// // Microsoft Server Appliance - Quotas Support Functions // Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. // // to check for maximum allowed warning size for the given Units function checkSizeAndUnits( Size, Units) { // Units can be any one of "KB","MB","GB","TB","PB","EB" only. if (Units =="GB"){ if (Size > 999999999) return false; } if (Units =="TB"){ if (Size > 999999) return false; } if (Units =="PB"){ if (Size > 999) return false; } if (Units =="EB"){ if (Size > 6) return false; } return true; } // to allow only Number to display on key press function allownumbers( obj ) { if(window.event.keyCode == 13) return true; if ( !( window.event.keyCode >=48 && window.event.keyCode <=57 )) //|| window.event.keyCode == 46 ) ) { window.event.keyCode = 0; obj.focus(); } } // to check whether Minimum of 1 KB is Allowed in Warning Limit Text Box. function validatedisklimit(objsize, limitunit) { if ( objsize.value < 1 && limitunit == "KB" ) objsize.value = 1; } // Disable the text box and list if 1st radio checked function DisableWarnLevel(objThresholdSize,objThresholdUnits) { //var L_NOLIMIT_TEXT = "No Limit"; ClearErr(); // stmts to remove the select() and write "No Limit" if first radio checked if( isNaN(objThresholdSize.value) || objThresholdSize.value == "" ) objThresholdSize.value = "1" ; // "No Limit" // disable the fields objThresholdSize.disabled = true; objThresholdUnits.disabled = true; } // Enable the text box and list if 2nd radio checked function EnableWarnDiskSpace(objThresholdSize, objThresholdUnits) { ClearErr(); objThresholdSize.disabled = false; objThresholdUnits.disabled = false; if( isNaN(objThresholdSize.value ) ) objThresholdSize.value = "1" ; selectFocus(objThresholdSize); } // Disable the text box and list if 1st radio checked function DisableLimitLevel(objLimitSize, objLimitSizeUnits) { //var L_NOLIMIT_TEXT = ""; ClearErr(); // stmts to remove the select() and write "No Limit" if first radio checked if( isNaN(objLimitSize.value) || objLimitSize.value == "" ) objLimitSize.value = "1" ; // "No Limit" // disable the fields objLimitSize.disabled = true; objLimitSizeUnits.disabled = true; } // Disable the text box and list if 1st radio checked function DisableLimitLevelForAdmin(objLimitSize, objLimitSizeUnits) { //var L_NOLIMIT_TEXT = ""; ClearErr(); // stmts to remove the select() and write "No Limit" if first radio checked if( isNaN(objLimitSize.value) || objLimitSize.value == "" ) objLimitSize.value = "No Limit"; // disable the fields objLimitSize.disabled = true; objLimitSizeUnits.disabled = true; } // Enable the text box and list if 2nd radio checked function EnableLimitDiskSpace(objLimitSize, objLimitSizeUnits) { ClearErr(); objLimitSize.disabled = false; objLimitSizeUnits.disabled = false; if( isNaN( objLimitSize.value ) ) objLimitSize.value = "1" ; selectFocus(objLimitSize); } // to validate if the field is of numeric type function isSizeValidDataType(textValue) { if ( isNaN(textValue) || (parseFloat(textValue) <= 0) || textValue.length == 0 ) { return false; } return true; } // to verify if the warning level is greater than Limit function isWarningMoreThanLimit(objLimit,objLimitUnits,objWarnLimit,objWarnUnits) { var nLimitInFloat = changeToFloat(objLimit.value, objLimitUnits.value); var nThresholdInFloat = changeToFloat(objWarnLimit.value, objWarnUnits.value); if(nThresholdInFloat >nLimitInFloat) { return true; } return false; } // to convert to float Value function changeToFloat(nLimit, strUnits) { var arrUnits = ["KB","MB","GB","TB","PB","EB"]; var nSizeOfArr = arrUnits.length ; for(var i=0;i