%@ CODEPAGE=65001 'UTF-8%> <%' certcarc.asp - (CERT)srv web - install (CA) (R)oot (C)ertificate ' Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1998 - 1999 %> <% On Error Resume Next ' from \nt\public\sdk\inc\certcli.h Const CR_OUT_BASE64HEADER=&H00000000 Const CR_OUT_BASE64 =&H00000001 Const CR_OUT_BINARY =&H00000002 Const CR_OUT_CHAIN =&H00000100 Const CATYPE_ENTERPRISE_ROOTCA=0 Const CATYPE_ENTERPRISE_SUBCA=1 Const CATYPE_STANDALONE_ROOTCA=3 Const CATYPE_STANDALONE_SUBCA=4 Const CATYPE_UNKNOWN_CA=5 ' from \nt\private\ca\include\certlib.h Const GETCERT_CAXCHGCERT=1 ' == C/C++ TRUE value Const GETCERT_CASIGCERT=False Const CR_GEMT_HRESULT_STRING =&H00000001 Const CR_PROP_CASIGCERTCOUNT=11 Const CR_PROP_CASIGCERTCHAIN=13 Const CR_PROP_CACERTSTATE=19 Const CR_PROP_CRLSTATE=20 Const CR_PROP_DELTACRL=18 Const PROPTYPE_LONG=1 Const PROPTYPE_BINARY=3 Const CERT_VALID=3 ' == CA_DISP_VALID Const CRL_AVAILABLE=3 ' == CA_DISP_VALID Const CRL_OPTIONAL=4 ' == CA_DISP_INVALID ' Strings To Be Localized Const L_InstallThisCACert_Message="Install this CA certificate" Const L_InstallThisCACertChain_Message="Install this CA certificate chain" Const L_InstallCACert_Message="Install CA certificate" Const L_DownloadCert_Message="Download CA certificate" Const L_DownloadChain_Message="Download CA certificate chain" Const L_DownloadBaseCrl_Message="Download latest base CRL" Const L_DownloadDeltaCrl_Message="Download latest delta CRL" Dim sCaInfo, rgCaInfo, nRenewals, rgCrlState, rgCertState, bFailed, nError, bDeltaCrl Set ICertRequest=Server.CreateObject("CertificateAuthority.Request") ' get the number of renewals bFailed=False bDeltaCrl = True nRenewals=ICertRequest.GetCAProperty(sServerConfig, CR_PROP_CASIGCERTCOUNT, 0, PROPTYPE_LONG, CR_OUT_BINARY) If 0=Err.Number Then nRenewals=nRenewals-1 ' get the key-reused state of the CRLs and the validity of the CA Certs ReDim rgCrlState(nRenewals) ' 0 based size ReDim rgCertState(nRenewals) ' 0 based size For nIndex=0 To nRenewals rgCrlState(nIndex)=ICertRequest.GetCAProperty(sServerConfig, CR_PROP_CRLSTATE, nIndex, PROPTYPE_LONG, CR_OUT_BINARY) rgCertState(nIndex)=ICertRequest.GetCAProperty(sServerConfig, CR_PROP_CACERTSTATE, nIndex, PROPTYPE_LONG, CR_OUT_BINARY) Next ' get the cert chain and save it on this page so the client can install it If "IE"=sBrowser Then Public sPKCS7 Dim sCertificate sCertificate=ICertRequest.GetCACertificate(GETCERT_CASIGCERT, sServerConfig, CR_OUT_BASE64_HEADER Or CR_OUT_CHAIN) sPKCS7=FormatBigString(sCertificate, " sPKCS7=sPKCS7 & ") End If End If If Err.Number<>0 Then ' CA may be down. bFailed=True nError=Err.Number End If ICertRequest.GetCAProperty sServerConfig, CR_PROP_DELTACRL, 0, PROPTYPE_BINARY, CR_OUT_BASE64HEADER If &H80070002=Err.Number Then 'delta crl is not available bDeltaCrl = False End If '----------------------------------------------------------------- ' Format the big string as a concatenated VB string, breaking at the embedded newlines Function FormatBigString(sSource, sLinePrefix) Dim sResult, bCharsLeft, nStartChar, nStopChar, chQuote sResult="" chQuote=chr(34) bCharsLeft=True nStopChar=1 While (bCharsLeft) nStartChar=nStopChar nStopChar=InStr(nStopChar, sSource, vbNewLine) If (nStopChar>0) Then sResult=sResult & sLinePrefix & chQuote & Mid(sSource, nStartChar, nStopChar-nStartChar) & chQuote & " & vbNewLine" If (nStopChar>=Len(sSource)-Len(vbNewLine)) Then bCharsLeft=False End If Else bCharsLeft=False End if sResult=sResult & vbNewLine nStopChar=nStopChar+Len(vbNewLine) Wend FormatBigString=sResult End Function '----------------------------------------------------------------- ' Walk through the CRL validity list and return the nearest valid CRL Function GetGoodCrlIndex(nIndex) Dim nSource nSource=nRenewals-nIndex While (nSource>0 And CRL_AVAILABLE<>CInt(rgCrlState(nSource))) nSource=nSource-1 Wend GetGoodCrlIndex=nSource End Function %>
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An unexpected error has occurred:
<%If nError=&H800706BA Or nError=&H80070005 Then%>