#include #include void __cdecl main(char* argc[]) { CHAR szSavedCalendarType [5]; CHAR chTemp[256]; CHAR szTemp[256]; SYSTEMTIME theTime; int i = 0; DWORD dwError; TCHAR szError[1024]; for (;;) { int iLocalCalType; if (GetLocaleInfo(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_ICALENDARTYPE, szSavedCalendarType, sizeof(szSavedCalendarType)-1)) { iLocalCalType = CAL_GREGORIAN_US; printf(" Calendartype: %s\n", szSavedCalendarType); wsprintf(chTemp, "%d", iLocalCalType); if (!SetLocaleInfo(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_ICALENDARTYPE, chTemp)) { dwError = GetLastError(); wsprintf( szError, "Case 4 - Trying to SET the user calendar to \"%s\", Current Active codepage: %d and the return Error Code: %d, count:%d", chTemp, GetACP(), dwError, i); MessageBeep(0); MessageBox(NULL, szError, "SetLocaleInfo() Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); } if (!GetLocaleInfo(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_ICALENDARTYPE, szTemp, sizeof(szTemp)-1)) { dwError = GetLastError(); wsprintf( szError, "Case 5 - Trying to GET back the user calendar \"%s\", Current Active codepage: %d and the return Error Code: %d, count: %d", chTemp, GetACP(), dwError, i); MessageBeep(0); MessageBox(NULL, szError, "GetLocaleInfo() Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); } printf(" Calendartype: %s\n", szTemp); GetLocalTime(&theTime); // just a time to pass into the Win32 API: if (!SetLocaleInfo(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_ICALENDARTYPE, szSavedCalendarType)) { dwError = GetLastError(); wsprintf( szError, "Case 2 - Trying to SET back the user calendar to \"%s\", Current Active codepage: %d and the return Error Code: %d, count: %d", szSavedCalendarType, GetACP(), dwError, i); MessageBeep(0); MessageBox(NULL, szError, "SetLocaleInfo() Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); } else { if (!GetLocaleInfo(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, LOCALE_ICALENDARTYPE, szTemp, sizeof(szTemp)-1)) { dwError = GetLastError(); wsprintf( szError, "Case 3 - Trying to GET back the user calendar \"%s\", Current Active codepage: %d and the return Error Code: %d, count: %d", szSavedCalendarType, GetACP(), dwError, i); MessageBeep(0); MessageBox(NULL, szError, "Error in GetLocaleInfo", MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); } printf(" Calendartype: %s\n", szTemp); } } else { dwError = GetLastError(); wsprintf( szError, "Case 1 - Trying to GET back the user calendar \"%s\", Current Active codepage: %d and the return Error Code: %d, count: %d", szSavedCalendarType, GetACP(), dwError, i); MessageBeep(0); MessageBox(NULL, szError, "Error in GetLocaleInfo", MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); } printf(".\n"); i++; } }