% '================================================== ' Microsoft Server Appliance ' ' sh_tasks - Implementation details for Tasks ' ' Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. '================================================== %> <% 'Constants that are used in CreateColumnHTML Const ONE_COLUMN = 1 Const TWO_COLUMNS = 2 Const MAX_COLUMNS = 3 Const TASK_ONE_LEVEL = 0 Const TASK_TWO_LEVEL = 1 Const TASK_MANY_LEVEL = 2 Const TASK_RELATED_LEVEL = 3 Const EMBEDDED_PAGE = "FRAMESET" Dim g_sMultiTab Dim g_sMultiTabContainer Dim g_sReturnURL '---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ' Function : ServeTasks ' ' Synopsis : Serves the task links ' ' Arguments: None ' ' Returns : None ' '---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Function ServeTasks Dim dwTaskType Dim strContainer Dim strContainerItem Dim strTabsParam If Len(Trim(Request.QueryString("MultiTab"))) > 0 Then strContainer = Request.QueryString("MultiTab") g_sMultiTab = strContainer strContainerItem = Request.QueryString("Container") g_sMultiTabContainer = strContainerItem strTabsParam = "Tab1=" & GetTab1() If ( Len(Trim(GetTab2())) > 0 ) Then strTabsParam = strTabsParam & "&Tab2=" & GetTab2() End If dwTaskType = TASK_MANY_LEVEL Else strContainer = "TABS" strContainerItem = GetTab1() strTabsParam = "" If ( UCase("TabHome") = UCase(Request.QueryString("HOME")) ) Then dwTaskType = TASK_ONE_LEVEL Else dwTaskType = TASK_TWO_LEVEL End If End If g_sReturnURL = Request.QueryString("ReturnURL") Call SA_ServeTasks(strContainer, strContainerItem, dwTaskType, strTabsParam ) If Len(Trim(g_sReturnURL)) > 0 Then Call SA_ServeBackButton(True, g_sReturnURL) End If End Function Private Function IsHomeTask(ByVal dwTaskTYpe ) If ( dwTaskType = TASK_ONE_LEVEL ) Then IsHomeTask = TRUE Else IsHomeTask = FALSE End If End Function Private Function IsRelatedTask(ByVal dwTaskTYpe ) If ( dwTaskType = TASK_RELATED_LEVEL) Then IsRelatedTask = TRUE Else IsRelatedTask = FALSE End If End Function Public Function SA_ServeTasks(ByVal strContainerIn, ByVal strSelectedIDIn, ByVal dwTaskType, ByVal strTabParams ) on error resume next Err.Clear Dim colTabs ' the selected tab of interest Dim sSelectedID sSelectedID = strSelectedIDIn ' the element we're currently at Dim sElementID ' the IWebElement object Dim objElement ' the secondLevelContainer Dim sContainer Dim sDescriptionText Dim sCaptionText Dim sElementGraphic Dim sLongDescriptionText sContainer = "" ' go through each element and output the tab link for them Set colTabs = GetElements(strContainerIn) For Each objElement In colTabs sElementID = objElement.GetProperty("ElementID") If IsSameElementID(sElementID, sSelectedID) Then If ( Len(objElement.GetProperty("DescriptionRID")) > 0 ) Then sDescriptionText = GetLocalized(objElement.GetProperty("Source"), objElement.GetProperty("DescriptionRID")) Else sDescriptionText = "" End If If ( Len(objElement.GetProperty("LongDescriptionRID")) > 0 ) Then sLongDescriptionText = GetLocalized(objElement.GetProperty("Source"), objElement.GetProperty("LongDescriptionRID")) Else sLongDescriptionText = "" End If sCaptionText = GetLocalized(objElement.GetProperty("Source"), objElement.GetProperty("CaptionRID")) If ( Err.Number <> 0 ) Then SA_TraceOut "SA_TASKS", "Invalid/Missing CaptionRID for ElementID: " + sElementID End If Call GetBigGraphic( objElement, sElementGraphic, dwTaskType ) Exit For End If Next ' objElement Set colTabs = Nothing rw("
") rw("") End Function '---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' ' Function : ServeColumns ' ' Synopsis : Generates HTML columns. ' ' Arguments: strItem(IN) - if strItem is "TABS", it'll display home page with all the TABS ' - if strItem is "TASKS", it'll display all the tasks in columns. ' - if strItem is "DISKS_RELATEDLINKS", it'll display all the related links. ' bInRelated(IN) - True, if this is a table that has related links ' - False, if this is a table that is rendered for tasks. ' strElementGraphic(IN) - resource dll for each tab string (array) ' bInWelcome(IN) - True if we are rendering Welcome page, False otherwise. ' ' Returns : None ' '---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub ServeColumns( strItem, blnRelated, strElementGraphic, dwTaskType, strTabParams ) On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim objElements, objItem Dim intRowCount Dim strArrTasksImage Dim strArrTasksCaption Dim strArrTasksHover Dim strArrTasksDesc Dim strArrTasksURL Dim strArrSource Dim bArrIsEmbedded Dim strArrTaskPageType Dim strArrTaskPageWindowFeatures Dim intElementCount Dim sReturnURL Dim bSmallIcon Dim i Dim j ' the big image on the left side when a tab is selected. Dim bBigIcon intElementCount = 0 i = 0 j = 0 Set objElements = GetElements( strItem ) intElementCount = objElements.Count ReDim strArrTasksImage( intElementCount ) ReDim strArrTasksCaption( intElementCount ) ReDim strArrTasksHover( intElementCount ) ReDim strArrTasksDesc( intElementCount ) ReDim strArrTasksURL( intElementCount ) ReDim strArrSource( intElementCount ) ReDim bArrIsEmbedded( intElementCount ) ReDim strArrTaskPageType( intElementCount ) ReDim strArrTaskPageWindowFeatures( intElementCount ) If strElementGraphic = "" Then bBigIcon = False Else bBigIcon = True End If For Each objItem in objElements 'SA_TraceOut "SA_TASKS", "ServeColumns elementID: " + objItem.GetProperty("ElementID") strArrTaskPageType(i) = objItem.GetProperty("PageType") strArrTaskPageWindowFeatures(i) = objItem.GetProperty("WindowFeatures") j = j + 1 bArrIsEmbedded(i) = false If objItem.GetProperty("IsEmbedded") = 1 Then bArrIsEmbedded(i) = true Else Dim sPageType sPageType = objItem.GetProperty("PageType") If ( UCase(sPageType) = EMBEDDED_PAGE ) Then bArrIsEmbedded(i) = true End If End If If ( Len(objItem.GetProperty("LongDescriptionRID")) > 0 ) Then strArrTasksHover(i) = GetLocalized(objItem.GetProperty("Source"), objItem.GetProperty("LongDescriptionRID")) Else strArrTasksHover(i) = "" End If If (Not IsHomeTask(dwTaskType)) Or ( objItem.GetProperty("ElementID") <> Request.QueryString("HOME") ) Then strArrSource( i ) = objItem.GetProperty("Source") Call GetSmallGraphic(objItem, strArrTasksImage(i) ) If IsRawURLPage(sPageType) Then strArrTasksURL(i) = objItem.GetProperty("URL") Else Select Case (dwTaskType) Case TASK_ONE_LEVEL strArrTasksURL(i) = objItem.GetProperty("URL") Call SA_MungeURL(strArrTasksURL(i), "Tab1", objItem.GetProperty("ElementID")) Case TASK_TWO_LEVEL strArrTasksURL(i) = objItem.GetProperty("URL") If (strArrTasksURL(i) <> "") Then Call SA_MungeURL(strArrTasksURL(i), "Tab1", GetTab1()) Call SA_MungeURL(strArrTasksURL(i), "Tab2", objItem.GetProperty("ElementID")) If ( true = bArrIsEmbedded(i) ) Then 'sReturnURL = m_VirtualRoot + "tasks.asp" Else If Len(g_sReturnURL) > 0 Then Call SA_MungeURL(strArrTasksURL(i), "ReturnURL", g_sReturnURL) Else sReturnURL = "tasks.asp" Call SA_MungeURL(sReturnURL, "Tab1", GetTab1()) Call SA_MungeURL(sReturnURL, SAI_FLD_PAGEKEY, SAI_GetPageKey()) 'Call SA_MungeURL(sReturnURL, "Tab2", objItem.GetProperty("ElementID")) Call SA_MungeURL(strArrTasksURL(i), "ReturnURL", sReturnURL) End If End If End If Case TASK_MANY_LEVEL strArrTasksURL(i) = objItem.GetProperty("URL") If (strArrTasksURL(i) <> "") Then If InStr(strArrTasksURL(i), "?") Then strArrTasksURL(i) = strArrTasksURL(i) + "&"+ strTabParams If ( true = bArrIsEmbedded(i) ) Then 'sReturnURL = m_VirtualRoot + "tasks.asp" Else sReturnURL = "tasks.asp" Call SA_MungeURL(sReturnURL, "MultiTab", g_sMultiTab) Call SA_MungeURL(sReturnURL, "Container", g_sMultiTabContainer) Call SA_MungeURL(sReturnURL, "Tab1", GetTab1()) Call SA_MungeURL(sReturnURL, "Tab2", GetTab2()) Call SA_MungeURL(sReturnURL, "ReturnURL", g_sReturnURL) Call SA_MungeURL(sReturnURL, SAI_FLD_PAGEKEY, SAI_GetPageKey()) Call SA_MungeURL(strArrTasksURL(i), "ReturnURL", sReturnURL) End If Else strArrTasksURL(i) = strArrTasksURL(i) + "?"+ strTabParams If ( true = bArrIsEmbedded(i) ) Then 'sReturnURL = m_VirtualRoot + "tasks.asp" Else sReturnURL = "tasks.asp" Call SA_MungeURL(sReturnURL, "MultiTab", g_sMultiTab) Call SA_MungeURL(sReturnURL, "Container", g_sMultiTabContainer) Call SA_MungeURL(sReturnURL, "Tab1", GetTab1()) Call SA_MungeURL(sReturnURL, "Tab2", GetTab2()) Call SA_MungeURL(sReturnURL, "ReturnURL", g_sReturnURL) Call SA_MungeURL(sReturnURL, SAI_FLD_PAGEKEY, SAI_GetPageKey()) Call SA_MungeURL(strArrTasksURL(i), "ReturnURL", sReturnURL) End If End If End If Case TASK_RELATED_LEVEL strArrTasksURL(i) = objItem.GetProperty("URL") Case Else SA_TraceOut "SA_TASKS", "Unrecognized Task Option: " +CStr(dwTaskType) strArrTasksURL(i) = objItem.GetProperty("URL") End Select End If If (0 = InStr(1, strArrTasksURL(i), ":")) Then Call SA_MungeURL(strArrTasksURL(i), SAI_FLD_PAGEKEY, SAI_GetPageKey()) End If strArrTasksCaption(i) = GetLocalized( strArrSource(i), objItem.GetProperty("CaptionRID") ) If ( Len(objItem.GetProperty("DescriptionRID")) > 0 ) Then strArrTasksDesc(i) = GetLocalized( strArrSource(i), objItem.GetProperty("DescriptionRID") ) Else strArrTasksDesc(i) = "" End If i = i + 1 Else intElementCount = intElementCount - 1 Call GetSmallGraphic(objItem, strArrTasksImage(i) ) End If Next 'Check if atleast one icon is represented, bSmallIcon = CheckIfAtleastOneIconPresent( strArrTasksImage, intElementCount ) If Not IsRelatedTask(dwTaskType) Then If strElementGraphic = "" Then rw ("" & sCaptionText & "") rw("" & sLongDescriptionText & "
") 'Check to see if the selectedID is a home page. If ( IsHomeTask(dwTaskType) ) Then Call ServeColumns( "TABS", False, sElementGraphic, dwTaskType, strTabParams ) Else Call ServeColumns( sElementID, False, sElementGraphic, dwTaskType, strTabParams ) End If Call ServeColumns( sElementID&"_RelatedLinks", True, "" , TASK_RELATED_LEVEL, strTabParams ) rw("
rw (" |