' Copy the Terminal Services ActiveX control since we don't build it, but need it for private builds strReleasePath = "\\dsys-rel-fre\release\usa" strCabFile = "msrdp.cab" Set fileSystem = CreateObject ("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set releaseFolder = fileSystem.GetFolder(strReleasePath) 'Get the directory for the latest build 'This gets the latest build directory assuming the folders are listed alphabetically Set subFolders = releaseFolder.SubFolders For Each subFolder in subFolders name = subFolder.Name If InStr(1, name, "x86fre") Then strBuild = name End If Next strReleasePath = strReleasePath & "\" & strBuild & "\" Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") strPostBuildDir = WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%_NTPOSTBLD%") 'For some reason, I get an Access Denied message if I try to copy the file programmatically, 'so I create a batch file to copy the cab If fileSystem.FileExists(strReleasePath & strCabFile) Then Set batchFile = fileSystem.CreateTextFile("CopyMsrdp.bat", True) batchFile.WriteLine("copy " & strReleasePath & strCabFile & " " & strPostBuildDir) batchFile.Close Else wscript.echo "File does NOT Exist: " & strReleasePath & strCabFile End If