!ifndef ROOT ROOT=$(MAKEDIR:\ui\msconf=) !endif !ifndef DEVROOT DEVROOT=$(ROOT)\dev !endif !include $(DEVROOT)\common.inc MAJORCOMP=ui MINORCOMP=msconf TARGETNAME=msconf TARGETPATH=$(_OBJ_DIR) TARGETTYPE=DYNLINK C_DEFINES = $(C_DEFINES) -D_USRDLL DLLDEF=msconf.def DLLENTRY=_DllMainCRTStartup BBTCOMP=1 386_STDCALL=1 LINKLIBS=\ $(ROOT)\nmutil\nmutila\$(O)\nmutila.lib TARGETLIBS= \ $(SDK_LIB_PATH)\kernel32.lib \ $(SDK_LIB_PATH)\advapi32.lib \ $(SDK_LIB_PATH)\user32.lib \ $(SDK_LIB_PATH)\gdi32.lib \ $(SDK_LIB_PATH)\comdlg32.lib \ $(SDK_LIB_PATH)\ole32.lib \ $(SDK_LIB_PATH)\oleaut32.lib \ $(SDK_LIB_PATH)\uuid.lib \ $(SDK_LIB_PATH)\shell32.lib IDL_TYPE=ole PASS0_HEADERDIR = $(ROOT)\ui\msconf\$(O) PASS0_SOURCEDIR = $(ROOT)\ui\msconf\$(O) MIDL_TLBDIR = $(ROOT)\ui\msconf\$(O) MIDL_UUIDDIR = $(ROOT)\ui\msconf\$(O) # # List of sources # SOURCES= \ sdkInternal.idl \ sdkInternal_i.c \ imsconf3.idl \ imsconf3_i.c \ NetMeeting.idl\ NetMeeting_i.c\ Mslablti.idl\ Mslablti_i.c\ clcnflnk.cpp \ cldataob.cpp \ clenumft.cpp \ clpersis.cpp \ clprpsht.cpp \ clrefcnt.cpp \ dlginfo.cpp \ launstub.cpp\ marshalableti.cpp\ mrulist2.cpp \ NmSysInfo.cpp\ siDebug.cpp \ siLoad.cpp \ siMain.cpp \ si.rc \ watcher.cpp !if $(ALPHA) !if "$(FREEBUILD)" == "0" # QIThunk.lib is for ATL debugging on Alpha TARGETLIBS= $(TARGETLIBS) $(SDK_LIB_PATH)\qithunk.lib !else # we have to link with chkstk for _alloca # On i386 targets this works fine... However, the # Alpha needs OtsDivide32 from libc.lib # DEBGU builds are fine. because they use CRT already TARGETLIBS= $(TARGETLIBS) $(SDK_LIB_PATH)\libc.lib !endif !endif # Precompiled specs # PRECOMPILED_INCLUDE = precomp.h PRECOMPILED_SOURCEFILE = precomp.cpp PRECOMPILED_PCH = precomp.pch PRECOMPILED_OBJ = precomp.obj PRECOMPILED_CXX = 1 CONDITIONAL_INCLUDES = \ macocidl.h \ macwin32.h \ rpcerr.h \ rpcmac.h \ winwlm.h \ macname1.h \ macname2.h \ macpub.h \ macapi.h