#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "error.h" #include "ntstatus.dbg" #include "winerror.dbg" #define HEAP_INCREMENT 100 #define HEAP_FLAGS 0 typedef struct _PAIRLIST { ULONG Status; ULONG WinError; } PAIRLIST, *PPAIRLIST; PPAIRLIST PairList; ULONG PairCount; ULONG MaxPairs; PUCHAR ProgramName; void usage( void ); void error( PUCHAR String ); void ReconstructPairs( void ); void StatusFromWinError( ULONG WinError ); PUCHAR ntsSymbolicName( NTSTATUS Id ); PUCHAR weSymbolicName( DWORD Id ); int __cdecl main( int argc, char **argv ) { int i; BOOL IsWinError; ULONG WinError; NTSTATUS Status; ProgramName = argv[0]; if (argc < 2) { usage(); } ReconstructPairs(); // // parse cmdline // IsWinError = TRUE; for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (argv[i][0] == '-') { switch (argv[i][1]) { case 's': case 'S': IsWinError = FALSE; break; default: usage(); break; } continue; } else { if (IsWinError) { WinError = strtoul(argv[i], NULL, 0); StatusFromWinError(WinError); } else { Status = strtoul(argv[i], NULL, 16); printf("%6d %s <--> %08lx %s\n", RtlNtStatusToDosError(Status), weSymbolicName(RtlNtStatusToDosError(Status)), Status, ntsSymbolicName(Status) ); } } } return 0; } void StatusFromWinError( ULONG WinError ) { ULONG Index; BOOL Hit = FALSE; for (Index = 0; Index < PairCount; Index++) { if (WinError == PairList[Index].WinError) { printf("%6d %s <--> 0x%08lx %s\n", WinError, weSymbolicName(WinError), PairList[Index].Status, ntsSymbolicName(PairList[Index].Status) ); Hit = TRUE; } } if (!Hit) { printf("%6d %s <--> No NTSTATUS matched\n", WinError, weSymbolicName(WinError) ); } } void AddPair( ULONG Status, ULONG WinError ) { if (PairCount >= MaxPairs) { MaxPairs += HEAP_INCREMENT; if (PairList == NULL) { PairList = (PPAIRLIST)RtlAllocateHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), HEAP_FLAGS, MaxPairs * sizeof(PAIRLIST) ); if (PairList == NULL) { error("out of memory"); } } else { PPAIRLIST NewPairList; NewPairList = (PPAIRLIST)RtlReAllocateHeap(RtlProcessHeap(), HEAP_FLAGS, PairList, MaxPairs * sizeof(PAIRLIST) ); if (NewPairList == NULL) { error("out of memory"); } else { PairList = NewPairList; } } } PairList[PairCount].Status = Status; PairList[PairCount].WinError = WinError; PairCount++; } void ReconstructPairs( void ) { ULONG Index; ULONG Entry; ULONG Offset; ULONG Status; ULONG WinError; Index = 0; for (Entry = 0; RtlpRunTable[Entry].RunLength != 0; Entry++) { Status = RtlpRunTable[Entry].BaseCode; for (Offset = 0; Offset < RtlpRunTable[Entry].RunLength; Offset++, Status++ ) { if (RtlpRunTable[Entry].CodeSize == 1) { WinError = (ULONG)RtlpStatusTable[Index]; Index += 1; } else { WinError = (((ULONG)RtlpStatusTable[Index + 1] << 16) | (ULONG)RtlpStatusTable[Index]); Index += 2; } AddPair(Status, WinError); } } } void usage( void ) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s errorcode ... [-s ntstatus ...]\n", ProgramName); ExitProcess(1); } void error( PUCHAR String ) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", ProgramName, String); ExitProcess(2); } PUCHAR ntsSymbolicName( NTSTATUS Id ) { int i = 0; while (ntstatusSymbolicNames[i].SymbolicName) { if (ntstatusSymbolicNames[i].MessageId == Id) { return ntstatusSymbolicNames[i].SymbolicName; } ++i; } return "No Symbolic Name"; } PUCHAR weSymbolicName( DWORD Id ) { int i = 0; while (winerrorSymbolicNames[i].SymbolicName) { if (winerrorSymbolicNames[i].MessageId == Id) { return winerrorSymbolicNames[i].SymbolicName; } ++i; } return "No Symbolic Name"; }