/* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation */ #include "stdinc.h" #include "xmlparser.hxx" #include "fusioneventlog.h" #include "hashfile.h" #include "cassemblyrecoveryinfo.h" #include "recover.h" #include "sxsprotect.h" #include "fusionheap.h" #include "fusionparser.h" #include "protectionui.h" #include "msi.h" #include "sxsp.h" #include "sxscabinet.h" class CSetErrorMode { public: CSetErrorMode(UINT uMode) { m_uiPreviousMode = ::SetErrorMode(uMode); } ~CSetErrorMode() { ::SetErrorMode(m_uiPreviousMode); } private: UINT m_uiPreviousMode; CSetErrorMode(); CSetErrorMode(const CSetErrorMode &r); void operator =(const CSetErrorMode &r); }; BOOL SxspOpenAssemblyInstallationKey( DWORD dwFlags, DWORD dwAccess, CRegKey &rhkAssemblyInstallation ) { FN_PROLOG_WIN32 rhkAssemblyInstallation = CRegKey::GetInvalidValue(); PARAMETER_CHECK(dwFlags == 0); IFREGFAILED_ORIGINATE_AND_EXIT( ::RegCreateKeyExW( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, WINSXS_INSTALLATION_INFO_REGKEY, 0, NULL, 0, dwAccess | FUSIONP_KEY_WOW64_64KEY, NULL, &rhkAssemblyInstallation , NULL)); FN_EPILOG } // // BUGBUG: The BBT folk need the 'codebase' key to be at the top level. // Why we're shipping metadata that's only required for an internal // build tool is beyond my meager understanding. // - jonwis 07/11/2002 // #define SXS_BBT_REG_HACK (TRUE) BOOL SxspAddAssemblyInstallationInfo( DWORD dwFlags, IN CAssemblyRecoveryInfo& AssemblyInfo, IN const CCodebaseInformation& rcCodebase ) /*++ Called by SxsInstallAssemblyW to add the codebase and prompt information to the registry for future use with SxspGetAssemblyInstallationInfoW. --*/ { FN_PROLOG_WIN32 CFusionRegKey hkAllInstallationInfo; CFusionRegKey hkSingleAssemblyInfo; CStringBuffer buffRegKeyName; const CSecurityMetaData &rcsmdAssemblySecurityData = AssemblyInfo.GetSecurityInformation(); const CBaseStringBuffer &rcbuffAssemblyIdentity = rcsmdAssemblySecurityData.GetTextualIdentity(); ULONG WriteRegFlags = 0; DWORD dwDisposition = 0; ::FusionpDbgPrintEx( FUSION_DBG_LEVEL_INSTALLATION, "SXS: %s - starting\n", __FUNCTION__); PARAMETER_CHECK((dwFlags & ~(SXSP_ADD_ASSEMBLY_INSTALLATION_INFO_FLAG_REFRESH)) == 0); if (SXS_AVOID_WRITING_REGISTRY) FN_SUCCESSFUL_EXIT(); // // Create or open the top-level key - take our name and append the // key to it. // IFW32FALSE_EXIT(::SxspOpenAssemblyInstallationKey(0, KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY, hkAllInstallationInfo)); // // Convert back to an identity so we can figure out where to install this data to // IFW32FALSE_EXIT(::SxspGenerateAssemblyNameInRegistry(rcbuffAssemblyIdentity, buffRegKeyName)); IFW32FALSE_EXIT( hkAllInstallationInfo.OpenOrCreateSubKey( hkSingleAssemblyInfo, buffRegKeyName, KEY_WRITE | KEY_READ | FUSIONP_KEY_WOW64_64KEY, 0, &dwDisposition)); if (dwFlags & SXSP_ADD_ASSEMBLY_INSTALLATION_INFO_FLAG_REFRESH) { WriteRegFlags |= SXSP_WRITE_PRIMARY_ASSEMBLY_INFO_TO_REGISTRY_KEY_FLAG_REFRESH; #if DBG ::FusionpDbgPrintEx( FUSION_DBG_LEVEL_WFP | FUSION_DBG_LEVEL_INSTALLATION, "SXS.DLL: %s - propping recovery flag to WritePrimaryAssemblyInfoToRegistryKey\n", __FUNCTION__); #endif } IFW32FALSE_EXIT(AssemblyInfo.PrepareForWriting()); // NTRAID#NTBUG9 - 589798 - 2002/03/26 - xiaoyuw: // there is no reason to make two functions(Primary Secondary) IFW32FALSE_EXIT(AssemblyInfo.WritePrimaryAssemblyInfoToRegistryKey(WriteRegFlags, hkSingleAssemblyInfo)); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(AssemblyInfo.WriteSecondaryAssemblyInfoIntoRegistryKey( hkSingleAssemblyInfo ) ); // // If we got this far, then we've got all the right moves. // // // Are we still being broken for BBT? If so, then write the codebase generated for this // installation back into the "Codebase" value of the single-assembly-info key. This // ensures last-installer-wins semantic. // #if SXS_BBT_REG_HACK if ((dwFlags & SXSP_ADD_ASSEMBLY_INSTALLATION_INFO_FLAG_REFRESH) == 0) { IFW32FALSE_EXIT(hkSingleAssemblyInfo.SetValue( CSMD_TOPLEVEL_CODEBASE, rcCodebase.GetCodebase())); } else { #if DBG ::FusionpDbgPrintEx( FUSION_DBG_LEVEL_WFP | FUSION_DBG_LEVEL_INSTALLATION, "SXS.DLL: %s - refresh/wfp/sfc not writing top level codebase\n", __FUNCTION__); #endif } #endif FN_EPILOG } BOOL SxspLookForCDROMLocalPathForURL( IN const CBaseStringBuffer &rbuffURL, OUT CBaseStringBuffer &rbuffLocalPath ) { FN_PROLOG_WIN32 BOOL fFoundMedia = FALSE; CSmallStringBuffer sbIdentData1; CSmallStringBuffer sbIdentData2; CSmallStringBuffer buffDriveStrings; CSmallStringBuffer buffTemp; CStringBufferAccessor acc; SIZE_T HeadLength = 0; PCWSTR wcsCursor = NULL; ULONG ulSerialNumber = 0; WCHAR rgchVolumeName[MAX_PATH]; rgchVolumeName[0] = 0; SIZE_T i = 0; PCWSTR pszSource = rbuffURL; SIZE_T cchTemp = 0; enum CDRomSearchType { CDRST_Tagfile, CDRST_SerialNumber, CDRST_VolumeName } SearchType; rbuffLocalPath.Clear(); #define ENTRY(_x, _st) { _x, NUMBER_OF(_x) - 1, _st }, const static struct { PCWSTR pszPrefix; SIZE_T cchPrefix; CDRomSearchType SearchType; } s_rgMap[] = { ENTRY(L"tagfile", CDRST_Tagfile) ENTRY(L"serialnumber", CDRST_SerialNumber) ENTRY(L"volumename", CDRST_VolumeName) }; #undef ENTRY SearchType = CDRST_Tagfile; // arbitrary initialization to make compiler happy about init only // occurring in the for loop for (i=0; i(rbuffURL)); #endif FN_SUCCESSFUL_EXIT(); } // // Get the type of identifier here, and then move the cursor past them and // the slashes in the url. // pszSource += HeadLength; pszSource += wcsspn(pszSource, CUnicodeCharTraits::PathSeparators()); // // Spin past slashes, assign chunklets // IFW32FALSE_EXIT(sbIdentData1.Win32Assign(pszSource, wcscspn(pszSource, CUnicodeCharTraits::PathSeparators()))); pszSource += sbIdentData1.Cch(); pszSource += wcsspn(pszSource, CUnicodeCharTraits::PathSeparators()); // // If this is a tagfile, also get another blobbet of data off the string // if (SearchType == CDRST_Tagfile) { IFW32FALSE_EXIT(sbIdentData2.Win32Assign(pszSource, wcscspn(pszSource, CUnicodeCharTraits::PathSeparators()))); pszSource += sbIdentData2.Cch(); pszSource += wcsspn(pszSource, CUnicodeCharTraits::PathSeparators()); } else if (SearchType == CDRST_SerialNumber) { IFW32FALSE_EXIT(CFusionParser::ParseULONG( ulSerialNumber, sbIdentData1, sbIdentData1.Cch(), 16)); } // Find the CDROM drives... IFW32ZERO_ORIGINATE_AND_EXIT(cchTemp = ::GetLogicalDriveStringsW(0, NULL)); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(buffDriveStrings.Win32ResizeBuffer(cchTemp + 1, eDoNotPreserveBufferContents)); acc.Attach(&buffDriveStrings); IFW32ZERO_ORIGINATE_AND_EXIT( ::GetLogicalDriveStringsW( acc.GetBufferCchAsDWORD(), acc)); acc.Detach(); wcsCursor = buffDriveStrings; // // Look at all the found drive letters // while ((wcsCursor != NULL) && (wcsCursor[0] != L'\0') && !fFoundMedia) { DWORD dwSerialNumber = 0; const UINT uiDriveType = ::GetDriveTypeW(wcsCursor); if (uiDriveType != DRIVE_CDROM) { wcsCursor += (::wcslen(wcsCursor) + 1); continue; } CSetErrorMode sem(SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS); bool fNotReady = false; IFW32FALSE_ORIGINATE_AND_EXIT_UNLESS2( ::GetVolumeInformationW( wcsCursor, rgchVolumeName, NUMBER_OF(rgchVolumeName), &dwSerialNumber, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0), LIST_2(ERROR_NOT_READY, ERROR_CRC), fNotReady); if (fNotReady) { ::FusionpDbgPrintEx( FUSION_DBG_LEVEL_WFP, "SXS.DLL: %s() - CDROM Drive %ls has no media present or had read errors; skipping\n", __FUNCTION__, wcsCursor); // skip past this drive wcsCursor += (::wcslen(wcsCursor) + 1); continue; } switch (SearchType) { case CDRST_Tagfile: { CFusionFile FileHandle; CStringBufferAccessor acc; DWORD dwTextLength = 0; bool fNoFile = false; CHAR rgchBuffer[32]; rgchBuffer[0] = 0; IFW32FALSE_EXIT_UNLESS2( FileHandle.Win32CreateFile( sbIdentData1, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, OPEN_EXISTING), LIST_3(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND, ERROR_NOT_READY), fNoFile); if (fNoFile) { ::FusionpDbgPrintEx( FUSION_DBG_LEVEL_WFP, "SXS.DLL: %s() - CDROM Drive %ls could not open tag file \"%ls\"; skipping\n", __FUNCTION__, wcsCursor, static_cast(sbIdentData1)); // skip past this drive wcsCursor += (::wcslen(wcsCursor) + 1); continue; } buffTemp.Clear(); for (;;) { IFW32FALSE_ORIGINATE_AND_EXIT( ::ReadFile( FileHandle, rgchBuffer, sizeof(rgchBuffer), &dwTextLength, NULL)); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(buffTemp.Win32Append(rgchBuffer, dwTextLength)); if ((dwTextLength != sizeof(rgchBuffer)) || (buffTemp.Cch() > sbIdentData2.Cch())) break; } fFoundMedia = (::FusionpCompareStrings(buffTemp, sbIdentData2, true) == 0); break; } case CDRST_SerialNumber: fFoundMedia = (dwSerialNumber == ulSerialNumber); break; case CDRST_VolumeName: fFoundMedia = (::FusionpCompareStrings(rgchVolumeName, ::wcslen(rgchVolumeName), sbIdentData1, true) == 0); break; default: INTERNAL_ERROR_CHECK(false); break; } if (!fFoundMedia) wcsCursor += ::wcslen(wcsCursor) + 1; } if (fFoundMedia) { IFW32FALSE_EXIT(buffTemp.Win32Assign(wcsCursor, ::wcslen(wcsCursor))); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(buffTemp.Win32AppendPathElement(pszSource, ::wcslen(pszSource))); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(rbuffLocalPath.Win32Assign(buffTemp)); } FN_EPILOG } BOOL SxspResolveWinSourceMediaURL( const CBaseStringBuffer &rbuffCodebaseInfo, CBaseStringBuffer &rbuffLocalPath ) { FN_PROLOG_WIN32 CSmallStringBuffer buffWindowsInstallSource; CSmallStringBuffer buffLocalPathTemp; #if DBG CSmallStringBuffer buffLocalPathCodebasePrefix; #endif DWORD dwWin32Error = 0; DWORD dwFileAttributes = 0; const static PCWSTR AssemblySourceStrings[] = { WINSXS_INSTALL_SVCPACK_REGKEY, WINSXS_INSTALL_SOURCEPATH_REGKEY }; SIZE_T iWhichSource = 0; bool fFoundCodebase = false; CFusionRegKey hkSetupInfo; DWORD dwWasFromCDRom = 0; rbuffLocalPath.Clear(); IFREGFAILED_ORIGINATE_AND_EXIT( ::RegOpenKeyExW( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, WINSXS_INSTALL_SOURCE_BASEDIR, 0, KEY_READ | FUSIONP_KEY_WOW64_64KEY, &hkSetupInfo)); if (!::FusionpRegQueryDwordValueEx( 0, hkSetupInfo, WINSXS_INSTALL_SOURCE_IS_CDROM, &dwWasFromCDRom)) { dwWasFromCDRom = 0; } for (iWhichSource = 0; (!fFoundCodebase) && iWhichSource < NUMBER_OF(AssemblySourceStrings); iWhichSource++) { IFW32FALSE_EXIT( ::FusionpRegQuerySzValueEx( FUSIONP_REG_QUERY_SZ_VALUE_EX_MISSING_GIVES_NULL_STRING, hkSetupInfo, AssemblySourceStrings[iWhichSource], buffWindowsInstallSource)); // // This really _really_ should not be empty. If it is, then someone // went and fiddled with the registry on us. // if (buffWindowsInstallSource.Cch() == 0) { ::FusionpDbgPrintEx( FUSION_DBG_LEVEL_WFP, "SXS: %s - skipping use of source string \"%ls\" in registry because either missing or null value\n", __FUNCTION__, AssemblySourceStrings[iWhichSource]); continue; } ::FusionpDbgPrintEx( FUSION_DBG_LEVEL_WFP, "SXS: %s - WFP probing windows source location \"%ls\"\n", __FUNCTION__, static_cast(buffWindowsInstallSource)); // // If this was from a CD, then spin through the list of CD's in the system // and see if we can match the codebase against the root dir of the CD // if (dwWasFromCDRom) { CSmallStringBuffer buffDriveStrings; CStringBufferAccessor acc; PCWSTR pszCursor = NULL; SIZE_T cchTemp = 0; IFW32ZERO_EXIT(cchTemp = ::GetLogicalDriveStringsW(0, NULL)); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(buffDriveStrings.Win32ResizeBuffer(cchTemp + 1, eDoNotPreserveBufferContents)); acc.Attach(&buffDriveStrings); IFW32ZERO_EXIT( ::GetLogicalDriveStringsW( acc.GetBufferCchAsDWORD(), acc.GetBufferPtr())); acc.Detach(); pszCursor = buffDriveStrings; while (pszCursor[0] != L'\0') { if (::GetDriveTypeW(pszCursor) == DRIVE_CDROM) { ::FusionpDbgPrintEx( FUSION_DBG_LEVEL_WFP, "SXS: %s - Scanning CDROM drive \"%ls\" for windows source media\n", __FUNCTION__, pszCursor); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(buffLocalPathTemp.Win32Assign(pszCursor, ::wcslen(pszCursor))); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(buffLocalPathTemp.Win32AppendPathElement(rbuffCodebaseInfo)); IFW32FALSE_EXIT( ::SxspGetFileAttributesW( buffLocalPathTemp, dwFileAttributes, dwWin32Error, 4, ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND, ERROR_NOT_READY, ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED)); if (dwWin32Error == ERROR_SUCCESS) { #if DBG buffLocalPathCodebasePrefix.Win32Assign(pszCursor, ::wcslen(pszCursor)); #endif fFoundCodebase = true; break; } ::FusionpDbgPrintEx( FUSION_DBG_LEVEL_WFP, "SXS: %s - Could not find key file \"%ls\"; moving on to next drive\n", __FUNCTION__, static_cast(buffLocalPathTemp)); } pszCursor += ::wcslen(pszCursor) + 1; } if (fFoundCodebase) break; ::FusionpDbgPrintEx( FUSION_DBG_LEVEL_WFP, "SXS: %s - Could not find any CDROMs with key file \"%ls\"\n", __FUNCTION__, static_cast(rbuffCodebaseInfo)); buffLocalPathTemp.Clear(); } else { // // This wasn't a CD-rom installation, so prepend the install source path to // the string that was passed in. // IFW32FALSE_EXIT(buffLocalPathTemp.Win32Assign(buffWindowsInstallSource)); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(buffLocalPathTemp.Win32AppendPathElement(rbuffCodebaseInfo)); ::FusionpDbgPrintEx( FUSION_DBG_LEVEL_WFP, "SXS: %s - trying to access windows source file \"%ls\"\n", __FUNCTION__, static_cast(buffLocalPathTemp)); IFW32FALSE_EXIT( ::SxspGetFileAttributesW( buffLocalPathTemp, dwFileAttributes, dwWin32Error, 4, ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND, ERROR_NOT_READY, ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED)); if (dwWin32Error == ERROR_SUCCESS) { #if DBG buffLocalPathCodebasePrefix.Win32Assign(buffWindowsInstallSource); #endif fFoundCodebase = true; break; } ::FusionpDbgPrintEx( FUSION_DBG_LEVEL_WFP, "SXS: %s - Unable to find key file \"%ls\"; win32 status = %lu\n", __FUNCTION__, static_cast(buffLocalPathTemp), dwWin32Error); buffLocalPathTemp.Clear(); } if (fFoundCodebase) break; } IFW32FALSE_EXIT(rbuffLocalPath.Win32Assign(buffLocalPathTemp)); #if DBG ::FusionpDbgPrintEx( FUSION_DBG_LEVEL_WFP, "SXS: %s - buffLocalPathCodebasePrefix \"%ls\" and returning rbuffLocalPath \"%ls\"\n", __FUNCTION__, static_cast(buffLocalPathCodebasePrefix), static_cast(rbuffLocalPath) ); #endif FN_EPILOG } #define SXSP_REPEAT_UNTIL_LOCAL_PATH_AVAILABLE_FLAG_UI (0x00000001) BOOL SxspRepeatUntilLocalPathAvailable( IN ULONG Flags, IN const CAssemblyRecoveryInfo &rRecoveryInfo, IN const CCodebaseInformation *pCodeBaseIn, IN SxsWFPResolveCodebase CodebaseType, IN const CBaseStringBuffer &rbuffCodebaseInfo, OUT CBaseStringBuffer &rbuffLocalPath, OUT BOOL &fRetryPressed ) { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; FN_TRACE_WIN32(fSuccess); BOOL fCodebaseOk = FALSE; CSmallStringBuffer buffFinalLocalPath; DWORD dwAttributes = 0; PARAMETER_CHECK(pCodeBaseIn != NULL); ::FusionpDbgPrintEx( FUSION_DBG_LEVEL_WFP, "SXS: %s - got codebase \"%ls\"\n", __FUNCTION__, static_cast(pCodeBaseIn->GetCodebase())); rbuffLocalPath.Clear(); fRetryPressed = FALSE; PARAMETER_CHECK( (CodebaseType == CODEBASE_RESOLVED_URLHEAD_FILE) || (CodebaseType == CODEBASE_RESOLVED_URLHEAD_WINSOURCE) || (CodebaseType == CODEBASE_RESOLVED_URLHEAD_CDROM)); PARAMETER_CHECK((Flags & ~(SXSP_REPEAT_UNTIL_LOCAL_PATH_AVAILABLE_FLAG_UI)) == 0); #if DBG ::FusionpDbgPrintEx( FUSION_DBG_LEVEL_WFP, "SXS: %s() CodebaseType : %s (0x%lx)\n", __FUNCTION__, (CodebaseType == CODEBASE_RESOLVED_URLHEAD_FILE) ? "file" : (CodebaseType == CODEBASE_RESOLVED_URLHEAD_WINSOURCE) ? "winsource" : (CodebaseType == CODEBASE_RESOLVED_URLHEAD_CDROM) ? "cdrom" : "", static_cast(CodebaseType) ); ::FusionpDbgPrintEx( FUSION_DBG_LEVEL_WFP, "SXS: %s() rbuffCodebaseInfo : %ls\n", __FUNCTION__, static_cast(rbuffCodebaseInfo) ); #endif for (;;) { bool fNotFound = true; // First, let's see if we have to do any trickery. switch (CodebaseType) { case CODEBASE_RESOLVED_URLHEAD_CDROM: IFW32FALSE_EXIT( ::SxspLookForCDROMLocalPathForURL( rbuffCodebaseInfo, buffFinalLocalPath)); ::FusionpDbgPrintEx( FUSION_DBG_LEVEL_WFP, "SXS: %s - cdrom: URL resolved to \"%ls\"\n", __FUNCTION__, static_cast(buffFinalLocalPath)); break; case CODEBASE_RESOLVED_URLHEAD_WINSOURCE: IFW32FALSE_EXIT( ::SxspResolveWinSourceMediaURL( rbuffCodebaseInfo, buffFinalLocalPath)); ::FusionpDbgPrintEx( FUSION_DBG_LEVEL_WFP, "SXS: %s - windows source URL resolved to \"%ls\"\n", __FUNCTION__, static_cast(buffFinalLocalPath)); break; case CODEBASE_RESOLVED_URLHEAD_FILE: IFW32FALSE_EXIT(buffFinalLocalPath.Win32Assign(rbuffCodebaseInfo)); ::FusionpDbgPrintEx( FUSION_DBG_LEVEL_WFP, "SXS: %s - file: URL resolved to \"%ls\"\n", __FUNCTION__, static_cast(buffFinalLocalPath)); break; } if (buffFinalLocalPath.Cch() != 0) { DWORD dwWin32Error = NO_ERROR; IFW32FALSE_EXIT( ::SxspGetFileAttributesW( buffFinalLocalPath, dwAttributes, dwWin32Error, 5, ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND, ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, ERROR_BAD_NET_NAME, ERROR_BAD_NETPATH, ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED)); if (dwWin32Error == ERROR_SUCCESS) break; } if ((Flags & SXSP_REPEAT_UNTIL_LOCAL_PATH_AVAILABLE_FLAG_UI) == 0) { buffFinalLocalPath.Clear(); break; } // // Nope, didn't find it (or the codebase specified is gone. Ask the user // to insert media or whatnot so we can find it again. // if (fNotFound) { CSXSMediaPromptDialog PromptBox; CSXSMediaPromptDialog::DialogResults result; IFW32FALSE_EXIT(PromptBox.Initialize(pCodeBaseIn)); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(PromptBox.ShowSelf(result)); if (result == CSXSMediaPromptDialog::DialogCancelled) { ::FusionpDbgPrintEx( FUSION_DBG_LEVEL_WFP, "SXS: %s - user cancelled media prompt dialog\n", __FUNCTION__); buffFinalLocalPath.Clear(); break; } // Otherwise, try again! fRetryPressed = TRUE; break; } } IFW32FALSE_EXIT(rbuffLocalPath.Win32Assign(buffFinalLocalPath)); #if DBG ::FusionpDbgPrintEx( FUSION_DBG_LEVEL_WFP, "SXS: %s - returning rbuffLocalPath \"%ls\"\n", __FUNCTION__, static_cast(rbuffLocalPath) ); #endif FN_EPILOG } BOOL SxspAskDarwinDoReinstall( IN PCWSTR buffLocalPath) { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; FN_TRACE_WIN32(fSuccess); UINT (WINAPI * pfnMsiProvideAssemblyW)( LPCWSTR wzAssemblyName, LPCWSTR szAppContext, DWORD dwInstallMode, DWORD dwUnused, LPWSTR lpPathBuf, DWORD *pcchPathBuf) = NULL; INSTALLUILEVEL (WINAPI * pfnMsiSetInternalUI)( INSTALLUILEVEL dwUILevel, // UI level HWND *phWnd) // handle of owner window = NULL; INSTALLUILEVEL OldInstallUILevel; CDynamicLinkLibrary hMSIDll; // // We should hoist the load/unload out of the loop. // IFW32FALSE_ORIGINATE_AND_EXIT(hMSIDll.Win32LoadLibrary(L"msi.dll")); IFW32NULL_ORIGINATE_AND_EXIT(hMSIDll.Win32GetProcAddress("MsiProvideAssemblyW", &pfnMsiProvideAssemblyW)); IFW32NULL_ORIGINATE_AND_EXIT(hMSIDll.Win32GetProcAddress("MsiSetInternalUI", &pfnMsiSetInternalUI)); // No real failure from this API... OldInstallUILevel = (*pfnMsiSetInternalUI)(INSTALLUILEVEL_NONE, NULL); IFREGFAILED_ORIGINATE_AND_EXIT((*pfnMsiProvideAssemblyW)(buffLocalPath, NULL, REINSTALLMODE_FILEREPLACE, MSIASSEMBLYINFO_WIN32ASSEMBLY, NULL, NULL)); // and restore it (*pfnMsiSetInternalUI)(OldInstallUILevel, NULL); fSuccess = TRUE; Exit: return fSuccess; } BOOL SxspRecoverAssembly( IN const CAssemblyRecoveryInfo &AsmRecoveryInfo, OUT SxsRecoveryResult &rStatus ) { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; FN_TRACE_WIN32(fSuccess); CSmallStringBuffer sbPerTypeCodebaseString; SxsWFPResolveCodebase CodebaseType; SXS_INSTALLW Install = { sizeof(SXS_INSTALLW) }; Install.dwFlags |= SXS_INSTALL_FLAG_REPLACE_EXISTING; bool fNotFound = false; CCodebaseInformationList::ConstIterator CodebaseIterator; const CCodebaseInformationList& CodebaseList = AsmRecoveryInfo.GetCodeBaseList(); ULONG RetryNumber = 0; BOOL fRetryPressed = FALSE; ULONG RetryPressedCount = 0; rStatus = Recover_Unknown; // // As long as they hit retry, keep putting up the ui, cycling through the paths. // for (RetryNumber = 0 ; (rStatus != Recover_OK) && RetryNumber != 3 ; RetryNumber += (fRetryPressed ? 0 : 1)) { for (CodebaseIterator = CodebaseList.Begin() ; (rStatus != Recover_OK) && CodebaseIterator != CodebaseList.End() ; ++CodebaseIterator) { fRetryPressed = FALSE; // // eg: // xcopy /fiver \\winbuilds\release\main\usa\latest.idw\x86fre\pro\i386 x:\blah\blah\i386 // // buffLocalPath x:\blah\blah\i386\asms\1000\msft\windows\gdiplus\gdiplus.man // buffLocalPathCodebasePrefix x:\blah\blah // buffCodebaseMetaPrefix x-ms-windows:// // buffCodebaseTail \i386\asms\1000\msft\windows\gdiplus\gdiplus.man. // // Install.lpCodeBaseUrl x:\blah\blah // Install.lpManifestPath x:\blah\blah\i386\asms\1000\msft\windows\gdiplus\gdiplus.man // CSmallStringBuffer buffLocalPath; CSmallStringBuffer buffCodebaseTail; CTinyStringBuffer buffExtension; const static UNICODE_STRING UnicodeString_dot_cab = RTL_CONSTANT_STRING(L".cab"); const static UNICODE_STRING UnicodeString_cab = RTL_CONSTANT_STRING(L"cab"); ::FusionpDbgPrintEx( FUSION_DBG_LEVEL_WFP, "SXS: %s - beginning recovery of assembly directory \"%ls\"\n", __FUNCTION__, static_cast(AsmRecoveryInfo.GetAssemblyDirectoryName())); // // Go try and get the codebase resolved // rStatus = Recover_Unknown; IFW32FALSE_EXIT( ::SxspDetermineCodebaseType( // this should be cached in m_CodebaseInfo. CodebaseIterator->GetCodebase(), CodebaseType, &buffCodebaseTail)); if (CodebaseType == CODEBASE_RESOLVED_URLHEAD_UNKNOWN) { ::FusionpDbgPrintEx( FUSION_DBG_LEVEL_WFP, "SXS: %s - Couldn't figure out what to do with codebase \"%ls\"; skipping\n", __FUNCTION__, static_cast(CodebaseIterator->GetCodebase())); rStatus = Recover_SourceMissing; continue; } if (!::SxspRepeatUntilLocalPathAvailable( (RetryNumber == 2 && (CodebaseIterator == (CodebaseList.Begin() + (RetryPressedCount % CodebaseList.GetSize())))) ? SXSP_REPEAT_UNTIL_LOCAL_PATH_AVAILABLE_FLAG_UI : 0, AsmRecoveryInfo, &*CodebaseIterator, CodebaseType, buffCodebaseTail, buffLocalPath, fRetryPressed)) { continue; } if (fRetryPressed) RetryPressedCount += 1; if (buffLocalPath.Cch() == 0 ) { ::FusionpDbgPrintEx( FUSION_DBG_LEVEL_WFP, "SXS: %s - unable to resolve codebase \"%ls\" to a local path\n", __FUNCTION__, static_cast(CodebaseIterator->GetCodebase())); rStatus = Recover_ManifestMissing; continue; } Install.dwFlags |= SXS_INSTALL_FLAG_REFRESH; IFW32FALSE_EXIT(buffLocalPath.Win32GetPathExtension(buffExtension)); if (::FusionpEqualStringsI(buffExtension, &UnicodeString_cab) || ::FusionpEqualStringsI(buffExtension, &UnicodeString_dot_cab) ) { IFW32FALSE_EXIT_UNLESS2(::SxspRecoverAssemblyFromCabinet( buffLocalPath, AsmRecoveryInfo.GetSecurityInformation().GetTextualIdentity(), &Install), LIST_2(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND), fNotFound); } else { Install.lpManifestPath = buffLocalPath; IFW32FALSE_EXIT_UNLESS2( ::SxsInstallW(&Install), LIST_2(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND), fNotFound); } if (fNotFound) { rStatus = Recover_ManifestMissing; // may also be a file in the assembly missing ::FusionpDbgPrintEx( FUSION_DBG_LEVEL_WFP, "SXS: %s - installation from %ls failed with win32 last error = %ld\n", __FUNCTION__, static_cast(buffLocalPath), ::FusionpGetLastWin32Error()); continue; } else { rStatus = Recover_OK; break; } } // // Last chance - try MSI reinstallation // if ( rStatus != Recover_OK ) { BOOL fMsiKnowsAssembly = FALSE; const CBaseStringBuffer &rcbuffIdentity = AsmRecoveryInfo.GetSecurityInformation().GetTextualIdentity(); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(::SxspDoesMSIStillNeedAssembly( rcbuffIdentity, fMsiKnowsAssembly)); if ( fMsiKnowsAssembly && ::SxspAskDarwinDoReinstall(rcbuffIdentity)) { rStatus = Recover_OK; break; } } } fSuccess = TRUE; Exit: CSxsPreserveLastError ple; // // Here we have to check something. If the assembly wasn't able to be reinstalled, // then we do the following: // // 1. Rename away old assembly directory to .old or similar // 2. Log a message to the event log // DWORD dwMessageToPrint = 0; if (rStatus != Recover_OK) { dwMessageToPrint = MSG_SXS_SFC_ASSEMBLY_RESTORE_FAILED; } else { dwMessageToPrint = MSG_SXS_SFC_ASSEMBLY_RESTORE_SUCCESS; } ::FusionpDbgPrintEx( FUSION_DBG_LEVEL_WFP, "SXS.DLL: %s: Recovery of assembly \"%ls\" resulted in fSuccess=%d rStatus=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, static_cast(AsmRecoveryInfo.GetAssemblyDirectoryName()), fSuccess, rStatus); ::FusionpLogError( dwMessageToPrint, CUnicodeString(AsmRecoveryInfo.GetAssemblyDirectoryName())); ple.Restore(); return fSuccess; }