/* Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996-1999. All rights reserved. */ /* ASN.1 definitions for PFXPKCS */ #ifndef _PFXPKCS_Module_H_ #define _PFXPKCS_Module_H_ #include "msber.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif typedef ASN1open_t AttributeSetValue_Set; typedef ASN1objectidentifier2_t ObjectID; typedef ObjectID ObjID; typedef ASN1open_t Any; typedef ObjectID ObjectIdentifierType; #define ObjectIdentifierType_PDU 0 #define SIZE_PFXPKCS_Module_PDU_0 sizeof(ObjectIdentifierType) typedef ASN1octetstring_t OctetStringType; #define OctetStringType_PDU 1 #define SIZE_PFXPKCS_Module_PDU_1 sizeof(OctetStringType) typedef ASN1intx_t IntegerType; #define IntegerType_PDU 2 #define SIZE_PFXPKCS_Module_PDU_2 sizeof(IntegerType) typedef ASN1intx_t HugeInteger; typedef ASN1int32_t Version; typedef ASN1octetstring_t PrivateKey; typedef ASN1octetstring_t EncryptedContent; typedef ASN1octetstring_t Digest; typedef ObjectID ContentType; typedef ASN1octetstring_t X509Cert; typedef ASN1ztcharstring_t SDSICert; typedef ASN1octetstring_t X509CRL; typedef struct RSAPublicKey { HugeInteger modulus; HugeInteger publicExponent; } RSAPublicKey; #define RSAPublicKey_PDU 3 #define SIZE_PFXPKCS_Module_PDU_3 sizeof(RSAPublicKey) typedef struct RSAPrivateKey { Version version; HugeInteger modulus; ASN1int32_t publicExponent; HugeInteger privateExponent; HugeInteger prime1; HugeInteger prime2; HugeInteger exponent1; HugeInteger exponent2; HugeInteger coefficient; } RSAPrivateKey; #define RSAPrivateKey_PDU 4 #define SIZE_PFXPKCS_Module_PDU_4 sizeof(RSAPrivateKey) typedef struct AlgorithmIdentifier { union { ASN1uint16_t bit_mask; ASN1octet_t o[1]; }; ObjectID algorithm; # define parameters_present 0x80 ASN1open_t parameters; } AlgorithmIdentifier; typedef struct PBEParameter { ASN1octetstring_t salt; ASN1int32_t iterationCount; } PBEParameter; #define PBEParameter_PDU 5 #define SIZE_PFXPKCS_Module_PDU_5 sizeof(PBEParameter) typedef AlgorithmIdentifier DigestAlgorithmIdentifier; typedef struct AttributeSetValue { ASN1uint32_t count; AttributeSetValue_Set *value; } AttributeSetValue; #define AttributeSetValue_PDU 6 #define SIZE_PFXPKCS_Module_PDU_6 sizeof(AttributeSetValue) typedef struct Attribute { ObjectID attributeType; AttributeSetValue attributeValue; } Attribute; typedef struct Attributes { ASN1uint32_t count; struct Attribute *value; } Attributes; #define Attributes_PDU 7 #define SIZE_PFXPKCS_Module_PDU_7 sizeof(Attributes) typedef struct ContentInfo { union { ASN1uint16_t bit_mask; ASN1octet_t o[1]; }; ContentType contentType; # define content_present 0x80 ASN1open_t content; } ContentInfo; typedef struct AuthenticatedSafes { ASN1uint32_t count; struct ContentInfo *value; } AuthenticatedSafes; #define AuthenticatedSafes_PDU 8 #define SIZE_PFXPKCS_Module_PDU_8 sizeof(AuthenticatedSafes) typedef struct SafeContents { ASN1uint32_t count; struct SafeBag *value; } SafeContents; #define SafeContents_PDU 9 #define SIZE_PFXPKCS_Module_PDU_9 sizeof(SafeContents) typedef struct SafeBag { union { ASN1uint16_t bit_mask; ASN1octet_t o[1]; }; ObjectID safeBagType; ASN1open_t safeBagContent; # define safeBagAttribs_present 0x80 Attributes safeBagAttribs; } SafeBag; #define SafeBag_PDU 10 #define SIZE_PFXPKCS_Module_PDU_10 sizeof(SafeBag) typedef struct CertBag { ObjectID certType; ASN1open_t value; } CertBag; #define CertBag_PDU 11 #define SIZE_PFXPKCS_Module_PDU_11 sizeof(CertBag) typedef struct CRLBag { ObjectID crlType; ASN1open_t value; } CRLBag; #define CRLBag_PDU 12 #define SIZE_PFXPKCS_Module_PDU_12 sizeof(CRLBag) typedef struct SecretBag { ObjectID secretType; ASN1open_t secretContent; } SecretBag; #define SecretBag_PDU 13 #define SIZE_PFXPKCS_Module_PDU_13 sizeof(SecretBag) typedef AlgorithmIdentifier PrivateKeyAlgorithmIdentifier; typedef AlgorithmIdentifier EncryptionAlgorithmIdentifier; typedef AlgorithmIdentifier ContentEncryptionAlgorithmIdentifier; typedef struct DigestInfo { DigestAlgorithmIdentifier digestAlgorithm; Digest digest; } DigestInfo; #define DigestInfo_PDU 14 #define SIZE_PFXPKCS_Module_PDU_14 sizeof(DigestInfo) typedef struct MacData { union { ASN1uint16_t bit_mask; ASN1octet_t o[1]; }; DigestInfo safeMac; ASN1octetstring_t macSalt; # define macIterationCount_present 0x80 ASN1int32_t macIterationCount; } MacData; #define MacData_PDU 15 #define SIZE_PFXPKCS_Module_PDU_15 sizeof(MacData) typedef struct PrivateKeyInfo { union { ASN1uint16_t bit_mask; ASN1octet_t o[1]; }; Version version; PrivateKeyAlgorithmIdentifier privateKeyAlgorithm; PrivateKey privateKey; # define attributes_present 0x80 Attributes attributes; } PrivateKeyInfo; #define PrivateKeyInfo_PDU 16 #define SIZE_PFXPKCS_Module_PDU_16 sizeof(PrivateKeyInfo) typedef struct EncryptedContentInfo { union { ASN1uint16_t bit_mask; ASN1octet_t o[1]; }; ContentType contentType; ContentEncryptionAlgorithmIdentifier contentEncryptionAlg; # define encryptedContent_present 0x80 EncryptedContent encryptedContent; } EncryptedContentInfo; typedef struct PFX { union { ASN1uint16_t bit_mask; ASN1octet_t o[1]; }; Version version; ContentInfo authSafes; # define macData_present 0x80 MacData macData; } PFX; #define PFX_PDU 17 #define SIZE_PFXPKCS_Module_PDU_17 sizeof(PFX) typedef PrivateKeyInfo KeyBag; #define KeyBag_PDU 18 #define SIZE_PFXPKCS_Module_PDU_18 sizeof(KeyBag) typedef struct EncryptedData { Version version; EncryptedContentInfo encryptedContentInfo; } EncryptedData; #define EncryptedData_PDU 19 #define SIZE_PFXPKCS_Module_PDU_19 sizeof(EncryptedData) typedef struct EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo { EncryptionAlgorithmIdentifier encryptionAlgorithm; EncryptedData encryptedData; } EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo; #define EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo_PDU 20 #define SIZE_PFXPKCS_Module_PDU_20 sizeof(EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo) typedef EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo Pkcs_8ShroudedKeyBag; #define Pkcs_8ShroudedKeyBag_PDU 21 #define SIZE_PFXPKCS_Module_PDU_21 sizeof(Pkcs_8ShroudedKeyBag) extern ASN1int32_t MacData_macIterationCount_default; extern ASN1module_t PFXPKCS_Module; extern void ASN1CALL PFXPKCS_Module_Startup(void); extern void ASN1CALL PFXPKCS_Module_Cleanup(void); /* Prototypes of element functions for SEQUENCE OF and SET OF constructs */ #ifdef __cplusplus } /* extern "C" */ #endif #endif /* _PFXPKCS_Module_H_ */