//+---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // File: // utstream.cpp // // Contents: // Ole stream utilities // // Classes: // // Functions: // // History: // 10-May-94 KevinRo Added ansi versions of StringStream stuff // 25-Jan-94 alexgo first pass at converting to Cairo-style // memory allocations. // 01/11/94 - alexgo - added VDATEHEAP macros to every function // 12/07/93 - ChrisWe - file inspection and cleanup; fixed // String reading and writing to cope with OLESTR, and // with differing alignment requirements // 06/23/93 - SriniK - moved ReadStringStream(), // WriteStringStream(), and OpenOrCreateStream() here // from api.cpp and ole2.cpp // 03/14/92 - SriniK - created // //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #pragma SEG(utstream) #include #include NAME_SEG(UtStream) ASSERTDATA // this constant is used to size string buffers when we attempt to write out // a string and its length in one write call #define UTSTRINGBUF_SIZE 100 // REVIEW, I thought that OpenStream already had an option to do this. If // so, this function shouldn't be used in our code. But we can't remove it // because it is exported to the outside. // this is exported to the outside #pragma SEG(OpenOrCreateStream) STDAPI OpenOrCreateStream(IStorage FAR * pstg, LPCOLESTR pwcsName, IStream FAR* FAR* ppstm) { VDATEHEAP(); HRESULT error; error = pstg->CreateStream(pwcsName, STGM_SALL | STGM_FAILIFTHERE, 0, 0, ppstm); if (GetScode(error) == STG_E_FILEALREADYEXISTS) error = pstg->OpenStream(pwcsName, NULL, STGM_SALL, 0, ppstm); return(error); } // returns S_OK when string read and allocated (even if zero length) STDAPI ReadStringStream(CStmBufRead & StmRead, LPOLESTR FAR * ppsz) { VDATEHEAP(); ULONG cb; // the length of the string in *bytes* (NOT CHARACTERS) HRESULT hresult; // initialize the the string pointer for error returns *ppsz = NULL; if ((hresult = StmRead.Read((void FAR *)&cb, sizeof(ULONG))) != NOERROR) return hresult; // is string empty? if (cb == 0) return(NOERROR); // allocate memory to hold the string if (!(*ppsz = (LPOLESTR)PubMemAlloc(cb))) return(ReportResult(0, E_OUTOFMEMORY, 0, 0)); // read the string; this includes a trailing NULL if ((hresult = StmRead.Read((void FAR *)(*ppsz), cb)) != NOERROR) goto errRtn; return(NOERROR); errRtn: // delete the string, and return without one PubMemFree(*ppsz); *ppsz = NULL; return(hresult); } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: ReadStringStreamA // // Synopsis: Read a ANSI stream from the stream // // Effects: // // Arguments: [pstm] -- Stream to read from // [ppsz] -- Output pointer // // Requires: // // Returns: // // Signals: // // Modifies: // // Algorithm: // // History: 5-12-94 kevinro Created // 2-20-95 KentCe Converted to buffer stream reads. // // Notes: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDAPI ReadStringStreamA(CStmBufRead & StmRead, LPSTR FAR * ppsz) { VDATEHEAP(); ULONG cb; // the length of the string in *bytes* (NOT CHARACTERS) HRESULT hresult; // initialize the the string pointer for error returns *ppsz = NULL; if ((hresult = StmRead.Read((void FAR *)&cb, sizeof(ULONG))) != NOERROR) return hresult; // is string empty? if (cb == 0) return(NOERROR); // allocate memory to hold the string if (!(*ppsz = (LPSTR)PubMemAlloc(cb))) return(ReportResult(0, E_OUTOFMEMORY, 0, 0)); // read the string; this includes a trailing NULL if ((hresult = StmRead.Read((void FAR *)(*ppsz), cb)) != NOERROR) goto errRtn; return(NOERROR); errRtn: // delete the string, and return without one PubMemFree(*ppsz); *ppsz = NULL; return(hresult); } // this is exported to the outside STDAPI WriteStringStream(CStmBufWrite & StmWrite, LPCOLESTR psz) { VDATEHEAP(); HRESULT error; ULONG cb; // the count of bytes (NOT CHARACTERS) to write to the stream // if the string pointer is NULL, use zero length if (!psz) cb = 0; else { // count is length of string, plus terminating null cb = (1 + _xstrlen(psz))*sizeof(OLECHAR); // if possible, do a single write instead of two if (cb <= UTSTRINGBUF_SIZE) { BYTE bBuf[sizeof(ULONG)+ UTSTRINGBUF_SIZE*sizeof(OLECHAR)]; // buffer for count and string // we have to use _xmemcpy to copy the length into // the buffer to avoid potential boundary faults, // since bBuf might not be aligned strictly enough // to do *((ULONG FAR *)bBuf) = cb; _xmemcpy((void FAR *)bBuf, (const void FAR *)&cb, sizeof(cb)); _xmemcpy((void FAR *)(bBuf+sizeof(cb)), (const void FAR *)psz, cb); // write contents of buffer all at once return( StmWrite.Write((VOID FAR *)bBuf, cb+sizeof(ULONG))); } } // if we got here, our buffer isn't large enough, so we do two writes // first, write the length if (error = StmWrite.Write((VOID FAR *)&cb, sizeof(ULONG))) return error; // are we are done writing the string? if (psz == NULL) return NOERROR; // write the string return(StmWrite.Write((VOID FAR *)psz, cb)); } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: WriteStringStreamA // // Synopsis: Writes an ANSI string to a stream in a length prefixed format. // // Effects: // // Arguments: [pstm] -- Stream // [psz] -- Ansi string to write // // Requires: // // Returns: // // Signals: // // Modifies: // // Algorithm: // // History: 5-12-94 kevinro Created // 2-20-95 KentCe Converted to buffer stream writes. // // Notes: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- FARINTERNAL_(HRESULT) WriteStringStreamA(CStmBufWrite & StmWrite, LPCSTR psz) { VDATEHEAP(); HRESULT error; ULONG cb; // the count of bytes (NOT CHARACTERS) to write to the stream // if the string pointer is NULL, use zero length if (!psz) cb = 0; else { // count is length of string, plus terminating null cb = (ULONG) (1 + strlen(psz)); // if possible, do a single write instead of two if (cb <= UTSTRINGBUF_SIZE) { BYTE bBuf[sizeof(ULONG)+ UTSTRINGBUF_SIZE]; // buffer for count and string // we have to use _xmemcpy to copy the length into // the buffer to avoid potential boundary faults, // since bBuf might not be aligned strictly enough // to do *((ULONG FAR *)bBuf) = cb; _xmemcpy((void FAR *)bBuf, (const void FAR *)&cb, sizeof(cb)); _xmemcpy((void FAR *)(bBuf+sizeof(cb)), (const void FAR *)psz, cb); // write contents of buffer all at once return(StmWrite.Write((VOID FAR *)bBuf, cb+sizeof(ULONG))); } } // if we got here, our buffer isn't large enough, so we do two writes // first, write the length if (error = StmWrite.Write((VOID FAR *)&cb, sizeof(ULONG))) return error; // are we are done writing the string? if (psz == NULL) return NOERROR; // write the string return(StmWrite.Write((VOID FAR *)psz, cb)); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function: StRead // // Synopsis: Stream read that only succeeds if all requested bytes read // // Arguments: [pStm] -- source stream // [pvBuffer] -- destination buffer // [ulcb] -- bytes to read // // Returns: S_OK if successful, else error code // // Algorithm: // // History: 18-May-94 AlexT Added header block, fixed S_FALSE case // // Notes: // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #pragma SEG(StRead) FARINTERNAL_(HRESULT) StRead(IStream FAR * pStm, LPVOID pvBuffer, ULONG ulcb) { VDATEHEAP(); HRESULT hr; ULONG cbRead; hr = pStm->Read(pvBuffer, ulcb, &cbRead); if (FAILED(hr)) { return(hr); } if (ulcb == cbRead) { return(S_OK); } // We got a success code but not enough bytes - turn it into an error return(STG_E_READFAULT); } // if fRelative is FALSE then dwSize is the size of the stream // if it is TRUE then find the current seek position and add dwSize to that // and then set it as the stream size. FARINTERNAL StSetSize(LPSTREAM pstm, DWORD dwSize, BOOL fRelative) { VDATEHEAP(); LARGE_INTEGER large_int; // indicates where to seek to ULARGE_INTEGER ularge_int; // indicates absolute position ULARGE_INTEGER ularge_integer; // the size we will set for the stream HRESULT error; LISet32(large_int, 0); ULISet32(ularge_integer, dwSize); if (fRelative) { if (error = pstm->Seek(large_int, STREAM_SEEK_CUR, &ularge_int)) return(error); // REVIEW: is there a routine to do 64 bit addition ??? ularge_integer.LowPart += ularge_int.LowPart; } return(pstm->SetSize(ularge_integer)); } // REVIEW, is this actually used? #pragma SEG(StSave10NativeData) FARINTERNAL_(HRESULT) StSave10NativeData(IStorage FAR* pstgSave, HANDLE hNative, BOOL fIsOle1Interop) { VDATEHEAP(); DWORD dwSize; HRESULT error; if (!hNative) return ReportResult(0, E_UNSPEC, 0, 0); if (!(dwSize = (ULONG) GlobalSize (hNative))) return ReportResult(0, E_OUTOFMEMORY, 0, 0); #ifdef OLE1INTEROP if ( fIsOle1Interop ) { LPLOCKBYTES plkbyt; LPSTORAGE pstgNative= NULL; const DWORD grfStg = STGM_READWRITE | STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE | STGM_DIRECT ; if ((error = CreateILockBytesOnHGlobal (hNative, FALSE, &plkbyt))!=NOERROR) goto errRtn; if ((error = StgOpenStorageOnILockBytes (plkbyt, (LPSTORAGE)NULL, grfStg, (SNB)NULL, 0, &pstgNative)) != NOERROR){ error = ReportResult(0, E_OUTOFMEMORY, 0, 0); plkbyt->Release(); goto errRtn; } pstgNative->CopyTo (0, NULL, 0, pstgSave); plkbyt->Release(); pstgNative->Release(); } else #endif { LPSTREAM lpstream = NULL; if (error = OpenOrCreateStream(pstgSave, OLE10_NATIVE_STREAM, &lpstream)) goto errRtn; if (error = StWrite(lpstream, &dwSize, sizeof(DWORD))) { lpstream->Release(); goto errRtn; } error = UtHGLOBALtoStm(hNative, dwSize, lpstream); lpstream->Release(); } errRtn: return error; } #pragma SEG(StSave10ItemName) FARINTERNAL StSave10ItemName (IStorage FAR* pstg, LPCSTR szItemNameAnsi) { VDATEHEAP(); CStmBufWrite StmWrite; HRESULT hresult; if ((hresult = StmWrite.OpenOrCreateStream(pstg, OLE10_ITEMNAME_STREAM)) != NOERROR) { return hresult; } hresult = WriteStringStreamA(StmWrite, szItemNameAnsi); if (FAILED(hresult)) { goto errRtn; } hresult = StmWrite.Flush(); errRtn: StmWrite.Release(); return hresult; } #pragma SEG(StRead10NativeData) FARINTERNAL StRead10NativeData (IStorage FAR* pstg, HANDLE FAR* phNative) { DWORD dwSize; LPSTREAM pstream = NULL; HRESULT hresult; HANDLE hBits = NULL; void FAR *lpBits = NULL; VDATEHEAP(); *phNative = NULL; RetErr (pstg->OpenStream (OLE10_NATIVE_STREAM, NULL, STGM_SALL, 0, &pstream)); ErrRtnH (StRead (pstream, &dwSize, sizeof (DWORD))); // initialize this for error return cases // allocate a new handle if (!(hBits = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE | GMEM_DDESHARE, dwSize)) // going to pass this to DDE. || !(lpBits = (BYTE *)GlobalLock(hBits))) { hresult = ResultFromScode(E_OUTOFMEMORY); goto errRtn; } // read the stream into the allocated memory if (hresult = StRead(pstream, lpBits, dwSize)) goto errRtn; // if we got this far, return new handle *phNative = hBits; errRtn: // unlock the handle, if it was successfully locked if (lpBits) GlobalUnlock(hBits); // free the handle if there was an error if ((hresult != NOERROR) && hBits) GlobalFree(hBits); if (pstream) pstream->Release(); return hresult; } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CStmBuf::CStmBuf, public // // Synopsis: Constructor. // // Arguments: None. // // Returns: None. // // History: 20-Feb-95 KentCe Created // // Notes: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CStmBuf::CStmBuf(void) { m_pStm = NULL; } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CStmBuf::~CStmBuf, public // // Synopsis: Destructor. // // Arguments: None. // // Returns: None. // // History: 20-Feb-95 KentCe Created // // Notes: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CStmBuf::~CStmBuf(void) { // // Verify that the programmer released the stream interface. // Assert(m_pStm == NULL); } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CStmBufRead::Init, public // // Synopsis: Define the stream interface to read from. // // Arguments: [pstm] -- Pointer to stream to read. // // Returns: None. // // History: 20-Feb-95 KentCe Created // // Notes: Release method must be called. // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CStmBufRead::Init(IStream * pstm) { Assert(m_pStm == NULL); m_pStm = pstm; m_pStm->AddRef(); Reset(); } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CStmBufRead::OpenStream, public // // Synopsis: Open a stream for reading. // // Arguments: [pstg] -- Pointer to storage that contains stream to open. // [pwcsName] -- Name of stream to open. // // Returns: HRESULT. // // History: 20-Feb-95 KentCe Created // // Notes: Release method must be called. // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CStmBufRead::OpenStream(IStorage * pstg, const OLECHAR * pwcsName) { VDATEHEAP(); HRESULT hr; Assert(m_pStm == NULL); hr = pstg->OpenStream(pwcsName, NULL, STGM_READ | STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE, 0, &m_pStm); Reset(); return hr; } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CStmBufRead::Read, public // // Synopsis: Read data from the stream. // // Arguments: [pBuf] - Address to store read bytes in. // [cBuf] - Maximum number of bytes to read. // // Returns: HRESULT. // // History: 20-Feb-95 KentCe Created // // Notes: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CStmBufRead::Read(PVOID pBuf, ULONG cBuf) { ULONG cnt; HRESULT hr; // // While more bytes to read. // while (cBuf) { // // If our buffer is empty, read more data. // if (m_cBuffer == 0) { hr = m_pStm->Read(m_aBuffer, sizeof(m_aBuffer), &m_cBuffer); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr; if (m_cBuffer == 0) return STG_E_READFAULT; m_pBuffer = m_aBuffer; } // // Determine number of bytes to read. // cnt = min(m_cBuffer, cBuf); // // Copy the input from the input buffer, update variables. // memcpy(pBuf, m_pBuffer, cnt); pBuf = (PBYTE)pBuf + cnt; cBuf -= cnt; m_pBuffer += cnt; m_cBuffer -= cnt; } return S_OK; } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CStmBufRead::ReadLong, public // // Synopsis: Read a long value from the stream. // // Arguments: [plValue] - Address of long to fill. // // Returns: HRESULT. // // History: 20-Feb-95 KentCe Created // // Notes: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CStmBufRead::ReadLong(LONG * plValue) { return Read(plValue, sizeof(LONG)); } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CStmBufRead::Reset // // Synopsis: Reset buffer variables. // // Arguments: None. // // Returns: None. // // History: 20-Feb-95 KentCe Created // // Notes: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CStmBufRead::Reset(void) { m_pBuffer = m_aBuffer; m_cBuffer = 0; } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CStmBufRead::Release, public // // Synopsis: Release read stream interface. // // Arguments: None. // // Returns: None. // // History: 20-Feb-95 KentCe Created // // Notes: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CStmBufRead::Release() { if (m_pStm) { m_pStm->Release(); m_pStm = NULL; } } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CStmBufWrite::Init, public // // Synopsis: Define the stream interface to write to. // // Arguments: [pstm] -- Pointer to stream to write. // // Returns: None. // // History: 20-Feb-95 KentCe Created // // Notes: Release method must be called. // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CStmBufWrite::Init(IStream * pstm) { Assert(m_pStm == NULL); m_pStm = pstm; m_pStm->AddRef(); Reset(); } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CStmBufRead::OpenOrCreateStream, public // // Synopsis: Open/Create a stream for writing. // // Arguments: [pstg] -- Pointer to storage that contains stream to open. // [pwcsName] -- Name of stream to open. // // Returns: HRESULT. // // History: 20-Feb-95 KentCe Created // // Notes: Release method must be called. // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CStmBufWrite::OpenOrCreateStream(IStorage * pstg, const OLECHAR * pwcsName) { VDATEHEAP(); HRESULT hr; hr = pstg->CreateStream(pwcsName, STGM_SALL | STGM_FAILIFTHERE, 0, 0, &m_pStm); if (hr == STG_E_FILEALREADYEXISTS) { hr = pstg->OpenStream(pwcsName, NULL, STGM_SALL, 0, &m_pStm); } Reset(); return hr; } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CStmBufRead::CreateStream, public // // Synopsis: Create a stream for writing. // // Arguments: [pstg] -- Pointer storage that contains stream to create. // [pwcsName] -- Name of stream to create. // // Returns: HRESULT. // // History: 20-Feb-95 KentCe Created // // Notes: Release method must be called. // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CStmBufWrite::CreateStream(IStorage * pstg, const OLECHAR * pwcsName) { VDATEHEAP(); HRESULT hr; hr = pstg->CreateStream(pwcsName, STGM_CREATE | STGM_READWRITE | STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE, 0, 0, &m_pStm); Reset(); return hr; } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CStmBufWrite::Write, public // // Synopsis: Write data to the stream. // // Arguments: [pBuf] - Address to store write bytes to. // [cBuf] - Maximum number of bytes to write. // // Returns: HRESULT. // // History: 20-Feb-95 KentCe Created // // Notes: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CStmBufWrite::Write(void const * pBuf, ULONG cBuf) { ULONG cnt; HRESULT hr; // // Keep writing until the caller's buffer is empty. // while (cBuf) { // // Compute the number of bytes to copy. // cnt = min(m_cBuffer, cBuf); // // Copy to the internal write buffer and update variables. // memcpy(m_pBuffer, pBuf, cnt); pBuf = (PBYTE)pBuf + cnt; cBuf -= cnt; m_pBuffer += cnt; m_cBuffer -= cnt; // // On full internal buffer, flush. // if (m_cBuffer == 0) { LEDebugOut((DEB_WARN, "WARNING: Multiple buffer flushes.\n")); hr = Flush(); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; } } } return S_OK; } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CStmBufWrite::WriteLong, public // // Synopsis: Write long value to the stream. // // Arguments: [lValue] - Long value to write. // // Returns: HRESULT. // // History: 20-Feb-95 KentCe Created // // Notes: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CStmBufWrite::WriteLong(LONG lValue) { return Write(&lValue, sizeof(LONG)); } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CStmBufWrite::Flush, public // // Synopsis: Flush write buffer to the system. // // Arguments: None. // // Returns: HRESULT. // // History: 20-Feb-95 KentCe Created // // Notes: Performs a write of the stream buffer to the system, does not // force a flush to disk. // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- HRESULT CStmBufWrite::Flush(void) { ULONG cnt; HRESULT hr; // // This might be an overactive assert, but shouldn't happen. // Assert(m_cBuffer != sizeof(m_aBuffer)); hr = m_pStm->Write(m_aBuffer, sizeof(m_aBuffer) - m_cBuffer, &cnt); if (FAILED(hr)) { return hr; } if (cnt != sizeof(m_aBuffer) - m_cBuffer) { return STG_E_MEDIUMFULL; } Reset(); return S_OK; } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CStmBufWrite::Reset, public // // Synopsis: Reset buffer variables. // // Arguments: None. // // Returns: None. // // History: 20-Feb-95 KentCe Created // // Notes: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CStmBufWrite::Reset(void) { m_pBuffer = m_aBuffer; m_cBuffer = sizeof(m_aBuffer); } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CStmBufWrite::Release, public // // Synopsis: Release write stream interface. // // Arguments: None. // // Returns: None. // // History: 20-Feb-95 KentCe Created // // Notes: // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CStmBufWrite::Release() { if (m_pStm) { // // Verify that flush was called. // Assert(m_cBuffer == sizeof(m_aBuffer)); m_pStm->Release(); m_pStm = NULL; } }