; ;DestDir can be 10 for Windows directory, 11 for Windows\System(32) directory. [version] ; version signature (same for both NT and Win95) do not remove signature="$CHICAGO$" AdvancedINF=2.0 [SourceDisksNames] ; This section specifies that all sources are in the "default" location. 1="default",,1 [DefaultInstall] ; Default section to process and copy all files under the section ; capicom.files and Register DLLs under the section capicom.register. CopyFiles=capicom.files RegisterOCXs=capicom.register [DestinationDirs] ; Destination Directories for CopyFiles Sections. ; 11 indicates LDID_SYS - system directory capicom.files=11 [capicom.files] ; ,,,32 - Suppress version conflict dialog and don't overwrite newer DLLs capicom.dll,,,32 [capicom.register] %11%\capicom.dll