#pragma warning( disable: 4049 ) /* more than 64k source lines */ /* this ALWAYS GENERATED file contains the definitions for the interfaces */ /* File created by MIDL compiler version 6.00.0340 */ /* Compiler settings for ssdp.idl: Oicf, W1, Zp8, env=Win32 (32b run) protocol : dce , ms_ext, c_ext, robust error checks: allocation ref bounds_check enum stub_data VC __declspec() decoration level: __declspec(uuid()), __declspec(selectany), __declspec(novtable) DECLSPEC_UUID(), MIDL_INTERFACE() */ //@@MIDL_FILE_HEADING( ) /* verify that the version is high enough to compile this file*/ #ifndef __REQUIRED_RPCNDR_H_VERSION__ #define __REQUIRED_RPCNDR_H_VERSION__ 475 #endif #include "rpc.h" #include "rpcndr.h" #ifndef __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__ #error this stub requires an updated version of #endif // __RPCNDR_H_VERSION__ #ifndef __ssdp_h__ #define __ssdp_h__ #if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020) #pragma once #endif /* Forward Declarations */ /* header files for imported files */ #include "wtypes.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C"{ #endif void * __RPC_USER MIDL_user_allocate(size_t); void __RPC_USER MIDL_user_free( void * ); #ifndef __ssdpsrv_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ #define __ssdpsrv_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ /* interface ssdpsrv */ /* [auto_handle][unique][version][uuid] */ #define SSDP_SERVICE_PERSISTENT 0x00000001 #define NUM_OF_HEADERS 19 #define NUM_OF_METHODS 4 typedef enum _NOTIFY_TYPE { NOTIFY_ALIVE = 0, NOTIFY_PROP_CHANGE = NOTIFY_ALIVE + 1 } NOTIFY_TYPE; typedef enum _SSDP_METHOD { SSDP_NOTIFY = 0, SSDP_M_SEARCH = 1, GENA_SUBSCRIBE = 2, GENA_UNSUBSCRIBE = 3, SSDP_INVALID = 4 } SSDP_METHOD; typedef enum _SSDP_METHOD *PSSDP_METHOD; typedef enum _SSDP_HEADER { SSDP_HOST = 0, SSDP_NT = SSDP_HOST + 1, SSDP_NTS = SSDP_NT + 1, SSDP_ST = SSDP_NTS + 1, SSDP_MAN = SSDP_ST + 1, SSDP_MX = SSDP_MAN + 1, SSDP_LOCATION = SSDP_MX + 1, SSDP_AL = SSDP_LOCATION + 1, SSDP_USN = SSDP_AL + 1, SSDP_CACHECONTROL = SSDP_USN + 1, GENA_CALLBACK = SSDP_CACHECONTROL + 1, GENA_TIMEOUT = GENA_CALLBACK + 1, GENA_SCOPE = GENA_TIMEOUT + 1, GENA_SID = GENA_SCOPE + 1, GENA_SEQ = GENA_SID + 1, CONTENT_LENGTH = GENA_SEQ + 1, CONTENT_TYPE = CONTENT_LENGTH + 1, SSDP_SERVER = CONTENT_TYPE + 1, SSDP_EXT = SSDP_SERVER + 1 } SSDP_HEADER; typedef enum _SSDP_HEADER *PSSDP_HEADER; typedef /* [string] */ LPSTR MIDL_SZ; typedef struct _SSDP_REQUEST { SSDP_METHOD Method; /* [string] */ LPSTR RequestUri; MIDL_SZ Headers[ 19 ]; /* [string] */ LPSTR ContentType; /* [string] */ LPSTR Content; GUID guidInterface; } SSDP_REQUEST; typedef struct _SSDP_REQUEST *PSSDP_REQUEST; typedef struct _SSDP_MESSAGE { /* [string] */ LPSTR szType; /* [string] */ LPSTR szLocHeader; /* [string] */ LPSTR szAltHeaders; /* [string] */ LPSTR szUSN; /* [string] */ LPSTR szSid; DWORD iSeq; UINT iLifeTime; /* [string] */ LPSTR szContent; } SSDP_MESSAGE; typedef struct _SSDP_MESSAGE *PSSDP_MESSAGE; typedef struct _SSDP_REGISTER_INFO { /* [string] */ LPSTR szSid; DWORD csecTimeout; } SSDP_REGISTER_INFO; typedef struct _MessageList { long size; /* [size_is] */ SSDP_REQUEST *list; } MessageList; typedef enum _UPNP_PROPERTY_FLAG { UPF_NON_EVENTED = 0x1 } UPNP_PROPERTY_FLAG; typedef struct _UPNP_PROPERTY { /* [string] */ LPSTR szName; DWORD dwFlags; /* [string] */ LPSTR szValue; } UPNP_PROPERTY; typedef struct _SUBSCRIBER_INFO { /* [string] */ LPSTR szDestUrl; FILETIME ftTimeout; DWORD csecTimeout; DWORD iSeq; /* [string] */ LPSTR szSid; } SUBSCRIBER_INFO; typedef struct _EVTSRC_INFO { DWORD cSubs; /* [size_is] */ SUBSCRIBER_INFO *rgSubs; } EVTSRC_INFO; typedef /* [context_handle] */ void *PCONTEXT_HANDLE_TYPE; typedef /* [context_handle] */ void *PSYNC_HANDLE_TYPE; /* client prototype */ int RegisterServiceRpc( /* [out] */ PCONTEXT_HANDLE_TYPE *pphContext, /* [in] */ SSDP_MESSAGE svc, /* [in] */ DWORD flags); /* server prototype */ int _RegisterServiceRpc( /* [out] */ PCONTEXT_HANDLE_TYPE *pphContext, /* [in] */ SSDP_MESSAGE svc, /* [in] */ DWORD flags); /* client prototype */ int DeregisterServiceRpcByUSN( /* [string][in] */ LPSTR szUSN, /* [in] */ BOOL fByebye); /* server prototype */ int _DeregisterServiceRpcByUSN( /* [string][in] */ LPSTR szUSN, /* [in] */ BOOL fByebye); /* client prototype */ int DeregisterServiceRpc( /* [out][in] */ PCONTEXT_HANDLE_TYPE *pphContext, /* [in] */ BOOL fByebye); /* server prototype */ int _DeregisterServiceRpc( /* [out][in] */ PCONTEXT_HANDLE_TYPE *pphContext, /* [in] */ BOOL fByebye); /* client prototype */ void UpdateCacheRpc( /* [unique][in] */ PSSDP_REQUEST SsdpRequest); /* server prototype */ void _UpdateCacheRpc( /* [unique][in] */ PSSDP_REQUEST SsdpRequest); /* client prototype */ int LookupCacheRpc( /* [string][in] */ LPSTR szType, /* [out] */ MessageList **svcList); /* server prototype */ int _LookupCacheRpc( /* [string][in] */ LPSTR szType, /* [out] */ MessageList **svcList); /* client prototype */ void CleanupCacheRpc( void); /* server prototype */ void _CleanupCacheRpc( void); /* client prototype */ int InitializeSyncHandle( /* [out] */ PSYNC_HANDLE_TYPE *pphContextSync); /* server prototype */ int _InitializeSyncHandle( /* [out] */ PSYNC_HANDLE_TYPE *pphContextSync); /* client prototype */ void RemoveSyncHandle( /* [out][in] */ PSYNC_HANDLE_TYPE *pphContextSync); /* server prototype */ void _RemoveSyncHandle( /* [out][in] */ PSYNC_HANDLE_TYPE *pphContextSync); /* client prototype */ int RegisterNotificationRpc( /* [out] */ PCONTEXT_HANDLE_TYPE *pphContext, /* [in] */ PSYNC_HANDLE_TYPE phContextSync, /* [in] */ NOTIFY_TYPE nt, /* [string][unique][in] */ LPSTR szType, /* [string][unique][in] */ LPSTR szEventUrl, /* [out] */ SSDP_REGISTER_INFO **ppinfo); /* server prototype */ int _RegisterNotificationRpc( /* [out] */ PCONTEXT_HANDLE_TYPE *pphContext, /* [in] */ PSYNC_HANDLE_TYPE phContextSync, /* [in] */ NOTIFY_TYPE nt, /* [string][unique][in] */ LPSTR szType, /* [string][unique][in] */ LPSTR szEventUrl, /* [out] */ SSDP_REGISTER_INFO **ppinfo); /* client prototype */ int GetNotificationRpc( /* [in] */ PSYNC_HANDLE_TYPE pphContextSync, /* [out] */ MessageList **svcList); /* server prototype */ int _GetNotificationRpc( /* [in] */ PSYNC_HANDLE_TYPE pphContextSync, /* [out] */ MessageList **svcList); /* client prototype */ int WakeupGetNotificationRpc( /* [in] */ PSYNC_HANDLE_TYPE pphContextSync); /* server prototype */ int _WakeupGetNotificationRpc( /* [in] */ PSYNC_HANDLE_TYPE pphContextSync); /* client prototype */ int DeregisterNotificationRpc( /* [out][in] */ PCONTEXT_HANDLE_TYPE *pphContext, /* [in] */ BOOL fLast); /* server prototype */ int _DeregisterNotificationRpc( /* [out][in] */ PCONTEXT_HANDLE_TYPE *pphContext, /* [in] */ BOOL fLast); /* client prototype */ void EnableDeviceHost( void); /* server prototype */ void _EnableDeviceHost( void); /* client prototype */ void DisableDeviceHost( void); /* server prototype */ void _DisableDeviceHost( void); /* client prototype */ void SetICSInterfaces( /* [in] */ long nCount, /* [size_is][in] */ GUID *arInterfaces); /* server prototype */ void _SetICSInterfaces( /* [in] */ long nCount, /* [size_is][in] */ GUID *arInterfaces); /* client prototype */ void SetICSOff( void); /* server prototype */ void _SetICSOff( void); /* client prototype */ void HelloProc( /* [string][in] */ LPSTR pszString); /* server prototype */ void _HelloProc( /* [string][in] */ LPSTR pszString); /* client prototype */ void Shutdown( void); /* server prototype */ void _Shutdown( void); extern RPC_IF_HANDLE ssdpsrv_v1_0_c_ifspec; extern RPC_IF_HANDLE _ssdpsrv_v1_0_s_ifspec; #endif /* __ssdpsrv_INTERFACE_DEFINED__ */ /* Additional Prototypes for ALL interfaces */ void __RPC_USER PCONTEXT_HANDLE_TYPE_rundown( PCONTEXT_HANDLE_TYPE ); void __RPC_USER PSYNC_HANDLE_TYPE_rundown( PSYNC_HANDLE_TYPE ); /* end of Additional Prototypes */ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif