//+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Microsoft Windows // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1996. // // File: expdf.cxx // // Contents: Exposed DocFile implementation // // Notes: // The CExposedDocFile class is the implementation // of IStorage. It implements IPropertySetStorage // by inheriting from CPropertySetStorage. CPropertySetStorage // implements all the functionality of IPropertySetStorage. // // Note that this interface is solely UNICODE, the ASCII layer // support which is present if _UNICODE is not defined, provides // the overloaded functions that handles the ASCII to Unicode // conversion. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Initialize all the GUID's in ref.hxx #ifdef INITGUID #error "Something is Wrong: INIT_GUID should not be defined yet" #else #define INITGUID #include "h/ref.hxx" #endif // enable memory leak detection if neccessary #include "h/dbg.hxx" #include "exphead.cxx" #include "expdf.hxx" #include "expst.hxx" #include "expiter.hxx" #include "logfile.hxx" #include "h/rexpdf.hxx" #include "h/docfilep.hxx" // Check for proper single-instance flags #define NOT_SINGLE(md) (((md) & STGM_DENY) != STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE) #define EnforceSingle(mode) (NOT_SINGLE(mode) ? STG_E_INVALIDFUNCTION : S_OK) //+-------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CExposedDocFile::CExposedDocFile, public // // Synopsis: Constructor // // Arguments: [pdf] - Public DocFile // [pdfb] - DocFile basis // [ppc] - Context // [fOwnContext] - Whether this object owns the context // //--------------------------------------------------------------- CExposedDocFile::CExposedDocFile(CExposedDocFile *pdfParent, CDocFile *pdf, DFLAGS const df, DFLUID luid, ILockBytes *pilbBase, CDfName const *pdfn, CMStream* pmsBase, CDFBasis *pdfb) #ifdef NEWPROPS #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(disable: 4355) #endif // _MSC_VER : CPropertySetStorage(this) #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(default: 4355) #endif // _MSC_VER #endif // NEWPROPS { olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "In CExposedDocFile::CExposedDocFile(%p)\n", pdf)); _pdfb = pdfb; _pdfb->AddRef(); _pdf = pdf; _df = df; _luid = luid; _pdfParent = pdfParent; // note: we don't addref here 'cos it is only done in the root _pilbBase = pilbBase; _pmsBase = pmsBase; if (pdfn) _dfn.Set(pdfn->GetLength(), pdfn->GetBuffer()); else _dfn.Set((WORD)0, (BYTE*)NULL); if (!IsRoot()) _pdfParent->AddChild(this); _fDirty = FALSE; _cReferences = 1; _ulAccessLockBase = 0; _sig = CEXPOSEDDOCFILE_SIG; olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "Out CExposedDocFile::CExposedDocFile\n")); } //+-------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CExposedDocFile::~CExposedDocFile, public // // Synopsis: Destructor // //--------------------------------------------------------------- CExposedDocFile::~CExposedDocFile(void) { olDebugOut((DEB_TRACE, "In CExposedDocFile::~CExposedDocFile\n")); olAssert(_cReferences == 0); if (_pdfb) _pdfb->Release(); _sig = CEXPOSEDDOCFILE_SIGDEL; if (SUCCEEDED(CheckReverted())) { if (IsRoot()) { olDebugOut((DEB_TRACE, "Destr called for root\n")); olAssert(_pilbBase==NULL); } else { _pdfParent->ReleaseChild(this); } _cilChildren.DeleteByName(NULL); if (_pdf) _pdf->Release(); } olDebugOut((DEB_TRACE, "Out CExposedDocFile::~CExposedDocFile\n")); } //+-------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CExposedDocFile::Release, public // // Synopsis: Releases resources for a CExposedDocFile // // Returns: Appropriate status code // //--------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CExposedDocFile::Release(void) { LONG lRet; olLog(("%p::In CExposedDocFile::Release()\n", this)); olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "In CExposedDocFile::Release()\n")); TRY { if (FAILED(Validate())) return 0; olAssert(_cReferences > 0); lRet = AtomicDec(&_cReferences); if (_pdf && !P_TRANSACTED(_df) && SUCCEEDED(CheckReverted())) { TIME_T tm; olVerSucc(DfGetTOD(&tm)); olVerSucc(_pdf->SetTime(WT_ACCESS, tm)); #ifdef NEWPROPS olVerSucc(FlushBufferedData()); #endif if (IsDirty()) { olVerSucc(DfGetTOD(&tm)); olVerSucc(_pdf->SetTime(WT_MODIFICATION, tm)); if (!IsRoot()) _pdfParent->SetDirty(); olAssert(P_WRITE(_df) && aMsg("Dirty & Direct but no write access")); SetClean(); } if (IsRoot() && P_WRITE(_df)) { SCODE sc; sc = _pmsBase->Flush(0); #if DBG == 1 if (FAILED(sc)) { olDebugOut((DEB_ERROR, "ILockBytes::Flush() failed in release path " "with error %lx\n", sc)); } #endif } } if (lRet == 0) { delete this; } else if (lRet < 0) lRet = 0; } CATCH(CException, e) { UNREFERENCED_PARM(e); lRet = 0; } END_CATCH olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "Out CExposedDocFile::Release()\n")); olLog(("%p::Out CExposedDocFile::Release(). ret == %lu\n", this, lRet)); FreeLogFile(); return (ULONG)lRet; } //+-------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CExposedDocFile::CheckCopyTo, private // // Synopsis: Checks for CopyTo legality // // Returns: Appropriate status code // //--------------------------------------------------------------- inline SCODE CExposedDocFile::CheckCopyTo(void) { // it is an error to copy a parent to child return _pdfb->GetCopyBase() != NULL && IsAtOrAbove(_pdfb->GetCopyBase()) ? STG_E_ACCESSDENIED : S_OK; } //+-------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CExposedDocFile::ConvertInternalStream, private // // Synopsis: Converts an internal stream to a storage // // Arguments: [pwcsName] - Name // [pdfExp] - Destination docfile // // Returns: Appropriate status code // //--------------------------------------------------------------- static WCHAR const wcsIllegalName[] = {'\\','\0'}; SCODE CExposedDocFile::ConvertInternalStream(CExposedDocFile *pdfExp) { CExposedStream *pstFrom=NULL, *pstTo=NULL; SCODE sc=S_OK; CDfName const dfnIllegal(wcsIllegalName); CDfName const dfnContents(wcsContents); olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "In CExposedDocFile::ConvertInternalStream(%p)\n", pdfExp)); olChk(GetExposedStream(&dfnIllegal, DF_READWRITE | DF_DENYALL, &pstFrom)); olChkTo(EH_pstFrom, pdfExp->CreateExposedStream(&dfnContents, DF_WRITE | DF_DENYALL, &pstTo)); olChkTo(EH_pstTo, CopyStreamToStream(pstFrom->GetDirectStream(), pstTo->GetDirectStream())); olChkTo(EH_pstTo, DestroyEntry(&dfnIllegal, FALSE)); olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "Out CExposedDocFile::ConvertInternalStream\n")); // Fall through EH_pstTo: pstTo->Release(); EH_pstFrom: pstFrom->Release(); EH_Err: return sc; } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CExposedDocFile::CreateEntry, private // // Synopsis: Creates elements, used in CreateStream, CreateStorage and // for properties // // Arguments: [pwcsName] - Name // [dwType] - Entry type // [grfMode] - Access mode // [ppv] - Object return // // Returns: Appropriate status code // // Modifies: [ppv] // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCODE CExposedDocFile::CreateEntry(WCHAR const *pwcsName, DWORD dwType, DWORD grfMode, void **ppv) { SCODE sc; SEntryBuffer eb; CDfName dfn; BOOL fRenamed = FALSE; CExposedStream *pstExp; CExposedDocFile *pdfExp; olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "In CExposedDocFile::CreateEntry:%p(" "%ws, %lX, %lX, %p)\n", this, pwcsName, dwType, grfMode, ppv)); olChk(EnforceSingle(grfMode)); olChk(CheckReverted()); dfn.Set(pwcsName); if (grfMode & (STGM_CREATE | STGM_CONVERT)) { if (FAILED(sc = _pdf->IsEntry(&dfn, &eb))) { if (sc != STG_E_FILENOTFOUND) olErr(EH_Err, sc); } else if (eb.dwType == dwType && (grfMode & STGM_CREATE)) olChk(DestroyEntry(&dfn, FALSE)); else if (eb.dwType == STGTY_STREAM && (grfMode & STGM_CONVERT) && dwType == STGTY_STORAGE) { CDfName const dfnIllegal(wcsIllegalName); olChk(RenameEntry(&dfn, &dfnIllegal)); fRenamed = TRUE; } else olErr(EH_Err, STG_E_FILEALREADYEXISTS); } if (REAL_STGTY(dwType) == STGTY_STREAM) { olChk(CreateExposedStream(&dfn, ModeToDFlags(grfMode), &pstExp)); *ppv = pstExp; } else { olAssert(REAL_STGTY(dwType) == STGTY_STORAGE); olChk(CreateExposedDocFile(&dfn, ModeToDFlags(grfMode), &pdfExp)); // If we've renamed the original stream for conversion, convert if (fRenamed) { olChkTo(EH_pdfExpInit, ConvertInternalStream(pdfExp)); sc = STG_S_CONVERTED; } *ppv = pdfExp; } olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "Out CExposedDocFile::CreateEntry\n")); return sc; EH_pdfExpInit: pdfExp->Release(); olVerSucc(DestroyEntry(&dfn, TRUE)); EH_Err: return sc; } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CExposedDocFile::OpenEntry, private // // Synopsis: Opens elements, used in OpenStream, OpenStorage and // for properties // // Arguments: [pwcsName] - Name // [dwType] - Entry type // [grfMode] - Access mode // [ppv] - Object return // // Returns: Appropriate status code // // Modifies: [ppv] // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCODE CExposedDocFile::OpenEntry(WCHAR const *pwcsName, DWORD dwType, DWORD grfMode, void **ppv) { CDfName dfn; SCODE sc; CExposedDocFile *pdfExp; CExposedStream *pstExp; olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "In CExposedDocFile::OpenEntry:%p(" "%ws, %lX, %lX, %p)\n", this, pwcsName, dwType, grfMode, ppv)); olChk(EnforceSingle(grfMode)); dfn.Set(pwcsName); if (REAL_STGTY(dwType) == STGTY_STREAM) { olChk(GetExposedStream(&dfn, ModeToDFlags(grfMode), &pstExp)); *ppv = pstExp; } else { olAssert(REAL_STGTY(dwType) == STGTY_STORAGE); olChk(GetExposedDocFile(&dfn, ModeToDFlags(grfMode), &pdfExp)); *ppv = pdfExp; } olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "Out CExposedDocFile::OpenEntry\n")); return S_OK; EH_Err: return sc; } //+-------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CExposedDocFile::CreateStream, public // // Synopsis: Creates a stream // // Arguments: [pwcsName] - Name // [grfMode] - Permissions // [reserved1] // [reserved2] // [ppstm] - Stream return // // Returns: Appropriate status code // // Modifies: [ppstm] // //--------------------------------------------------------------- TSTDMETHODIMP CExposedDocFile::CreateStream(WCHAR const *pwcsName, DWORD grfMode, DWORD reserved1, DWORD reserved2, IStream **ppstm) { SCODE sc; olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "In CExposedDocFile::CreateStream(" "%ws, %lX, %lu, %lu, %p)\n", pwcsName, grfMode, reserved1, reserved2, ppstm)); olLog(("%p::In CExposedDocFile::CreateStream(%ws, %lX, %lu, %lu, %p)\n", this, pwcsName, grfMode, reserved1, reserved2, ppstm)); TRY { olChk(ValidateOutPtrBuffer(ppstm)); *ppstm = NULL; olChk(CheckWName(pwcsName)); if (reserved1 != 0 || reserved2 != 0) olErr(EH_Err, STG_E_INVALIDPARAMETER); olChk(VerifyPerms(grfMode)); if (grfMode & (STGM_CONVERT | STGM_TRANSACTED | STGM_PRIORITY | STGM_DELETEONRELEASE)) olErr(EH_Err, STG_E_INVALIDFUNCTION); olChk(Validate()); olChk(CheckCopyTo()); sc = CreateEntry(pwcsName, STGTY_STREAM, grfMode, (void **)ppstm); } CATCH(CException, e) { sc = e.GetErrorCode(); } END_CATCH olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "Out CExposedDocFile::CreateStream => %p\n", *ppstm)); EH_Err: olLog(("%p::Out CExposedDocFile::CreateStream(). " "*ppstm == %p, ret == %lx\n", this, SAFE_DREF(ppstm), sc)); return sc; } //+-------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CExposedDocFile::OpenStream, public // // Synopsis: Opens an existing stream // // Arguments: [pwcsName] - Name // [reserved1] // [grfMode] - Permissions // [reserved2] // [ppstm] - Stream return // // Returns: Appropriate status code // // Modifies: [ppstm] // //--------------------------------------------------------------- TSTDMETHODIMP CExposedDocFile::OpenStream(WCHAR const *pwcsName, void *reserved1, DWORD grfMode, DWORD reserved2, IStream **ppstm) { SCODE sc; olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "In CExposedDocFile::OpenStream(" "%ws, %p, %lX, %lu, %p)\n", pwcsName, reserved1, grfMode, reserved2, ppstm)); olLog(("%p::In CExposedDocFile::OpenStream(%ws, %lu %lX, %lu, %p)\n", this, pwcsName, reserved1, grfMode, reserved2, ppstm)); TRY { olChk(ValidateOutPtrBuffer(ppstm)); *ppstm = NULL; olChk(CheckWName(pwcsName)); if (reserved1 != NULL || reserved2 != 0) olErr(EH_Err, STG_E_INVALIDPARAMETER); olChk(VerifyPerms(grfMode)); if (grfMode & (STGM_TRANSACTED | STGM_PRIORITY | STGM_DELETEONRELEASE)) olErr(EH_Err, STG_E_INVALIDFUNCTION); olChk(Validate()); sc = OpenEntry(pwcsName, STGTY_STREAM, grfMode, (void **)ppstm); } CATCH(CException, e) { sc = e.GetErrorCode(); } END_CATCH olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "Out CExposedDocFile::OpenStream => %p\n", SAFE_DREF(ppstm))); EH_Err: olLog(("%p::Out CExposedDocFile::OpenStream(). " "*ppstm == %p, ret == %lx\n", this, SAVE_DREF(ppstm), sc)); return sc; } //+-------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CExposedDocFile::CreateStorage, public // // Synopsis: Creates an embedded DocFile // // Arguments: [pwcsName] - Name // [grfMode] - Permissions // [reserved1] // [reserved2] // [ppstg] - New DocFile return // // Returns: Appropriate status code // // Modifies: [ppstg] // //--------------------------------------------------------------- TSTDMETHODIMP CExposedDocFile::CreateStorage(WCHAR const *pwcsName, DWORD grfMode, DWORD reserved1, DWORD reserved2, IStorage **ppstg) { SCODE sc; olLog(("%p::In CExposedDocFile::CreateStorage(%ws, %lX, %lu, %lu, %p)\n", this, pwcsName, grfMode, reserved1, reserved2, ppstg)); olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "In CExposedDocFile::CreateStorage:%p(" "%ws, %lX, %lu, %lu, %p)\n", this, pwcsName, grfMode, reserved1, reserved2, ppstg)); TRY { olChk(ValidateOutPtrBuffer(ppstg)); *ppstg = NULL; olChk(CheckWName(pwcsName)); if (reserved1 != 0 || reserved2 != 0) olErr(EH_Err, STG_E_INVALIDPARAMETER); olChk(VerifyPerms(grfMode)); if (grfMode & (STGM_PRIORITY | STGM_DELETEONRELEASE)) olErr(EH_Err, STG_E_INVALIDFUNCTION); olChk(Validate()); olChk(CheckCopyTo()); sc = CreateEntry(pwcsName, STGTY_STORAGE, grfMode, (void **)ppstg); } CATCH(CException, e) { sc = e.GetErrorCode(); } END_CATCH olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "Out CExposedDocFile::CreateStorage => %p\n", *ppstg)); EH_Err: olLog(("%p::Out CExposedDocFile::CreateStorage(). " "*ppstg == %p, ret == %lX\n", this, *ppstg, sc)); return sc; } //+-------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CExposedDocFile::OpenStorage, public // // Synopsis: Gets an existing embedded DocFile // // Arguments: [pwcsName] - Name // [pstgPriority] - Priority reopens // [grfMode] - Permissions // [snbExclude] - Priority reopens // [reserved] // [ppstg] - DocFile return // // Returns: Appropriate status code // // Modifies: [ppstg] // //--------------------------------------------------------------- TSTDMETHODIMP CExposedDocFile::OpenStorage(WCHAR const *pwcsName, IStorage *pstgPriority, DWORD grfMode, SNBW snbExclude, DWORD reserved, IStorage **ppstg) { SCODE sc; CExposedDocFile *pdfExp; olLog(("%p::In CExposedDocFile::OpenStorage(%ws, %p, %lX, %p, %lu, %p)\n", this, pwcsName, pstgPriority, grfMode, snbExclude, reserved, ppstg)); olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "In CExposedDocFile::OpenStorage:%p(" "%ws, %p, %lX, %p, %lu, %p)\n", this, pwcsName, pstgPriority, grfMode, snbExclude, reserved, ppstg)); TRY { #ifdef _UNICODE // for UNICODE API's we have to do validation, // else it had been done in the ascii layer olChk(CheckWName(pwcsName)); #endif olChk(ValidateOutPtrBuffer(ppstg)); *ppstg = NULL; if (reserved != 0) olErr(EH_Err, STG_E_INVALIDPARAMETER); olChk(VerifyPerms(grfMode)); if (pstgPriority != NULL || (grfMode & (STGM_PRIORITY | STGM_DELETEONRELEASE))) olErr(EH_Err, STG_E_INVALIDFUNCTION); olChk(Validate()); if (snbExclude != NULL) olErr(EH_Err, STG_E_INVALIDPARAMETER); olChk(OpenEntry(pwcsName, STGTY_STORAGE, grfMode, (void **)&pdfExp)); *ppstg = pdfExp; } CATCH(CException, e) { sc = e.GetErrorCode(); } END_CATCH olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "Out CExposedDocFile::OpenStorage => %p\n", *ppstg)); EH_Err: olLog(("%p::Out CExposedDocFile::OpenStorage(). " "*ppstg == %p, ret == %lX\n", this, SAFE_DREF(ppstg), sc)); return sc; } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CExposedDocFile::MakeCopyFlags, public // // Synopsis: Translates IID array into bit fields // // Arguments: [ciidExclude] - Count of IIDs // [rgiidExclude] - IIDs not to copy // // Returns: Appropriate status code // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DWORD CExposedDocFile::MakeCopyFlags(DWORD ciidExclude, IID const *rgiidExclude) { DWORD dwCopyFlags; olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "In CExposedDocFile::MakeCopyFlags(%lu, %p)\n", ciidExclude, rgiidExclude)); // Copy everything by default dwCopyFlags = COPY_ALL; for (; ciidExclude > 0; ciidExclude--, rgiidExclude++) if (IsEqualIID(*rgiidExclude, IID_IStorage)) dwCopyFlags &= ~COPY_STORAGES; else if (IsEqualIID(*rgiidExclude, IID_IStream)) dwCopyFlags &= ~COPY_STREAMS; olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "Out CExposedDocFile::MakeCopyFlags\n")); return dwCopyFlags; } //+-------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CExposedDocFile::CopyTo, public // // Synopsis: Makes a copy of a DocFile // // Arguments: [ciidExclude] - Length of rgiid array // [rgiidExclude] - Array of IIDs to exclude // [snbExclude] - Names to exclude // [pstgDest] - Parent of copy // // Returns: Appropriate status code // //--------------------------------------------------------------- TSTDMETHODIMP CExposedDocFile::CopyTo(DWORD ciidExclude, IID const *rgiidExclude, SNBW snbExclude, IStorage *pstgDest) { SCODE sc; DWORD i; olLog(("%p::In CExposedDocFile::CopyTo(%lu, %p, %p, %p)\n", this, ciidExclude, rgiidExclude, snbExclude, pstgDest)); olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "In CExposedDocFile::Copy(%lu, %p, %p, %p)\n", ciidExclude, rgiidExclude, snbExclude, pstgDest)); TRY { if (snbExclude) olChk(ValidateSNBW(snbExclude)); olChk(ValidateInterface(pstgDest, IID_IStorage)); if (rgiidExclude) { olAssert(sizeof(IID)*ciidExclude <= 0xffffUL); olChk(ValidateBuffer(rgiidExclude, (size_t)(sizeof(IID)*ciidExclude))); for (i = 0; iGetCopyBase() == NULL); _pdfb->SetCopyBase(this); #ifdef NEWPROPS // Flush all descendant property set buffers so that their // underlying Streams (which are about to be copied) are // up to date. olChk(FlushBufferedData()); #endif olChk(CopyDocFileToIStorage(GetDF(), pstgDest, snbExclude, MakeCopyFlags(ciidExclude, rgiidExclude))); } CATCH(CException, e) { sc = e.GetErrorCode(); } END_CATCH olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "Out CExposedDocFile::Copy\n")); EH_Err: _pdfb->SetCopyBase(NULL); olLog(("%p::Out ExposedDocFile::CopyTo(). ret == %lX\n",this, sc)); return sc; } //+-------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CExposedDocFile::Commit, public // // Synopsis: Commits transacted changes // // Arguments: [dwFlags] - DFC_* // // Returns: Appropriate status code // //--------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CExposedDocFile::Commit(DWORD dwFlags) { SCODE sc=S_OK; TIME_T tm; olLog(("%p::In CExposedDocFile::Commit(%lX)\n",this, dwFlags)); olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "In CExposedDocFile::Commit(%lX)\n", dwFlags)); TRY { if (!VALID_COMMIT(dwFlags)) olErr(EH_Err, STG_E_INVALIDFLAG); olChk(Validate()); olChk(CheckReverted()); if (!P_WRITE(_df)) olErr(EH_Err, STG_E_ACCESSDENIED); if (IsDirty()) { olChk(DfGetTOD(&tm)); olChk(_pdf->SetTime(WT_MODIFICATION, tm)); olChk(_pmsBase->Flush(FLUSH_CACHE(dwFlags))); if (!IsRoot()) _pdfParent->SetDirty(); } olChk(DfGetTOD(&tm)); olChk(_pdf->SetTime(WT_ACCESS, tm)); #ifdef NEWPROPS olChk(FlushBufferedData()); #endif } CATCH(CException, e) { sc = e.GetErrorCode(); } END_CATCH olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "Out CExposedDocFile::Commit\n")); EH_Err: olLog(("%p::Out CExposedDocFile::Commit(). ret == %lx\n",this, sc)); return ResultFromScode(sc); } //+-------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CExposedDocFile::Revert, public // // Synopsis: Reverts transacted changes // // Returns: S_OK - for direct mode files, this function // has not effect // //--------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CExposedDocFile::Revert(void) { // we don't supported transacted files // it is stated in the OLE documentation that for direct // files, this method has no effect return ResultFromScode(S_OK); } //+-------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CExposedDocFile::EnumElements, public // // Synopsis: Starts an iterator // // Arguments: [reserved1] // [reserved2] // [reserved3] // [ppenm] - Enumerator return // // Returns: Appropriate status code // // Modifies: [ppenm] // //--------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CExposedDocFile::EnumElements(DWORD reserved1, void *reserved2, DWORD reserved3, IEnumSTATSTG **ppenm) { SCODE sc; CExposedIterator *pdiExp; CDfName dfnTemp; olLog(("%p::In CExposedDocFile::EnumElements(%lu, %p, %lu, %p)\n", this, reserved1, reserved2, reserved3, ppenm)); olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "In CExposedDocFile::EnumElements(%p)\n", ppenm)); TRY { olChk(ValidateOutPtrBuffer(ppenm)); *ppenm = NULL; if (reserved1 != 0 || reserved2 != NULL || reserved3 != 0) olErr(EH_Err, STG_E_INVALIDPARAMETER); olChk(Validate()); olChk(CheckReverted()); if (!P_READ(_df)) olErr(EH_Err, STG_E_ACCESSDENIED); olMem(pdiExp = new CExposedIterator(this, &dfnTemp)); *ppenm = pdiExp; } CATCH(CException, e) { sc = e.GetErrorCode(); } END_CATCH EH_Err: olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "Out CExposedDocFile::EnumElements => %p\n", SAFE_DREF(ppenm))); olLog(("%p::Out CExposedDocFile::EnumElements(). ret == %lx\n",this, sc)); return ResultFromScode(sc); } //+-------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CExposedDocFile::DestroyElement, public // // Synopsis: Permanently deletes an element of a DocFile // // Arguments: [pwcsName] - Name of element // // Returns: Appropriate status code // //--------------------------------------------------------------- TSTDMETHODIMP CExposedDocFile::DestroyElement(WCHAR const *pwcsName) { SCODE sc; CDfName dfn; olLog(("%p::In CExposedDocFile::DestroyElement(%ws)\n", this, pwcsName)); olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "In CExposedDocFile::DestroyElement(%ws)\n", pwcsName)); TRY { olChk(CheckWName(pwcsName)); olChk(Validate()); dfn.Set(pwcsName); olChk(DestroyEntry(&dfn, FALSE)); } CATCH(CException, e) { sc = e.GetErrorCode(); } END_CATCH olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "Out CExposedDocFile::DestroyElement\n")); EH_Err: olLog(("%p::Out CExposedDocFile::DestroyElement(). ret == %lx\n", this, sc)); return sc; } //+-------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CExposedDocFile::MoveElementTo, public // // Synopsis: Move an element of a DocFile to an IStorage // // Arguments: [pwcsName] - Current name // [ptcsNewName] - New name // // Returns: Appropriate status code // // Algorithm: Open source as storage or stream (whatever works) // Create appropriate destination // Copy source to destination // Set create time of destination equal to create time of source // If appropriate, delete source // //--------------------------------------------------------------- TSTDMETHODIMP CExposedDocFile::MoveElementTo(WCHAR const *pwcsName, IStorage *pstgParent, TCHAR const *ptcsNewName, DWORD grfFlags) { IUnknown *punksrc = NULL; SCODE sc; olLog(("%p::In CExposedDocFile::MoveElementTo(%ws, %p, %s, %lu)\n", this, pwcsName, pstgParent, ptcsNewName, grfFlags)); olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "In CExposedDocFile::MoveElementTo(" "%ws, %p, %s, %lu)\n", pwcsName, pstgParent, ptcsNewName, grfFlags)); TRY { IUnknown *punkdst = NULL; IStorage *pstgsrc; STATSTG statstg; olChk(CheckWName(pwcsName)); olChk(Validate()); olChk(VerifyMoveFlags(grfFlags)); // determine source type (determine its type) sc = OpenStorage(pwcsName, (IStorage*)NULL, STGM_DIRECT| STGM_READ| STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE, (SNBW)NULL, (DWORD)NULL, &pstgsrc); if (SUCCEEDED(sc)) { HRESULT hr; // It's a storage punksrc = pstgsrc; IStorage *pstgdst; olHChkTo(EH_UnkSrc, pstgsrc->Stat(&statstg, STATFLAG_NONAME)); hr = pstgParent->CreateStorage(ptcsNewName, STGM_DIRECT | STGM_WRITE | STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE | STGM_FAILIFTHERE, 0, 0, &pstgdst); if (DfGetScode(hr) == STG_E_FILEALREADYEXISTS && grfFlags == STGMOVE_COPY) { hr = pstgParent->OpenStorage(ptcsNewName, NULL, STGM_DIRECT | STGM_WRITE | STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE, NULL, 0, &pstgdst); } olHChkTo(EH_UnkSrc, hr); punkdst = pstgdst; sc = DfGetScode(pstgsrc->CopyTo(0, NULL, NULL, pstgdst)); } else if (sc == STG_E_FILENOTFOUND) { // Try opening it as a stream IStream *pstmsrc, *pstmdst; olChk(OpenStream(pwcsName, (void *)NULL, STGM_DIRECT | STGM_READ | STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE, (DWORD)NULL, &pstmsrc)); // It's a stream punksrc = pstmsrc; olHChkTo(EH_UnkSrc, pstmsrc->Stat(&statstg, STATFLAG_NONAME)); olHChkTo(EH_UnkSrc, pstgParent->CreateStream(ptcsNewName, STGM_DIRECT | STGM_WRITE | STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE | (grfFlags == STGMOVE_MOVE ? STGM_FAILIFTHERE : STGM_CREATE), 0, 0, &pstmdst)); punkdst = pstmdst; ULARGE_INTEGER cb; cb.QuadPart = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF; sc = DfGetScode(pstmsrc->CopyTo(pstmdst, cb, NULL, NULL)); } else olChk(sc); punkdst->Release(); if (SUCCEEDED(sc)) { // Make destination create time match source create time // Note that we don't really care if this call succeeded. pstgParent->SetElementTimes(ptcsNewName, &statstg.ctime, NULL, NULL); if ((grfFlags & STGMOVE_COPY) == STGMOVE_MOVE) sc = DestroyElement(pwcsName); } if (FAILED(sc)) { // The copy/move failed, so get rid of the partial result. pstgParent->DestroyElement(ptcsNewName); } } CATCH(CException, e) { sc = e.GetErrorCode(); } END_CATCH olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "Out CExposedDocFile::MoveElementTo\n")); // Fall through EH_UnkSrc: if (punksrc) punksrc->Release(); EH_Err: olLog(("%p::Out CExposedDocFile::MoveElementTo(). ret == %lx\n", this, sc)); return sc; } //+-------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CExposedDocFile::RenameElement, public // // Synopsis: Renames an element of a DocFile // // Arguments: [pwcsName] - Current name // [pwcsNewName] - New name // // Returns: Appropriate status code // //--------------------------------------------------------------- TSTDMETHODIMP CExposedDocFile::RenameElement(WCHAR const *pwcsName, WCHAR const *pwcsNewName) { SCODE sc; CDfName dfnOld, dfnNew; olLog(("%p::In CExposedDocFile::RenameElement(%ws, %ws)\n", this, pwcsName, pwcsNewName)); olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "In CExposedDocFile::RenameElement(%ws, %ws)\n", pwcsName, pwcsNewName)); TRY { olChk(Validate()); olChk(CheckWName(pwcsName)); olChk(CheckWName(pwcsNewName)); dfnOld.Set(pwcsName); dfnNew.Set(pwcsNewName); olChk(RenameEntry(&dfnOld, &dfnNew)); } CATCH(CException, e) { sc = e.GetErrorCode(); } END_CATCH olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "Out CExposedDocFile::RenameElement\n")); EH_Err: olLog(("%p::Out CExposedDocFile::RenameElement(). ret == %lx\n", this, sc)); return sc; } //+-------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CExposedDocFile::SetElementTimes, public // // Synopsis: Sets element time stamps // // Arguments: [pwcsName] - Name // [pctime] - create time // [patime] - access time // [pmtime] - modify time // // Returns: Appropriate status code // //--------------------------------------------------------------- TSTDMETHODIMP CExposedDocFile::SetElementTimes(WCHAR const *pwcsName, FILETIME const *pctime, FILETIME const *patime, FILETIME const *pmtime) { SCODE sc; CDfName dfn; CDocFile *pdf; olLog(("%p::In CExposedDocFile::SetElementTimes(%ws, %p, %p, %p)\n", this, pwcsName, pctime, patime, pmtime)); olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "In CExposedDocFile::SetElementTimes:%p(" "%ws, %p, %p, %p)\n", this, pwcsName, pctime, patime, pmtime)); TRY { if (pwcsName) olChk(CheckWName(pwcsName)); else // function is meant to work on root storage { olAssert(FALSE && aMsg("SetTimes on root storage is not supported!\n")); // SetElementTimes on root storage is not portable // since it calls set filetimes. return ResultFromScode(STG_E_UNIMPLEMENTEDFUNCTION); } olChk(Validate()); if (pctime) olChk(ValidateBuffer(pctime, sizeof(FILETIME))); if (patime) olChk(ValidateBuffer(patime, sizeof(FILETIME))); if (pmtime) olChk(ValidateBuffer(pmtime, sizeof(FILETIME))); dfn.Set(pwcsName); olChk(CheckReverted()); if (!P_WRITE(_df) || _cilChildren.FindByName(&dfn) != NULL) olErr(EH_Err, STG_E_ACCESSDENIED); olChk(_pdf->GetDocFile(&dfn, DF_WRITE, &pdf)); if (pctime) olChkTo(EH_pdf, pdf->SetTime(WT_CREATION, *pctime)); if (pmtime) olChkTo(EH_pdf, pdf->SetTime(WT_MODIFICATION, *pmtime)); if (patime) olChkTo(EH_pdf, pdf->SetTime(WT_ACCESS, *patime)); SetDirty(); } CATCH(CException, e) { sc = e.GetErrorCode(); } END_CATCH olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "Out CExposedDocFile::SetElementTimes\n")); // Fall thru EH_pdf: pdf->Release(); EH_Err: olLog(("%p::Out CExposedDocFile::SetElementTimes(). ret == %lx\n", this, sc)); return sc; } //+-------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CExposedDocFile::SetClass, public // // Synopsis: Sets storage class // // Arguments: [clsid] - class id // // Returns: Appropriate status code // //--------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CExposedDocFile::SetClass(REFCLSID clsid) { SCODE sc; olLog(("%p::In CExposedDocFile::SetClass(?)\n", this)); olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "In CExposedDocFile::SetClass:%p(?)\n", this)); TRY { olChk(Validate()); olChk(ValidateBuffer(&clsid, sizeof(CLSID))); olChk(CheckReverted()); if (!P_WRITE(_df)) olErr(EH_Err, STG_E_ACCESSDENIED); olChk(_pdf->SetClass(clsid)); } CATCH(CException, e) { sc = e.GetErrorCode(); } END_CATCH olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "Out CExposedDocFile::SetClass\n")); EH_Err: olLog(("%p::Out CExposedDocFile::SetClass(). ret == %lx\n", this, sc)); return ResultFromScode(sc); } //+-------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CExposedDocFile::SetStateBits, public // // Synopsis: Sets state bits // // Arguments: [grfStateBits] - state bits // [grfMask] - state bits mask // // Returns: Appropriate status code // //--------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CExposedDocFile::SetStateBits(DWORD grfStateBits, DWORD grfMask) { SCODE sc; olLog(("%p::In CExposedDocFile::SetStateBits(%lu, %lu)\n", this, grfStateBits, grfMask)); olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "In CExposedDocFile::SetStateBits:%p(" "%lu, %lu)\n", this, grfStateBits, grfMask)); TRY { olChk(Validate()); olChk(CheckReverted()); if (!P_WRITE(_df)) olErr(EH_Err, STG_E_ACCESSDENIED); olChk(_pdf->SetStateBits(grfStateBits, grfMask)); SetDirty(); } CATCH(CException, e) { sc = e.GetErrorCode(); } END_CATCH olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "Out CExposedDocFile::SetStateBits\n")); // fall thru EH_Err: olLog(("%p::Out CExposedDocFile::SetStateBits(). ret == %lx\n", this, sc)); return ResultFromScode(sc); } //+-------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CExposedDocFile::Stat, public virtual // // Synopsis: Fills in a buffer of information about this object // // Arguments: [pstatstg] - Buffer // // Returns: Appropriate status code // // Modifies: [pstatstg] // //--------------------------------------------------------------- TSTDMETHODIMP CExposedDocFile::Stat(STATSTGW *pstatstg, DWORD grfStatFlag) { SCODE sc; // root storage should be handled by virtual funcs in CRootExposedDocFile olAssert(!IsRoot()); olLog(("%p::In CExposedDocFile::Stat(%p)\n", this, pstatstg)); olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "In CExposedDocFile::Stat(%p)\n", pstatstg)); TRY { olChkTo(EH_RetSc, ValidateOutBuffer(pstatstg, sizeof(STATSTGW))); olChk(VerifyStatFlag(grfStatFlag)); olChk(CheckReverted()); olChk(_pdf->GetTime(WT_CREATION, &pstatstg->ctime)); olChk(_pdf->GetTime(WT_MODIFICATION, &pstatstg->mtime)); pstatstg->atime.dwLowDateTime = pstatstg->atime.dwHighDateTime = 0; olChk(_pdf->GetClass(&pstatstg->clsid)); olChk(_pdf->GetStateBits(&pstatstg->grfStateBits)); pstatstg->pwcsName = NULL; if ((grfStatFlag & STATFLAG_NONAME) == 0) { olChk(DfAllocWCS((WCHAR *)_dfn.GetBuffer(), &pstatstg->pwcsName)); wcscpy(pstatstg->pwcsName, (WCHAR *)_dfn.GetBuffer()); } pstatstg->grfMode = DFlagsToMode(_df); pstatstg->type = STGTY_STORAGE; ULISet32(pstatstg->cbSize, 0); // irelevant for storage obj pstatstg->grfLocksSupported = 0; pstatstg->reserved = 0; } CATCH(CException, e) { sc = e.GetErrorCode(); } END_CATCH olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "Out CExposedDocFile::Stat\n")); EH_Err: if (FAILED(sc)) memset(pstatstg, 0, sizeof(STATSTGW)); EH_RetSc: olLog(("%p::Out CExposedDocFile::Stat(). *pstatstg == %p ret == %lx\n", this, *pstatstg, sc)); return sc; } //+-------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CExposedDocFile::AddRef, public // // Synopsis: Increments the ref count // // Returns: Appropriate status code // //--------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CExposedDocFile::AddRef(void) { ULONG ulRet; olLog(("%p::In CExposedDocFile::AddRef()\n", this)); olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "In CExposedDocFile::AddRef()\n")); TRY { if (FAILED(Validate())) return 0; AtomicInc(&_cReferences); ulRet = _cReferences; } CATCH(CException, e) { UNREFERENCED_PARM(e); ulRet = 0; } END_CATCH olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "Out CExposedDocFile::AddRef\n")); olLog(("%p::Out CExposedDocFile::AddRef(). ret == %lu\n", this, ulRet)); return ulRet; } //+-------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CExposedDocFile::QueryInterface, public // // Synopsis: Returns an object for the requested interface // // Arguments: [iid] - Interface ID // [ppvObj] - Object return // // Returns: Appropriate status code // // Modifies: [ppvObj] // //--------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CExposedDocFile::QueryInterface(REFIID iid, void **ppvObj) { SCODE sc; olLog(("%p::In CExposedDocFile::QueryInterface(?, %p)\n", this, ppvObj)); olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "In CExposedDocFile::QueryInterface(?, %p)\n", ppvObj)); TRY { olChk(ValidateOutPtrBuffer(ppvObj)); *ppvObj = NULL; olChk(ValidateIid(iid)); olChk(Validate()); olChk(CheckReverted()); if ( IsEqualIID(iid, IID_IStorage) || IsEqualIID(iid, IID_IUnknown) ) { olChk(CExposedDocFile::AddRef()); *ppvObj = (IStorage*) this; } #ifdef NEWPROPS else if (IsEqualIID(iid, IID_IPropertySetStorage)) { olChk(CExposedDocFile::AddRef()); *ppvObj = (IPropertySetStorage *) this; } #endif else olErr(EH_Err, E_NOINTERFACE); sc = S_OK; } CATCH(CException, e) { sc = e.GetErrorCode(); } END_CATCH olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "Out CExposedDocFile::QueryInterface => %p\n", ppvObj)); EH_Err: olLog(("%p::Out CExposedDocFile::QueryInterface(). *ppvObj == %p ret == %lx\n", this, SAFE_DREF(ppvObj), sc)); return ResultFromScode(sc); } //+-------------------------------------------------------------- // // Method: CExposedDocFile::CopyDStreamToIStream, private // // Synopsis: Copies a CDirectStream to an IStream // // Arguments: [pstFrom] - CDirectStream // [pstTo] - IStream // // Returns: Appropriate status code // //--------------------------------------------------------------- SCODE CExposedDocFile::CopyDStreamToIStream(CDirectStream *pstFrom, IStream *pstTo) { BYTE *pbBuffer; SCODE sc; ULONG cbRead, cbWritten; ULONGLONG cbPos; ULARGE_INTEGER cbSize; // This is part of CopyTo and therefore we are allowed to // fail with out-of-memory olMem(pbBuffer = new BYTE[STREAMBUFFERSIZE]); // Set destination size for contiguity pstFrom->GetSize(&cbSize.QuadPart); // Don't need to SetAccess0 here because pstTo is an IStream olHChk(pstTo->SetSize(cbSize)); // Copy between streams cbPos = 0; for (;;) { olChk(pstFrom->ReadAt(cbPos, pbBuffer, STREAMBUFFERSIZE, (ULONG STACKBASED *)&cbRead)); if (cbRead == 0) // EOF break; // Don't need to SetAccess0 here because pstTo is an IStream olHChk(pstTo->Write(pbBuffer, cbRead, &cbWritten)); if (cbRead != cbWritten) olErr(EH_Err, STG_E_WRITEFAULT); cbPos += cbWritten; } sc = S_OK; EH_Err: delete [] pbBuffer; return sc; } //+-------------------------------------------------------------- // // Method: CExposedDocFile::CopyDocFileToIStorage, private // // Synopsis: Copies a docfile's contents to an IStorage // // Arguments: [pdfFrom] - From // [pstgTo] - To // [snbExclude] - Names to not copy // [dwCopyFlags] - Bitwise flags for types of objects to copy // // Returns: Appropriate status code // //--------------------------------------------------------------- SCODE CExposedDocFile::CopyDocFileToIStorage(CDocFile *pdfFrom, IStorage *pstgTo, SNBW snbExclude, DWORD dwCopyFlags) { PDocFileIterator *pdfi; SIterBuffer ib; CDirectStream *pstFrom = NULL; IStream *pstTo = NULL; CDocFile *pdfFromChild = NULL; IStorage *pstgToChild = NULL; SCODE sc; TCHAR atcName[CWCSTORAGENAME]; CLSID clsid; DWORD grfStateBits; olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "In CopyDocFileToIStorage:%p(%p, %p, %p, %lX)\n", this, pdfFrom, pstgTo, snbExclude, dwCopyFlags)); olChk(pdfFrom->GetClass(&clsid)); olHChk(pstgTo->SetClass(clsid)); olChk(pdfFrom->GetStateBits(&grfStateBits)); olHChk(pstgTo->SetStateBits(grfStateBits, 0xffffffff)); olChk(pdfFrom->GetIterator(&pdfi)); for (;;) { sc = pdfi->BufferGetNext(&ib); if (sc == STG_E_NOMOREFILES) break; else if (FAILED(sc)) olErr(EH_pdfi, sc); if (snbExclude && NameInSNB(&ib.dfnName, snbExclude) == S_OK) continue; if ((ib.type == STGTY_STORAGE && (dwCopyFlags & COPY_STORAGES) == 0) || (ib.type == STGTY_STREAM && (dwCopyFlags & COPY_STREAMS) == 0) ) continue; switch(ib.type) { case STGTY_STORAGE: // Embedded DocFile, create destination and recurse sc = pdfFrom->GetDocFile(&ib.dfnName, DF_READ, ib.type, &pdfFromChild); olChkTo(EH_pdfi, sc); WTOT(atcName, (WCHAR *)ib.dfnName.GetBuffer(), CWCSTORAGENAME); // Don't need to SetAccess0 here because pstgTo is an IStorage. sc = DfGetScode(pstgTo->CreateStorage(atcName, STGM_WRITE | STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE | STGM_FAILIFTHERE, 0, 0, &pstgToChild)); if (sc == STG_E_FILEALREADYEXISTS) olHChkTo(EH_Get, pstgTo->OpenStorage(atcName, NULL, STGM_WRITE | STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE, NULL, 0, &pstgToChild)); else if (FAILED(sc)) olErr(EH_Get, sc); olChkTo(EH_Create, CopyDocFileToIStorage(pdfFromChild, pstgToChild, NULL, dwCopyFlags)); pdfFromChild->Release(); pstgToChild->Release(); break; case STGTY_STREAM: sc = pdfFrom->GetStream(&ib.dfnName, DF_READ, ib.type, &pstFrom); olChkTo(EH_pdfi, sc); WTOT(atcName, (WCHAR *)ib.dfnName.GetBuffer(), CWCSTORAGENAME); // Don't need to SetAccess0 here because pstgTo is an IStorage. olHChkTo(EH_Get, pstgTo->CreateStream(atcName, STGM_WRITE | STGM_SHARE_EXCLUSIVE | STGM_CREATE, 0, 0, &pstTo)); olChkTo(EH_Create, CopyDStreamToIStream(pstFrom, pstTo)); pstFrom->Release(); pstTo->Release(); break; default: olAssert(!aMsg("Unknown type in CopyDocFileToIStorage")); break; } } pdfi->Release(); olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "Out CopyDocFileToIStorage\n")); return S_OK; EH_Create: if (ib.type == STGTY_STORAGE) pstgToChild->Release(); else pstTo->Release(); olVerSucc(pstgTo->DestroyElement(atcName)); EH_Get: if (ib.type == STGTY_STORAGE) pdfFromChild->Release(); else pstFrom->Release(); EH_pdfi: pdfi->Release(); EH_Err: return sc; } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CExposedDocFile::SwitchToFile, public // // Synopsis: Switches the underlying file to another file // // Arguments: [ptcsFile] - New file name // // Returns: Appropriate status code // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP CExposedDocFile::SwitchToFile(TCHAR *ptcsFile) { UNREFERENCED_PARM(ptcsFile); olAssert(FALSE && aMsg("Unimplemented Function called!\n")); return ResultFromScode(STG_E_UNIMPLEMENTEDFUNCTION); } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CExposedDocFile::CreateExposedStream, private // // Synopsis: Creates an Exposed Stream // This is a private function that creates the exposed stream. // It is splitted out as a function so that the code can be // reused. // // Arguments: [pdfnName] name of entry // [df] doc file flags // [ppStream] returned ExposedStream // // Returns: Appropriate status code // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCODE CExposedDocFile::CreateExposedStream( CDfName const *pdfnName, DFLAGS const df, CExposedStream **ppStream) { CExposedStream *pstExp = NULL; CDirectStream *pstDirect = NULL; SCODE sc = S_OK; olChk(CheckReverted()); if (!P_WRITE(_df)) olErr(EH_Err, STG_E_ACCESSDENIED); olChk(_cilChildren.IsDenied(pdfnName, df, _df)); olChk(_pdf->CreateStream(pdfnName, df, DF_NOLUID, &pstDirect)); // As soon as we have a base we dirty ourself (in case // we get an error later) so that we'll flush properly. SetDirty(); olMemTo(EH_pst, pstExp = new CExposedStream()); olChkTo(EH_pstExp, pstExp->Init(pstDirect, this, df, pdfnName, (ULONG)NULL)); *ppStream = pstExp; return S_OK; EH_pstExp: delete pstExp; EH_pst: pstDirect->Release(); olVerSucc(DestroyEntry(pdfnName, TRUE)); EH_Err: return sc; } //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CExposedDocFile::GetExposedStream, private // // Synopsis: Gets an existing exposed stream // This is a private function that gets the exposed stream. // It is splitted out as a function so that the code can be // reused. // // Arguments: [pdfnName] name of entry // [df] doc file flags // [ppStream] returned ExposedStream // // Returns: Appropriate status code // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCODE CExposedDocFile::GetExposedStream( CDfName const *pdfnName, DFLAGS const df, CExposedStream **ppStream) { CExposedStream *pstExp = NULL; CDirectStream *pstDirect = NULL; SCODE sc = S_OK; olChk(CheckReverted()); if (!P_READ(_df)) olErr(EH_Err, STG_E_ACCESSDENIED); // Check permissions olChk(_cilChildren.IsDenied(pdfnName, df, _df)); olChk(_pdf->GetStream(pdfnName, df, DF_NOLUID, &pstDirect)); olMemTo(EH_pst, pstExp = new CExposedStream()); olChkTo(EH_pstExp, pstExp->Init(pstDirect, this, df, pdfnName, (ULONG)NULL)); *ppStream = pstExp; return S_OK; EH_pstExp: delete pstExp; EH_pst: pstDirect->Release(); EH_Err: return sc; } //+-------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CExposedDocFile::DestroyEntry, private // // Synopsis: Destroys an entry and removes it from the children // list. // //--------------------------------------------------------------- SCODE CExposedDocFile::DestroyEntry( CDfName const *pdfnName, BOOL fClean) { SCODE sc=S_OK; olChk(CheckReverted()); if (!P_WRITE(_df)) olErr(EH_Err, STG_E_ACCESSDENIED); olChk(_pdf->DestroyEntry(pdfnName, fClean)); _cilChildren.DeleteByName(pdfnName); SetDirty(); // Fall through EH_Err: return sc; } //+-------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CExposedDocFile::CreateExposedDocFile, private // // Synopsis: Creates an embedded DocFile // // Arguments: [pdfnName] - Name // [df] - Permissions // [ppdfDocFile] - New DocFile return // // Returns: Appropriate status code // // Modifies: [ppdfDocFile] // //--------------------------------------------------------------- SCODE CExposedDocFile::CreateExposedDocFile(CDfName const *pdfnName, DFLAGS const df, CExposedDocFile **ppdfDocFile) { SCODE sc; CDocFile *pdf=NULL; SEntryBuffer eb; olChk(CheckReverted()); if (!P_WRITE(_df)) olErr(EH_Err, STG_E_ACCESSDENIED); olChk(_cilChildren.IsDenied(pdfnName, df, _df)); olChkTo(EH_Reserve, _pdf->CreateDocFile(pdfnName, df, DF_NOLUID, &pdf)); // As soon as we have a base we dirty ourself (in case // we get an error later) so that we'll flush properly. SetDirty(); eb.luid = pdf->GetLuid(); olAssert(eb.luid != DF_NOLUID && aMsg("DocFile id is DF_NOLUID!")); olMemTo(EH_pdf, *ppdfDocFile = new CExposedDocFile(this, pdf, df, eb.luid, _pilbBase, pdfnName, _pmsBase, _pdfb)); return S_OK; EH_pdf: pdf->Release(); olVerSucc(_pdf->DestroyEntry(pdfnName, TRUE)); return sc; EH_Reserve: EH_Err: return sc; } //+-------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CExposedDocFile::GetExposedDocFile, private // // Synopsis: Retrieves an embedded DocFile // // Arguments: [pdfnName] - Name // [df] - Permissions // [ppdfDocFile] - New DocFile return // // Returns: Appropriate status code // // Modifies: [ppdfDocFile] // //--------------------------------------------------------------- SCODE CExposedDocFile::GetExposedDocFile( CDfName const *pdfnName, DFLAGS const df, CExposedDocFile **ppdfDocFile) { CDocFile *pdf; SCODE sc; SEntryBuffer eb; olChk(CheckReverted()); if (!P_READ(_df)) olErr(EH_Err, STG_E_ACCESSDENIED); // Check to see if an instance with DENY_* exists olChk(_cilChildren.IsDenied(pdfnName, df, _df)); olChk(_pdf->GetDocFile(pdfnName, df, &pdf)); eb.luid = pdf->GetLuid(); olAssert(eb.luid != DF_NOLUID && aMsg("DocFile id is DF_NOLUID!")); olMemTo(EH_pdf, *ppdfDocFile = new CExposedDocFile(this, pdf, df, eb.luid, _pilbBase, pdfnName, _pmsBase, _pdfb)); return S_OK; EH_pdf: pdf->Release(); EH_Err: return sc; } //+-------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CExposedDocFile::RenameEntry, public // // Synopsis: Renames an element of a DocFile // // Arguments: [pdfnName] - Current name // [pdfnNewName] - New name // // Returns: Appropriate status code // //--------------------------------------------------------------- SCODE CExposedDocFile::RenameEntry(CDfName const *pdfnName, CDfName const *pdfnNewName) { SCODE sc; olChk(CheckReverted()); if (!P_WRITE(_df)) sc = STG_E_ACCESSDENIED; else { sc = _pdf->RenameEntry(pdfnName, pdfnNewName); if (SUCCEEDED(sc)) { _cilChildren.RenameChild(pdfnName, pdfnNewName); SetDirty(); } } // Fall through EH_Err: return sc; } //+-------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CExposedDocFile::RevertFromAbove, public virtual from // PRevertable // // Synopsis: Parent has asked for reversion // //--------------------------------------------------------------- void CExposedDocFile::RevertFromAbove(void) { olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "In CExposedDocFile::RevertFromAbove:%p()\n", this)); _df |= DF_REVERTED; _cilChildren.DeleteByName(NULL); _pdf->Release(); #if DBG == 1 _pdf = NULL; #endif olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "Out CExposedDocFile::RevertFromAbove\n")); } //+-------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CExposedDocFile::IsAtOrAbove, public // // Synopsis: Determines whether the given docfile is an ancestor // of this docfile // // Arguments: [pdf] - Docfile to check // // Returns: TRUE or FALSE // //--------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL CExposedDocFile::IsAtOrAbove(CExposedDocFile *pdf) { CExposedDocFile *pdfPar = this; olAssert(SUCCEEDED(CheckReverted())); do { if (pdfPar == pdf) break; } while (pdfPar = pdfPar->_pdfParent); return pdfPar == pdf; } #ifdef NEWPROPS //+--------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CExposedDocFile::GetStorage, public IPrivateStorage // // Synopsis: Returns the IStorage for this object. // // Notes: This member is called by CPropertyStorage. // //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- STDMETHODIMP_(IStorage *) CExposedDocFile::GetStorage(VOID) { return this; } //+-------------------------------------------------------------- // // Member: CExposedDocFile::FlushBufferedData // : public, virtual : PRevertable // // Synopsis: Flush buffered data in any child streams. // //--------------------------------------------------------------- SCODE CExposedDocFile::FlushBufferedData(void) { SCODE sc; olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "In CExposedDocFile::FlushBufferedData:%p()\n", this)); sc = _cilChildren.FlushBufferedData(); olDebugOut((DEB_ITRACE, "Out CExposedDocFile::FlushBufferedData\n")); return sc; } #endif // #ifdef NEWPROPS