/*-- Copyright (c) 1997-1997 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: dssetdc.c Abstract: Command line tool for promoting/demoting servers into and out of the Ds Author: 1-Apr-1997 Mac McLain (macm) Created Environment: User mode only. Requires ANSI C extensions: slash-slash comments, long external names. Revision History: --*/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define TAG_DNS "dns" #define TAG_FLAT "flat" #define TAG_SITE "site" #define TAG_DB "db" #define TAG_LOG "log" #define TAG_SYSVOL "sysvol" #define TAG_PARENT "parent" #define TAG_REPLICA "replica" #define TAG_USER "user" #define TAG_PASSWORD "password" #define TAG_SERVER "server" #define TAG_OPTIONS "options" #define TAG_LEVEL "level" #define TAG_ROLE "role" #define TAG_LASTDC "lastdc" #define TAG_ADMINPWD "adminpwd" #define TAG_WAIT "wait" #define TAG_FIXDC "fixdc" // // Macro to help command line parsing... // #define PARSE_CMD_VALUE_AND_CONTINUE( tag, value, buff, ptr ) \ if ( !_strnicmp( value, tag, sizeof( tag ) - 1 ) ) { \ value += sizeof(tag) - 1; \ if ( *value == ':' ) { \ value++; \ mbstowcs(buff, value, strlen(value) + 1); \ ptr = buff; \ continue; \ } \ } VOID Usage ( PWSTR DefaultDns, PWSTR DefaultFlat, PWSTR DefaultSite, PWSTR DefaultPath ) /*++ Routine Description: Displays the expected usage Arguments: Return Value: VOID --*/ { printf("dssetdc -promote \n"); printf(" -info \n"); printf(" -demote \n"); printf(" -save\n"); printf(" -abort \n"); printf(" -upgrade \n"); printf(" -fixdc \n"); printf(" where:\n"); printf(" promote parameters are:\n"); printf(" -%s:dns domain name of the new domain/domain to install as replica " "of. Defaults to %ws\n", TAG_DNS, DefaultDns); printf(" -%s:NetBIOS domain name. Defaults to %ws\n", TAG_FLAT, DefaultFlat); printf(" -%s:site name. Defaults to %ws\n", TAG_SITE, DefaultSite); printf(" -%s:db path Defaults to %ws.\n", TAG_DB, DefaultPath); printf(" -%s:log path Defaults to %ws.\n", TAG_LOG, DefaultPath); printf(" -%s:sysvol path. Defaults to %ws. [Must be NT5 NTFS]\n", TAG_SYSVOL, DefaultPath); printf(" [-%s:parent dns domain name if this is a child domain]\n", TAG_PARENT); printf(" [-%s:replica partner]\n", TAG_REPLICA); printf(" [-%s:account]\n", TAG_USER); printf(" [-%s:password]\n", TAG_PASSWORD); printf(" [-%s:options]\n", TAG_OPTIONS); printf(" [-%s:if 1, block until the call has completed\n",TAG_WAIT); printf(" info parameters are:\n"); printf(" -%s:Remote server to obtain the information for\n", TAG_SERVER); printf(" -%s:info level\n", TAG_LEVEL); printf(" Valid info levels are:\n"); printf(" 1 - PrimaryDomainInformation\n"); printf(" 2 - Upgrade State information\n"); printf(" demote parameters are:\n"); printf(" -%s:server role\n", TAG_ROLE); printf(" Valid server roles are:\n"); printf(" 2 - Member server\n"); printf(" 3 - Standalone server\n"); printf(" [-%s:account]\n", TAG_USER); printf(" [-%s:password]\n", TAG_PASSWORD); printf(" [-%s:options]\n", TAG_OPTIONS); printf(" [-%s:Whether this is the last dc in the domain]\n", TAG_LASTDC); printf(" Valid options are:\n"); printf(" 0 - Not the last dc in the domain\n"); printf(" 1 - Last DC in the domain\n"); printf(" [-%s:if 1, block until the call has completed\n",TAG_WAIT); printf(" -abort parameters are:\n"); printf(" -%s:new administrator password. Defaults to NULL\n", TAG_ADMINPWD ); printf(" -upgrade parameters are:\n"); printf(" -%s:dns domain name of the new domain. Defaults to %ws\n", TAG_DNS, DefaultDns); printf(" -%s:site name. Defaults to %ws\n", TAG_SITE, DefaultSite); printf(" -%s:db path Defaults to %ws.\n", TAG_DB, DefaultPath); printf(" -%s:log path Defaults to %ws.\n", TAG_LOG, DefaultPath); printf(" -%s:sysvol path. Defaults to %ws. [Must be NT5 NTFS]\n", TAG_SYSVOL, DefaultPath); printf(" [-%s:parent dns domain]\n", TAG_PARENT); printf(" [-%s:account]\n", TAG_USER); printf(" [-%s:password]\n", TAG_PASSWORD); printf(" [-%s:options]\n", TAG_OPTIONS); printf(" -fixdc parameters are:\n"); printf(" [-%s:server]Remote server to obtain the information for\n", TAG_SERVER); printf(" [-%s:server]Remote server to sync with\n", TAG_REPLICA); printf(" [-%s:account]\n", TAG_USER); printf(" [-%s:password]\n", TAG_PASSWORD); printf(" [-%s:options]\n", TAG_OPTIONS); printf(" Valid options (in HEX) are:\n"); printf(" 0x00000001 - Create the machine account if necessary\n"); printf(" 0x00000002 - Sync the machine password\n"); printf(" 0x00000004 - Change the account time\n"); printf(" 0x00000008 - Re-init the time service\n"); printf(" 0x00000010 - Reconfigure the default services\n"); printf(" 0x00000020 - Force a DS replication cycle\n"); printf(" 0x00000040 - Fixup NTFRS\n"); } DWORD GetAndDumpInfo( IN PWSTR Server, IN ULONG Level ) { DWORD Win32Error = ERROR_SUCCESS; PDSROLE_UPGRADE_STATUS_INFO UpgradeInfo = NULL; PDSROLE_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_INFO_BASIC DomainInfo = NULL; PBYTE Buffer = NULL; PWSTR Roles[ ] = { L"DsRole_RoleStandaloneWorkstation", L"DsRole_RoleMemberWorkstation", L"DsRole_RoleStandaloneServer", L"DsRole_RoleMemberServer", L"DsRole_RoleBackupDomainController", L"DsRole_RolePrimaryDomainController" }; PWSTR ServerRoles[ ] = { L"Unknown", L"Primary", L"Backup" }; Win32Error = DsRoleGetPrimaryDomainInformation( Server, Level, ( PBYTE * )&Buffer ); if ( Win32Error == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { switch ( Level ) { case DsRolePrimaryDomainInfoBasic: DomainInfo = ( PDSROLE_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_INFO_BASIC )Buffer; printf( "Machine Role: %lu ( %ws )\n", DomainInfo->MachineRole, Roles[ DomainInfo->MachineRole ] ); printf( "Flags: 0x%lx\n", DomainInfo->Flags ); printf( "Flat name: %ws\n", DomainInfo->DomainNameFlat ); printf( "Dns Domain name: %ws\n", DomainInfo->DomainNameDns ); printf( "Dns Forest name: %ws\n", DomainInfo->DomainForestName ); break; case DsRoleUpgradeStatus: UpgradeInfo = ( PDSROLE_UPGRADE_STATUS_INFO )Buffer; printf( "Upgrade: %s\n", ( UpgradeInfo->OperationState & DSROLE_UPGRADE_IN_PROGRESS ) ? "TRUE" : "FALSE" ); printf( "Previous server role: %ws\n", ServerRoles[ UpgradeInfo->PreviousServerState ] ); } DsRoleFreeMemory( DomainInfo ); } else { printf( "DsRoleGetPrimaryDomainInformation failed with %lu\n", Win32Error ); } return( Win32Error ); } DWORD BuildDefaults( IN PWSTR Dns, IN PWSTR Flat, IN PWSTR Site, IN PWSTR Path ) { DWORD Win32Error = ERROR_SUCCESS; PWSTR Scratch; ULONG Options; // // First, the easy ones // wcscpy( Site, L"First Site" ); ExpandEnvironmentStrings( L"%systemroot%\\ntds", Path, MAX_PATH ); return( Win32Error ); } DWORD CopyDsDitFiles( IN LPWSTR DsPath ) { DWORD Win32Error = ERROR_SUCCESS; WCHAR Source[MAX_PATH + 1]; WCHAR Dest[MAX_PATH + 1]; ULONG SrcLen, DestLen = 0; PWSTR DsDitFiles[] = { L"ntds.dit", L"schema.ini" }; PWSTR CleanupFiles[] = { L"edb.chk", L"edb.log", L"hierarch.dat", L"ntds.dit", L"res1.log", L"res2.log", L"schema.ini", L"edb00001.log", L"edb00002.log", L"edb00003.log" L"edb00004.log" L"edb00005.log" L"edb00006.log" }; PWSTR Current; ULONG i; if( ExpandEnvironmentStrings( L"%WINDIR%\\system32\\", Source, MAX_PATH ) == FALSE ) { Win32Error = GetLastError(); } else { SrcLen = wcslen( Source ); wcscpy( Dest, DsPath ); if ( *(Dest + (wcslen( DsPath ) - 1 )) != L'\\' ) { wcscat( Dest, L"\\" ); } DestLen = wcslen( Dest ); } // // See if the source directory exists... // if ( Win32Error == ERROR_SUCCESS && GetFileAttributes( DsPath ) == 0x10 ) { for ( i = 0; i < sizeof( CleanupFiles) / sizeof( PWSTR ); i++ ) { wcscpy( Dest + DestLen, CleanupFiles[i] ); if ( DeleteFile( Dest ) == FALSE ) { Win32Error = GetLastError(); if ( Win32Error == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ) { Win32Error = ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { printf("Failed to remove %ws: %lu\n", Dest, Win32Error ); break; } } } } // // Then, create the destination directory // if ( Win32Error == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { Current = wcschr( DsPath + 4, L'\\' ); while ( Win32Error == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { if ( Current != NULL ) { *Current = UNICODE_NULL; } if ( CreateDirectory( DsPath, NULL ) == FALSE ) { Win32Error = GetLastError(); if ( Win32Error == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) { Win32Error = ERROR_SUCCESS; } } if ( Current != NULL ) { *Current = L'\\'; Current = wcschr( Current + 1, L'\\' ); } else { break; } } } return( Win32Error ); } DWORD Promote( LPWSTR Dns, LPWSTR Flat, LPWSTR Site, LPWSTR Db, LPWSTR Log, LPWSTR SysVol, LPWSTR Parent, LPWSTR Replica, LPWSTR User, LPWSTR Password, LPWSTR Server, ULONG Options, BOOL Block ) { DWORD Win32Error = ERROR_SUCCESS; DSROLE_SERVEROP_HANDLE Handle; PDSROLE_SERVEROP_STATUS Status; PDSROLE_SERVEROP_RESULTS Results; if ( !Server ) { Win32Error = CopyDsDitFiles( Db ); if ( Win32Error != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { return( Win32Error ); } } // // Now, do the install // if ( Replica != NULL ) { Win32Error = DsRoleDcAsReplica( Server, Dns, Replica, Site, Db, Log, NULL, SysVol, NULL, User, Password, NULL, Options, &Handle ); } else { Win32Error = DsRoleDcAsDc( Server, Dns, Flat, NULL, Site, Db, Log, SysVol, Parent, NULL, User, Password, NULL, Options, &Handle ); } if ( Win32Error == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { if ( !Block ) { do { Sleep( 6000 ); Win32Error = DsRoleGetDcOperationProgress( NULL, Handle, &Status ); if ( Win32Error == ERROR_SUCCESS || Win32Error == ERROR_IO_PENDING ) { printf("%ws\n", Status->CurrentOperationDisplayString ); DsRoleFreeMemory( Status ); } } while( Win32Error == ERROR_IO_PENDING); if ( Win32Error != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { printf("Failed determining the operation progress: %lu\n", Win32Error ); } } else { printf( "Block on DsRoleGetDcOperationResutls call\n" ); } } else { printf( "Failed to install as a Dc: %lu\n", Win32Error ); } if ( Win32Error == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { Win32Error = DsRoleGetDcOperationResults( NULL, Handle, &Results ); if ( Win32Error == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { Win32Error = Results->OperationStatus;; printf( "OperationResults->OperationStatusDisplayString: %ws\n", Results->OperationStatusDisplayString ); printf( "OperationResults->ServerInstalledSite: %ws\n", Results->ServerInstalledSite ); DsRoleFreeMemory( Results ); } else { printf( "Failed to determine the operation results: %lu\n", Win32Error ); } } return( Win32Error ); } DWORD Demote( LPWSTR User, LPWSTR Password, ULONG Role, ULONG Options, BOOL LastDc ) { DWORD Win32Error = ERROR_SUCCESS; DSROLE_SERVEROP_HANDLE Handle; PDSROLE_SERVEROP_STATUS Status; PDSROLE_SERVEROP_RESULTS Results; Win32Error = DsRoleDemoteDc( NULL, NULL, Role, User, Password, Options, LastDc, 0, NULL, NULL, &Handle ); if ( Win32Error == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { do { Sleep( 6000 ); Win32Error = DsRoleGetDcOperationProgress( NULL, Handle, &Status ); if ( Win32Error == ERROR_SUCCESS || Win32Error == ERROR_IO_PENDING ) { printf("%ws\n", Status->CurrentOperationDisplayString ); DsRoleFreeMemory( Status ); } } while( Win32Error == ERROR_IO_PENDING); if ( Win32Error != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { printf("Failed determining the operation progress: %lu\n", Win32Error ); } } else { printf( "Failed to demote a Dc: %lu\n", Win32Error ); } if ( Win32Error == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { Win32Error = DsRoleGetDcOperationResults( NULL, Handle, &Results ); if ( Win32Error == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { Win32Error = Results->OperationStatus;; printf( "OperationResults->OperationStatusDisplayString: %ws\n", Results->OperationStatusDisplayString ); printf( "OperationResults->ServerInstalledSite: %ws\n", Results->ServerInstalledSite ); DsRoleFreeMemory( Results ); } else { printf( "Failed to determine the operation results: %lu\n", Win32Error ); } } return( Win32Error ); } DWORD Save( VOID ) { DWORD Win32Error = ERROR_SUCCESS; Win32Error = DsRoleServerSaveStateForUpgrade( NULL ); if ( Win32Error != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { printf("DsRoleServerSaveStateForUpgrade failed with %lu\n", Win32Error ); } return( Win32Error ); } DWORD Abort( PWSTR AdminPwd ) { DWORD Win32Error = ERROR_SUCCESS; Win32Error = DsRoleAbortDownlevelServerUpgrade( AdminPwd, NULL, NULL, 0 ); if ( Win32Error != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { printf("DsRoleAbortDownlevelServerUpgrade failed with %lu\n", Win32Error ); } return( Win32Error ); } DWORD Upgrade( LPWSTR Dns, LPWSTR Site, LPWSTR Db, LPWSTR Log, LPWSTR SysVol, LPWSTR Parent, LPWSTR User, LPWSTR Password, ULONG Options ) { DWORD Win32Error = ERROR_SUCCESS; DSROLE_SERVEROP_HANDLE Handle; PDSROLE_SERVEROP_STATUS Status; PDSROLE_SERVEROP_RESULTS Results; Win32Error = DsRoleUpgradeDownlevelServer( ( LPCWSTR )Dns, ( LPCWSTR )Site, ( LPCWSTR )Db, ( LPCWSTR )Log, ( LPCWSTR )SysVol, ( LPCWSTR )Parent, NULL, ( LPCWSTR )User, ( LPCWSTR )Password, NULL, Options, &Handle ); if ( Win32Error == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { do { Sleep( 6000 ); Win32Error = DsRoleGetDcOperationProgress( NULL, Handle, &Status ); if ( Win32Error == ERROR_SUCCESS || Win32Error == ERROR_IO_PENDING ) { printf("%ws\n", Status->CurrentOperationDisplayString ); DsRoleFreeMemory( Status ); } } while( Win32Error == ERROR_IO_PENDING); if ( Win32Error != ERROR_SUCCESS ) { printf("Failed determining the operation progress: %lu\n", Win32Error ); } } else { printf( "Failed to install as a Dc: %lu\n", Win32Error ); } if ( Win32Error == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { Win32Error = DsRoleGetDcOperationResults( NULL, Handle, &Results ); if ( Win32Error == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { Win32Error = Results->OperationStatus;; printf( "OperationResults->OperationStatusDisplayString: %ws\n", Results->OperationStatusDisplayString ); printf( "OperationResults->ServerInstalledSite: %ws\n", Results->ServerInstalledSite ); DsRoleFreeMemory( Results ); } else { printf( "Failed to determine the operation results: %lu\n", Win32Error ); } } return( Win32Error ); } INT __cdecl main ( int argc, char *argv[]) /*++ Routine Description: The main the for this executable Arguments: argc - Count of arguments argv - List of arguments Return Value: VOID --*/ { DWORD Win32Error = ERROR_SUCCESS, OpErr; WCHAR DnsBuff[MAX_PATH + 1], SiteBuff[MAX_PATH + 1]; WCHAR DbBuff[MAX_PATH + 1], LogBuff[MAX_PATH + 1], ParentBuff[MAX_PATH + 1]; WCHAR ReplicaBuff[MAX_PATH + 1], UserBuff[MAX_PATH + 1], PasswordBuff[MAX_PATH + 1]; WCHAR ScratchBuff[MAX_PATH], ServerBuff[MAX_PATH], FlatBuff[MAX_PATH + 1]; WCHAR SysVolBuff[MAX_PATH + 1], RoleBuff[ 10 ], LastDCBuff[ 10 ], WaitBuff[ 10 ]; WCHAR AdminPwdBuff[ MAX_PATH + 1 ]; ULONG Options = 0, Level = 0, Role = 0, FailedOperation, CompletedOperations; PWSTR Parent = NULL, Replica = NULL, User = NULL, Password = NULL, Dns = NULL, Flat = NULL; PWSTR Site = NULL, Db = NULL, Log = NULL, Scratch = NULL, Server = NULL; PWSTR SysVol = NULL, RoleScratch = NULL, LastDCScratch = NULL, AdminPwd = NULL, Wait = NULL; INT i = 1; BOOL LastDC = FALSE, BuildDefaultsFailed = FALSE, Block = FALSE; PSTR Current; Win32Error = BuildDefaults( DnsBuff, FlatBuff, SiteBuff, DbBuff ); if ( Win32Error == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { Dns = DnsBuff; Site = SiteBuff; Db = DbBuff; Log = DbBuff; Flat = FlatBuff; } else { BuildDefaultsFailed = TRUE; } if (argc > 1 && (_stricmp( argv[1], "-?") == 0 || _stricmp( argv[1], "/?") == 0 ) ) { if ( BuildDefaultsFailed ) { printf( "Failed to get the defaults: %lu\n", Win32Error ); } Usage( Dns, Flat, Site, Db ); goto Done; } else if (argc > 1 && ( _stricmp( argv[ 1 ], "-info" ) == 0 || _stricmp( argv[ 1 ], "/info" ) == 0 ) ) { for (i = 2; i < argc; i++ ) { Current = argv[i]; if ( !( *Current == '-' || *Current == '/' ) ) { Win32Error = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; } Current++; PARSE_CMD_VALUE_AND_CONTINUE( TAG_SERVER, Current, ServerBuff, Server ); PARSE_CMD_VALUE_AND_CONTINUE( TAG_LEVEL, Current, ScratchBuff, Scratch ); } if ( Win32Error == ERROR_SUCCESS && Scratch ) { Level = wcstol( Scratch, &Scratch, 10 ); } Win32Error = GetAndDumpInfo( Server, Level ); goto Done; } else if (argc > 1 && ( _stricmp( argv[ 1 ], "-promote" ) == 0 || _stricmp( argv[ 1 ], "/promote" ) == 0) ) { if ( BuildDefaultsFailed ) { printf( "Failed to get the defaults: %lu\n", Win32Error ); goto Done; } for (i = 2; i < argc; i++ ) { Current = argv[i]; if ( !( *Current == '-' || *Current == '/' ) ) { Win32Error = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; } Current++; PARSE_CMD_VALUE_AND_CONTINUE( TAG_DNS, Current, DnsBuff, Dns ); PARSE_CMD_VALUE_AND_CONTINUE( TAG_FLAT, Current, FlatBuff, Flat ); PARSE_CMD_VALUE_AND_CONTINUE( TAG_SITE, Current, SiteBuff, Site ); PARSE_CMD_VALUE_AND_CONTINUE( TAG_DB, Current, DbBuff, Db ); PARSE_CMD_VALUE_AND_CONTINUE( TAG_LOG, Current, LogBuff, Log ); PARSE_CMD_VALUE_AND_CONTINUE( TAG_SYSVOL, Current, SysVolBuff, SysVol ); PARSE_CMD_VALUE_AND_CONTINUE( TAG_PARENT, Current, ParentBuff, Parent ); PARSE_CMD_VALUE_AND_CONTINUE( TAG_REPLICA, Current, ReplicaBuff, Replica ); PARSE_CMD_VALUE_AND_CONTINUE( TAG_USER, Current, UserBuff, User ); PARSE_CMD_VALUE_AND_CONTINUE( TAG_PASSWORD, Current, PasswordBuff, Password ); PARSE_CMD_VALUE_AND_CONTINUE( TAG_SERVER, Current, ServerBuff, Server ); PARSE_CMD_VALUE_AND_CONTINUE( TAG_OPTIONS, Current, ScratchBuff, Scratch ); PARSE_CMD_VALUE_AND_CONTINUE( TAG_WAIT, Current, WaitBuff, Wait ); printf("Unexpected command line value %s\n\n", argv[i] ); Win32Error = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; } if ( Scratch != NULL ) { Options = wcstoul( Scratch, &Scratch, 0 ); } // // Validate the parameters // if ( Dns == NULL || Db == NULL || Log == NULL || Flat == NULL ) { Win32Error = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if( Win32Error == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ) { Usage( Dns, Flat, Site, Db ); goto Done; } if ( Wait && wcscmp( Wait, L"1" ) ) { Block = TRUE; } Win32Error = Promote( Dns, Flat, Site, Db, Log, SysVol, Parent, Replica, User, Password, Server, Options, Block ); } else if (argc > 1 && ( _stricmp( argv[ 1 ], "-demote" ) == 0 || _stricmp( argv[ 1 ], "/demote" ) == 0 ) ) { for (i = 2; i < argc; i++ ) { Current = argv[i]; if ( !( *Current == '-' || *Current == '/' ) ) { Win32Error = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; } Current++; PARSE_CMD_VALUE_AND_CONTINUE( TAG_USER, Current, UserBuff, User ); PARSE_CMD_VALUE_AND_CONTINUE( TAG_PASSWORD, Current, PasswordBuff, Password ); PARSE_CMD_VALUE_AND_CONTINUE( TAG_ROLE, Current, RoleBuff, RoleScratch ); PARSE_CMD_VALUE_AND_CONTINUE( TAG_OPTIONS, Current, ScratchBuff, Scratch ); PARSE_CMD_VALUE_AND_CONTINUE( TAG_LASTDC, Current, LastDCBuff, LastDCScratch ); printf("Unexpected command line value %s\n\n", argv[i] ); Win32Error = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; } if ( Scratch != NULL ) { Options = wcstoul( Scratch, &Scratch, 0 ); } if ( RoleScratch == NULL ) { Win32Error = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else { Role = wcstoul( RoleScratch, &RoleScratch, 0); } if ( LastDCScratch != NULL ) { LastDC = ( BOOL )wcstoul( LastDCScratch, &LastDCScratch, 0); } if( Win32Error == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ) { Usage( Dns, Flat, Site, Db ); goto Done; } Win32Error = Demote( User, Password, Role, Options, LastDC ); } else if (argc > 1 && ( _stricmp( argv[ 1 ], "-save" ) == 0 || _stricmp( argv[ 1 ], "/save" ) == 0 ) ) { Win32Error = Save(); } else if (argc > 1 && ( _stricmp( argv[ 1 ], "-abort" ) == 0 || _stricmp( argv[ 1 ], "/abort" ) == 0 ) ) { for (i = 2; i < argc; i++ ) { Current = argv[i]; if ( !( *Current == '-' || *Current == '/' ) ) { Win32Error = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; } Current++; PARSE_CMD_VALUE_AND_CONTINUE( TAG_ADMINPWD, Current, AdminPwdBuff, AdminPwd ); printf("Unexpected command line value %s\n\n", argv[i] ); Win32Error = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; } Win32Error = Abort( AdminPwd ); } else if (argc > 1 && ( _stricmp( argv[ 1 ], "-upgrade" ) == 0 || _stricmp( argv[ 1 ], "/upgrade" ) == 0) ) { if ( BuildDefaultsFailed ) { printf( "Failed to get the defaults: %lu\n", Win32Error ); goto Done; } for (i = 2; i < argc; i++ ) { Current = argv[i]; if ( !( *Current == '-' || *Current == '/' ) ) { Win32Error = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; } Current++; PARSE_CMD_VALUE_AND_CONTINUE( TAG_DNS, Current, DnsBuff, Dns ); PARSE_CMD_VALUE_AND_CONTINUE( TAG_SITE, Current, SiteBuff, Site ); PARSE_CMD_VALUE_AND_CONTINUE( TAG_DB, Current, DbBuff, Db ); PARSE_CMD_VALUE_AND_CONTINUE( TAG_LOG, Current, LogBuff, Log ); PARSE_CMD_VALUE_AND_CONTINUE( TAG_SYSVOL, Current, SysVolBuff, SysVol ); PARSE_CMD_VALUE_AND_CONTINUE( TAG_PARENT, Current, ParentBuff, Parent ); PARSE_CMD_VALUE_AND_CONTINUE( TAG_USER, Current, UserBuff, User ); PARSE_CMD_VALUE_AND_CONTINUE( TAG_PASSWORD, Current, PasswordBuff, Password ); PARSE_CMD_VALUE_AND_CONTINUE( TAG_OPTIONS, Current, ScratchBuff, Scratch ); printf("Unexpected command line value %s\n\n", argv[i] ); Win32Error = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; break; } if ( Scratch != NULL ) { Options = wcstoul( Scratch, &Scratch, 0 ); } // // Validate the parameters // if ( Dns == NULL || Db == NULL || Log == NULL ) { Win32Error = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if( Win32Error == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ) { Usage( Dns, Flat, Site, Db ); goto Done; } Win32Error = Upgrade( Dns, Site, Db, Log, SysVol, Parent, User, Password, Options ); } Done: if( Win32Error == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { printf("The command completed successfully\n"); } else { printf("The command failed with an error %lu\n", Win32Error ); } return( Win32Error ); }