/*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation Module Name : pointerq.h Abstract : This file contains the routines for pointer queues. Author : Mike Zoran mzoran Jun 2000. Revision History : ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "ndrp.h" #if !defined(__POINTERQ_H__) #define __POINTERQ_H__ template class SAVE_CONTEXT { const T OldValue; T & LocationToRestore; public: __forceinline SAVE_CONTEXT(T & Location) : OldValue( Location ), LocationToRestore( Location ) {} __forceinline SAVE_CONTEXT(T & Location, T NewValue) : OldValue( Location ), LocationToRestore( Location ) { Location = NewValue; } __forceinline ~SAVE_CONTEXT() { LocationToRestore = OldValue; } }; class POINTER_BUFFER_SWAP_CONTEXT { MIDL_STUB_MESSAGE *pStubMsg; uchar *pBufferSave; const bool DoSwap; public: __forceinline POINTER_BUFFER_SWAP_CONTEXT( MIDL_STUB_MESSAGE *pStubMsgNew ) : pStubMsg( pStubMsgNew ), DoSwap( pStubMsg->PointerBufferMark != NULL ) { if ( DoSwap ) { pBufferSave = pStubMsg->Buffer; pStubMsg->Buffer = pStubMsg->PointerBufferMark; pStubMsg->PointerBufferMark = 0; } } __forceinline ~POINTER_BUFFER_SWAP_CONTEXT() { if ( DoSwap ) { pStubMsg->PointerBufferMark = pStubMsg->Buffer; pStubMsg->Buffer = pBufferSave; } } }; class POINTER_BUFFERLENGTH_SWAP_CONTEXT { MIDL_STUB_MESSAGE *pStubMsg; ulong LengthSave; const bool DoSwap; public: __forceinline POINTER_BUFFERLENGTH_SWAP_CONTEXT( MIDL_STUB_MESSAGE *pStubMsgNew ) : pStubMsg( pStubMsgNew ), DoSwap( pStubMsg->PointerBufferMark != NULL ) { if ( DoSwap ) { LengthSave = pStubMsg->BufferLength; pStubMsg->BufferLength = PtrToUlong(pStubMsg->PointerBufferMark); pStubMsg->PointerBufferMark = 0; } } __forceinline ~POINTER_BUFFERLENGTH_SWAP_CONTEXT() { if ( DoSwap ) { pStubMsg->PointerBufferMark = (uchar *) UlongToPtr(pStubMsg->BufferLength); pStubMsg->BufferLength = LengthSave; } } }; class POINTER_MEMSIZE_SWAP_CONTEXT { MIDL_STUB_MESSAGE *pStubMsg; ulong MemorySave; uchar *pBufferSave; const bool DoSwap; public: __forceinline POINTER_MEMSIZE_SWAP_CONTEXT( MIDL_STUB_MESSAGE *pStubMsgNew ) : pStubMsg( pStubMsgNew ), DoSwap( pStubMsg->PointerBufferMark != 0 ) { if ( DoSwap ) { MemorySave = pStubMsg->MemorySize; pBufferSave = pStubMsg->Buffer; pStubMsg->MemorySize = pStubMsg->PointerLength; pStubMsg->Buffer = pStubMsg->PointerBufferMark; pStubMsg->PointerBufferMark = 0; pStubMsg->PointerLength = 0; } } __forceinline ~POINTER_MEMSIZE_SWAP_CONTEXT() { if ( DoSwap ) { pStubMsg->PointerBufferMark = pStubMsg->Buffer; pStubMsg->PointerLength = pStubMsg->MemorySize; pStubMsg->Buffer = pBufferSave; pStubMsg->MemorySize = MemorySave; } } }; class NDR_POINTER_QUEUE; struct NDR_POINTER_QUEUE_STATE; class NDR_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT { public: NDR_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT *pNext; virtual void Dispatch( MIDL_STUB_MESSAGE *pStubMsg ) = 0; #if defined(DBG) virtual void Print() = 0; #endif // All of these elements are allocated from a special memory pool. // Define these after NDR_POINTER_QUEUE_STATE is defined. void * operator new( size_t /*stAllocateBlock */, NDR_POINTER_QUEUE_STATE *pAllocator ); void operator delete( void *pThis, NDR_POINTER_QUEUE_STATE *pAllocator ); }; class NDR_MRSHL_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT : public NDR_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT { private: uchar * const pBufferMark; uchar * const pMemory; const PFORMAT_STRING pFormat; uchar * const Memory; const uchar uFlags; public: NDR_MRSHL_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT( MIDL_STUB_MESSAGE *pStubMsg, uchar * const pBufferMarkNew, uchar * const pMemoryNew, const PFORMAT_STRING pFormatNew); virtual void Dispatch(MIDL_STUB_MESSAGE *pStubMsg); #if defined(DBG) virtual void Print(); #endif }; class NDR_USR_MRSHL_MRSHL_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT : public NDR_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT { private: uchar * const pMemory; const PFORMAT_STRING pFormat; unsigned long * const pWireMarkerPtr; public: NDR_USR_MRSHL_MRSHL_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT( uchar * pMemoryNew, PFORMAT_STRING pFormatNew, unsigned long *pWireMarkerPtrNew ) : pMemory( pMemoryNew ), pFormat( pFormatNew ), pWireMarkerPtr( pWireMarkerPtrNew ) {} virtual void Dispatch(MIDL_STUB_MESSAGE *pStubMsg); #if defined(DBG) virtual void Print(); #endif }; class NDR_BUFSIZE_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT : public NDR_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT { private: uchar * const pMemory; const PFORMAT_STRING pFormat; uchar * const Memory; const uchar uFlags; public: NDR_BUFSIZE_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT( MIDL_STUB_MESSAGE *pStubMsg, uchar * const pMemoryNew, const PFORMAT_STRING pFormatNew); virtual void Dispatch(MIDL_STUB_MESSAGE *pStubMsg); #if defined(DBG) virtual void Print(); #endif }; class NDR_USR_MRSHL_BUFSIZE_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT : public NDR_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT { private: uchar * const pMemory; const PFORMAT_STRING pFormat; public: NDR_USR_MRSHL_BUFSIZE_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT( uchar * pMemoryNew, PFORMAT_STRING pFormatNew ) : pMemory( pMemoryNew ), pFormat( pFormatNew ) {} virtual void Dispatch(MIDL_STUB_MESSAGE *pStubMsg); #if defined(DBG) virtual void Print(); #endif }; class NDR_FREE_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT : public NDR_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT { private: uchar * const pMemory; const PFORMAT_STRING pFormat; uchar * const Memory; const uchar uFlags; public: NDR_FREE_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT( MIDL_STUB_MESSAGE *pStubMsg, uchar * const pMemoryNew, const PFORMAT_STRING pFormatNew); virtual void Dispatch(MIDL_STUB_MESSAGE *pStubMsg); #if defined(DBG) virtual void Print(); #endif }; class NDR_PFNFREE_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT : public NDR_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT { public: typedef void (__RPC_API * FREEFUNC)(void *); private: FREEFUNC pfnFree; uchar *pMemory; public: NDR_PFNFREE_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT( FREEFUNC pfnFreeNew, uchar *pMemoryNew) : pfnFree(pfnFreeNew), pMemory(pMemoryNew) { } virtual void Dispatch(MIDL_STUB_MESSAGE *pStubMsg) {(*pfnFree)(pMemory);} virtual void Print() { DbgPrint("NDR_PFNFREE_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT\n"); DbgPrint("pfnFree: %p\n", pfnFree ); DbgPrint("pMemory: %p\n", pMemory ); } }; class NDR_UNMRSHL_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT : public NDR_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT { private: uchar ** const ppMemory; uchar * const pMemory; long * const pBufferPointer; const PFORMAT_STRING pFormat; uchar * const Memory; const uchar uFlags; const int fInDontFree; uchar * const pCorrMemory; NDR_ALLOC_ALL_NODES_CONTEXT *const pAllocAllNodesContext; public: NDR_UNMRSHL_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT( MIDL_STUB_MESSAGE *pStubMsg, uchar ** ppMemoryNew, uchar * pMemoryNew, long * pBufferPointerNew, PFORMAT_STRING pFormatNew ); virtual void Dispatch(MIDL_STUB_MESSAGE *pStubMsg); #if defined(DBG) virtual void Print(); #endif }; class NDR_USR_MRSHL_UNMRSHL_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT : public NDR_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT { private: uchar * const pMemory; const PFORMAT_STRING pFormat; public: NDR_USR_MRSHL_UNMRSHL_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT( uchar * pMemoryNew, PFORMAT_STRING pFormatNew ) : pMemory( pMemoryNew ), pFormat( pFormatNew ) {} virtual void Dispatch(MIDL_STUB_MESSAGE *pStubMsg); #if defined(DBG) virtual void Print(); #endif }; class NDR_MEMSIZE_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT : public NDR_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT { private: const PFORMAT_STRING pFormat; uchar * const pBufferMark; uchar * const Memory; const uchar uFlags; public: NDR_MEMSIZE_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT( MIDL_STUB_MESSAGE *pStubMsg, uchar * pBufferMarkNew, PFORMAT_STRING pFormatNew ); virtual void Dispatch(MIDL_STUB_MESSAGE *pStubMsg); #if defined(DBG) virtual void Print(); #endif }; class NDR_CONVERT_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT : public NDR_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT { private: const PFORMAT_STRING pFormat; uchar * const pBufferMark; const uchar uFlags; public: NDR_CONVERT_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT( MIDL_STUB_MESSAGE *pStubMsg, uchar * pBufferMarkNew, PFORMAT_STRING pFormatNew ); virtual void Dispatch(MIDL_STUB_MESSAGE *pStubMsg); #if defined(DBG) virtual void Print() {}; #endif }; class NDR_USR_MRSHL_MEMSIZE_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT : public NDR_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT { private: const PFORMAT_STRING pFormat; public: NDR_USR_MRSHL_MEMSIZE_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT( PFORMAT_STRING pFormatNew ) : pFormat( pFormatNew ) {} virtual void Dispatch(MIDL_STUB_MESSAGE *pStubMsg); #if defined(DBG) virtual void Print(); #endif }; // // NDR64 Queue Elements class NDR64_MRSHL_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT : public NDR_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT { private: NDR64_PTR_WIRE_TYPE * const pBufferMark; uchar * const pMemory; const PFORMAT_STRING pFormat; uchar * const pCorrMemory; const uchar uFlags; public: NDR64_MRSHL_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT( MIDL_STUB_MESSAGE *pStubMsg, NDR64_PTR_WIRE_TYPE * const pBufferMarkNew, uchar * const pMemoryNew, const PFORMAT_STRING pFormatNew); virtual void Dispatch(MIDL_STUB_MESSAGE *pStubMsg); #if defined(DBG) virtual void Print(); #endif }; class NDR64_USR_MRSHL_MRSHL_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT : public NDR_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT { private: uchar * const pMemory; const PFORMAT_STRING pFormat; NDR64_PTR_WIRE_TYPE * const pWireMarkerPtr; public: NDR64_USR_MRSHL_MRSHL_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT( uchar * pMemoryNew, PFORMAT_STRING pFormatNew, NDR64_PTR_WIRE_TYPE *pWireMarkerPtrNew ) : pMemory( pMemoryNew ), pFormat( pFormatNew ), pWireMarkerPtr( pWireMarkerPtrNew ) {} virtual void Dispatch(MIDL_STUB_MESSAGE *pStubMsg); #if defined(DBG) virtual void Print(); #endif }; class NDR64_BUFSIZE_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT : public NDR_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT { private: NDR64_PTR_WIRE_TYPE *pBufferMark; uchar * pMemory; PFORMAT_STRING pFormat; uchar * pCorrMemory; uchar uFlags; public: NDR64_BUFSIZE_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT( MIDL_STUB_MESSAGE *pStubMsg, uchar * const pMemoryNew, const PFORMAT_STRING pFormatNew); virtual void Dispatch(MIDL_STUB_MESSAGE *pStubMsg); #if defined(DBG) virtual void Print(); #endif }; class NDR64_USR_MRSHL_BUFSIZE_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT : public NDR_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT { private: uchar * const pMemory; const PFORMAT_STRING pFormat; public: NDR64_USR_MRSHL_BUFSIZE_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT( uchar * pMemoryNew, PFORMAT_STRING pFormatNew ) : pMemory( pMemoryNew ), pFormat( pFormatNew ) {} virtual void Dispatch(MIDL_STUB_MESSAGE *pStubMsg); #if defined(DBG) virtual void Print(); #endif }; class NDR64_MEMSIZE_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT : public NDR_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT { private: const PFORMAT_STRING pFormat; const uchar uFlags; NDR64_PTR_WIRE_TYPE * const pBufferMark; public: NDR64_MEMSIZE_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT( MIDL_STUB_MESSAGE *pStubMsg, PFORMAT_STRING pFormatNew, NDR64_PTR_WIRE_TYPE *pBufferMarkNew ) : pFormat( pFormatNew ), uFlags( pStubMsg->uFlags ), pBufferMark( pBufferMarkNew ) {} virtual void Dispatch(MIDL_STUB_MESSAGE *pStubMsg); #if defined(DBG) virtual void Print(); #endif }; class NDR64_USR_MRSHL_MEMSIZE_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT : public NDR_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT { private: const PFORMAT_STRING pFormat; public: NDR64_USR_MRSHL_MEMSIZE_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT( PFORMAT_STRING pFormatNew ) : pFormat( pFormatNew ) {} virtual void Dispatch(MIDL_STUB_MESSAGE *pStubMsg); #if defined(DBG) virtual void Print(); #endif }; class NDR64_UNMRSHL_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT : public NDR_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT { private: NDR64_PTR_WIRE_TYPE WirePtr; uchar ** ppMemory; uchar * pMemory; PFORMAT_STRING pFormat; uchar * pCorrMemory; NDR_ALLOC_ALL_NODES_CONTEXT *pAllocAllNodesContext; BOOL fInDontFree; uchar uFlags; public: NDR64_UNMRSHL_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT( MIDL_STUB_MESSAGE *pStubMsg, uchar ** ppMemoryNew, uchar * pMemoryNew, NDR64_PTR_WIRE_TYPE WirePtrNew, PFORMAT_STRING pFormatNew ); virtual void Dispatch(MIDL_STUB_MESSAGE *pStubMsg); #if defined(DBG) virtual void Print(); #endif }; class NDR64_USR_MRSHL_UNMRSHL_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT : public NDR_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT { private: uchar * const pMemory; const PFORMAT_STRING pFormat; public: NDR64_USR_MRSHL_UNMRSHL_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT( uchar * pMemoryNew, PFORMAT_STRING pFormatNew ) : pMemory( pMemoryNew ), pFormat( pFormatNew ) {} virtual void Dispatch(MIDL_STUB_MESSAGE *pStubMsg); #if defined(DBG) virtual void Print(); #endif }; class NDR64_FREE_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT : public NDR_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT { private: uchar * const pMemory; const PFORMAT_STRING pFormat; uchar * const pCorrMemory; const uchar uFlags; public: NDR64_FREE_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT( MIDL_STUB_MESSAGE *pStubMsg, uchar * const pMemoryNew, const PFORMAT_STRING pFormatNew); virtual void Dispatch(MIDL_STUB_MESSAGE *pStubMsg); #if defined(DBG) virtual void Print(); #endif }; const SIZE_T Ndr32MaxPointerQueueElement = max(sizeof(NDR_MRSHL_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT), max(sizeof(NDR_BUFSIZE_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT), max(sizeof(NDR_USR_MRSHL_BUFSIZE_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT), max(sizeof(NDR_FREE_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT), max(sizeof(NDR_PFNFREE_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT), max(sizeof(NDR_UNMRSHL_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT), max(sizeof(NDR_USR_MRSHL_UNMRSHL_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT), max(sizeof(NDR_MEMSIZE_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT), max(sizeof(NDR_USR_MRSHL_MEMSIZE_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT), 0))))))))); const SIZE_T Ndr64MaxPointerQueueElement = max(sizeof(NDR64_MRSHL_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT), max(sizeof(NDR64_USR_MRSHL_MRSHL_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT), max(sizeof(NDR64_BUFSIZE_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT), max(sizeof(NDR64_USR_MRSHL_BUFSIZE_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT), max(sizeof(NDR64_MEMSIZE_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT), max(sizeof(NDR64_USR_MRSHL_MEMSIZE_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT), max(sizeof(NDR64_UNMRSHL_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT), max(sizeof(NDR64_USR_MRSHL_UNMRSHL_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT), max(sizeof(NDR64_FREE_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT), 0))))))))); const SIZE_T NdrMaxPointerQueueElement = max(Ndr32MaxPointerQueueElement, max(Ndr64MaxPointerQueueElement, 0)); struct NDR_POINTER_QUEUE_STATE { private: NDR_POINTER_QUEUE *pActiveQueue; ARRAY_INFO ArrayInfo; public: NDR_POINTER_QUEUE_STATE(void) : pActiveQueue(NULL) { } virtual NDR_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT *Allocate() = 0; virtual void Free(NDR_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT *pElement) = 0; NDR_POINTER_QUEUE* GetActiveQueue() { return pActiveQueue; } void SetActiveQueue(NDR_POINTER_QUEUE *pNewQueue) { pActiveQueue = pNewQueue; } ARRAY_INFO * GetArrayInfo( ) {return &ArrayInfo;} }; inline void * NDR_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT::operator new( size_t /*stAllocateBlock */, NDR_POINTER_QUEUE_STATE *pAllocator ) { return pAllocator->Allocate(); } inline void NDR_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT::operator delete( void *pThis, NDR_POINTER_QUEUE_STATE *pAllocator ) { pAllocator->Free( (NDR_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT*)pThis ); } class NDR32_POINTER_QUEUE_STATE : public NDR_POINTER_QUEUE_STATE { public: // Make this private for a C compiler bug. static const ItemsToAllocate = 100; private: NDR_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT *pFreeList; struct AllocationElement { SIZE_T ItemsAllocated; struct AllocationElement *pNext; // Should be pointer aligned char Data[ItemsToAllocate][NdrMaxPointerQueueElement]; } *pAllocationList; void FreeAll(); NDR_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT *InternalAllocate(); public: NDR32_POINTER_QUEUE_STATE( MIDL_STUB_MESSAGE *pStubMsg ) : pFreeList(NULL), pAllocationList(NULL) { } ~NDR32_POINTER_QUEUE_STATE() { if ( pAllocationList ) FreeAll(); } NDR_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT *Allocate(); void Free(NDR_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT *pElement); void* operator new(size_t, void *pMemory) { return pMemory; } void operator delete(void *,void *) {return; } void operator delete(void *) {} }; #if defined(BUILD_NDR64) class NDR64_POINTER_QUEUE_STATE : public NDR_POINTER_QUEUE_STATE { private: NDR_PROC_CONTEXT * const pProcContext; public: NDR64_POINTER_QUEUE_STATE( MIDL_STUB_MESSAGE *pStubMsg ) : pProcContext( (NDR_PROC_CONTEXT*)pStubMsg->pContext ) { } NDR_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT *Allocate(); void Free(NDR_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT *pElement); void* operator new(size_t, void *pMemory) { return pMemory;} void operator delete(void *,void *) {} void operator delete(void *) {} }; #endif class NDR_POINTER_QUEUE { PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg; NDR_POINTER_QUEUE_STATE *pQueueState; class STORAGE { NDR_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT *pHead, *pPrevHead; NDR_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT **pInsertPointer, **pPrevInsertPointer; public: STORAGE( ); void MergeContext(); void NewContext(); void InsertTail( NDR_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT *pNewNode ); NDR_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT *RemoveHead(); } Storage; public: NDR_POINTER_QUEUE( PMIDL_STUB_MESSAGE pStubMsg, NDR_POINTER_QUEUE_STATE *pQueueState ); void Enque( NDR_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT *pElement ); void Dispatch(); void* operator new(size_t, void *pMemory) { return pMemory; } void operator delete(void *,void *) {return; } void operator delete(void *) {} }; template class NDR_POINTER_CONTEXT { private: bool bNewState; bool bNewQueue; MIDL_STUB_MESSAGE * const pStubMsg; // Should be pointer aligned char PointerQueueStateStorage[sizeof(T)]; NDR_POINTER_QUEUE *pActiveQueue; // Should be pointer aligned char PointerQueueStorage[sizeof(NDR_POINTER_QUEUE)]; public: __forceinline NDR_POINTER_QUEUE_STATE *GetActiveState() { return pStubMsg->pPointerQueueState; } private: __forceinline bool IsStateActive() { return NULL != GetActiveState();} public: NDR_POINTER_CONTEXT( MIDL_STUB_MESSAGE *pStubMsgNew ) : pStubMsg( pStubMsgNew ), bNewState( false ), bNewQueue( false ), pActiveQueue( NULL ) { NDR_ASSERT( NdrIsLowStack( pStubMsg ), "Created Pointer context too early.\n"); if ( !IsStateActive() ) { // The queue state wasn't created. pStubMsg->pPointerQueueState = new(PointerQueueStateStorage) T(pStubMsg); pActiveQueue = new(PointerQueueStorage) NDR_POINTER_QUEUE( pStubMsg, GetActiveState() ); GetActiveState()->SetActiveQueue( pActiveQueue ); bNewState = bNewQueue = true; return; } // State already exists pActiveQueue = GetActiveState()->GetActiveQueue(); if ( pActiveQueue ) return; // Already have a state, but no active queue. // Activate the queue. pActiveQueue = new(PointerQueueStorage) NDR_POINTER_QUEUE( pStubMsg, GetActiveState() ); GetActiveState()->SetActiveQueue( pActiveQueue ); bNewQueue = true; } __forceinline void DispatchIfRequired( ) { if ( bNewQueue ) { pActiveQueue->Dispatch(); } } __forceinline bool ShouldEnque() { return pActiveQueue != NULL; } __forceinline void Enque( NDR_POINTER_QUEUE_ELEMENT *pElement ) { pActiveQueue->Enque( pElement ); } // REVIEW: Replace with a destructor once native // exception handling is enabled for ndr. __forceinline void EndContext() { if ( bNewQueue ) { GetActiveState()->SetActiveQueue(NULL); } if ( bNewState) { delete (T*)GetActiveState(); pStubMsg->pPointerQueueState = NULL; } } }; typedef NDR_POINTER_CONTEXT NDR32_POINTER_CONTEXT; #if defined(BUILD_NDR64) typedef NDR_POINTER_CONTEXT NDR64_POINTER_CONTEXT; #endif #endif // __POINTER32_H__