Euro Conversion Tool --------------------- Description: The Euro conversion tool is a simple tool that allows currency migration to the Euro for those countries belonging to the European Union. This tool works on Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT4, Windows 2000 and Windows XP. This conversion tool works for those users who have their user locale ("Standards and Formats" on Windows XP) set to a locale within the European Union. This tool will not change currency settings for a user with a user locale outside of the European Union by default. For Windows 95, Windows 98 and Windows NT4, you need to run a previous patch in order to complete the migration. This patch includes updates to fonts, keyboards and code pages. The patch is available on the Microsoft website ( Changes apply to all users by default. However, you can add a switch that allow you to make the change for the current user only (see below for the parameter). Usage: The euroconv.exe accepts the following parameters at the command line: [none] Prototype: euroconv.exe Function: Change the Euro Currency for all users. /? Prototype: euroconv.exe /? Function: Show usage. /[h/H] Prototype: euroconv.exe /h Function: Show usage. /[c|C] Prototype: euroconv.exe /c Function: Change the Euro Currency for the current user only. /[s|S] Prototype: euroconv.exe /s Function: Change the Euro Currency for all users silently (no dialog). /[s|S] /[c|C] Prototype: euroconv.exe /c /s Function: Change the Euro Currency for the current user silently (no dialog). /[a|A]:w1, "x1","y1","z1";x2,"y2","z2";...;wn, "xn","yn","zn" Prototype: euroconv.exe /a:0x00000807,",","2","." Function: Change the Euro Currency for all applicable users, and add an exception locale if applicable. In other words, a user's currency information will also be changed to the Euro if the user's locale is equal to wi. If the user locale (LCID) matches wi, the monetary decimal separator will be changed for xi, the number of decimal digits for the locale monetary formats will be changed for yi, and the monetary thousands separator is changed for zi. (Note that xi, yi and zi can all be empty.) This option can be used to add a locale to the processing list. This option can also be used to override information for a defined locale. (See the bottom of the readme for an example of how this works.) /[c|C] /[a|A]:w1,"x1","y1","z1";w2,"x2","y2","z2";...;wn,"xn","yn","zn" Prototype: euroconv.exe /c /a:0x00000807,",","2","." Function: Change the Euro Currency for the current user only and add an exception locale if applicable (the "c" parameter has been added). /[s|S] /[c|C] /[a|A]:w1,"x1","y1","z1";w2,"x2","y2","z2";...;wn,"xn","yn","zn" Prototype: euroconv.exe /s /c /a:0x00000807,",","2","." Function: Change the Euro Currency for the current user silently (with no dialog) and add an exception locale if applicable (the "s" parameter has been added). Notes: - "wi" represents the hexadecimal form of the Locale ID (LCID). For more information regarding LCIDs, please refer to the Microsoft MSDN website ( - "xi" represents the monetary decimal separator, which could be an empty string. This is limited to a maximum of three (3) characters. The string can be an empty string. If the string is empty, the decimal separator is not updated. - "yi" represents the number of decimal digits for the monetary formats, and is limited to a maximum of two (2) characters. The string can be an empty string. If the string is empty, the number of digits is not be updated. - "zi" represents the monetary thousands separator, and is limited to a maximum of three (3) characters.If the string is empty, the thousands separator is not updated. Example: euroconv /a:00000409,",","2","." where: /a means add exception to the list. wi: English - U.S. (0x00000409) xi: comma (",") yi: two ("2") zi: dot (".")