/*++ Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation Module Name: sxsasmidencdec.c Abstract: Implementation of the encoding/decoding support for the assembly identity data type. Author: Michael Grier (MGrier) 7/28/2000 Revision History: --*/ #include "stdinc.h" #include #include #include #include #include "idp.h" static const WCHAR s_rgHexChars[] = L"0123456789abcdef"; BOOL SxspValidateXMLName( PCWSTR psz, SIZE_T cch, bool &rfValid ); typedef struct _CHARPAIR { WCHAR wchStart; WCHAR wchEnd; } CHARPAIR, *PCHARPAIR; typedef const CHARPAIR *PCCHARPAIR; const CHARPAIR s_rgXMLBaseChar[] = { { 0x0041, 0x005a }, { 0x0061, 0x007a }, { 0x00c0, 0x00d6 }, { 0x00d8, 0x00f6 }, { 0x00f8, 0x00ff }, { 0x0100, 0x0131 }, { 0x0134, 0x013e }, { 0x0141, 0x0148 }, { 0x014a, 0x017e }, { 0x0180, 0x01c3 }, { 0x01cd, 0x01f0 }, { 0x01f4, 0x01f5 }, { 0x01fa, 0x0217 }, { 0x0250, 0x02a8 }, { 0x02bb, 0x02c1 }, { 0x0386, 0x0386 }, { 0x0388, 0x038a }, { 0x038c, 0x038c }, { 0x038e, 0x03a1 }, { 0x03a3, 0x03ce }, { 0x03d0, 0x03d6 }, { 0x03da, 0x03da }, { 0x03dc, 0x03dc }, { 0x03de, 0x03de }, { 0x03e0, 0x03e0 }, { 0x03e2, 0x03f3 }, { 0x0401, 0x040c }, { 0x040e, 0x044f }, { 0x0451, 0x045c }, { 0x045e, 0x0481 }, { 0x0490, 0x04c4 }, { 0x04c7, 0x04c8 }, { 0x04cb, 0x04cc }, { 0x04d0, 0x04eb }, { 0x04ee, 0x04f5 }, { 0x04f8, 0x04f9 }, { 0x0531, 0x0556 }, { 0x0559, 0x0559 }, { 0x0561, 0x0586 }, { 0x05d0, 0x05ea }, { 0x05f0, 0x05f2 }, { 0x0621, 0x063a }, { 0x0641, 0x064a }, { 0x0671, 0x06b7 }, { 0x06ba, 0x06be }, { 0x06c0, 0x06ce }, { 0x06d0, 0x06d3 }, { 0x06d5, 0x06d5 }, { 0x06e5, 0x06e6 }, { 0x0905, 0x0939 }, { 0x093d, 0x093d }, { 0x0958, 0x0961 }, { 0x0985, 0x098c }, { 0x098f, 0x0990 }, { 0x0993, 0x09a8 }, { 0x09aa, 0x09b0 }, { 0x09b2, 0x09b2 }, { 0x09b6, 0x09b9 }, { 0x09dc, 0x09dd }, { 0x09df, 0x09e1 }, { 0x09f0, 0x09f1 }, { 0x0a05, 0x0a0a }, { 0x0a0f, 0x0a10 }, { 0x0a13, 0x0a28 }, { 0x0a2a, 0x0a30 }, { 0x0a32, 0x0a33 }, { 0x0a35, 0x0a36 }, { 0x0a38, 0x0a39 }, { 0x0a59, 0x0a5c }, { 0x0a5e, 0x0a5e }, { 0x0a72, 0x0a74 }, { 0x0a85, 0x0a8b }, { 0x0a8d, 0x0a8d }, { 0x0a8f, 0x0a91 }, { 0x0a93, 0x0aa8 }, { 0x0aaa, 0x0ab0 }, { 0x0ab2, 0x0ab3 }, { 0x0ab5, 0x0ab9 }, { 0x0abd, 0x0abd }, { 0x0ae0, 0x0ae0 }, { 0x0b05, 0x0b0c }, { 0x0b0f, 0x0b10 }, { 0x0b13, 0x0b28 }, { 0x0b2a, 0x0b30 }, { 0x0b32, 0x0b33 }, { 0x0b36, 0x0b39 }, { 0x0b3d, 0x0b3d }, { 0x0b5c, 0x0b5d }, { 0x0b5f, 0x0b61 }, { 0x0b85, 0x0b8a }, { 0x0b8e, 0x0b90 }, { 0x0b92, 0x0b95 }, { 0x0b99, 0x0b9a }, { 0x0b9c, 0x0b9c }, { 0x0b9e, 0x0b9f }, { 0x0ba3, 0x0ba4 }, { 0x0ba8, 0x0baa }, { 0x0bae, 0x0bb5 }, { 0x0bb7, 0x0bb9 }, { 0x0c05, 0x0c0c }, { 0x0c0e, 0x0c10 }, { 0x0c12, 0x0c28 }, { 0x0c2a, 0x0c33 }, { 0x0c35, 0x0c39 }, { 0x0c60, 0x0c61 }, { 0x0c85, 0x0c8c }, { 0x0c8e, 0x0c90 }, { 0x0c92, 0x0ca8 }, { 0x0caa, 0x0cb3 }, { 0x0cb5, 0x0cb9 }, { 0x0cde, 0x0cde }, { 0x0ce0, 0x0ce1 }, { 0x0d05, 0x0d0c }, { 0x0d0e, 0x0d10 }, { 0x0d12, 0x0d28 }, { 0x0d2a, 0x0d39 }, { 0x0d60, 0x0d61 }, { 0x0e01, 0x0e2e }, { 0x0e30, 0x0e30 }, { 0x0e32, 0x0e33 }, { 0x0e40, 0x0e45 }, { 0x0e81, 0x0e82 }, { 0x0e84, 0x0e84 }, { 0x0e87, 0x0e88 }, { 0x0e8a, 0x0e8a }, { 0x0e8d, 0x0e8d }, { 0x0e94, 0x0e97 }, { 0x0e99, 0x0e9f }, { 0x0ea1, 0x0ea3 }, { 0x0ea5, 0x0ea5 }, { 0x0ea7, 0x0ea7 }, { 0x0eaa, 0x0eab }, { 0x0ead, 0x0eae }, { 0x0eb0, 0x0eb0 }, { 0x0eb2, 0x0eb3 }, { 0x0ebd, 0x0ebd }, { 0x0ec0, 0x0ec4 }, { 0x0f40, 0x0f47 }, { 0x0f49, 0x0f69 }, { 0x10a0, 0x10c5 }, { 0x10d0, 0x10f6 }, { 0x1100, 0x1100 }, { 0x1102, 0x1103 }, { 0x1105, 0x1107 }, { 0x1109, 0x1109 }, { 0x110b, 0x110c }, { 0x110e, 0x1112 }, { 0x113c, 0x113c }, { 0x113e, 0x113e }, { 0x1140, 0x1140 }, { 0x114c, 0x114c }, { 0x114e, 0x114e }, { 0x1150, 0x1150 }, { 0x1154, 0x1155 }, { 0x1159, 0x1159 }, { 0x115f, 0x1161 }, { 0x1163, 0x1163 }, { 0x1165, 0x1165 }, { 0x1167, 0x1167 }, { 0x1169, 0x1169 }, { 0x116d, 0x116e }, { 0x1172, 0x1173 }, { 0x1175, 0x1175 }, { 0x119e, 0x119e }, { 0x11a8, 0x11a8 }, { 0x11ab, 0x11ab }, { 0x11ae, 0x11af }, { 0x11b7, 0x11b8 }, { 0x11ba, 0x11ba }, { 0x11bc, 0x11c2 }, { 0x11eb, 0x11eb }, { 0x11f0, 0x11f0 }, { 0x11f9, 0x11f9 }, { 0x1e00, 0x1e9b }, { 0x1ea0, 0x1ef9 }, { 0x1f00, 0x1f15 }, { 0x1f18, 0x1f1d }, { 0x1f20, 0x1f45 }, { 0x1f48, 0x1f4d }, { 0x1f50, 0x1f57 }, { 0x1f59, 0x1f59 }, { 0x1f5b, 0x1f5b }, { 0x1f5d, 0x1f5d }, { 0x1f5f, 0x1f7d }, { 0x1f80, 0x1fb4 }, { 0x1fb6, 0x1fbc }, { 0x1fbe, 0x1fbe }, { 0x1fc2, 0x1fc4 }, { 0x1fc6, 0x1fcc }, { 0x1fd0, 0x1fd3 }, { 0x1fd6, 0x1fdb }, { 0x1fe0, 0x1fec }, { 0x1ff2, 0x1ff4 }, { 0x1ff6, 0x1ffc }, { 0x2126, 0x2126 }, { 0x212a, 0x212b }, { 0x212e, 0x212e }, { 0x2180, 0x2182 }, { 0x3041, 0x3094 }, { 0x30a1, 0x30fa }, { 0x3105, 0x312c }, { 0xac00, 0xd7a3 }, }; BOOL SxsComputeAssemblyIdentityEncodedSize( IN ULONG Flags, IN PCASSEMBLY_IDENTITY AssemblyIdentity, IN const GUID *EncodingGroup OPTIONAL, IN ULONG EncodingFormat, OUT SIZE_T *SizeOut ) { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; FN_TRACE_WIN32(fSuccess); SIZE_T Size = 0; ULONG i; ULONG AttributeCount, NamespaceCount; PCINTERNAL_ASSEMBLY_IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE *AttributePointerArray = NULL; PCASSEMBLY_IDENTITY_NAMESPACE *NamespacePointerArray = NULL; if (SizeOut != NULL) *SizeOut = 0; PARAMETER_CHECK(Flags == 0); PARAMETER_CHECK(AssemblyIdentity != NULL); PARAMETER_CHECK(SizeOut != NULL); if (EncodingGroup != NULL) ORIGINATE_WIN32_FAILURE_AND_EXIT(UnknownEncodingGroup, ERROR_SXS_UNKNOWN_ENCODING_GROUP); if ((EncodingFormat != SXS_ASSEMBLY_IDENTITY_ENCODING_DEFAULTGROUP_BINARY) && (EncodingFormat != SXS_ASSEMBLY_IDENTITY_ENCODING_DEFAULTGROUP_TEXTUAL)) ORIGINATE_WIN32_FAILURE_AND_EXIT(UnknownEncodingId, ERROR_SXS_UNKNOWN_ENCODING); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(::SxspValidateAssemblyIdentity(0, AssemblyIdentity)); AttributeCount = AssemblyIdentity->AttributeCount; NamespaceCount = AssemblyIdentity->NamespaceCount; AttributePointerArray = AssemblyIdentity->AttributePointerArray; NamespacePointerArray = AssemblyIdentity->NamespacePointerArray; switch (EncodingFormat) { case SXS_ASSEMBLY_IDENTITY_ENCODING_DEFAULTGROUP_BINARY: // NTRAID#NTBUG9 - 586520 - 2002/03/26 - xiaoyuw: // - this function calculate the encoded size of assembly identity: // if it overflow, what to do... // First, we know we need a header. Size = sizeof(ENCODED_ASSEMBLY_IDENTITY_HEADER); // Then a ULONG hash per attribute: Size += (AssemblyIdentity->AttributeCount * sizeof(ULONG)); // Then a ULONG per namespace... Size += (AssemblyIdentity->NamespaceCount * sizeof(ULONG)); // Then we need an attribute header per attribute: Size += AssemblyIdentity->AttributeCount * sizeof(ENCODED_ASSEMBLY_IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_HEADER); // Then come the namespace strings... for (i=0; iNamespaceCch * sizeof(WCHAR); // Then we need space for each of the attributes' names and value. AttributePointerArray = AssemblyIdentity->AttributePointerArray; for (i=0; iAttribute.NameCch * sizeof(WCHAR); Size += AttributePointerArray[i]->Attribute.ValueCch * sizeof(WCHAR); } // We should at least be byte aligned here... ASSERT((Size % 2) == 0); // And finally pad out to a multiple of four if we are not... Size = (Size + 3) & ~3; break; case SXS_ASSEMBLY_IDENTITY_ENCODING_DEFAULTGROUP_TEXTUAL: for (i=0; i= L'A') && (wch <= L'Z')) || ((wch >= L'a') && (wch <= L'z')) || ((wch >= L'0') && (wch <= L'9')) || (wch == L'.') || (wch == L'-') || (wch == L'_')) { Bytes += sizeof(WCHAR); } else { switch (wch) { case L'&': // & Bytes += (5 * sizeof(WCHAR)); break; case L'"': // " Bytes += (6 * sizeof(WCHAR)); break; case L'<': // < Bytes += (4 * sizeof(WCHAR)); break; case L'>': // > Bytes += (4 * sizeof(WCHAR)); break; case L'\'': // ' Bytes += (6 * sizeof(WCHAR)); break; default: // Otherwise, it's going to be &#xn; if (wch < 0x10) Bytes += (5 * sizeof(WCHAR)); else if (wch < 0x100) Bytes += (6 * sizeof(WCHAR)); else if (wch < 0x1000) Bytes += (7 * sizeof(WCHAR)); else Bytes += (8 * sizeof(WCHAR)); break; } } Cch--; } return Bytes; } BOOL SxspDequoteString( IN DWORD dwFlags, IN PCWSTR pcwszStringIn, IN SIZE_T cchStringIn, OUT PWSTR pwszStringOut, OUT SIZE_T *pcchStringOut ) { FN_PROLOG_WIN32 PCWSTR pcwszInputCursor = pcwszStringIn; PWSTR pwszOutputCursor = pwszStringOut; PCWSTR pcwszInputCursorEnd = pcwszStringIn + cchStringIn; SIZE_T cchOutputRemaining = 0; BOOL fInsufficient = FALSE; PARAMETER_CHECK(dwFlags == 0); if (pcchStringOut != NULL) { cchOutputRemaining = *pcchStringOut; *pcchStringOut = 0; } if (pwszStringOut != NULL) pwszStringOut[0] = UNICODE_NULL; PARAMETER_CHECK(pcchStringOut != NULL); // // reserve one wchar for trailing NULL // #define APPEND_OUTPUT_CHARACTER( toadd ) { \ if ( cchOutputRemaining > 1 ) { \ *pwszOutputCursor++ = (toadd); \ cchOutputRemaining--; \ (*pcchStringOut)++; \ } else fInsufficient = TRUE; \ } #define CONTAINS_TAG(tag) (::FusionpCompareStrings(pcwszInputCursor, cchToNextSemicolon, (tag), NUMBER_OF(tag)-1, false) == 0) #define REPLACE_TAG( tag, newchar ) if ( CONTAINS_TAG(tag) ) { APPEND_OUTPUT_CHARACTER(newchar) } // // Zing through the input string until there's nothing left // while ((pcwszInputCursor < pcwszInputCursorEnd) && (!fInsufficient)) { const WCHAR wchCurrent = *pcwszInputCursor; // Something we know and love? if (wchCurrent == L'&') { pcwszInputCursor++; SIZE_T cchToNextSemicolon = StringComplimentSpan( pcwszInputCursor, pcwszInputCursorEnd, L";"); PCWSTR pcwszSemicolon = pcwszInputCursor + cchToNextSemicolon; REPLACE_TAG(L"amp", L'&') else REPLACE_TAG(L"quot", L'"') else REPLACE_TAG(L"lt", L'<') else REPLACE_TAG(L"gt", L'>') else REPLACE_TAG(L"apos", L'\'') // This might be an encoded character... else if ( cchToNextSemicolon >= 2 ) { bool fIsHexString = false; WCHAR wchReplacement = 0; // The only non-chunk think accepted is the # character PARAMETER_CHECK(*pcwszInputCursor == L'#'); // which means we've skipped one pcwszInputCursor++; fIsHexString = (*pcwszInputCursor == L'x') || (*pcwszInputCursor == 'X'); if (fIsHexString) { pcwszInputCursor++; } while ( pcwszInputCursor != pcwszSemicolon ) { if ( fIsHexString ) { wchReplacement <<= 4; switch ( *pcwszInputCursor++ ) { case L'0' : break; case L'1' : wchReplacement += 0x1; break; case L'2' : wchReplacement += 0x2; break; case L'3' : wchReplacement += 0x3; break; case L'4' : wchReplacement += 0x4; break; case L'5' : wchReplacement += 0x5; break; case L'6' : wchReplacement += 0x6; break; case L'7' : wchReplacement += 0x7; break; case L'8' : wchReplacement += 0x8; break; case L'9' : wchReplacement += 0x9; break; case L'a': case L'A': wchReplacement += 0xA; break; case L'b': case L'B': wchReplacement += 0xB; break; case L'c': case L'C': wchReplacement += 0xC; break; case L'd': case L'D': wchReplacement += 0xD; break; case L'e': case L'E': wchReplacement += 0xE; break; case L'f': case L'F': wchReplacement += 0xF; break; default: PARAMETER_CHECK(FALSE && L"wchReplacement contains a non-hex digit"); break; } } else { wchReplacement *= 10; switch ( *pcwszInputCursor++ ) { case L'0' : break; case L'1' : wchReplacement += 0x1; break; case L'2' : wchReplacement += 0x2; break; case L'3' : wchReplacement += 0x3; break; case L'4' : wchReplacement += 0x4; break; case L'5' : wchReplacement += 0x5; break; case L'6' : wchReplacement += 0x6; break; case L'7' : wchReplacement += 0x7; break; case L'8' : wchReplacement += 0x8; break; case L'9' : wchReplacement += 0x9; break; default: PARAMETER_CHECK(FALSE && "wchReplacement contains a non-decimal digit"); break; } } } APPEND_OUTPUT_CHARACTER(wchReplacement); } if (!fInsufficient) pcwszInputCursor = pcwszSemicolon + 1; } // Otherwise, simply copy the character to the output string else { APPEND_OUTPUT_CHARACTER(wchCurrent); if (!fInsufficient) pcwszInputCursor++; } } if (fInsufficient) ORIGINATE_WIN32_FAILURE_AND_EXIT(NoRoom, ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); pwszStringOut[*pcchStringOut] = L'\0'; FN_EPILOG } BOOL SxspQuoteString( IN DWORD Flags, IN const WCHAR *StringIn, IN SIZE_T Cch, IN SIZE_T BufferSize, IN PVOID Buffer, OUT SIZE_T *BytesWrittenOut ) { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; WCHAR *Cursor; SIZE_T BytesWritten = 0; SIZE_T BytesLeft = BufferSize; if (BytesWrittenOut != NULL) *BytesWrittenOut = 0; W32PARAMETER_CHECK_NTC(Flags == 0); W32PARAMETER_CHECK_NTC(StringIn != NULL || Cch == 0); W32PARAMETER_CHECK_NTC(Buffer != NULL || BufferSize == 0); Cursor = (WCHAR *) Buffer; BytesWritten = 0; while (Cch != 0) { const WCHAR wch = *StringIn++; if (((wch >= L'A') && (wch <= L'Z')) || ((wch >= L'a') && (wch <= L'z')) || ((wch >= L'0') && (wch <= L'9')) || (wch == L'.') || (wch == L'-') || (wch == L'_')) { if (BytesLeft < sizeof(WCHAR)) ORIGINATE_WIN32_FAILURE_AND_EXIT_NTC(NoRoom, ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); *Cursor++ = wch; BytesLeft -= sizeof(WCHAR); BytesWritten += sizeof(WCHAR); } else { #define HANDLE_CASE(_wch, _wstr) \ case _wch: \ { \ ULONG i; \ if (BytesLeft < (sizeof(_wstr) - sizeof(WCHAR))) \ ORIGINATE_WIN32_FAILURE_AND_EXIT_NTC(NoRoom, ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); \ for (i=0; i<(NUMBER_OF(_wstr) - 1); i++) \ *Cursor++ = _wstr[i]; \ BytesLeft -= (sizeof(_wstr) - sizeof(WCHAR)); \ BytesWritten += (sizeof(_wstr) - sizeof(WCHAR)); \ break; \ } switch (wch) { HANDLE_CASE(L'"', L""") HANDLE_CASE(L'&', L"&") HANDLE_CASE(L'<', L"<") HANDLE_CASE(L'>', L">") HANDLE_CASE(L'\'', L"'") default: if (wch < 0x10) { if (BytesLeft < (5 * sizeof(WCHAR))) ORIGINATE_WIN32_FAILURE_AND_EXIT_NTC(NoRoom, ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); *Cursor++ = L'&'; *Cursor++ = L'#'; *Cursor++ = L'x'; *Cursor++ = s_rgHexChars[wch]; *Cursor++ = L';'; BytesWritten += (5 * sizeof(WCHAR)); BytesLeft -= (5 * sizeof(WCHAR)); } else if (wch < 0x100) { if (BytesLeft < (6 * sizeof(WCHAR))) ORIGINATE_WIN32_FAILURE_AND_EXIT_NTC(NoRoom, ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); *Cursor++ = L'&'; *Cursor++ = L'#'; *Cursor++ = L'x'; *Cursor++ = s_rgHexChars[(wch >> 4) & 0xf]; *Cursor++ = s_rgHexChars[wch & 0xf]; *Cursor++ = L';'; BytesWritten += (6 * sizeof(WCHAR)); BytesLeft -= (6 * sizeof(WCHAR)); } else if (wch < 0x1000) { if (BytesLeft < (7 * sizeof(WCHAR))) ORIGINATE_WIN32_FAILURE_AND_EXIT_NTC(NoRoom, ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); *Cursor++ = L'&'; *Cursor++ = L'#'; *Cursor++ = L'x'; *Cursor++ = s_rgHexChars[(wch >> 8) & 0xf]; *Cursor++ = s_rgHexChars[(wch >> 4) & 0xf]; *Cursor++ = s_rgHexChars[wch & 0xf]; *Cursor++ = L';'; BytesWritten += (7 * sizeof(WCHAR)); BytesLeft -= (7 * sizeof(WCHAR)); } else { W32INTERNAL_ERROR_CHECK_NTC(wch <= 0xffff); if (BytesLeft < (8 * sizeof(WCHAR))) ORIGINATE_WIN32_FAILURE_AND_EXIT_NTC(NoRoom, ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); *Cursor++ = L'&'; *Cursor++ = L'#'; *Cursor++ = L'x'; *Cursor++ = s_rgHexChars[(wch >> 12) & 0xf]; *Cursor++ = s_rgHexChars[(wch >> 8) & 0xf]; *Cursor++ = s_rgHexChars[(wch >> 4) & 0xf]; *Cursor++ = s_rgHexChars[wch & 0xf]; *Cursor++ = L';'; BytesWritten += (8 * sizeof(WCHAR)); BytesLeft -= (8 * sizeof(WCHAR)); } break; } } Cch--; } if (BytesWrittenOut != NULL) *BytesWrittenOut = BytesWritten; fSuccess = TRUE; Exit: return fSuccess; } BOOL SxspComputeInternalAssemblyIdentityAttributeEncodedTextualSize( IN DWORD Flags, IN PCINTERNAL_ASSEMBLY_IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE Attribute, OUT SIZE_T *BytesOut ) { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; FN_TRACE_WIN32(fSuccess); SIZE_T Bytes = 0; if (BytesOut != NULL) *BytesOut = 0; PARAMETER_CHECK((Flags & ~( SXSP_COMPUTE_INTERNAL_ASSEMBLY_IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_ENCODED_TEXTUAL_SIZE_FLAG_VALUE_ONLY | SXSP_COMPUTE_INTERNAL_ASSEMBLY_IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_ENCODED_TEXTUAL_SIZE_FLAG_OMIT_QUOTES)) == 0); PARAMETER_CHECK(Attribute != NULL); PARAMETER_CHECK(BytesOut != NULL); Bytes = 0; if ((Flags & SXSP_COMPUTE_INTERNAL_ASSEMBLY_IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_ENCODED_TEXTUAL_SIZE_FLAG_VALUE_ONLY) == 0) { if (Attribute->Attribute.NamespaceCch != 0) { // Figure out the ns:n= part Bytes += ::SxspComputeQuotedStringSize(Attribute->Attribute.Namespace, Attribute->Attribute.NamespaceCch); Bytes += sizeof(WCHAR); // the ":" } Bytes += ::SxspComputeQuotedStringSize(Attribute->Attribute.Name, Attribute->Attribute.NameCch); Bytes += sizeof(WCHAR); // the "=" } Bytes += ::SxspComputeQuotedStringSize(Attribute->Attribute.Value, Attribute->Attribute.ValueCch); if ((Flags & SXSP_COMPUTE_INTERNAL_ASSEMBLY_IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_ENCODED_TEXTUAL_SIZE_FLAG_OMIT_QUOTES) == 0) Bytes += 2 * sizeof(WCHAR); // the beginning and ending quotes *BytesOut = Bytes; fSuccess = TRUE; Exit: return fSuccess; } BOOL SxspEncodeInternalAssemblyIdentityAttributeAsText( IN DWORD Flags, IN PCINTERNAL_ASSEMBLY_IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE Attribute, SIZE_T BufferSize, PVOID Buffer, SIZE_T *BytesWrittenOut ) { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; FN_TRACE_WIN32(fSuccess); SIZE_T BytesWritten = 0; SIZE_T BytesLeft = 0; SIZE_T BytesThisSegment; WCHAR *Cursor; if (BytesWrittenOut != NULL) *BytesWrittenOut = 0; PARAMETER_CHECK(Flags == 0); PARAMETER_CHECK(Attribute != NULL); PARAMETER_CHECK((Buffer != NULL) || (BufferSize == 0)); BytesWritten = 0; BytesLeft = BufferSize; Cursor = reinterpret_cast(Buffer); if (Attribute->Attribute.NamespaceCch != 0) { IFW32FALSE_EXIT(::SxspQuoteString(0, Attribute->Namespace->Namespace, Attribute->Namespace->NamespaceCch, BytesLeft, Cursor, &BytesThisSegment)); INTERNAL_ERROR_CHECK(BytesThisSegment <= BytesLeft); Cursor = (WCHAR *) (((ULONG_PTR) Cursor) + BytesThisSegment); BytesLeft -= BytesThisSegment; BytesWritten += BytesThisSegment; if (BytesLeft < sizeof(WCHAR)) ORIGINATE_WIN32_FAILURE_AND_EXIT(NoRoom, ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); *Cursor++ = L':'; BytesLeft -= sizeof(WCHAR); BytesWritten += sizeof(WCHAR); } IFW32FALSE_EXIT(::SxspQuoteString(0, Attribute->Attribute.Name, Attribute->Attribute.NameCch, BytesLeft, Cursor, &BytesThisSegment)); INTERNAL_ERROR_CHECK(BytesThisSegment <= BytesLeft); Cursor = (WCHAR *) (((ULONG_PTR) Cursor) + BytesThisSegment); BytesLeft -= BytesThisSegment; BytesWritten += BytesThisSegment; if (BytesLeft < (2 * sizeof(WCHAR))) ORIGINATE_WIN32_FAILURE_AND_EXIT(NoRoom, ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); *Cursor++ = L'='; *Cursor++ = L'"'; BytesLeft -= (2 * sizeof(WCHAR)); BytesWritten += (2 * sizeof(WCHAR)); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(::SxspQuoteString(0, Attribute->Attribute.Value, Attribute->Attribute.ValueCch, BytesLeft, Cursor, &BytesThisSegment)); INTERNAL_ERROR_CHECK(BytesThisSegment <= BytesLeft); Cursor = (WCHAR *) (((ULONG_PTR) Cursor) + BytesThisSegment); BytesLeft -= BytesThisSegment; BytesWritten += BytesThisSegment; if (BytesLeft < sizeof(WCHAR)) ORIGINATE_WIN32_FAILURE_AND_EXIT(NoRoom, ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); *Cursor++ = L'"'; BytesLeft -= sizeof(WCHAR); BytesWritten += sizeof(WCHAR); *BytesWrittenOut = BytesWritten; fSuccess = TRUE; Exit: return fSuccess; } BOOL SxspEncodeAssemblyIdentityTextually( IN DWORD Flags, IN PCASSEMBLY_IDENTITY AssemblyIdentity, IN SIZE_T BufferSize, IN PVOID Buffer, OUT SIZE_T *BytesWrittenOut) { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; FN_TRACE_WIN32(fSuccess); ULONG AttributeCount, NamespaceCount; PCINTERNAL_ASSEMBLY_IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE *Attributes; PCASSEMBLY_IDENTITY_NAMESPACE *Namespaces; ULONG i; ASSEMBLY_IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE Attribute; PCINTERNAL_ASSEMBLY_IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE NameInternalAttribute = NULL; SIZE_T BytesLeft; SIZE_T BytesWritten; PVOID Cursor; SIZE_T TempBytesWritten; if (BytesWrittenOut != NULL) *BytesWrittenOut = 0; PARAMETER_CHECK(Flags == 0); PARAMETER_CHECK(AssemblyIdentity != NULL); PARAMETER_CHECK(BufferSize != 0); PARAMETER_CHECK(Buffer != NULL); PARAMETER_CHECK(BytesWrittenOut != NULL); Cursor = Buffer; BytesLeft = BufferSize; BytesWritten = 0; // The root assembly identity is actually totally empty, so we'll short-circuit that case. AttributeCount = AssemblyIdentity->AttributeCount; if (AttributeCount != 0) { NamespaceCount = AssemblyIdentity->NamespaceCount; Attributes = AssemblyIdentity->AttributePointerArray; Namespaces = AssemblyIdentity->NamespacePointerArray; // First, let's look for the "name" attribute. Attribute.Flags = 0; Attribute.Namespace = NULL; Attribute.NamespaceCch = 0; Attribute.Name = SXS_ASSEMBLY_IDENTITY_STD_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_NAME; Attribute.NameCch = NUMBER_OF(SXS_ASSEMBLY_IDENTITY_STD_ATTRIBUTE_NAME_NAME) - 1; NameInternalAttribute = ::SxspLocateInternalAssemblyIdentityAttribute( SXSP_LOCATE_INTERNAL_ASSEMBLY_IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_FLAG_MATCH_NAMESPACE | SXSP_LOCATE_INTERNAL_ASSEMBLY_IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_FLAG_MATCH_NAME, AssemblyIdentity, &Attribute, NULL); if (NameInternalAttribute == NULL) ORIGINATE_WIN32_FAILURE_AND_EXIT(AttributeNotFound, ERROR_NOT_FOUND); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(::SxspQuoteString(0, NameInternalAttribute->Attribute.Value, NameInternalAttribute->Attribute.ValueCch, BytesLeft, Cursor, &TempBytesWritten)); INTERNAL_ERROR_CHECK(TempBytesWritten <= BytesLeft); Cursor = (PVOID) (((ULONG_PTR) Cursor) + TempBytesWritten); BytesLeft -= TempBytesWritten; BytesWritten += TempBytesWritten; for (i=0; i BufferSize) { if (BytesWrittenOrRequired != NULL) *BytesWrittenOrRequired = TotalSize; ORIGINATE_WIN32_FAILURE_AND_EXIT(NoRoom, ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); } AttributeCount = AssemblyIdentity->AttributeCount; NamespaceCount = AssemblyIdentity->NamespaceCount; // // Let's start filling it in. // switch (EncodingFormat) { case SXS_ASSEMBLY_IDENTITY_ENCODING_DEFAULTGROUP_BINARY: BytesWritten = 0; Cursor = Buffer; EncodedAssemblyIdentityHeader = (PENCODED_ASSEMBLY_IDENTITY_HEADER) Cursor; Cursor = (PVOID) (((ULONG_PTR) Cursor) + sizeof(ENCODED_ASSEMBLY_IDENTITY_HEADER)); BytesWritten += sizeof(ENCODED_ASSEMBLY_IDENTITY_HEADER); EncodedAssemblyIdentityHeader->HeaderSize = sizeof(ENCODED_ASSEMBLY_IDENTITY_HEADER); EncodedAssemblyIdentityHeader->Magic = ENCODED_ASSEMBLY_IDENTITY_HEADER_MAGIC; EncodedAssemblyIdentityHeader->TotalSize = static_cast(TotalSize); // turn off any flags not relevant to persisted state EncodedAssemblyIdentityHeader->Type = AssemblyIdentity->Type; EncodedAssemblyIdentityHeader->Flags = AssemblyIdentity->Flags & ~(ASSEMBLY_IDENTITY_FLAG_FROZEN); EncodedAssemblyIdentityHeader->EncodingFlags = 0; EncodedAssemblyIdentityHeader->AttributeCount = AttributeCount; EncodedAssemblyIdentityHeader->NamespaceCount = NamespaceCount; EncodedAssemblyIdentityHeader->ReservedMustBeZero1 = 0; EncodedAssemblyIdentityHeader->ReservedMustBeZero2 = 0; EncodedAssemblyIdentityHeader->ReservedMustBeZero3 = 0; EncodedAssemblyIdentityHeader->ReservedMustBeZero4 = 0; TempULONGArrayPointer = (ULONG *) Cursor; Cursor = (PVOID) (TempULONGArrayPointer + AttributeCount); BytesWritten += (AttributeCount * sizeof(ULONG)); for (i=0; iAttributePointerArray[i]->WholeAttributeHash; // sort 'em... qsort(TempULONGArrayPointer, AttributeCount, sizeof(ULONG), &SxspCompareULONGsForQsort); TempULONGArrayPointer = (ULONG *) Cursor; Cursor = (PVOID) (TempULONGArrayPointer + NamespaceCount); BytesWritten += (sizeof(ULONG) * NamespaceCount); for (i=0; i(AssemblyIdentity->NamespacePointerArray[i]->NamespaceCch); EncodedAssemblyIdentityAttributeHeader = (PENCODED_ASSEMBLY_IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_HEADER) Cursor; Cursor = (PVOID) (EncodedAssemblyIdentityAttributeHeader + AttributeCount); BytesWritten += (AttributeCount * sizeof(ENCODED_ASSEMBLY_IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_HEADER)); for (i=0; iAttributePointerArray[i]; ULONG NamespaceIndex; // Totally gross linear search to determine the namespace index. Fortunately the common case // will be a single namespace for all attributes. for (NamespaceIndex = 0; NamespaceIndex < NamespaceCount; NamespaceIndex++) { if (AssemblyIdentity->NamespacePointerArray[NamespaceIndex] == InternalAttribute->Namespace) break; } // If this assert fires, the attribute refers to a namespace that's not in the identity; bad! INTERNAL_ERROR_CHECK( (InternalAttribute->Namespace == NULL) || (NamespaceIndex < NamespaceCount)); EncodedAssemblyIdentityAttributeHeader[i].NamespaceIndex = NamespaceIndex + 1; EncodedAssemblyIdentityAttributeHeader[i].NameCch = static_cast(InternalAttribute->Attribute.NameCch); EncodedAssemblyIdentityAttributeHeader[i].ValueCch = static_cast(InternalAttribute->Attribute.ValueCch); } // so much for the fixed length stuff; write the namespaces. for (i=0; iNamespacePointerArray[i]->NamespaceCch * sizeof(WCHAR))); BytesWritten += (AssemblyIdentity->NamespacePointerArray[i]->NamespaceCch * sizeof(WCHAR)); memcpy( psz, AssemblyIdentity->NamespacePointerArray[i]->Namespace, AssemblyIdentity->NamespacePointerArray[i]->NamespaceCch * sizeof(WCHAR)); } // And the attributes... for (i=0; iAttributePointerArray[i]; PWSTR psz; psz = (PWSTR) Cursor; Cursor = (PVOID) (((ULONG_PTR) psz) + (InternalAttribute->Attribute.NameCch * sizeof(WCHAR))); BytesWritten += (InternalAttribute->Attribute.NameCch * sizeof(WCHAR)); memcpy( psz, InternalAttribute->Attribute.Name, InternalAttribute->Attribute.NameCch * sizeof(WCHAR)); psz = (PWSTR) Cursor; Cursor = (PVOID) (((ULONG_PTR) psz) + InternalAttribute->Attribute.ValueCch * sizeof(WCHAR)); BytesWritten += InternalAttribute->Attribute.ValueCch * sizeof(WCHAR); memcpy( psz, InternalAttribute->Attribute.Value, InternalAttribute->Attribute.ValueCch * sizeof(WCHAR)); } if ((BytesWritten % 4) != 0) { ASSERT((BytesWritten % 4) == sizeof(USHORT)); *((USHORT *) Cursor) = 0; BytesWritten += sizeof(USHORT); } break; case SXS_ASSEMBLY_IDENTITY_ENCODING_DEFAULTGROUP_TEXTUAL: IFW32FALSE_EXIT(::SxspEncodeAssemblyIdentityTextually(0, AssemblyIdentity, BufferSize, Buffer, &BytesWritten)); break; } INTERNAL_ERROR_CHECK(BytesWritten == TotalSize); if (BytesWrittenOrRequired != NULL) *BytesWrittenOrRequired = BytesWritten; fSuccess = TRUE; Exit: return fSuccess; } BOOL SxsDecodeAssemblyIdentity( ULONG Flags, IN const GUID *EncodingGroup, IN ULONG EncodingFormat, IN SIZE_T BufferSize, IN const VOID *Buffer, OUT PASSEMBLY_IDENTITY *AssemblyIdentityOut ) { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; FN_TRACE_WIN32(fSuccess); PCENCODED_ASSEMBLY_IDENTITY_HEADER EncodedAssemblyIdentityHeader = NULL; PCENCODED_ASSEMBLY_IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE_HEADER EncodedAssemblyIdentityAttributeHeader = NULL; PCINTERNAL_ASSEMBLY_IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE *AttributePointerArray = NULL; PCASSEMBLY_IDENTITY_NAMESPACE *NamespacePointerArray = NULL; PASSEMBLY_IDENTITY AssemblyIdentity = NULL; ULONG AttributeCount = 0; ULONG NamespaceCount = 0; ULONG AttributeArraySize = 0; ULONG NamespaceArraySize = 0; ULONG i; const ULONG *NamespaceLengthArray = NULL; const ULONG *AttributeHashArray = NULL; const WCHAR *UnicodeStringArray = NULL; if (AssemblyIdentityOut != NULL) *AssemblyIdentityOut = NULL; PARAMETER_CHECK((Flags & ~(SXS_DECODE_ASSEMBLY_IDENTITY_FLAG_FREEZE)) == 0); PARAMETER_CHECK(BufferSize >= sizeof(ENCODED_ASSEMBLY_IDENTITY_HEADER)); PARAMETER_CHECK(Buffer != NULL); PARAMETER_CHECK(AssemblyIdentityOut != NULL); if (EncodingGroup != NULL) ORIGINATE_WIN32_FAILURE_AND_EXIT(UnknownEncodingGroup, ERROR_SXS_UNKNOWN_ENCODING_GROUP); if ((EncodingFormat != SXS_ASSEMBLY_IDENTITY_ENCODING_DEFAULTGROUP_BINARY) && (EncodingFormat != SXS_ASSEMBLY_IDENTITY_ENCODING_DEFAULTGROUP_TEXTUAL)) ORIGINATE_WIN32_FAILURE_AND_EXIT(UnknownEncoding, ERROR_SXS_UNKNOWN_ENCODING); EncodedAssemblyIdentityHeader = (PCENCODED_ASSEMBLY_IDENTITY_HEADER) Buffer; if ((EncodedAssemblyIdentityHeader->HeaderSize != sizeof(ENCODED_ASSEMBLY_IDENTITY_HEADER)) || (EncodedAssemblyIdentityHeader->Magic != ENCODED_ASSEMBLY_IDENTITY_HEADER_MAGIC) || (EncodedAssemblyIdentityHeader->TotalSize > BufferSize) || (EncodedAssemblyIdentityHeader->Flags != 0) || ((EncodedAssemblyIdentityHeader->Type != ASSEMBLY_IDENTITY_TYPE_DEFINITION) && (EncodedAssemblyIdentityHeader->Type != ASSEMBLY_IDENTITY_TYPE_REFERENCE) && (EncodedAssemblyIdentityHeader->Type != ASSEMBLY_IDENTITY_TYPE_WILDCARD)) || (EncodedAssemblyIdentityHeader->EncodingFlags != 0) || (EncodedAssemblyIdentityHeader->ReservedMustBeZero1 != 0) || (EncodedAssemblyIdentityHeader->ReservedMustBeZero2 != 0) || (EncodedAssemblyIdentityHeader->ReservedMustBeZero3 != 0) || (EncodedAssemblyIdentityHeader->ReservedMustBeZero4 != 0)) { ::SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); goto Exit; } IFALLOCFAILED_EXIT(AssemblyIdentity = new ASSEMBLY_IDENTITY); NamespaceCount = EncodedAssemblyIdentityHeader->NamespaceCount; if (Flags & SXS_DECODE_ASSEMBLY_IDENTITY_FLAG_FREEZE) { NamespaceArraySize = NamespaceCount; } else if (NamespaceCount == 0) { NamespaceArraySize = 8; } else { NamespaceArraySize = (NamespaceCount + 7) & ~7; } if (NamespaceArraySize != 0) { IFALLOCFAILED_EXIT(NamespacePointerArray = new PCASSEMBLY_IDENTITY_NAMESPACE[NamespaceArraySize]); for (i=0; iAttributeCount; if (Flags & SXS_DECODE_ASSEMBLY_IDENTITY_FLAG_FREEZE) { // If we're going to freeze, just perform an exact allocation. AttributeArraySize = AttributeCount; } else if (AttributeCount == 0) { AttributeArraySize = 8; } else { AttributeArraySize = (AttributeCount + 7) & ~7; } if (AttributeArraySize != 0) { IFALLOCFAILED_EXIT(AttributePointerArray = new PCINTERNAL_ASSEMBLY_IDENTITY_ATTRIBUTE[AttributeArraySize]); for (i=0; iHash)); AssemblyIdentity->Flags = 0; AssemblyIdentity->Type = EncodedAssemblyIdentityHeader->Type; AssemblyIdentity->InternalFlags = ASSEMBLY_IDENTITY_INTERNAL_FLAG_ATTRIBUTE_POINTERS_IN_SEPARATE_ALLOCATION | ASSEMBLY_IDENTITY_INTERNAL_FLAG_NAMESPACE_POINTERS_IN_SEPARATE_ALLOCATION; AssemblyIdentity->AttributePointerArray = AttributePointerArray; AssemblyIdentity->AttributeCount = AttributeCount; AssemblyIdentity->AttributeArraySize = AttributeArraySize; AssemblyIdentity->NamespacePointerArray = NamespacePointerArray; AssemblyIdentity->NamespaceCount = NamespaceCount; AssemblyIdentity->NamespaceArraySize = NamespaceArraySize; AttributePointerArray = NULL; NamespacePointerArray = NULL; if (Flags & SXS_DECODE_ASSEMBLY_IDENTITY_FLAG_FREEZE) AssemblyIdentity->Flags |= ASSEMBLY_IDENTITY_FLAG_FROZEN; *AssemblyIdentityOut = AssemblyIdentity; AssemblyIdentity = NULL; fSuccess = TRUE; Exit: // // REVIEW: Should this be an SxsDestroyAssemblyIdentity // if (AssemblyIdentity != NULL) FUSION_DELETE_SINGLETON(AssemblyIdentity); if ((AttributeCount != 0) && (AttributePointerArray != NULL)) { for (i=0; i(AttributePointerArray[i])); AttributePointerArray[i] = NULL; } } FUSION_DELETE_ARRAY(AttributePointerArray); } if ((NamespaceCount != 0) && (NamespacePointerArray != NULL)) { for (i=0; iwchEnd < pcp2->wchStart) return -1; if (pcp2->wchEnd < pcp1->wchStart) return 1; return 0; } bool __fastcall SxspIsCharInCharPairArray( WCHAR wch, PCCHARPAIR prg, SIZE_T n ) { CHARPAIR cp = { wch, wch }; return (::bsearch(&cp, prg, n, sizeof(CHARPAIR), &::SxspCharPairArrayComparisonCallback) != NULL); } __forceinline bool __fastcall SxspIsCharXMLBaseChar( WCHAR wch ) { if (wch < 0x41) return false; if (wch <= 0x5a) return true; if (wch < 0x61) return false; if (wch <= 0x7a) return true; return ::SxspIsCharInCharPairArray(wch, s_rgXMLBaseChar, NUMBER_OF(s_rgXMLBaseChar)); } bool __fastcall SxspIsCharXMLIdeographic( WCHAR wch ) { return ( (wch >= 0x4e00 && wch <= 0x9fa5) || (wch == 0x3007) || (wch >= 0x3021 && wch <= 0x3029) ); } __forceinline bool __fastcall SxspIsCharXMLLetter( WCHAR wch ) { return ::SxspIsCharXMLBaseChar(wch) || ::SxspIsCharXMLIdeographic(wch); } bool __fastcall SxspIsCharXMLCombiningChar( WCHAR wch ) { return ( (wch >= 0x0300 && wch <= 0x0345) || (wch >= 0x0360 && wch <= 0x0361) || (wch >= 0x0483 && wch <= 0x0486) || (wch >= 0x0591 && wch <= 0x05a1) || (wch >= 0x05a3 && wch <= 0x05b9) || (wch >= 0x05bb && wch <= 0x05bd) || wch == 0x05bf || (wch >= 0x05c1 && wch <= 0x05c2) || wch == 0x05c4 || (wch >= 0x064b && wch <= 0x0652) || wch == 0x0670 || (wch >= 0x06d6 && wch <= 0x06dc) || (wch >= 0x06dd && wch <= 0x06df) || (wch >= 0x06e0 && wch <= 0x06e4) || (wch >= 0x06e7 && wch <= 0x06e8) || (wch >= 0x06ea && wch <= 0x06ed) || (wch >= 0x0901 && wch <= 0x0903) || wch == 0x093c || (wch >= 0x093e && wch <= 0x094c) || wch == 0x094d || (wch >= 0x0951 && wch <= 0x0954) || (wch >= 0x0962 && wch <= 0x0963) || (wch >= 0x0981 && wch <= 0x0983) || wch == 0x09bc || wch == 0x09be || wch == 0x09bf || (wch >= 0x09c0 && wch <= 0x09c4) || (wch >= 0x09c7 && wch <= 0x09c8) || (wch >= 0x09cb && wch <= 0x09cd) || wch == 0x09d7 || (wch >= 0x09e2 && wch <= 0x09e3) || wch == 0x0a02 || wch == 0x0a3c || wch == 0x0a3e || wch == 0x0a3f || (wch >= 0x0a40 && wch <= 0x0a42) || (wch >= 0x0a47 && wch <= 0x0a48) || (wch >= 0x0a4b && wch <= 0x0a4d) || (wch >= 0x0a70 && wch <= 0x0a71) || (wch >= 0x0a81 && wch <= 0x0a83) || wch == 0x0abc || (wch >= 0x0abe && wch <= 0x0ac5) || (wch >= 0x0ac7 && wch <= 0x0ac9) || (wch >= 0x0acb && wch <= 0x0acd) || (wch >= 0x0b01 && wch <= 0x0b03) || wch == 0x0b3c || (wch >= 0x0b3e && wch <= 0x0b43) || (wch >= 0x0b47 && wch <= 0x0b48) || (wch >= 0x0b4b && wch <= 0x0b4d) || (wch >= 0x0b56 && wch <= 0x0b57) || (wch >= 0x0b82 && wch <= 0x0b83) || (wch >= 0x0bbe && wch <= 0x0bc2) || (wch >= 0x0bc6 && wch <= 0x0bc8) || (wch >= 0x0bca && wch <= 0x0bcd) || wch == 0x0bd7 || (wch >= 0x0c01 && wch <= 0x0c03) || (wch >= 0x0c3e && wch <= 0x0c44) || (wch >= 0x0c46 && wch <= 0x0c48) || (wch >= 0x0c4a && wch <= 0x0c4d) || (wch >= 0x0c55 && wch <= 0x0c56) || (wch >= 0x0c82 && wch <= 0x0c83) || (wch >= 0x0cbe && wch <= 0x0cc4) || (wch >= 0x0cc6 && wch <= 0x0cc8) || (wch >= 0x0cca && wch <= 0x0ccd) || (wch >= 0x0cd5 && wch <= 0x0cd6) || (wch >= 0x0d02 && wch <= 0x0d03) || (wch >= 0x0d3e && wch <= 0x0d43) || (wch >= 0x0d46 && wch <= 0x0d48) || (wch >= 0x0d4a && wch <= 0x0d4d) || wch == 0x0d57 || wch == 0x0e31 || (wch >= 0x0e34 && wch <= 0x0e3a) || (wch >= 0x0e47 && wch <= 0x0e4e) || wch == 0x0eb1 || (wch >= 0x0eb4 && wch <= 0x0eb9) || (wch >= 0x0ebb && wch <= 0x0ebc) || (wch >= 0x0ec8 && wch <= 0x0ecd) || (wch >= 0x0f18 && wch <= 0x0f19) || wch == 0x0f35 || wch == 0x0f37 || wch == 0x0f39 || wch == 0x0f3e || wch == 0x0f3f || (wch >= 0x0f71 && wch <= 0x0f84) || (wch >= 0x0f86 && wch <= 0x0f8b) || (wch >= 0x0f90 && wch <= 0x0f95) || wch == 0x0f97 || (wch >= 0x0f99 && wch <= 0x0fad) || (wch >= 0x0fb1 && wch <= 0x0fb7) || wch == 0x0fb9 || (wch >= 0x20d0 && wch <= 0x20dc) || wch == 0x20e1 || (wch >= 0x302a && wch <= 0x302f) || wch == 0x3099 || wch == 0x309a ); } __forceinline bool __fastcall SxspIsCharXMLDigit( WCHAR wch ) { return ( (wch >= 0x0030 && wch <= 0x0039) || (wch >= 0x0660 && wch <= 0x0669) || (wch >= 0x06f0 && wch <= 0x06f9) || (wch >= 0x0966 && wch <= 0x096f) || (wch >= 0x09e6 && wch <= 0x09ef) || (wch >= 0x0a66 && wch <= 0x0a6f) || (wch >= 0x0ae6 && wch <= 0x0aef) || (wch >= 0x0b66 && wch <= 0x0b6f) || (wch >= 0x0be7 && wch <= 0x0bef) || (wch >= 0x0c66 && wch <= 0x0c6f) || (wch >= 0x0ce6 && wch <= 0x0cef) || (wch >= 0x0d66 && wch <= 0x0d6f) || (wch >= 0x0e50 && wch <= 0x0e59) || (wch >= 0x0ed0 && wch <= 0x0ed9) || (wch >= 0x0f20 && wch <= 0x0f29) ); } __forceinline bool __fastcall SxspIsCharXMLExtender( WCHAR wch ) { return ( wch == 0x00b7 || wch == 0x02d0 || wch == 0x02d1 || wch == 0x0387 || wch == 0x0640 || wch == 0x0e46 || wch == 0x0ec6 || wch == 0x3005 || (wch >= 0x3031 && wch <= 0x3035) || (wch >= 0x309d && wch <= 0x309e) || (wch >= 0x30fc && wch <= 0x30fe) ); } BOOL SxspValidateXMLName( PCWSTR psz, SIZE_T cch, bool &rfValid ) { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; FN_TRACE_WIN32(fSuccess); SIZE_T i; rfValid = false; // [4] NameChar ::= Letter | Digit | '.' | '-' | '_' | ':' | CombiningChar | Extender // [5] Name ::= (Letter | '_' | ':') (NameChar)* if (cch >= 1) { WCHAR wch = psz[0]; if (::SxspIsCharXMLLetter(wch) || (wch == L'_') || (wch == L':')) { for (i=1; i