<% '================================================== ' Module: ots_task.asp ' ' Synopsis: Object Task Selector Task Formatting Functions ' ' Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. '================================================== %> <% ' ' -------------------------------------------------------------- ' T A S K O B J E C T ' -------------------------------------------------------------- ' Const OTS_TASK_DIM = 5 Const OTS_TASK_TASK = 0 Const OTS_TASK_DESC = 1 Const OTS_TASK_LINK = 2 Const OTS_TASK_PAGE_TYPE = 3 Const OTS_TASK_FUNCTION = 4 ' ' Task Page types ' Const OTS_PAGE_TYPE_NEW_PAGE = 0 Const OTS_PT_NEW_WINDOW = 0 Const OTS_PAGE_TYPE_STANDARD_PAGE = 1 Const OTS_PT_AREA = 1 Const OTS_PAGE_TYPE_SIMPLE_PROPERTY = 2 Const OTS_PT_PROPERTY = 2 Const OTS_PAGE_TYPE_TABBED_PROPERTY = 3 Const OTS_PT_TABBED_PROPERTY = 3 Const OTS_PAGE_TYPE_WIZARD_PROPERTY = 4 Const OTS_PT_WIZARD = 4 Const OTS_PAGE_TYPE_RAW = 5 Const OTS_PT_RAW = 5 ' -------------------------------------------------------------- ' ' Function: OTS_CreateTaskEx ' ' Synopsis: Create a new task ' ' Arguments: [in] Task text ' [in] Description of what the task contains ' [in] Task link ' [in] Page Type ' [in] Task Function ' ' Returns: The Table object ' ' -------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function OTS_CreateTaskEx(ByVal Task, ByVal TaskDescription, ByVal TaskHLink, ByVal PageType, ByVal TaskFn) Dim TaskItem() ReDim TaskItem(OTS_TASK_DIM) SA_ClearError() TaskItem(OTS_TASK_TASK) = Task TaskItem(OTS_TASK_DESC) = TaskDescription TaskItem(OTS_TASK_LINK) = TaskHLink TaskItem(OTS_TASK_PAGE_TYPE) = PageType TaskItem(OTS_TASK_FUNCTION) = TaskFn OTS_CreateTaskEx = TaskItem End Function Public Function OTS_CreateTask(ByVal Task, ByVal TaskDescription, ByVal TaskHLink, ByVal PageType) OTS_CreateTask = OTS_CreateTaskEx(Task, TaskDescription, TaskHLink, PageType, "OTS_TaskAlways") End Function ' -------------------------------------------------------------- ' ' Function: OTS_IsValidTask ' ' Synopsis: Check to see if the supplied object is a valid task ' object ' ' Arguments: [in] Task text ' ' Returns: True if Task is valid, false otherwise. ' ' -------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function OTS_IsValidTask(ByRef Task) OTS_IsValidTask = false If (IsArray(Task)) Then If (UBound(Task) = OTS_TASK_DIM) Then OTS_IsValidTask = true End If End If End Function %>