File specification. Can include wildcard characters ? and * Path to a file. The path can include environment variables or values extracted from registry keys. Is path specified recursive or limited to the directory that is specified. Alternate path in which to find the file. Files in a file group may have been copied to an alternative location by the writer. Backup should pick up the files from the alternative location instead of the original location but should restore the files to their original location Logical path for a database or file group. This logical name uses backslash as separators to form a logical namespace hierarchy Name used to identify a database or file group. May be qualified by a logical path. Restore metadata exists for this database or file group. Backup application should capture the restore metadata and pass it to the writer on restore. Writer should be notified when backup is complete whether this database or file group was successfully backed up or not. Textual Description of database or file group Icon associated with database or file group Is this component selectable for backup or is it always backed up. If no, then the component is always backed up if any other components of the application/service are backed up. If yes, then the component may be selectively backed up. Is this component selectable for restore Version of a specific document Unique id to identify the writer. Note that this identifies the writer class rather than a specific instance of the writer. Unique id identifying the instance of a writer during backup. It has no meaning during restore. Contains extra flags that describe the component being backed up. Describes the writer capabilities and how different types of backup are performed. Describes how backup should be performed on a specific filespec. Information used by Backup application to backup/restore data Identification of a service/application backing up data Friendly name used to describe the service or application. How the data associated with the writer is used. For now we distinguish user data and system state. Description of the nature of the data manager. Currently only databases are identified Files to include and exclude from the backup Files to include in the backup, essentially files to backup if you want to backup this application/service Files that should always be excluded from the backup List of databases of interest. This is used to allow selective backup and restore of specific databases. Location of a set of database files. Filespec can include wildcards Location of a set of database log files. Filespec can include wildcards. Indication of whether database log files are truncated. A named group of files. Used to group sets of files into a group that are backed up together Location of a set of files in a FILE_GROUP. Filespec can include wildcards. A dependency from one component to another component in another writer. Id of writer that this component is dependent on. Logical path of component that this component is dependent on. Name of component that this component is dependent on. How restore should be performed. Includes specification of how files should be restored as well as special steps that should occur in order to complete the restore. RESTORE_IF_NONE_THERE: i.e., can restore data if it is not at the location where it was backed up from. This essentially allows data to be restored to a clean system RESTORE_IF_CAN_BE_REPLACED: Restore data if all of the files can be replaced in the orgiginal backup location. Fails if any of the files are open. If an alternate location is provided, files will be placed there if they cannot be restored to their original location. STOP_RESTART_SERVICE: stop service (service attribute must be specified). Restore files to original backup location. Restart service. Fails if any of the files are open after the service is stopped. REPLACE_AT_REBOOT: Restore files to a temporary location. Use MoveFileEx to replace the files at reboot. REPLACE_AT_REBOOT_IF_CANNOT_REPLACE: Similiar to REPLACE_AT_REBOOT however files may be restored in place in they are not busy. All files within a component must be either completely replaced in place or completely replaced at reboot, so if one component file is busy, all files in that component must be replaced at reboot. RESTORE_TO_ALTERNATIVE_LOCATION: Restore files to an alternate location. Typically writerRestore will indicate that the writer will participate in the restore process CUSTOM: restore process cannot be expressed using this specification Must be specified if method="STOP_RESTART_SERVICE", indicates service to be stopped before restoring files. Whether writer should be invoked after files are restored to disk. Options are always, never, and ifReplaceFails. The latter means that the files will be restored to their original location. If one or more of the files cannot be replaced, then the files will be restored to an alternate location (must be specified via ALTERNATE_LOCATION_MAPPING. After the files are restored, the writer is invoked. Description of actions that the user should perform to restore the files. The format of this string has yet to be determined. Should a reboot be performed after restoring the data for this writer Mapping from a location that was backed up to a location to restore to.