1"), 0, buffer); b = FALSE; break; } ctx.BaseDir = buffer; ctx.Filename = origFileName; if (!FindPathToInstallationFile (driverCabName, driverCabPath, MAX_PATH)) { DynUpdtDebugLog ( Winnt32LogError, TEXT("pProcessUpdates: Unable to find cabinet %1"), 0, driverCabName ); b = FALSE; break; } if (!MySetupIterateCabinet (driverCabPath, 0, pExtractFileInDir, &ctx)) { DynUpdtDebugLog ( Winnt32LogError, TEXT("pProcessUpdates: Unable to extract file %1 from %2 to %3"), 0, origFileName, driverCabName, buffer ); b = FALSE; break; } *p = TEXT('\\'); if (FAILED (StringCchCopy (origFilePath, ARRAYSIZE(origFilePath), buffer))) { b = FALSE; break; } bDeleteTempFile = TRUE; } else { if (!pDoesFileExist (origFilePath)) { // // try the compressed form // p = _tcschr (origFilePath, 0); MYASSERT (p); if (!p) { continue; } p = _tcsdec (origFilePath, p); MYASSERT (p); if (!p) { continue; } *p = TEXT('_'); if (!pDoesFileExist (origFilePath)) { DynUpdtDebugLog ( Winnt32LogError, TEXT("pProcessUpdates: Unable to find original file %1 to apply the patch"), 0, origSubPath ); b = FALSE; break; } // // expand the file to the temp dir // if (!BuildPath (buffer, g_DynUpdtStatus->TempDir, origSubPath)) { b = FALSE; break; } p = _tcsrchr (buffer, TEXT('\\')); MYASSERT (p); if (!p) { continue; } *p = 0; if (CreateMultiLevelDirectory (buffer) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DynUpdtDebugLog (Winnt32LogError, TEXT("pProcessUpdates: Unable to create dir %1"), 0, buffer); b = FALSE; break; } if (!MySetupIterateCabinet (origFilePath, 0, pExpandCabInDir, buffer)) { DynUpdtDebugLog ( Winnt32LogError, TEXT("pProcessUpdates: Unable to expand original file %1 to dir %2"), 0, origFilePath, buffer ); b = FALSE; break; } *p = TEXT('\\'); if (FAILED (StringCchCopy (origFilePath, ARRAYSIZE(origFilePath), buffer))) { b = FALSE; break; } bDeleteTempFile = TRUE; } } BuildPath (destFilePath, updatesSourceDir, TEXT("$$temp$$.~~~")); // // now really apply the patch // if (!ApplyPatchToFile (e.FullPath, origFilePath, destFilePath, 0)) { DynUpdtDebugLog ( Winnt32LogError, TEXT("pProcessUpdates: ApplyPatchToFile failed to apply patch %1 to file %2"), 0, e.FullPath, origFilePath ); b = FALSE; break; } // // success! now move the file to the real destination // if (!BuildPath (buffer, updatesSourceDir, origSubPath)) { b = FALSE; break; } p = _tcsrchr (buffer, TEXT('\\')); MYASSERT (p); if (!p) { continue; } *p = 0; if (CreateMultiLevelDirectory (buffer) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DynUpdtDebugLog (Winnt32LogError, TEXT("pProcessUpdates: Unable to create dir %1"), 0, buffer); b = FALSE; break; } *p = TEXT('\\'); SetFileAttributes (buffer, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); DeleteFile (buffer); if (!MoveFile (destFilePath, buffer)) { DynUpdtDebugLog (Winnt32LogError, TEXT("pProcessUpdates: Unable to move file %1 to final dest %2"), 0, destFilePath, buffer); b = FALSE; break; } if (!GetFileVersion (buffer, version)) { MYASSERT(ARRAYSIZE(version) <= ARRAYSIZE("")); lstrcpy (version, TEXT("")); } DynUpdtDebugLog ( DynUpdtLogLevel, TEXT("pProcessUpdates: successfully applied patch %1 to file %2; the new file %3 has version %4"), 0, e.FullPath, origFilePath, buffer, version ); // // now remove the patch file // SetFileAttributes (e.FullPath, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); DeleteFile (e.FullPath); bPatchApplied = TRUE; if (bDeleteTempFile) { SetFileAttributes (origFilePath, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); DeleteFile (origFilePath); } } while (EnumNextFilePatternRecursive (&e)); AbortEnumFilePatternRecursive (&e); UnloadInfFile (driverInfHandle); if (!b) { goto exit; } } #endif // // build a new updates.cab that will contain the patched versions of files // and no relative paths // if (!BuildPath (updatesCabPath, g_DynUpdtStatus->TempDir, S_CABNAME_UPDATES)) { b = FALSE; goto exit; } SetFileAttributes (updatesCabPath, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); DeleteFile (updatesCabPath); hCabContext = DiamondStartNewCabinet (updatesCabPath); if (!hCabContext) { DynUpdtDebugLog (Winnt32LogError, TEXT("pProcessUpdates: DiamondStartNewCabinet failed"), 0); b = FALSE; goto exit; } bCatalogFileFound = FALSE; if (EnumFirstFilePatternRecursive (&e, updatesSourceDir, TEXT("*"), 0)) { do { if (e.FindData->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { continue; } hCab = hCabContext; cabPath = updatesCabPath; // // search for a previous file with the same name // if (FindStringCell (listUpdatesFiles, e.FileName, FALSE)) { DynUpdtDebugLog ( Winnt32LogError, TEXT("pProcessUpdates: found duplicate filename %1; aborting operation"), 0, e.FileName ); b = FALSE; break; } if (!InsertList ( (PGENERIC_LIST*)&listUpdatesFiles, (PGENERIC_LIST)CreateStringCell (e.FileName)) ) { b = FALSE; break; } // // make sure the file is valid (the checksum is correct etc.) // if (!pValidOsFile (e.FullPath)) { b = FALSE; break; } b = DiamondAddFileToCabinet (hCab, e.FullPath, e.FileName); if (!b) { DynUpdtDebugLog ( Winnt32LogError, TEXT("pProcessUpdates: DiamondAddFileToCabinet(%1,%2) failed"), 0, e.FullPath, cabPath ); break; } DynUpdtDebugLog ( DynUpdtLogLevel, TEXT(" ... successfully added file %1 to %2"), 0, e.FullPath, cabPath ); p = GetFileExtension (e.FileName); if (p && !lstrcmpi (p, TEXT(".cat"))) { bCatalogFileFound = TRUE; } } while (EnumNextFilePatternRecursive (&e)); AbortEnumFilePatternRecursive (&e); if (!b) { goto exit; } } result = DiamondTerminateCabinet (hCabContext); if (!b) { DiamondTerminateCabinet (hCabContext); goto exit; } if (!result) { DynUpdtDebugLog (Winnt32LogError, TEXT("pProcessUpdates: DiamondTerminateCabinet(%1) failed"), 0, updatesCabPath); b = FALSE; goto exit; } DynUpdtDebugLog (DynUpdtLogLevel, TEXT(" ... done"), 0); if (!bCatalogFileFound) { DynUpdtDebugLog (Winnt32LogWarning, TEXT("pProcessUpdates: no catalog found in package %1"), 0, UpdatesCab); } if (!BuildPath ( buffer, g_DynUpdtStatus->PrepareWinnt32 ? g_DynUpdtStatus->DynamicUpdatesSource : g_DynUpdtStatus->WorkingDir, S_CABNAME_UPDATES )) { b = FALSE; goto exit; } if (!SetFileAttributes (buffer, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL) || !DeleteFile (buffer)) { DynUpdtDebugLog (Winnt32LogError, TEXT("pProcessUpdates: Unable to remove file %1 in order to replace it"), 0, buffer); b = FALSE; goto exit; } SetFileAttributes (buffer, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); DeleteFile (buffer); if (!MoveFile (updatesCabPath, buffer)) { DynUpdtDebugLog (Winnt32LogError, TEXT("pProcessUpdates: Unable to move file %1 to %2"), 0, updatesCabPath, buffer); b = FALSE; goto exit; } DynUpdtDebugLog (DynUpdtLogLevel, TEXT("pProcessUpdates: moved file %1 to %2"), 0, updatesCabPath, buffer); if (FAILED (StringCchCopy (updatesCabPath, ARRAYSIZE(updatesCabPath), buffer))) { b = FALSE; goto exit; } if (!BuildSifName (updatesCabPath, destFilePath, ARRAYSIZE(destFilePath))) { b = FALSE; goto exit; } if (!CreateFileListSif (destFilePath, S_SECTIONNAME_UPDATES, updatesCabPath)) { DynUpdtDebugLog (Winnt32LogError, TEXT("Unable to build file %1"), 0, destFilePath); b = FALSE; goto exit; } DynUpdtDebugLog ( DynUpdtLogLevel, TEXT("pProcessUpdates: created %1 containing the list of files in %2"), 0, destFilePath, updatesCabPath ); } if (!g_DynUpdtStatus->PrepareWinnt32) { // // build the default path to updates.cab used by the rest of setup // MYASSERT (IsArc() ? LocalSourceWithPlatform[0] : LocalBootDirectory[0]); if (!BuildPath ( g_DynUpdtStatus->UpdatesCabTarget, IsArc() ? LocalSourceWithPlatform : LocalBootDirectory, S_CABNAME_UPDATES )) { b = FALSE; goto exit; } // // remember current location of updates.cab // if (FAILED (StringCchCopy ( g_DynUpdtStatus->UpdatesCabSource, ARRAYSIZE(g_DynUpdtStatus->UpdatesCabSource), UpdatesCab))) { b = FALSE; goto exit; } // // the location of updated files for replacement // MYASSERT (ARRAYSIZE(g_DynUpdtStatus->UpdatesPath) <= ARRAYSIZE(updatesSourceDir)); lstrcpy (g_DynUpdtStatus->UpdatesPath, updatesSourceDir); // // also check for the presence of a file that will cause winnt32 to build the ~LS directory // if (BuildPath (destFilePath, updatesSourceDir, S_MAKE_LS_FILENAME)) { if (pDoesFileExist (destFilePath)) { MakeLocalSource = TRUE; } } } exit: if (listUpdatesFiles) { DeleteStringList (listUpdatesFiles); } if (!b && UpgradeAdvisorMode) { // // in UpgradeAdvisor mode we expect failures // DynUpdtDebugLog (DynUpdtLogLevel, TEXT("Unable to process %1 in UpgradeAdvisor mode; ignoring error"), 0, UpdatesCab); g_DynUpdtStatus->ForceRemoveWorkingDir = TRUE; b = TRUE; } return b; } BOOL pProcessDuasms ( IN PCTSTR DuasmsCab, IN BOOL ClientInstall ) { FILEPATTERN_ENUM e; TCHAR duasmsLocalDir[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR dirName[MAX_PATH]; DWORD rc; HKEY key; PCTSTR strDuasmsRegKey; BOOL duasms = FALSE; BOOL b = TRUE; if (!pNonemptyFilePresent (DuasmsCab)) { if (!ClientInstall) { DynUpdtDebugLog (DynUpdtLogLevel, TEXT("Package %1 is not present"), 0, DuasmsCab); } return TRUE; } if (g_DynUpdtStatus->PrepareWinnt32) { DynUpdtDebugLog (DynUpdtLogLevel, TEXT("pProcessDuasms: Skipping it due to /%1 switch"), 0, WINNT_U_DYNAMICUPDATESPREPARE); return TRUE; } DynUpdtDebugLog ( DynUpdtLogLevel, TEXT("Analyzing package %1..."), 0, DuasmsCab ); if (!BuildPath (duasmsLocalDir, g_DynUpdtStatus->WorkingDir, S_SUBDIRNAME_DUASMS)) { return FALSE; } // // expand CAB in this dir // MyDelnode (duasmsLocalDir); if (CreateMultiLevelDirectory (duasmsLocalDir) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DynUpdtDebugLog (Winnt32LogError, TEXT("Unable to create dir %1"), 0, duasmsLocalDir); return FALSE; } if (!MySetupIterateCabinet (DuasmsCab, 0, pExpandCabInDir, (PVOID)duasmsLocalDir)) { DynUpdtDebugLog (Winnt32LogError, TEXT("Unable to expand cabinet %1"), 0, DuasmsCab); return FALSE; } MYASSERT (IsArc() ? LocalSourceWithPlatform[0] : LocalBootDirectory[0]); if (!BuildPath ( g_DynUpdtStatus->DuasmsTarget, IsArc() ? LocalSourceWithPlatform : LocalBootDirectory, S_SUBDIRNAME_DUASMS )) { return FALSE; } // // remember current location of duasms folder // MYASSERT (ARRAYSIZE(g_DynUpdtStatus->DuasmsSource) <= ARRAYSIZE(duasmsLocalDir)); lstrcpy (g_DynUpdtStatus->DuasmsSource, duasmsLocalDir); return TRUE; } BOOL pFindPackage ( IN HINF InfHandle, IN PCTSTR Section, IN PCTSTR CabName, OUT PBOOL Partial ) { INFCONTEXT ic; TCHAR value[MAX_PATH]; if (SetupapiFindFirstLine (InfHandle, Section, NULL, &ic)) { do { if (SetupapiGetStringField (&ic, GUIDRVS_FIELD_CABNAME, value, MAX_PATH, NULL) && !lstrcmpi (value, CabName) ) { if (Partial) { *Partial = SetupapiGetStringField (&ic, GUIDRVS_FIELD_INFNAME, value, MAX_PATH, NULL); } return TRUE; } } while (SetupapiFindNextLine (&ic, &ic)); } return FALSE; } VOID pSanitizeDriverCabName ( IN PTSTR CabName ) { #define CRC_SUFFIX_LENGTH (sizeof("B842485F4D3B024E675653929B247BE9C685BBD7") - 1) PTSTR p, q; DWORD len; // // cut an extension like _B842485F4D3B024E675653929B247BE9C685BBD7 from the cab name // p = GetFileExtension (CabName); if (p) { MYASSERT (*p == TEXT('.')); *p = 0; q = _tcsrchr (CabName, TEXT('_')); if (q) { q++; len = lstrlen (q); if (len == CRC_SUFFIX_LENGTH) { PTSTR s = q; TCHAR ch; while (ch = (TCHAR)_totlower (*s++)) { if (!((ch >= TEXT('0') && ch <= TEXT('9')) || (ch >= TEXT('a') && ch <= TEXT('f'))) ) { break; } } if (!ch) { // // we found what we expect // *(q - 1) = TEXT('.'); lstrcpy (q, p + 1); p = NULL; } } } if (p) { *p = TEXT('.'); } } } BOOL pIsDriverExcluded ( IN HINF InfHandle, IN PCTSTR CabName ) { BOOL bPartial; if (!pFindPackage (InfHandle, S_SECTION_EXCLUDED_DRVS, CabName, &bPartial)) { return FALSE; } return !bPartial; } BOOL pIsPrivateCabinet ( IN PCTSTR Filename ) { static PCTSTR privateCabNames[] = { S_CABNAME_IDENT, S_CABNAME_WSDUENG, S_CABNAME_UPDATES, S_CABNAME_UPGINFS, S_CABNAME_WINNT32, S_CABNAME_MIGDLLS, S_CABNAME_DUASMS, }; INT i; for (i = 0; i < sizeof (privateCabNames) / sizeof (privateCabNames[0]); i++) { if (!lstrcmpi (Filename, privateCabNames[i])) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } BOOL pIsPrivateSubdir ( IN PCTSTR Subdir ) { static PCTSTR privateSubDirNames[] = { S_SUBDIRNAME_TEMP, S_SUBDIRNAME_DRIVERS, S_SUBDIRNAME_WINNT32, S_SUBDIRNAME_UPDATES, S_SUBDIRNAME_UPGINFS, S_SUBDIRNAME_MIGDLLS, S_SUBDIRNAME_DUASMS, }; INT i; for (i = 0; i < sizeof (privateSubDirNames) / sizeof (privateSubDirNames[0]); i++) { if (!lstrcmpi (Subdir, privateSubDirNames[i])) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } BOOL pFindValueInSectionAtFieldIndex ( IN HINF InfHandle, IN PCTSTR Section, IN DWORD FieldIndex, IN PCTSTR FieldValue ) { INFCONTEXT ic; TCHAR value[MAX_PATH]; if (SetupapiFindFirstLine (InfHandle, Section, NULL, &ic)) { do { if (SetupapiGetStringField (&ic, FieldIndex, value, ARRAYSIZE(value), NULL)) { if (lstrcmpi (FieldValue, value) == 0) { return TRUE; } } } while (SetupapiFindNextLine (&ic, &ic)); } return FALSE; } BOOL pProcessNewdrvs ( IN PCTSTR NewdrvDir, IN BOOL ClientInstall ) /*++ All CABs in this dir except pIsPrivateCabinet() files are assumed as containing new drivers. Each cab will be expanded in its own subdir (derived from cab filename) --*/ { FILEPATTERN_ENUM e; FILEPATTERNREC_ENUM er; TCHAR dirName[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR datFile[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR relocDriverPath[MAX_PATH]; PTSTR p; PSDLIST entry; HANDLE hDB; BOOL bCreateHwdb; BOOL bDriverNeeded; HINF infHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; enum { CT_UNKNOWN, CT_GUI_APPROVED, CT_GUI_NOT_APPROVED } eContentType; BOOL bDriverIsGuiApproved; PSTRINGLIST missingPnpIds = NULL; PSTRINGLIST listEntry; BOOL bEntryFound; INFCONTEXT ic; TCHAR value[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR sanitizedName[MAX_PATH]; BOOL b = TRUE; __try { // // first open guidrvs.inf // if (!BuildPath (datFile, g_DynUpdtStatus->DynamicUpdatesSource, S_GUI_DRIVERS_INF)) { b = FALSE; __leave; } infHandle = SetupapiOpenInfFile (datFile, NULL, INF_STYLE_WIN4, NULL); if (infHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { // // copy this file together with the drivers packages (if any) // MYASSERT(ARRAYSIZE(g_DynUpdtStatus->GuidrvsInfSource) == ARRAYSIZE(datFile)); lstrcpy (g_DynUpdtStatus->GuidrvsInfSource, datFile); } else { DynUpdtDebugLog ( Winnt32LogWarning, TEXT("Could not open INF file %1 (rc=%2!u!)"), 0, datFile, GetLastError () ); } // // look for CAB files and expand each one in its own subdir // if (!ClientInstall) { if (EnumFirstFilePatternRecursive (&er, NewdrvDir, TEXT("*.cab"), ECF_ENUM_SUBDIRS)) { do { if (g_DynUpdtStatus->Cancelled) { SetLastError (ERROR_CANCELLED); b = FALSE; break; } if (er.FindData->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { if (pIsPrivateSubdir (er.SubPath)) { er.ControlFlags |= ECF_ABORT_ENUM_DIR; } continue; } if (!er.FindData->nFileSizeLow) { DynUpdtDebugLog (Winnt32LogWarning, TEXT("File %1 has size 0 and will be ignored"), 0, er.FullPath); continue; } if (FAILED (StringCchCopy (sanitizedName, ARRAYSIZE(sanitizedName), er.FileName))) { // // this should never happen; the enumeration routine // never returns paths longer than MAX_PATH // MYASSERT (FALSE); continue; } pSanitizeDriverCabName (sanitizedName); if (pIsPrivateCabinet (sanitizedName)) { continue; } if (!BuildPath (dirName, g_DynUpdtStatus->DriversSource, sanitizedName)) { b = FALSE; break; } p = GetFileExtension (dirName); if (!p) { MYASSERT (FALSE); continue; } *p = 0; // // is this an excluded driver? // MYASSERT(ARRAYSIZE(datFile) == ARRAYSIZE(sanitizedName)); lstrcpy (datFile, sanitizedName); p = GetFileExtension (datFile); if (!p) { MYASSERT (FALSE); continue; } *p = 0; if (pIsDriverExcluded (infHandle, datFile)) { DynUpdtDebugLog ( Winnt32LogWarning, TEXT("Driver %1 is excluded from processing via %2"), 0, sanitizedName, g_DynUpdtStatus->GuidrvsInfSource ); if (DoesDirectoryExist (dirName)) { // // make sure there's no hwcomp.dat in this folder // if (BuildPath (datFile, dirName, S_HWCOMP_DAT)) { if (pDoesFileExist (datFile)) { SetFileAttributes (datFile, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); DeleteFile (datFile); } } } continue; } DynUpdtDebugLog ( DynUpdtLogLevel, TEXT("Analyzing driver package %1..."), 0, er.FullPath ); if (DoesDirectoryExist (dirName)) { DynUpdtDebugLog ( Winnt32LogWarning, TEXT("Recreating existing driver %1"), 0, dirName ); MyDelnode (dirName); } if (CreateMultiLevelDirectory (dirName) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DynUpdtDebugLog (Winnt32LogError, TEXT("Unable to create dir %1"), 0, dirName); continue; } // // expand CAB in this dir // if (!MySetupIterateCabinet (er.FullPath, 0, pExpandCabInDir, dirName)) { DynUpdtDebugLog (Winnt32LogError, TEXT("Unable to expand cabinet %1"), 0, er.FullPath); if (GetLastError () == ERROR_DISK_FULL) { DynUpdtDebugLog (Winnt32LogSevereError, TEXT("Disk is full; aborting operation"), 0); b = FALSE; break; } continue; } if (g_DynUpdtStatus->PrepareWinnt32) { // // just rebuild the hardware database // if (!pBuildHwcompDat (dirName, infHandle, TRUE, TRUE)) { DynUpdtDebugLog ( Winnt32LogError, TEXT("Unable to build %1 (pBuildHwcompDat failed)"), 0, dirName ); continue; } } } while (EnumNextFilePatternRecursive (&er)); AbortEnumFilePatternRecursive (&er); } } if (!b) { __leave; } if (!g_DynUpdtStatus->PrepareWinnt32 && (!ISNT() || OsVersion.dwMajorVersion > 4) ) { // // look for driver dirs and analyze them // if (infHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { // // read the value of "DriversAreGuiApproved" key // 1. if set to "Yes" that means all drivers listed in the [Drivers] section are approved // for installation in GUI setup; any other driver is not approved for installation in GUI setup // 2. if set to "No" all drivers listed are NOT good for installation in GUI setup; their install // will be deferred post setup; any driver not listed in that section is good for GUI // 3. if not present or set to any other value, it is ignored and the section [Drivers] is ignored; // all drivers will be installed post GUI setup // eContentType = CT_UNKNOWN; if (SetupapiFindFirstLine (infHandle, S_SECTION_VERSION, S_DRIVER_TYPE_KEY, &ic) && SetupapiGetStringField (&ic, 1, value, ARRAYSIZE(value), NULL) ) { if (!lstrcmpi (value, WINNT_A_YES)) { eContentType = CT_GUI_APPROVED; } else if (!lstrcmpi (value, WINNT_A_NO)) { eContentType = CT_GUI_NOT_APPROVED; } } if (eContentType != CT_UNKNOWN) { DynUpdtDebugLog ( Winnt32LogInformation, TEXT("Entries in section [%1] of %2 will be treated as drivers to %3 be installed during GUI setup"), 0, S_SECTION_DRIVERS, g_DynUpdtStatus->GuidrvsInfSource, eContentType == CT_GUI_APPROVED ? TEXT("") : TEXT("NOT") ); } else { DynUpdtDebugLog ( Winnt32LogWarning, TEXT("Key %1 %5 in file %2 section [%3];") TEXT(" entries in section [%4] will be ignored and all drivers will be installed post setup"), 0, S_DRIVER_TYPE_KEY, g_DynUpdtStatus->GuidrvsInfSource, S_SECTION_VERSION, S_SECTION_DRIVERS, value ? TEXT("has an invalid value") : TEXT("is not present") ); } } if (EnumFirstFilePattern (&e, g_DynUpdtStatus->DriversSource, TEXT("*"))) { // // initialize the Whistler PNP database // if (!g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbDatabase) { // // ignore db load error // pInitNtPnpDb (TRUE); } do { if (g_DynUpdtStatus->Cancelled) { SetLastError (ERROR_CANCELLED); b = FALSE; break; } if (!(e.FindData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { DynUpdtDebugLog (DynUpdtLogLevel, TEXT("File %1 is NOT a directory and will be ignored"), 0, e.FullPath); continue; } // // is this a needed driver? // bDriverNeeded = TRUE; if (g_DynUpdtStatus->UserSpecifiedUpdates) { // // first build the list of missing drivers // if (!missingPnpIds) { #ifdef UNICODE missingPnpIds = BuildMissingPnpIdList (); if (!missingPnpIds) { DynUpdtDebugLog ( Winnt32LogInformation, TEXT("No PNP device drivers are needed"), 0 ); } #else // // let the upgrade module do driver detection on Win9x // if (pLoadWin9xDuSupport ()) { PSTR* incompWin9xDrivers; PCSTR* q; if (g_DynUpdtStatus->Win9xGetIncompDrvs (&incompWin9xDrivers)) { // // convert the array returned by this function to a list style // g_DynUpdtStatus->IncompatibleDriversCount = 0; if (incompWin9xDrivers) { for (q = incompWin9xDrivers; *q; q++) { listEntry = (PSTRINGLIST) MALLOC (sizeof (STRINGLIST)); if (listEntry) { listEntry->String = DupMultiSz (*q); if (!listEntry->String) { break; } listEntry->Next = NULL; if (!InsertList ((PGENERIC_LIST*)&missingPnpIds, (PGENERIC_LIST)listEntry)) { DeleteStringCell (listEntry); break; } g_DynUpdtStatus->IncompatibleDriversCount++; } } } if (g_DynUpdtStatus->Win9xReleaseIncompDrvs) { g_DynUpdtStatus->Win9xReleaseIncompDrvs (incompWin9xDrivers); } } else { DynUpdtDebugLog ( DynUpdtLogLevel, TEXT("Win9xGetIncompDrvs returned FALSE; no drivers will be analyzed"), 0 ); } } #endif if (!missingPnpIds) { break; } } bCreateHwdb = FALSE; // // use the existing hardware database // if (!BuildPath (datFile, e.FullPath, S_HWCOMP_DAT)) { continue; } if (!pDoesFileExist (datFile)) { bCreateHwdb = TRUE; } hDB = g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbOpen (bCreateHwdb ? NULL : datFile); if (!hDB) { if (bCreateHwdb) { b = FALSE; break; } DynUpdtDebugLog ( Winnt32LogError, TEXT("Hardware database %1 is corrupt; contact your system administrator"), 0, datFile ); continue; } if (bCreateHwdb) { if (!g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbAppendInfs ( hDB, e.FullPath, infHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ? Winnt32HwdbAppendInfsCallback : NULL, (PVOID)infHandle )) { DynUpdtDebugLog ( Winnt32LogError, TEXT("Unable to build %1; contact your system administrator"), 0, datFile ); g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbClose (hDB); continue; } // // rebuild the default HW precompiled database // b = FALSE; if (BuildPath (datFile, e.FullPath, S_HWCOMP_DAT)) { SetFileAttributes (datFile, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); DeleteFile (datFile); b = g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbFlush (hDB, datFile); } if (!b) { DynUpdtDebugLog ( Winnt32LogError, TEXT("Unable to build %1; contact your system administrator"), 0, datFile ); g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbClose (hDB); continue; } DynUpdtDebugLog (DynUpdtLogLevel, TEXT("Successfully built precompiled hardware database %1"), 0, datFile); } // // check if this particular driver is among the ones that are needed // if (!pHwdbHasAnyMissingDrivers (hDB, missingPnpIds)) { // // this driver is not needed // bDriverNeeded = FALSE; } g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbClose (hDB); } if (!bDriverNeeded) { DynUpdtDebugLog (DynUpdtLogLevel, TEXT("No needed drivers found in package %1"), 0, e.FullPath); continue; } // // is this a boot driver or a regular one? // if (pIsBootDriver (e.FullPath)) { // // add this driver to the list of boot drivers // if (!InsertList ( (PGENERIC_LIST*)&g_DynUpdtStatus->BootDriverPathList, (PGENERIC_LIST)CreateStringCell (e.FileName)) ) { b = FALSE; break; } DynUpdtDebugLog (DynUpdtLogLevel, TEXT("Added driver %1 to the list of BOOT drivers"), 0, e.FullPath); } // // all needed drivers will be copied under LocalBootDir to be protected // from being deleted if user decides to remove the current OS partition // if (!BuildPath ( relocDriverPath, IsArc() ? LocalSourceWithPlatform : LocalBootDirectory, S_SUBDIRNAME_DRIVERS )) { continue; } if (!ConcatenatePaths (relocDriverPath, e.FileName, ARRAYSIZE(relocDriverPath))) { continue; } // // is this a GUI driver or not? // if (eContentType == CT_UNKNOWN) { bDriverIsGuiApproved = FALSE; } else { if (pFindValueInSectionAtFieldIndex (infHandle, S_SECTION_EXCLUDED_DRVS, GUIDRVS_FIELD_CABNAME, e.FileName)) { // // we don't support "partially excluded" packages for the device install // phase of GUI setup // DynUpdtDebugLog ( DynUpdtLogLevel, TEXT("Driver %1 is partially excluded; it will be installed at the end of GUI setup"), 0, e.FullPath ); bDriverIsGuiApproved = FALSE; } else { BOOL bPartial; bEntryFound = pFindPackage (infHandle, S_SECTION_DRIVERS, e.FileName, &bPartial); bDriverIsGuiApproved = eContentType == CT_GUI_APPROVED && bEntryFound && !bPartial || eContentType == CT_GUI_NOT_APPROVED && !bEntryFound; } } // // always make sure there's a precompiled database hwcomp.dat // to be used at the time setup will install these additional drivers // if (!pBuildHwcompDat (e.FullPath, infHandle, FALSE, FALSE)) { DynUpdtDebugLog ( Winnt32LogError, TEXT("Unable to build %1 (pBuildHwcompDat failed)"), 0, datFile ); continue; } entry = MALLOC (sizeof (SDLIST)); if (!entry) { b = FALSE; break; } entry->String = DupString (relocDriverPath); if (!entry->String) { FREE (entry); b = FALSE; break; } entry->Data = (DWORD_PTR)bDriverIsGuiApproved; entry->Next = NULL; if (!InsertList ( (PGENERIC_LIST*)&g_DynUpdtStatus->NewDriversList, (PGENERIC_LIST)entry )) { FREE (entry); b = FALSE; break; } DynUpdtDebugLog ( DynUpdtLogLevel, bDriverIsGuiApproved ? TEXT("Driver %1 is approved for installation during GUI setup") : TEXT("Driver %1 is NOT approved for installation during GUI setup; installation will be deferred post-setup"), 0, e.FullPath ); // // copy locally this driver package (if from a share) // if (!BuildPath (relocDriverPath, g_DynUpdtStatus->SelectedDrivers, e.FileName)) { continue; } if (lstrcmpi (e.FullPath, relocDriverPath)) { if (!CopyTree (e.FullPath, relocDriverPath)) { DynUpdtDebugLog ( Winnt32LogError, TEXT("Unable to copy driver %1 to %2"), 0, e.FullPath, relocDriverPath ); b = FALSE; break; } DynUpdtDebugLog ( Winnt32LogInformation, TEXT("Driver %1 successfully copied to %2"), 0, e.FullPath, relocDriverPath ); } } while (EnumNextFilePattern (&e)); AbortEnumFilePattern (&e); } else { DynUpdtDebugLog ( DynUpdtLogLevel, TEXT("No drivers found in %1"), 0, g_DynUpdtStatus->DriversSource ); } if (!b) { __leave; } // // copy guidrvs.inf if present and any driver package that will be migrated over // if (g_DynUpdtStatus->GuidrvsInfSource[0] && g_DynUpdtStatus->NewDriversList) { if (!BuildPath (datFile, g_DynUpdtStatus->SelectedDrivers, S_GUI_DRIVERS_INF)) { b = FALSE; __leave; } if (lstrcmpi (g_DynUpdtStatus->GuidrvsInfSource, datFile)) { if (!CopyFile (g_DynUpdtStatus->GuidrvsInfSource, datFile, FALSE)) { DynUpdtDebugLog ( Winnt32LogError, TEXT("Failed to copy %1 to %2"), 0, g_DynUpdtStatus->GuidrvsInfSource, datFile ); b = FALSE; } } if (b) { // // update the location of guidrvs.inf after file copy will have been done // if (!BuildPath ( g_DynUpdtStatus->GuidrvsInfSource, IsArc() ? LocalSourceWithPlatform : LocalBootDirectory, S_SUBDIRNAME_DRIVERS ) || !ConcatenatePaths ( g_DynUpdtStatus->GuidrvsInfSource, S_GUI_DRIVERS_INF, ARRAYSIZE(g_DynUpdtStatus->GuidrvsInfSource) )) { b = FALSE; __leave; } } } } } __finally { if (missingPnpIds) { DeleteStringList (missingPnpIds); } if (infHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { SetupapiCloseInfFile (infHandle); } } return b; } BOOL pProcessUpginfs ( IN PCTSTR UpginfsCab, IN BOOL ClientInstall ) { FILEPATTERNREC_ENUM e; TCHAR upginfsSourceDir[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR upginfsDir[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR upginfsFile[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR origSubPath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR origFileName[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR origFilePath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR destFilePath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR buffer[MAX_PATH]; PTSTR p; BOOL b = TRUE; if (!BuildPath (upginfsSourceDir, g_DynUpdtStatus->DynamicUpdatesSource, S_SUBDIRNAME_UPGINFS)) { return FALSE; } if (ClientInstall) { if (!DoesDirectoryExist (upginfsSourceDir)) { return TRUE; } } else { // // expand it in the corresponding subdir // if (!pNonemptyFilePresent (UpginfsCab)) { DynUpdtDebugLog (DynUpdtLogLevel, TEXT("Package %1 is not present"), 0, UpginfsCab); return TRUE; } DynUpdtDebugLog ( DynUpdtLogLevel, TEXT("Analyzing package %1..."), 0, UpginfsCab ); // // expand CAB in this dir // make sure dir is initially empty // MyDelnode (upginfsSourceDir); if (CreateMultiLevelDirectory (upginfsSourceDir) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DynUpdtDebugLog (Winnt32LogError, TEXT("Unable to create dir %1"), 0, upginfsSourceDir); return FALSE; } if (!MySetupIterateCabinet (UpginfsCab, 0, pExpandCabInDir, (PVOID)upginfsSourceDir)) { DynUpdtDebugLog (Winnt32LogError, TEXT("Unable to expand cabinet %1"), 0, UpginfsCab); return FALSE; } // // ISSUE: the patching support is currently not available for platforms other than x86 // #if defined(_X86_) // // now let's look for any patches // if (EnumFirstFilePatternRecursive (&e, upginfsSourceDir, S_PATCH_FILE_EXT, 0)) { do { BOOL bDeleteTempFile = FALSE; if (g_DynUpdtStatus->Cancelled) { SetLastError (ERROR_CANCELLED); b = FALSE; break; } if (e.FindData->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { continue; } DynUpdtDebugLog ( DynUpdtLogLevel, TEXT("pProcessUpginfs: found patch %1"), 0, e.FullPath ); // // get the original file from the sources location // the filename is obtained cutting the ._p1 extension // MYASSERT(ARRAYSIZE(origFileName) == ARRAYSIZE(e.FileName)); lstrcpy (origFileName, e.FileName); p = GetFileExtension (origFileName); if (!p) { MYASSERT (FALSE); continue; } *p = 0; MYASSERT(ARRAYSIZE(origSubPath) == ARRAYSIZE(e.SubPath)); lstrcpy (origSubPath, e.SubPath); p = GetFileExtension (origSubPath); if (!p) { MYASSERT (FALSE); continue; } *p = 0; if (!BuildPath (origFilePath, NativeSourcePaths[0], origSubPath)) { b = FALSE; break; } // // now check if this file (in it's compressed form or not) actually exists // if (!pDoesFileExist (origFilePath)) { // // try the compressed form // p = _tcschr (origFilePath, 0); MYASSERT (p); if (!p) { continue; } p = _tcsdec (origFilePath, p); MYASSERT (p); if (!p) { continue; } *p = TEXT('_'); if (!pDoesFileExist (origFilePath)) { DynUpdtDebugLog ( Winnt32LogError, TEXT("pProcessUpginfs: Unable to find original file %1 to apply the patch"), 0, origSubPath ); b = FALSE; break; } // // expand the file to the temp dir // if (!BuildPath (buffer, g_DynUpdtStatus->TempDir, origSubPath)) { b = FALSE; break; } p = _tcsrchr (buffer, TEXT('\\')); MYASSERT (p); if (!p) { continue; } *p = 0; if (CreateMultiLevelDirectory (buffer) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DynUpdtDebugLog (Winnt32LogError, TEXT("pProcessUpginfs: Unable to create dir %1"), 0, buffer); b = FALSE; break; } if (!MySetupIterateCabinet (origFilePath, 0, pExpandCabInDir, buffer)) { DynUpdtDebugLog ( Winnt32LogError, TEXT("pProcessUpginfs: Unable to expand original file %1 to dir %2"), 0, origFilePath, buffer ); b = FALSE; break; } *p = TEXT('\\'); MYASSERT(ARRAYSIZE(origFilePath) == ARRAYSIZE(buffer)); lstrcpy (origFilePath, buffer); bDeleteTempFile = TRUE; } // // even if this fails, we don't care; the file will just have a shorter name // BuildPath (destFilePath, upginfsSourceDir, TEXT("$$temp$$.~~~")); // // now really apply the patch // if (!ApplyPatchToFile (e.FullPath, origFilePath, destFilePath, 0)) { DynUpdtDebugLog ( Winnt32LogError, TEXT("pProcessUpginfs: ApplyPatchToFile failed to apply patch %1 to file %2"), 0, e.FullPath, origFilePath ); b = FALSE; break; } // // success! now move the file to the real destination // if (!BuildPath (buffer, upginfsSourceDir, origFileName)) { b = FALSE; break; } if (pDoesFileExist (buffer)) { DynUpdtDebugLog (Winnt32LogError, TEXT("pProcessUpginfs: duplicate file found %1"), 0, origFileName); b = FALSE; break; } // // all patches MUST be .rep files; change extension from .inf to .rep // p = GetFileExtension (buffer); if (!p || lstrcmpi (p, TEXT(".inf"))) { DynUpdtDebugLog (Winnt32LogError, TEXT("pProcessUpginfs: Unexpected file extension in %1"), 0, buffer); b = FALSE; break; } // // we know we have space, p points to ".inf" // MYASSERT(ARRAYSIZE(".rep") == ARRAYSIZE(".inf")); lstrcpy (p, TEXT(".rep")); SetFileAttributes (buffer, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); DeleteFile (buffer); if (!MoveFile (destFilePath, buffer)) { DynUpdtDebugLog (Winnt32LogError, TEXT("pProcessUpginfs: Unable to move file %1 to final dest %2"), 0, destFilePath, buffer); b = FALSE; break; } DynUpdtDebugLog ( DynUpdtLogLevel, TEXT("pProcessUpginfs: successfully applied patch %1 to file %2; the new file was renamed %3"), 0, e.FullPath, origFilePath, buffer ); // // now remove the patch file // SetFileAttributes (e.FullPath, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); DeleteFile (e.FullPath); if (bDeleteTempFile) { SetFileAttributes (origFilePath, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); DeleteFile (origFilePath); } } while (EnumNextFilePatternRecursive (&e)); AbortEnumFilePatternRecursive (&e); if (!b) { goto exit; } } SetFileAttributes (UpginfsCab, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); DeleteFile (UpginfsCab); #endif } if (!b) { goto exit; } if (!g_DynUpdtStatus->PrepareWinnt32) { // // only do file installation on Win9x platforms // OSVERSIONINFO vi; vi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof (vi); GetVersionEx (&vi); if (vi.dwPlatformId != VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS) { DynUpdtDebugLog ( DynUpdtLogLevel, TEXT("Package %1 ignored on NT platforms"), 0, UpginfsCab ); return TRUE; } // // prepare the target directory (%windir%\upginfs) // if (!MyGetWindowsDirectory (upginfsDir, MAX_PATH)) { return FALSE; } if (!ConcatenatePaths (upginfsDir, S_SUBDIRNAME_UPGINFS, MAX_PATH)) { return FALSE; } if (!CreateDir (upginfsDir)) { return FALSE; } // // copy relevant files to %windir%\Upginfs // if (EnumFirstFilePatternRecursive (&e, upginfsSourceDir, TEXT("*.add"), 0)) { do { if (g_DynUpdtStatus->Cancelled) { SetLastError (ERROR_CANCELLED); b = FALSE; break; } if (e.FindData->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { continue; } if (!e.FindData->nFileSizeLow) { DynUpdtDebugLog (Winnt32LogWarning, TEXT("File %1 has size 0 and will be ignored"), 0, e.FullPath); continue; } if (!BuildPath (upginfsFile, upginfsDir, e.FileName)) { b = FALSE; break; } SetFileAttributes (upginfsFile, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); if (!CopyFile (e.FullPath, upginfsFile, FALSE)) { DynUpdtDebugLog (Winnt32LogError, TEXT("pProcessUpginfs: Error copying %1 to %2"), 0, e.FullPath, upginfsFile); b = FALSE; break; } // // let w95upg.dll know about the new files // UpginfsUpdated = TRUE; DynUpdtDebugLog (DynUpdtLogLevel, TEXT("pProcessUpginfs: INF %1 successfully copied to %2"), 0, e.FullPath, upginfsFile); } while (EnumNextFilePatternRecursive (&e)); AbortEnumFilePatternRecursive (&e); } if (b) { if (EnumFirstFilePatternRecursive (&e, upginfsSourceDir, TEXT("*.rep"), 0)) { do { if (g_DynUpdtStatus->Cancelled) { SetLastError (ERROR_CANCELLED); b = FALSE; break; } if (e.FindData->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { continue; } if (!e.FindData->nFileSizeLow) { DynUpdtDebugLog (Winnt32LogWarning, TEXT("File %1 has size 0 and will be ignored"), 0, e.FullPath); continue; } if (!BuildPath (upginfsFile, upginfsDir, e.FileName)) { b = FALSE; break; } SetFileAttributes (upginfsFile, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); if (!CopyFile (e.FullPath, upginfsFile, FALSE)) { DynUpdtDebugLog (Winnt32LogError, TEXT("pProcessUpginfs: Error copying %1 to %2"), 0, e.FullPath, upginfsFile); b = FALSE; break; } // // let w95upg.dll know about the new files // UpginfsUpdated = TRUE; DynUpdtDebugLog (DynUpdtLogLevel, TEXT("pProcessUpginfs: INF %1 successfully copied to %2"), 0, e.FullPath, upginfsFile); } while (EnumNextFilePatternRecursive (&e)); AbortEnumFilePatternRecursive (&e); } } } exit: return b; } #ifdef _X86_ BOOL pProcessMigdlls ( IN PCTSTR MigdllsCab, IN BOOL ClientInstall ) { FILEPATTERN_ENUM e; TCHAR migdllsLocalDir[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR dirName[MAX_PATH]; DWORD rc; HKEY key; BOOL migdlls = FALSE; BOOL b = TRUE; if (ISNT ()) { return TRUE; } if (!pNonemptyFilePresent (MigdllsCab)) { return TRUE; } if (g_DynUpdtStatus->PrepareWinnt32) { DynUpdtDebugLog (DynUpdtLogLevel, TEXT("pProcessMigdlls: Skipping it due to /%1 switch"), 0, WINNT_U_DYNAMICUPDATESPREPARE); return TRUE; } DynUpdtDebugLog ( DynUpdtLogLevel, TEXT("Analyzing package %1..."), 0, MigdllsCab ); if (!BuildPath (migdllsLocalDir, g_DynUpdtStatus->WorkingDir, S_SUBDIRNAME_MIGDLLS)) { return FALSE; } // // expand CAB in this dir // MyDelnode (migdllsLocalDir); if (CreateMultiLevelDirectory (migdllsLocalDir) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DynUpdtDebugLog (Winnt32LogError, TEXT("Unable to create dir %1"), 0, migdllsLocalDir); return FALSE; } if (!MySetupIterateCabinet (MigdllsCab, 0, pExpandCabInDir, (PVOID)migdllsLocalDir)) { DynUpdtDebugLog (Winnt32LogError, TEXT("Unable to expand cabinet %1"), 0, MigdllsCab); return FALSE; } // // look for CAB files and expand each one in its own subdir // if (EnumFirstFilePattern (&e, migdllsLocalDir, TEXT("*.cab"))) { do { if (g_DynUpdtStatus->Cancelled) { SetLastError (ERROR_CANCELLED); b = FALSE; break; } if (e.FindData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { continue; } if (!e.FindData.nFileSizeLow) { DynUpdtDebugLog (Winnt32LogWarning, TEXT("File %1 has size 0 and will be ignored"), 0, e.FullPath); continue; } pGetAutoSubdirName (e.FullPath, dirName, ARRAYSIZE(dirName)); if (CreateMultiLevelDirectory (dirName) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DynUpdtDebugLog (Winnt32LogError, TEXT("Unable to create dir %1; skipping it"), 0, dirName); continue; } // // expand CAB in this dir // if (!MySetupIterateCabinet (e.FullPath, 0, pExpandCabInDir, (PVOID)dirName)) { DynUpdtDebugLog (Winnt32LogError, TEXT("Unable to expand cabinet %1; skipping it"), 0, e.FullPath); continue; } migdlls = TRUE; } while (EnumNextFilePattern (&e)); } if (b && migdlls) { // // register them // rc = RegCreateKey (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, S_REGKEY_MIGRATION_DLLS_WIN9X, &key); if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS) { rc = RegSetValueEx (key, S_REGVALUE_DYNUPDT, 0, REG_SZ, (CONST BYTE*)migdllsLocalDir, (lstrlen (migdllsLocalDir) + 1) * sizeof (TCHAR)); } if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DynUpdtDebugLog (Winnt32LogError, TEXT("Unable to register downloaded migdlls (rc=%1!u!)"), 0, rc); b = FALSE; } } return b; } #endif BOOL ProcessDownloadedFiles ( OUT PBOOL StopSetup ) { TCHAR cabName[MAX_PATH]; BOOL bClientInstall = FALSE; if (g_DynUpdtStatus->UserSpecifiedUpdates && !g_DynUpdtStatus->PrepareWinnt32) { bClientInstall = TRUE; } DynUpdtDebugLog ( DynUpdtLogLevel, TEXT("Source=%1"), 0, g_DynUpdtStatus->UserSpecifiedUpdates ? g_DynUpdtStatus->DynamicUpdatesSource : TEXT("Windows Update") ); if (!g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbInitialize) { if (CreateMultiLevelDirectory (g_DynUpdtStatus->TempDir) != ERROR_SUCCESS || !pInitializeSupport (S_HWDB_DLL, pLoadHwdbLib, FALSE) || !g_DynUpdtStatus->HwdbInitialize (g_DynUpdtStatus->TempDir) ) { return FALSE; } } if (!Winnt32Restarted ()) { if (!BuildPath (cabName, g_DynUpdtStatus->DynamicUpdatesSource, S_CABNAME_WINNT32)) { return FALSE; } if (!pProcessWinnt32Files (cabName, bClientInstall, StopSetup)) { return FALSE; } if (g_DynUpdtStatus->RestartWinnt32) { MYASSERT (!g_DynUpdtStatus->PrepareWinnt32); return TRUE; } } if (!BuildPath (cabName, g_DynUpdtStatus->DynamicUpdatesSource, S_CABNAME_UPDATES)) { return FALSE; } if (!pProcessUpdates (cabName, bClientInstall, StopSetup)) { if (g_DynUpdtStatus->PrepareWinnt32) { MessageBoxFromMessage ( g_DynUpdtStatus->ProgressWindow, MSG_ERROR_PROCESSING_UPDATES, FALSE, AppTitleStringId, MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR | MB_TASKMODAL, GetLastError (), cabName ); } return FALSE; } // // process New Assemblies on WU // if (BuildPath (cabName, g_DynUpdtStatus->DynamicUpdatesSource, S_CABNAME_DUASMS)) { if (!pProcessDuasms (cabName, bClientInstall)) { // // don't fail DU if we didn't install them // } } if (!BuildPath (cabName, g_DynUpdtStatus->DynamicUpdatesSource, S_CABNAME_UPGINFS)) { return FALSE; } if (!pProcessUpginfs (cabName, bClientInstall)) { return FALSE; } #ifdef _X86_ if (!BuildPath (cabName, g_DynUpdtStatus->DynamicUpdatesSource, S_CABNAME_MIGDLLS)) { return FALSE; } if (!pProcessMigdlls (cabName, bClientInstall)) { return FALSE; } #endif if (!pProcessNewdrvs (g_DynUpdtStatus->DynamicUpdatesSource, bClientInstall)) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } BOOL Winnt32Restarted ( VOID ) { return g_DynUpdtStatus->Winnt32Restarted; } BOOL Winnt32RestartedWithAF ( VOID ) { return g_DynUpdtStatus->RestartAnswerFile[0]; } VOID pLogWininetError ( IN DWORD Error ) { HMODULE hWinInet = LoadLibraryEx (TEXT("wininet.dll"), NULL, LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE); if (hWinInet) { HLOCAL msg = NULL; if (FormatMessage ( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER, hWinInet, Error, 0, (LPTSTR)&msg, 0, NULL ) && msg != NULL ) { DynUpdtDebugLog (Winnt32LogError, TEXT("Failure with wininet error code %1!u!: \"%2\""), 0, Error, msg); LocalFree (msg); } FreeLibrary (hWinInet); } else { MYASSERT (FALSE); } } VOID pLogStandardError ( IN DWORD Error ) { HLOCAL msg = NULL; if (FormatMessage ( FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM | FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER, NULL, Error, 0, (LPTSTR)&msg, 0, NULL ) && msg != NULL ) { DynUpdtDebugLog (Winnt32LogError, TEXT("Failure with standard error code %1!u!:\r\n%2"), 0, Error, msg); LocalFree (msg); } } VOID pUpdateDUStatus ( IN DWORD Error ) { MYASSERT (Error != ERROR_SUCCESS); if (Error == ERROR_SUCCESS) { g_DynUpdtStatus->DUStatus = DUS_ERROR; return; } switch (Error) { case ERROR_CONNECTION_UNAVAIL: // // ask for manual connection // MYASSERT (g_DynUpdtStatus->DUStatus == DUS_PREPARING); g_DynUpdtStatus->DUStatus = DUS_PREPARING_CONNECTIONUNAVAILABLE; break; case ERROR_INTERNET_INVALID_URL: case ERROR_INTERNET_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED: // // site not available; ask user if they want to retry // MYASSERT (g_DynUpdtStatus->DUStatus == DUS_PREPARING); g_DynUpdtStatus->DUStatus = DUS_PREPARING_INVALIDURL; break; case ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER: case ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY: case ERROR_OLD_WIN_VERSION: case ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY: case ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS: case ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND: case ERROR_INVALID_DATA: case ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_TYPE: case ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE: pLogStandardError (Error); g_DynUpdtStatus->DUStatus = DUS_ERROR; break; case DU_ERROR_MISSING_DLL: case DU_NOT_INITIALIZED: DynUpdtDebugLog (Winnt32LogError, TEXT("Failure with custom error code %1!u!"), 0, Error); g_DynUpdtStatus->DUStatus = DUS_ERROR; break; case ERROR_INTERNET_NO_CONTEXT: pLogWininetError (Error); g_DynUpdtStatus->DUStatus = DUS_ERROR; break; default: if (Error > INTERNET_ERROR_BASE) { pLogWininetError (Error); } else { pLogStandardError (Error); } } } DWORD WINAPI DoDynamicUpdate ( LPVOID Parameter ) { #define MIN_INTERVAL_BETWEEN_TASKS 3000 HWND hUIWindow = (HWND)Parameter; DWORD rc = ERROR_SUCCESS; LONG ticks; LONG sleep; DWORD estTime, estSize; TCHAR drive[4]; DWORD sectorsPerCluster; DWORD bytesPerSector; ULARGE_INTEGER freeClusters = {0, 0}; ULARGE_INTEGER totalClusters = {0, 0}; DWORD clusterSize; ULONGLONG availableBytes; HANDLE hEvent; BOOL bStopSetup; BOOL bContinue = TRUE; hEvent = OpenEvent (EVENT_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, S_DU_SYNC_EVENT_NAME); if (!hEvent) { DynUpdtDebugLog ( Winnt32LogError, TEXT("OpenEvent(%1) failed"), 0, S_DU_SYNC_EVENT_NAME ); g_DynUpdtStatus->DUStatus = DUS_ERROR; goto exit; } while (bContinue) { if (g_DynUpdtStatus->Cancelled) { g_DynUpdtStatus->DUStatus = DUS_CANCELLED; rc = ERROR_CANCELLED; DynamicUpdateUninitialize (); break; } switch (g_DynUpdtStatus->DUStatus) { case DUS_INITIAL: if (Winnt32Restarted () || g_DynUpdtStatus->UserSpecifiedUpdates) { g_DynUpdtStatus->DUStatus = DUS_PROCESSING; break; } g_DynUpdtStatus->DUStatus = DUS_PREPARING; SendMessage (hUIWindow, WMX_SETUPUPDATE_PREPARING, 0, 0); break; case DUS_PREPARING: ticks = GetTickCount (); if (!DynamicUpdateInitDownload (hUIWindow)) { DynUpdtDebugLog ( Winnt32LogError, TEXT("DynamicUpdateInitDownload failed"), 0 ); pUpdateDUStatus (GetLastError ()); if (g_DynUpdtStatus->DUStatus != DUS_SKIP && g_DynUpdtStatus->DUStatus != DUS_ERROR) { // // the UI thread will decide what the next state will be // based on user's selection // PostMessage (hUIWindow, WMX_SETUPUPDATE_INIT_RETRY, 0, 0); rc = WaitForSingleObject (hEvent, INFINITE); if (rc != WAIT_OBJECT_0) { DynUpdtDebugLog ( Winnt32LogError, TEXT("WaitForSingleObject failed (%1!u!)"), 0, rc ); g_DynUpdtStatus->DUStatus = DUS_ERROR; break; } } break; } sleep = ticks + MIN_INTERVAL_BETWEEN_TASKS - (LONG)GetTickCount (); if (sleep > 0 && sleep <= MIN_INTERVAL_BETWEEN_TASKS) { Sleep (sleep); } g_DynUpdtStatus->DUStatus = DUS_DOWNLOADING; break; case DUS_DOWNLOADING: ticks = GetTickCount (); estSize = estTime = 0; if (!DynamicUpdateStart (&estTime, &estSize)) { g_DynUpdtStatus->DUStatus = DUS_ERROR; break; } // // check if there is enough disk space available for this operation // MYASSERT(ARRAYSIZE(drive) >= 4); lstrcpyn (drive, g_DynUpdtStatus->WorkingDir, 4); if (Winnt32GetDiskFreeSpaceNew ( drive, §orsPerCluster, &bytesPerSector, &freeClusters, &totalClusters )) { clusterSize = bytesPerSector * sectorsPerCluster; availableBytes = (ULONGLONG)clusterSize * freeClusters.QuadPart; // // assume the average-worst case where each file occupies 1/2 cluster // then the space required is the double of estimated space // if (availableBytes < (ULONGLONG)estSize * 2) { DynUpdtDebugLog ( Winnt32LogError, TEXT("DoDynamicUpdate: not enough free space on drive %1 to perform download (available=%2!u! MB, needed=%3!u! MB)"), 0, drive, (DWORD)(availableBytes >> 20), (DWORD)(estSize >> 20) ); g_DynUpdtStatus->DUStatus = DUS_ERROR; DynamicUpdateCancel (); // // wait for the UI thread to signal the event, no more than about a minute // rc = WaitForSingleObject (hEvent, 66000); if (rc == WAIT_TIMEOUT) { // // why? // MYASSERT (FALSE); } else if (rc != WAIT_OBJECT_0) { DynUpdtDebugLog ( Winnt32LogError, TEXT("WaitForSingleObject failed (%1!u!)"), 0, rc ); } break; } } SendMessage (hUIWindow, WMX_SETUPUPDATE_DOWNLOADING, estTime, estSize); rc = WaitForSingleObject (hEvent, INFINITE); if (rc != WAIT_OBJECT_0) { DynUpdtDebugLog ( Winnt32LogError, TEXT("WaitForSingleObject failed (%1!u!)"), 0, rc ); g_DynUpdtStatus->DUStatus = DUS_ERROR; break; } sleep = ticks + MIN_INTERVAL_BETWEEN_TASKS - (LONG)GetTickCount (); if (sleep > 0 && sleep <= MIN_INTERVAL_BETWEEN_TASKS) { Sleep (sleep); } // // the UI thread has already set the next state, // based on the result of download // break; case DUS_PROCESSING: ticks = GetTickCount (); SendMessage (hUIWindow, WMX_SETUPUPDATE_PROCESSING, 0, 0); if (!g_DynUpdtStatus->UserSpecifiedUpdates) { MYASSERT(ARRAYSIZE(g_DynUpdtStatus->DynamicUpdatesSource) == ARRAYSIZE(g_DynUpdtStatus->WorkingDir)); lstrcpy (g_DynUpdtStatus->DynamicUpdatesSource, g_DynUpdtStatus->WorkingDir); } bStopSetup = FALSE; if (!DynamicUpdateProcessFiles (&bStopSetup)) { g_DynUpdtStatus->DUStatus = bStopSetup ? DUS_FATALERROR : DUS_ERROR; break; } sleep = ticks + MIN_INTERVAL_BETWEEN_TASKS - (LONG)GetTickCount (); if (sleep > 0 && sleep <= MIN_INTERVAL_BETWEEN_TASKS) { Sleep (sleep); } g_DynUpdtStatus->DUStatus = DUS_SUCCESSFUL; break; case DUS_SUCCESSFUL: if (CheckUpgradeOnly && !g_DynUpdtStatus->RestartWinnt32 && !g_DynUpdtStatus->UserSpecifiedUpdates) { if (pSaveLastDownloadInfo ()) { g_DynUpdtStatus->PreserveWorkingDir = TRUE; } } // // notify the upgrade module that DU completed with success // g_DynUpdtStatus->Successful = TRUE; // // fall through // case DUS_ERROR: case DUS_FATALERROR: case DUS_SKIP: // // always make sure to uninitialize DU // if the user had a modem connection active, this should close // the connection // DynamicUpdateUninitialize () will not reset any DU data // in case the processing was successful // DynamicUpdateUninitialize (); bContinue = FALSE; break; default: MYASSERT (FALSE); } } CloseHandle (hEvent); exit: // // always notify the UI thread before exiting // PostMessage (hUIWindow, WMX_SETUPUPDATE_THREAD_DONE, 0, 0); return rc; }