/* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation */ #include "stdinc.h" #include "sxsapi.h" #include "recover.h" #include "sxsinstall.h" BOOL pDeleteFileOrDirectoryHelper( IN const CBaseStringBuffer &rcbuffFileName ) /*++ Purpose: When you need a filesystem object gone, call us. Parameters: The absolute name of the thing being killed. Returns: TRUE if the object was deleted, false if it (or any subobjects) wasn't. --*/ { FN_PROLOG_WIN32 // // Maybe this is a directory. Trying this won't hurt. // bool fExist = false; IFW32FALSE_EXIT(SxspDoesFileExist(0, rcbuffFileName, fExist)); if (fExist) { DWORD dwAttr = 0; IFW32FALSE_EXIT(SxspGetFileAttributesW(rcbuffFileName, dwAttr)); if (dwAttr & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { IFW32FALSE_EXIT(::SxspDeleteDirectory(rcbuffFileName)); }else // it should be a file { // try to reset FileAttribute for DeleteFile ::SetFileAttributesW(rcbuffFileName, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); IFW32FALSE_ORIGINATE_AND_EXIT(::DeleteFileW(rcbuffFileName)); } } FN_EPILOG } BOOL pRemovePotentiallyEmptyDirectory( IN const CBaseStringBuffer &buffDirName ) { FN_PROLOG_WIN32 bool fExist = false; IFW32FALSE_EXIT(::SxspDoesFileExist(SXSP_DOES_FILE_EXIST_FLAG_CHECK_DIRECTORY_ONLY, buffDirName, fExist)); if (fExist) { BOOL fDumpBoolean = FALSE; IFW32FALSE_ORIGINATE_AND_EXIT_UNLESS( ::SetFileAttributesW( buffDirName, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL), FILE_OR_PATH_NOT_FOUND(::FusionpGetLastWin32Error()), fDumpBoolean); if (!fDumpBoolean) { IFW32FALSE_ORIGINATE_AND_EXIT_UNLESS2( ::RemoveDirectoryW(buffDirName), LIST_4(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND, ERROR_DIR_NOT_EMPTY, ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION), fDumpBoolean); } } FN_EPILOG } BOOL pCleanUpAssemblyData( IN const PCASSEMBLY_IDENTITY pcAsmIdent, OUT BOOL &rfWasRemovedProperly ) /*++ Purpose: Deletes registry and filesystem information about the assembly indicated. Removes installation data from the registry first, so as to avoid SFP interactions. Parameters: pcAsmIdent - Identity of the assembly to be destroyed rfWasRemovedProperly- Flag to indicate whether or not all the assembly data was actually removed. Returns: FALSE if "anything bad" happened while deleting registry data. See rfWasRemovedProperly for actual status. --*/ { if (SXS_AVOID_WRITING_REGISTRY) return TRUE; FN_PROLOG_WIN32 BOOL fDumpBoolean = FALSE; BOOL fPolicy = FALSE; CSmallStringBuffer buffSxsStore; CSmallStringBuffer buffScratchSpace; CFusionRegKey hkAsmInstallInfo; CFusionRegKey hkSingleAsmInfo; // // Cleanup happens in two phases: // // 1 - The registry data is whacked from rhkAsmInstallInfo. Since we're // uninstalling an assembly, there's no reason to keep anything in it, // especially because it's got no references. Use DestroyKeyTree and // then DeleteKey to remove it. // // 2 - Delete as many of the on-disk files as possible, esp. the manifest // and catalog. // PARAMETER_CHECK(pcAsmIdent != NULL); // // Start this out at true, we'll call it false later on. // rfWasRemovedProperly = TRUE; IFW32FALSE_EXIT(::SxspDetermineAssemblyType(pcAsmIdent, fPolicy)); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(::SxspGetAssemblyRootDirectory(buffSxsStore)); // // Bye-bye to the registry first // IFW32FALSE_EXIT(::SxspOpenAssemblyInstallationKey(0 , KEY_ALL_ACCESS, hkAsmInstallInfo)); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(::SxspGenerateAssemblyNameInRegistry(pcAsmIdent, buffScratchSpace)); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(hkAsmInstallInfo.OpenSubKey(hkSingleAsmInfo, buffScratchSpace, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, 0)); if ( hkSingleAsmInfo != CFusionRegKey::GetInvalidValue() ) { // // Failure here isn't so bad... // IFW32FALSE_EXIT_UNLESS2( hkSingleAsmInfo.DestroyKeyTree(), LIST_3(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND, ERROR_KEY_DELETED), fDumpBoolean); if ( !fDumpBoolean ) { IFW32FALSE_EXIT_UNLESS2( hkAsmInstallInfo.DeleteKey(buffScratchSpace), LIST_3(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND, ERROR_KEY_DELETED), fDumpBoolean); } } // // Both policies and normal assemblies have a manifest and catalog. // IFW32FALSE_EXIT( ::SxspGenerateSxsPath( 0, fPolicy ? SXSP_GENERATE_SXS_PATH_PATHTYPE_POLICY : SXSP_GENERATE_SXS_PATH_PATHTYPE_MANIFEST, buffSxsStore, buffSxsStore.Cch(), pcAsmIdent, NULL, buffScratchSpace)); rfWasRemovedProperly = rfWasRemovedProperly && ::pDeleteFileOrDirectoryHelper(buffScratchSpace); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(buffScratchSpace.Win32ChangePathExtension( FILE_EXTENSION_CATALOG, FILE_EXTENSION_CATALOG_CCH, eErrorIfNoExtension)); rfWasRemovedProperly = rfWasRemovedProperly && pDeleteFileOrDirectoryHelper(buffScratchSpace); // // Clean up data // if (!fPolicy) { // // This just poofs the assembly member files. // If the delete fails, we'll try to rename the directory to something else. // IFW32FALSE_EXIT( ::SxspGenerateSxsPath( 0, SXSP_GENERATE_SXS_PATH_PATHTYPE_ASSEMBLY, buffSxsStore, buffSxsStore.Cch(), pcAsmIdent, NULL, buffScratchSpace)); rfWasRemovedProperly = rfWasRemovedProperly && ::pDeleteFileOrDirectoryHelper(buffScratchSpace); } else { // // The policy file above should already have been deleted, so we should // attempt to remove the actual policy directory if it's empty. The // directory name is still in buffScratchSpace, if we just yank off the // last path element. // IFW32FALSE_EXIT(buffScratchSpace.Win32RemoveLastPathElement()); rfWasRemovedProperly = rfWasRemovedProperly && ::pRemovePotentiallyEmptyDirectory(buffScratchSpace); } // // Once we've killed all the assembly information, if the Manifests or the // Policies directory is left empty, go clean them up as well. // IFW32FALSE_EXIT(::SxspGetAssemblyRootDirectory(buffScratchSpace)); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(buffScratchSpace.Win32AppendPathElement( (fPolicy? POLICY_ROOT_DIRECTORY_NAME : MANIFEST_ROOT_DIRECTORY_NAME), (fPolicy? NUMBER_OF(POLICY_ROOT_DIRECTORY_NAME) - 1 : NUMBER_OF(MANIFEST_ROOT_DIRECTORY_NAME) - 1))); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(::pRemovePotentiallyEmptyDirectory(buffScratchSpace)); FN_EPILOG } bool IsCharacterNulOrInSet(WCHAR ch, PCWSTR set); BOOL pAnalyzeLogfileForUninstall( PCWSTR lpcwszLogFileName ) { FN_PROLOG_WIN32 CFusionFile File; CFileMapping FileMapping; CMappedViewOfFile MappedViewOfFile; PCWSTR pCursor = NULL; ULONGLONG ullFileSize = 0; ULONGLONG ullFileCharacters = 0; ULONGLONG ullCursorPos = 0; const static WCHAR wchLineDividers[] = { L'\r', L'\n', 0xFEFF, 0 }; ULONG ullPairsEncountered = 0; CSmallStringBuffer buffIdentity; CSmallStringBuffer buffReference; IFW32FALSE_EXIT(File.Win32CreateFile(lpcwszLogFileName, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, OPEN_EXISTING)); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(File.Win32GetSize(ullFileSize)); ASSERT(ullFileSize % sizeof(WCHAR) == 0); ullFileCharacters = ullFileSize / sizeof(WCHAR); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(FileMapping.Win32CreateFileMapping(File, PAGE_READONLY)); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(MappedViewOfFile.Win32MapViewOfFile(FileMapping, FILE_MAP_READ)); pCursor = reinterpret_cast(static_cast(MappedViewOfFile)); #define SKIP_BREAKERS while ((ullCursorPos < ullFileCharacters) && IsCharacterNulOrInSet(pCursor[ullCursorPos], wchLineDividers)) ullCursorPos++; #define FIND_NEXT_BREAKER while ((ullCursorPos < ullFileCharacters) && !IsCharacterNulOrInSet(pCursor[ullCursorPos], wchLineDividers)) ullCursorPos++; #define ENSURE_NOT_EOF if (ullCursorPos >= ullFileCharacters) break; for ( ullCursorPos = 0; ullCursorPos < ullFileCharacters; ++ullCursorPos ) { SKIP_BREAKERS ENSURE_NOT_EOF PCWSTR pcwszIdentityStart = pCursor + ullCursorPos; FIND_NEXT_BREAKER ENSURE_NOT_EOF PCWSTR pcwszIdentityEnd = pCursor + ullCursorPos; SKIP_BREAKERS ENSURE_NOT_EOF PCWSTR pcwszReferenceStart = pCursor + ullCursorPos; FIND_NEXT_BREAKER ENSURE_NOT_EOF PCWSTR pcwszReferenceEnd = pCursor + ullCursorPos; ullPairsEncountered++; IFW32FALSE_EXIT(buffIdentity.Win32Assign( pcwszIdentityStart, pcwszIdentityEnd - pcwszIdentityStart)); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(buffReference.Win32Assign( pcwszReferenceStart, pcwszReferenceEnd - pcwszReferenceStart)); SXS_UNINSTALLW Uninstall; ZeroMemory(&Uninstall, sizeof(Uninstall)); Uninstall.cbSize = sizeof(Uninstall); Uninstall.dwFlags = SXS_UNINSTALL_FLAG_REFERENCE_VALID | SXS_UNINSTALL_FLAG_REFERENCE_COMPUTED; Uninstall.lpAssemblyIdentity = buffIdentity; Uninstall.lpInstallReference = reinterpret_cast(static_cast(buffReference)); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(::SxsUninstallW(&Uninstall, NULL)); } PARAMETER_CHECK(ullPairsEncountered != 0); FN_EPILOG } class CSxsUninstallWLocals { public: CSxsUninstallWLocals() { } ~CSxsUninstallWLocals() { } CSmallStringBuffer buffAsmNameInRegistry; CAssemblyInstallReferenceInformation Ref; }; BOOL WINAPI SxsUninstallW( IN PCSXS_UNINSTALLW pcUnInstallData, OUT DWORD *pdwDisposition ) /*++ Parameters: pcUnInstallData - Contains uninstallation data about the assembly being removed from the system, including the calling application's reference to the assembly. cbSize - Size, in bytes, of the structure pointed to by pcUnInstallData dwFlags - Indicates the state of the members of this reference, showing which of the following fields are valid. Allowed bitflags are: SXS_UNINSTALL_FLAG_REFERENCE_VALID SXS_UNINSTALL_FLAG_FORCE_DELETE lpAssemblyIdentity - Textual representation of the assembly's identity as installed by the application. lpInstallReference - Pointer to a SXS_INSTALL_REFERENCEW structure that contains the reference information for this application. pdwDisposition - Points to a DWORD that will return status about what was done to the assembly; whether it was uninstalled or not, and whether the reference given was removed. Returns: TRUE if the assembly was able to be uninstalled, FALSE otherwise. If the uninstall failed, lasterror is set to the probable cause. --*/ { BOOL fSuccess = FALSE; FN_TRACE_WIN32(fSuccess); CSmartPtrWithNamedDestructor AssemblyIdentity; CFusionRegKey hkReferences; CFusionRegKey hkAllInstallInfo; CFusionRegKey hkAsmInstallInfo; CSmartPtr Locals; IFW32FALSE_EXIT(Locals.Win32Allocate(__FILE__, __LINE__)); CSmallStringBuffer &buffAsmNameInRegistry = Locals->buffAsmNameInRegistry; BOOL fDoRemoveActualBits = FALSE; if (pdwDisposition != NULL) *pdwDisposition = 0; // // The parameter must be non-null, and must have at least dwFlags and the // assemblyidentity. // PARAMETER_CHECK(pcUnInstallData != NULL); PARAMETER_CHECK(RTL_CONTAINS_FIELD(pcUnInstallData, pcUnInstallData->cbSize, dwFlags) && RTL_CONTAINS_FIELD(pcUnInstallData, pcUnInstallData->cbSize, lpAssemblyIdentity)); // // Check flags // PARAMETER_CHECK((pcUnInstallData->dwFlags & ~(SXS_UNINSTALL_FLAG_FORCE_DELETE | SXS_UNINSTALL_FLAG_REFERENCE_VALID | SXS_UNINSTALL_FLAG_USE_INSTALL_LOG | SXS_UNINSTALL_FLAG_REFERENCE_COMPUTED)) == 0); // // If you specify the uninstall log, then that's the only thing that can be set. XOR // them together, so only one of the two will be set. // PARAMETER_CHECK( ((pcUnInstallData->dwFlags & SXS_UNINSTALL_FLAG_USE_INSTALL_LOG) == 0) || ((pcUnInstallData->dwFlags & (SXS_UNINSTALL_FLAG_REFERENCE_COMPUTED|SXS_UNINSTALL_FLAG_REFERENCE_VALID|SXS_UNINSTALL_FLAG_FORCE_DELETE)) == 0)); // // If the reference flag was set, then the member has to be present, and // non-null as well. // PARAMETER_CHECK(((pcUnInstallData->dwFlags & SXS_UNINSTALL_FLAG_REFERENCE_VALID) == 0) || (RTL_CONTAINS_FIELD(pcUnInstallData, pcUnInstallData->cbSize, lpInstallReference) && (pcUnInstallData->lpInstallReference != NULL))); // // If the log file is not present, the assembly identity can't be a zero-length string, and it can't be null - it's // required. // PARAMETER_CHECK((pcUnInstallData->dwFlags & SXS_UNINSTALL_FLAG_USE_INSTALL_LOG) || ((pcUnInstallData->lpAssemblyIdentity != NULL) && (pcUnInstallData->lpAssemblyIdentity[0] != UNICODE_NULL))); // // If the install log flag was set, then the member needs to be set and non-null // PARAMETER_CHECK(((pcUnInstallData->dwFlags & SXS_UNINSTALL_FLAG_USE_INSTALL_LOG) == 0) || (RTL_CONTAINS_FIELD(pcUnInstallData, pcUnInstallData->cbSize, lpInstallLogFile) && ((pcUnInstallData->lpInstallLogFile != NULL) && (pcUnInstallData->lpInstallLogFile[0] != UNICODE_NULL)))); if ( pcUnInstallData->dwFlags & SXS_UNINSTALL_FLAG_USE_INSTALL_LOG ) { IFW32FALSE_EXIT(pAnalyzeLogfileForUninstall(pcUnInstallData->lpInstallLogFile)); } else { // // And the reference scheme must not be SXS_INSTALL_REFERENCE_SCHEME_OSINSTALL, // as you can't "uninstall" OS-installed assemblies! // if (pcUnInstallData->dwFlags & SXS_UNINSTALL_FLAG_REFERENCE_VALID) { if (pcUnInstallData->dwFlags & SXS_UNINSTALL_FLAG_REFERENCE_COMPUTED) { PCWSTR pcwszEndOfString = NULL; GUID gTheGuid; PCWSTR pcwszReferenceString = reinterpret_cast(pcUnInstallData->lpInstallReference); // // Non-null, non-zero-length // PARAMETER_CHECK((pcwszReferenceString != NULL) && (pcwszReferenceString[0] != L'\0')); // // Parse the displayed guid. If there's no _, then ensure that the guid // is not the os-installed guid. // pcwszEndOfString = wcschr(pcwszReferenceString, SXS_REFERENCE_CHUNK_SEPERATOR[0]); if ( pcwszEndOfString == NULL ) { pcwszEndOfString = pcwszReferenceString + ::wcslen(pcwszReferenceString); IFW32FALSE_EXIT( ::SxspParseGUID( pcwszReferenceString, pcwszEndOfString - pcwszReferenceString, gTheGuid)); PARAMETER_CHECK(gTheGuid != SXS_INSTALL_REFERENCE_SCHEME_OSINSTALL); } } else { PARAMETER_CHECK(pcUnInstallData->lpInstallReference->guidScheme != SXS_INSTALL_REFERENCE_SCHEME_OSINSTALL); } } // // Let's turn the identity back into a real identity object // IFW32FALSE_EXIT( ::SxspCreateAssemblyIdentityFromTextualString( pcUnInstallData->lpAssemblyIdentity, &AssemblyIdentity)); IFW32FALSE_EXIT( ::SxspValidateIdentity( SXSP_VALIDATE_IDENTITY_FLAG_VERSION_REQUIRED, ASSEMBLY_IDENTITY_TYPE_REFERENCE, AssemblyIdentity)); // // And go open the registry key that corresponds to it // IFW32FALSE_EXIT(::SxspOpenAssemblyInstallationKey( 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, hkAllInstallInfo)); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(::SxspGenerateAssemblyNameInRegistry( AssemblyIdentity, buffAsmNameInRegistry)); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(hkAllInstallInfo.OpenSubKey( hkAsmInstallInfo, buffAsmNameInRegistry, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, 0)); // // If the assembly didn't have registry data, then obviously nobody cares // about it at all. Delete it with great vigor. // if (hkAsmInstallInfo == CFusionRegKey::GetInvalidValue()) { fDoRemoveActualBits = TRUE; } else { DWORD dwReferenceCount = 0; BOOL fTempFlag = FALSE; // // We're going to need the references key in just a second... // IFW32FALSE_EXIT( hkAsmInstallInfo.OpenOrCreateSubKey( hkReferences, WINSXS_INSTALLATION_REFERENCES_SUBKEY, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, 0, NULL, NULL)); // // If we were given an uninstall reference, then attempt to remove it. // if (pcUnInstallData->dwFlags & SXS_UNINSTALL_FLAG_REFERENCE_VALID) { CSmartPtr AssemblyReference; BOOL fWasDeleted = FALSE; // // Opened the references key OK? // if (hkReferences != CFusionRegKey::GetInvalidValue()) { IFW32FALSE_EXIT(AssemblyReference.Win32Allocate(__FILE__, __LINE__)); // // Did the user precompute the reference string? // if (pcUnInstallData->dwFlags & SXS_UNINSTALL_FLAG_REFERENCE_COMPUTED) IFW32FALSE_EXIT(AssemblyReference->ForceReferenceData(reinterpret_cast(pcUnInstallData->lpInstallReference))); else IFW32FALSE_EXIT(AssemblyReference->Initialize(pcUnInstallData->lpInstallReference)); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(AssemblyReference->DeleteReferenceFrom(hkReferences, fWasDeleted)); } if (fWasDeleted) { // // and delete the codebase // CFusionRegKey CodeBases; CFusionRegKey ThisCodeBase; DWORD Win32Error = NO_ERROR; IFW32FALSE_ORIGINATE_AND_EXIT_UNLESS3( hkAsmInstallInfo.OpenSubKey( CodeBases, CSMD_TOPLEVEL_CODEBASES, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, 0), LIST_3(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND, ERROR_KEY_DELETED), Win32Error); if (Win32Error == NO_ERROR) { IFW32FALSE_ORIGINATE_AND_EXIT_UNLESS3( CodeBases.OpenSubKey( ThisCodeBase, AssemblyReference->GetGeneratedIdentifier(), KEY_ALL_ACCESS, 0), LIST_3(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND, ERROR_KEY_DELETED), Win32Error); } if (Win32Error == NO_ERROR) { IFW32FALSE_ORIGINATE_AND_EXIT_UNLESS3( ThisCodeBase.DestroyKeyTree(), LIST_3(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND, ERROR_KEY_DELETED), Win32Error); } if (Win32Error == NO_ERROR) { IFW32FALSE_ORIGINATE_AND_EXIT(ThisCodeBase.Win32Close()); IFW32FALSE_ORIGINATE_AND_EXIT_UNLESS3( CodeBases.DeleteKey(AssemblyReference->GetGeneratedIdentifier()), LIST_3(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND, ERROR_KEY_DELETED), Win32Error); } // // If the assembly reference was removed, tell our caller. // if (pdwDisposition != NULL) { *pdwDisposition |= SXS_UNINSTALL_DISPOSITION_REMOVED_REFERENCE; } } } // // Now see if there are any references left at all. // IFREGFAILED_ORIGINATE_AND_EXIT_UNLESS2( ::RegQueryInfoKeyW( hkReferences, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &dwReferenceCount, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL), LIST_3(ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND, ERROR_KEY_DELETED), fTempFlag); // // If getting the key information succeeded and there were no more references, // then pow - make it go away. // if ((!fTempFlag) && (dwReferenceCount == 0)) fDoRemoveActualBits = TRUE; } // // Now, if the "force delete" flag was set, set the "nuke this data anyhow" // flag. MSI still gets to veto the uninstall, so make sure that's done last. // if ((!fDoRemoveActualBits) && (pcUnInstallData->dwFlags & SXS_UNINSTALL_FLAG_FORCE_DELETE)) fDoRemoveActualBits = TRUE; // // One last chance - we're about to remove the assembly from the system. Does Darwin // know about it? // if ( fDoRemoveActualBits ) { IFW32FALSE_EXIT( ::SxspDoesMSIStillNeedAssembly( pcUnInstallData->lpAssemblyIdentity, fDoRemoveActualBits)); fDoRemoveActualBits = !fDoRemoveActualBits; } if ( fDoRemoveActualBits && (hkReferences != CFusionRegKey::GetInvalidValue())) { // // One last check - is the assembly referenced by the OS? They get absolute // trump over all the other checks. // CAssemblyInstallReferenceInformation &Ref = Locals->Ref; SXS_INSTALL_REFERENCEW Reference; ZeroMemory(&Reference, sizeof(Reference)); Reference.cbSize = sizeof(Reference); Reference.guidScheme = SXS_INSTALL_REFERENCE_SCHEME_OSINSTALL; IFW32FALSE_EXIT(Ref.Initialize(&Reference)); IFW32FALSE_EXIT(Ref.IsReferencePresentIn(hkReferences, fDoRemoveActualBits)); // // If it was present, then don't remove! // fDoRemoveActualBits = !fDoRemoveActualBits; } // // Now, if we're still supposed to delete the assembly, go yank it out of the // registry and the filesystem; pCleanupAssemblyData knows how to do that. // if (fDoRemoveActualBits) { BOOL fWasRemovedProperly; IFW32FALSE_EXIT(::pCleanUpAssemblyData(AssemblyIdentity, fWasRemovedProperly)); if (fWasRemovedProperly && (pdwDisposition != NULL)) *pdwDisposition |= SXS_UNINSTALL_DISPOSITION_REMOVED_ASSEMBLY; } } fSuccess = TRUE; Exit: #if DBG if (!fSuccess && pcUnInstallData != NULL && pcUnInstallData->lpAssemblyIdentity != NULL) { ::FusionpDbgPrintEx( FUSION_DBG_LEVEL_ERROR, "SXS.DLL: %s(%ls) failed\n", __FUNCTION__, pcUnInstallData->lpAssemblyIdentity ); } #endif return fSuccess; }