HidGame is the WDM/HID minidriver for analog joysticks. This driver registers with the HID class driver and responds to IRPs put out by HIDclass. It informs HID class about the capabilities of the joystick and polls the joystick in response to a read IOCTL.
This driver is loaded in reponse to a "New hardware Found" Plug and Play (PnP) event, and consequently must have an entry in an .inf file that binds a PnP hardware ID to this driver. Gameport joysticks are not true PnP devices, so the user (through the GameControllers Control Panel) informs the system about a joystick attached to the gameport. An example of how a new joystick type can be created is provided in the accompanying .inf file. Once a user selects a joystick and gameport, the GameControllers CPL sends an IOCTL to the gameport bus driver (GameEnum), specifying the number of Axis / Buttons and a PnPHardware ID for the joystick. The Gameport Bus informs PnP of a new device arrival. PnP searches the system for a match for the hardwareID and loads the appropriate driver.
Use standard Windows NT®/Windows® 2000 build tools. In the hidgame directory, type build. The build script will generate the driver Hidgame.sys
You can test your driver using the the following apps/tools.
Universal Serial Bus HID Usage Tables, Version 1.0, USB Implementers Forum.
Files Description Hidgame.htm The documentation for this sample (this file) Sources The generic file for building the code sample Makefile Used as part of the build process OEMsetup.inf The .inf file for installing the code sample HidGame.c DriverEntry, CreateClose, AddDevice and Unload routines PnP.c Support routines for PnP IOCTLs RemLock.c Support routines to enhance checking for removal locking Ioctl.c Support routines for Non PnP IOCTLs ( read/Device descriptor/Device Attributes, and so on) HidJoy.c Support routines to configure the joystick Poll.c Support routine for analog joystick polling i386\timing.c Support routines to use x86 time stamp counter Hidgame.h Common include file Debug.h Definitions to aid debugging Analog.h Definitions specific to analog joystick devices Hidgame.rtf Autodoc doumentation for Hidgame
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