/*++ Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation Module Name: pcmwriter.cpp Abstract: implementation of Precompiled manifest writer Author: Xiaoyu Wu (xiaoyuw) June 2000 Revision History: --*/ #include "stdinc.h" #include "pcm.h" #include "nodefactory.h" //helper APIs HRESULT CPrecompiledManifestWriter::SetFactory(IXMLNodeFactory *pNodeFactory) { if (! pNodeFactory) return E_INVALIDARG; m_pNodeFactory = pNodeFactory; return NOERROR; } HRESULT CPrecompiledManifestWriter::Close() { HRESULT hr = NOERROR; if (m_pFileStream) hr = m_pFileStream->Close(m_ulRecordCount, m_usMaxNodeCount); return hr; } HRESULT CPrecompiledManifestWriter::Initialize(PCWSTR pcmFileName) { HRESULT hr = NOERROR; CStringBuffer buffFileName; if ( ! pcmFileName ) return E_INVALIDARG; hr = buffFileName.Assign(pcmFileName, ::wcslen(pcmFileName)); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; // Initialize() is assumed to be called only once if (m_pFileStream != NULL){ ::FusionpDbgPrintEx( FUSION_DBG_LEVEL_ERROR, "SXS.DLL: %S is called more than once\n", __FUNCTION__); return E_UNEXPECTED; } m_pFileStream = new CPrecompiledManifestWriterStream; if ( !m_pFileStream ) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; hr = m_pFileStream->SetSink(buffFileName); if (FAILED(hr)) goto Exit; hr = WritePCMHeader(); if ( FAILED(hr)) goto Exit; hr= NOERROR; Exit: return hr; } // we assume that this pStream is initialized by using SetSink.... HRESULT CPrecompiledManifestWriter::SetWriterStream(CPrecompiledManifestWriterStream * pSinkedStream) { if ( ! pSinkedStream ) return E_INVALIDARG; ASSERT(pSinkedStream->IsSinkedStream() == TRUE); m_pFileStream = pSinkedStream; return NOERROR; } // write helper APIs HRESULT CPrecompiledManifestWriter::GetPCMRecordSize(XML_NODE_INFO ** ppNodeInfo, USHORT iNodeCount, ULONG * pSize) { ULONG ulSize = 0 ; XML_NODE_INFO *pNode = NULL; USHORT i = 0 ; ULONG ulSingleRecordSize = offsetof(XML_NODE_INFO, pNode); HRESULT hr = NOERROR; if ( pSize) *pSize = 0 ; if ((!pSize) || (!ppNodeInfo) || (!*ppNodeInfo)) return E_INVALIDARG; // validate ppNodeInfo for (i=0;iulLen * sizeof(WCHAR); } if ( pSize) *pSize = ulSize; return hr; } HRESULT CPrecompiledManifestWriter::WritePCMHeader() { HRESULT hr = NOERROR; PCMHeader pcmHeader; pcmHeader.iVersion = 1; pcmHeader.ulRecordCount = 0 ; pcmHeader.usMaxNodeCount = 0 ; hr = m_pFileStream->WriteWithDelay((PVOID)&(pcmHeader), sizeof(PCMHeader), NULL); if (FAILED(hr)) goto Exit; hr = NOERROR; Exit: return hr; } HRESULT CPrecompiledManifestWriter::WritePCMRecordHeader(PCM_RecordHeader * pHeader) { HRESULT hr = NOERROR; ASSERT(m_pFileStream); if ( ! pHeader) return E_INVALIDARG; hr = m_pFileStream->WriteWithDelay((PVOID)(pHeader), sizeof(PCM_RecordHeader), NULL); if ( FAILED(hr)) goto Exit; hr = NOERROR; Exit: return hr; } inline void FromXMLNodeToPCMXMLNode(PCM_XML_NODE_INFO *pPCMNode, XML_NODE_INFO *pNode) { ASSERT(pPCMNode && pNode); pPCMNode->dwSize = pNode->dwSize; pPCMNode->dwType = pNode->dwType ; pPCMNode->dwSubType = pNode->dwSubType ; pPCMNode->fTerminal = pNode->fTerminal ; pPCMNode->ulLen = pNode->ulLen ; pPCMNode->ulNsPrefixLen = pNode->ulNsPrefixLen ; pPCMNode->offset = 0 ; return; } HRESULT CPrecompiledManifestWriter::WritePCMXmlNodeInfo(XML_NODE_INFO ** ppNodeInfo, USHORT iNodeCount, RECORD_TYPE_PRECOMP_MANIFEST typeID, PVOID param) { HRESULT hr = NOERROR; ULONG offset ; USHORT i; PCM_XML_NODE_INFO pcmNode; XML_NODE_INFO * pNode = NULL ; USHORT uTextAddr; USHORT uTextOffset; ULONG cbWritten; LPWSTR *ppText = NULL; ULONG *pcbLen = NULL; LPWSTR pstr; ULONG ulLen; if ((!ppNodeInfo) || (!*ppNodeInfo)) return E_INVALIDARG; if (!((typeID == ENDCHILDREN_PRECOMP_MANIFEST) || (typeID == BEGINCHILDREN_PRECOMP_MANIFEST) || (typeID == CREATENODE_PRECOMP_MANIFEST))) return E_INVALIDARG; if (!m_pFileStream) return E_UNEXPECTED; //uTextAddr = sizeof(PCM_RecordHeader) + NodeCount * sizeof(PCM_XML_NODE_INFO); // RecordHeader is read before the boby(XML_NODE_INFO) is read uTextAddr = iNodeCount * sizeof(PCM_XML_NODE_INFO); uTextOffset = 0; if (typeID == ENDCHILDREN_PRECOMP_MANIFEST) // param1 is fEmpty; uTextAddr += sizeof(BOOL); else if (typeID == CREATENODE_PRECOMP_MANIFEST) // param1 = linenumber uTextAddr += sizeof(ULONG); if ( iNodeCount == 1) { // for BeginChildren and EndChildren ppText = &pstr; pcbLen = &ulLen; } else { ppText = FUSION_NEW_ARRAY(LPWSTR, iNodeCount); if (!ppText) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Exit; } pcbLen = FUSION_NEW_ARRAY(ULONG, iNodeCount); if (!pcbLen ){ hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Exit; } } // write all records for (i=0; ipwcText) ; pcbLen[i] = pNode->ulLen * sizeof(WCHAR); //pPCMNode = static_cast(pNode); FromXMLNodeToPCMXMLNode(&pcmNode, pNode); // void function pcmNode.offset = uTextAddr + uTextOffset; uTextAddr = uTextAddr + uTextOffset; uTextOffset = (USHORT)pcmNode.ulLen * sizeof(WCHAR) ; hr = m_pFileStream->WriteWithDelay((PVOID)&pcmNode, sizeof(PCM_XML_NODE_INFO), &cbWritten); if ( FAILED(hr)) goto Exit; } if ( typeID == ENDCHILDREN_PRECOMP_MANIFEST) // write fEmpty into the file hr = m_pFileStream->WriteWithDelay(param, sizeof(BOOL), &cbWritten); else if ( typeID == CREATENODE_PRECOMP_MANIFEST) hr = m_pFileStream->WriteWithDelay(param, sizeof(ULONG), &cbWritten); // write texts in all records for (i=0; iWriteWithDelay((PVOID)ppText[i], (ULONG)pcbLen[i], &cbWritten); if ( FAILED(hr)) goto Exit; } Exit : if ((ppText) && (ppText != &pstr)) FUSION_DELETE_ARRAY(ppText); if ( (pcbLen) && ( pcbLen != &ulLen)) FUSION_DELETE_ARRAY(pcbLen); return hr; } // write APIs HRESULT CPrecompiledManifestWriter::WritePrecompiledManifestRecord(RECORD_TYPE_PRECOMP_MANIFEST typeID, PVOID pData, USHORT NodeCount, PVOID param) { HRESULT hr=NOERROR; PCM_RecordHeader pcmHeader; XML_NODE_INFO ** apNodeInfo = NULL ; if (!pData) return E_INVALIDARG; // validate typeID and param if ((typeID == ENDCHILDREN_PRECOMP_MANIFEST) || (typeID == CREATENODE_PRECOMP_MANIFEST)){ if (!param) return E_INVALIDARG; }else if (typeID != BEGINCHILDREN_PRECOMP_MANIFEST) return E_INVALIDARG; apNodeInfo = (XML_NODE_INFO **)pData; pcmHeader.typeID = typeID; hr = GetPCMRecordSize(apNodeInfo, NodeCount, &pcmHeader.RecordSize) ; // the size contains each string's length if (FAILED(hr)) goto Exit; if (typeID == ENDCHILDREN_PRECOMP_MANIFEST) // param1 is fEmpty; pcmHeader.RecordSize += sizeof(BOOL); else if (typeID == CREATENODE_PRECOMP_MANIFEST) // param1 is Current Line number pcmHeader.RecordSize += sizeof(ULONG); pcmHeader.NodeCount = NodeCount; hr = WritePCMRecordHeader(&pcmHeader); if (FAILED(hr)) goto Exit; hr = WritePCMXmlNodeInfo(apNodeInfo, NodeCount, typeID, param); if (FAILED(hr)) goto Exit; m_ulRecordCount ++ ; if ( NodeCount > m_usMaxNodeCount ) m_usMaxNodeCount = NodeCount; hr = NOERROR; Exit: return hr; } // IUnknown ULONG CPrecompiledManifestWriter::AddRef() { return ::SxspInterlockedIncrement(&m_cRef); } ULONG CPrecompiledManifestWriter::Release() { ULONG lRet = ::SxspInterlockedDecrement(&m_cRef); if (!lRet) FUSION_DELETE_SINGLETON(this); return lRet; } HRESULT CPrecompiledManifestWriter::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, LPVOID *ppv) { if (riid == __uuidof(this)) { *ppv = this; } else if (riid == IID_IUnknown || riid == IID_IXMLNodeFactory) { *ppv = static_cast (this); } else { *ppv = NULL; return E_NOINTERFACE; } AddRef(); return S_OK; } // IXMLNodeFactory methods: HRESULT CPrecompiledManifestWriter::NotifyEvent(IXMLNodeSource *pSource, XML_NODEFACTORY_EVENT iEvt) { ASSERT(m_pNodeFactory); // no hr-canonicalization is needed because these two nodefactories are supposed to return the correct range of values return m_pNodeFactory->NotifyEvent(pSource, iEvt); } HRESULT CPrecompiledManifestWriter::BeginChildren(IXMLNodeSource *pSource, XML_NODE_INFO *pNodeInfo) { HRESULT hr = NOERROR; ASSERT(m_pNodeFactory); hr = m_pNodeFactory->BeginChildren(pSource, pNodeInfo); if ( FAILED(hr)) goto Exit; // write pcm file hr = WritePrecompiledManifestRecord(BEGINCHILDREN_PRECOMP_MANIFEST, &pNodeInfo, 1, NULL); if ( FAILED(hr)) goto Exit; hr = NOERROR; Exit: return hr; } HRESULT CPrecompiledManifestWriter::EndChildren(IXMLNodeSource *pSource, BOOL fEmpty, XML_NODE_INFO *pNodeInfo) { HRESULT hr = NOERROR; ASSERT(m_pNodeFactory); hr = m_pNodeFactory->EndChildren(pSource, fEmpty, pNodeInfo); if ( FAILED(hr)) goto Exit; // write pcm file hr = WritePrecompiledManifestRecord(ENDCHILDREN_PRECOMP_MANIFEST, &pNodeInfo, 1, &fEmpty); if ( FAILED(hr)) goto Exit; hr = NOERROR; Exit: return hr; } HRESULT CPrecompiledManifestWriter::Error(IXMLNodeSource *pSource, HRESULT hrErrorCode, USHORT cNumRecs, XML_NODE_INFO **apNodeInfo) { ASSERT(m_pNodeFactory); // no hr-canonicalization is needed because these two nodefactories are supposed to return the correct range of values return m_pNodeFactory->Error(pSource, hrErrorCode, cNumRecs, apNodeInfo); } HRESULT CPrecompiledManifestWriter::CreateNode(IXMLNodeSource *pSource, PVOID pNodeParent, USHORT cNumRecs, XML_NODE_INFO **apNodeInfo) { ULONG ulLineNumber ; HRESULT hr = NOERROR; ASSERT(m_pNodeFactory); if ( ! m_pNodeFactory) return E_UNEXPECTED; hr = m_pNodeFactory->CreateNode(pSource, pNodeParent, cNumRecs, apNodeInfo); if ( FAILED(hr)) goto Exit; ulLineNumber = pSource->GetLineNumber(); hr = WritePrecompiledManifestRecord(CREATENODE_PRECOMP_MANIFEST, apNodeInfo, cNumRecs, &ulLineNumber); if ( FAILED(hr)) goto Exit; hr = NOERROR; Exit: return hr; } HRESULT CPrecompiledManifestWriter::Initialize(PACTCTXGENCTX ActCtxGenCtx, PASSEMBLY Assembly, PACTCTXCTB_ASSEMBLY_CONTEXT AssemblyContext) { HRESULT hr = NOERROR; FN_TRACE_HR(hr); CSmartRef pNodeFactory; if (! m_pNodeFactory) { pNodeFactory = new CNodeFactory; if (!pNodeFactory) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; } m_pNodeFactory = pNodeFactory; } else { hr = pNodeFactory.QueryInterfaceFrom(m_pNodeFactory); ASSERT(SUCCEEDED(hr)); } IFW32FALSE_EXIT(pNodeFactory->Initialize(ActCtxGenCtx, Assembly, AssemblyContext)); IFCOMFAILED_EXIT(this->SetWriterStream(reinterpret_cast(AssemblyContext->pcmWriterStream)); // this must be called in order for later use IFCOMFAILED_EXIT(this->WritePCMHeader()); FN_EPILOG }