//+-------------------------------------------------------------- // // Microsoft Windows // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1992 - 1996. // // File: util.cxx // // Contents: DRT support routines // //--------------------------------------------------------------- #include "headers.cxx" #include #ifdef _WIN32 #include #include #else #include "winio.hxx" #endif #define DEFAULT_DATA_DIR "." BOOL fExitOnFail = TRUE; char szOrigDir[_MAX_PATH] = "."; // Preserve the current directory and change // directory into the data directory void SetData(void) { char *pszDataDir; _getcwd(szOrigDir, _MAX_PATH); pszDataDir = getenv("DRTDATA"); if (pszDataDir == NULL) pszDataDir = DEFAULT_DATA_DIR; _chdir(pszDataDir); } // Clean up the data directory void CleanData(void) { _unlink(pszDRTDF); } // Restore the original directory void UnsetData(void) { _chdir(szOrigDir); } // Output a message if fVerbose is true void out(char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; if (fVerbose) { va_start(args, fmt); vprintf(fmt, args); va_end(args); } } // internal error print void _errorprint (char *fmt, va_list args) { printf("** Fatal error **: "); vprintf(fmt, args); } // error print void errorprint (char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; va_start (args, fmt); _errorprint (fmt, args); va_end (args); } // Print out an error message and terminate the DRT void error(int code, char *fmt, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); _errorprint (fmt, args); va_end(args); CleanData(); UnsetData(); exit(code); } // Converts a TCHAR string to a char pointer in a temporary buffer // This implementation treats the conversion buffer as a circular // buffer so more than one string can be held (depending on the size // of the strings) #define BUFSIZE 1024 char *OlecsOut(OLECHAR const *ptcs) { #ifdef OLEWIDECHAR static char szBuffer[BUFSIZE]; static char *pszBuf = szBuffer; char *pszTmp; if (ptcs == NULL) return NULL; if (wcslen(ptcs) >= (size_t)(BUFSIZE-(pszBuf-szBuffer))) pszBuf = szBuffer; OLETOA(ptcs, pszBuf, BUFSIZE); szBuffer[BUFSIZE-1] = 0; pszTmp = pszBuf; pszBuf += strlen(pszBuf)+1; return pszTmp; #else return (char *)ptcs; #endif } typedef struct { SCODE sc; char *text; } StatusCodeText; static StatusCodeText scodes[] = { S_OK, "S_OK", S_FALSE, "S_FALSE", STG_E_INVALIDFUNCTION, "STG_E_INVALIDFUNCTION", STG_E_FILENOTFOUND, "STG_E_FILENOTFOUND", STG_E_PATHNOTFOUND, "STG_E_PATHNOTFOUND", STG_E_TOOMANYOPENFILES, "STG_E_TOOMANYOPENFILES", STG_E_ACCESSDENIED, "STG_E_ACCESSDENIED", STG_E_INVALIDHANDLE, "STG_E_INVALIDHANDLE", STG_E_INSUFFICIENTMEMORY, "STG_E_INSUFFICIENTMEMORY", STG_E_INVALIDPOINTER, "STG_E_INVALIDPOINTER", STG_E_NOMOREFILES, "STG_E_NOMOREFILES", STG_E_DISKISWRITEPROTECTED, "STG_E_DISKISWRITEPROTECTED", STG_E_SEEKERROR, "STG_E_SEEKERROR", STG_E_WRITEFAULT, "STG_E_WRITEFAULT", STG_E_READFAULT, "STG_E_READFAULT", STG_E_SHAREVIOLATION, "STG_E_SHAREVIOLATION", STG_E_LOCKVIOLATION, "STG_E_LOCKVIOLATION", STG_E_FILEALREADYEXISTS, "STG_E_FILEALREADYEXISTS", STG_E_INVALIDPARAMETER, "STG_E_INVALIDPARAMETER", STG_E_MEDIUMFULL, "STG_E_MEDIUMFULL", STG_E_ABNORMALAPIEXIT, "STG_E_ABNORMALAPIEXIT", STG_E_INVALIDHEADER, "STG_E_INVALIDHEADER", STG_E_INVALIDNAME, "STG_E_INVALIDNAME", STG_E_UNKNOWN, "STG_E_UNKNOWN", STG_E_UNIMPLEMENTEDFUNCTION, "STG_E_UNIMPLEMENTEDFUNCTION", STG_E_INVALIDFLAG, "STG_E_INVALIDFLAG", STG_E_INUSE, "STG_E_INUSE", STG_E_NOTCURRENT, "STG_E_NOTCURRENT", STG_E_REVERTED, "STG_E_REVERTED", STG_E_CANTSAVE, "STG_E_CANTSAVE", STG_E_OLDFORMAT, "STG_E_OLDFORMAT", STG_E_OLDDLL, "STG_E_OLDDLL", STG_E_SHAREREQUIRED, "STG_E_SHAREREQUIRED", STG_E_NOTFILEBASEDSTORAGE, "STG_E_NOTFILEBASEDSTORAGE", STG_S_CONVERTED, "STG_S_CONVERTED" }; #define NSCODETEXT (sizeof(scodes)/sizeof(scodes[0])) // Convert a status code to text char *ScText(SCODE sc) { int i; for (i = 0; i[,...] // Type - d for docfile and s for stream // Name - Characters up to a '(' or ',' // Options - For a docfile, you can specify a recursive check // in parentheses // // Example: dDocfile(sStream,dDocfile) char *VerifyStructure(IStorage *pstg, char *pszStructure) { char szName[CWCSTORAGENAME], *psz; IStorage *pstgChild; char chType; SCODE sc; CStrList sl; SStrEntry *pse; IEnumSTATSTG *penm; STATSTG stat; OLECHAR atcName[CWCSTORAGENAME]; if (FAILED(sc = DfGetScode(pstg->EnumElements(0, NULL, 0, &penm)))) error(EXIT_BADSC, "VerifyStructure: Unable to create enumerator - " "%s (0x%lX)\n", ScText(sc), sc); for (;;) { sc = DfGetScode(penm->Next(1, &stat, NULL)); if (sc == S_FALSE) break; else if (FAILED(sc)) error(EXIT_BADSC, "VerifyStructure: Unable to enumerate - " "%s (0x%lX)\n", ScText(sc), sc); pse = sl.Add(stat.pwcsName); if (pse == NULL) error(EXIT_OOM, "VerifyStructure: Unable to allocate string\n"); pse->user.dw = stat.type; drtMemFree(stat.pwcsName); } penm->Release(); while (*pszStructure && *pszStructure != ')') { chType = *pszStructure++; psz = szName; while (*pszStructure && *pszStructure != '(' && *pszStructure != ')' && *pszStructure != ',') *psz++ = *pszStructure++; *psz = 0; ATOOLE(szName, atcName, CWCSTORAGENAME); pse = sl.Find(atcName); if (pse == NULL) error(EXIT_BADSC, "VerifyStructure: '%s' not found\n", szName); switch(chType) { case 'd': if (pse->user.dw != STGTY_STORAGE) error(EXIT_BADSC, "VerifyStructure: '%s' is not a storage\n", szName); sc = DfGetScode(pstg->OpenStorage(atcName, NULL, STGP(STGM_READWRITE), NULL, 0, &pstgChild)); if (FAILED(sc)) error(EXIT_BADSC, "VerifyStructure: can't open storage " "'%s' - %s\n", szName, ScText(sc)); if (*pszStructure == '(') pszStructure = VerifyStructure(pstgChild, pszStructure+1)+1; pstgChild->Release(); break; case 's': if (pse->user.dw != STGTY_STREAM) error(EXIT_BADSC, "VerifyStructure: '%s' is not a stream\n", szName); break; } sl.Remove(pse); if (*pszStructure == ',') pszStructure++; } for (pse = sl.GetHead(); pse; pse = pse->pseNext) error(EXIT_BADSC, "VerifyStructure: additional member '%s'\n", OlecsOut(pse->atc)); return pszStructure; } // Creates a structure using the same syntax // as VerifyStructure char *CreateStructure(IStorage *pstg, char *pszStructure) { char szName[CWCSTORAGENAME], *psz; IStorage *pstgChild; IStream *pstmChild; char chType; SCODE sc; OLECHAR atcName[CWCSTORAGENAME]; while (*pszStructure && *pszStructure != ')') { chType = *pszStructure++; psz = szName; while (*pszStructure && *pszStructure != '(' && *pszStructure != ')' && *pszStructure != ',') *psz++ = *pszStructure++; *psz = 0; ATOOLE(szName, atcName, CWCSTORAGENAME); switch(chType) { case 'd': sc = DfGetScode(pstg->CreateStorage(atcName, STGP(STGM_READWRITE), 0, 0, &pstgChild)); if (FAILED(sc)) error(EXIT_BADSC, "CreateStructure: can't create storage " "'%s' - %s\n", szName, ScText(sc)); if (*pszStructure == '(') pszStructure = CreateStructure(pstgChild, pszStructure+1)+1; pstgChild->Release(); break; case 's': sc = DfGetScode(pstg->CreateStream(atcName, STMP(STGM_READWRITE), 0, 0, &pstmChild)); if (FAILED(sc)) error(EXIT_BADSC, "CreateStructure: can't create stream " "'%s' - %s\n", szName, ScText(sc)); pstmChild->Release(); break; } if (*pszStructure == ',') pszStructure++; } pstg->Commit(0); return pszStructure; } // Verifies the fields of a STATSTG void VerifyStat(STATSTG *pstat, OLECHAR *ptcsName, DWORD type, DWORD grfMode) { if (ptcsName == NULL) { if (pstat->pwcsName != NULL) error(EXIT_BADSC, "Stat name should be NULL - is %p\n", pstat->pwcsName); } else if (olecscmp(pstat->pwcsName, ptcsName)) error(EXIT_BADSC, "Stat name mismatch - has '%s' vs. '%s'\n", OlecsOut(pstat->pwcsName), OlecsOut(ptcsName)); if (pstat->type != type) error(EXIT_BADSC, "Stat type mismatch - has %lu vs. %lu\n", pstat->type, type); if (pstat->grfMode != grfMode) error(EXIT_BADSC, "Stat mode mismatch - has 0x%lX vs. 0x%lX\n", pstat->grfMode, grfMode); } // Checks on a file's existence BOOL Exists(OLECHAR* ocsFile) { char pszFile[_MAX_PATH]; TTOS(ocsFile, pszFile, _tcslen(ocsFile)+1); FILE *f=fopen(pszFile, "r"); BOOL fExists= (f!=NULL); if (f!=NULL) fclose(f); return (fExists); } // Gets a file's length ULONG Length(OLECHAR *ocsFile) { ULONG cb; char pszFile[_MAX_PATH]; TTOS(ocsFile, pszFile, _tcslen(ocsFile)+1); FILE *f=fopen(pszFile, "r"); if (!f) error(EXIT_BADSC, "Length: Unable to open '%s'\n", pszFile); int rcode=fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); if (rcode!=0) error(EXIT_BADSC, "Length: Unable to get length for '%s'\n", pszFile); cb= (ULONG) ftell(f); fclose(f); return cb; } // Equality for FILETIME BOOL IsEqualTime(FILETIME ttTime, FILETIME ttCheck) { #ifdef _UNIX #ifdef LONGLONG #error "LONGLONG should not be defined" #else #define LONGLONG time_t #endif #endif // File times can be off by as much as 2 seconds due to FAT rounding LONGLONG tmTime = *(LONGLONG *)&ttTime; LONGLONG tmCheck = *(LONGLONG *)&ttCheck; LONGLONG tmDelta = tmTime - tmCheck; #ifdef _UNIX #undef LONGLONG #endif #ifndef _UNIX return tmDelta < 20000000i64 && tmDelta > -2i64 ; #else return tmDelta < 2; // time_t is in seconds #endif } // Get a fully qualified path for a file name void GetFullPath(TCHAR *ocsFile, TCHAR *ocsPath, int len) { char pszPath[_MAX_PATH+1], pszFile[_MAX_PATH+1]; TTOS(ocsFile, pszFile, _tcslen(ocsFile)+1); _fullpath(pszPath, pszFile, len); STOT(pszPath, ocsPath, strlen(pszPath)+1); } // Memory helper functions HRESULT drtMemAlloc(ULONG ulcb, void **ppv) { HRESULT hr; IMalloc *pMalloc = NULL; if (SUCCEEDED(DfGetScode(hr = CoGetMalloc(MEMCTX_TASK, &pMalloc)))) { *ppv = pMalloc->Alloc(ulcb); pMalloc->Release(); if (*ppv == NULL) return ResultFromScode(E_OUTOFMEMORY); } return hr; } void drtMemFree(void *pv) { IMalloc FAR* pMalloc; if (SUCCEEDED(GetScode(CoGetMalloc(MEMCTX_TASK, &pMalloc)))) { pMalloc->Free(pv); pMalloc->Release(); } } #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma pack(1) #endif struct SplitGuid { DWORD dw1; WORD w1; WORD w2; BYTE b[8]; }; #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma pack() #endif char *GuidText(GUID const *pguid) { static char buf[39]; SplitGuid *psg = (SplitGuid *)pguid; sprintf(buf, "{%08lX-%04hX-%04hX-%02X%02X-%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X}", psg->dw1, psg->w1, psg->w2, psg->b[0], psg->b[1], psg->b[2], psg->b[3], psg->b[4], psg->b[5], psg->b[6], psg->b[7]); return buf; }