//+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Microsoft Windows // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1996 - 1999 // // File: wvtver1.cpp // // Contents: Microsoft Internet Security WinVerifyTrust v1 support // // Functions: WintrustIsVersion1ActionID // ConvertDataFromVersion1 // // *** local functions *** // // History: 30-May-1997 pberkman created // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "global.hxx" #include "wvtver1.h" BOOL WintrustIsVersion1ActionID(GUID *pgActionID) { GUID gV1UISup = V1_WIN_SPUB_ACTION_PUBLISHED_SOFTWARE; GUID gV1UINoBad = V1_WIN_SPUB_ACTION_PUBLISHED_SOFTWARE_NOBADUI; if ((memcmp(pgActionID, &gV1UISup, sizeof(GUID)) == 0) || (memcmp(pgActionID, &gV1UINoBad, sizeof(GUID)) == 0)) { return(TRUE); } return(FALSE); } WINTRUST_DATA *ConvertDataFromVersion1(HWND hWnd, GUID *pgActionID, WINTRUST_DATA *pWTDNew, WINTRUST_FILE_INFO *pWTFINew, LPVOID pWTDOld) { GUID gV1UINoBad = V1_WIN_SPUB_ACTION_PUBLISHED_SOFTWARE_NOBADUI; WCHAR *pwszFile; WIN_TRUST_ACTDATA_CONTEXT_WITH_SUBJECT *pActData; pActData = (WIN_TRUST_ACTDATA_CONTEXT_WITH_SUBJECT *)pWTDOld; memset(pWTDNew, 0x00, sizeof(WINTRUST_DATA)); pWTDNew->cbStruct = sizeof(WINTRUST_DATA); pWTDNew->dwUnionChoice = WTD_CHOICE_FILE; pWTDNew->pFile = pWTFINew; memset(pWTFINew, 0x00, sizeof(WINTRUST_FILE_INFO)); pWTFINew->cbStruct = sizeof(WINTRUST_FILE_INFO); if (!(pWTDOld)) { return(pWTDNew); } pWTDNew->dwUIChoice = WTD_UI_ALL; pWTDNew->pPolicyCallbackData = pActData->hClientToken; pWTFINew->hFile = ((WIN_TRUST_SUBJECT_FILE *)pActData->Subject)->hFile; if (memcmp(&gV1UINoBad, pgActionID, sizeof(GUID)) == 0) { pWTDNew->dwUIChoice = WTD_UI_NOBAD; } if (hWnd == (HWND)(-1)) { pWTDNew->dwUIChoice = WTD_UI_NONE; } pwszFile = (WCHAR *)((WIN_TRUST_SUBJECT_FILE *)pActData->Subject)->lpPath; while ((*pwszFile) && (*pwszFile != '|')) { ++pwszFile; } if (*pwszFile) { *pwszFile = NULL; } pWTFINew->pcwszFilePath = (WCHAR *)((WIN_TRUST_SUBJECT_FILE *)pActData->Subject)->lpPath; return(pWTDNew); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // the following code implements the version 1 style of calling trust providers. // // this code is ONLY implemented when a trust provider registers itself in the // old location! // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define WIN_TRUST_MAJOR_REVISION_MASK 0xFFFF0000 #define WIN_TRUST_MINOR_REVISION_MASK 0x0000FFFF #define WIN_TRUST_REVISION_1_0 0x00010000 #define REGISTRY_TRUSTPROVIDERS TEXT("System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\WinTrust\\TrustProviders") #define REGISTRY_ROOT HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE #define ACTION_IDS TEXT("$ActionIDs") #define DLL_NAME TEXT("$DLL") #define IsEqualActionID( id1, id2) (!memcmp(id1, id2, sizeof(GUID))) typedef struct _WINTRUST_CLIENT_TP_INFO { DWORD dwRevision; //LPWINTRUST_CLIENT_TP_DISPATCH_TABLE lpServices; LPVOID lpServices; } WINTRUST_CLIENT_TP_INFO, *LPWINTRUST_CLIENT_TP_INFO; typedef LONG (*LPWINTRUST_PROVIDER_VERIFY_TRUST) ( IN HWND hwnd, IN GUID * ActionID, IN LPVOID ActionData ); typedef VOID (*LPWINTRUST_PROVIDER_SUBMIT_CERTIFICATE) ( IN LPWIN_CERTIFICATE lpCertificate ); typedef VOID (*LPWINTRUST_PROVIDER_CLIENT_UNLOAD) ( IN LPVOID lpTrustProviderInfo ); typedef BOOL (*LPWINTRUST_PROVIDER_CLIENT_INITIALIZE)( IN DWORD dwWinTrustRevision, IN LPWINTRUST_CLIENT_TP_INFO lpWinTrustInfo, IN LPWSTR lpProviderName, LPVOID *lpTrustProviderInfo // OUT LPWINTRUST_PROVIDER_CLIENT_INFO *lpTrustProviderInfo ); typedef struct _WINTRUST_PROVIDER_CLIENT_SERVICES { LPWINTRUST_PROVIDER_CLIENT_UNLOAD Unload; LPWINTRUST_PROVIDER_VERIFY_TRUST VerifyTrust; LPWINTRUST_PROVIDER_SUBMIT_CERTIFICATE SubmitCertificate; } WINTRUST_PROVIDER_CLIENT_SERVICES, *LPWINTRUST_PROVIDER_CLIENT_SERVICES; typedef struct _WINTRUST_PROVIDER_CLIENT_INFO { DWORD dwRevision; LPWINTRUST_PROVIDER_CLIENT_SERVICES lpServices; DWORD dwActionIdCount; GUID * lpActionIdArray; } WINTRUST_PROVIDER_CLIENT_INFO, *LPWINTRUST_PROVIDER_CLIENT_INFO; typedef struct _LOADED_PROVIDER_V1 { struct _LOADED_PROVIDER_V1 *Next; struct _LOADED_PROVIDER_V1 *Prev; HANDLE ModuleHandle; LPTSTR ModuleName; LPTSTR SubKeyName; LPWINTRUST_PROVIDER_CLIENT_INFO ClientInfo; DWORD RefCount; DWORD ProviderInitialized; } LOADED_PROVIDER_V1, *PLOADED_PROVIDER_V1; #define PROVIDER_INITIALIZATION_SUCCESS (1) #define PROVIDER_INITIALIZATION_IN_PROGRESS (2) #define PROVIDER_INITIALIZATION_FAILED (3) PLOADED_PROVIDER_V1 WinTrustFindActionID(IN GUID * dwActionID); PLOADED_PROVIDER_V1 Version1_RegLoadProvider(HKEY hKey, LPTSTR KeyName, GUID *ActionID); PLOADED_PROVIDER_V1 Version1_LoadProvider(GUID *pgActionID); PLOADED_PROVIDER_V1 Version1_TestProviderForAction(HKEY hKey, LPTSTR KeyName, GUID * ActionID); void Version1_UnloadProvider(PLOADED_PROVIDER_V1 Provider); LONG Version1_WinVerifyTrust(HWND hwnd, GUID *ActionID, LPVOID ActionData) { PLOADED_PROVIDER_V1 Provider; HRESULT rc; if (!(Provider = Version1_LoadProvider(ActionID))) { return( TRUST_E_PROVIDER_UNKNOWN ); } rc = (*Provider->ClientInfo->lpServices->VerifyTrust)( hwnd, ActionID, ActionData ); Version1_UnloadProvider(Provider); return( rc ); } PLOADED_PROVIDER_V1 Version1_LoadProvider(GUID *pgActionID) { HKEY hKey; // Handle to the base of the provider information. HKEY hSubKey; // Handle to the provider currently being examined. LONG Result; // Returned by registry API. DWORD cSubKeys; // Number of providers under the root key. DWORD cbMaxSubKeyLen; // Maximum provider name length. ULONG i; // Indicies for iterating through providers and action IDs. LPTSTR SubKeyName; // Points to the name of the current provider. PLOADED_PROVIDER_V1 FoundProvider = NULL; // // Open the registry and get a list of installed trust providers // Result = RegOpenKeyEx( REGISTRY_ROOT, REGISTRY_TRUSTPROVIDERS, 0L, GENERIC_READ, &hKey ); if (Result != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return( NULL ); } // // Find out how many subkeys there are. // Result = RegQueryInfoKey ( hKey, // handle of key to query NULL, // address of buffer for class string NULL, // address of size of class string buffer NULL, // reserved &cSubKeys, // address of buffer for number of subkeys &cbMaxSubKeyLen, // address of buffer for longest subkey name length NULL, // address of buffer for longest class string length NULL, // address of buffer for number of value entries NULL, // address of buffer for longest value name length NULL, // address of buffer for longest value data length NULL, // address of buffer for security descriptor length NULL // address of buffer for last write time ); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != Result) { RegCloseKey( hKey ); return( NULL ); } // // Iterate through the subkeys, looking for ones with hint information. // cbMaxSubKeyLen += sizeof( WCHAR ); SubKeyName = new char[cbMaxSubKeyLen + 1]; if (NULL == SubKeyName) { RegCloseKey( hKey ); return(NULL); } for (i=0; iClientInfo; ActionIds = ClientInfo->lpActionIdArray; for (i=0; idwActionIdCount; i++) { if (IsEqualActionID(ActionID, &ActionIds[i])) { return( Provider ); } } return(NULL); } PLOADED_PROVIDER_V1 Version1_RegLoadProvider(HKEY hKey, LPTSTR KeyName, GUID *ActionID) { LPTSTR ModuleName = NULL; HINSTANCE LibraryHandle = NULL; LPWINTRUST_PROVIDER_CLIENT_INFO ClientInfo = NULL; PLOADED_PROVIDER_V1 Provider = NULL; LPWSTR ProviderName = NULL; LPTSTR SubKeyName = NULL; GUID gBuffer[10]; // Assume no more than 10 action ids in a provider DWORD Type; DWORD cbData = 0; LONG Result; LPWINTRUST_PROVIDER_CLIENT_INITIALIZE ProcAddr; DWORD size; BOOL Inited; // // get the guids // cbData = sizeof(GUID) * 10; Result = RegQueryValueEx( hKey, // handle of key to query TEXT("$ActionIDs"), NULL, // reserved &Type, // address of buffer for value type (BYTE *)&gBuffer[0], &cbData // address of data buffer size ); if (Result != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return(NULL); } // // check the guids // Inited = FALSE; for (int j = 0; j < (int)(cbData / sizeof(GUID)); j++) { if (memcmp(&gBuffer[j], ActionID, sizeof(GUID)) == 0) { Inited = TRUE; break; } } if (!(Inited)) { return(NULL); } // // Extract the dll name from the $DLL value // Result = RegQueryValueEx( hKey, // handle of key to query TEXT("$DLL"), // address of name of value to query NULL, // reserved &Type, // address of buffer for value type NULL, // address of data buffer &cbData // address of data buffer size ); // if (ERROR_MORE_DATA != Result) { // goto error_cleanup; // } if (ERROR_SUCCESS != Result) { goto error_cleanup; } cbData += sizeof( TCHAR ); ModuleName = new char[cbData]; if (NULL == ModuleName) { goto error_cleanup; } ModuleName[cbData - 1] = TEXT('\0'); Result = RegQueryValueEx( hKey, // handle of key to query TEXT("$DLL"), // address of name of value to query NULL, // reserved &Type, // address of buffer for value type (LPBYTE)ModuleName, // address of data buffer &cbData // address of data buffer size ); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != Result) { goto error_cleanup; } // // Expand environment strings if necessary // if (Type == REG_EXPAND_SZ) { DWORD ExpandedLength = 0; LPTSTR ExpandedModuleName = NULL; ExpandedLength = ExpandEnvironmentStrings( ModuleName, NULL, 0 ); if (0 == ExpandedLength) { goto error_cleanup; } ExpandedModuleName = new char[ExpandedLength]; if (NULL == ExpandedModuleName) { goto error_cleanup; } ExpandedLength = ExpandEnvironmentStrings( ModuleName, ExpandedModuleName, ExpandedLength ); if (0 == ExpandedLength) { delete ExpandedModuleName; goto error_cleanup; } // // Free the old module name, use the new one // delete ModuleName; ModuleName = ExpandedModuleName; } size = (lstrlen( KeyName ) + 1) * sizeof( WCHAR ); ProviderName = new WCHAR[size / sizeof(WCHAR)]; if (NULL == ProviderName) { goto error_cleanup; } #ifdef UNICODE // // If we've been compiled as unicode, the KeyName we got from // the registry consists of WCHARs, so we can just copy it into // the Name buffer. // lstrcpy( ProviderName, KeyName ); #else // // If we've been compiled as ANSI, then KeyName is an ANSI string, // and we need to convert it to WCHARs. // MultiByteToWideChar ( CP_ACP, 0, KeyName, -1, ProviderName, size ); #endif // !UNICODE // // ModuleName now contains the module name, attempt to load it // and ask it to initialize itself. // LibraryHandle = LoadLibrary( (LPTSTR)ModuleName ); if (NULL == LibraryHandle) { DWORD Error; Error = GetLastError(); goto error_cleanup; } ProcAddr = (LPWINTRUST_PROVIDER_CLIENT_INITIALIZE) GetProcAddress( LibraryHandle, (LPCSTR)"WinTrustProviderClientInitialize"); if (NULL == ProcAddr) { goto error_cleanup; } SubKeyName = new char[(lstrlen(KeyName) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR)]; if (NULL == SubKeyName) { goto error_cleanup; } lstrcpy( SubKeyName, KeyName ); Provider = new LOADED_PROVIDER_V1; if (NULL == Provider) { delete SubKeyName; goto error_cleanup; } // // Ready to call init routine. // Provider->RefCount = 1; Provider->ProviderInitialized = PROVIDER_INITIALIZATION_IN_PROGRESS; // // Set the subkey name so anyone else looking for this provider will // find this one and wait. // // Note that we don't want to use the ProviderName as will be passed into // the init routine here, because we've forced that to WCHARs regardless // of whether we're ANSI or Unicode, and we want this string to reflect // the base system for efficiency. // Provider->SubKeyName = SubKeyName; Provider->Next = NULL; Provider->Prev = NULL; Inited = (*ProcAddr)( WIN_TRUST_REVISION_1_0, &WinTrustClientTPInfo, ProviderName, (void **)&ClientInfo ); if (TRUE != Inited) { Provider->ProviderInitialized = PROVIDER_INITIALIZATION_FAILED; // // We could release the lock now, because we're either going to // do nothing to this provider, or we've removed it from // the list and no one else can get to it. // goto error_cleanup; } // // Since we have a write lock, it doesn't matter what order we // do this in, since there are no readers. Just be sure to signal // the event under the write lock. // Provider->ProviderInitialized = PROVIDER_INITIALIZATION_SUCCESS; Provider->ModuleHandle = LibraryHandle; Provider->ModuleName = ModuleName; Provider->ClientInfo = ClientInfo; return( Provider ); error_cleanup: if (NULL != LibraryHandle) { FreeLibrary( LibraryHandle ); } if (NULL != ModuleName) { delete ModuleName; } if (NULL != ProviderName) { delete ProviderName; } if (NULL != Provider) { delete Provider; } return( NULL ); } void Version1_UnloadProvider(PLOADED_PROVIDER_V1 Provider) { if (Provider) { if (Provider->ModuleHandle) { FreeLibrary((HINSTANCE)Provider->ModuleHandle); } if (Provider->ModuleName) { delete Provider->ModuleName; } } delete Provider; }