/*++ SUPPORT.CXX Copyright (C) 1999 Microsoft Corporation, all rights reserved. DESCRIPTION: support functions for ktpass Created, May 21, 1999 by DavidCHR. CONTENTS: ReadRegistryStrings --*/ #include "everything.hxx" NTSTATUS OpenLsa( VOID ) { OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES oa; NTSTATUS Status; UNICODE_STRING ServerString; RtlInitUnicodeString( &ServerString, ServerName ); InitializeObjectAttributes(&oa,NULL,0,NULL,NULL); Status = LsaOpenPolicy(&ServerString,&oa,MAXIMUM_ALLOWED,&LsaHandle); return(Status); } NTSTATUS OpenLocalLsa( OUT PLSA_HANDLE phLsa ) { static LSA_HANDLE hLsa = NULL; NTSTATUS N = STATUS_SUCCESS; if ( !hLsa ) { N = LsaConnectUntrusted( &hLsa ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS( N ) ) { printf( "Failed to connect to the local LSA: 0x%x\n", N ); } } if ( NT_SUCCESS( N ) ) { *phLsa = hLsa; } else { hLsa = NULL; } return N; } /*++************************************************************** NAME: ReadActualPassword convenience routine for reading the password for a particular account. Disables command line echo for the duration. MODIFIES: Password -- receives the new password TAKES: Description -- descriptive string to insert into prompts and error messages. flags -- see everything.h: PROMPT_USING_POSSESSIVE_CASE PROMPT_FOR_PASSWORD_TWICE RETURNS: TRUE when the function succeeds. FALSE otherwise. LASTERROR: not set LOGGING: printf on failure CREATED: Apr 7, 1999 LOCKING: none CALLED BY: anyone FREE WITH: n/a -- no resources are allocated CONTENTS: CallAuthPackage **************************************************************--*/ BOOL ReadActualPassword( IN LPWSTR Description, IN ULONG flags, IN ULONG PasswordLength, OUT LPWSTR Password ) { HANDLE hConsole; DWORD dwMode; BOOL ret = FALSE; ULONG Length; WCHAR TempPassword[ MAX_PASSWD_LEN ]; ULONG i; hConsole = GetStdHandle( STD_INPUT_HANDLE ); if ( hConsole ) { // get the old console settings. if ( GetConsoleMode( hConsole, &dwMode ) ) { // now turn off typing echo if ( SetConsoleMode( hConsole, dwMode &~ ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT ) ) { fprintf( stderr, ( flags & PROMPT_USING_POSSESSIVE_CASE ) ? "Enter password for %ws: " : "Enter %ws password: ", Description ); if ( !fgetws( Password, PasswordLength, stdin ) ) { fprintf( stderr, "EOF on input. Aborted.\n" ); goto restoreConsoleMode; } for ( i = 0; i < PasswordLength; i++ ) { if ( Password[i] == L'\n' ) { Password[i] = L'\0'; break; } } if ( flags & PROMPT_FOR_PASSWORD_TWICE ) { fprintf( stderr, "\nNow re-enter password to confirm: " ); if ( !fgetws( TempPassword, MAX_PASSWD_LEN, stdin ) ) { fprintf( stderr, "EOF on input. Aborted.\n" ); goto restoreConsoleMode; } for ( i = 0; i < MAX_PASSWD_LEN; i++ ) { if ( TempPassword[i] == L'\n' ) { TempPassword[i] = L'\0'; break; } } } fprintf( stderr, "\n" ); if ( flags & PROMPT_FOR_PASSWORD_TWICE ) { // verify that the two passwords are the same. if ( wcscmp( Password, TempPassword ) == 0 ) { ret = TRUE; } else { fprintf( stderr, "Passwords do not match.\n" ); } } else { ret = TRUE; } restoreConsoleMode: // restore echo SetConsoleMode( hConsole, dwMode ); } else { fprintf( stderr, "Failed to disable line echo for password entry of %ws: 0x%x.\n", Description, GetLastError() ); } } else { fprintf( stderr, "Failed to retrieve current console settings: 0x%x\n", GetLastError() ); } } else { fprintf( stderr, "Failed to obtain console handle so we could disable line input echo: 0x%x\n", GetLastError() ); } SecureZeroMemory( TempPassword, sizeof( TempPassword )); return ret; } /*++************************************************************** NAME: ReadOptionallyStarredPassword if the given password is "*", read a new password from stdin. Otherwise, return the given password. MODIFIES: pPassword -- receives the real password TAKES: Password -- password to check for * Description, flags -- as ReadActualPassword RETURNS: TRUE when the function succeeds. FALSE otherwise. LASTERROR: not set LOGGING: printf on failure CREATED: Apr 7, 1999 LOCKING: none CALLED BY: anyone FREE WITH: free() **************************************************************--*/ BOOL ReadOptionallyStarredPassword( IN LPWSTR InPassword, IN ULONG flags, IN LPWSTR Description, OUT LPWSTR *pPassword ) { ULONG Length; LPWSTR OutPass; BOOL ReadPass; BOOL ret = FALSE; Length = lstrlenW( InPassword ); if ( ( 1 == Length ) && ( L'*' == InPassword[ 0 ] ) ) { ReadPass = TRUE; Length = MAX_PASSWD_LEN; } else { ReadPass = FALSE; } Length++; // null character Length *= sizeof( WCHAR ); OutPass = (LPWSTR) malloc( Length ); if ( OutPass != NULL ) { if ( ReadPass ) { ret = ReadActualPassword( Description, flags, Length / sizeof( WCHAR ), OutPass ); } else { lstrcpyW( OutPass, InPassword ); ret = TRUE; } if ( ret ) { *pPassword = OutPass; } else { SecureZeroMemory( OutPass, Length ); free( OutPass ); } } else { fprintf( stderr, "Failed to allocate memory for %ws password.\n", Description ); } return ret; } /*++************************************************************** NAME: CallAuthPackage convenience routine to centralize calls to LsaCallAuthentication Package. MODIFIES: ppvOutput -- data returned by LsaCallAuthPackage pulOutputSize -- returned size of that buffer TAKES: pvData -- submission data for that same api ulInputSize -- sizeof the given buffer RETURNS: a status code indicating success or failure LOGGING: none CREATED: Apr 13, 1999 LOCKING: none CALLED BY: anyone, most notably ChangeViaKpasswd FREE WITH: ppvOutput with LsaFreeReturnBuffer **************************************************************--*/ NTSTATUS CallAuthPackage( IN PVOID pvData, IN ULONG ulInputSize, OUT PVOID *ppvOutput, OUT PULONG pulOutputSize ) { // These are globals that are specific to this function. static STRING Name = { 0 }; static ULONG PackageId = 0; static BOOL NameSetup = FALSE; LSA_HANDLE hLsa; NTSTATUS N; if ( NT_SUCCESS( N = OpenLocalLsa( &hLsa ) ) ) { if ( !NameSetup ) { RtlInitString( &Name, MICROSOFT_KERBEROS_NAME_A ); N = LsaLookupAuthenticationPackage( hLsa, &Name, &PackageId ); NameSetup = NT_SUCCESS( N ); } if ( NT_SUCCESS( N ) ) { NTSTATUS SubStatus; N = LsaCallAuthenticationPackage( hLsa, PackageId, pvData, ulInputSize, ppvOutput, pulOutputSize, &SubStatus ); if ( !NT_SUCCESS( N ) || !NT_SUCCESS( SubStatus ) ) { printf( "CallAuthPackage failed, status 0x%x, substatus 0x%x.\n", N, SubStatus ); } if ( NT_SUCCESS( N ) ) { N = SubStatus; } } } return N; } VOID InitStringAndMoveOn( IN LPWSTR RealString, IN OUT LPWSTR *pCursor, IN OUT PUNICODE_STRING pString ) { ULONG Length; Length = lstrlenW( RealString ) +1; memcpy( *pCursor, RealString, Length * sizeof( WCHAR ) ); RtlInitUnicodeString( pString, *pCursor ); *pCursor += Length; // ASSERT( **pCursor == L'\0' ); } NTSTATUS ChangeViaKpasswd( LPWSTR * Parameters ) { LPWSTR OldPassword = NULL, NewPassword = NULL; NTSTATUS ret = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; PKERB_CHANGEPASSWORD_REQUEST pPasswd = NULL; LPWSTR Cursor; PVOID pvTrash; ULONG size, ulTrash; if ( !GlobalDomainSetting ) { printf( "Can't change password without /domain.\n" ); ret = STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else if ( !( ReadOptionallyStarredPassword( Parameters[ 0 ], 0, // no flags L"your old", &OldPassword ) && ReadOptionallyStarredPassword( Parameters[ 1 ], PROMPT_FOR_PASSWORD_TWICE, L"your new", &NewPassword ) ) ) { printf( "Failed to validate passwords for password change.\n" ); ret = STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR; } else { size = lstrlenW( GlobalDomainSetting ) + 1; size += lstrlenW( GlobalClientName ) + 1; size += lstrlenW( OldPassword ) + 1; size += lstrlenW( NewPassword ) + 1; // all strings above this line size *= sizeof( WCHAR ); size += sizeof( *pPasswd ) ; // buffer pPasswd = (PKERB_CHANGEPASSWORD_REQUEST) malloc( size ); if ( pPasswd ) { // start at the end of the password-request buffer Cursor = (LPWSTR) &( pPasswd[1] ); pPasswd->MessageType = KerbChangePasswordMessage; InitStringAndMoveOn( GlobalDomainSetting, &Cursor, &pPasswd->DomainName ); InitStringAndMoveOn( GlobalClientName, &Cursor, &pPasswd->AccountName ); InitStringAndMoveOn( OldPassword, &Cursor, &pPasswd->OldPassword ); InitStringAndMoveOn( NewPassword, &Cursor, &pPasswd->NewPassword ); pPasswd->Impersonating = FALSE; // TRUE; // FALSE; ret = CallAuthPackage( pPasswd, size, (PVOID *) &pvTrash, &ulTrash ); if ( NT_SUCCESS( ret ) ) { printf( "Password changed.\n" ); } else { printf( "Failed to change password: 0x%x\n", ret ); } // zero the buffer to minimize exposure of the password. SecureZeroMemory( pPasswd, size ); free( pPasswd ); } else { printf( "Failed to allocate %ld-byte password change request.\n", size ); ret = STATUS_NO_MEMORY; } } // zero the buffers to minimize exposure of the passwords if ( NewPassword ) { SecureZeroMemory( NewPassword, lstrlenW( NewPassword )); free( NewPassword ); } if ( OldPassword ) { SecureZeroMemory( OldPassword, lstrlenW( OldPassword )); free( OldPassword ); } return ret; } DWORD OpenKerberosKey( OUT PHKEY KerbHandle ) { DWORD RegErr; HKEY ServerHandle = NULL; DWORD Disposition; RegErr = RegConnectRegistry( ServerName, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, &ServerHandle ); if (RegErr) { printf("Failed to connect to registry: %d (0x%x) \n",RegErr, RegErr); goto Cleanup; } RegErr = RegCreateKeyEx( ServerHandle, KERB_KERBEROS_KEY, 0, NULL, 0, // no options KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY, NULL, KerbHandle, &Disposition ); if (RegErr) { printf("Failed to create Kerberos key: %d (0x%x)\n",RegErr, RegErr); goto Cleanup; } Cleanup: if (ServerHandle) { RegCloseKey(ServerHandle); } return(RegErr); } DWORD OpenSubKey( IN LPWSTR * Parameters, OUT PHKEY phKey ) { DWORD RegErr; HKEY KerbHandle = NULL; HKEY DomainHandle = NULL; HKEY DomainRoot = NULL; DWORD Disposition; LPWSTR OldServerNames = NULL; LPWSTR NewServerNames = NULL; ULONG OldKdcLength = 0; ULONG NewKdcLength = 0; ULONG Type; RegErr = OpenKerberosKey(&KerbHandle); if ( RegErr == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { RegErr = RegCreateKeyEx( KerbHandle, KERB_DOMAINS_SUBKEY, 0, NULL, 0, // no options KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY, NULL, &DomainRoot, &Disposition ); if ( RegErr == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { if ( Parameters && Parameters[ 0 ] ) { RegErr = RegCreateKeyEx( DomainRoot, Parameters[0], 0, NULL, 0, // no options KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY | KEY_SET_VALUE | KEY_QUERY_VALUE, NULL, &DomainHandle, &Disposition ); if ( RegErr == ERROR_SUCCESS ) { *phKey = DomainHandle; } else { printf("Failed to create %ws key: 0x%x\n", Parameters[ 0 ], RegErr); } RegCloseKey( DomainRoot ); } else /* return the domain root if no domain is requested. */ { *phKey = DomainRoot; } } else { printf( "Failed to create key %ws: 0x%x\n", Parameters[ 0 ], RegErr ); } RegCloseKey( KerbHandle ); } else { printf( "Failed to open Kerberos Key: 0x%x\n", RegErr ); } return RegErr; }