/****************************** Module Header ******************************\ * Module Name: BM.C * * Handles all API routines for the bitmap sub-dll of the ole dll. * * Created: 1990 * * Copyright (c) 1990, 1991 Microsoft Corporation * * History: * Raor,Srinik (../../1990,91) Designed, coded * Curts create NT version * \***************************************************************************/ #include #include "dll.h" #include "pict.h" extern int maxPixelsX, maxPixelsY; void INTERNAL GetHimetricUnits(HBITMAP, LPPOINT); OLEOBJECTVTBL vtblBM = { ErrQueryProtocol, // check whether the speced protocol is supported BmRelease, // Release ErrShow, // Show ErrPlay, // play BmGetData, // Get the object data ErrSetData, // Set the object data ErrSetTargetDevice,// ErrSetBounds, // set viewport bounds BmEnumFormat, // enumerate supported formats ErrSetColorScheme, // BmRelease, // delete ErrSetHostNames, // BmSaveToStream, // write to file BmClone, // clone object ErrCopyFromLink, // Create embedded from Link BmEqual, // compares the given objects for data equality BmCopy, // copy to clip BmDraw, // draw the object ErrActivate, // open ErrExecute, // excute ErrClose, // Stop ErrUpdate, // Update ErrReconnect, // Reconnect ErrObjectConvert, // convert object to specified type ErrGetUpdateOptions,// update options ErrSetUpdateOptions,// update options ObjRename, // Change Object name ObjQueryName, // Get current object name ObjQueryType, // Object type BmQueryBounds, // QueryBounds ObjQuerySize, // Find the size of the object ErrQueryOpen, // Query open ErrQueryOutOfDate, // query whether object is current ErrQueryRelease, // release related stuff ErrQueryRelease, ErrQueryReleaseMethod, ErrRequestData, // requestdata ErrObjectLong, // objectLong BmChangeData // change data of the existing object }; OLESTATUS FARINTERNAL BmRelease (LPOLEOBJECT lpoleobj) { LPOBJECT_BM lpobj = (LPOBJECT_BM)lpoleobj; HOBJECT hobj; if (lpobj->hBitmap) { DeleteObject (lpobj->hBitmap); lpobj->hBitmap = NULL; } if (lpobj->head.lhclientdoc) DocDeleteObject ((LPOLEOBJECT) lpobj); if (hobj = lpobj->head.hobj){ lpobj->head.hobj = NULL; GlobalUnlock (hobj); GlobalFree (hobj); } return OLE_OK; } OLESTATUS FARINTERNAL BmSaveToStream ( LPOLEOBJECT lpoleobj, LPOLESTREAM lpstream ){ DWORD dwFileVer = GetFileVersion(lpoleobj); LPOBJECT_BM lpobj = (LPOBJECT_BM)lpoleobj; DWORD dwSize = lpobj->sizeBytes - sizeof(BITMAP) + sizeof(WIN16BITMAP); if (!lpobj->hBitmap || !lpobj->sizeBytes) return OLE_ERROR_BLANK; if (PutBytes (lpstream, (LPSTR) &dwFileVer, sizeof(LONG))) return OLE_ERROR_STREAM; if (PutBytes (lpstream, (LPSTR) &lpobj->head.ctype, sizeof(LONG))) return OLE_ERROR_STREAM; if (PutStrWithLen(lpstream, (LPSTR)"BITMAP")) return OLE_ERROR_STREAM; if (!PutBytes (lpstream, (LPSTR) &lpobj->head.cx, sizeof(LONG))) { if (!PutBytes (lpstream, (LPSTR) &lpobj->head.cy, sizeof(LONG))) if (!PutBytes (lpstream, (LPSTR) &dwSize, sizeof(DWORD))) return BmStreamWrite (lpstream, lpobj); } return OLE_ERROR_STREAM; } OLESTATUS FARINTERNAL BmClone ( LPOLEOBJECT lpoleobj, LPOLECLIENT lpclient, LHCLIENTDOC lhclientdoc, OLE_LPCSTR lpobjname, LPOLEOBJECT FAR * lplpoleobj ){ LPOBJECT_BM lpobjsrc = (LPOBJECT_BM)lpoleobj; LPOBJECT_BM FAR * lplpobj = (LPOBJECT_BM FAR *)lplpoleobj; if (!CheckClientDoc ((LPCLIENTDOC)lhclientdoc)) return OLE_ERROR_HANDLE; if (!(*lplpobj = BmCreateObject (lpobjsrc->hBitmap, lpclient, FALSE, lhclientdoc, lpobjname, lpobjsrc->head.ctype))) return OLE_ERROR_MEMORY; else return OLE_OK; } OLESTATUS FARINTERNAL BmEqual ( LPOLEOBJECT lpoleobj1, LPOLEOBJECT lpoleobj2 ){ LPOBJECT_BM lpobj1 = (LPOBJECT_BM)lpoleobj1; LPOBJECT_BM lpobj2 = (LPOBJECT_BM)lpoleobj2; HANDLE hBits1 = NULL, hBits2 = NULL; LPSTR lpBits1 = NULL, lpBits2 = NULL; OLESTATUS retVal; DWORD dwBytes1, dwBytes2; if (lpobj1->sizeBytes != lpobj2->sizeBytes) return OLE_ERROR_NOT_EQUAL; retVal = OLE_ERROR_MEMORY; if (!(hBits1 = GlobalAlloc (GMEM_MOVEABLE, lpobj1->sizeBytes))) goto errEqual; if (!(lpBits1 = GlobalLock (hBits1))) goto errEqual; if (!(hBits2 = GlobalAlloc (GMEM_MOVEABLE, lpobj2->sizeBytes))) goto errEqual; if (!(lpBits2 = GlobalLock (hBits2))) goto errEqual; dwBytes1 = GetBitmapBits (lpobj1->hBitmap, lpobj1->sizeBytes, lpBits1); dwBytes2 = GetBitmapBits (lpobj2->hBitmap, lpobj2->sizeBytes, lpBits2); if (dwBytes1 != dwBytes2) { retVal = OLE_ERROR_NOT_EQUAL; goto errEqual; } // !!! UtilMemCmp has to be redone for >64k bitmaps if (UtilMemCmp (lpBits1, lpBits2, dwBytes1)) retVal = OLE_ERROR_NOT_EQUAL; else retVal = OLE_OK; errEqual: if (lpBits1) GlobalUnlock (hBits1); if (lpBits2) GlobalUnlock (hBits2); if (hBits1) GlobalFree (hBits1); if (hBits2) GlobalFree (hBits2); return retVal; } OLESTATUS FARINTERNAL BmCopy ( LPOLEOBJECT lpoleobj ){ LPOBJECT_BM lpobj = (LPOBJECT_BM)lpoleobj; HBITMAP hBitmap; DWORD size; if (!lpobj->hBitmap) return OLE_ERROR_BLANK; if(!(hBitmap = BmDuplicate (lpobj->hBitmap, &size, NULL))) return OLE_ERROR_MEMORY; SetClipboardData(CF_BITMAP, hBitmap); return OLE_OK; } OLESTATUS FARINTERNAL BmQueryBounds ( LPOLEOBJECT lpoleobj, LPRECT lpRc ){ LPOBJECT_BM lpobj = (LPOBJECT_BM)lpoleobj; Puts("BmQueryBounds"); if (!lpobj->hBitmap) return OLE_ERROR_BLANK; lpRc->left = 0; lpRc->top = 0; lpRc->right = (int) lpobj->head.cx; lpRc->bottom = (int) lpobj->head.cy; return OLE_OK; } OLECLIPFORMAT FARINTERNAL BmEnumFormat ( LPOLEOBJECT lpoleobj, OLECLIPFORMAT cfFormat ){ LPOBJECT_BM lpobj = (LPOBJECT_BM)lpoleobj; if (!cfFormat) return CF_BITMAP; return 0; } OLESTATUS FARINTERNAL BmGetData ( LPOLEOBJECT lpoleobj, OLECLIPFORMAT cfFormat, LPHANDLE lphandle ){ LPOBJECT_BM lpobj = (LPOBJECT_BM)lpoleobj; if (cfFormat != CF_BITMAP) return OLE_ERROR_FORMAT; if (!(*lphandle = lpobj->hBitmap)) return OLE_ERROR_BLANK; return OLE_OK; } OLESTATUS FARINTERNAL BmLoadFromStream ( LPOLESTREAM lpstream, LPOLECLIENT lpclient, LHCLIENTDOC lhclientdoc, LPSTR lpobjname, LPOLEOBJECT FAR * lplpoleobject, LONG objType ){ LPOBJECT_BM lpobj = NULL; *lplpoleobject = NULL; if (!(lpobj = BmCreateBlank (lhclientdoc, lpobjname, objType))) return OLE_ERROR_MEMORY; lpobj->head.lpclient = lpclient; if (!GetBytes (lpstream, (LPSTR) &lpobj->head.cx, sizeof(LONG))) { if (!GetBytes (lpstream, (LPSTR) &lpobj->head.cy, sizeof(LONG))) if (!GetBytes (lpstream, (LPSTR) &lpobj->sizeBytes, sizeof(DWORD))) if (BmStreamRead (lpstream, lpobj)) { *lplpoleobject = (LPOLEOBJECT)lpobj; return OLE_OK; } } OleDelete ((LPOLEOBJECT)lpobj); return OLE_ERROR_STREAM;; } OLESTATUS INTERNAL BmStreamWrite ( LPOLESTREAM lpstream, LPOBJECT_BM lpobj ){ HANDLE hBits; LPSTR lpBits; int retVal = OLE_ERROR_STREAM; BITMAP bm; DWORD dwSize; dwSize = lpobj->sizeBytes - sizeof(BITMAP); if (hBits = GlobalAlloc (GMEM_MOVEABLE, dwSize)) { if (lpBits = (LPSTR) GlobalLock (hBits)) { if (GetBitmapBits (lpobj->hBitmap, dwSize, lpBits)) { WIN16BITMAP w16bm; GetObject (lpobj->hBitmap, sizeof(BITMAP), (LPSTR) &bm); ConvertBM32to16(&bm, &w16bm); if (!PutBytes (lpstream, (LPSTR) &w16bm, sizeof(WIN16BITMAP))) if (!PutBytes (lpstream, (LPSTR) lpBits, dwSize)) retVal = OLE_OK; } GlobalUnlock(hBits); } else retVal = OLE_ERROR_MEMORY; GlobalFree(hBits); } else retVal = OLE_ERROR_MEMORY; return retVal; } BOOL INTERNAL BmStreamRead ( LPOLESTREAM lpstream, LPOBJECT_BM lpobj ){ HANDLE hBits; LPSTR lpBits; BOOL retVal = FALSE; BITMAP bm; WIN16BITMAP w16bm; POINT point; if (GetBytes (lpstream, (LPSTR)&w16bm, sizeof(WIN16BITMAP))) return FALSE; ConvertBM16to32(&w16bm,&bm); lpobj->sizeBytes -= sizeof(WIN16BITMAP) ; if (hBits = GlobalAlloc (GMEM_MOVEABLE, lpobj->sizeBytes)) { if (lpBits = (LPSTR) GlobalLock (hBits)) { if (!GetBytes(lpstream, lpBits, lpobj->sizeBytes)) { if (lpobj->hBitmap = CreateBitmap (bm.bmWidth, bm.bmHeight, bm.bmPlanes, bm.bmBitsPixel, lpBits)) { retVal = TRUE; lpobj->xSize = point.x = bm.bmWidth; lpobj->ySize = point.y = bm.bmHeight; // size of (bitmap header + bits) lpobj->sizeBytes += sizeof(BITMAP); #ifdef OLD // !!! We shouldn't do the conversion. The info should be // part of the stream. if (!lpobj->head.cx) { ConvertToHimetric (&point); lpobj->head.cx = (LONG) point.x; lpobj->head.cy = (LONG) point.y; } #endif } } GlobalUnlock(hBits); } GlobalFree(hBits); } return retVal; } OLESTATUS FARINTERNAL BmPaste ( LPOLECLIENT lpclient, LHCLIENTDOC lhclientdoc, LPSTR lpobjname, LPOLEOBJECT FAR * lplpoleobject, LONG objType ){ HBITMAP hBitmap; *lplpoleobject = NULL; if ((hBitmap = (HBITMAP) GetClipboardData(CF_BITMAP)) == NULL) return OLE_ERROR_MEMORY; if (!(*lplpoleobject = (LPOLEOBJECT) BmCreateObject (hBitmap, lpclient, FALSE, lhclientdoc, lpobjname, objType))) return OLE_ERROR_MEMORY; return OLE_OK; } LPOBJECT_BM INTERNAL BmCreateObject ( HBITMAP hBitmap, LPOLECLIENT lpclient, BOOL fDelete, LHCLIENTDOC lhclientdoc, LPCSTR lpobjname, LONG objType ){ LPOBJECT_BM lpobj; if (lpobj = BmCreateBlank (lhclientdoc, (LPSTR)lpobjname, objType)) { if (BmChangeData ((LPOLEOBJECT)lpobj, (HANDLE)hBitmap, lpclient, fDelete) != OLE_OK) { BmRelease ((LPOLEOBJECT)lpobj); lpobj = NULL; } } return lpobj; } // If the routine fails then the object will be left with it's old data. // If fDelete is TRUE, then hNewBitmap will be deleted whether the routine // is successful or not. OLESTATUS FARINTERNAL BmChangeData ( LPOLEOBJECT lpoleobj, HANDLE hNewBitmap, LPOLECLIENT lpclient, BOOL fDelete ){ LPOBJECT_BM lpobj = (LPOBJECT_BM)lpoleobj; BITMAP bm; DWORD dwSize; HBITMAP hOldBitmap; hOldBitmap = lpobj->hBitmap; if (!fDelete) { if (!(hNewBitmap = BmDuplicate (hNewBitmap, &dwSize, &bm))) return OLE_ERROR_MEMORY; } else { if (!GetObject (hNewBitmap, sizeof(BITMAP), (LPSTR) &bm)) { DeleteObject (hNewBitmap); return OLE_ERROR_MEMORY; } //*add get bitmap bits dwSize = ((DWORD) bm.bmHeight) * ((DWORD) bm.bmWidthBytes) * ((DWORD) bm.bmPlanes) * ((DWORD) bm.bmBitsPixel); } BmUpdateStruct (lpobj, lpclient, hNewBitmap, &bm, dwSize); if (hOldBitmap) DeleteObject (hOldBitmap); return OLE_OK; } void INTERNAL BmUpdateStruct ( LPOBJECT_BM lpobj, LPOLECLIENT lpclient, HBITMAP hBitmap, LPBITMAP lpBm, DWORD dwBytes ){ POINT point; lpobj->head.lpclient = lpclient; lpobj->xSize = point.x = lpBm->bmWidth; lpobj->ySize = point.y = lpBm->bmHeight; GetHimetricUnits (hBitmap, &point); lpobj->head.cx = (LONG) point.x; lpobj->head.cy = (LONG) point.y; lpobj->sizeBytes = dwBytes + sizeof(BITMAP); lpobj->hBitmap = hBitmap; } LPOBJECT_BM FARINTERNAL BmCreateBlank ( LHCLIENTDOC lhclientdoc, LPSTR lpobjname, LONG objType ){ HOBJECT hobj; LPOBJECT_BM lpobj; if ((hobj = GlobalAlloc (GMEM_MOVEABLE|GMEM_ZEROINIT,sizeof (OBJECT_BM))) == NULL) return NULL; if (!(lpobj = (LPOBJECT_BM) GlobalLock (hobj))){ GlobalFree (hobj); return NULL; } lpobj->head.objId[0] = 'L'; lpobj->head.objId[1] = 'E'; lpobj->head.mm = MM_TEXT; lpobj->head.ctype = objType; lpobj->head.lpvtbl = (LPOLEOBJECTVTBL)&vtblBM; lpobj->head.iTable = INVALID_INDEX; lpobj->head.hobj = hobj; if (objType == CT_STATIC) DocAddObject ((LPCLIENTDOC) lhclientdoc, (LPOLEOBJECT) lpobj, lpobjname); return lpobj; } HBITMAP FARINTERNAL BmDuplicate ( HBITMAP hold, DWORD FAR * lpdwSize, LPBITMAP lpBm ){ HBITMAP hnew; HANDLE hMem; LPSTR lpMem; LONG retVal = TRUE; DWORD dwSize; BITMAP bm; INT iX,iY; // !!! another way to duplicate the bitmap GetObject (hold, sizeof(BITMAP), (LPSTR) &bm); dwSize = ((DWORD) bm.bmHeight) * ((DWORD) bm.bmWidthBytes) * ((DWORD) bm.bmPlanes) * ((DWORD) bm.bmBitsPixel); if (!(hMem = GlobalAlloc (GMEM_MOVEABLE, dwSize))) return NULL; if (!(lpMem = GlobalLock (hMem))){ GlobalFree (hMem); return NULL; } GetBitmapBits (hold, dwSize, lpMem); if (hnew = CreateBitmap (bm.bmWidth, bm.bmHeight, bm.bmPlanes, bm.bmBitsPixel, NULL)) { if (hnew) retVal = SetBitmapBits (hnew, dwSize, lpMem); } GlobalUnlock (hMem); GlobalFree (hMem); if (hnew && (!retVal)) { DeleteObject (hnew); hnew = NULL; } *lpdwSize = dwSize; if (lpBm) *lpBm = bm; if (MGetBitmapDimension (hold,&iX,&iY)) if (hnew) MSetBitmapDimension (hnew, iX, iY); return hnew; } void INTERNAL GetHimetricUnits(HBITMAP hBitmap, LPPOINT lpPoint) { HDC hdc; INT iX,iY; MGetBitmapDimension (hBitmap,&iX,&iY); if (iX || iY) { lpPoint->x = 10 * iX; lpPoint->y = - (10 * iY); return; } // clip if it exceeds maxPixels. Note that we have a limitation of // 0x8FFF HIMETRIC units in OLE1.0 if (lpPoint->x > maxPixelsX) lpPoint->x = maxPixelsX; if (lpPoint->y > maxPixelsY) lpPoint->y = maxPixelsY; if (hdc = GetDC (NULL)) { lpPoint->x = MulDiv (lpPoint->x, 2540, GetDeviceCaps (hdc, LOGPIXELSX)); lpPoint->y = - MulDiv (lpPoint->y, 2540, GetDeviceCaps (hdc, LOGPIXELSY)); ReleaseDC (NULL, hdc); } else { lpPoint->x = 0; lpPoint->y = 0; } }