//+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Microsoft Windows // // Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995 - 1997 // // File: tcrmsg.cpp // // Contents: Cryptographic Message API Tests // // See Usage() for list of test options. // // // Functions: main // // History: 26-Feb-96 philh created // //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "global.hxx" #define SAVE_STREAM_FILES 1 #define MAX_HASH_LEN 20 #define ZEROSTRUCT(arg) (memset( &arg, 0, sizeof(arg))) //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Parameters, data used to encode the messages. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- HCRYPTPROV hCryptProv = 0; DWORD dwProvType = PROV_RSA_FULL; #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 HCRYPTPROV hMultiSignerCryptProv = 0; DWORD dwMultiSignerProvType = PROV_RSA_FULL; BOOL fMultiSigner = FALSE; BOOL fHashEncryptionAlgorithm = FALSE; BOOL fAlgorithmParameters = FALSE; BOOL fNoSignature = FALSE; BYTE rgbOctets[] = {4, 8, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}; BYTE rgbInvalidAsn[] = {0xFF, 0xFF}; #endif // CMS_PKCS7 LPSTR pszCertNameFindStr = NULL; HCERTSTORE hSignerStore = NULL; PCCERT_CONTEXT pNamedSigner = NULL; HCRYPTPROV hNamedSignerCryptProv = 0; LPSTR pszFilename = NULL; BOOL fVerbose = FALSE; BOOL fNoSigners = FALSE; BOOL fAddSigner = FALSE; BOOL fDetached = FALSE; BOOL fAuthAttr = FALSE; BOOL fInnerContent = FALSE; BOOL fCountersign = FALSE; BOOL fStream = FALSE; BOOL fIndefinite = FALSE; BOOL fBare = FALSE; BOOL fMD5 = FALSE; BOOL fNoRecipients = FALSE; DWORD dwMsgEncodingType = PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING; DWORD dwCertEncodingType = X509_ASN_ENCODING; LPCSTR pszContainer = NULL; LPCSTR pszProvider = NULL; BOOL fDefaultVerifyProv = FALSE; HCRYPTPROV hDefaultVerifyProv = 0; BOOL fEnhanced = FALSE; LPCSTR pszEncryptName = "rc2"; LPCSTR pszEncryptOID = NULL; DWORD dwEncryptBitLen = 0; BOOL fEncryptIV = FALSE; #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 BOOL fOriginatorInfo = FALSE; #endif // CMS_PKCS7 typedef struct _PUBLIC_KEY_DATA { BYTE Data[1024]; } PUBLIC_KEY_DATA; #define DEFAULT_MSG_CONTENT_SIZE 49 DWORD cbMsgContent = DEFAULT_MSG_CONTENT_SIZE; BYTE rgbMsgContentFill[7] = {'C','o','n','t','e','n','t'}; #define cbMsgContentFill sizeof(rgbMsgContentFill) DWORD iMsgContentOffset = 0; PBYTE pbInnerContent = NULL; DWORD cbInnerContent; // rsaEncryption CRYPT_ALGORITHM_IDENTIFIER PublicKeyAlgorithm = {szOID_RSA_RSA, {0,0}}; // DES or RC4 CRYPT_ALGORITHM_IDENTIFIER ContentEncryptionAlgorithm[] = { {szOID_OIWSEC_desCBC, {0,0}}, {szOID_RSA_RC4, {0,0}}, {szOID_RSA_RC2CBC, {0,0}}, }; #define CONTENT_ALG_DES 0 #define CONTENT_ALG_RC4 1 #define CONTENT_ALG_RC2 2 // MD5 or SHA1 CRYPT_ALGORITHM_IDENTIFIER DigestAlgorithms[] = { {szOID_RSA_MD5, {0,0}}, {szOID_OIWSEC_sha1, {0,0}}, }; #define DIGEST_ALG_MD5 0 #define DIGEST_ALG_SHA 1 // MD5 or SHA CRYPT_ALGORITHM_IDENTIFIER SignDigestAlgorithms[] = { {szOID_RSA_MD5, {0,0}}, {szOID_OIWSEC_sha1, {0,0}}, }; #define SIGNDIGEST_ALG_MD5 0 #define SIGNDIGEST_ALG_SHA 1 LPSTR pszSignerSerialNumberFileName = "name.der"; DWORD dwSignerSerialNumber = 0x01010101; DWORD dwSignerSerialNumber1 = 0x02020202; DWORD dwSignerSerialNumber2 = 0x03030303; PUBLIC_KEY_DATA SignerPublicKeyData; #define SIGNED_CERT_COUNT 3 DWORD cSignedCert = 1; LPCSTR rgpszSignedCertFileName[SIGNED_CERT_COUNT] = { "cert1.der", "cert2.der", "cert3.der" }; CERT_BLOB rgSignedCertBlob[3]; #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 #define ATTR_CERT_COUNT 2 DWORD cAttrCert = 0; BOOL fEncapsulatedContent = FALSE; LPCSTR rgpszAttrCertFileName[ATTR_CERT_COUNT] = { "cert2.der", "cert3.der" }; CERT_BLOB rgAttrCertBlob[ATTR_CERT_COUNT]; #endif // CMS_PKCS7 #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 #define SIGNED_CRL_COUNT 1 DWORD cSignedCrl = 0; LPCSTR rgpszSignedCrlFileName[SIGNED_CRL_COUNT] = { "crl1.der" }; CRL_BLOB rgSignedCrlBlob[SIGNED_CRL_COUNT]; #else #define SIGNED_CRL_COUNT 0 #endif #define RECIPIENT_COUNT 2 DWORD PkcsRecipientCount = RECIPIENT_COUNT; LPCSTR rgpszRecipientIssuerFileName[RECIPIENT_COUNT] = { "recip1.der", "recip2.der" }; DWORD rgdwRecipientSerialNumber[RECIPIENT_COUNT] = { 0x02020202, 0x03030303 }; PUBLIC_KEY_DATA RecipientPublicKeyData; CERT_INFO rgRecipientCertInfo[RECIPIENT_COUNT]; PCERT_INFO rgpRecipientCertInfo[RECIPIENT_COUNT]; #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 BOOL fRecipientProv = FALSE; BOOL fKeyTrans = FALSE; BOOL fKeyAgree = FALSE; BOOL fMailList = FALSE; BOOL fCmsRecipient = FALSE; BOOL fRecipientKeyId = FALSE; BOOL fCertInfoKeyId = FALSE; BOOL fSignerId = FALSE; BOOL fNoSalt = FALSE; #define MAX_SALT_LEN 11 BYTE rgbSalt[MAX_SALT_LEN]; CMSG_RC4_AUX_INFO RC4AuxInfo; CMSG_RECIPIENT_ENCODE_INFO rgCmsRecipient[RECIPIENT_COUNT * 4]; CMSG_KEY_TRANS_RECIPIENT_ENCODE_INFO rgKeyTrans[RECIPIENT_COUNT * 4]; HCRYPTPROV hKeyAgreeProv = 0; PUBLIC_KEY_DATA KeyAgreePublicKeyData; CMSG_KEY_AGREE_RECIPIENT_ENCODE_INFO rgKeyAgree[RECIPIENT_COUNT * 4]; CMSG_RECIPIENT_ENCRYPTED_KEY_ENCODE_INFO rgEncryptedKey[RECIPIENT_COUNT]; PCMSG_RECIPIENT_ENCRYPTED_KEY_ENCODE_INFO rgpEncryptedKey[RECIPIENT_COUNT]; CMSG_RC2_AUX_INFO KeyAgreeRC2AuxInfo; BYTE rgbKeyAgreeOtherAttr[] = {0x04, 3, 3, 2, 1}; CRYPT_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_VALUE KeyAgreeOtherAttr = { "", sizeof(rgbKeyAgreeOtherAttr), rgbKeyAgreeOtherAttr }; LPCSTR pszUserKeyingMaterial = "UserKeyingMaterial"; CMSG_MAIL_LIST_RECIPIENT_ENCODE_INFO rgMailList[RECIPIENT_COUNT * 4]; CMSG_RC2_AUX_INFO MailListRC2AuxInfo; BYTE rgbMailListOtherAttr[] = {0x04, 2, 1, 2}; CRYPT_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_VALUE MailListOtherAttr = { "", sizeof(rgbMailListOtherAttr), rgbMailListOtherAttr }; DWORD cCmsRecipients = 0; #endif // CMS_PKCS7 #define AUTH_ATTR_COUNT 2 BYTE attr1[] = {0x04, 0x0c, 'A','t','t','r','i','b','u','t','e',' ','1',0}; BYTE attr2[] = {0x04, 0x0c, 'A','t','t','r','i','b','u','t','e',' ','2',0}; BYTE attr3[] = {0x04, 0x0c, 'A','t','t','r','i','b','u','t','e',' ','3',0}; CRYPT_ATTR_BLOB rgatrblob1[] = { { sizeof( attr1), attr1} }; CRYPT_ATTR_BLOB rgatrblob2[] = { { sizeof( attr2), attr2}, { sizeof( attr3), attr3} }; CRYPT_ATTRIBUTE rgAuthAttr[AUTH_ATTR_COUNT] = { {"", 1, rgatrblob1}, {"", 2, rgatrblob2} }; #define UNAUTH_ATTR_COUNT 1 BYTE unattr1[] = {0x04, 0x0c, 'A','T','T','R','I','B','U','T','E',' ','1',0}; CRYPT_ATTR_BLOB rgunatrblob1[] = { { sizeof( unattr1), unattr1} }; CRYPT_ATTRIBUTE rgUnauthAttr[UNAUTH_ATTR_COUNT] = { {"", 1, rgunatrblob1}, }; LPSTR pszInnerContentObjId = szOID_RSA_digestedData; LPCSTR pszInnerContentFileName = "content.der"; //CRYPT_DER_BLOB derInnerContent = {NULL,0}; CERT_INFO rgSignerCertInfo[2]; #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 CERT_ID rgSignerId[2]; #endif // CMS_PKCS7 CMSG_SIGNER_ENCODE_INFO rgSignerEncodeInfo[2]; CMSG_SIGNED_ENCODE_INFO SignedMsgEncodeInfo; CMSG_ENVELOPED_ENCODE_INFO EnvelopedMsgEncodeInfo; CMSG_SIGNED_AND_ENVELOPED_ENCODE_INFO SignedAndEnvelopedMsgEncodeInfo; CMSG_HASHED_ENCODE_INFO HashedMsgEncodeInfo; #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 PUBLIC_KEY_DATA MultiSignerPublicKeyData; BYTE rgbEncodedSignerHash[2][MAX_HASH_LEN]; DWORD rgcbEncodedSignerHash[2]; #endif // CMS_PKCS7 static inline IsDSSProv( IN DWORD dwProvType ) { return (PROV_DSS == dwProvType || PROV_DSS_DH == dwProvType); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Error output routines //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define PRINT_ERROR(function,label) \ label##: \ PrintError( #function "::" #label); \ goto ErrorReturn; void PrintError(LPCSTR pszMsg) { printf("failed => %s\n", pszMsg); } void PrintLastError(LPCSTR pszMsg) { DWORD dwErr = GetLastError(); printf("%s failed => 0x%x (%d) \n", pszMsg, dwErr, dwErr); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Test allocation and free routines //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- void *TestAlloc( IN size_t cb ) { void *pv; // pv = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, cb); pv = malloc(cb); if (pv == NULL) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); PrintLastError("TestAlloc"); } return pv; } void *TestAllocZero( IN size_t cb ) { void *pv; // pv = LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, cb); pv = malloc(cb); if (pv == NULL) { SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); PrintLastError("TestAlloc"); } else { memset( pv, 0, cb); } return pv; } void TestFree( IN void *pv ) { // LocalFree((HLOCAL) pv); if (pv) free(pv); } static BOOL AllocAndEncodeObject( IN LPCSTR lpszStructType, IN const void *pvStructInfo, OUT BYTE **ppbEncoded, OUT DWORD *pcbEncoded ) { BOOL fResult; BYTE *pbEncoded = NULL; DWORD cbEncoded; fResult = CryptEncodeObject( PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING, lpszStructType, pvStructInfo, NULL, // pbEncoded &cbEncoded); if (!fResult || cbEncoded == 0) { if ((DWORD_PTR) lpszStructType <= 0xFFFF) printf("CryptEncodeObject(StructType: %d, cbEncoded == 0)", (DWORD)(DWORD_PTR) lpszStructType); else printf("CryptEncodeObject(StructType: %s, cbEncoded == 0)", lpszStructType); PrintLastError(""); goto ErrorReturn; } if (NULL == (pbEncoded = (BYTE *) TestAlloc(cbEncoded))) goto ErrorReturn; if (!CryptEncodeObject( PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING, lpszStructType, pvStructInfo, pbEncoded, &cbEncoded )) { if ((DWORD_PTR) lpszStructType <= 0xFFFF) printf("CryptEncodeObject(StructType: %d)", (DWORD)(DWORD_PTR) lpszStructType); else printf("CryptEncodeObject(StructType: %s)", lpszStructType); PrintLastError(""); goto ErrorReturn; } fResult = TRUE; CommonReturn: *ppbEncoded = pbEncoded; *pcbEncoded = cbEncoded; return fResult; ErrorReturn: if (pbEncoded) { TestFree(pbEncoded); pbEncoded = NULL; } cbEncoded = 0; fResult = FALSE; goto CommonReturn; } static BOOL AllocAndDecodeObject( IN LPCSTR lpszStructType, IN const BYTE *pbEncoded, IN DWORD cbEncoded, OUT void **ppvStructInfo, IN OUT DWORD *pcbStructInfo ) { BOOL fResult; void *pvStructInfo = NULL; DWORD cbStructInfo = 0; if (!CryptDecodeObject( X509_ASN_ENCODING, lpszStructType, pbEncoded, cbEncoded, 0, // dwFlags NULL, &cbStructInfo )) { if ((DWORD_PTR) lpszStructType <= 0xFFFF) printf("CryptDecodeObject(StructType: %d, cbStructInfo == 0)", (DWORD)(DWORD_PTR) lpszStructType); else printf("CryptDecodeObject(StructType: %s, cbStructInfo == 0)", lpszStructType); PrintLastError(""); goto ErrorReturn; } if (NULL == (pvStructInfo = TestAlloc(cbStructInfo))) goto ErrorReturn; if (!CryptDecodeObject( X509_ASN_ENCODING, lpszStructType, pbEncoded, cbEncoded, 0, // dwFlags pvStructInfo, &cbStructInfo )) { if ((DWORD_PTR) lpszStructType <= 0xFFFF) printf("CryptDecodeObject(StructType: %d)", (DWORD)(DWORD_PTR) lpszStructType); else printf("CryptDecodeObject(StructType: %s)", lpszStructType); PrintLastError(""); goto ErrorReturn; } fResult = TRUE; CommonReturn: *ppvStructInfo = pvStructInfo; *pcbStructInfo = cbStructInfo; return fResult; ErrorReturn: fResult = FALSE; TestFree(pvStructInfo); pvStructInfo = NULL; goto CommonReturn; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Stream support //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef struct _TEST_STREAM_DATA { DWORD dwEncodingType; DWORD dwEncodeFlags; DWORD dwDecodeFlags; DWORD dwMsgTypeEncoding; DWORD dwMsgTypeDecoding; PVOID pvMsgEncodeInfo; LPSTR pszInnerContentType; PCMSG_STREAM_INFO pStreamInfo; HCRYPTMSG hMsg; BOOL fEncoding; BOOL fReady; #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 DWORD rgcbComputedHash[2]; BYTE rgbComputedHash[2][MAX_HASH_LEN]; #endif // CMS_PKCS7 } TEST_STREAM_DATA, *PTEST_STREAM_DATA; DEFINE_LIST_AND_NODE_CLASS( CStreamList, CStreamNode, TEST_STREAM_DATA); CStreamNode::~CStreamNode() { TestFree( m_data.pStreamInfo); }; CStreamList *plistStream = NULL; DEFINE_LIST_AND_NODE_CLASS( CBlobList, CBlobNode, CRYPT_DATA_BLOB); CBlobNode::~CBlobNode() { TestFree( m_data.pbData); }; LPSTR pszStreamMsgTypes = "S"; #define pszStreamFileName "stream.msg" #define pszFilenameDecode "decode.dat" HANDLE hFileStream = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; HANDLE hFileStreamDecode = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; DWORD cbFileDecode; #if DBG #define cbStreamDataDeltaEncode 17 #else #define cbStreamDataDeltaEncode 1024 #endif BYTE abStreamDataDeltaEncode[cbStreamDataDeltaEncode]; #if DBG DWORD cbStreamDataDeltaDecode = 1; //DWORD cbStreamDataDeltaDecode = 19; #else DWORD cbStreamDataDeltaDecode = 1024; #endif //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Check that a CryptMsgGetParam to a buffer fails with the right error // because the buffer is too small. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL WINAPI TCM_CheckGetParam( IN HCRYPTMSG hCryptMsg, IN DWORD dwParamType, IN DWORD dwIndex, IN PVOID pv, IN DWORD cbData) { BOOL fRet; DWORD cbSmall; if (cbData < 1) goto SuccessReturn; cbSmall = cbData - 1; if (CryptMsgGetParam( hCryptMsg, dwParamType, dwIndex, pv, &cbSmall)) goto GetSmallBufferRetError; if (ERROR_MORE_DATA != GetLastError()) goto GetSmallBufferLastErrorError; SuccessReturn: fRet = TRUE; CommonReturn: return fRet; ErrorReturn: fRet = FALSE; goto CommonReturn; PRINT_ERROR(TCM_CheckGetParam,GetSmallBufferRetError) PRINT_ERROR(TCM_CheckGetParam,GetSmallBufferLastErrorError) } //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Do a CryptMsgGetParam to a buffer alloc'd by TestAlloc //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL WINAPI TCM_AllocGetParam( IN HCRYPTMSG hCryptMsg, IN DWORD dwParamType, IN DWORD dwIndex, OUT PBYTE *ppbData, OUT DWORD *pcbData) { DWORD dwError = ERROR_SUCCESS; BOOL fRet; DWORD cb; PBYTE pb = NULL; cb = 0; CryptMsgGetParam( hCryptMsg, dwParamType, dwIndex, NULL, &cb); if (cb == 0) goto GetEncodedSizeError; if (NULL == (pb = (PBYTE)TestAlloc(cb))) goto AllocEncodedError; if (!TCM_CheckGetParam( hCryptMsg, dwParamType, dwIndex, pb, cb)) goto CheckGetEncodedError; if (!CryptMsgGetParam( hCryptMsg, dwParamType, dwIndex, pb, &cb)) goto GetEncodedError; fRet = TRUE; CommonReturn: *ppbData = pb; *pcbData = cb; if (dwError != ERROR_SUCCESS) SetLastError(dwError); return fRet; ErrorReturn: dwError = GetLastError(); TestFree(pb); pb = NULL; cb = 0; fRet = FALSE; goto CommonReturn; PRINT_ERROR(TCM_AllocGetParam,GetEncodedSizeError) PRINT_ERROR(TCM_AllocGetParam,AllocEncodedError) PRINT_ERROR(TCM_AllocGetParam,CheckGetEncodedError) PRINT_ERROR(TCM_AllocGetParam,GetEncodedError) } //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Compare 2 CRYPT_ALGORITHM_IDENTIFIER structs. // // Returns: FALSE iff differ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL WINAPI EqualAlgorithm( IN PCRYPT_ALGORITHM_IDENTIFIER pai1, IN PCRYPT_ALGORITHM_IDENTIFIER pai2) { BOOL fRet; fRet = (0 == strcmp( pai1->pszObjId, pai2->pszObjId)); fRet &= (pai1->Parameters.cbData == pai2->Parameters.cbData); if (fRet) { fRet &= (0 == memcmp( pai1->Parameters.pbData, pai2->Parameters.pbData, pai1->Parameters.cbData)); } return fRet; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Compare 2 CRYPT_ATTRIBUTE structs. // // Returns: FALSE iff differ //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL WINAPI EqualAttribute( IN PCRYPT_ATTRIBUTE patr1, IN PCRYPT_ATTRIBUTE patr2) { BOOL fRet; DWORD i; PCRYPT_ATTR_BLOB pabl1; PCRYPT_ATTR_BLOB pabl2; fRet = (0 == strcmp( patr1->pszObjId, patr2->pszObjId)); fRet &= (patr1->cValue == patr2->cValue); if (fRet) { for (i=patr1->cValue, pabl1=patr1->rgValue, pabl2=patr2->rgValue; i>0; i--, pabl1++, pabl2++) { fRet &= (pabl1->cbData == pabl2->cbData); if (fRet) { fRet &= (0 == memcmp( pabl1->pbData, pabl2->pbData, pabl1->cbData)); } } } return fRet; } void XORAttributeBytes() { DWORD cb; BYTE *pb; cb = sizeof(attr1) / sizeof(attr1[0]); pb = attr1; while(cb--) *pb++ ^= 0xFF; cb = sizeof(attr2) / sizeof(attr2[0]); pb = attr2; while(cb--) *pb++ ^= 0xFF; cb = sizeof(attr3) / sizeof(attr3[0]); pb = attr3; while(cb--) *pb++ ^= 0xFF; cb = sizeof(unattr1) / sizeof(unattr1[0]); pb = unattr1; while(cb--) *pb++ ^= 0xFF; } void XORBlob( IN PCRYPT_DATA_BLOB pBlob ) { DWORD cb; BYTE *pb; cb = pBlob->cbData; pb = pBlob->pbData; while(cb--) *pb++ ^= 0xFF; } void XORBitBlob( IN PCRYPT_BIT_BLOB pBlob ) { CRYPT_DATA_BLOB Blob; Blob.pbData = pBlob->pbData; Blob.cbData = pBlob->cbData; XORBlob(&Blob); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Read an encoded DER blob from a file //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL GetDERFromFile( LPCSTR pszFileName, PBYTE *ppbDER, PDWORD pcbDER ) { BOOL fRet; HANDLE hFile; PBYTE pbDER; DWORD cbDER; DWORD cbRead; if( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == (hFile = CreateFile( pszFileName, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL))) { printf( "can't open %s\n", pszFileName); goto ErrorReturn; } cbDER = GetFileSize( hFile, NULL); if (NULL == (pbDER = (PBYTE)TestAlloc( cbDER))) { printf( "can't alloc %d bytes\n", cbDER); goto ErrorReturn; } if (!ReadFile( hFile, pbDER, cbDER, &cbRead, NULL) || (cbRead != cbDER)) { printf( "can't read %s\n", pszFileName); goto ErrorReturn; } CloseHandle( hFile); *ppbDER = pbDER; *pcbDER = cbDER; fRet = TRUE; CommonReturn: return fRet; ErrorReturn: fRet = FALSE; goto CommonReturn; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Write a buffer to a file //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL WINAPI TCM_WriteBufToFile( LPCSTR pszFile, PBYTE pbData, DWORD cbData) { BOOL fRet; HANDLE hFile; DWORD cbWritten; if( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == (hFile = CreateFile( pszFile, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, 0, NULL))) goto CreateFileError; if (!WriteFile( hFile, pbData, cbData, &cbWritten, NULL) || (cbWritten != cbData)) goto WriteFileError; CloseHandle( hFile); fRet = TRUE; CommonReturn: return fRet; ErrorReturn: fRet = FALSE; goto CommonReturn; PRINT_ERROR(TCM_WriteBufToFile,CreateFileError) PRINT_ERROR(TCM_WriteBufToFile,WriteFileError) } //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Get the number of contents octets in a DER encoding. // // Parameters: // pcbContent - receives the number of contents octets // pbLength - points to the first length octet // cbDER - number of bytes remaining in the DER encoding // // Returns: // success - the number of bytes in the length field, >=0 // failure - <0 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- LONG WINAPI TCM_DecodeLength( OUT DWORD *pcbContent, IN PBYTE pbLength, IN DWORD cbDER) { long i; BYTE cbLength; PBYTE pb; if (cbDER < 1) goto EncodeOverflowError; if (0x80 == *pbLength) goto IsBERError; // determine the number of length octets and contents octets if ((cbLength = *pbLength) & 0x80) { cbLength &= ~0x80; // low 7 bits have number of bytes if (cbLength > 4) goto LengthTooLargeError; if (cbLength >= cbDER) goto EncodeOverflowError2; *pcbContent = 0; for (i=cbLength, pb=pbLength+1; i>0; i--, pb++) *pcbContent = (*pcbContent << 8) + (DWORD)*pb; i = cbLength + 1; } else { *pcbContent = (DWORD)cbLength; i = 1; } CommonReturn: return i; // how many bytes there were in the length field EncodeOverflowError: IsBERError: LengthTooLargeError: EncodeOverflowError2: i = -1; goto CommonReturn; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Point to the content octets in a DER-encoded blob. // // Returns: // success - the number of bytes skipped, >=0 // failure - <0 // // Assume pbData points to a definite-length BER-encoded blob. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- LONG WINAPI TCM_ExtractContent( IN PBYTE pbDER, IN DWORD cbDER, OUT DWORD *pcbContent, OUT OPTIONAL PBYTE *ppbContent) { #define TAG_MASK 0x1f DWORD cbIdentifier; DWORD cbContent; LONG cbLength; PBYTE pb = pbDER; // Skip over the identifier octet(s) if (TAG_MASK == (*pb++ & TAG_MASK)) { // high-tag-number form for (cbIdentifier=2; *pb++ & 0x80; cbIdentifier++) ; } else { // low-tag-number form cbIdentifier = 1; } if (0 > (cbLength = TCM_DecodeLength( &cbContent, pb, cbDER-cbIdentifier))) goto DecodeLengthError; pb += cbLength; *pcbContent = cbContent; if (ppbContent) *ppbContent = pb; return cbLength + cbIdentifier; DecodeLengthError: return -1; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Functions for initializing message encode information //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- void InitSignedMsgEncodeInfo( OUT PCMSG_SIGNED_ENCODE_INFO pSignedMsgEncodeInfo ); void InitEnvelopedMsgEncodeInfo( OUT PCMSG_ENVELOPED_ENCODE_INFO pEnvelopedMsgEncodeInfo ); //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Functions for cleaning up message encode information //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CleanupSignedMsgEncodeInfo( OUT PCMSG_SIGNED_ENCODE_INFO pSignedMsgEncodeInfo ); void CleanupEnvelopedMsgEncodeInfo( OUT PCMSG_ENVELOPED_ENCODE_INFO pEnvelopedMsgEncodeInfo ); //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Message encode and decode routines //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL EncodeAndDecodeMsg( IN DWORD dwMsgType, IN void *pvMsgEncodeInfo ); BOOL EncodeMsg( IN DWORD dwMsgType, IN void *pvMsgEncodeInfo, OUT BYTE **ppbEncodedBlob, OUT DWORD *pcbEncodedBlob ); BOOL DecodeMsg( IN DWORD dwExpectedMsgType, IN const BYTE *pbEncodedBlob, IN DWORD cbEncodedBlob ); BOOL StreamEncodeAndDecodeMsg(); BOOL StreamEncodeMsg(); BOOL StreamDecodeMsg(); //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Get signer info and verify the signed message //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL GetSignerInfoAndVerify(IN HCRYPTMSG hMsg, IN BOOL fInnerNonData); BOOL GetSignerInfoAndVerify( IN HCRYPTMSG hMsg, IN BOOL fInnerNonData, IN DWORD dwSignerIndex, OUT DWORD *pdwSrcIndex ); //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Get recipient info and decrypt the message. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL GetRecipientInfoAndDecrypt(IN HCRYPTMSG hMsg); //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Allocate and get the CMSG_SIGNER_CERT_INFO_PARAM or CMSG_RECIPIENT_INFO_PARAM // from the message //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- PCERT_INFO GetCertIdFromMsg( IN HCRYPTMSG hMsg, IN DWORD dwParamType, IN DWORD dwIndex ); //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Allocate and get the CMSG_SIGNER_INFO_PARAM from the message //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- PCMSG_SIGNER_INFO GetSignerInfoFromMsg( IN HCRYPTMSG hMsg, IN DWORD dwIndex ); //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Get computed digest and digest data from a decoded CMSG_HASHED //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL Undigest(IN HCRYPTMSG hMsg); //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Countersign test functions //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL CountersignAndVerify(IN HCRYPTMSG hCryptMsg); //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Add signer test functions //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL AddSignerAndVerify(IN HCRYPTMSG hCryptMsg); //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Top Level Test Functions //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL TestSign() { BOOL fRet; InitSignedMsgEncodeInfo(&SignedMsgEncodeInfo); fRet = EncodeAndDecodeMsg(CMSG_SIGNED, &SignedMsgEncodeInfo); CleanupSignedMsgEncodeInfo(&SignedMsgEncodeInfo); return fRet; } BOOL TestEnvelope() { BOOL fRet; InitEnvelopedMsgEncodeInfo(&EnvelopedMsgEncodeInfo); fRet = EncodeAndDecodeMsg(CMSG_ENVELOPED, &EnvelopedMsgEncodeInfo); CleanupEnvelopedMsgEncodeInfo(&EnvelopedMsgEncodeInfo); return fRet; } BOOL TestSignAndEnvelope() { BOOL fRet; return FALSE; SignedAndEnvelopedMsgEncodeInfo.cbSize = sizeof(CMSG_SIGNED_AND_ENVELOPED_ENCODE_INFO); InitSignedMsgEncodeInfo(&SignedAndEnvelopedMsgEncodeInfo.SignedInfo); InitEnvelopedMsgEncodeInfo(&SignedAndEnvelopedMsgEncodeInfo.EnvelopedInfo); fRet = EncodeAndDecodeMsg(CMSG_SIGNED_AND_ENVELOPED, &SignedAndEnvelopedMsgEncodeInfo); CleanupSignedMsgEncodeInfo(&SignedAndEnvelopedMsgEncodeInfo.SignedInfo); CleanupEnvelopedMsgEncodeInfo(&SignedAndEnvelopedMsgEncodeInfo.EnvelopedInfo); return fRet; } BOOL TestDigest() { HashedMsgEncodeInfo.cbSize = sizeof(CMSG_HASHED_ENCODE_INFO); HashedMsgEncodeInfo.hCryptProv = hDefaultVerifyProv; HashedMsgEncodeInfo.HashAlgorithm = DigestAlgorithms[ fMD5 ? DIGEST_ALG_MD5 : DIGEST_ALG_SHA]; HashedMsgEncodeInfo.pvHashAuxInfo = NULL; return EncodeAndDecodeMsg(CMSG_HASHED, &HashedMsgEncodeInfo); } BOOL TestCountersign() { BOOL fRet; fCountersign = TRUE; InitSignedMsgEncodeInfo(&SignedMsgEncodeInfo); fRet = EncodeAndDecodeMsg(CMSG_SIGNED, &SignedMsgEncodeInfo); CleanupSignedMsgEncodeInfo(&SignedMsgEncodeInfo); return fRet; } BOOL TestStream() { BOOL fRet; if (NULL == (plistStream = new CStreamList)) return FALSE; fStream = TRUE; InitSignedMsgEncodeInfo(&SignedMsgEncodeInfo); InitEnvelopedMsgEncodeInfo(&EnvelopedMsgEncodeInfo); fRet = StreamEncodeAndDecodeMsg(); CleanupEnvelopedMsgEncodeInfo(&EnvelopedMsgEncodeInfo); CleanupSignedMsgEncodeInfo(&SignedMsgEncodeInfo); delete plistStream; plistStream = NULL; return fRet; } typedef BOOL (*PFN_TEST)(void); struct { LPCSTR pszName; PFN_TEST pfn; } Tests[] = { "Sign", TestSign, "Envelope", TestEnvelope, "SignAndEnvelope", TestSignAndEnvelope, "Digest", TestDigest, "Countersign", TestCountersign, "Stream", TestStream }; #define NTESTS (sizeof(Tests)/sizeof(Tests[0])) void Usage(void) { int i; printf("Usage: tcrmsg [options] [] [][]\n"); printf("Options are:\n"); #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 printf(" -AttrCert - Add CMS attribute certificates\n"); printf(" -Crl - Add CRLs\n"); printf(" -EncapsulatedContent - CMS encapsulated content\n"); printf(" -OriginatorInfo - CMS EnvelopedData OriginatorInfo\n"); printf(" -KeyTrans - CMS KeyTrans recipients\n"); printf(" -KeyAgree - CMS KeyAgree recipients\n"); printf(" -MailList - CMS MailList recipients\n"); printf(" -RecipientKeyId - Use KeyId for recipients\n"); printf(" -CertInfoKeyId - Use KeyId for encode CertInfo\n"); printf(" -SignerId - Use SignerId instead of CertInfo\n"); printf(" -HashEncryptionAlgorithm - Use for first signer info\n"); printf(" -NoSignature - Use NO_SIGNATURE OID \n"); printf(" -NoRecipients - No Envelope Recipients\n"); printf(" -AlgorithmParameters - Algorithms have dummy parameters\n"); printf(" -NoSalt - NoSalt for RC4\n"); #endif // CMS_PKCS7 printf(" -h - This message\n"); printf(" -A - Authenticated Attributes\n"); printf(" -B - Bare content (no outer ContentInfo)\n"); printf(" -c - no Certs\n"); printf(" -C - non-data inner Content\n"); printf(" -D - Detached Signature/Digest\n"); printf(" -i - indefinite-length encoding\n"); printf(" -l - print command Line\n"); printf(" -M - MD5 hash algorithm\n"); printf(" -n - Number of bytes in content\n"); printf(" -N - No signers\n"); #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 printf(" -NMultiple - Multiple signers\n"); #endif // CMS_PKCS7 printf(" -p - Crypto Provider\n"); printf(" -PEnhanced - Use enhanced crypto provider\n"); printf(" -PDefault - Use default crypto provider\n"); #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 printf(" -PRecipient - Each recipient has a crypto provider\n"); printf(" -PDSS - Use DSS provider for second signer\n"); printf(" -PDSS_DH - Use DSS_DH provider for second signer\n"); #endif // CMS_PKCS7 printf(" -P - Crypto provider Name\n"); printf(" -K - Provider key container Name\n"); printf(" -E - Encrypt algorithm, default of \"rc2\"\n"); printf(" -e - Encrypt key bit length\n"); printf(" -I - Include IV in encrypt parameters\n"); printf(" -s[ES]+ - list of stream message types\n"); printf(" -S - add signer\n"); printf(" -t - tiny streaming decode buffer\n"); printf(" -v - verbose\n"); printf(" -f - Write encoded message to file\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Tests are (case insensitive name):\n"); for (i = 0; i < NTESTS; i++) printf(" %s\n", Tests[i].pszName); printf("\n"); printf("Default: ALL Tests\n"); } HCRYPTPROV GetCryptProv( DWORD dwMyProvType = dwProvType, LPCSTR pszMyProvider = pszProvider ) { HCRYPTPROV hProv = 0; BOOL fResult; if (NULL == pszMyProvider) { if (fEnhanced) { if (PROV_RSA_FULL == dwMyProvType) pszMyProvider = MS_ENHANCED_PROV_A; } } fResult = CryptAcquireContextA( &hProv, pszContainer, pszMyProvider, dwMyProvType, fNoSignature ? CRYPT_VERIFYCONTEXT : 0 // dwFlags ); if (fResult) { printf("Using default sign and xchg keys for provider type: %d", dwMyProvType); if (pszMyProvider && *pszMyProvider) printf(" provider: %s", pszMyProvider); if (pszContainer && *pszContainer) printf(" container: %s", pszContainer); printf("\n"); } else { DWORD dwErr = GetLastError(); if (dwErr == NTE_BAD_KEYSET) { // Need to create the keys printf("Generating SIGNATURE and EXCHANGE private keys\n"); hProv = 0; fResult = CryptAcquireContextA( &hProv, pszContainer, pszMyProvider, dwMyProvType, CRYPT_NEWKEYSET ); if (!fResult || hProv == 0) { PrintLastError("CryptAcquireContext"); return 0; } HCRYPTKEY hKey = 0; fResult = CryptGenKey( hProv, AT_SIGNATURE, CRYPT_EXPORTABLE, &hKey ); if (!fResult || hKey == 0) PrintLastError("CryptGenKey(AT_SIGNATURE)"); else CryptDestroyKey(hKey); hKey = 0; fResult = CryptGenKey( hProv, AT_KEYEXCHANGE, CRYPT_EXPORTABLE, &hKey ); if (!fResult || hKey == 0) PrintLastError("CryptGenKey(AT_KEYEXCHANGE)"); else CryptDestroyKey(hKey); } else { PrintLastError("CryptAcquireContext"); return 0; } } return hProv; } BOOL GetNonStreamedMsgContent( IN DWORD cbContent, OUT PBYTE *ppbContent, OUT DWORD *pcbContent) { BOOL fRet; PBYTE pbContent; PBYTE pb; DWORD cb; if (fInnerContent) { if (!GetDERFromFile( pszInnerContentFileName, ppbContent, pcbContent)) goto GetDERFromFileError; } else { if (NULL == (pbContent = (PBYTE)TestAlloc( cbContent))) goto AllocContentError; for (pb=pbContent, cb=0; cb < cbContent; pb++, cb++) *pb = rgbMsgContentFill[ cb%cbMsgContentFill]; *ppbContent = pbContent; *pcbContent = cbContent; } fRet = TRUE; CommonReturn: return fRet; ErrorReturn: *ppbContent = NULL; *pcbContent = 0; fRet = FALSE; goto CommonReturn; PRINT_ERROR(GetNonStreamedMsgContent,GetDERFromFileError) PRINT_ERROR(GetNonStreamedMsgContent,AllocContentError) } PCCRYPT_OID_INFO GetOIDInfo(LPCSTR pszName, DWORD dwGroupId = 0) { WCHAR wszName[256]; PCCRYPT_OID_INFO pInfo; MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, // dwFlags pszName, -1, // null terminated wszName, sizeof(wszName) / sizeof(wszName[0])); return CryptFindOIDInfo( CRYPT_OID_INFO_NAME_KEY, (void *) wszName, dwGroupId ); } LPCSTR GetOID(LPCSTR pszName, DWORD dwGroupId = 0) { PCCRYPT_OID_INFO pInfo; if (pInfo = GetOIDInfo(pszName, dwGroupId)) return pInfo->pszOID; else return NULL; } ALG_ID GetAlgid(LPCSTR pszName, DWORD dwGroupId = 0) { PCCRYPT_OID_INFO pInfo; if (pInfo = GetOIDInfo(pszName, dwGroupId)) return pInfo->Algid; else return 0; } static HCERTSTORE OpenStore(LPCSTR pszStoreFilename) { HCERTSTORE hStore; HANDLE hFile = 0; if( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == (hFile = CreateFile(pszStoreFilename, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL))) { printf( "can't open %s\n", pszStoreFilename); hStore = NULL; } else { hStore = CertOpenStore( CERT_STORE_PROV_FILE, dwCertEncodingType, 0, // hProv 0, // dwFlags hFile ); CloseHandle(hFile); } if (hStore == NULL) PrintLastError("CertOpenStore"); return hStore; } int _cdecl main(int argc, char * argv[]) { BOOL fResult; LPSTR pszTestName = NULL; int TestIdx = 0; LPSTR pszStoreFilename = NULL; while (--argc>0) { if (**++argv == '-') { #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 if (0 == _stricmp(argv[0]+1, "AttrCert")) { cAttrCert = ATTR_CERT_COUNT; } else if (0 == _stricmp(argv[0]+1, "Crl")) { cSignedCrl = SIGNED_CRL_COUNT; } else if (0 == _stricmp(argv[0]+1, "EncapsulatedContent")) { fEncapsulatedContent = TRUE; } else if (0 == _stricmp(argv[0]+1, "OriginatorInfo")) { fOriginatorInfo = TRUE; } else if (0 == _stricmp(argv[0]+1, "KeyTrans")) { fKeyTrans = TRUE; fCmsRecipient = TRUE; } else if (0 == _stricmp(argv[0]+1, "KeyAgree")) { fKeyAgree = TRUE; fCmsRecipient = TRUE; } else if (0 == _stricmp(argv[0]+1, "MailList")) { fMailList = TRUE; fCmsRecipient = TRUE; } else if (0 == _stricmp(argv[0]+1, "RecipientKeyId")) { fRecipientKeyId = TRUE; } else if (0 == _stricmp(argv[0]+1, "CertInfoKeyId")) { fCertInfoKeyId = TRUE; } else if (0 == _stricmp(argv[0]+1, "SignerId")) { fSignerId = TRUE; } else if (0 == _stricmp(argv[0]+1, "HashEncryptionAlgorithm")) { fHashEncryptionAlgorithm = TRUE; } else if (0 == _stricmp(argv[0]+1, "NoSignature")) { fNoSignature = TRUE; } else if (0 == _stricmp(argv[0]+1, "NoRecipients")) { fNoRecipients = TRUE; } else if (0 == _stricmp(argv[0]+1, "AlgorithmParameters")) { fAlgorithmParameters = TRUE; } else if (0 == _stricmp(argv[0]+1, "NoSalt")) { fNoSalt = TRUE; } else { #endif // CMS_PKCS7 switch(argv[0][1]) { case 'A': fAuthAttr = TRUE; break; case 'B': fBare = TRUE; break; case 'c': cSignedCert = 0; break; case 'C': fInnerContent = TRUE; break; case 'D': fDetached = TRUE; break; case 'i': fIndefinite = TRUE; break; case 'l': printf("command line: %s\n", GetCommandLine()); break; case 'M': fMD5 = TRUE; break; case 'n': cbMsgContent = strtoul( argv[0]+2, NULL, 0); break; case 'N': #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 if (0 == _stricmp(argv[0]+2, "Multiple")) fMultiSigner = TRUE; else #endif // CMS_PKCS7 fNoSigners = TRUE; break; case 'p': dwProvType = strtoul( argv[0]+2, NULL, 0); break; case 'P': if (0 == _stricmp(argv[0]+2, "Enhanced")) fEnhanced = TRUE; else if (0 == _stricmp(argv[0]+2, "Default")) fDefaultVerifyProv = TRUE; #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 else if (0 == _stricmp(argv[0]+2, "Recipient")) fRecipientProv = TRUE; else if (0 == _stricmp(argv[0]+2, "DSS")) dwMultiSignerProvType = PROV_DSS; else if (0 == _stricmp(argv[0]+2, "DSS_DH")) dwMultiSignerProvType = PROV_DSS_DH; #endif // CMS_PKCS7 else pszProvider = argv[0]+2; break; case 'K': pszContainer = argv[0]+2; break; case 'E': pszEncryptName = argv[0]+2; break; case 'e': dwEncryptBitLen = strtoul( argv[0]+2, NULL, 0); break; case 'I': fEncryptIV = TRUE; break; case 'R': pszEncryptName = "rc4"; break; case 's': pszStreamMsgTypes = argv[0]+2; break; case 'S': fAddSigner = TRUE; break; case 't': cbStreamDataDeltaDecode = 1; break; case 'v': fVerbose = TRUE; break; case 'f': pszFilename = argv[0]+2; if (*pszFilename == '\0') { printf("Need to specify filename\n"); Usage(); return -1; } break; case 'h': default: Usage(); return -1; } #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 } #endif // CMS_PKCS7 } else { if(pszTestName == NULL) pszTestName = argv[0]; else if (pszStoreFilename == NULL) pszStoreFilename = argv[0]; else if (pszCertNameFindStr == NULL) pszCertNameFindStr = argv[0]; else { printf("Too many arguments\n"); Usage(); return -1; } } } if (fInnerContent && (cbMsgContent != DEFAULT_MSG_CONTENT_SIZE)) { printf( "-n and -C not compatible\n"); return -1; } if (pszTestName) { for (TestIdx = 0; TestIdx < NTESTS; TestIdx++) { if (_stricmp(pszTestName, Tests[TestIdx].pszName) == 0) break; } if (TestIdx >= NTESTS) { printf("Bad TestName: %s\n", pszTestName); Usage(); return -1; } } else TestIdx = 0; if (NULL == (pszEncryptOID = (LPSTR) GetOID( pszEncryptName, CRYPT_ENCRYPT_ALG_OID_GROUP_ID))) { printf("Failed => unknown encrypt name (%s)\n", pszEncryptName); return -1; } if (fDetached) printf("Enabled: DetachedDigest/Signature\n"); if (fNoSigners) printf("Enabled: NoSigners\n"); if (fAuthAttr) printf("Enabled: Authenticated attributes\n"); if (fInnerContent) printf("Enabled: non-data Content\n"); if (0 != _stricmp("rc2", pszEncryptName)) printf("Enabled: %s\n", pszEncryptName); if (0 != dwEncryptBitLen) printf("Enabled: Encrypt bit length: %d\n", dwEncryptBitLen); if (fEncryptIV) printf("Enabled: IV\n"); if (fMD5) printf("Enabled: MD5\n"); if (pszFilename) printf("Enabled: Writing encoded to file: %s\n", pszFilename); // Get crypto provider having both signature and exchange private keys hCryptProv = GetCryptProv(); if (hCryptProv == 0) return -1; // Attempt to open the store if (pszStoreFilename) { hSignerStore = OpenStore(pszStoreFilename); if (NULL == hSignerStore) return -1; } #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 if (fKeyAgree) { hKeyAgreeProv = GetCryptProv(PROV_DSS_DH, NULL); if (hKeyAgreeProv == 0) return -1; } if (fMultiSigner) { hMultiSignerCryptProv = GetCryptProv(dwMultiSignerProvType, NULL); if (hMultiSignerCryptProv == 0) return -1; } #endif // CMS_PKCS7 if (fDefaultVerifyProv) { printf("Using default hCryptProv for encrypting and verifying\n"); hDefaultVerifyProv = 0; } else hDefaultVerifyProv = hCryptProv; for ( ; TestIdx < NTESTS; TestIdx++) { printf("Starting %s Test\n", Tests[TestIdx].pszName); fResult = Tests[TestIdx].pfn(); if (fResult) printf("Passed\n"); else printf("Failed\n"); printf("\n"); if (pszTestName) break; } TestFree( pbInnerContent); if (pNamedSigner) CertFreeCertificateContext(pNamedSigner); if (hSignerStore) CertCloseStore(hSignerStore, 0); return 0; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Functions for initializing message encode information //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- static PCCERT_CONTEXT FindCertWithKey( IN HCERTSTORE hCertStore, IN DWORD dwKeySpec ) { PCCERT_CONTEXT pCert; void *pvFindPara; DWORD dwFindType; if (pszCertNameFindStr) { dwFindType = CERT_FIND_SUBJECT_STR_A; pvFindPara = (void *) pszCertNameFindStr; } else { dwFindType = CERT_FIND_ANY; pvFindPara = NULL; } // Find the first certificate in the store with a CRYPT_KEY_PROV_INFO // property matching the specified dwSignKeySpec, dwCryptProvType and // dwPubKeyBitLen pCert = NULL; while (TRUE) { pCert = CertFindCertificateInStore( hCertStore, dwCertEncodingType, 0, // dwFindFlags, dwFindType, pvFindPara, pCert ); if (pCert == NULL) break; PCRYPT_KEY_PROV_INFO pInfo = NULL; DWORD cbInfo = 0; CertGetCertificateContextProperty( pCert, CERT_KEY_PROV_INFO_PROP_ID, NULL, &cbInfo ); if (cbInfo >= sizeof(CRYPT_KEY_PROV_INFO) && (pInfo = (PCRYPT_KEY_PROV_INFO) TestAlloc(cbInfo))) { BOOL fMatch = FALSE; if (CertGetCertificateContextProperty( pCert, CERT_KEY_PROV_INFO_PROP_ID, pInfo, &cbInfo) && dwKeySpec == pInfo->dwKeySpec) fMatch = TRUE; TestFree(pInfo); if (fMatch) break; } } return pCert; } #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 static BYTE bZeroSerialNumber = 0; //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Create a Special Issuer and SerialNumber from a KeyId. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CreateIssuerAndSerialNumberFromKeyId( IN const BYTE *pbKeyId, IN DWORD cbKeyId, IN OUT PCERT_INFO pCertInfo ) { CERT_RDN_ATTR KeyIdAttr; CERT_RDN KeyIdRDN; CERT_NAME_INFO IssuerInfo; KeyIdAttr.pszObjId = szOID_KEYID_RDN; KeyIdAttr.dwValueType = CERT_RDN_OCTET_STRING; KeyIdAttr.Value.pbData = (BYTE *) pbKeyId; KeyIdAttr.Value.cbData = cbKeyId; KeyIdRDN.cRDNAttr = 1; KeyIdRDN.rgRDNAttr = &KeyIdAttr; IssuerInfo.cRDN = 1; IssuerInfo.rgRDN = &KeyIdRDN; // Encode the special Issuer Name containing the KeyId AllocAndEncodeObject( X509_NAME, &IssuerInfo, &pCertInfo->Issuer.pbData, &pCertInfo->Issuer.cbData ); pCertInfo->SerialNumber.cbData = 1; pCertInfo->SerialNumber.pbData = &bZeroSerialNumber; } #endif void InitSignerEncodeInfo() { DWORD cbSignerPublicKeyData; // Update the Issuer, SerialNumber and PublicKeyAlgorithm in // the signer's CERT_INFO memset(&rgSignerCertInfo[0], 0, sizeof(CERT_INFO)); #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 if (fCertInfoKeyId) { CreateIssuerAndSerialNumberFromKeyId( (const BYTE *)"Signer 0", strlen("Signer 0"), &rgSignerCertInfo[0] ); rgSignerId[0].dwIdChoice = CERT_ID_KEY_IDENTIFIER; rgSignerId[0].KeyId.pbData = (BYTE *)"Signer 0"; rgSignerId[0].KeyId.cbData = strlen("Signer 0"); } else { #endif GetDERFromFile( pszSignerSerialNumberFileName, &rgSignerCertInfo[0].Issuer.pbData, &rgSignerCertInfo[0].Issuer.cbData); rgSignerCertInfo[0].SerialNumber.cbData = sizeof(DWORD); rgSignerCertInfo[0].SerialNumber.pbData = (BYTE *) &dwSignerSerialNumber; #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 rgSignerId[0].dwIdChoice = CERT_ID_ISSUER_SERIAL_NUMBER; rgSignerId[0].IssuerSerialNumber.Issuer = rgSignerCertInfo[0].Issuer; rgSignerId[0].IssuerSerialNumber.SerialNumber = rgSignerCertInfo[0].SerialNumber; } #endif if (!fNoSignature) { // Get crypt provider's public signature key. It will be used as the // signer's public key algorithm cbSignerPublicKeyData = sizeof(SignerPublicKeyData.Data); memset(SignerPublicKeyData.Data, 0, cbSignerPublicKeyData); CryptExportPublicKeyInfo( hCryptProv, AT_SIGNATURE, X509_ASN_ENCODING, (PCERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO) SignerPublicKeyData.Data, &cbSignerPublicKeyData); rgSignerCertInfo[0].SubjectPublicKeyInfo.Algorithm = ((PCERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO) SignerPublicKeyData.Data)->Algorithm; } // Update the rgSignerEncodeInfo[0] memset(&rgSignerEncodeInfo[0], 0, sizeof(CMSG_SIGNER_ENCODE_INFO)); rgSignerEncodeInfo[0].cbSize = sizeof(CMSG_SIGNER_ENCODE_INFO); rgSignerEncodeInfo[0].pCertInfo = &rgSignerCertInfo[0]; rgSignerEncodeInfo[0].hCryptProv = hCryptProv; rgSignerEncodeInfo[0].HashAlgorithm = SignDigestAlgorithms[ fMD5 ? SIGNDIGEST_ALG_MD5 : SIGNDIGEST_ALG_SHA]; rgSignerEncodeInfo[0].pvHashAuxInfo = NULL; #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 if (fAlgorithmParameters) { rgSignerEncodeInfo[0].HashAlgorithm.Parameters.pbData = rgbOctets; rgSignerEncodeInfo[0].HashAlgorithm.Parameters.cbData = sizeof(rgbOctets); } #endif // CMS_PKCS7 if (fAuthAttr) { rgSignerEncodeInfo[0].cAuthAttr = AUTH_ATTR_COUNT; rgSignerEncodeInfo[0].rgAuthAttr = rgAuthAttr; if (!fCountersign) { rgSignerEncodeInfo[0].cUnauthAttr = UNAUTH_ATTR_COUNT; rgSignerEncodeInfo[0].rgUnauthAttr = rgUnauthAttr; } } if (hSignerStore) { pNamedSigner = FindCertWithKey(hSignerStore, AT_SIGNATURE); if (NULL == pNamedSigner) { PrintLastError("FindCertWithKey(AT_SIGNATURE)"); } else { if (!CryptAcquireCertificatePrivateKey( pNamedSigner, 0, // dwFlags NULL, // pvReserved &hNamedSignerCryptProv, NULL, // pdwKeySpec, NULL // pfCallerFreeProv )) { PrintLastError("CryptAcquireCertificatePrivateKey"); CertFreeCertificateContext(pNamedSigner); pNamedSigner = NULL; } else { rgSignerEncodeInfo[0].pCertInfo = pNamedSigner->pCertInfo; rgSignerEncodeInfo[0].hCryptProv = hNamedSignerCryptProv; #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 rgSignerId[0].dwIdChoice = CERT_ID_ISSUER_SERIAL_NUMBER; rgSignerId[0].IssuerSerialNumber.Issuer = rgSignerEncodeInfo[0].pCertInfo->Issuer; rgSignerId[0].IssuerSerialNumber.SerialNumber = rgSignerEncodeInfo[0].pCertInfo->SerialNumber; #endif // CMS_PKCS7 } } } #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 if (fNoSignature) { rgSignerEncodeInfo[0].HashEncryptionAlgorithm.pszObjId = szOID_PKIX_NO_SIGNATURE; } else if (fHashEncryptionAlgorithm) { if (pNamedSigner) rgSignerEncodeInfo[0].HashEncryptionAlgorithm = pNamedSigner->pCertInfo->SignatureAlgorithm; else rgSignerEncodeInfo[0].HashEncryptionAlgorithm = rgSignerCertInfo[0].SubjectPublicKeyInfo.Algorithm; if (fAlgorithmParameters && 0 == rgSignerEncodeInfo[0].HashEncryptionAlgorithm.Parameters.cbData) { rgSignerEncodeInfo[0].HashEncryptionAlgorithm.Parameters.pbData = rgbOctets; rgSignerEncodeInfo[0].HashEncryptionAlgorithm.Parameters.cbData = sizeof(rgbOctets); } } if (fMultiSigner) { // Update the Issuer, SerialNumber and PublicKeyAlgorithm in // the signer's CERT_INFO memset(&rgSignerCertInfo[1], 0, sizeof(CERT_INFO)); if (fCertInfoKeyId) { CreateIssuerAndSerialNumberFromKeyId( (const BYTE *)"Signer 1", strlen("Signer 1"), &rgSignerCertInfo[1] ); rgSignerId[1].dwIdChoice = CERT_ID_KEY_IDENTIFIER; rgSignerId[1].KeyId.pbData = (BYTE *)"Signer 1"; rgSignerId[1].KeyId.cbData = strlen("Signer 1"); } else { GetDERFromFile( pszSignerSerialNumberFileName, &rgSignerCertInfo[1].Issuer.pbData, &rgSignerCertInfo[1].Issuer.cbData); rgSignerCertInfo[1].SerialNumber.cbData = sizeof(DWORD); rgSignerCertInfo[1].SerialNumber.pbData = (BYTE *) &dwSignerSerialNumber1; rgSignerId[1].dwIdChoice = CERT_ID_ISSUER_SERIAL_NUMBER; rgSignerId[1].IssuerSerialNumber.Issuer = rgSignerCertInfo[1].Issuer; rgSignerId[1].IssuerSerialNumber.SerialNumber = rgSignerCertInfo[1].SerialNumber; } if (!fNoSignature) { // Get crypt provider's public signature key. It will be used as the // signer's public key algorithm cbSignerPublicKeyData = sizeof(MultiSignerPublicKeyData.Data); memset(MultiSignerPublicKeyData.Data, 0, cbSignerPublicKeyData); CryptExportPublicKeyInfo( hMultiSignerCryptProv, AT_SIGNATURE, X509_ASN_ENCODING, (PCERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO) MultiSignerPublicKeyData.Data, &cbSignerPublicKeyData); rgSignerCertInfo[1].SubjectPublicKeyInfo.Algorithm = ((PCERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO) MultiSignerPublicKeyData.Data)->Algorithm; } // Update the rgSignerEncodeInfo[1] memset(&rgSignerEncodeInfo[1], 0, sizeof(CMSG_SIGNER_ENCODE_INFO)); rgSignerEncodeInfo[1].cbSize = sizeof(CMSG_SIGNER_ENCODE_INFO); rgSignerEncodeInfo[1].pCertInfo = &rgSignerCertInfo[1]; rgSignerEncodeInfo[1].hCryptProv = hMultiSignerCryptProv; rgSignerEncodeInfo[1].HashAlgorithm = SignDigestAlgorithms[SIGNDIGEST_ALG_SHA]; rgSignerEncodeInfo[1].pvHashAuxInfo = NULL; if (fNoSignature) { rgSignerEncodeInfo[1].HashEncryptionAlgorithm.pszObjId = szOID_PKIX_NO_SIGNATURE; } if (fAuthAttr) { rgSignerEncodeInfo[1].cAuthAttr = AUTH_ATTR_COUNT; rgSignerEncodeInfo[1].rgAuthAttr = rgAuthAttr; if (!fCountersign) { rgSignerEncodeInfo[1].cUnauthAttr = UNAUTH_ATTR_COUNT; rgSignerEncodeInfo[1].rgUnauthAttr = rgUnauthAttr; } } if (fSignerId) rgSignerEncodeInfo[1].SignerId = rgSignerId[1]; } if (fSignerId) { rgSignerEncodeInfo[0].SignerId = rgSignerId[0]; if (fHashEncryptionAlgorithm) rgSignerEncodeInfo[0].pCertInfo = NULL; } #endif // CMS_PKCS7 } void CleanupSignerEncodeInfo() { free( rgSignerCertInfo[0].Issuer.pbData); #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 if (fMultiSigner) free( rgSignerCertInfo[1].Issuer.pbData); #endif // CMS_PKCS7 } void InitSignedCertAndCrl() { DWORD i; #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 if (rgSignedCertBlob[0].pbData) return; #endif // CMS_PKCS7 for (i = 0; i < SIGNED_CERT_COUNT; i++) { GetDERFromFile( rgpszSignedCertFileName[i], &rgSignedCertBlob[i].pbData, &rgSignedCertBlob[i].cbData); } #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 for (i = 0; i < SIGNED_CRL_COUNT; i++) { GetDERFromFile( rgpszSignedCrlFileName[i], &rgSignedCrlBlob[i].pbData, &rgSignedCrlBlob[i].cbData); } for (i = 0; i < ATTR_CERT_COUNT; i++) { GetDERFromFile( rgpszAttrCertFileName[i], &rgAttrCertBlob[i].pbData, &rgAttrCertBlob[i].cbData); } #endif // CMS_PKCS7 } void CleanupSignedCertAndCrl() { DWORD i; for (i = 0; i < SIGNED_CERT_COUNT; i++) { if (rgSignedCertBlob[i].pbData) { free( rgSignedCertBlob[i].pbData); rgSignedCertBlob[i].pbData = NULL; } } #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 for (i = 0; i < SIGNED_CRL_COUNT; i++) { if (rgSignedCrlBlob[i].pbData) { free( rgSignedCrlBlob[i].pbData); rgSignedCrlBlob[i].pbData = NULL; } } for (i = 0; i < ATTR_CERT_COUNT; i++) { if (rgAttrCertBlob[i].pbData) { free( rgAttrCertBlob[i].pbData); rgAttrCertBlob[i].pbData = NULL; } } #endif // CMS_PKCS7 } void InitSignedMsgEncodeInfo( OUT PCMSG_SIGNED_ENCODE_INFO pSignedMsgEncodeInfo ) { InitSignerEncodeInfo(); pSignedMsgEncodeInfo->cbSize = sizeof(CMSG_SIGNED_ENCODE_INFO); pSignedMsgEncodeInfo->cSigners = fNoSigners ? 0 : 1; #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 if (fMultiSigner) pSignedMsgEncodeInfo->cSigners = 2; #endif // CMS_PKCS7 pSignedMsgEncodeInfo->rgSigners = &rgSignerEncodeInfo[0]; InitSignedCertAndCrl(); pSignedMsgEncodeInfo->cCertEncoded = cSignedCert; pSignedMsgEncodeInfo->rgCertEncoded = rgSignedCertBlob; #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 pSignedMsgEncodeInfo->cCrlEncoded = cSignedCrl; pSignedMsgEncodeInfo->rgCrlEncoded = rgSignedCrlBlob; #else pSignedMsgEncodeInfo->cCrlEncoded = 0; pSignedMsgEncodeInfo->rgCrlEncoded = NULL; #endif #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 pSignedMsgEncodeInfo->cAttrCertEncoded = cAttrCert; pSignedMsgEncodeInfo->rgAttrCertEncoded = rgAttrCertBlob; #endif // CMS_PKCS7 } void CleanupSignedMsgEncodeInfo( IN PCMSG_SIGNED_ENCODE_INFO pSignedMsgEncodeInfo ) { CleanupSignerEncodeInfo(); CleanupSignedCertAndCrl(); } void InitRecipientEncodeInfo() { DWORD cbRecipientPublicKeyData; int i; // Get crypt provider's public exchange key. It will be used as the // recipient's public key cbRecipientPublicKeyData = sizeof(RecipientPublicKeyData.Data); memset(RecipientPublicKeyData.Data, 0, cbRecipientPublicKeyData); CryptExportPublicKeyInfo( hCryptProv, AT_KEYEXCHANGE, X509_ASN_ENCODING, (PCERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO) RecipientPublicKeyData.Data, &cbRecipientPublicKeyData); // Update the Issuer, SerialNumber, PublicKey and PublicKeyAlgorithm // for each recipient. Update the rgpRecipientCertInfo[]. for (i = 0; i < RECIPIENT_COUNT; i++) { memset(&rgRecipientCertInfo[i], 0, sizeof(CERT_INFO)); #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 if (fCertInfoKeyId) { CreateIssuerAndSerialNumberFromKeyId( (const BYTE *)rgpszRecipientIssuerFileName[i], strlen(rgpszRecipientIssuerFileName[i]), &rgRecipientCertInfo[i] ); } else { #endif GetDERFromFile( rgpszRecipientIssuerFileName[i], &rgRecipientCertInfo[i].Issuer.pbData, &rgRecipientCertInfo[i].Issuer.cbData); rgRecipientCertInfo[i].SerialNumber.cbData = sizeof(DWORD); rgRecipientCertInfo[i].SerialNumber.pbData = (BYTE *) &rgdwRecipientSerialNumber[i]; #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 } #endif rgRecipientCertInfo[i].SubjectPublicKeyInfo = *((PCERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO) RecipientPublicKeyData.Data); if (0 == i) rgRecipientCertInfo[i].SubjectPublicKeyInfo.Algorithm.pszObjId = szOID_OIWSEC_rsaXchg; rgpRecipientCertInfo[i] = &rgRecipientCertInfo[i]; } } void CleanupRecipientEncodeInfo() { int i; for (i = 0; i < RECIPIENT_COUNT; i++) free( rgRecipientCertInfo[i].Issuer.pbData); } #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 HCRYPTKEY WINAPI GenerateMailListKey( IN HCRYPTPROV hProv, IN PCRYPT_DATA_BLOB pKeyId ) { HCRYPTHASH hHash = 0; HCRYPTKEY hDeriveKey = 0; ALG_ID AlgId; // Generate derive key to use to encrypt and export the content encrypt key if (!CryptCreateHash(hProv, CALG_SHA1, 0, 0, &hHash)) { PrintLastError("CryptCreateHash"); goto ErrorReturn; } if (!CryptHashData(hHash, pKeyId->pbData, pKeyId->cbData, 0)) { PrintLastError("CryptHashData"); goto ErrorReturn; } if (0 == _stricmp(pszEncryptName, "rc2")) AlgId = CALG_RC2; else AlgId = CALG_3DES; if (!CryptDeriveKey(hProv, AlgId, hHash, 0, &hDeriveKey)) { PrintLastError("CryptDeriveKey"); goto ErrorReturn; } CommonReturn: if (hHash) CryptDestroyHash(hHash); return hDeriveKey; ErrorReturn: goto CommonReturn; } void InitCmsRecipientEncodeInfo( OUT PCMSG_ENVELOPED_ENCODE_INFO pEnvelopedMsgEncodeInfo ) { PCERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO pPublicKeyInfo; DWORD cbRecipientPublicKeyData; DWORD i; DWORD cRecipients = 0; // Get crypt provider's public exchange key. It will be used as the // recipient's public key cbRecipientPublicKeyData = sizeof(RecipientPublicKeyData.Data); memset(RecipientPublicKeyData.Data, 0, cbRecipientPublicKeyData); CryptExportPublicKeyInfo( hCryptProv, AT_KEYEXCHANGE, X509_ASN_ENCODING, (PCERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO) RecipientPublicKeyData.Data, &cbRecipientPublicKeyData); pPublicKeyInfo = (PCERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO) RecipientPublicKeyData.Data; if (fKeyTrans && fRecipientKeyId) { PkcsRecipientCount = RECIPIENT_COUNT * 2; for (i = 0; i < RECIPIENT_COUNT; i++) { PCMSG_KEY_TRANS_RECIPIENT_ENCODE_INFO pKeyTrans = &rgKeyTrans[cRecipients]; rgCmsRecipient[cRecipients].dwRecipientChoice = CMSG_KEY_TRANS_RECIPIENT; rgCmsRecipient[cRecipients].pKeyTrans = pKeyTrans; memset(pKeyTrans, 0, sizeof(*pKeyTrans)); pKeyTrans->cbSize = sizeof(*pKeyTrans); pKeyTrans->KeyEncryptionAlgorithm = pPublicKeyInfo->Algorithm; // pKeyTrans->pvKeyEncryptionAuxInfo = // pKeyTrans->hCryptProv = pKeyTrans->RecipientPublicKey = pPublicKeyInfo->PublicKey; pKeyTrans->RecipientId.dwIdChoice = CERT_ID_KEY_IDENTIFIER; pKeyTrans->RecipientId.KeyId.pbData = (PBYTE) rgpszRecipientIssuerFileName[i]; pKeyTrans->RecipientId.KeyId.cbData = strlen(rgpszRecipientIssuerFileName[i]); cRecipients++; } } if (fKeyTrans) { for (i = 0; i < RECIPIENT_COUNT; i++) { PCMSG_KEY_TRANS_RECIPIENT_ENCODE_INFO pKeyTrans = &rgKeyTrans[cRecipients]; rgCmsRecipient[cRecipients].dwRecipientChoice = CMSG_KEY_TRANS_RECIPIENT; rgCmsRecipient[cRecipients].pKeyTrans = pKeyTrans; memset(pKeyTrans, 0, sizeof(*pKeyTrans)); pKeyTrans->cbSize = sizeof(*pKeyTrans); pKeyTrans->KeyEncryptionAlgorithm = pPublicKeyInfo->Algorithm; // pKeyTrans->pvKeyEncryptionAuxInfo = // pKeyTrans->hCryptProv = pKeyTrans->RecipientPublicKey = pPublicKeyInfo->PublicKey; pKeyTrans->RecipientId.dwIdChoice = CERT_ID_ISSUER_SERIAL_NUMBER; GetDERFromFile( rgpszRecipientIssuerFileName[i], &pKeyTrans->RecipientId.IssuerSerialNumber.Issuer.pbData, &pKeyTrans->RecipientId.IssuerSerialNumber.Issuer.cbData ); pKeyTrans->RecipientId.IssuerSerialNumber.SerialNumber.cbData = sizeof(DWORD); pKeyTrans->RecipientId.IssuerSerialNumber.SerialNumber.pbData = (BYTE *) &rgdwRecipientSerialNumber[i]; if (fRecipientProv) pKeyTrans->hCryptProv = GetCryptProv(); cRecipients++; } } if (fKeyAgree) { void *pvStructInfo; DWORD cbStructInfo; cbRecipientPublicKeyData = sizeof(KeyAgreePublicKeyData.Data); memset(KeyAgreePublicKeyData.Data, 0, cbRecipientPublicKeyData); CryptExportPublicKeyInfo( hKeyAgreeProv, AT_KEYEXCHANGE, X509_ASN_ENCODING, (PCERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO) KeyAgreePublicKeyData.Data, &cbRecipientPublicKeyData); pPublicKeyInfo = (PCERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO) KeyAgreePublicKeyData.Data; // Check that we can decode both as X509_DH_PARAMETERS and // X942_DH_PARAMETERS AllocAndDecodeObject( X509_DH_PARAMETERS, pPublicKeyInfo->Algorithm.Parameters.pbData, pPublicKeyInfo->Algorithm.Parameters.cbData, &pvStructInfo, &cbStructInfo ); TestFree(pvStructInfo); AllocAndDecodeObject( X942_DH_PARAMETERS, pPublicKeyInfo->Algorithm.Parameters.pbData, pPublicKeyInfo->Algorithm.Parameters.cbData, &pvStructInfo, &cbStructInfo ); TestFree(pvStructInfo); for (i = 0; i < RECIPIENT_COUNT; i++) { PCMSG_KEY_AGREE_RECIPIENT_ENCODE_INFO pKeyAgree = &rgKeyAgree[cRecipients]; PCMSG_RECIPIENT_ENCRYPTED_KEY_ENCODE_INFO pEncryptedKey = &rgEncryptedKey[i]; rgCmsRecipient[cRecipients].dwRecipientChoice = CMSG_KEY_AGREE_RECIPIENT; rgCmsRecipient[cRecipients].pKeyAgree = pKeyAgree; memset(pKeyAgree, 0, sizeof(*pKeyAgree)); pKeyAgree->cbSize = sizeof(*pKeyAgree); pKeyAgree->KeyEncryptionAlgorithm.pszObjId = szOID_RSA_SMIMEalgESDH; if (0 == _stricmp(pszEncryptName, "rc2")) { pKeyAgree->KeyWrapAlgorithm.pszObjId = szOID_RSA_SMIMEalgCMSRC2wrap; // Update pvKeyWrapAuxInfo or KeyWrapAlgorithm // Parameters if (0 != dwEncryptBitLen) { if (0 == i) { int iVersion; switch (dwEncryptBitLen) { case 40: iVersion = CRYPT_RC2_40BIT_VERSION; break; case 56: iVersion = CRYPT_RC2_56BIT_VERSION; break; case 64: iVersion = CRYPT_RC2_64BIT_VERSION; break; case 128: iVersion = CRYPT_RC2_128BIT_VERSION; break; default: printf("Failed => unknown RC2 length (%d)\n", dwEncryptBitLen); iVersion = 0; } AllocAndEncodeObject( X509_INTEGER, &iVersion, &pKeyAgree->KeyWrapAlgorithm.Parameters.pbData, &pKeyAgree->KeyWrapAlgorithm.Parameters.cbData); } else { KeyAgreeRC2AuxInfo.cbSize = sizeof(KeyAgreeRC2AuxInfo); KeyAgreeRC2AuxInfo.dwBitLen = dwEncryptBitLen; pKeyAgree->pvKeyWrapAuxInfo = &KeyAgreeRC2AuxInfo; } } } else { pKeyAgree->KeyWrapAlgorithm.pszObjId = szOID_RSA_SMIMEalgCMS3DESwrap; } if (fRecipientProv) pKeyAgree->hCryptProv = GetCryptProv(PROV_DSS_DH, NULL); pKeyAgree->dwKeyChoice = CMSG_KEY_AGREE_EPHEMERAL_KEY_CHOICE; pKeyAgree->pEphemeralAlgorithm = &pPublicKeyInfo->Algorithm; if (1 == i) { pKeyAgree->UserKeyingMaterial.cbData = strlen(pszUserKeyingMaterial); pKeyAgree->UserKeyingMaterial.pbData = (BYTE *) pszUserKeyingMaterial; } pKeyAgree->cRecipientEncryptedKeys = i + 1; pKeyAgree->rgpRecipientEncryptedKeys = rgpEncryptedKey; rgpEncryptedKey[i] = pEncryptedKey; memset(pEncryptedKey, 0, sizeof(*pEncryptedKey)); pEncryptedKey->cbSize = sizeof(*pEncryptedKey); pEncryptedKey->RecipientPublicKey = pPublicKeyInfo->PublicKey; if (fRecipientKeyId) { pEncryptedKey->RecipientId.dwIdChoice = CERT_ID_KEY_IDENTIFIER; pEncryptedKey->RecipientId.KeyId.pbData = (PBYTE) rgpszRecipientIssuerFileName[i]; pEncryptedKey->RecipientId.KeyId.cbData = strlen(rgpszRecipientIssuerFileName[i]); if (1 == i) { SYSTEMTIME st; GetSystemTime(&st); SystemTimeToFileTime(&st, &pEncryptedKey->Date); pEncryptedKey->pOtherAttr = &KeyAgreeOtherAttr; } } else { pEncryptedKey->RecipientId.dwIdChoice = CERT_ID_ISSUER_SERIAL_NUMBER; GetDERFromFile( rgpszRecipientIssuerFileName[i], &pEncryptedKey->RecipientId.IssuerSerialNumber.Issuer.pbData, &pEncryptedKey->RecipientId.IssuerSerialNumber.Issuer.cbData ); pEncryptedKey->RecipientId.IssuerSerialNumber.SerialNumber.cbData = sizeof(DWORD); pEncryptedKey->RecipientId.IssuerSerialNumber.SerialNumber.pbData = (BYTE *) &rgdwRecipientSerialNumber[i]; } cRecipients++; } } if (fMailList) { for (i = 0; i < RECIPIENT_COUNT; i++) { PCMSG_MAIL_LIST_RECIPIENT_ENCODE_INFO pMailList = &rgMailList[cRecipients]; rgCmsRecipient[cRecipients].dwRecipientChoice = CMSG_MAIL_LIST_RECIPIENT; rgCmsRecipient[cRecipients].pMailList = pMailList; memset(pMailList, 0, sizeof(*pMailList)); pMailList->cbSize = sizeof(*pMailList); if (0 == _stricmp(pszEncryptName, "rc2")) { pMailList->KeyEncryptionAlgorithm.pszObjId = szOID_RSA_SMIMEalgCMSRC2wrap; // Update pvKeyEncryptionAuxInfo or KeyEncryptionAlgorithm // Parameters if (0 != dwEncryptBitLen) { if (0 == i) { int iVersion; switch (dwEncryptBitLen) { case 40: iVersion = CRYPT_RC2_40BIT_VERSION; break; case 56: iVersion = CRYPT_RC2_56BIT_VERSION; break; case 64: iVersion = CRYPT_RC2_64BIT_VERSION; break; case 128: iVersion = CRYPT_RC2_128BIT_VERSION; break; default: printf("Failed => unknown RC2 length (%d)\n", dwEncryptBitLen); iVersion = 0; } AllocAndEncodeObject( X509_INTEGER, &iVersion, &pMailList->KeyEncryptionAlgorithm.Parameters.pbData, &pMailList->KeyEncryptionAlgorithm.Parameters.cbData); } else { MailListRC2AuxInfo.cbSize = sizeof(MailListRC2AuxInfo); MailListRC2AuxInfo.dwBitLen = dwEncryptBitLen; pMailList->pvKeyEncryptionAuxInfo = &MailListRC2AuxInfo; } } } else { pMailList->KeyEncryptionAlgorithm.pszObjId = szOID_RSA_SMIMEalgCMS3DESwrap; } pMailList->KeyId.pbData = (PBYTE) rgpszRecipientIssuerFileName[i]; pMailList->KeyId.cbData = strlen(rgpszRecipientIssuerFileName[i]); if (fRecipientProv) pMailList->hCryptProv = GetCryptProv(); else pMailList->hCryptProv = hCryptProv; pMailList->dwKeyChoice = CMSG_MAIL_LIST_HANDLE_KEY_CHOICE; pMailList->hKeyEncryptionKey = GenerateMailListKey( pMailList->hCryptProv, &pMailList->KeyId ); if (0 != i) { SYSTEMTIME st; GetSystemTime(&st); SystemTimeToFileTime(&st, &pMailList->Date); pMailList->pOtherAttr = &MailListOtherAttr; } cRecipients++; } } pEnvelopedMsgEncodeInfo->cRecipients = cRecipients; cCmsRecipients = cRecipients; pEnvelopedMsgEncodeInfo->rgpRecipients = NULL; pEnvelopedMsgEncodeInfo->rgCmsRecipients = rgCmsRecipient; fNoRecipients = FALSE; } void CleanupCmsRecipientEncodeInfo() { DWORD i; for (i = 0; i < cCmsRecipients; i++) { switch (rgCmsRecipient[i].dwRecipientChoice) { case CMSG_KEY_TRANS_RECIPIENT: { PCMSG_KEY_TRANS_RECIPIENT_ENCODE_INFO pKeyTrans = &rgKeyTrans[i]; if (CERT_ID_ISSUER_SERIAL_NUMBER == pKeyTrans->RecipientId.dwIdChoice) free(pKeyTrans->RecipientId.IssuerSerialNumber.Issuer.pbData); if (pKeyTrans->hCryptProv) CryptReleaseContext(pKeyTrans->hCryptProv, 0); } break; case CMSG_KEY_AGREE_RECIPIENT: { PCMSG_KEY_AGREE_RECIPIENT_ENCODE_INFO pKeyAgree = &rgKeyAgree[i]; TestFree( pKeyAgree->KeyEncryptionAlgorithm.Parameters.pbData); TestFree(pKeyAgree->KeyWrapAlgorithm.Parameters.pbData); if (pKeyAgree->hCryptProv) CryptReleaseContext(pKeyAgree->hCryptProv, 0); } break; case CMSG_MAIL_LIST_RECIPIENT: { PCMSG_MAIL_LIST_RECIPIENT_ENCODE_INFO pMailList = &rgMailList[i]; TestFree( pMailList->KeyEncryptionAlgorithm.Parameters.pbData); if (pMailList->hCryptProv && pMailList->hCryptProv != hCryptProv) CryptReleaseContext(pMailList->hCryptProv, 0); if (pMailList->hKeyEncryptionKey) CryptDestroyKey(pMailList->hKeyEncryptionKey); } break; } } if (fKeyAgree) { for (i = 0; i < RECIPIENT_COUNT; i++) { PCMSG_RECIPIENT_ENCRYPTED_KEY_ENCODE_INFO pEncryptedKey = &rgEncryptedKey[i]; if (CERT_ID_ISSUER_SERIAL_NUMBER == pEncryptedKey->RecipientId.dwIdChoice) free(pEncryptedKey->RecipientId.IssuerSerialNumber.Issuer.pbData); } } } #endif // CMS_PKCS7 #define IV_LENGTH 8 static BOOL GetIV(BYTE rgbIV[IV_LENGTH]) { SYSTEMTIME st; GetSystemTime(&st); assert(IV_LENGTH == sizeof(FILETIME)); SystemTimeToFileTime(&st, (LPFILETIME) rgbIV); return TRUE; } void InitEnvelopedMsgEncodeInfo( OUT PCMSG_ENVELOPED_ENCODE_INFO pEnvelopedMsgEncodeInfo ) { PCRYPT_OBJID_BLOB pAlgPara; InitRecipientEncodeInfo(); pEnvelopedMsgEncodeInfo->cbSize = sizeof(CMSG_ENVELOPED_ENCODE_INFO); pEnvelopedMsgEncodeInfo->hCryptProv = hDefaultVerifyProv; pEnvelopedMsgEncodeInfo->pvEncryptionAuxInfo = NULL; pEnvelopedMsgEncodeInfo->cRecipients = fNoRecipients ? 0 : RECIPIENT_COUNT; pEnvelopedMsgEncodeInfo->rgpRecipients = rgpRecipientCertInfo; #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 if (fCmsRecipient) InitCmsRecipientEncodeInfo(pEnvelopedMsgEncodeInfo); if (fOriginatorInfo) { InitSignedCertAndCrl(); pEnvelopedMsgEncodeInfo->cCertEncoded = cSignedCert; pEnvelopedMsgEncodeInfo->rgCertEncoded = rgSignedCertBlob; pEnvelopedMsgEncodeInfo->cCrlEncoded = cSignedCrl; pEnvelopedMsgEncodeInfo->rgCrlEncoded = rgSignedCrlBlob; pEnvelopedMsgEncodeInfo->cAttrCertEncoded = cAttrCert; pEnvelopedMsgEncodeInfo->rgAttrCertEncoded = rgAttrCertBlob; } if (fAuthAttr) { pEnvelopedMsgEncodeInfo->cUnprotectedAttr = AUTH_ATTR_COUNT; pEnvelopedMsgEncodeInfo->rgUnprotectedAttr = rgAuthAttr; } #endif // CMS_PKCS7 pEnvelopedMsgEncodeInfo->ContentEncryptionAlgorithm.pszObjId = (LPSTR) pszEncryptOID; pAlgPara = &pEnvelopedMsgEncodeInfo->ContentEncryptionAlgorithm.Parameters; memset(pAlgPara, 0, sizeof(*pAlgPara)); if (0 != dwEncryptBitLen && 0 == _stricmp(pszEncryptName, "rc2")) { CRYPT_RC2_CBC_PARAMETERS RC2Parameters; switch (dwEncryptBitLen) { case 40: RC2Parameters.dwVersion = CRYPT_RC2_40BIT_VERSION; break; case 56: RC2Parameters.dwVersion = CRYPT_RC2_56BIT_VERSION; break; case 64: RC2Parameters.dwVersion = CRYPT_RC2_64BIT_VERSION; break; case 128: RC2Parameters.dwVersion = CRYPT_RC2_128BIT_VERSION; break; default: printf("Failed => unknown RC2 length (%d)\n", dwEncryptBitLen); return; } RC2Parameters.fIV = fEncryptIV; if (fEncryptIV) { if (!GetIV(RC2Parameters.rgbIV)) return; } if (!AllocAndEncodeObject( PKCS_RC2_CBC_PARAMETERS, &RC2Parameters, &pAlgPara->pbData, &pAlgPara->cbData)) return; } else if (0 == _stricmp(pszEncryptName, "rc4")) { if (fEncryptIV) { CRYPT_DATA_BLOB Salt; DWORD i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_SALT_LEN; i++) rgbSalt[i] = (BYTE) i; Salt.cbData = MAX_SALT_LEN; Salt.pbData = rgbSalt; AllocAndEncodeObject( X509_OCTET_STRING, &Salt, &pAlgPara->pbData, &pAlgPara->cbData ); } else if (0 != dwEncryptBitLen) { memset(&RC4AuxInfo, 0, sizeof(RC4AuxInfo)); RC4AuxInfo.cbSize = sizeof(RC4AuxInfo); RC4AuxInfo.dwBitLen = dwEncryptBitLen; if (fNoSalt) RC4AuxInfo.dwBitLen |= CMSG_RC4_NO_SALT_FLAG; pEnvelopedMsgEncodeInfo->pvEncryptionAuxInfo = &RC4AuxInfo; } } else if (fEncryptIV) { BYTE rgbIV[IV_LENGTH]; CRYPT_DATA_BLOB Data; Data.pbData = rgbIV; Data.cbData = sizeof(rgbIV); if (!GetIV(rgbIV)) return; if (!AllocAndEncodeObject( X509_OCTET_STRING, &Data, &pAlgPara->pbData, &pAlgPara->cbData)) return; } } void CleanupEnvelopedMsgEncodeInfo( IN PCMSG_ENVELOPED_ENCODE_INFO pEnvelopedMsgEncodeInfo ) { TestFree( pEnvelopedMsgEncodeInfo->ContentEncryptionAlgorithm.Parameters.pbData); CleanupRecipientEncodeInfo(); #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 if (fCmsRecipient) CleanupCmsRecipientEncodeInfo(); if (fOriginatorInfo) CleanupSignedCertAndCrl(); #endif // CMS_PKCS7 } //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Add and delete items //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL AddDelItems( IN HCRYPTMSG hCryptMsg, IN DWORD dwCountType, IN DWORD dwAddAction, IN DWORD dwDelAction, IN void const *pvCtrlPara) { BOOL fRet; DWORD cb; DWORD cOrg; DWORD cCurr; // Get the original count of items cb = sizeof(cOrg); if (!CryptMsgGetParam( hCryptMsg, dwCountType, 0, // dwIndex &cOrg, &cb)) goto GetItemCountError; // Add an item if (!CryptMsgControl( hCryptMsg, 0, // dwFlags dwAddAction, pvCtrlPara)) goto AddItemError; // Check that the count of items has increased by 1 if (!CryptMsgGetParam( hCryptMsg, dwCountType, 0, // dwIndex &cCurr, &cb)) goto GetItemCountAddError; if (cCurr != (cOrg + 1)) goto AddCountError; // Delete the item we just added. // Since new items get added to the tail, we use the count of items // prior to the add as the index of the new item. if (!CryptMsgControl( hCryptMsg, 0, // dwFlags dwDelAction, &cOrg)) goto DelItemError; // Check that the count of items is back to what it was if (!CryptMsgGetParam( hCryptMsg, dwCountType, 0, // dwIndex &cCurr, &cb)) goto GetItemCountDelError; if (cCurr != cOrg) goto DelCountError; fRet = TRUE; CommonReturn: return fRet; ErrorReturn: fRet = FALSE; goto CommonReturn; PRINT_ERROR(AddDelItems,GetItemCountError) PRINT_ERROR(AddDelItems,AddItemError) PRINT_ERROR(AddDelItems,GetItemCountAddError) PRINT_ERROR(AddDelItems,AddCountError) PRINT_ERROR(AddDelItems,DelItemError) PRINT_ERROR(AddDelItems,GetItemCountDelError) PRINT_ERROR(AddDelItems,DelCountError) } //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Insert blob at the tail of a blob list //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL WINAPI TCM_InsertTailBlob( IN OUT CBlobList *pBlobList, IN PBYTE pbIn, IN DWORD cbIn) { BOOL fRet; CBlobNode *pnBlob = NULL; PBYTE pb = NULL; CRYPT_DATA_BLOB blob; if (NULL == (pnBlob = new CBlobNode)) goto NewCBlobNodeError; if (NULL == (pb = (PBYTE)TestAlloc( cbIn))) goto AllocError; memcpy( pb, pbIn, cbIn); blob.cbData = cbIn; blob.pbData = pb; pnBlob->SetData( &blob); pBlobList->InsertTail( pnBlob); fRet = TRUE; CommonReturn: return fRet; ErrorReturn: fRet = FALSE; TestFree( pb); goto CommonReturn; PRINT_ERROR(TCM_InsertTailBlob,NewCBlobNodeError) PRINT_ERROR(TCM_InsertTailBlob,AllocError) } #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 BOOL VerifyCerts(IN HCRYPTMSG hMsg); BOOL VerifyUnprotectedAttr(IN HCRYPTMSG hMsg); BOOL GetCmsRecipientInfoAndDecrypt(IN HCRYPTMSG hMsg); #endif // CMS_PKCS7 //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Get message type, recipient info, and set the hProv needed to decrypt // the message. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL StreamGetRecipientInfoAndSetHProv( IN HCRYPTMSG hMsg, OUT PDWORD pdwMsgType, OUT BOOL *pfReady) { BOOL fRet; PCERT_INFO pRecipientInfo = NULL; DWORD cRecipient; DWORD cbData; DWORD dwIndex; CMSG_CTRL_DECRYPT_PARA DecryptPara; ZEROSTRUCT(DecryptPara); DWORD cbEnvelopeAlgorithm; DWORD cKeyIdRecipient; // Get the message type. cbData = sizeof(DWORD); if (!CryptMsgGetParam( hMsg, CMSG_TYPE_PARAM, 0, // dwIndex pdwMsgType, &cbData)) { if (GetLastError() != CRYPT_E_STREAM_MSG_NOT_READY) goto GetMessageTypeError; *pfReady = FALSE; goto SuccessReturn; } if (CMSG_ENVELOPED != *pdwMsgType) { *pfReady = TRUE; goto SuccessReturn; } // Get content encryption algorithm. if (!CryptMsgGetParam( hMsg, CMSG_ENVELOPE_ALGORITHM_PARAM, 0, // dwIndex NULL, &cbEnvelopeAlgorithm)) { if (GetLastError() != CRYPT_E_STREAM_MSG_NOT_READY) goto GetEnvelopeAlgorithmError; *pfReady = FALSE; goto SuccessReturn; } *pfReady = TRUE; // Get # of recipients in the message. cbData = sizeof(cRecipient); cRecipient = 0; if (!CryptMsgGetParam( hMsg, CMSG_RECIPIENT_COUNT_PARAM, 0, // dwIndex &cRecipient, &cbData)) goto GetRecipientCountError; if (!TCM_CheckGetParam( hMsg, CMSG_RECIPIENT_COUNT_PARAM, 0, // dwIndex &cRecipient, cbData)) goto CheckGetRecipientCountError; if (fNoRecipients) { if (cRecipient != 0) goto WrongRecipientCountError; } else { if (cRecipient != PkcsRecipientCount) goto WrongRecipientCountError; } #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 if (fKeyTrans && fRecipientKeyId && !fNoRecipients) { // The first RECIPIENT_COUNT recipients should be KeyId recipients cKeyIdRecipient = RECIPIENT_COUNT; // Get all the KeyId recipients and verify for (dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < RECIPIENT_COUNT; dwIndex++) { // Allocate and get the CERT_INFO containing the Special // KeyId RecipientId PCERT_NAME_INFO pKeyIdName = NULL; DWORD cbKeyIdName; pRecipientInfo = GetCertIdFromMsg( hMsg, CMSG_RECIPIENT_INFO_PARAM, dwIndex ); if (pRecipientInfo == NULL) goto GetRecipientInfoError; if (pRecipientInfo->SerialNumber.cbData != 1 || *pRecipientInfo->SerialNumber.pbData != 0) PrintError("StreamGetRecipientInfoAndSetHProv::Bad KeyId SerialNumber"); // Decode the Issuer Name. It should contain the special KeyId // RDN if (AllocAndDecodeObject( X509_NAME, pRecipientInfo->Issuer.pbData, pRecipientInfo->Issuer.cbData, (void **) &pKeyIdName, &cbKeyIdName )) { if (pKeyIdName->cRDN != 1 || pKeyIdName->rgRDN[0].cRDNAttr != 1) PrintError("StreamGetRecipientInfoAndSetHProv::Bad KeyId Issuer"); else { PCERT_RDN_ATTR pAttr = pKeyIdName->rgRDN[0].rgRDNAttr; if (0 != strcmp(pAttr->pszObjId, szOID_KEYID_RDN) || pAttr->dwValueType != CERT_RDN_OCTET_STRING || pAttr->Value.cbData != strlen(rgpszRecipientIssuerFileName[dwIndex]) || 0 != memcmp(pAttr->Value.pbData, rgpszRecipientIssuerFileName[dwIndex], pAttr->Value.cbData)) PrintError("StreamGetRecipientInfoAndSetHProv::Bad KeyId Issuer"); } TestFree(pKeyIdName); } TestFree(pRecipientInfo); pRecipientInfo = NULL; } } else #endif // CMS_PKCS7 cKeyIdRecipient = 0; // Get all the non KeyId recipients and verify for (dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < cRecipient - cKeyIdRecipient; dwIndex++) { // Allocate and get the CERT_INFO containing the RecipientId // (Issuer and SerialNumber) if (NULL == (pRecipientInfo = GetCertIdFromMsg( hMsg, CMSG_RECIPIENT_INFO_PARAM, cKeyIdRecipient + dwIndex))) goto GetRecipientInfoError; if (pRecipientInfo->Issuer.cbData != rgRecipientCertInfo[dwIndex].Issuer.cbData || memcmp(pRecipientInfo->Issuer.pbData, rgRecipientCertInfo[dwIndex].Issuer.pbData, pRecipientInfo->Issuer.cbData) != 0 || pRecipientInfo->SerialNumber.cbData != rgRecipientCertInfo[dwIndex].SerialNumber.cbData || memcmp(pRecipientInfo->SerialNumber.pbData, rgRecipientCertInfo[dwIndex].SerialNumber.pbData, pRecipientInfo->SerialNumber.cbData) != 0) goto BadRecipientInfoError; TestFree(pRecipientInfo); pRecipientInfo = NULL; } #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 if (fOriginatorInfo) VerifyCerts(hMsg); if (fCmsRecipient) { fRet = GetCmsRecipientInfoAndDecrypt(hMsg); goto CommonReturn; } #endif // CMS_PKCS7 if (fNoRecipients) goto SuccessReturn; DecryptPara.cbSize = sizeof(DecryptPara); DecryptPara.hCryptProv = hCryptProv; DecryptPara.dwKeySpec = 0; DecryptPara.dwRecipientIndex = RECIPIENT_COUNT - 1; if (!CryptMsgControl( hMsg, 0, // dwFlags CMSG_CTRL_DECRYPT, &DecryptPara)) goto SetDecryptParamError; SuccessReturn: fRet = TRUE; CommonReturn: TestFree(pRecipientInfo); return fRet; ErrorReturn: fRet = FALSE; goto CommonReturn; PRINT_ERROR(StreamGetRecipientInfoAndSetHProv,GetEnvelopeAlgorithmError) PRINT_ERROR(StreamGetRecipientInfoAndSetHProv,GetRecipientCountError) PRINT_ERROR(StreamGetRecipientInfoAndSetHProv,CheckGetRecipientCountError) PRINT_ERROR(StreamGetRecipientInfoAndSetHProv,WrongRecipientCountError) PRINT_ERROR(StreamGetRecipientInfoAndSetHProv,GetRecipientInfoError) PRINT_ERROR(StreamGetRecipientInfoAndSetHProv,BadRecipientInfoError) PRINT_ERROR(StreamGetRecipientInfoAndSetHProv,SetDecryptParamError) PRINT_ERROR(StreamGetRecipientInfoAndSetHProv,GetMessageTypeError) } //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Fill a buffer with content. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL WINAPI FillBufferWithContent( OUT PBYTE pbData, IN DWORD cbData) { BOOL fRet; PBYTE pb; DWORD cb; DWORD i; if (fInnerContent) { if (!pbInnerContent) { if (!GetDERFromFile( pszInnerContentFileName, &pbInnerContent, &cbInnerContent)) goto GetDERFromFileError; } if (iMsgContentOffset + cbData > cbInnerContent) goto RequestForTooMuchDataError; for (pb=pbData, cb=iMsgContentOffset, i=cbData; i>0; pb++, cb++, i--) *pb = pbInnerContent[ cb]; iMsgContentOffset = cb; } else { for (pb=pbData, cb=iMsgContentOffset, i=cbData; i>0; pb++, cb++, i--) *pb = rgbMsgContentFill[ cb%cbMsgContentFill]; iMsgContentOffset = cb%cbMsgContentFill; } fRet = TRUE; CommonReturn: return fRet; ErrorReturn: fRet = FALSE; goto CommonReturn; PRINT_ERROR(FillBufferWithContent,GetDERFromFileError) PRINT_ERROR(FillBufferWithContent,RequestForTooMuchDataError) } //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Compare a buffer with content. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL WINAPI BufferEqualsContent( IN PBYTE pbData, IN DWORD cbData) { BOOL fRet; PBYTE pb; DWORD cb; DWORD i; if (fInnerContent) { if (iMsgContentOffset + cbData > cbInnerContent) goto RequestForTooMuchDataError; for (pb=pbData, cb=iMsgContentOffset, i=cbData; i>0; pb++, cb++, i--) if (*pb != pbInnerContent[ cb]) goto InnerContentNotEqualError; iMsgContentOffset = cb; } else { for (pb=pbData, cb=iMsgContentOffset, i=cbData; i>0; pb++, cb++, i--) if (*pb != rgbMsgContentFill[ cb%cbMsgContentFill]) goto ContentNotEqualError; iMsgContentOffset = cb%cbMsgContentFill; } fRet = TRUE; CommonReturn: return fRet; ErrorReturn: fRet = FALSE; goto CommonReturn; PRINT_ERROR(BufferEqualsContent,RequestForTooMuchDataError) PRINT_ERROR(BufferEqualsContent,InnerContentNotEqualError) PRINT_ERROR(BufferEqualsContent,ContentNotEqualError) } //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Callback for streaming messages. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL WINAPI StreamCallback( IN const void *pvArg, IN BYTE *pbData, IN DWORD cbData, IN BOOL fFinal) { BOOL fRet; CStreamNode *pnStream = (CStreamNode *)pvArg; BOOL fEncoding = pnStream->Data()->fEncoding; CStreamNode *pnStreamNbr; DWORD cbWritten; pnStreamNbr = fEncoding ? pnStream->Prev() : pnStream->Next(); if (pnStreamNbr) { if (!CryptMsgUpdate( pnStreamNbr->Data()->hMsg, pbData, cbData, fFinal)) goto MsgUpdateError; } else { if (fEncoding) { if (!WriteFile( hFileStream, pbData, cbData, &cbWritten, NULL) || (cbWritten != cbData)) goto WriteFileError; } else { if (!WriteFile( hFileStreamDecode, pbData, cbData, &cbWritten, NULL) || (cbWritten != cbData)) goto WriteFileDecodeError; } } fRet = TRUE; CommonReturn: return fRet; ErrorReturn: fRet = FALSE; goto CommonReturn; PRINT_ERROR(StreamCallback,MsgUpdateError) PRINT_ERROR(StreamCallback,WriteFileError) PRINT_ERROR(StreamCallback,WriteFileDecodeError) } //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Encodes and decodes the streamed message. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL StreamEncodeAndDecodeMsg() { BOOL fRet; CStreamNode *pnStream = NULL; TEST_STREAM_DATA tsd; ZEROSTRUCT(tsd); PCMSG_STREAM_INFO pstrmi = NULL; PBYTE pb; DWORD cb; LPSTR psz; CHAR ch; DWORD dwMsgTypeEncodingPrev; LPSTR pszFilenameEncoded = pszFilename ? pszFilename : pszStreamFileName; if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == (hFileStream = CreateFile( pszFilenameEncoded, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, 0, NULL))) goto CreateFileError; for (psz=pszStreamMsgTypes, dwMsgTypeEncodingPrev=0; ch=*psz; psz++) { switch (ch) { case 'd': case 'D': tsd.dwMsgTypeEncoding = CMSG_DATA; tsd.pvMsgEncodeInfo = NULL; break; case 'e': case 'E': tsd.dwMsgTypeEncoding = CMSG_ENVELOPED; tsd.pvMsgEncodeInfo = &EnvelopedMsgEncodeInfo; break; case 's': case 'S': tsd.dwMsgTypeEncoding = CMSG_SIGNED; tsd.pvMsgEncodeInfo = &SignedMsgEncodeInfo; break; default: goto InvalidMsgTypeError; } tsd.dwEncodingType = dwMsgEncodingType; tsd.dwEncodeFlags = 0; if ((psz != pszStreamMsgTypes) && (dwMsgTypeEncodingPrev != CMSG_DATA)) tsd.dwEncodeFlags |= CMSG_BARE_CONTENT_FLAG; if (dwMsgTypeEncodingPrev == CMSG_ENVELOPED) tsd.dwEncodeFlags |= CMSG_CONTENTS_OCTETS_FLAG; if (fBare && (psz == pszStreamMsgTypes)) tsd.dwEncodeFlags |= CMSG_BARE_CONTENT_FLAG; #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 if (fEncapsulatedContent) tsd.dwEncodeFlags |= CMSG_CMS_ENCAPSULATED_CONTENT_FLAG; #endif // CMS_PKCS7 tsd.dwDecodeFlags = 0; if (fBare && (psz == pszStreamMsgTypes)) tsd.dwDecodeFlags |= CMSG_BARE_CONTENT_FLAG; if (NULL == (pstrmi = (PCMSG_STREAM_INFO)TestAllocZero( sizeof(CMSG_STREAM_INFO)))) goto AllocTestStreamInfoError; tsd.pStreamInfo = pstrmi; if (NULL == (pnStream = new CStreamNode)) goto NewNodeError; pstrmi->cbContent = CMSG_INDEFINITE_LENGTH; pstrmi->pfnStreamOutput = StreamCallback; pstrmi->pvArg = pnStream; pnStream->SetData( &tsd); plistStream->InsertTail( pnStream); dwMsgTypeEncodingPrev = tsd.dwMsgTypeEncoding; } pstrmi = NULL; if (!StreamEncodeMsg()) goto EncodeError; if (hFileStream != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle( hFileStream); hFileStream = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } if (!StreamDecodeMsg()) goto DecodeError; fRet = TRUE; CommonReturn: if (hFileStream != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle( hFileStream); #ifndef SAVE_STREAM_FILES if (!pszFilename) DeleteFile( pszStreamFileName); #endif // SAVE_STREAM_FILES TestFree( pstrmi); return fRet; ErrorReturn: fRet = FALSE; goto CommonReturn; PRINT_ERROR(StreamEncodeAndDecodeMsg,CreateFileError) PRINT_ERROR(StreamEncodeAndDecodeMsg,NewNodeError) PRINT_ERROR(StreamEncodeAndDecodeMsg,EncodeError) PRINT_ERROR(StreamEncodeAndDecodeMsg,DecodeError) PRINT_ERROR(StreamEncodeAndDecodeMsg,InvalidMsgTypeError) PRINT_ERROR(StreamEncodeAndDecodeMsg,AllocTestStreamInfoError) } #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 BOOL VerifyEncodedSignerComputedHash( IN LPCSTR pszHdr, IN HCRYPTMSG hMsg, IN DWORD dwSignerIndex, IN PBYTE pbExpectedHash, IN DWORD cbExpectedHash ) { BOOL fResult; DWORD cbHash; BYTE rgbHash[MAX_HASH_LEN]; DWORD dwSrcIndex; if (fVerbose) printf("%s VerifyEncodedSignerComputedHash(Signer[%d])\n", pszHdr, dwSignerIndex); cbHash = sizeof(rgbHash); fResult = CryptMsgGetParam( hMsg, CMSG_COMPUTED_HASH_PARAM, dwSignerIndex, rgbHash, &cbHash ); if (!fResult) { printf("%s VerifyEncodedSignerComputedHash::CryptMsgGetParam(Signer[%d])", pszHdr, dwSignerIndex); PrintLastError(""); } else if (cbHash != cbExpectedHash || 0 != memcmp(rgbHash, pbExpectedHash, cbHash)) { fResult = FALSE; printf("%s VerifyEncodedSignerComputedHash:: failed => bad hash for Signer[%d]\n", pszHdr, dwSignerIndex); } else { TCM_CheckGetParam( hMsg, CMSG_COMPUTED_HASH_PARAM, dwSignerIndex, rgbHash, cbHash ); } return fResult; } BOOL VerifyDecodedSignerComputedHash( IN LPCSTR pszHdr, IN HCRYPTMSG hMsg, IN BOOL fInnerNonData, IN DWORD dwSignerIndex, IN BYTE rgbExpectedHash[2][MAX_HASH_LEN], IN DWORD rgcbExpectedHash[2] ) { DWORD cbHash; BYTE rgbHash[MAX_HASH_LEN]; DWORD dwSrcIndex; if (fVerbose) printf("%s VerifyDecodedSignerComputedHash(Signer[%d])\n", pszHdr, dwSignerIndex); cbHash = sizeof(rgbHash); if (!CryptMsgGetParam( hMsg, CMSG_COMPUTED_HASH_PARAM, dwSignerIndex, rgbHash, &cbHash )) { printf("%s VerifyDecodedSignerComputedHash(before verify signature)::CryptMsgGetParam(Signer[%d])", pszHdr, dwSignerIndex); PrintLastError(""); return FALSE; } if (pNamedSigner) dwSrcIndex = dwSignerIndex; else if (!GetSignerInfoAndVerify( hMsg, fInnerNonData, dwSignerIndex, &dwSrcIndex )) { printf("%s VerifyDecodedSignerComputedHash GetSignerInfoAndVerify(Signer[%d]):: failed\n", pszHdr, dwSignerIndex); return FALSE; } if (cbHash != rgcbExpectedHash[dwSrcIndex] || 0 != memcmp(rgbHash, rgbExpectedHash[dwSrcIndex], cbHash)) { printf("%s VerifyDecodedSignerComputedHash(before verify signature):: failed => unexpected hash for Signer[%d]\n", pszHdr, dwSignerIndex); return FALSE; } cbHash = sizeof(rgbHash); if (!CryptMsgGetParam( hMsg, CMSG_COMPUTED_HASH_PARAM, dwSignerIndex, rgbHash, &cbHash )) { printf("%s VerifyDecodedSignerComputedHash(after verify signature)::CryptMsgGetParam(Signer[%d])", pszHdr, dwSignerIndex); PrintLastError(""); return FALSE; } if (cbHash != rgcbExpectedHash[dwSrcIndex] || 0 != memcmp(rgbHash, rgbExpectedHash[dwSrcIndex], cbHash)) { printf("%s VerifyDecodedSignerComputedHash(after verify signature):: failed => unexpected hash for Signer[%d]\n", pszHdr, dwSignerIndex); return FALSE; } else { TCM_CheckGetParam( hMsg, CMSG_COMPUTED_HASH_PARAM, dwSignerIndex, rgbHash, cbHash ); } return TRUE; } #endif // CMS_PKCS7 //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Encodes the streamed message. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL StreamEncodeMsg() { BOOL fRet; CStreamNode *pnStream; PTEST_STREAM_DATA ptsd; HCRYPTMSG hMsg; PBYTE pb; DWORD cb; DWORD cbRemain; BOOL fFinal; DWORD cbData; DWORD cbDataInner; LPSTR pszInnerContentType; if (fVerbose) printf( "Beginning stream encode\n"); if (fInnerContent && !FillBufferWithContent( NULL, 0)) // load inner content goto NullFillBufferWithContentError; cbDataInner = fInnerContent ? cbInnerContent : cbMsgContent; if (fInnerContent && #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 !fEncapsulatedContent && #endif // CMS_PKCS7 (plistStream->Tail()->Data()->dwMsgTypeEncoding == CMSG_ENVELOPED)) { if (!TCM_ExtractContent( pbInnerContent, cbInnerContent, &cbDataInner, NULL)) // ppbContent goto ExtractContentError; } for (pnStream = plistStream->Tail(), cbData=cbDataInner, pszInnerContentType = fInnerContent ? pszInnerContentObjId : NULL; pnStream; pnStream = pnStream->Prev()) { ptsd = pnStream->Data(); ptsd->fEncoding = TRUE; ptsd->pStreamInfo->cbContent = fIndefinite ? CMSG_INDEFINITE_LENGTH : cbData; ptsd->pszInnerContentType = pszInnerContentType; if (NULL == (ptsd->hMsg = CryptMsgOpenToEncode( ptsd->dwEncodingType, ptsd->dwEncodeFlags, ptsd->dwMsgTypeEncoding, ptsd->pvMsgEncodeInfo, pszInnerContentType, ptsd->pStreamInfo))) goto OpenToEncodeError; // NB- from PKCS#7, sec.10.3: // An enveloped message encrypts only "the contents octets of a // definite-length BER encoding of the content field of the ContentInfo" // ie. The identifier and length octets are not included. // Ergo, we must ask for the size of the contents octets if the outer // message is enveloped. if (0 == (cbData = CryptMsgCalculateEncodedLength( ptsd->dwEncodingType, ptsd->dwEncodeFlags, ptsd->dwMsgTypeEncoding, ptsd->pvMsgEncodeInfo, pszInnerContentType, cbData))) goto CalculateEncodedLengthError; switch(ptsd->dwMsgTypeEncoding) { case CMSG_DATA: pszInnerContentType = szOID_RSA_data; break; case CMSG_ENVELOPED: pszInnerContentType = szOID_RSA_envelopedData; break; case CMSG_SIGNED: pszInnerContentType = szOID_RSA_signedData; break; default: goto InvalidMsgTypeError; } #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 if (ptsd->dwMsgTypeEncoding != CMSG_DATA && (fVerbose || fEncapsulatedContent || cAttrCert || fOriginatorInfo || fCmsRecipient)) { BOOL fResult; DWORD dwVersion; DWORD cbData = sizeof(dwVersion); fResult = CryptMsgGetParam( ptsd->hMsg, CMSG_VERSION_PARAM, 0, // dwIndex (PBYTE) &dwVersion, &cbData ); if (!fResult) PrintLastError("StreamEncodeMsg::CryptMsgGetParam(CMSG_VERSION_PARAM)"); else printf("StreamEncodeMsg(%d - %s) Version:: %d\n", ptsd->dwMsgTypeEncoding, pszInnerContentType, dwVersion); } #endif // CMS_PKCS7 } hMsg = plistStream->Tail()->Data()->hMsg; iMsgContentOffset = 0; cbRemain = fInnerContent ? cbInnerContent : cbMsgContent; if (0 == cbRemain) { if (!CryptMsgUpdate( hMsg, NULL, 0, TRUE)) goto UpdateError; } else { for ( ; cbRemain; cbRemain -= cb) { fFinal = (cbRemain <= cbStreamDataDeltaEncode); cb = fFinal ? cbRemain : cbStreamDataDeltaEncode; FillBufferWithContent( abStreamDataDeltaEncode, cb); if (!CryptMsgUpdate( hMsg, (PBYTE)abStreamDataDeltaEncode, cb, fFinal)) goto UpdateError; } } for (pnStream = plistStream->Head(); pnStream; pnStream = pnStream->Next()) { ptsd = pnStream->Data(); cbData = 0; if (CryptMsgGetParam( ptsd->hMsg, CMSG_CONTENT_PARAM, 0, // dwIndex NULL, // pvData &cbData )) PrintError("CryptMsgGetParam(CMSG_CONTENT_PARAM) succeeded for streaming"); #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 if (CMSG_SIGNED == ptsd->dwMsgTypeEncoding && !fNoSigners) { DWORD i; DWORD c; if (fMultiSigner) c = 2; else c = 1; for (i = 0; i < c; i++) { ptsd->rgcbComputedHash[i] = sizeof(ptsd->rgbComputedHash[i]); if (!CryptMsgGetParam( ptsd->hMsg, CMSG_COMPUTED_HASH_PARAM, i, // dwSignerIndex ptsd->rgbComputedHash[i], &ptsd->rgcbComputedHash[i] )) { printf("StreamEncodeMsg::CryptMsgGetParam(Signer[%d] CMSG_COMPUTED_HASH_PARAM)", i); PrintLastError(""); } else VerifyEncodedSignerComputedHash( "StreamEncodeMsg", ptsd->hMsg, i, ptsd->rgbComputedHash[i], ptsd->rgcbComputedHash[i]); } } #endif // CMS_PKCS7 if (!CryptMsgClose(ptsd->hMsg)) goto CloseError; } fRet = TRUE; CommonReturn: return fRet; ErrorReturn: fRet = FALSE; goto CommonReturn; PRINT_ERROR(StreamEncodeMsg,NullFillBufferWithContentError) PRINT_ERROR(StreamEncodeMsg,ExtractContentError) PRINT_ERROR(StreamEncodeMsg,InvalidMsgTypeError) PRINT_ERROR(StreamEncodeMsg,OpenToEncodeError) PRINT_ERROR(StreamEncodeMsg,CalculateEncodedLengthError) PRINT_ERROR(StreamEncodeMsg,UpdateError) PRINT_ERROR(StreamEncodeMsg,CloseError) } //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Decodes the streamed message. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL StreamDecodeMsg() { BOOL fRet; CStreamNode *pnStream; PTEST_STREAM_DATA ptsd; HCRYPTMSG hMsg; PBYTE pb; DWORD cb; PBYTE pbRemain; DWORD cbRemain; HANDLE hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; PBYTE pbRead = NULL; DWORD cbRead; BOOL fFinal; BOOL fFirst; DWORD cbFile; CBlobNode *pnBlob; PCRYPT_DATA_BLOB pblob; BOOL fInnerNonData; DWORD dwMsgTypeInner; LPSTR pszFilenameEncoded = pszFilename ? pszFilename : pszStreamFileName; if (fVerbose) printf( "Beginning stream decode\n"); if (NULL == (pbRead = (PBYTE)TestAlloc(cbStreamDataDeltaDecode))) goto AllocDecodeBufferError; // Open the messages for (pnStream = plistStream->Head(); pnStream; pnStream = pnStream->Next()) { ptsd = pnStream->Data(); ptsd->fEncoding = FALSE; fFirst = (NULL == pnStream->Prev()); if (NULL == (ptsd->hMsg = CryptMsgOpenToDecode( ptsd->dwEncodingType, ptsd->dwDecodeFlags, ((fFirst && fBare) || (!fFirst && (CMSG_DATA != pnStream->Prev()->Data()->dwMsgTypeEncoding))) ? ptsd->dwMsgTypeEncoding : 0, hDefaultVerifyProv, NULL, // pRecipientInfo ptsd->pStreamInfo))) goto OpenToDecodeError; } // Open the file containing the nested messages to decode if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == (hFile = CreateFile( pszFilenameEncoded, GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL))) goto CreateFileError; if (INVALID_FILE_SIZE == (cbFile = GetFileSize( hFile, NULL))) goto GetFileSizeError; // Create the file to hold the decoded data if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == (hFileStreamDecode = CreateFile( pszFilenameDecode, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, 0, NULL))) goto CreateFileDecodeError; // Feed in the encoded nested messages in chunks hMsg = plistStream->Head()->Data()->hMsg; for (cbRemain=cbFile; cbRemain; cbRemain-=cbRead) { if (!ReadFile( hFile, pbRead, cbStreamDataDeltaDecode, &cbRead, NULL)) // lpOverlapped goto ReadFileError; fFinal = (cbRead == cbRemain); if (!CryptMsgUpdate( hMsg, pbRead, cbRead, fFinal)) goto UpdateError; for (pnStream = plistStream->Head(); pnStream; pnStream = pnStream->Next()) { ptsd = pnStream->Data(); if (((0 == ptsd->dwMsgTypeDecoding) || (CMSG_ENVELOPED == ptsd->dwMsgTypeDecoding)) && !ptsd->fReady) { if (!StreamGetRecipientInfoAndSetHProv( ptsd->hMsg, &ptsd->dwMsgTypeDecoding, &ptsd->fReady)) goto StreamGetRecipientInfoAndSetHProvError; } } } // Validate the message types for (pnStream = plistStream->Head(); pnStream; pnStream = pnStream->Next()) { ptsd = pnStream->Data(); if (ptsd->dwMsgTypeEncoding != ptsd->dwMsgTypeDecoding) goto MsgTypeMismatchError; } // Check signatures if (fVerbose) printf( "Verify signatures\n"); for (pnStream = plistStream->Tail(), dwMsgTypeInner=CMSG_DATA; pnStream; pnStream = pnStream->Prev()) { ptsd = pnStream->Data(); fInnerNonData = ((pnStream == plistStream->Tail()) && fInnerContent) || (dwMsgTypeInner != CMSG_DATA); #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 if (ptsd->dwMsgTypeDecoding != CMSG_DATA && (fVerbose || fEncapsulatedContent || cAttrCert || fOriginatorInfo || fCmsRecipient)) { BOOL fResult; DWORD dwVersion; DWORD cbData = sizeof(dwVersion); fResult = CryptMsgGetParam( ptsd->hMsg, CMSG_VERSION_PARAM, 0, // dwIndex (PBYTE) &dwVersion, &cbData ); if (!fResult) PrintLastError("StreamDecodeMsg::CryptMsgGetParam(CMSG_VERSION_PARAM)"); else printf("StreamDecodeMsg(%d) Version:: %d\n", ptsd->dwMsgTypeDecoding, dwVersion); } if (fAuthAttr && CMSG_ENVELOPED == ptsd->dwMsgTypeDecoding) VerifyUnprotectedAttr(hMsg); if (CMSG_SIGNED == ptsd->dwMsgTypeDecoding && !fNoSigners) { DWORD i; DWORD c; if (fMultiSigner) c = 2; else c = 1; for (i = 0; i < c; i++) { VerifyDecodedSignerComputedHash( "StreamDecodeMsg", ptsd->hMsg, fInnerNonData, i, ptsd->rgbComputedHash, ptsd->rgcbComputedHash ); } } #endif // CMS_PKCS7 if ((CMSG_SIGNED == ptsd->dwMsgTypeDecoding) && !GetSignerInfoAndVerify( ptsd->hMsg, fInnerNonData)) goto GetSignerInfoAndVerifyError; dwMsgTypeInner = ptsd->dwMsgTypeEncoding; } // Verify the data if (fVerbose) printf( "Verify data\n"); if (INVALID_FILE_SIZE == (cbFileDecode = GetFileSize( hFileStreamDecode, NULL))) goto GetFileSizeDecodeError; if (cbFileDecode != (fInnerContent ? cbInnerContent : cbMsgContent)) { if (fNoRecipients && 0 == cbFileDecode) ; else goto WrongDataSizeError; } CloseHandle( hFileStreamDecode); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == (hFileStreamDecode = CreateFile( pszFilenameDecode, GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL))) goto CreateFileDecodeReadError; iMsgContentOffset = 0; for (cbRemain=cbFileDecode; cbRemain; cbRemain-=cbRead) { if (!ReadFile( hFileStreamDecode, pbRead, cbStreamDataDeltaDecode, &cbRead, NULL)) // lpOverlapped goto ReadFileDecodeError; if (!BufferEqualsContent( pbRead, cbRead)) goto WrongDataError; } // Close the messages if (fVerbose) printf( "Close messages\n"); for (pnStream = plistStream->Head(); pnStream; pnStream = pnStream->Next()) { DWORD cbData = 0; if (CryptMsgGetParam( pnStream->Data()->hMsg, CMSG_CONTENT_PARAM, 0, // dwIndex NULL, // pvData &cbData )) PrintError("CryptMsgGetParam(CMSG_CONTENT_PARAM) succeeded for streaming"); if (!CryptMsgClose( pnStream->Data()->hMsg)) goto CloseError; } fRet = TRUE; CommonReturn: TestFree( pbRead); if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle( hFile); if (hFileStreamDecode != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle( hFileStreamDecode); #ifndef SAVE_STREAM_FILES DeleteFile( pszFilenameDecode); #endif // SAVE_STREAM_FILES return fRet; ErrorReturn: fRet = FALSE; goto CommonReturn; PRINT_ERROR(StreamDecodeMsg,AllocDecodeBufferError) PRINT_ERROR(StreamDecodeMsg,UpdateError) PRINT_ERROR(StreamDecodeMsg,GetFileSizeError) PRINT_ERROR(StreamDecodeMsg,CreateFileError) PRINT_ERROR(StreamDecodeMsg,ReadFileError) PRINT_ERROR(StreamDecodeMsg,ReadFileDecodeError) PRINT_ERROR(StreamDecodeMsg,OpenToDecodeError) PRINT_ERROR(StreamDecodeMsg,StreamGetRecipientInfoAndSetHProvError) PRINT_ERROR(StreamDecodeMsg,MsgTypeMismatchError) PRINT_ERROR(StreamDecodeMsg,GetSignerInfoAndVerifyError) PRINT_ERROR(StreamDecodeMsg,WrongDataSizeError) PRINT_ERROR(StreamDecodeMsg,WrongDataError) PRINT_ERROR(StreamDecodeMsg,CloseError) PRINT_ERROR(StreamDecodeMsg,CreateFileDecodeError) PRINT_ERROR(StreamDecodeMsg,GetFileSizeDecodeError) PRINT_ERROR(StreamDecodeMsg,CreateFileDecodeReadError) } //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Encodes and decodes the message. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL EncodeAndDecodeMsg( IN DWORD dwMsgType, IN void *pvMsgEncodeInfo ) { BOOL fResult; BYTE *pbEncodedBlob; DWORD cbEncodedBlob; fResult = EncodeMsg( dwMsgType, pvMsgEncodeInfo, &pbEncodedBlob, &cbEncodedBlob ); if (fResult) { if (pszFilename) TCM_WriteBufToFile( pszFilename, pbEncodedBlob, cbEncodedBlob); fResult = DecodeMsg( dwMsgType, pbEncodedBlob, cbEncodedBlob ); TestFree(pbEncodedBlob); } return fResult; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Allocates and encodes the message. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL EncodeMsg( IN DWORD dwMsgType, IN void *pvMsgEncodeInfo, OUT BYTE **ppbEncodedBlob, OUT DWORD *pcbEncodedBlob ) { BOOL fResult; PBYTE pbToBeEncoded; DWORD cbToBeEncoded; PBYTE pbInnerEncoded; DWORD cbInnerEncoded; HCRYPTMSG hMsg = NULL; BYTE *pbEncodedBlob = NULL; DWORD cbEncodedBlobOrg; DWORD cbEncodedBlob; DWORD dwFlags = fBare ? CMSG_BARE_CONTENT_FLAG : 0; if (!GetNonStreamedMsgContent( cbMsgContent, &pbToBeEncoded, &cbToBeEncoded)) goto GetNonStreamedMsgContentError; if (fInnerContent) { if (dwMsgType == CMSG_ENVELOPED #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 && !fEncapsulatedContent #endif // CMS_PKCS7 ) { if (0 > TCM_ExtractContent( pbToBeEncoded, cbToBeEncoded, &cbInnerEncoded, &pbInnerEncoded)) goto ExtractContentError; } else { pbInnerEncoded = pbToBeEncoded; cbInnerEncoded = cbToBeEncoded; } } switch (dwMsgType) { case CMSG_HASHED: case CMSG_SIGNED: dwFlags |= fDetached ? CMSG_DETACHED_FLAG : 0; break; default: break; } #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 if (fEncapsulatedContent) dwFlags |= CMSG_CMS_ENCAPSULATED_CONTENT_FLAG; #endif // CMS_PKCS7 if (0 == (cbEncodedBlobOrg = CryptMsgCalculateEncodedLength( dwMsgEncodingType, dwFlags, dwMsgType, pvMsgEncodeInfo, fInnerContent ? pszInnerContentObjId : NULL, fInnerContent ? cbInnerEncoded : cbToBeEncoded))) { PrintLastError("EncodeMsg::CryptMsgCalculateEncodedLength == 0"); goto ErrorReturn; } cbEncodedBlob = cbEncodedBlobOrg + 1024; // A wee bit of padding pbEncodedBlob = (BYTE *) TestAlloc( cbEncodedBlob); if (pbEncodedBlob == NULL) goto ErrorReturn; hMsg = CryptMsgOpenToEncode( dwMsgEncodingType, dwFlags, dwMsgType, pvMsgEncodeInfo, fInnerContent ? pszInnerContentObjId : NULL, NULL // pStreamInfo ); if (hMsg == NULL) { PrintLastError("EncodeMsg::CryptMsgOpenToEncode"); goto ErrorReturn; } #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 if (fAlgorithmParameters) { rgSignerEncodeInfo[0].HashEncryptionAlgorithm.Parameters.pbData = rgbInvalidAsn; rgSignerEncodeInfo[0].HashEncryptionAlgorithm.Parameters.cbData = sizeof(rgbInvalidAsn); rgSignerEncodeInfo[0].HashAlgorithm.Parameters.pbData = rgbInvalidAsn; rgSignerEncodeInfo[0].HashAlgorithm.Parameters.cbData = sizeof(rgbInvalidAsn); } #endif // CMS_PKCS7 fResult = CryptMsgUpdate( hMsg, pbToBeEncoded, cbToBeEncoded, TRUE // fFinal ); if (!fResult) { PrintLastError("EncodeMsg::CryptMsgUpdate"); goto ErrorReturn; } #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 if (fAuthAttr) XORAttributeBytes(); if (fVerbose || fEncapsulatedContent || cAttrCert || fOriginatorInfo || fCmsRecipient) { DWORD dwVersion; DWORD cbData = sizeof(dwVersion); fResult = CryptMsgGetParam( hMsg, CMSG_VERSION_PARAM, 0, // dwIndex (PBYTE) &dwVersion, &cbData ); if (!fResult) PrintLastError("EncodeMsg::CryptMsgGetParam(CMSG_VERSION_PARAM)"); else printf("EncodeMsg Version:: %d\n", dwVersion); } #endif // CMS_PKCS7 fResult = CryptMsgGetParam( hMsg, fBare ? CMSG_BARE_CONTENT_PARAM : CMSG_CONTENT_PARAM, 0, // dwIndex pbEncodedBlob, &cbEncodedBlob ); if (!fResult) { PrintLastError("EncodeMsg::CryptMsgGetParam(MSG_(BARE_)CONTENT_PARAM)"); goto ErrorReturn; } #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 if (IsDSSProv(dwProvType) || fKeyAgree || (fMultiSigner && PROV_RSA_FULL != dwMultiSignerProvType) #else if (IsDSSProv(dwProvType) #endif // CMS_PKCS7 || hNamedSignerCryptProv) { // For DSS the length of the encoded output may be less than // the length returned by CryptMsgCalculateEncodedLength // Also Key Agreement recipients containing generated ephemeral // public keys may have an encoded length less than // the length returned by CryptMsgCalculateEncodedLength if (cbEncodedBlobOrg < cbEncodedBlob) printf( "Fail: encoding size mismatch: expect=%x >= actual=%x\n", cbEncodedBlobOrg, cbEncodedBlob); } else { if (cbEncodedBlobOrg != cbEncodedBlob) printf( "Fail: encoding size mismatch: expect=%x actual=%x\n", cbEncodedBlobOrg, cbEncodedBlob); } // NB- We depart from the usual practice here since cbEncodedBlob can be // somewhat larger than required. A buffer size of 1 will always be too // small. if (!TCM_CheckGetParam( hMsg, fBare ? CMSG_BARE_CONTENT_PARAM : CMSG_CONTENT_PARAM, 0, // dwIndex pbEncodedBlob, 2)) goto CheckGetEncodedError; if (dwMsgType == CMSG_HASHED) { BYTE *pbComputedDigest = NULL; DWORD cbComputedDigest = 0; if (!TCM_AllocGetParam( hMsg, CMSG_COMPUTED_HASH_PARAM, 0, // dwIndex &pbComputedDigest, &cbComputedDigest)) goto GetComputedHashError; TCM_CheckGetParam( hMsg, CMSG_COMPUTED_HASH_PARAM, 0, // dwIndex pbComputedDigest, cbComputedDigest ); TestFree(pbComputedDigest); } #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 if (dwMsgType == CMSG_SIGNED && !fNoSigners) { DWORD i; DWORD c; if (fMultiSigner) c = 2; else c = 1; for (i = 0; i < c; i++) { rgcbEncodedSignerHash[i] = sizeof(rgbEncodedSignerHash[i]); if (!CryptMsgGetParam( hMsg, CMSG_COMPUTED_HASH_PARAM, i, // dwSignerIndex rgbEncodedSignerHash[i], &rgcbEncodedSignerHash[i] )) { printf("EncodeMsg::CryptMsgGetParam(Signer[%d] CMSG_COMPUTED_HASH_PARAM)", i); PrintLastError(""); } else VerifyEncodedSignerComputedHash( "EncodeMsg", hMsg, i, rgbEncodedSignerHash[i], rgcbEncodedSignerHash[i]); } } if (fAuthAttr) XORAttributeBytes(); #endif // CMS_PKCS7 fResult = TRUE; goto CommonReturn; ErrorReturn: fResult = FALSE; TestFree(pbEncodedBlob); pbEncodedBlob = NULL; cbEncodedBlob = 0; CommonReturn: if (hMsg) CryptMsgClose(hMsg); TestFree(pbToBeEncoded); *ppbEncodedBlob = pbEncodedBlob; *pcbEncodedBlob = cbEncodedBlob; return fResult; //PRINT_ERROR(EncodeMsg,CalculateEncodedLengthWrongSizeError) PRINT_ERROR(EncodeMsg,GetNonStreamedMsgContentError) PRINT_ERROR(EncodeMsg,ExtractContentError) PRINT_ERROR(EncodeMsg,CheckGetEncodedError) PRINT_ERROR(EncodeMsg,GetComputedHashError) } //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Decodes the message types: // CMSG_SIGNED // CMSG_ENVELOPED // CMSG_SIGNED_AND_ENVELOPED // CMSG_HASHED //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL DecodeMsg( IN DWORD dwExpectedMsgType, IN const BYTE *pbEncodedBlob, IN DWORD cbEncodedBlob ) { BOOL fResult; HCRYPTMSG hMsg = NULL; PBYTE pbContent; DWORD cbContent; PBYTE pbDecoded = NULL; DWORD cbDecoded; DWORD cbData; DWORD dwMsgType; DWORD dwFlags = CMSG_LENGTH_ONLY_FLAG; if (!GetNonStreamedMsgContent( cbMsgContent, &pbContent, &cbContent)) goto GetNonStreamedMsgContentError; switch (dwExpectedMsgType) { case CMSG_HASHED: case CMSG_SIGNED: dwFlags |= fDetached ? CMSG_DETACHED_FLAG : 0; break; default: break; } // Open to decode to get the message type and content length hMsg = CryptMsgOpenToDecode( dwMsgEncodingType, dwFlags, fBare ? dwExpectedMsgType : 0, hDefaultVerifyProv, NULL, // pRecipientInfo NULL // pStreamInfo ); if (hMsg == NULL) { PrintLastError("DecodeMsg::CryptMsgOpenToDecode(CMSG_LENGTH_ONLY_FLAG)"); goto ErrorReturn; } fResult = CryptMsgUpdate( hMsg, pbEncodedBlob, cbEncodedBlob, TRUE // fFinal ); if (!fResult) { PrintLastError("DecodeMsg::CryptMsgUpdate"); goto ErrorReturn; } #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 if (fVerbose || fEncapsulatedContent || cAttrCert || fOriginatorInfo || fCmsRecipient) { DWORD dwVersion; DWORD cbData = sizeof(dwVersion); fResult = CryptMsgGetParam( hMsg, CMSG_VERSION_PARAM, 0, // dwIndex (PBYTE) &dwVersion, &cbData ); if (!fResult) PrintLastError("DecodeMsg::CryptMsgGetParam(CMSG_VERSION_PARAM)"); else printf("DecodeMsg Version:: %d\n", dwVersion); } #endif // CMS_PKCS7 if (fDetached) { fResult = CryptMsgUpdate( hMsg, pbContent, cbContent, TRUE // fFinal ); if (!fResult) { PrintLastError("DecodeMsg::CryptMsgUpdate"); goto ErrorReturn; } } else if (!fNoSigners) { cbData = sizeof(dwMsgType); dwMsgType = 0; fResult = CryptMsgGetParam( hMsg, CMSG_TYPE_PARAM, 0, // dwIndex &dwMsgType, &cbData ); if (!fResult) { PrintLastError("DecodeMsg::CryptMsgGetParam(CMSG_TYPE_PARAM)"); goto ErrorReturn; } if ((dwMsgType != dwExpectedMsgType) && (CMSG_SIGNED != dwExpectedMsgType)) { PrintError("DecodeMsg::Unexpected message type"); } if (!TCM_CheckGetParam( hMsg, CMSG_TYPE_PARAM, 0, // dwIndex &dwMsgType, cbData)) goto CheckGetTypeError; cbDecoded = 0; fResult = CryptMsgGetParam( hMsg, CMSG_CONTENT_PARAM, 0, // dwIndex NULL, // pvData &cbDecoded ); if (cbDecoded == 0) { PrintError("DecodeMsg::message content length == 0"); goto ErrorReturn; } if ((cbDecoded < cbContent) && !fInnerContent) PrintError( "DecodeMsg::Ciphertext Length Less Than Plaintext Length"); pbDecoded = (BYTE *) TestAlloc(cbDecoded); if (pbDecoded == NULL) goto ErrorReturn; } CryptMsgClose(hMsg); hMsg = NULL; // Re-open message to get its decoded content. hMsg = CryptMsgOpenToDecode( dwMsgEncodingType, dwFlags, fBare ? dwExpectedMsgType : 0, hDefaultVerifyProv, NULL, // pRecipientInfo NULL // pStreamInfo ); if (hMsg == NULL) { PrintLastError("DecodeMsg::CryptMsgOpenToDecode"); goto ErrorReturn; } // Check that duplicate works hMsg = CryptMsgDuplicate(hMsg); CryptMsgClose(hMsg); fResult = CryptMsgUpdate( hMsg, pbEncodedBlob, cbEncodedBlob, TRUE // fFinal ); if (!fResult) { PrintLastError("DecodeMsg::CryptMsgUpdate"); goto ErrorReturn; } if (fDetached) { fResult = CryptMsgUpdate( hMsg, pbContent, cbContent, TRUE // fFinal ); if (!fResult) { PrintLastError("DecodeMsg::CryptMsgUpdate"); goto ErrorReturn; } } if (fInnerContent) { DWORD cbInnerContentObjId; PBYTE pbInnerContentObjId; if (!TCM_AllocGetParam( hMsg, CMSG_INNER_CONTENT_TYPE_PARAM, 0, // dwIndex &pbInnerContentObjId, &cbInnerContentObjId)) goto GetInnerContentTypeError; if ((cbInnerContentObjId != (strlen(pszInnerContentObjId) + 1)) || (0 != memcmp( pszInnerContentObjId, pbInnerContentObjId, cbInnerContentObjId))) { PrintError( "DecodeMsg::Decoded Content Object ID incorrect"); } TestFree(pbInnerContentObjId); } if (dwExpectedMsgType == CMSG_ENVELOPED || dwExpectedMsgType == CMSG_SIGNED_AND_ENVELOPED) { fResult = GetRecipientInfoAndDecrypt(hMsg); if (!fResult) goto ErrorReturn; } if (!fNoSigners && (dwExpectedMsgType == CMSG_SIGNED || dwExpectedMsgType == CMSG_SIGNED_AND_ENVELOPED)) { if (fAuthAttr) { DWORD cbAuthAttrs; PBYTE pbAuthAttrs; if (!TCM_AllocGetParam( hMsg, CMSG_SIGNER_AUTH_ATTR_PARAM, 0, // dwIndex &pbAuthAttrs, &cbAuthAttrs)) { TestFree(pbAuthAttrs); goto GetAuthAttrError; } TestFree(pbAuthAttrs); if (!fCountersign) { if (!TCM_AllocGetParam( hMsg, CMSG_SIGNER_UNAUTH_ATTR_PARAM, 0, // dwIndex &pbAuthAttrs, &cbAuthAttrs)) { TestFree(pbAuthAttrs); goto GetAuthAttrError; } TestFree(pbAuthAttrs); } } #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 VerifyDecodedSignerComputedHash( "DecodeMsg", hMsg, fInnerContent, 0, rgbEncodedSignerHash, rgcbEncodedSignerHash); if (fMultiSigner) { VerifyDecodedSignerComputedHash( "DecodeMsg", hMsg, fInnerContent, 1, rgbEncodedSignerHash, rgcbEncodedSignerHash); } #endif // CMS_PKCS7 fResult = GetSignerInfoAndVerify(hMsg, fInnerContent); if (!fResult) goto ErrorReturn; if (fCountersign && !CountersignAndVerify( hMsg)) { PrintError( "DecodeMsg::CountersignAndVerify"); goto ErrorReturn; } if (fAddSigner && !AddSignerAndVerify( hMsg)) { PrintError( "DecodeMsg::AddSignerAndVerify"); goto ErrorReturn; } if (!AddDelItems( hMsg, CMSG_CERT_COUNT_PARAM, CMSG_CTRL_ADD_CERT, CMSG_CTRL_DEL_CERT, rgSignedCertBlob)) goto AddDelCertsError; if (!AddDelItems( hMsg, CMSG_CRL_COUNT_PARAM, CMSG_CTRL_ADD_CRL, CMSG_CTRL_DEL_CRL, rgSignedCertBlob)) // This is not a cert goto AddDelCrlsError; #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 if (cAttrCert || (fEncapsulatedContent && fInnerContent)) { if (!AddDelItems( hMsg, CMSG_ATTR_CERT_COUNT_PARAM, CMSG_CTRL_ADD_ATTR_CERT, CMSG_CTRL_DEL_ATTR_CERT, rgSignedCertBlob)) goto AddDelAttrCertsError; } #endif // CMS_PKCS7 } if (!fDetached && !fNoSigners #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 && !fNoRecipients #endif // CMS_PKCS7 ) { fResult = CryptMsgGetParam( hMsg, CMSG_CONTENT_PARAM, 0, // dwIndex pbDecoded, &cbDecoded ); if (!fResult) { PrintLastError("DecodeMsg::CryptMsgGetParam(CMSG_CONTENT_PARAM)"); goto ErrorReturn; } if (!TCM_CheckGetParam( hMsg, CMSG_CONTENT_PARAM, 0, // dwIndex pbDecoded, cbDecoded)) goto CheckGetContentError; if (cbDecoded != cbContent || memcmp(pbContent, pbDecoded, cbContent) != 0) { PrintError( "DecodeMsg::Decoded Content doesn't match ToBeEncoded Content"); } } if (dwExpectedMsgType == CMSG_HASHED) { fResult = Undigest(hMsg); if (!fResult) goto ErrorReturn; } fResult = TRUE; goto CommonReturn; ErrorReturn: fResult = FALSE; CommonReturn: if (hMsg) CryptMsgClose(hMsg); TestFree(pbDecoded); TestFree(pbContent); return fResult; PRINT_ERROR(DecodeMsg,GetNonStreamedMsgContentError) PRINT_ERROR(DecodeMsg,CheckGetTypeError) PRINT_ERROR(DecodeMsg,GetInnerContentTypeError) PRINT_ERROR(DecodeMsg,GetAuthAttrError) PRINT_ERROR(DecodeMsg,CheckGetContentError) PRINT_ERROR(DecodeMsg,AddDelCrlsError) PRINT_ERROR(DecodeMsg,AddDelCertsError) #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 PRINT_ERROR(DecodeMsg,AddDelAttrCertsError) #endif // CMS_PKCS7 } //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Decode and encode a SignerInfo, and check that the input matches the output //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL VerifyEncodedSigner( IN PBYTE pbEncodedSigner, IN DWORD cbEncodedSigner) { BOOL fRet; PCMSG_SIGNER_INFO psi = NULL; #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 PCMSG_CMS_SIGNER_INFO pCMSsi = NULL; #endif // CMS_PKCS7 DWORD cbsi; PBYTE pbEncodedSignerNew = NULL; DWORD cbEncodedSignerNew; cbsi = 0; if (!CryptDecodeObject( PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING, PKCS7_SIGNER_INFO, pbEncodedSigner, cbEncodedSigner, 0, // dwFlags NULL, &cbsi)) goto DecodeSizeError; if (NULL == (psi = (PCMSG_SIGNER_INFO)TestAlloc( cbsi))) goto AllocDecodeError; if (!CryptDecodeObject( PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING, PKCS7_SIGNER_INFO, pbEncodedSigner, cbEncodedSigner, 0, // dwFlags psi, &cbsi)) goto DecodeError; cbEncodedSignerNew = 0; if (!CryptEncodeObject( PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING, PKCS7_SIGNER_INFO, psi, NULL, &cbEncodedSignerNew)) goto EncodeSizeError; if (NULL == (pbEncodedSignerNew = (PBYTE)TestAlloc( cbEncodedSignerNew))) goto AllocEncodeError; if (!CryptEncodeObject( PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING, PKCS7_SIGNER_INFO, psi, pbEncodedSignerNew, &cbEncodedSignerNew)) goto EncodeError; if (cbEncodedSigner != cbEncodedSignerNew) goto UnequalEncodedSignerSizeError; if (0 != memcmp( pbEncodedSigner, pbEncodedSignerNew, cbEncodedSigner)) goto UnequalEncodedSignerError; #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 TestFree(pbEncodedSignerNew); pbEncodedSignerNew = NULL; cbsi = 0; if (!CryptDecodeObject( PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING, CMS_SIGNER_INFO, pbEncodedSigner, cbEncodedSigner, 0, // dwFlags NULL, &cbsi)) goto CMSDecodeSizeError; if (NULL == (pCMSsi = (PCMSG_CMS_SIGNER_INFO)TestAlloc( cbsi))) goto CMSAllocDecodeError; if (!CryptDecodeObject( PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING, CMS_SIGNER_INFO, pbEncodedSigner, cbEncodedSigner, 0, // dwFlags pCMSsi, &cbsi)) goto CMSDecodeError; cbEncodedSignerNew = 0; if (!CryptEncodeObject( PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING, CMS_SIGNER_INFO, pCMSsi, NULL, &cbEncodedSignerNew)) goto CMSEncodeSizeError; if (NULL == (pbEncodedSignerNew = (PBYTE)TestAlloc( cbEncodedSignerNew))) goto CMSAllocEncodeError; if (!CryptEncodeObject( PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING, CMS_SIGNER_INFO, pCMSsi, pbEncodedSignerNew, &cbEncodedSignerNew)) goto CMSEncodeError; if (cbEncodedSigner != cbEncodedSignerNew) goto CMSUnequalEncodedSignerSizeError; if (0 != memcmp( pbEncodedSigner, pbEncodedSignerNew, cbEncodedSigner)) goto CMSUnequalEncodedSignerError; #endif // CMS_PKCS7 fRet = TRUE; CommonReturn: TestFree(psi); #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 TestFree(pCMSsi); #endif // CMS_PKCS7 TestFree(pbEncodedSignerNew); return fRet; ErrorReturn: fRet = FALSE; goto CommonReturn; PRINT_ERROR(VerifyEncodedSigner,DecodeSizeError) PRINT_ERROR(VerifyEncodedSigner,AllocDecodeError) PRINT_ERROR(VerifyEncodedSigner,DecodeError) PRINT_ERROR(VerifyEncodedSigner,EncodeSizeError) PRINT_ERROR(VerifyEncodedSigner,AllocEncodeError) PRINT_ERROR(VerifyEncodedSigner,EncodeError) PRINT_ERROR(VerifyEncodedSigner,UnequalEncodedSignerSizeError) PRINT_ERROR(VerifyEncodedSigner,UnequalEncodedSignerError) #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 PRINT_ERROR(VerifyEncodedSigner,CMSDecodeSizeError) PRINT_ERROR(VerifyEncodedSigner,CMSAllocDecodeError) PRINT_ERROR(VerifyEncodedSigner,CMSDecodeError) PRINT_ERROR(VerifyEncodedSigner,CMSEncodeSizeError) PRINT_ERROR(VerifyEncodedSigner,CMSAllocEncodeError) PRINT_ERROR(VerifyEncodedSigner,CMSEncodeError) PRINT_ERROR(VerifyEncodedSigner,CMSUnequalEncodedSignerSizeError) PRINT_ERROR(VerifyEncodedSigner,CMSUnequalEncodedSignerError) #endif // CMS_PKCS7 } //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Countersign the signed message and verify the countersignature //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL CountersignAndVerify(IN HCRYPTMSG hCryptMsg) { BOOL fRet; HCRYPTMSG hMsgNew = NULL; PBYTE pbEncodedMessage = NULL; DWORD cbEncodedMessage; PBYTE pbSignerInfo = NULL; DWORD cbSignerInfo; PCRYPT_ATTRIBUTES patrs = NULL; DWORD cbatrs; PCERT_INFO pciCountersigner = NULL; DWORD cbSignerPublicKeyData; // Allocate and get the CERT_INFO containing the SignerId // (Issuer and SerialNumber) of the countersigner. // NB: For this particular test, the signer and countersigner are the same. if (NULL == (pciCountersigner = GetCertIdFromMsg( hCryptMsg, CMSG_SIGNER_CERT_INFO_PARAM, 0))) // dwIndex goto GetCertIdFromMsgError; // countersign if (!CryptMsgCountersign( hCryptMsg, 0, // dwIndex 1, // cCountersigners &rgSignerEncodeInfo[0])) goto CountersignError; if (!TCM_AllocGetParam( hCryptMsg, CMSG_ENCODED_MESSAGE, 0, // dwIndex &pbEncodedMessage, &cbEncodedMessage)) goto GetEncodedMessageError; if (pszFilename) TCM_WriteBufToFile( pszFilename, pbEncodedMessage, cbEncodedMessage); // Re-open message to get its decoded content. if (NULL == (hMsgNew = CryptMsgOpenToDecode( dwMsgEncodingType, 0, // dwFlags 0, // dwMsgType hDefaultVerifyProv, NULL, // pRecipientInfo NULL))) // pStreamInfo goto CryptMsgOpenToDecodeError; if (!CryptMsgUpdate( hMsgNew, pbEncodedMessage, cbEncodedMessage, TRUE)) // fFinal goto CryptMsgUpdateError; // Get the SignerInfo which was countersigned if (!TCM_AllocGetParam( hMsgNew, CMSG_ENCODED_SIGNER, 0, // dwIndex &pbSignerInfo, &cbSignerInfo)) goto GetEncodedSignerInfoError; if (!VerifyEncodedSigner( pbSignerInfo, cbSignerInfo)) goto VerifyEncodedSignerError; // Get the unauth attrs, and find the countersignature if (!TCM_AllocGetParam( hMsgNew, CMSG_SIGNER_UNAUTH_ATTR_PARAM, 0, // dwIndex (PBYTE *)&patrs, &cbatrs)) goto GetUnauthAttrsError; // Do some consistency checks if (patrs->cAttr != 1) goto AttrCountError; if (strcmp( patrs->rgAttr->pszObjId, szOID_RSA_counterSign)) goto AttrOidNotCountersignError; if (patrs->rgAttr->cValue != 1) goto CountersignCountError; // Get the signer's public key cbSignerPublicKeyData = sizeof(SignerPublicKeyData.Data); memset(SignerPublicKeyData.Data, 0, cbSignerPublicKeyData); if (!CryptExportPublicKeyInfo( hCryptProv, AT_SIGNATURE, X509_ASN_ENCODING, (PCERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO) SignerPublicKeyData.Data, &cbSignerPublicKeyData)) goto ExportPublicKeyInfoError; pciCountersigner->SubjectPublicKeyInfo = *((PCERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO) SignerPublicKeyData.Data); // Verify the countersignature if (!CryptMsgVerifyCountersignatureEncoded( hDefaultVerifyProv, PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING, pbSignerInfo, cbSignerInfo, patrs->rgAttr->rgValue->pbData, patrs->rgAttr->rgValue->cbData, pciCountersigner)) goto VerifyCountersignatureEncodedError; fRet = TRUE; CommonReturn: if (hMsgNew) CryptMsgClose(hMsgNew); TestFree(pciCountersigner); TestFree(pbEncodedMessage); TestFree(pbSignerInfo); TestFree(patrs); return fRet; ErrorReturn: fRet = FALSE; goto CommonReturn; PRINT_ERROR(CountersignAndVerify,GetEncodedMessageError) PRINT_ERROR(CountersignAndVerify,CryptMsgOpenToDecodeError) PRINT_ERROR(CountersignAndVerify,CryptMsgUpdateError) PRINT_ERROR(CountersignAndVerify,GetCertIdFromMsgError) PRINT_ERROR(CountersignAndVerify,CountersignError) PRINT_ERROR(CountersignAndVerify,GetEncodedSignerInfoError) PRINT_ERROR(CountersignAndVerify,VerifyEncodedSignerError) PRINT_ERROR(CountersignAndVerify,GetUnauthAttrsError) PRINT_ERROR(CountersignAndVerify,AttrCountError) PRINT_ERROR(CountersignAndVerify,AttrOidNotCountersignError) PRINT_ERROR(CountersignAndVerify,CountersignCountError) PRINT_ERROR(CountersignAndVerify,ExportPublicKeyInfoError) PRINT_ERROR(CountersignAndVerify,VerifyCountersignatureEncodedError) } //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Add signers to the signed message and verify the new signatures //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL AddSignerAndVerify(IN HCRYPTMSG hCryptMsg) { BOOL fRet; HCRYPTMSG hMsgNew = NULL; PBYTE pbEncodedMessage = NULL; DWORD cbEncodedMessage; CMSG_SIGNER_ENCODE_INFO SignerEncodeInfo1 = rgSignerEncodeInfo[0]; CMSG_SIGNER_ENCODE_INFO SignerEncodeInfo2 = rgSignerEncodeInfo[0]; PCERT_INFO pciSigner0 = NULL; PCERT_INFO pciSigner1 = NULL; PCERT_INFO pciSigner2 = NULL; if (NULL == (pciSigner0 = GetCertIdFromMsg( hCryptMsg, CMSG_SIGNER_CERT_INFO_PARAM, 0))) // dwIndex goto GetCertId0Error; if (NULL == (pciSigner1 = GetCertIdFromMsg( hCryptMsg, CMSG_SIGNER_CERT_INFO_PARAM, 0))) // dwIndex goto GetCertId1Error; if (NULL == (pciSigner2 = GetCertIdFromMsg( hCryptMsg, CMSG_SIGNER_CERT_INFO_PARAM, 0))) // dwIndex goto GetCertId2Error; // Give the new signers different serial numbers pciSigner1->SerialNumber.pbData = (PBYTE)&dwSignerSerialNumber1; pciSigner2->SerialNumber.pbData = (PBYTE)&dwSignerSerialNumber2; // Fill in the public key info // NB- We are relying on this already having been filled in by GetSignerInfoAndVerify pciSigner0->SubjectPublicKeyInfo = *((PCERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO) SignerPublicKeyData.Data); pciSigner1->SubjectPublicKeyInfo = *((PCERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO) SignerPublicKeyData.Data); pciSigner2->SubjectPublicKeyInfo = *((PCERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO) SignerPublicKeyData.Data); SignerEncodeInfo1.pCertInfo = pciSigner1; SignerEncodeInfo2.pCertInfo = pciSigner2; if (IsDSSProv(dwProvType)) // DSS only supports signing of sha1 SignerEncodeInfo2.HashAlgorithm = SignDigestAlgorithms[fMD5 ? SIGNDIGEST_ALG_MD5 : SIGNDIGEST_ALG_SHA]; else // Use a different hash algorithm to force adding a hash node and // hashing the content again. SignerEncodeInfo2.HashAlgorithm = SignDigestAlgorithms[ !fMD5 ? SIGNDIGEST_ALG_MD5 : SIGNDIGEST_ALG_SHA]; // Add the signers if (!CryptMsgControl( hCryptMsg, 0, // dwFlags CMSG_CTRL_ADD_SIGNER, &SignerEncodeInfo1)) goto AddSigner1Error; if (!CryptMsgControl( hCryptMsg, 0, // dwFlags CMSG_CTRL_ADD_SIGNER, &SignerEncodeInfo2)) goto AddSigner2Error; if (!AddDelItems( hCryptMsg, CMSG_SIGNER_COUNT_PARAM, CMSG_CTRL_ADD_SIGNER, CMSG_CTRL_DEL_SIGNER, &SignerEncodeInfo2)) goto AddDelSignersError; // Verify all the signatures if (!CryptMsgControl( hCryptMsg, 0, // dwFlags CMSG_CTRL_VERIFY_SIGNATURE, pciSigner0)) goto VerifySigner0Error; if (!CryptMsgControl( hCryptMsg, 0, // dwFlags CMSG_CTRL_VERIFY_SIGNATURE, pciSigner1)) goto VerifySigner1Error; if (!CryptMsgControl( hCryptMsg, 0, // dwFlags CMSG_CTRL_VERIFY_SIGNATURE, pciSigner2)) goto VerifySigner2Error; // Re-encode the message, with the new signers if (!TCM_AllocGetParam( hCryptMsg, CMSG_ENCODED_MESSAGE, 0, // dwIndex &pbEncodedMessage, &cbEncodedMessage)) goto GetEncodedMessageError; if (pszFilename) TCM_WriteBufToFile( pszFilename, pbEncodedMessage, cbEncodedMessage); // Re-open message to get its decoded content. if (NULL == (hMsgNew = CryptMsgOpenToDecode( dwMsgEncodingType, 0, // dwFlags 0, // dwMsgType hDefaultVerifyProv, NULL, // pRecipientInfo NULL))) // pStreamInfo goto CryptMsgOpenToDecodeError; if (!CryptMsgUpdate( hMsgNew, pbEncodedMessage, cbEncodedMessage, TRUE)) // fFinal goto CryptMsgUpdateError; // Verify all the signatures, again if (!CryptMsgControl( hMsgNew, 0, // dwFlags CMSG_CTRL_VERIFY_SIGNATURE, pciSigner0)) goto ReVerifySigner0Error; if (!CryptMsgControl( hMsgNew, 0, // dwFlags CMSG_CTRL_VERIFY_SIGNATURE, pciSigner1)) goto ReVerifySigner1Error; if (!CryptMsgControl( hMsgNew, 0, // dwFlags CMSG_CTRL_VERIFY_SIGNATURE, pciSigner2)) goto ReVerifySigner2Error; fRet = TRUE; CommonReturn: if (hMsgNew) CryptMsgClose(hMsgNew); TestFree(pciSigner0); TestFree(pciSigner1); TestFree(pciSigner2); TestFree(pbEncodedMessage); return fRet; ErrorReturn: fRet = FALSE; goto CommonReturn; PRINT_ERROR(AddSignerAndVerify,GetCertId0Error) PRINT_ERROR(AddSignerAndVerify,GetCertId1Error) PRINT_ERROR(AddSignerAndVerify,GetCertId2Error) PRINT_ERROR(AddSignerAndVerify,AddSigner1Error) PRINT_ERROR(AddSignerAndVerify,AddSigner2Error) PRINT_ERROR(AddSignerAndVerify,VerifySigner0Error) PRINT_ERROR(AddSignerAndVerify,VerifySigner1Error) PRINT_ERROR(AddSignerAndVerify,VerifySigner2Error) PRINT_ERROR(AddSignerAndVerify,GetEncodedMessageError) PRINT_ERROR(AddSignerAndVerify,CryptMsgOpenToDecodeError) PRINT_ERROR(AddSignerAndVerify,CryptMsgUpdateError) PRINT_ERROR(AddSignerAndVerify,ReVerifySigner0Error) PRINT_ERROR(AddSignerAndVerify,ReVerifySigner1Error) PRINT_ERROR(AddSignerAndVerify,ReVerifySigner2Error) PRINT_ERROR(AddSignerAndVerify,AddDelSignersError) } //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Verify certificates and CRLs in a signed or enveloped message. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL VerifyCerts(IN HCRYPTMSG hMsg) { BOOL fResult; BYTE *pbCertEncoded = NULL; DWORD cCert; #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 BYTE *pbCrlEncoded = NULL; DWORD cCrl; #endif // CMS_PKCS7 DWORD cbData; DWORD dwIndex; //-------------------------------------------------------------- // Get count of certificates in the message cCert = 0; cbData = sizeof(cCert); fResult = CryptMsgGetParam( hMsg, CMSG_CERT_COUNT_PARAM, 0, // dwIndex &cCert, &cbData ); if (!fResult) { PrintLastError( "VerifyCerts::CryptMsgGetParam(CMSG_CERT_COUNT_PARAM)"); goto ErrorReturn; } if (cCert != cSignedCert) { PrintError("VerifyCerts::cCert != cSignedCert"); goto ErrorReturn; } if (!TCM_CheckGetParam( hMsg, CMSG_CERT_COUNT_PARAM, 0, // dwIndex &cCert, cbData)) goto CheckGetCertCountError; // Get certs from the message and verify for (dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < cCert; dwIndex++) { if (!TCM_AllocGetParam( hMsg, CMSG_CERT_PARAM, dwIndex, &pbCertEncoded, &cbData)) goto GetCertError; if (cbData != rgSignedCertBlob[dwIndex].cbData || memcmp(pbCertEncoded, rgSignedCertBlob[dwIndex].pbData, cbData) != 0) { PrintError("VerifyCerts::Bad Cert content"); } TestFree(pbCertEncoded); pbCertEncoded = NULL; } #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 //-------------------------------------------------------------- // Get count of attribute certificates in the message cCert = 0; cbData = sizeof(cCert); fResult = CryptMsgGetParam( hMsg, CMSG_ATTR_CERT_COUNT_PARAM, 0, // dwIndex &cCert, &cbData ); if (!fResult) { PrintLastError( "VerifyCerts::CryptMsgGetParam(CMSG_ATTR_CERT_COUNT_PARAM)"); goto ErrorReturn; } if (cCert != cAttrCert) { PrintError("VerifyCerts::cAttrCert != cAttrCert"); goto ErrorReturn; } if (!TCM_CheckGetParam( hMsg, CMSG_ATTR_CERT_COUNT_PARAM, 0, // dwIndex &cCert, cbData)) goto CheckGetCertCountError; // Get attribute certs from the message and verify for (dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < cCert; dwIndex++) { if (!TCM_AllocGetParam( hMsg, CMSG_ATTR_CERT_PARAM, dwIndex, &pbCertEncoded, &cbData)) goto GetCertError; if (cbData != rgAttrCertBlob[dwIndex].cbData || memcmp(pbCertEncoded, rgAttrCertBlob[dwIndex].pbData, cbData) != 0) { PrintError("VerifyCerts::Bad Attribute Cert content"); } TestFree(pbCertEncoded); pbCertEncoded = NULL; } //-------------------------------------------------------------- // Get count of CRLs in the message cCrl = 0; cbData = sizeof(cCrl); fResult = CryptMsgGetParam( hMsg, CMSG_CRL_COUNT_PARAM, 0, // dwIndex &cCrl, &cbData ); if (!fResult) { PrintLastError( "VerifyCrls::CryptMsgGetParam(CMSG_CRL_COUNT_PARAM)"); goto ErrorReturn; } if (cCrl != cSignedCrl) { PrintError("VerifyCrls::cCrl != cSignedCrl"); goto ErrorReturn; } if (!TCM_CheckGetParam( hMsg, CMSG_CRL_COUNT_PARAM, 0, // dwIndex &cCrl, cbData)) goto CheckGetCrlCountError; // Get CRLs from the message and verify for (dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < cCrl; dwIndex++) { if (!TCM_AllocGetParam( hMsg, CMSG_CRL_PARAM, dwIndex, &pbCrlEncoded, &cbData)) goto GetCrlError; if (cbData != rgSignedCrlBlob[dwIndex].cbData || memcmp(pbCrlEncoded, rgSignedCrlBlob[dwIndex].pbData, cbData) != 0) { PrintError("VerifyCrls::Bad Crl content"); } TestFree(pbCrlEncoded); pbCrlEncoded = NULL; } #endif // CMS_PKCS7 fResult = TRUE; goto CommonReturn; ErrorReturn: fResult = FALSE; CommonReturn: TestFree(pbCertEncoded); #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 TestFree(pbCrlEncoded); #endif // CMS_PKCS7 return fResult; PRINT_ERROR(VerifyCerts,CheckGetCertCountError) PRINT_ERROR(VerifyCerts,GetCertError) #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 PRINT_ERROR(VerifyCerts,CheckGetCrlCountError) PRINT_ERROR(VerifyCerts,GetCrlError) #endif // CMS_PKCS7 } //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Get signer info and verify the signed message //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL GetSignerInfoAndVerify( IN HCRYPTMSG hMsg, IN BOOL fInnerNonData, IN DWORD dwSignerIndex, OUT DWORD *pdwSrcIndex ) { BOOL fResult; PCERT_INFO pSignerCertInfo = NULL; PCMSG_SIGNER_INFO pSignerInfo = NULL; DWORD cbData; BOOL fEqual; DWORD i; PCRYPT_ATTRIBUTE patr1; PCRYPT_ATTRIBUTE patr2; DWORD cbSignerPublicKeyData; DWORD dwSrcIndex = 0; HCRYPTPROV hVerifyProv; #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 if (fMultiSigner) { DWORD cSigner = 0; cbData = sizeof(cSigner); if (!CryptMsgGetParam( hMsg, CMSG_SIGNER_COUNT_PARAM, 0, // dwIndex &cSigner, &cbData) || cSigner != 2) { PrintLastError( "GetSignerInfoAndVerify:: Invalid multisigner count"); } } #endif // CMS_PKCS7 // Allocate and get the CERT_INFO containing the SignerId // (Issuer and SerialNumber) pSignerCertInfo = GetCertIdFromMsg( hMsg, CMSG_SIGNER_CERT_INFO_PARAM, dwSignerIndex ); if (pSignerCertInfo == NULL) { PrintLastError( "GetSignerInfoAndVerify::CryptMsgGetParam(CMSG_SIGNER_CERT_INFO_PARAM)"); goto ErrorReturn; } #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 if (!(fCertInfoKeyId && fMultiSigner)) { #endif // CMS_PKCS7 if (pSignerCertInfo->Issuer.cbData != rgSignerCertInfo[0].Issuer.cbData || memcmp(pSignerCertInfo->Issuer.pbData, rgSignerCertInfo[0].Issuer.pbData, pSignerCertInfo->Issuer.cbData) != 0) { PrintError("GetSignerInfoAndVerify::Bad SignerIssuerName"); } #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 } #endif // CMS_PKCS7 #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 if (fMultiSigner) { if (pSignerCertInfo->SerialNumber.cbData == rgSignerCertInfo[0].SerialNumber.cbData && memcmp(pSignerCertInfo->SerialNumber.pbData, rgSignerCertInfo[0].SerialNumber.pbData, pSignerCertInfo->SerialNumber.cbData) == 0) { dwSrcIndex = 0; } else if (pSignerCertInfo->SerialNumber.cbData == rgSignerCertInfo[1].SerialNumber.cbData && memcmp(pSignerCertInfo->SerialNumber.pbData, rgSignerCertInfo[1].SerialNumber.pbData, pSignerCertInfo->SerialNumber.cbData) == 0) { dwSrcIndex = 1; } else { PrintError("GetSignerInfoAndVerify::Bad SignerSerialNumber"); } if (fCertInfoKeyId) { if (pSignerCertInfo->Issuer.cbData == rgSignerCertInfo[0].Issuer.cbData && memcmp(pSignerCertInfo->Issuer.pbData, rgSignerCertInfo[0].Issuer.pbData, pSignerCertInfo->Issuer.cbData) == 0) { dwSrcIndex = 0; } else if (pSignerCertInfo->Issuer.cbData == rgSignerCertInfo[1].Issuer.cbData && memcmp(pSignerCertInfo->Issuer.pbData, rgSignerCertInfo[1].Issuer.pbData, pSignerCertInfo->Issuer.cbData) == 0) { dwSrcIndex = 1; } else { PrintError("GetSignerInfoAndVerify::Bad CertInfoKeyId"); } } } else #endif // CMS_PKCS7 if (pSignerCertInfo->SerialNumber.cbData != rgSignerCertInfo[0].SerialNumber.cbData || memcmp(pSignerCertInfo->SerialNumber.pbData, rgSignerCertInfo[0].SerialNumber.pbData, pSignerCertInfo->SerialNumber.cbData) != 0) { PrintError("GetSignerInfoAndVerify::Bad SignerSerialNumber"); } //-------------------------------------------------------------- // Allocate and get the CMSG_SIGNER_INFO for the signer if (NULL == (pSignerInfo = GetSignerInfoFromMsg( hMsg, dwSignerIndex))) { PrintLastError( "GetSignerInfoAndVerify::CryptMsgGetParam(CMSG_SIGNER_INFO_PARAM)"); goto ErrorReturn; } fEqual = (pSignerInfo->Issuer.cbData == rgSignerCertInfo[dwSrcIndex].Issuer.cbData); if (fEqual) { fEqual &= (memcmp( pSignerInfo->Issuer.pbData, rgSignerCertInfo[dwSrcIndex].Issuer.pbData, pSignerInfo->Issuer.cbData) == 0); } fEqual &= (pSignerInfo->SerialNumber.cbData == rgSignerCertInfo[dwSrcIndex].SerialNumber.cbData); if (fEqual) { fEqual &= (memcmp( pSignerInfo->SerialNumber.pbData, rgSignerCertInfo[dwSrcIndex].SerialNumber.pbData, pSignerInfo->SerialNumber.cbData) == 0); } if (fAuthAttr) { fEqual &= EqualAlgorithm( &rgSignerEncodeInfo[dwSrcIndex].HashAlgorithm, &pSignerInfo->HashAlgorithm); // Allow for the 2 auth attrs which get added automatically fEqual &= ((rgSignerEncodeInfo[dwSrcIndex].cAuthAttr + 2) == pSignerInfo->AuthAttrs.cAttr); if (fEqual) { for (i=pSignerInfo->AuthAttrs.cAttr, patr1=rgSignerEncodeInfo[dwSrcIndex].rgAuthAttr, patr2=pSignerInfo->AuthAttrs.rgAttr; i>0; i--, patr2++) { // NB: We skip over the 2 auth attrs added by the system. if ( (0 == strcmp( szOID_RSA_contentType, patr2->pszObjId)) || (0 == strcmp( szOID_RSA_messageDigest, patr2->pszObjId))) continue; fEqual &= EqualAttribute( patr1++, patr2); } } if (!fCountersign) { fEqual &= (rgSignerEncodeInfo[dwSrcIndex].cUnauthAttr == pSignerInfo->UnauthAttrs.cAttr); if (fEqual) { for (i=pSignerInfo->UnauthAttrs.cAttr, patr1=rgSignerEncodeInfo[dwSrcIndex].rgUnauthAttr, patr2=pSignerInfo->UnauthAttrs.rgAttr; i>0; i--, patr1++, patr2++) { fEqual &= EqualAttribute( patr1, patr2); } } } } else { // It would be more thorough to check the message digest and // content type auth attrs are present in the fInnerContent case. if (fInnerNonData) { fEqual &= (pSignerInfo->AuthAttrs.cAttr == 2) ? 1 : 0; } else { fEqual &= (pSignerInfo->AuthAttrs.cAttr == 0) ? 1 : 0; } // fEqual &= fInnerNonData // ? (2 == pSignerInfo->AuthAttrs.cAttr) // : (0 == pSignerInfo->AuthAttrs.cAttr); } if (!fAuthAttr || fCountersign) fEqual &= (0 == pSignerInfo->UnauthAttrs.cAttr); if (!fEqual) { PrintError("GetSignerInfoAndVerify::Bad SignerInfo"); goto ErrorReturn; } VerifyCerts(hMsg); // Get crypt provider's public signature key. It will be used as the // signer's public key cbSignerPublicKeyData = sizeof(SignerPublicKeyData.Data); memset(SignerPublicKeyData.Data, 0, cbSignerPublicKeyData); hVerifyProv = hCryptProv; #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 if (fMultiSigner) { if (dwSrcIndex != 0) hVerifyProv = hMultiSignerCryptProv; } #endif // CMS_PKCS7 if (fNoSignature) { CMSG_CTRL_VERIFY_SIGNATURE_EX_PARA Para; memset(&Para, 0, sizeof(Para)); Para.cbSize = sizeof(Para); // Para.hCryptProv = Para.dwSignerIndex = dwSignerIndex; Para.dwSignerType = CMSG_VERIFY_SIGNER_NULL; // Para.pvSigner = fResult = CryptMsgControl( hMsg, 0, // dwFlags CMSG_CTRL_VERIFY_SIGNATURE_EX, &Para ); if (!fResult) { PrintLastError( "GetSignerInfoAndVerify::CryptMsgControl(CMSG_VERIFY_SIGNER_NULL)"); goto ErrorReturn; } goto CommonReturn; } CryptExportPublicKeyInfo( hVerifyProv, AT_SIGNATURE, X509_ASN_ENCODING, (PCERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO) SignerPublicKeyData.Data, &cbSignerPublicKeyData); pSignerCertInfo->SubjectPublicKeyInfo = *((PCERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO) SignerPublicKeyData.Data); fResult = CryptMsgControl( hMsg, 0, // dwFlags CMSG_CTRL_VERIFY_SIGNATURE, pSignerCertInfo ); if (!fResult) { PrintLastError( "GetSignerInfoAndVerify::CryptMsgControl(CMSG_CTRL_VERIFY_SIGNATURE)"); goto ErrorReturn; } #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 // Modify public key. Verify should fail. XORBitBlob(&pSignerCertInfo->SubjectPublicKeyInfo.PublicKey); fResult = CryptMsgControl( hMsg, 0, // dwFlags CMSG_CTRL_VERIFY_SIGNATURE, pSignerCertInfo ); if (fResult) printf("GetSignerInfoAndVerify::CryptMsgControl(CMSG_CTRL_VERIFY_SIGNATURE) failed => verified with bad public key"); XORBitBlob(&pSignerCertInfo->SubjectPublicKeyInfo.PublicKey); if (!fCertInfoKeyId) { // Modify serial number. Verify should fail. XORBlob(&pSignerCertInfo->SerialNumber); fResult = CryptMsgControl( hMsg, 0, // dwFlags CMSG_CTRL_VERIFY_SIGNATURE, pSignerCertInfo ); if (fResult) printf("GetSignerInfoAndVerify::CryptMsgControl(CMSG_CTRL_VERIFY_SIGNATURE) failed => verified with bad serial number"); XORBlob(&pSignerCertInfo->SerialNumber); // Modify issuer. Verify should fail. XORBlob(&pSignerCertInfo->Issuer); fResult = CryptMsgControl( hMsg, 0, // dwFlags CMSG_CTRL_VERIFY_SIGNATURE, pSignerCertInfo ); if (fResult) printf("GetSignerInfoAndVerify::CryptMsgControl(CMSG_CTRL_VERIFY_SIGNATURE) failed => verified with bad issuer"); XORBlob(&pSignerCertInfo->Issuer); } fResult = TRUE; #endif // CMS_PKCS7 goto CommonReturn; ErrorReturn: fResult = FALSE; CommonReturn: TestFree(pSignerCertInfo); TestFree(pSignerInfo); *pdwSrcIndex = dwSrcIndex; return fResult; } BOOL NamedSignerVerify(IN HCRYPTMSG hMsg, IN BOOL fInnerNonData) { BOOL fResult; #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 PCCERT_CHAIN_CONTEXT pChainContext = NULL; CERT_CHAIN_PARA ChainPara; CMSG_CTRL_VERIFY_SIGNATURE_EX_PARA CtrlPara; // Build a chain. This is necessary for DSA with public key algorithm // parameter inheritance. memset(&ChainPara, 0, sizeof(ChainPara)); ChainPara.cbSize = sizeof(ChainPara); if (!CertGetCertificateChain( NULL, // hChainEngine pNamedSigner, NULL, // pTime hSignerStore, &ChainPara, CERT_CHAIN_CACHE_ONLY_URL_RETRIEVAL, NULL, // pvReserved &pChainContext )) { PrintLastError( "NamedSignerVerify::CertGetCertificateChain"); return FALSE; } // Test that we can verify a certificate signature using a chain if (2 <= pChainContext->rgpChain[0]->cElement) { PCCERT_CONTEXT pIssuer = pChainContext->rgpChain[0]->rgpElement[1]->pCertContext; PCCERT_CHAIN_CONTEXT pIssuerChainContext = NULL; if (!CertGetCertificateChain( NULL, // hChainEngine pIssuer, NULL, // pTime hSignerStore, &ChainPara, CERT_CHAIN_CACHE_ONLY_URL_RETRIEVAL, NULL, // pvReserved &pIssuerChainContext )) { PrintLastError( "NamedSignerVerify::CertGetCertificateChain(Issuer)"); } else { if (!CryptVerifyCertificateSignatureEx( 0, // hCryptProv dwCertEncodingType, CRYPT_VERIFY_CERT_SIGN_SUBJECT_CERT, (void *) pNamedSigner, CRYPT_VERIFY_CERT_SIGN_ISSUER_CHAIN, (void *) pIssuerChainContext, 0, // dwFlags NULL // pvReserved )) { PrintLastError( "NamedSignerVerify::CryptVerifyCertificateSignatureEx(Chain)"); } CertFreeCertificateChain(pIssuerChainContext); } } memset(&CtrlPara, 0, sizeof(CtrlPara)); CtrlPara.cbSize = sizeof(CtrlPara); CtrlPara.hCryptProv = hNamedSignerCryptProv; CtrlPara.dwSignerIndex = 0; CtrlPara.dwSignerType = CMSG_VERIFY_SIGNER_CHAIN; CtrlPara.pvSigner = (void *) pChainContext; fResult = CryptMsgControl( hMsg, 0, CMSG_CTRL_VERIFY_SIGNATURE_EX, &CtrlPara ); if (!fResult) { PrintLastError( "NamedSignerVerify::CryptMsgControl(CMSG_CTRL_VERIFY_SIGNATURE_EX)"); } CertFreeCertificateChain(pChainContext); return fResult; #else fResult = CryptMsgControl( hMsg, 0, // dwFlags CMSG_CTRL_VERIFY_SIGNATURE, pNamedSigner->pCertInfo ); if (!fResult) { PrintLastError( "NamedSignerVerify::CryptMsgControl(CMSG_CTRL_VERIFY_SIGNATURE)"); } return fResult; #endif // CMS_PKCS7 } //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Get signer info and verify the signed message //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL GetSignerInfoAndVerify(IN HCRYPTMSG hMsg, IN BOOL fInnerNonData) { BOOL fResult; DWORD dwSrcIndex; if (pNamedSigner) fResult = NamedSignerVerify(hMsg, fInnerNonData); else fResult = GetSignerInfoAndVerify(hMsg, fInnerNonData, 0, &dwSrcIndex); #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 if (fMultiSigner) { DWORD dwSrcIndex1; fResult &= GetSignerInfoAndVerify(hMsg, fInnerNonData, 1, &dwSrcIndex1); if (fResult && dwSrcIndex == dwSrcIndex1) PrintError("Multiple signer:: Didn't get different signers"); } #endif // CMS_PKCS7 return fResult; } #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Allocate and get the CMSG_CMS_RECIPIENT_INFO_PARAM // from the message //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- PCMSG_CMS_RECIPIENT_INFO GetCmsRecipientFromMsg( IN HCRYPTMSG hMsg, IN DWORD dwIndex ) { PCMSG_CMS_RECIPIENT_INFO pRecipientInfo; DWORD cbData; if (!TCM_AllocGetParam( hMsg, CMSG_CMS_RECIPIENT_INFO_PARAM, dwIndex, (PBYTE *)&pRecipientInfo, &cbData)) return NULL; return pRecipientInfo; } BOOL blobcmp( IN PCRYPT_DATA_BLOB pBlob1, IN PCRYPT_DATA_BLOB pBlob2 ) { if (pBlob1->cbData != pBlob2->cbData) return FALSE; else if (0 == pBlob1->cbData) return TRUE; else if (0 == memcmp(pBlob1->pbData, pBlob2->pbData, pBlob1->cbData)) return TRUE; else return FALSE; } BOOL bitblobcmp( IN PCRYPT_BIT_BLOB pBlob1, IN PCRYPT_BIT_BLOB pBlob2 ) { if (pBlob1->cbData != pBlob2->cbData) return FALSE; else if (0 == pBlob1->cbData) return TRUE; else if (0 == memcmp(pBlob1->pbData, pBlob2->pbData, pBlob1->cbData)) return TRUE; else return FALSE; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Get CMS Recipient info and decrypt the message. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL GetCmsRecipientInfoAndDecrypt(IN HCRYPTMSG hMsg) { BOOL fResult; PCMSG_CMS_RECIPIENT_INFO pRecipientInfo = NULL; DWORD cRecipient; DWORD cbData; DWORD dwIndex; // Get # of CMS recipients in the message. cbData = sizeof(cRecipient); cRecipient = 0; fResult = CryptMsgGetParam( hMsg, CMSG_CMS_RECIPIENT_COUNT_PARAM, 0, // dwIndex &cRecipient, &cbData ); if (!fResult) { PrintLastError( "GetCmsRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::CryptMsgGetParam(CMSG_CMS_RECIPIENT_COUNT_PARAM)"); goto ErrorReturn; } if (!TCM_CheckGetParam( hMsg, CMSG_CMS_RECIPIENT_COUNT_PARAM, 0, // dwIndex &cRecipient, cbData)) goto CheckGetCmsRecipientCountError; if (cRecipient != cCmsRecipients) { PrintError("GetCmsRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::cRecipient != cCmsRecipients"); goto ErrorReturn; } // Get all the recipients and verify for (dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < cRecipient; dwIndex++) { pRecipientInfo = GetCmsRecipientFromMsg( hMsg, dwIndex ); if (pRecipientInfo == NULL) { PrintLastError( "GetCmsRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::CryptMsgGetParam(CMSG_CMS_RECIPIENT_INFO_PARAM)"); goto ErrorReturn; } if (pRecipientInfo->dwRecipientChoice != rgCmsRecipient[dwIndex].dwRecipientChoice) { PrintError("GetCmsRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::Bad RecipientChoice"); goto ErrorReturn; } switch (pRecipientInfo->dwRecipientChoice) { case CMSG_KEY_TRANS_RECIPIENT: { PCMSG_KEY_TRANS_RECIPIENT_INFO pDecode = pRecipientInfo->pKeyTrans; PCMSG_KEY_TRANS_RECIPIENT_ENCODE_INFO pEncode = &rgKeyTrans[dwIndex]; if (0 != strcmp(pDecode->KeyEncryptionAlgorithm.pszObjId, pEncode->KeyEncryptionAlgorithm.pszObjId)) PrintError("GetCmsRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::Bad KeyEncryptionAlgorithm"); if (pDecode->RecipientId.dwIdChoice != pEncode->RecipientId.dwIdChoice) PrintError("GetCmsRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::Bad dwIdChoice"); else { switch (pDecode->RecipientId.dwIdChoice) { case CERT_ID_ISSUER_SERIAL_NUMBER: { PCERT_ISSUER_SERIAL_NUMBER pDecodeRid = &pDecode->RecipientId.IssuerSerialNumber; PCERT_ISSUER_SERIAL_NUMBER pEncodeRid = &pEncode->RecipientId.IssuerSerialNumber; if (CMSG_KEY_TRANS_PKCS_1_5_VERSION != pDecode->dwVersion) PrintError("GetCmsRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::Bad KeyTransPkcsVersion"); if (!blobcmp(&pDecodeRid->Issuer, &pEncodeRid->Issuer) || !blobcmp(&pDecodeRid->SerialNumber, &pEncodeRid->SerialNumber)) PrintError("GetCmsRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::Bad IssuerSerialNumber"); } break; case CERT_ID_KEY_IDENTIFIER: { PCRYPT_HASH_BLOB pDecodeRid = &pDecode->RecipientId.KeyId; PCRYPT_HASH_BLOB pEncodeRid = &pEncode->RecipientId.KeyId; if (CMSG_KEY_TRANS_CMS_VERSION != pDecode->dwVersion) PrintError("GetCmsRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::Bad KeyTransCmsVersion"); if (!blobcmp(pDecodeRid, pEncodeRid)) PrintError("GetCmsRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::Bad KeyId"); } break; default: PrintError("GetCmsRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::Bad dwIdChoice"); } } } break; case CMSG_KEY_AGREE_RECIPIENT: { PCMSG_KEY_AGREE_RECIPIENT_INFO pDecode = pRecipientInfo->pKeyAgree; PCMSG_KEY_AGREE_RECIPIENT_ENCODE_INFO pEncode = &rgKeyAgree[dwIndex]; if (CMSG_KEY_AGREE_VERSION != pDecode->dwVersion) PrintError("GetCmsRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::Bad KeyAgreePkcsVersion"); if (!blobcmp(&pEncode->UserKeyingMaterial, &pDecode->UserKeyingMaterial)) PrintError("GetCmsRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::Bad UserKeyingMaterial"); if (0 != strcmp(pDecode->KeyEncryptionAlgorithm.pszObjId, pEncode->KeyEncryptionAlgorithm.pszObjId)) PrintError("GetCmsRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::Bad KeyEncryptionAlgorithm"); #if 0 if (0 == _stricmp(pszEncryptName, "rc2")) { if (0 == pDecode->KeyEncryptionAlgorithm.Parameters.cbData) PrintError("GetCmsRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::Missing rc2 KeyEncryptionAlgorithm Parameters"); else { int iVersion; DWORD cbData; cbData = sizeof(iVersion); if (!CryptDecodeObject( PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING, X509_INTEGER, pDecode->KeyEncryptionAlgorithm.Parameters.pbData, pDecode->KeyEncryptionAlgorithm.Parameters.cbData, 0, // dwFlags &iVersion, &cbData)) PrintLastError("GetCmsRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::CryptDecodeObject(rc2 KeyEncryptionAlgorithm Parameters)"); else { DWORD dwEncodeBitLen; DWORD dwDecodeBitLen; dwEncodeBitLen = dwEncryptBitLen; if (0 == dwEncodeBitLen) dwEncodeBitLen = 40; switch (iVersion) { case CRYPT_RC2_40BIT_VERSION: dwDecodeBitLen = 40; break; case CRYPT_RC2_56BIT_VERSION: dwDecodeBitLen = 56; break; case CRYPT_RC2_64BIT_VERSION: dwDecodeBitLen = 64; break; case CRYPT_RC2_128BIT_VERSION: dwDecodeBitLen = 128; break; default: dwDecodeBitLen = 0; PrintError("GetCmsRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::Bad Decode BitLen"); } if (dwDecodeBitLen != dwEncodeBitLen) PrintError("GetCmsRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::Decode != Encode BitLen"); } } } else { BYTE rgbNull[] = {0x5, 0x0}; CRYPT_DATA_BLOB NullBlob = {sizeof(rgbNull), rgbNull}; if (!blobcmp(&NullBlob, &pDecode->KeyEncryptionAlgorithm.Parameters)) PrintError("GetCmsRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::Expected NULL KeyEncryptionAlgorithm Parameters"); } #endif if (CMSG_KEY_AGREE_ORIGINATOR_PUBLIC_KEY != pDecode->dwOriginatorChoice) PrintError("GetCmsRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::Bad dwOriginatorChoice"); else { if (0 != strcmp( pDecode->OriginatorPublicKeyInfo.Algorithm.pszObjId, pEncode->pEphemeralAlgorithm->pszObjId)) PrintError("GetCmsRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::Bad Originator public key Algorithm"); if (0 != pDecode->OriginatorPublicKeyInfo.Algorithm.Parameters.cbData) PrintError("GetCmsRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::Not NO Originator public key Parameters"); } if (pEncode->cRecipientEncryptedKeys != pDecode->cRecipientEncryptedKeys) PrintError("GetCmsRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::Bad Encrypted Key Agree Count"); else { DWORD i; for (i = 0; i < pEncode->cRecipientEncryptedKeys; i++) { PCMSG_RECIPIENT_ENCRYPTED_KEY_ENCODE_INFO pEncodeKey = pEncode->rgpRecipientEncryptedKeys[i]; PCMSG_RECIPIENT_ENCRYPTED_KEY_INFO pDecodeKey = pDecode->rgpRecipientEncryptedKeys[i]; if (pDecodeKey->RecipientId.dwIdChoice != pEncodeKey->RecipientId.dwIdChoice) PrintError("GetCmsRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::Bad dwIdChoice"); else { switch (pDecodeKey->RecipientId.dwIdChoice) { case CERT_ID_ISSUER_SERIAL_NUMBER: { PCERT_ISSUER_SERIAL_NUMBER pDecodeRid = &pDecodeKey->RecipientId.IssuerSerialNumber; PCERT_ISSUER_SERIAL_NUMBER pEncodeRid = &pEncodeKey->RecipientId.IssuerSerialNumber; if (!blobcmp(&pDecodeRid->Issuer, &pEncodeRid->Issuer) || !blobcmp(&pDecodeRid->SerialNumber, &pEncodeRid->SerialNumber)) PrintError("GetCmsRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::Bad IssuerSerialNumber"); } break; case CERT_ID_KEY_IDENTIFIER: { PCRYPT_HASH_BLOB pDecodeRid = &pDecodeKey->RecipientId.KeyId; PCRYPT_HASH_BLOB pEncodeRid = &pEncodeKey->RecipientId.KeyId; if (!blobcmp(pDecodeRid, pEncodeRid)) PrintError("GetCmsRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::Bad KeyId"); if (0 != CompareFileTime(&pDecodeKey->Date, &pEncodeKey->Date)) PrintError("GetCmsRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::Bad Date"); if (NULL == pEncodeKey->pOtherAttr) { if (NULL != pDecodeKey->pOtherAttr) PrintError("GetCmsRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::Unexpected OtherAttr"); } else if (NULL == pDecodeKey->pOtherAttr) { PrintError("GetCmsRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::Missing OtherAttr"); } else { PCRYPT_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_VALUE pDecodeOther = pDecodeKey->pOtherAttr; PCRYPT_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_VALUE pEncodeOther = pEncodeKey->pOtherAttr; if (0 != strcmp(pDecodeOther->pszObjId, pEncodeOther->pszObjId)) PrintError("GetCmsRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::Bad OtherAttr OID"); if (!blobcmp(&pDecodeOther->Value, &pEncodeOther->Value)) PrintError("GetCmsRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::Bad OtherAttr Value"); } } break; default: PrintError("GetCmsRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::Bad dwIdChoice"); } } } } } break; case CMSG_MAIL_LIST_RECIPIENT: { PCMSG_MAIL_LIST_RECIPIENT_INFO pDecode = pRecipientInfo->pMailList; PCMSG_MAIL_LIST_RECIPIENT_ENCODE_INFO pEncode = &rgMailList[dwIndex]; if (CMSG_MAIL_LIST_VERSION != pDecode->dwVersion) PrintError("GetCmsRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::Bad MailListVersion"); { PCRYPT_HASH_BLOB pDecodeKeyId = &pDecode->KeyId; PCRYPT_HASH_BLOB pEncodeKeyId = &pEncode->KeyId; if (!blobcmp(pDecodeKeyId, pEncodeKeyId)) PrintError("GetCmsRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::Bad KeyId"); } if (0 != strcmp(pDecode->KeyEncryptionAlgorithm.pszObjId, pEncode->KeyEncryptionAlgorithm.pszObjId)) PrintError("GetCmsRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::Bad KeyEncryptionAlgorithm"); if (0 == _stricmp(pszEncryptName, "rc2")) { if (0 == pDecode->KeyEncryptionAlgorithm.Parameters.cbData) PrintError("GetCmsRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::Missing rc2 KeyEncryptionAlgorithm Parameters"); else { int iVersion; DWORD cbData; cbData = sizeof(iVersion); if (!CryptDecodeObject( PKCS_7_ASN_ENCODING, X509_INTEGER, pDecode->KeyEncryptionAlgorithm.Parameters.pbData, pDecode->KeyEncryptionAlgorithm.Parameters.cbData, 0, // dwFlags &iVersion, &cbData)) PrintLastError("GetCmsRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::CryptDecodeObject(rc2 KeyEncryptionAlgorithm Parameters)"); else { DWORD dwEncodeBitLen; DWORD dwDecodeBitLen; dwEncodeBitLen = dwEncryptBitLen; if (0 == dwEncodeBitLen) dwEncodeBitLen = 40; switch (iVersion) { case CRYPT_RC2_40BIT_VERSION: dwDecodeBitLen = 40; break; case CRYPT_RC2_56BIT_VERSION: dwDecodeBitLen = 56; break; case CRYPT_RC2_64BIT_VERSION: dwDecodeBitLen = 64; break; case CRYPT_RC2_128BIT_VERSION: dwDecodeBitLen = 128; break; default: dwDecodeBitLen = 0; PrintError("GetCmsRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::Bad Decode BitLen"); } if (dwDecodeBitLen != dwEncodeBitLen) PrintError("GetCmsRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::Decode != Encode BitLen"); } } } else { if (0 != pDecode->KeyEncryptionAlgorithm.Parameters.cbData) PrintError("GetCmsRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::Expected NO, NULL KeyEncryptionAlgorithm Parameters"); } if (0 != CompareFileTime(&pDecode->Date, &pEncode->Date)) PrintError("GetCmsRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::Bad Date"); if (NULL == pEncode->pOtherAttr) { if (NULL != pDecode->pOtherAttr) PrintError("GetCmsRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::Unexpected OtherAttr"); } else if (NULL == pDecode->pOtherAttr) { PrintError("GetCmsRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::Missing OtherAttr"); } else { PCRYPT_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_VALUE pDecodeOther = pDecode->pOtherAttr; PCRYPT_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_VALUE pEncodeOther = pEncode->pOtherAttr; if (0 != strcmp(pDecodeOther->pszObjId, pEncodeOther->pszObjId)) PrintError("GetCmsRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::Bad OtherAttr OID"); if (!blobcmp(&pDecodeOther->Value, &pEncodeOther->Value)) PrintError("GetCmsRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::Bad OtherAttr Value"); } } break; default: PrintError( "GetCmsRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::Bad RecipientChoice"); goto ErrorReturn; } TestFree(pRecipientInfo); pRecipientInfo = NULL; } pRecipientInfo = GetCmsRecipientFromMsg(hMsg, cRecipient -1); if (pRecipientInfo == NULL) { PrintLastError( "GetCmsRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::CryptMsgGetParam(CMSG_CMS_RECIPIENT_INFO_PARAM)"); goto ErrorReturn; } switch (pRecipientInfo->dwRecipientChoice) { case CMSG_KEY_TRANS_RECIPIENT: { CMSG_CTRL_KEY_TRANS_DECRYPT_PARA DecryptPara; DWORD dwDecryptIndex; DecryptPara.cbSize = sizeof(DecryptPara); DecryptPara.hCryptProv = hCryptProv; DecryptPara.dwKeySpec = 0; DecryptPara.pKeyTrans = pRecipientInfo->pKeyTrans; DecryptPara.dwRecipientIndex = cRecipient -1; fResult = CryptMsgControl( hMsg, 0, // dwFlags CMSG_CTRL_KEY_TRANS_DECRYPT, &DecryptPara ); if (!fResult) { PrintLastError( "GetCmsRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::CryptMsgControl(CMSG_CTRL_KEY_TRANS_DECRYPT)"); goto ErrorReturn; } cbData = sizeof(dwDecryptIndex); dwDecryptIndex = 0; fResult = CryptMsgGetParam( hMsg, CMSG_CMS_RECIPIENT_INDEX_PARAM, 0, // dwIndex &dwDecryptIndex, &cbData ); if (!fResult) PrintLastError( "GetCmsRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::CryptMsgGetParam(CMSG_CMS_RECIPIENT_INDEX_PARAM)"); else if (dwDecryptIndex != cRecipient -1) PrintLastError( "GetCmsRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::Bad CMS decrypt Index"); cbData = sizeof(dwDecryptIndex); dwDecryptIndex = 0; fResult = CryptMsgGetParam( hMsg, CMSG_RECIPIENT_INDEX_PARAM, 0, // dwIndex &dwDecryptIndex, &cbData ); if (!fResult) PrintLastError( "GetCmsRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::CryptMsgGetParam(CMSG_RECIPIENT_INDEX_PARAM)"); else if (dwDecryptIndex != PkcsRecipientCount -1) PrintLastError( "GetCmsRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::Bad PKCS decrypt Index"); } break; case CMSG_KEY_AGREE_RECIPIENT: { CMSG_CTRL_KEY_AGREE_DECRYPT_PARA DecryptPara; DWORD dwDecryptIndex; DecryptPara.cbSize = sizeof(DecryptPara); DecryptPara.hCryptProv = hKeyAgreeProv; DecryptPara.dwKeySpec = AT_KEYEXCHANGE; DecryptPara.pKeyAgree = pRecipientInfo->pKeyAgree; DecryptPara.dwRecipientIndex = cRecipient -1; DecryptPara.dwRecipientEncryptedKeyIndex = pRecipientInfo->pKeyAgree->cRecipientEncryptedKeys -1; DecryptPara.OriginatorPublicKey = pRecipientInfo->pKeyAgree->OriginatorPublicKeyInfo.PublicKey; fResult = CryptMsgControl( hMsg, 0, // dwFlags CMSG_CTRL_KEY_AGREE_DECRYPT, &DecryptPara ); if (!fResult) { PrintLastError( "GetCmsRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::CryptMsgControl(CMSG_CTRL_KEY_AGREE_DECRYPT)"); goto ErrorReturn; } cbData = sizeof(dwDecryptIndex); dwDecryptIndex = 0; fResult = CryptMsgGetParam( hMsg, CMSG_CMS_RECIPIENT_INDEX_PARAM, 0, // dwIndex &dwDecryptIndex, &cbData ); if (!fResult) PrintLastError( "GetCmsRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::CryptMsgGetParam(CMSG_CMS_RECIPIENT_INDEX_PARAM)"); else if (dwDecryptIndex != cRecipient -1) PrintLastError( "GetCmsRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::Bad CMS decrypt Index"); cbData = sizeof(dwDecryptIndex); dwDecryptIndex = 0; fResult = CryptMsgGetParam( hMsg, CMSG_CMS_RECIPIENT_ENCRYPTED_KEY_INDEX_PARAM, 0, // dwIndex &dwDecryptIndex, &cbData ); if (!fResult) PrintLastError( "GetCmsRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::CryptMsgGetParam(CMSG_CMS_RECIPIENT_ENCRYPTED_KEY_INDEX_PARAM)"); else if (dwDecryptIndex != DecryptPara.dwRecipientEncryptedKeyIndex) PrintLastError( "GetCmsRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::Bad CMS encrypted key Index"); } break; case CMSG_MAIL_LIST_RECIPIENT: { CMSG_CTRL_MAIL_LIST_DECRYPT_PARA DecryptPara; DWORD dwDecryptIndex; DecryptPara.cbSize = sizeof(DecryptPara); DecryptPara.pMailList = pRecipientInfo->pMailList; DecryptPara.dwRecipientIndex = cRecipient -1; DecryptPara.dwKeyChoice = CMSG_MAIL_LIST_HANDLE_KEY_CHOICE; if (fRecipientProv) DecryptPara.hCryptProv = GetCryptProv(); else DecryptPara.hCryptProv = hCryptProv; DecryptPara.hKeyEncryptionKey = GenerateMailListKey( DecryptPara.hCryptProv, &DecryptPara.pMailList->KeyId ); printf("Decrypting using MailList recipient\n"); fResult = CryptMsgControl( hMsg, fRecipientProv ? CMSG_CRYPT_RELEASE_CONTEXT_FLAG : 0, CMSG_CTRL_MAIL_LIST_DECRYPT, &DecryptPara ); if (DecryptPara.hKeyEncryptionKey) { DWORD dwErr = GetLastError(); CryptDestroyKey(DecryptPara.hKeyEncryptionKey); SetLastError(dwErr); } if (!fResult) { PrintLastError( "GetCmsRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::CryptMsgControl(CMSG_CTRL_MAIL_LIST_DECRYPT)"); goto ErrorReturn; } cbData = sizeof(dwDecryptIndex); dwDecryptIndex = 0; fResult = CryptMsgGetParam( hMsg, CMSG_CMS_RECIPIENT_INDEX_PARAM, 0, // dwIndex &dwDecryptIndex, &cbData ); if (!fResult) PrintLastError( "GetCmsRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::CryptMsgGetParam(CMSG_CMS_RECIPIENT_INDEX_PARAM)"); else if (dwDecryptIndex != cRecipient -1) PrintLastError( "GetCmsRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::Bad CMS decrypt Index"); } break; default: PrintError("GetCmsRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::Bad RecipientChoice"); goto ErrorReturn; } CommonReturn: TestFree(pRecipientInfo); return fResult; ErrorReturn: fResult = FALSE; goto CommonReturn; PRINT_ERROR(GetCmsRecipientInfoAndDecrypt,CheckGetCmsRecipientCountError) } BOOL VerifyUnprotectedAttr(IN HCRYPTMSG hMsg) { BOOL fResult; DWORD cbAttrs; DWORD i; PCRYPT_ATTRIBUTES pAttrs = NULL; PCRYPT_ATTRIBUTE patr1; PCRYPT_ATTRIBUTE patr2; if (!TCM_AllocGetParam( hMsg, CMSG_UNPROTECTED_ATTR_PARAM, 0, // dwIndex (PBYTE *) &pAttrs, &cbAttrs)) { goto GetAttrError; } if (pAttrs->cAttr != EnvelopedMsgEncodeInfo.cUnprotectedAttr) goto AttrCountError; for (i=pAttrs->cAttr, patr1=EnvelopedMsgEncodeInfo.rgUnprotectedAttr, patr2=pAttrs->rgAttr; i>0; i--, patr1++, patr2++) { if (!EqualAttribute( patr1, patr2)) goto AttrValueError; } fResult = TRUE; CommonReturn: TestFree(pAttrs); return fResult; ErrorReturn: fResult = FALSE; goto CommonReturn; PRINT_ERROR(VerifyUnprotectedAttr,GetAttrError) PRINT_ERROR(VerifyUnprotectedAttr,AttrCountError) PRINT_ERROR(VerifyUnprotectedAttr,AttrValueError) } #endif // CMS_PKCS7 //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Get recipient info and decrypt the message. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL GetRecipientInfoAndDecrypt(IN HCRYPTMSG hMsg) { BOOL fResult; PCERT_INFO pRecipientInfo = NULL; DWORD cRecipient; DWORD cbData; DWORD dwIndex; CMSG_CTRL_DECRYPT_PARA DecryptPara; #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 BYTE *pbCiphertext = NULL; DWORD cbCiphertext; #endif // CMS_PKCS7 DWORD cKeyIdRecipient; // Get # of recipients in the message. cbData = sizeof(cRecipient); cRecipient = 0; fResult = CryptMsgGetParam( hMsg, CMSG_RECIPIENT_COUNT_PARAM, 0, // dwIndex &cRecipient, &cbData ); if (!fResult) { PrintLastError( "GetRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::CryptMsgGetParam(CMSG_RECIPIENT_COUNT_PARAM)"); goto ErrorReturn; } if (!TCM_CheckGetParam( hMsg, CMSG_RECIPIENT_COUNT_PARAM, 0, // dwIndex &cRecipient, cbData)) goto CheckGetRecipientCountError; if (fNoRecipients #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 || ((fMailList || fKeyAgree) && !fKeyTrans) #endif // CMS_PKCS7 ) { if (cRecipient != 0) { PrintError("GetRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::cRecipient != 0"); goto ErrorReturn; } } else { if (cRecipient != PkcsRecipientCount) { PrintError("GetRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::cRecipient != PkcsRecipientCount"); goto ErrorReturn; } } #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 if (fKeyTrans && fRecipientKeyId && !fNoRecipients) { // The first RECIPIENT_COUNT recipients should be KeyId recipients cKeyIdRecipient = RECIPIENT_COUNT; // Get all the KeyId recipients and verify for (dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < RECIPIENT_COUNT; dwIndex++) { // Allocate and get the CERT_INFO containing the Special // KeyId RecipientId PCERT_NAME_INFO pKeyIdName = NULL; DWORD cbKeyIdName; CRYPT_HASH_BLOB KeyId; pRecipientInfo = GetCertIdFromMsg( hMsg, CMSG_RECIPIENT_INFO_PARAM, dwIndex ); if (pRecipientInfo == NULL) { PrintLastError( "GetRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::CryptMsgGetParam(KEYID CMSG_RECIPIENT_INFO_PARAM)"); goto ErrorReturn; } if (pRecipientInfo->SerialNumber.cbData != 1 || *pRecipientInfo->SerialNumber.pbData != 0) PrintError("GetRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::Bad KeyId SerialNumber"); // Decode the Issuer Name. It should contain the special KeyId // RDN if (AllocAndDecodeObject( X509_NAME, pRecipientInfo->Issuer.pbData, pRecipientInfo->Issuer.cbData, (void **) &pKeyIdName, &cbKeyIdName )) { if (pKeyIdName->cRDN != 1 || pKeyIdName->rgRDN[0].cRDNAttr != 1) PrintError("GetRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::Bad KeyId Issuer"); else { PCERT_RDN_ATTR pAttr = pKeyIdName->rgRDN[0].rgRDNAttr; if (0 != strcmp(pAttr->pszObjId, szOID_KEYID_RDN) || pAttr->dwValueType != CERT_RDN_OCTET_STRING || pAttr->Value.cbData != strlen(rgpszRecipientIssuerFileName[dwIndex]) || 0 != memcmp(pAttr->Value.pbData, rgpszRecipientIssuerFileName[dwIndex], pAttr->Value.cbData)) PrintError("GetRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::Bad KeyId Issuer"); } TestFree(pKeyIdName); } if (!Asn1UtilExtractKeyIdFromCertInfo( pRecipientInfo, &KeyId)) PrintError("GetRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::Asn1UtilExtractKeyIdFromCertInfo failed"); else if (KeyId.cbData != strlen(rgpszRecipientIssuerFileName[dwIndex]) || 0 != memcmp(KeyId.pbData, rgpszRecipientIssuerFileName[dwIndex], KeyId.cbData)) PrintError("GetRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::Asn1UtilExtractKeyIdFromCertInfo compare failed"); TestFree(pRecipientInfo); pRecipientInfo = NULL; } } else #endif // CMS_PKCS7 cKeyIdRecipient = 0; // Get all the non KeyId recipients and verify for (dwIndex = 0; dwIndex < cRecipient - cKeyIdRecipient; dwIndex++) { // Allocate and get the CERT_INFO containing the RecipientId // (Issuer and SerialNumber) #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 CRYPT_HASH_BLOB KeyId; BOOL fExtractKeyId; #endif // CMS_PKCS7 pRecipientInfo = GetCertIdFromMsg( hMsg, CMSG_RECIPIENT_INFO_PARAM, cKeyIdRecipient + dwIndex ); if (pRecipientInfo == NULL) { PrintLastError( "GetRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::CryptMsgGetParam(CMSG_RECIPIENT_INFO_PARAM)"); goto ErrorReturn; } if (pRecipientInfo->Issuer.cbData != rgRecipientCertInfo[dwIndex].Issuer.cbData || memcmp(pRecipientInfo->Issuer.pbData, rgRecipientCertInfo[dwIndex].Issuer.pbData, pRecipientInfo->Issuer.cbData) != 0 || pRecipientInfo->SerialNumber.cbData != rgRecipientCertInfo[dwIndex].SerialNumber.cbData || memcmp(pRecipientInfo->SerialNumber.pbData, rgRecipientCertInfo[dwIndex].SerialNumber.pbData, pRecipientInfo->SerialNumber.cbData) != 0) { PrintError("GetRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::Bad RecipientInfo"); } #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 fExtractKeyId = Asn1UtilExtractKeyIdFromCertInfo( pRecipientInfo, &KeyId); if (fCertInfoKeyId) { if (!fExtractKeyId) PrintError("GetRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::Asn1UtilExtractKeyIdFromCertInfo failed for CertInfoKeyId"); } else if (fExtractKeyId) PrintError("GetRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::Asn1UtilExtractKeyIdFromCertInfo should have failed for nonKeyId"); #endif // CMS_PKCS7 TestFree(pRecipientInfo); pRecipientInfo = NULL; } #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 if (fOriginatorInfo) VerifyCerts(hMsg); if (fAuthAttr) VerifyUnprotectedAttr(hMsg); // Get ciphertext fResult = CryptMsgGetParam( hMsg, CMSG_CONTENT_PARAM, 0, // dwIndex NULL, // pvData &cbCiphertext ); if (!fResult) PrintLastError("GetRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::CryptMsgGetParam(ciphertext length)"); else { if (pbCiphertext = (BYTE *) TestAlloc(cbCiphertext)) { fResult = CryptMsgGetParam( hMsg, CMSG_CONTENT_PARAM, 0, // dwIndex pbCiphertext, &cbCiphertext ); if (!fResult) PrintLastError("GetRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::CryptMsgGetParam(ciphertext content)"); TestFree(pbCiphertext); pbCiphertext = NULL; } } if (fCmsRecipient) { fResult = GetCmsRecipientInfoAndDecrypt(hMsg); goto CommonReturn; } #endif // CMS_PKCS7 if (fNoRecipients) { fResult = TRUE; goto CommonReturn; } DecryptPara.cbSize = sizeof(DecryptPara); DecryptPara.hCryptProv = hCryptProv; DecryptPara.dwKeySpec = 0; DecryptPara.dwRecipientIndex = RECIPIENT_COUNT -1; fResult = CryptMsgControl( hMsg, 0, // dwFlags CMSG_CTRL_DECRYPT, &DecryptPara ); if (!fResult) { PrintLastError( "GetRecipientInfoAndDecrypt::CryptMsgControl(CMSG_CTRL_DECRYPT)"); goto ErrorReturn; } goto CommonReturn; ErrorReturn: fResult = FALSE; CommonReturn: TestFree(pRecipientInfo); return fResult; PRINT_ERROR(GetRecipientInfoAndDecrypt,CheckGetRecipientCountError) } void CompareCertIdWithCertInfo( IN PCERT_ID pCertId, IN PCERT_INFO pCertInfo ) { BOOL fKeyId; CRYPT_HASH_BLOB KeyId; fKeyId = Asn1UtilExtractKeyIdFromCertInfo(pCertInfo, &KeyId); switch(pCertId->dwIdChoice) { case CERT_ID_ISSUER_SERIAL_NUMBER: if (fKeyId) printf("CompareCertIdWithCertInfo:: failed => bad IssuerSerialNumber choice\n"); else if (pCertInfo->Issuer.cbData != pCertId->IssuerSerialNumber.Issuer.cbData || 0 != memcmp(pCertInfo->Issuer.pbData, pCertId->IssuerSerialNumber.Issuer.pbData, pCertInfo->Issuer.cbData) || pCertInfo->SerialNumber.cbData != pCertId->IssuerSerialNumber.SerialNumber.cbData || 0 != memcmp(pCertInfo->SerialNumber.pbData, pCertId->IssuerSerialNumber.SerialNumber.pbData, pCertInfo->SerialNumber.cbData)) printf("CompareCertIdWithCertInfo:: failed => bad IssuerSerialNumber comparison\n"); break; case CERT_ID_KEY_IDENTIFIER: if (!fKeyId) printf("CompareCertIdWithCertInfo:: failed => bad KeyId choice\n"); else if (KeyId.cbData != pCertId->KeyId.cbData || 0 != memcmp(KeyId.pbData, pCertId->KeyId.pbData, KeyId.cbData)) printf("CompareCertIdWithCertInfo:: failed => bad KeyId comparison\n"); break; default: printf("CompareCertIdWithCertInfo:: failed => invalid dwIdChoice\n"); break; } } //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Allocate and get the CMSG_SIGNER_INFO_PARAM from the message //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- PCMSG_SIGNER_INFO GetSignerInfoFromMsg( IN HCRYPTMSG hMsg, IN DWORD dwIndex ) { PCMSG_SIGNER_INFO psi; DWORD cbData; if (!TCM_AllocGetParam( hMsg, CMSG_SIGNER_INFO_PARAM, dwIndex, (PBYTE *)&psi, &cbData)) return NULL; #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 PCMSG_CMS_SIGNER_INFO pCMSsi; if (TCM_AllocGetParam( hMsg, CMSG_CMS_SIGNER_INFO_PARAM, dwIndex, (PBYTE *)&pCMSsi, &cbData)) { CERT_INFO CertInfo; CertInfo.Issuer = psi->Issuer; CertInfo.SerialNumber = psi->SerialNumber; CompareCertIdWithCertInfo(&pCMSsi->SignerId, &CertInfo); TestFree(pCMSsi); } #endif // CMS_PKCS7 return psi; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Allocate and get the CMSG_SIGNER_CERT_INFO_PARAM or CMSG_RECIPIENT_INFO_PARAM // from the message //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- PCERT_INFO GetCertIdFromMsg( IN HCRYPTMSG hMsg, IN DWORD dwParamType, IN DWORD dwIndex ) { PCERT_INFO pCertId; DWORD cbData; if (!TCM_AllocGetParam( hMsg, dwParamType, dwIndex, (PBYTE *)&pCertId, &cbData)) return NULL; #ifdef CMS_PKCS7 if (CMSG_SIGNER_CERT_INFO_PARAM == dwParamType) { PCERT_ID pSignerId; if (TCM_AllocGetParam( hMsg, CMSG_SIGNER_CERT_ID_PARAM, dwIndex, (PBYTE *)&pSignerId, &cbData)) { CompareCertIdWithCertInfo(pSignerId, pCertId); TestFree(pSignerId); } } #endif // CMS_PKCS7 return pCertId; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Get computed digest and digest data from a decoded CMSG_HASHED //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL Undigest(IN HCRYPTMSG hMsg) { return CryptMsgControl( hMsg, 0, CMSG_CTRL_VERIFY_HASH, NULL); }