/**************************************************************************** * * FILE: ConfUtil.cpp * * CONTENTS: CConfRoom and app level utility functions * ****************************************************************************/ #include "precomp.h" #include "resource.h" #include "confwnd.h" #include "rostinfo.h" #include "conf.h" #include "nmmkcert.h" #include "certui.h" #include #include #include "shlWAPI.h" #include "confutil.h" #include "confpolicies.h" #include "rend.h" HFONT g_hfontDlg = NULL; // Default dialog font #ifdef DEBUG HDBGZONE ghZoneOther = NULL; // Other, conf.exe specific zones static PTCHAR _rgZonesOther[] = { TEXT("UI"), TEXT("API"), TEXT("Video"), TEXT("Wizard"), TEXT("QoS"), TEXT("RefCount"), TEXT("Objects "), TEXT("UI Msg"), TEXT("Call Control"), }; BOOL InitDebugZones(VOID) { DBGINIT(&ghZoneOther, _rgZonesOther); return TRUE; } VOID DeinitDebugZones(VOID) { DBGDEINIT(&ghZoneOther); } VOID DbgMsg(UINT iZone, PSTR pszFormat,...) { if (GETZONEMASK(ghZoneOther) & (1 << iZone)) { va_list v1; va_start(v1, pszFormat); DbgZVPrintf(ghZoneOther, iZone, pszFormat, v1); va_end(v1); } } VOID DbgMsgRefCount(PSTR pszFormat,...) { if (GETZONEMASK(ghZoneOther) & ZONE_REFCOUNT) { va_list v1; va_start(v1, pszFormat); DbgZVPrintf(ghZoneOther, iZONE_REFCOUNT, pszFormat, v1); va_end(v1); } } VOID DbgMsgApi(PSTR pszFormat,...) { if (GETZONEMASK(ghZoneOther) & ZONE_API) { va_list v1; va_start(v1, pszFormat); DbgZVPrintf(ghZoneOther, iZONE_API, pszFormat, v1); va_end(v1); } } VOID DbgMsgVideo(PSTR pszFormat,...) { if (GETZONEMASK(ghZoneOther) & ZONE_VIDEO) { va_list v1; va_start(v1, pszFormat); DbgZVPrintf(ghZoneOther, iZONE_VIDEO, pszFormat, v1); va_end(v1); } } VOID DbgMsgUI(PSTR pszFormat,...) { if (GETZONEMASK(ghZoneOther) & ZONE_UI) { va_list v1; va_start(v1, pszFormat); DbgZVPrintf(ghZoneOther, iZONE_UI, pszFormat, v1); va_end(v1); } } VOID DbgMsgCall(PSTR pszFormat,...) { if (GETZONEMASK(ghZoneOther) & ZONE_UI) { va_list v1; va_start(v1, pszFormat); DbgZVPrintf(ghZoneOther, iZONE_UI, pszFormat, v1); va_end(v1); } } #endif /* DEBUG */ /* F L O A D S T R I N G */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%Function: FLoadString Load a resource string. Assumes the buffer is valid and can hold the resource. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL FLoadString(UINT id, LPTSTR lpsz, UINT cch) { ASSERT(NULL != _Module.GetModuleInstance()); ASSERT(NULL != lpsz); if (0 == ::LoadString(_Module.GetResourceModule(), id, lpsz, cch)) { ERROR_OUT(("*** Resource %d does not exist", id)); *lpsz = _T('\0'); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /* F L O A D S T R I N G 1 */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%Function: FLoadString1 Loads a resource string an formats it with the parameter. Assumes the resource is less than MAX_PATH characters ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL FLoadString1(UINT id, LPTSTR lpsz, LPVOID p) { TCHAR sz[MAX_PATH]; if (!FLoadString(id, sz, CCHMAX(sz))) return FALSE; wsprintf(lpsz, sz, p); return TRUE; } /* F L O A D S T R I N G 2 */ /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%Function: FLoadString2 Load a resource string. Return the length. Assumes the buffer is valid and can hold the resource. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int FLoadString2(UINT id, LPTSTR lpsz, UINT cch) { ASSERT(NULL != _Module.GetModuleInstance()); ASSERT(NULL != lpsz); int length = ::LoadString(_Module.GetResourceModule(), id, lpsz, cch); if (0 == length) { ERROR_OUT(("*** Resource %d does not exist", id)); *lpsz = _T('\0'); } return length; } /* P S Z L O A D S T R I N G */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%Function: PszLoadString Return the string associated with the resource. -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ LPTSTR PszLoadString(UINT id) { TCHAR sz[MAX_PATH]; if (0 == ::LoadString(::GetInstanceHandle(), id, sz, CCHMAX(sz))) { ERROR_OUT(("*** Resource %d does not exist", id)); sz[0] = _T('\0'); } return PszAlloc(sz); } /* L O A D R E S I N T */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%Function: LoadResInt Return the integer associated with the resource string. -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int LoadResInt(UINT id, int iDefault) { TCHAR sz[MAX_PATH]; if (0 == ::LoadString(::GetInstanceHandle(), id, sz, CCHMAX(sz))) return iDefault; return RtStrToInt(sz); } /* F C R E A T E I L S N A M E */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%Function: FCreateIlsName Combine the server and email names to form an ILS name. Return TRUE if the result fit in the buffer. -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL FCreateIlsName(LPTSTR pszDest, LPCTSTR pszServer, LPCTSTR pszEmail, int cchMax) { ASSERT(NULL != pszDest); TCHAR szServer[MAX_PATH]; if (FEmptySz(pszServer)) { lstrcpyn( szServer, CDirectoryManager::get_defaultServer(), CCHMAX( szServer ) ); pszServer = szServer; } if (FEmptySz(pszEmail)) { WARNING_OUT(("FCreateIlsName: Null email name?")); return FALSE; } int cch = lstrlen(pszServer); lstrcpyn(pszDest, pszServer, cchMax); if (cch >= (cchMax-2)) return FALSE; pszDest += cch; *pszDest++ = _T('/'); cchMax -= (cch+1); lstrcpyn(pszDest, pszEmail, cchMax); return (lstrlen(pszEmail) < cchMax); } /* G E T D E F A U L T N A M E */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%Function: GetDefaultName -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL GetDefaultName(LPTSTR pszName, int nBufferMax) { BOOL bRet = TRUE; ASSERT(pszName); // First, try to get the Registered User Name from Windows: RegEntry re(WINDOWS_CUR_VER_KEY, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE); lstrcpyn(pszName, re.GetString(REGVAL_REGISTERED_OWNER), nBufferMax); if (_T('\0') == pszName[0]) { // The registered name was empty, try the computer name: DWORD dwBufMax = nBufferMax; if ((FALSE == ::GetComputerName(pszName, &dwBufMax)) || (_T('\0') == pszName[0])) { // The computer name was empty, use UNKNOWN: bRet = FLoadString(IDS_UNKNOWN, pszName, nBufferMax); } } return bRet; } /* E X T R A C T S E R V E R N A M E */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%Function: ExtractServerName Extract the server name from pcszAddr and copy it into pszServer. Return a pointer to the remaining data. Uses the default server name if none is found. Returns a pointer to the 2nd portion of the name. -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ LPCTSTR ExtractServerName(LPCTSTR pcszAddr, LPTSTR pszServer, UINT cchMax) { LPCTSTR pchSlash = _StrChr(pcszAddr, _T('/')); if (NULL == pchSlash) { lstrcpyn( pszServer, CDirectoryManager::get_defaultServer(), cchMax ); } else { lstrcpyn(pszServer, pcszAddr, (int)(1 + (pchSlash - pcszAddr))); pcszAddr = pchSlash+1; } return pcszAddr; } BOOL FBrowseForFolder(LPTSTR pszFolder, UINT cchMax, LPCTSTR pszTitle, HWND hwndParent) { LPITEMIDLIST pidlRoot; if(FAILED(SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(HWND_DESKTOP, CSIDL_DRIVES, &pidlRoot))) { return FALSE; } BROWSEINFO bi; ClearStruct(&bi); bi.hwndOwner = hwndParent; bi.lpszTitle = pszTitle; bi.ulFlags = BIF_RETURNONLYFSDIRS; bi.pidlRoot = pidlRoot; LPITEMIDLIST pidl = SHBrowseForFolder(&bi); BOOL fRet = (pidl != NULL); if (fRet) { ASSERT(cchMax >= MAX_PATH); SHGetPathFromIDList(pidl, pszFolder); ASSERT(lstrlen(pszFolder) < (int) cchMax); } // Get the shell's allocator to free PIDLs LPMALLOC lpMalloc; if (SUCCEEDED(SHGetMalloc(&lpMalloc)) && (NULL != lpMalloc)) { if (NULL != pidlRoot) { lpMalloc->Free(pidlRoot); } if (pidl) { lpMalloc->Free(pidl); } lpMalloc->Release(); } return fRet; } /* D I S A B L E C O N T R O L */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%Function: DisableControl -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ VOID DisableControl(HWND hdlg, int id) { if ((NULL != hdlg) && (0 != id)) { HWND hwndCtrl = GetDlgItem(hdlg, id); ASSERT(NULL != hwndCtrl); EnableWindow(hwndCtrl, FALSE); } } class CDialogTranslate : public CTranslateAccel { public: CDialogTranslate(HWND hwnd) : CTranslateAccel(hwnd) {} HRESULT TranslateAccelerator( LPMSG pMsg , //Pointer to the structure DWORD grfModifiers //Flags describing the state of the keys ) { HWND hwnd = GetWindow(); return(::IsDialogMessage(hwnd, pMsg) ? S_OK : S_FALSE); } } ; VOID AddTranslateAccelerator(ITranslateAccelerator* pTrans) { EnterCriticalSection(&dialogListCriticalSection); if (g_pDialogList->Add(pTrans)) { pTrans->AddRef(); } LeaveCriticalSection(&dialogListCriticalSection); } VOID RemoveTranslateAccelerator(ITranslateAccelerator* pTrans) { EnterCriticalSection(&dialogListCriticalSection); if (g_pDialogList->Remove(pTrans)) { pTrans->Release(); } LeaveCriticalSection(&dialogListCriticalSection); } /* A D D M O D E L E S S D L G */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%Function: AddModelessDlg Add the hwnd to the global dialog list -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ VOID AddModelessDlg(HWND hwnd) { ASSERT(NULL != g_pDialogList); CDialogTranslate *pDlgTrans = new CDialogTranslate(hwnd); if (NULL != pDlgTrans) { AddTranslateAccelerator(pDlgTrans); pDlgTrans->Release(); } } /* R E M O V E M O D E L E S S D L G */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%Function: RemoveModelessDlg Remove the hwnd from the global dialog list -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ VOID RemoveModelessDlg(HWND hwnd) { ASSERT(g_pDialogList); EnterCriticalSection(&dialogListCriticalSection); for (int i=g_pDialogList->GetSize()-1; i>=0; --i) { ITranslateAccelerator *pTrans = (*g_pDialogList)[i]; ASSERT(NULL != pTrans); HWND hwndTemp = NULL; if (S_OK == pTrans->GetWindow(&hwndTemp) && hwndTemp == hwnd) { RemoveTranslateAccelerator(pTrans); break; } } LeaveCriticalSection(&dialogListCriticalSection); } /* K I L L S C R N S A V E R */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%Function: KillScrnSaver Remove the screen saver if it is active -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ VOID KillScrnSaver(void) { if (!IsWindowsNT()) return; POINT pos; ::GetCursorPos(&pos); ::SetCursorPos(0,0); ::SetCursorPos(pos.x,pos.y); } /* D X P S Z */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%Function: DxpSz Get the width of the string in pixels. -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int DxpSz(LPCTSTR pcsz) { HWND hwndDesktop = GetDesktopWindow(); if (NULL == hwndDesktop) return 0; HDC hdc = GetDC(hwndDesktop); if (NULL == hdc) return 0; HFONT hFontOld = (HFONT) SelectObject(hdc, g_hfontDlg); SIZE size; int dxp = ::GetTextExtentPoint32(hdc, pcsz, lstrlen(pcsz), &size) ? size.cx : 0; ::SelectObject(hdc, hFontOld); ::ReleaseDC(hwndDesktop, hdc); return dxp; } /* F A N S I S Z */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%Function: FAnsiSz Return TRUE if the string contains no DBCS characters. -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL FAnsiSz(LPCTSTR psz) { if (NULL != psz) { char ch; while (_T('\0') != (ch = *psz++)) { if (IsDBCSLeadByte(ch)) { return FALSE; } } } return TRUE; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int g_cBusyOperations = 0; VOID DecrementBusyOperations(void) { g_cBusyOperations--; POINT pt; // Wiggle the mouse - force user to send a WM_SETCURSOR if (::GetCursorPos(&pt)) ::SetCursorPos(pt.x, pt.y); } VOID IncrementBusyOperations(void) { g_cBusyOperations++; POINT pt; // Wiggle the mouse - force user to send a WM_SETCURSOR if (::GetCursorPos(&pt)) ::SetCursorPos(pt.x, pt.y); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // String Utilities /* P S Z A L L O C */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%Function: PszAlloc -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ LPTSTR PszAlloc(LPCTSTR pszSrc) { if (NULL == pszSrc) return NULL; LPTSTR pszDest = new TCHAR[lstrlen(pszSrc) + 1]; if (NULL != pszDest) { lstrcpy(pszDest, pszSrc); } return pszDest; } VOID FreePsz(LPTSTR psz) { delete [] psz; } /* L P T S T R _ T O _ B S T R */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%Function: LPTSTR_to_BSTR -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT LPTSTR_to_BSTR(BSTR *pbstr, LPCTSTR psz) { ASSERT(NULL != pbstr); if (NULL == psz) { psz = TEXT(""); // convert NULL strings to empty strings } #ifndef UNICODE // compute the length of the required BSTR int cch = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, psz, -1, NULL, 0); if (cch <= 0) return E_FAIL; // allocate the widestr, +1 for terminating null BSTR bstr = SysAllocStringLen(NULL, cch-1); // SysAllocStringLen adds 1 if (bstr == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, psz, -1, (LPWSTR)bstr, cch); ((LPWSTR)bstr)[cch - 1] = 0; #else BSTR bstr = SysAllocString(psz); if (bstr == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; #endif // UNICODE *pbstr = bstr; return S_OK; } /* B S T R _ T O _ L P T S T R */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%Function: BSTR_to_LPTSTR -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ HRESULT BSTR_to_LPTSTR(LPTSTR *ppsz, BSTR bstr) { #ifndef UNICODE // compute the length of the required BSTR int cch = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, (LPWSTR)bstr, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); if (cch <= 0) return E_FAIL; // cch is the number of BYTES required, including the null terminator *ppsz = (LPTSTR) new char[cch]; if (*ppsz == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY; WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, (LPWSTR)bstr, -1, *ppsz, cch, NULL, NULL); return S_OK; #else return E_NOTIMPL; #endif // UNICODE } /* P S Z F R O M B S T R */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%Function: PszFromBstr -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ LPTSTR PszFromBstr(PCWSTR pwStr) { #ifdef UNICODE return PszAlloc(pwStr) #else int cch = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, pwStr, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); if (cch <= 0) return NULL; // cch is the number of BYTES required, including the null terminator LPTSTR psz = new char[cch]; if (NULL != psz) { WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, pwStr, -1, psz, cch, NULL, NULL); } return psz; #endif /* UNICODE */ } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Connection Point Helpers HRESULT NmAdvise(IUnknown* pUnkCP, IUnknown* pUnk, const IID& iid, LPDWORD pdw) { IConnectionPointContainer *pCPC; IConnectionPoint *pCP; HRESULT hRes = pUnkCP->QueryInterface(IID_IConnectionPointContainer, (void**)&pCPC); if (SUCCEEDED(hRes)) { hRes = pCPC->FindConnectionPoint(iid, &pCP); pCPC->Release(); } if (SUCCEEDED(hRes)) { hRes = pCP->Advise(pUnk, pdw); pCP->Release(); } return hRes; } HRESULT NmUnadvise(IUnknown* pUnkCP, const IID& iid, DWORD dw) { IConnectionPointContainer *pCPC; IConnectionPoint *pCP; HRESULT hRes = pUnkCP->QueryInterface(IID_IConnectionPointContainer, (void**)&pCPC); if (SUCCEEDED(hRes)) { hRes = pCPC->FindConnectionPoint(iid, &pCP); pCPC->Release(); } if (SUCCEEDED(hRes)) { hRes = pCP->Unadvise(dw); pCP->Release(); } return hRes; } extern INmSysInfo2 * g_pNmSysInfo; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Call into the certificate generation module to generate // a certificate matching the ULS info for secure calling: DWORD MakeCertWrap ( LPCSTR szFirstName, LPCSTR szLastName, LPCSTR szEmailName, DWORD dwFlags ) { HMODULE hMakeCertLib = NmLoadLibrary(SZ_NMMKCERTLIB, TRUE); DWORD dwRet = -1; if ( NULL != hMakeCertLib ) { PFN_NMMAKECERT pfn_MakeCert = (PFN_NMMAKECERT)GetProcAddress ( hMakeCertLib, SZ_NMMAKECERTFUNC ); if ( NULL != pfn_MakeCert ) { dwRet = pfn_MakeCert( szFirstName, szLastName, szEmailName, NULL, NULL, dwFlags ); RefreshSelfIssuedCert(); } else { ERROR_OUT(("GetProcAddress(%s) failed: %x", SZ_NMMAKECERTFUNC, GetLastError())); } FreeLibrary ( hMakeCertLib ); } else { ERROR_OUT(("NmLoadLibrary(%s) failed: %x", SZ_NMMKCERTLIB, GetLastError())); } return(dwRet); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Icon Utilities HIMAGELIST g_himlIconSmall = NULL; VOID LoadIconImages(void) { ASSERT(NULL == g_himlIconSmall); g_himlIconSmall = ImageList_Create(DXP_ICON_SMALL, DYP_ICON_SMALL, ILC_MASK, 1, 0); if (NULL != g_himlIconSmall) { HBITMAP hBmp = ::LoadBitmap(::GetInstanceHandle(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_ICON_IMAGES)); if (NULL != hBmp) { ImageList_AddMasked(g_himlIconSmall, hBmp, TOOLBAR_MASK_COLOR); ::DeleteObject(hBmp); } } } VOID FreeIconImages(void) { if (NULL != g_himlIconSmall) { ImageList_Destroy(g_himlIconSmall); g_himlIconSmall = NULL; } } VOID DrawIconSmall(HDC hdc, int iIcon, int x, int y) { ImageList_DrawEx(g_himlIconSmall, iIcon, hdc, x, y, DXP_ICON_SMALL, DYP_ICON_SMALL, CLR_DEFAULT, CLR_DEFAULT, ILD_NORMAL); } // Get the default dialog (GUI) font for international HFONT GetDefaultFont(void) { if (NULL == g_hfontDlg) { g_hfontDlg = (HFONT) ::GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT); } return g_hfontDlg; } /* F E M P T Y D L G I T E M */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%Function: FEmptyDlgItem Return TRUE if the dialog control is empty -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL FEmptyDlgItem(HWND hdlg, UINT id) { TCHAR sz[MAX_PATH]; return (0 == GetDlgItemTextTrimmed(hdlg, id, sz, CCHMAX(sz)) ); } /* T R I M D L G I T E M T E X T */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%Function: TrimDlgItemText Trim the text in the edit control and return the length of the string. -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ UINT TrimDlgItemText(HWND hdlg, UINT id) { TCHAR sz[MAX_PATH]; GetDlgItemTextTrimmed(hdlg, id, sz, CCHMAX(sz)); SetDlgItemText(hdlg, id, sz); return lstrlen(sz); } /* G E T D L G I T E M T E X T T R I M M E D */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%Function: GetDlgItemTextTrimmed -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ UINT GetDlgItemTextTrimmed(HWND hdlg, int id, PTCHAR psz, int cchMax) { UINT cch = GetDlgItemText(hdlg, id, psz, cchMax); if (0 != cch) { cch = TrimSz(psz); } return cch; } /* F M T D A T E T I M E */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%Function: FmtDateTime Formats the system time using the current setting (MM/DD/YY HH:MM xm) -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int FmtDateTime(LPSYSTEMTIME pst, LPTSTR pszDateTime, int cchMax) { pszDateTime[0] = _T('\0'); int cch = ::GetDateFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, DATE_SHORTDATE, pst, NULL, pszDateTime, cchMax); if ((0 != cch) && ((cchMax - cch) > 0)) { // Tack on a space and then the time. // GetDateFormat returns count of chars // INCLUDING the NULL terminator, hence the - 1 LPTSTR pszTime = pszDateTime + (cch - 1); pszTime[0] = _T(' '); pszTime[1] = _T('\0'); cch = ::GetTimeFormat(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, TIME_NOSECONDS, pst, NULL, &(pszTime[1]), (cchMax - cch)); } return (cch == 0 ? 0 : lstrlen(pszDateTime)); } /* C O M B I N E N A M E S */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- %%Function: CombineNames Combine the two names into one string. The result is a "First Last" (or Intl'd "Last First") string -------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ VOID CombineNames(LPTSTR pszResult, int cchResult, LPCTSTR pcszFirst, LPCTSTR pcszLast) { ASSERT(pszResult); TCHAR szFmt[32]; // A small value: String is "%1 %2" or "%2 %1" TCHAR sz[1024]; // The result (before truncating to cchResult chars) LPCTSTR argw[2]; argw[0] = pcszFirst; argw[1] = pcszLast; *pszResult = _T('\0'); if (FLoadString(IDS_NAME_ORDER, szFmt, CCHMAX(szFmt))) { if (0 != FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_ARRAY | FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_STRING, szFmt, 0, 0, sz, CCHMAX(sz), (va_list *)argw )) { lstrcpyn(pszResult, sz, cchResult); #ifndef _UNICODE // (see bug 3907 ) // lstrcpyn() can clip a DBCS character in half at the end of the string // we need to walk the string with ::CharNext() and replace the last byte // with a NULL if the last byte is half of a DBCS char. PTSTR pszSource = sz; while (*pszSource && (pszSource - sz < cchResult)) { PTSTR pszPrev = pszSource; pszSource = ::CharNext(pszPrev); // If we've reached the first character that didn't get copied into // the destination buffer, and the previous character was a double // byte character... if (((pszSource - sz) == cchResult) && ::IsDBCSLeadByte(*pszPrev)) { // Replace the destination buffer's last character with '\0' // NOTE: pszResult[cchResult - 1] is '\0' thanks to lstrcpyn() pszResult[cchResult - 2] = _T('\0'); break; } } #endif // ! _UNICODE } } } BOOL NMGetSpecialFolderPath( HWND hwndOwner, LPTSTR lpszPath, int nFolder, BOOL fCreate) { LPITEMIDLIST pidl = NULL; BOOL fRet = FALSE; if (NOERROR == SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(NULL, nFolder, &pidl)) { ASSERT(NULL != pidl); if (SHGetPathFromIDList(pidl, lpszPath)) { lstrcat(lpszPath, _TEXT("\\")); fRet = TRUE; } LPMALLOC lpMalloc; if (SUCCEEDED(SHGetMalloc(&lpMalloc))) { ASSERT(NULL != lpMalloc); lpMalloc->Free(pidl); lpMalloc->Release(); } } return fRet; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // CDirectoryManager static data members. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// bool CDirectoryManager::m_webEnabled = true; TCHAR CDirectoryManager::m_ils[ MAX_PATH ] = TEXT( "" ); TCHAR CDirectoryManager::m_displayName[ MAX_PATH ] = TEXT( "" ); TCHAR CDirectoryManager::m_displayNameDefault[ MAX_PATH ] = TEXT( "Microsoft Internet Directory" ); TCHAR CDirectoryManager::m_defaultServer[ MAX_PATH ] = TEXT( "" ); TCHAR CDirectoryManager::m_DomainDirectory[ MAX_PATH ] = TEXT( "" ); //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // CDirectoryManager::get_defaultServer. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// const TCHAR * const CDirectoryManager::get_defaultServer(void) { if( m_defaultServer[ 0 ] == '\0' ) { // defaultServer not yet loaded... RegEntry re( ISAPI_CLIENT_KEY, HKEY_CURRENT_USER ); lstrcpyn( m_defaultServer, re.GetString( REGVAL_SERVERNAME ), CCHMAX( m_defaultServer ) ); if( (m_defaultServer[ 0 ] == '\0') && (get_DomainDirectory() != NULL) ) { // When no default ils server has been saved in the registry we first try to default it to the // server configured for the domain if any... lstrcpy( m_defaultServer, m_DomainDirectory ); } if( (m_defaultServer[ 0 ] == '\0') && isWebDirectoryEnabled() ) { // When no default ils server has been saved in the registry we default it to m_ils... lstrcpy( m_defaultServer, get_webDirectoryIls() ); } } return( m_defaultServer ); } // End of CDirectoryManager::get_defaultServer. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // CDirectoryManager::set_defaultServer. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// void CDirectoryManager::set_defaultServer ( const TCHAR * const serverName ){ RegEntry ulsKey( ISAPI_CLIENT_KEY, HKEY_CURRENT_USER ); ulsKey.SetValue( REGVAL_SERVERNAME, serverName ); lstrcpy( m_defaultServer, serverName ); } // End of CDirectoryManager::set_defaultServer. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // CDirectoryManager::isWebDirectory. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// bool CDirectoryManager::isWebDirectory ( const TCHAR * const directory ){ TCHAR buffer[ MAX_PATH ]; // If directory is null then the question is "is the default server the web directory?" return( isWebDirectoryEnabled() && (lstrcmpi( (directory != NULL)? get_dnsName( directory ): get_defaultServer(), get_webDirectoryIls() ) == 0) ); } // End of CDirectoryManager::isWebDirectory. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // CDirectoryManager::get_dnsName. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// const TCHAR * const CDirectoryManager::get_dnsName ( const TCHAR * const name ){ // Check to see if the specified name matches m_displayName... return( (isWebDirectoryEnabled() && (lstrcmpi( name, loadDisplayName() ) == 0))? get_webDirectoryIls() : name ); } // End of CDirectoryManager::get_dnsName. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // CDirectoryManager::get_displayName. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// const TCHAR * const CDirectoryManager::get_displayName ( const TCHAR * const name ){ // Check to see if the specified name matches m_ils... return( (isWebDirectoryEnabled() && (lstrcmpi( name, get_webDirectoryIls() ) == 0))? loadDisplayName(): name ); } // End of CDirectoryManager::get_displayName. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // CDirectoryManager::loadDisplayName. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// const TCHAR * const CDirectoryManager::loadDisplayName(void) { using namespace ConfPolicies; if( m_displayName[ 0 ] == '\0' ) { GetWebDirInfo( NULL, 0, NULL, 0, m_displayName, ARRAY_ELEMENTS(m_displayName) ); if ( '\0' == m_displayName[0] ) { USES_RES2T lstrcpy( m_displayName, RES2T( IDS_MS_INTERNET_DIRECTORY ) ); if( m_displayName[ 0 ] == '\0' ) { // Loading m_displayName from the resources failed... default to m_displayNameDefault... lstrcpy( m_displayName, m_displayNameDefault ); } } } return( m_displayName ); } // End of CDirectoryManager::loadDisplayName. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // CDirectoryManager::get_webDirectoryUrl. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// void CDirectoryManager::get_webDirectoryUrl(LPTSTR szWebDir, int cchmax) { using namespace ConfPolicies; if ( !isWebDirectoryEnabled() ) { szWebDir[0] = '\0'; return; } GetWebDirInfo( szWebDir, cchmax ); if ( '\0' != szWebDir[0] ) { // All done return; } void FormatURL(LPTSTR szURL); USES_RES2T lstrcpyn(szWebDir, RES2T(IDS_WEB_PAGE_FORMAT_WEBVIEW), cchmax); FormatURL(szWebDir); } // End of CDirectoryManager::get_webDirectoryUrl. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // CDirectoryManager::get_webDirectoryIls. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// const TCHAR * const CDirectoryManager::get_webDirectoryIls(void) { using namespace ConfPolicies; if (!isWebDirectoryEnabled()) { return(TEXT("")); } if ('\0' == m_ils[0]) { GetWebDirInfo( NULL, 0, m_ils, ARRAY_ELEMENTS(m_ils) ); if ('\0' == m_ils[0]) { lstrcpy(m_ils, TEXT("logon.netmeeting.microsoft.com")); } } return(m_ils); } // End of CDirectoryManager::get_webDirectoryIls. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // CDirectoryManager::isWebDirectoryEnabled. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// bool CDirectoryManager::isWebDirectoryEnabled(void) { static bool policyChecked = false; if( !policyChecked ) { policyChecked = true; m_webEnabled = !ConfPolicies::isWebDirectoryDisabled(); } return( m_webEnabled ); } // End of CDirectoryManager::isWebDirectoryEnabled. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// // CDirectoryManager::get_DomainDirectory. // //--------------------------------------------------------------------------// const TCHAR * const CDirectoryManager::get_DomainDirectory(void) { static bool bAccessAttempted = false; // only read this info once... if it fails once assume it's not available and don't retry until restarted... if( (!bAccessAttempted) && m_DomainDirectory[ 0 ] == '\0' ) { bAccessAttempted = true; // Try to obtain the configured directory for this domain... ITRendezvous * pRendezvous; HRESULT hrResult; hrResult = ::CoCreateInstance( CLSID_Rendezvous, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, IID_ITRendezvous, (void **) &pRendezvous ); if( (hrResult == S_OK) && (pRendezvous != NULL) ) { IEnumDirectory * pEnumDirectory; hrResult = pRendezvous->EnumerateDefaultDirectories( &pEnumDirectory ); if( (hrResult == S_OK) && (pEnumDirectory != NULL) ) { ITDirectory * pDirectory; bool bFoundILS = false; do { hrResult = pEnumDirectory->Next( 1, &pDirectory, NULL ); if( (hrResult == S_OK) && (pDirectory != NULL) ) { LPWSTR * ppServers; DIRECTORY_TYPE type; if( pDirectory->get_DirectoryType( &type ) == S_OK ) { if( type == DT_ILS ) // Found an ILS server configured on the DS... retrieve the name and port... { bFoundILS = true; BSTR pName; if( pDirectory->get_DisplayName( &pName ) == S_OK ) { LPTSTR szName; if (SUCCEEDED(BSTR_to_LPTSTR (&szName, pName))) { lstrcpy( m_DomainDirectory, szName ); delete (szName); } SysFreeString( pName ); } ITILSConfig * pITILSConfig; hrResult = pDirectory->QueryInterface( IID_ITILSConfig, (void **) &pITILSConfig ); if( (hrResult == S_OK) && (pITILSConfig != NULL) ) { long lPort; if( pITILSConfig->get_Port( &lPort ) == S_OK ) { TCHAR pszPort[ 32 ]; wsprintf( pszPort, TEXT( ":%d" ), lPort ); lstrcat( m_DomainDirectory, pszPort ); } pITILSConfig->Release(); } } } pDirectory->Release(); } } while( (!bFoundILS) && (hrResult == S_OK) && (pDirectory != NULL) ); pEnumDirectory->Release(); } pRendezvous->Release(); } } return( (m_DomainDirectory[ 0 ] != '\0')? m_DomainDirectory: NULL ); } // End of CDirectoryManager::get_DomainDirectory. // Returns non-empty strings if there is a web dir set by policy bool ConfPolicies::GetWebDirInfo( LPTSTR szURL, int cchmaxURL, LPTSTR szServer, int cchmaxServer, LPTSTR szName, int cchmaxName ) { // if the string params are messed up, just return false ASSERT( (!szURL || ( cchmaxURL > 0 )) && (!szServer || ( cchmaxServer > 0 )) && (!szName || ( cchmaxName > 0 )) ); bool bSuccess = false; // Try to get the registry value RegEntry rePol(POLICIES_KEY, HKEY_CURRENT_USER); LPCTSTR szTemp; szTemp = rePol.GetString( REGVAL_POL_INTRANET_WEBDIR_URL ); if( szTemp[0] ) { if (NULL != szURL) { lstrcpyn( szURL, szTemp, cchmaxURL ); } szTemp = rePol.GetString( REGVAL_POL_INTRANET_WEBDIR_SERVER ); if (szTemp[0]) { if (NULL != szServer) { lstrcpyn( szServer, szTemp, cchmaxServer ); } szTemp = rePol.GetString( REGVAL_POL_INTRANET_WEBDIR_NAME ); if( szTemp[0] ) { if (NULL != szName) { lstrcpyn( szName, szTemp, cchmaxName ); } // All three values must be specified for success bSuccess = true; } } } if (!bSuccess) { // Empty the strings if (NULL != szURL ) szURL [0] = '\0'; if (NULL != szServer) szServer[0] = '\0'; if (NULL != szName ) szName [0] = '\0'; } return(bSuccess); } bool g_bAutoAccept = false; bool ConfPolicies::IsAutoAcceptCallsOptionEnabled(void) { RegEntry rePol(POLICIES_KEY, HKEY_CURRENT_USER); return !rePol.GetNumber( REGVAL_POL_NO_AUTOACCEPTCALLS, DEFAULT_POL_NO_AUTOACCEPTCALLS ); } bool ConfPolicies::IsAutoAcceptCallsPersisted(void) { RegEntry rePol(POLICIES_KEY, HKEY_CURRENT_USER); return 0 != rePol.GetNumber( REGVAL_POL_PERSIST_AUTOACCEPTCALLS, DEFAULT_POL_PERSIST_AUTOACCEPTCALLS ); } bool ConfPolicies::IsAutoAcceptCallsEnabled(void) { bool bRet = false; if( IsAutoAcceptCallsOptionEnabled() ) { bRet = g_bAutoAccept; if (IsAutoAcceptCallsPersisted()) { // AutoAccept calls is _not_ disabled by the policy... we should check the AUTO_ACCEPT regval RegEntry reConf(CONFERENCING_KEY, HKEY_CURRENT_USER); if(reConf.GetNumber(REGVAL_AUTO_ACCEPT, g_bAutoAccept) ) { bRet = true; } } } return bRet; } void ConfPolicies::SetAutoAcceptCallsEnabled(bool bAutoAccept) { g_bAutoAccept = bAutoAccept; RegEntry reConf(CONFERENCING_KEY, HKEY_CURRENT_USER); reConf.SetValue(REGVAL_AUTO_ACCEPT, g_bAutoAccept); }