<% Option Explicit %>
' nicip_prop.asp : Page gets/sets the IP adresses along with
' GateWay Addresses
' Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
' Date Description
' 06-Mar-2001 Created date
' 10-Mar-2001 Modified date
' Form Variables
Dim F_strIPAddress ' to hold IP address
Dim F_strSubnetMask ' to hold subnet mask
Dim F_nConnectionMetric ' to hold connection metric
Dim F_strGatewayAddress ' to hold gateway address
Dim F_strListIP ' to hold array of IP
Dim F_strListGateway ' to hold array of Gateway
Dim F_strRadIP ' to hold the radio button selected
' Global Variables
Dim g_arrIPList ' List of IP Addresses
Dim g_arrGATEWAYList ' List of Gateway Addresses
Dim page ' to hold page object
Dim blnDHCPEnabled ' to hold whether DHCP is enabled or not
Dim g_strDeviceID ' to hold device ID
Dim g_initialIPAddress
SOURCE_FILE = SA_GetScriptFileName()
Dim g_iTabGeneral ' to hold value of general page
Dim g_iTabAdvanced ' to hold value of Advanced page
Dim g_strTabValue ' to hold value of general tab
Dim g_strAdvTabValue ' to hold value of Advanced tab
Const G_CONST_REGISTRY_PATH ="SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\Interfaces"
' Entry point
' Create a Property Page
Call SA_CreatePage( L_TASKTITLE_TEXT, "", PT_TABBED, page )
Call SA_AddTabPage(page, L_GENERAL_TEXT, g_iTabGeneral)
Call SA_AddTabPage(page, L_ADVANCED_TEXT, g_iTabAdvanced)
' Serve the page
Call SA_ShowPage( page )
' Web Framework Event Handlers
'Function: OnInitPage()
'Description: Called to signal first time processing for this page.
' Use this method to do first time initialization tasks.
'Input Variables: PageIn,EventArg
'Output Variables: PageIn,EventArg
'Returns: TRUE to indicate initialization was successful. FALSE to indicate
' errors. Returning FALSE will cause the page to be abandoned.
'Global Variables: None
Public Function OnInitPage(ByRef PageIn, ByRef EventArg)
Dim itemCount 'holds item count
Dim x 'holds increment count for the loop
Dim itemKey 'holds the item selected from the OTS page
Call SA_TraceOut(SOURCE_FILE, "OnInitPage")
itemCount = OTS_GetTableSelectionCount("")
For x = 1 to itemCount
If ( OTS_GetTableSelection("", x, itemKey) ) Then
g_strDeviceID = itemKey ' to get the device ID
Exit for
End If
OnInitPage = TRUE
End Function
'Function: OnServeTabbedPropertyPage
'Description: Called when the page needs to be served.Use this
' method to serve content
'Input Variables: PageIn,EventArg, iTab,bIsVisible
'Output Variables: PageIn,EventArg
'Returns: TRUE to indicate not problems occured. FALSE to indicate errors.
' Returning FALSE will cause the page to be abandoned.
'Global Variables: SOURCE_FILE, g_*
Public Function OnServeTabbedPropertyPage(ByRef PageIn, _
ByVal iTab, _
ByVal bIsVisible, ByRef EventArg)
Call SA_TraceOut(SOURCE_FILE, "OnServeTabbedPropertyPage")
Select Case iTab
Case g_iTabGeneral
Call ServeTabGeneral(PageIn, bIsVisible)
Case g_iTabAdvanced
Call ServeTabAdvanced(PageIn, bIsVisible)
Case Else
Call SA_TraceErrorOut(SOURCE_FILE, "OnServeTabbedPropertyPage unrecognized tab id: " + CStr(iTab))
End Select
OnServeTabbedPropertyPage = TRUE
End Function
'Function: OnPostBackPage()
'Description: Called to signal a post-back. A post-back occurs as the user
' navigates through pages. This event should be used to save the
' state of the current page.
'Input Variables: PageIn,EventArg
'Output Variables: PageIn,EventArg
'Returns: True
'Global Variables: F_*,G_*,g_*
Public Function OnPostBackPage(ByRef PageIn, ByRef EventArg)
Call SA_TraceOut(SOURCE_FILE, "OnPostBackPage")
g_strTabValue = Request.Form("hdnGeneralTabValue")
g_strAdvTabValue = Request.Form("hdnAdvancedTabValue")
g_strDeviceID = Request.Form("hdnDeviceID")
g_initialIPAddress = Request.Form("hdnInitialIPValue")
F_strRadIP = Request.Form("hdnRadIP")
F_strListIP = Request.Form("hdnlstIP")
F_strListGateway = Request.Form("hdnlstGATEWAY")
F_strIPAddress = Request.Form("txtIP")
F_strSubnetMask = Request.Form("txtMask")
F_strGatewayAddress = Request.Form("txtGateway")
F_nConnectionMetric = Request.Form("txtConnectionMetric")
OnPostBackPage = TRUE
End Function
'Function: OnSubmitPage()
'Description: Called when the page has been submitted for processing.
' Use this method to process the submit request.
'Input Variables: PageIn,EventArg
'Output Variables: PageIn,EventArg
'Returns: TRUE if the submit was successful, FALSE to indicate error(s).
' Returning FALSE will cause the page to be served again using
' a call to OnServeTabbedPropertyPage.
'Global Variables: F_*, g_*, blnDHCPEnabled,
Public Function OnSubmitPage(ByRef PageIn, ByRef EventArg)
Call SA_TraceOut(SOURCE_FILE, "OnSubmitPage")
'checking whether DHCP is enabled
If Ucase(Request.Form("radIP"))="IPDEFAULT" Then
blnDHCPEnabled = TRUE
blnDHCPEnabled = FALSE
End If
'Set Individual NIC properties
OnSubmitPage = setNIC()
End Function
'Function: OnClosePage()
'Description: Called when the page is about closed.Use this method
' to perform clean-up processing
'Input Variables: PageIn,EventArg
'Output Variables: PageIn,EventArg
'Returns: TRUE to allow close, FALSE to prevent close. Returning FALSE
' will result in a call to OnServeTabbedPropertyPage.
'Global Variables: None
Public Function OnClosePage(ByRef PageIn, ByRef EventArg)
Call SA_TraceOut(SOURCE_FILE, "OnClosePage")
OnClosePage = TRUE
End Function
'Function: ServeTabGeneral
'Description: Called when the general page needs to be served.
'Input Variables: PageIn,EventArg
'Output Variables: PageIn,EventArg
'Returns: SA_NO_ERROR
'Global Variables: SOURCE_FILE, g_*,F_*
Private Function ServeTabGeneral(ByRef PageIn, ByVal bIsVisible)
Call SA_TraceOut(SOURCE_FILE, "ServeTabGeneral(PageIn, bIsVisible="+ CStr(bIsVisible) + ")")
If ( bIsVisible ) Then
'call the java script function
Call ServeCommonJavaScript()
Call ServeGeneralTabJavaScript()
'Serves UI for General tab
Call ServeGeneralUI()
End If
ServeTabGeneral = SA_NO_ERROR
End Function
'Function: ServeTabAdvanced
'Description: Called when the Advanced page needs to be served.
'Input Variables: PageIn,EventArg
'Output Variables: PageIn,EventArg
'Returns: SA_NO_ERROR
'Global Variables: SOURCE_FILE, g_*,F_*
Private Function ServeTabAdvanced(ByRef PageIn, ByVal bIsVisible)
Call SA_TraceOut(SOURCE_FILE, "ServeTabAdvanced(PageIn, bIsVisible="+ CStr(bIsVisible) + ")")
If ( bIsVisible ) Then
'Serve common javascript that is required for this page type.
Call ServeCommonJavaScript()
Call ServeAdvancedTabJavaScript()
'Serve UI for Advanced tab
Call ServeAdvancedUI()
End If
ServeTabAdvanced = SA_NO_ERROR
End Function
'Function: ServeGeneralTabJavaScript
'Description: Serve common javascript that is required for general tab
'Input Variables: None
'Output Variables: None
'Returns: None
'Global Variables: None
Function ServeGeneralTabJavaScript()
End Function
'Function: ServeAdvancedTabJavaScript
'Description: Serve common javascript that is required for Advanced tab
'Input Variables: None
'Output Variables: None
'Returns: None
'Global Variables: None
Function ServeAdvancedTabJavaScript()
End Function
'Function: ServeCommonJavaScript
'Description: Serve common javascript that is required for this page type.
'Input Variables: None
'Output Variables: None
'Returns: None
'Global Variables: None
Function ServeCommonJavaScript()
End Function
'Function: ServeGeneralUI
'Description: Serves the HTML content for General tab
'Input Variables: None
'Output Variables: None
'Returns: None
'Global Variables: g_*, F_*, blnDHCPEnabled, L_*
Function ServeGeneralUI()
Call SA_TraceOut(SOURCE_FILE, "ServeGeneralUI")
'check whether DHCP is enabled
Dim objService ' WMI connection object
Dim objInstance ' Adapter instance
'Trying to connect to the server
Set objService=GetWMIConnection(CONST_WMI_WIN32_NAMESPACE)
'Getting the instance of the particulat NIC card object
Set objInstance = getNetworkAdapterObject(objService,g_strDeviceID)
' Getting DHCP Enable/Disable and accordingly set radio values
blnDHCPEnabled = isDHCPenabled(objInstance)
'Release the objects
set objService = nothing
set objInstance = nothing
if trim(g_strTabValue) = "" or blnDHCPEnabled then
Call getDefaultGeneralValues() 'Get the default values for General tab
end if
select case blnDHCPEnabled
case false
case true
end select
select case blnDHCPEnabled
case false
case true
end select
select case blnDHCPEnabled
case false
case true
end select
End Function
'Function: ServeAdvancedUI
'Description: Serves the HTML content for Advanced tab
'Input Variables: None
'Output Variables: None
'Returns: None
'Global Variables: g_*, F_*, L_*
Function ServeAdvancedUI()
Call SA_TraceOut(SOURCE_FILE, "ServeAdvancedUI")
if trim(g_strAdvTabValue) = "" then
getDefaultAdvancedvalues() 'Get the default values for Advanced tab
UpdateDefaultValues() 'Update the values when navigated between tabs
end if
End Function
'Sub routine name: ServeListValues
'Description: Serves in Loading the IP's/Gateways into the list box
'Input Variables: In - strList->list of the addresses with concatination
' character as ;
' In - ERRORMESSAGE->Error message for that particular call
'Output Variables: None
'Returns: None
'Global Variables: None
Sub ServeListValues(strList,ERRORMESSAGE,nMaxcount)
On Error Resume Next
Dim arrTempList 'holds the array of items
Dim i 'holds the increment count
Dim nCountVal 'holds the count of items to limit the items in the listbox
Call SA_TraceOut(SOURCE_FILE, "ServeListValues")
' splitting the string into array
nCountVal =0
'Printing the array values into the listbox
For i=Lbound(arrTempList) To Ubound(arrTempList)
nCountVal = nCountVal + 1
' checking for empty and if the string is ":" dont display in the list box
If arrTempList(i) <> "" AND arrTempList(i) <> ":" Then
If i=Lbound(arrTempList) Then
Response.Write ""
Response.Write ""
End if
End If
if nCountVal = nMaxcount then exit for
If Err.number <> 0 Then
Call SA_TraceOut(SOURCE_FILE, "ServeListValues failed")
SA_SetErrMsg ERRORMESSAGE & "(" & Hex(Err.Number) & ")"
End If
End Sub
'Function name: getDefaultGeneralValues
'Description: Serves in Getting the Default values from the System
'Input Variables: None
'Output Variables: None
'Returns: True/False
'Global Variables: In:G_CONST_REGISTRY_PATH-Reg path
' In:L_* -Localized strings
' Out:F_* - Form variables
'Called several functions regConnection,
'which will be helpful in getting the NIC information
Function getDefaultGeneralValues()
On Error Resume Next
Dim objService
Dim objInstance
Dim arrIPList 'hold array IP list
Dim arrSubnetList 'hold array Subnet list
Dim nCount
Dim strSettingID 'hold setting id
Dim arrGATEWAYList 'hold gateway array list
Dim objRegistry
Call SA_TraceOut(SOURCE_FILE, "getDefaultGeneralValues")
'Trying to connect to the server
Set objService=GetWMIConnection(CONST_WMI_WIN32_NAMESPACE)
'Connect to registry
Set objRegistry=regConnection()
'Getting the instance of the particulat NIC card object
Set objInstance = getNetworkAdapterObject(objService,g_strDeviceID)
' Getting DHCP Enable/Disable and accordingly set radio values
blnDHCPEnabled = isDHCPenabled(objInstance)
'Getting the SettingID
'Getting IP values from the registry by giving the complete path
arrIPList = objInstance.IPAddress
'Getting subnet values from the registry by giving the complete path
arrSubnetList = objInstance.IPSubnet
'Getting GATEWAY values from the registry by giving the complete path
arrGATEWAYList=getRegkeyvalue(objRegistry,G_CONST_REGISTRY_PATH & "\" _
& strSettingID,"DefaultGateway",CONST_MULTISTRING)
'Forming the string of IP+ SubnetMask list
For nCount=LBound(arrIPList) To UBound(arrIPList)
F_strIPAddress = arrIPList(nCount)
g_initialIPAddress = arrIPList(nCount)
F_strSubnetMask = arrSubnetList(nCount)
F_strGatewayAddress = arrGATEWAYList(nCount)
Exit for
getDefaultGeneralValues = true
'release objects
Set objInstance = Nothing
Set objService = Nothing
Set objRegistry = Nothing
End Function
'Function name: getDefaultAdvancedvalues
'Description: Serves in Getting the Default values from the System
'Input Variables: None
'Output Variables: None
'Returns: True/False
'Global Variables: In:G_CONST_REGISTRY_PATH-Reg path
' Out:F_nConnectionMetric-IP connection
' metric(from Registry)
' Out:g_arrIPList-List of Ips& subnetmask
' Out:G_arrGATEWAYList-List of Gateways& Metrics
' In :L_* -Localized strings
'Called several functions regConnection,
'which will be helpful in getting the NIC information
Function getDefaultAdvancedvalues()
On Error Resume Next
Dim objInstance
Dim objRegistry
Dim objService 'holds WMI Connection
Dim arrIPList 'holds IP array list
Dim arrSubnetList 'holds subnet array
Dim arrGATEWAYList 'holds gateway array
Dim arrGATEWAYMetricList 'holds gateway metric list
Dim strSettingID 'holds setting ID
Dim nCount
g_strAdvTabValue = "true"
Call SA_TraceOut(SOURCE_FILE, "getDefaultAdvancedvalues")
'Trying to connect to the server
Set objService=GetWMIConnection(CONST_WMI_WIN32_NAMESPACE)
if Err.number <> 0 then
getDefaultAdvancedvalues = False
Exit Function
end if
'Connecting to default namespace to carry registry operations
Set objRegistry=regConnection()
If (objRegistry is Nothing) Then
getDefaultAdvancedvalues = False
Exit Function
End If
'Getting the instance of the particulat NIC card object
Set objInstance = getNetworkAdapterObject(objService,g_strDeviceID)
'Getting the SettingID
'Getting IP values from the registry by giving the complete path
'arrIPList=getRegkeyvalue(objRegistry,G_CONST_REGISTRY_PATH & "\" _
'& strSettingID,"IPAddress",CONST_MULTISTRING)
arrIPList = objInstance.IPAddress
'Getting subnet values from the registry by giving the complete path
'arrSubnetList=getRegkeyvalue(objRegistry,G_CONST_REGISTRY_PATH & "\" _
'& strSettingID,"SubnetMask",CONST_MULTISTRING)
arrSubnetList = objInstance.IPSubnet
if trim(F_strIPAddress) <> "" then
g_arrIPList = F_strIPAddress & ":" & F_strSubnetMask & ";"
'Forming the string of IP+ SubnetMask list
For nCount=LBound(arrIPList) + 1 To UBound(arrIPList)
'Forming the string of IP+ SubnetMask list
if F_strRadIP = 1 then
For nCount=LBound(arrIPList)+1 To UBound(arrIPList)
end if
if F_strRadIP = 0 then
For nCount=LBound(arrIPList) To UBound(arrIPList)
end if
end if
'Getting GATEWAY values from the registry by giving the complete path
arrGATEWAYList=getRegkeyvalue(objRegistry,G_CONST_REGISTRY_PATH & "\" _
& strSettingID,"DefaultGateway",CONST_MULTISTRING)
'Getting GateWayCostMetric from registry by giving the complete path
arrGATEWAYMetricList =getRegkeyvalue(objRegistry,G_CONST_REGISTRY_PATH _
& "\" & strSettingID,"DefaultGatewayMetric",CONST_MULTISTRING)
if F_strRadIP <> 0 then
if F_strGatewayAddress <> "" then g_arrGATEWAYList = F_strGatewayAddress & " "+L_METRIC_TEXT+" 1;"
'Forming the string of gateway+ metric list
For nCount=LBound(arrGATEWAYList) + 1 To UBound(arrGATEWAYList)
g_arrGATEWAYList = g_arrGATEWAYList+arrGATEWAYList(nCount)+ _
" "+L_METRIC_TEXT+" "+arrGATEWAYMetricList(nCount)+";"
'Forming the string of gateway+ metric list
For nCount=LBound(arrGATEWAYList) To UBound(arrGATEWAYList)
g_arrGATEWAYList = g_arrGATEWAYList+arrGATEWAYList(nCount)+ _
" "+L_METRIC_TEXT+" "+arrGATEWAYMetricList(nCount)+";"
end if
'Getting InterfaceMetric from the registry by giving the complete path
F_nConnectionMetric=getRegkeyvalue(objRegistry,G_CONST_REGISTRY_PATH _
& "\" & strSettingID ,"InterfaceMetric",CONST_DWORD)
'Set to Nothing
Set objService=Nothing
Set objRegistry=Nothing
Set objInstance=Nothing
getDefaultAdvancedvalues = true
End Function
'Function: UpdateDefaultValues
'Description: Updates the state of fields when navigated from one tab
' to another
'Input Variables: None
'Output Variables: None
'Returns: string
'Global Variables: F_*,g_*
Function UpdateDefaultValues()
Dim arrTempList 'holds temporary array
Dim i 'holds increment count
Call SA_TraceOut(SOURCE_FILE, "UpdateDefaultValues")
if F_strRadIP = 1 then
if F_strGatewayAddress <> "" then g_arrGATEWAYList = F_strGatewayAddress & " "+L_METRIC_TEXT+" 1;"
For i=Lbound(arrTempList)+ 1 To Ubound(arrTempList)
g_arrGATEWAYList = g_arrGATEWAYList & arrTempList(i) & ";"
end if
if F_strRadIP = 0 then
For i=Lbound(arrTempList) To Ubound(arrTempList)
g_arrGATEWAYList = g_arrGATEWAYList & arrTempList(i) & ";"
End if
if F_strIPAddress <> "" then
g_arrIPList = F_strIPAddress & ":" & F_strSubnetMask & ";"
if F_strRadIP = 1 then
For i=Lbound(arrTempList)+ 1 To Ubound(arrTempList)
g_arrIPList = g_arrIPList & arrTempList(i) & ";"
end if
elseif F_strIPAddress = "" then
if F_strRadIP = 0 then
For i=Lbound(arrTempList) To Ubound(arrTempList)
g_arrIPList = g_arrIPList & arrTempList(i) & ";"
end if
end if
End Function
'Function name: setNIC
'Description: serves in Setting new IP & gateway values
'Input Variables: None
'Output Variables:
'Returns: Boolean - Returns ( True/Flase )
'Global Variables: In - blnDHCPEnabled -Radio button value
' In - L_* - Localized strings
'Called registry related functions to update the values and displays the
'corresponding error if any.
Function setNIC()
On Error resume next
Dim objInstance
Dim objService
Dim objRegistry 'holds registry connection object
Dim arrIPList
Dim arrSubnetList 'holds subnet array list
Dim arrGATEWAYList() 'holds gateway array list
Dim arrTemp
Dim arrMetricList
Dim strSettingID 'holds setting ID
Dim StrIP
Dim strSubnet
Dim strMetric
Dim strTmpIP
Dim i
Dim intReturnValue
Dim strRetURL
Dim retVal
Redim arrIPList(0)
Redim arrGATEWAYList(0)
Redim arrSubnetList(0)
'Initializing to FALSE
Call SA_TraceOut(SOURCE_FILE, "setNIC")
'Connecting to the server
Set objService=GetWMIConnection(CONST_WMI_WIN32_NAMESPACE)
if Err.number <> 0 then
Exit Function
end if
'Checks whether ServerAppliance IP Address is equal to IPAddress entered
'Added check to only validate IP when we are specifying it (Static IP)
if (NOT(F_strRadIP = 0)) AND (trim(g_initialIPAddress) <> trim(F_strIPAddress)) then
' Check to see if address is in-use
if ( TRUE = Ping(F_strIPAddress) ) then
call SA_SetActiveTabPage(page,g_iTabGeneral)
exit function
end if
end if
'Getting the instance of the particulat NIC card
Set objInstance = getNetworkAdapterObject(objService,g_strDeviceID)
If ( F_strRadIP = 0 ) Then
Call SA_TraceOut(SOURCE_FILE, "Enabled DHCP")
if ( Not objInstance.DHCPEnabled ) then
intReturnValue = enableDHCP(objInstance)
end if
'Connecting to default namespace to carry registry operations
Set objRegistry=regConnection()
If (objRegistry is Nothing) Then
Exit Function
End If
'Getting the SettingID
'Set Interface metric
intReturnValue=updateRegkeyvalue(objRegistry,G_CONST_REGISTRY_PATH & "\" & strSettingID ,"InterfaceMetric",F_nConnectionMetric,CONST_DWORD)
If intReturnValue = FALSE Then
Exit Function
End If
'Release the objects
Set objInstance = Nothing
Set objRegistry=Nothing
Exit Function
End If
'Connecting to default namespace to carry registry operations
Set objRegistry=regConnection()
if F_strListIP = "" then
F_strListIP = F_strIPAddress & ":" & F_strSubnetMask
end if
if F_strListGateway = "" then
F_strListGateway = F_strGatewayAddress & " "+L_METRIC_TEXT+" 1;"
end if
If (objRegistry is Nothing) Then
Exit Function
End If
'Getting the SettingID
Dim arrNewIp
Dim arrNewSubnet
Dim nPos
'Split Ip List into arrays of Ip and Subnet mask
nPos = InStr(F_strListIP, ";")
if( Cint(nPos) = 0 ) then
ReDim strTmpIP(0)
strTmpIP(0) = F_strListIP
strTmpIP = Split(F_strListIP, ";",-1,1)
end if
ReDim arrNewIp(UBound(strTmpIp))
ReDim arrNewSubnet(UBound(strTmpIp))
'Loop to pack Ip's and subnetmasks in different variables
For i= 0 To UBound(strTmpIp)
arrTemp = Split(strTmpIP(i),":",-1,1)
arrNewIp(i) = arrTemp(0)
arrNewSubnet(i) = arrTemp(1)
'Split Gateway List into arrays of gateway and metric
strTmpGATEWAY = Split(F_strListGateway, ";", -1, 1)
redim arrGATEWAY(UBound(strTmpGATEWAY))
'Loop to pack Gateways's and Metrics in different variables
For i= 0 to Ubound(strTmpGATEWAY)
if strTmpGATEWAY(i) = "" then
exit for
end if
arrTemp = Split(strTmpGATEWAY(i)," "+L_METRIC_TEXT+" ",-1,1)
If (isnull (strGATEWAY)) Then
strGATEWAY = arrTemp(0) & ";"
strGATEWAY = strGATEWAY & arrTemp(0) & ";"
End If
If (isnull (strMetric)) Then
strMetric = arrTemp(1) & ";"
strMetric = strMetric & arrTemp(1) & ";"
End If
'call wmi method EnableStatic in win32_networkadapterconfiguration to set the static ip
'sets the ip and subnet
Call objInstance.EnableStatic(arrNewIp, arrNewSubnet)
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
SA_SetErrMsg L_NIC_IP_ERR_COULDNOTSETIP & objInstance.Description & "(" & Hex(Err.Number) & ")"
Exit Function
end if
if strGATEWAY <> "" then
end if
'Splitting the string into array of GATEWAYS
redim arrGATEWAY(UBound(strTmpGATEWAY))
arrGATEWAY = split(strGATEWAY, ";", -1 ,1)
if strMetric <> "" then
end if
'Splitting the string into array of GATEWAYMetrics
arrMetricList= split(strMetric, ";", -1 ,1)
'Sets gateway and connection metric
If intReturnValue <> 0 Then
SA_SetErrMsg L_NIC_IP_ERR_COULDNOTSETGATEWAY & objInstance.Description & "(" & Hex(Err.Number) & ")"
Exit Function
end if
'Sets Interface metric
intReturnValue=updateRegkeyvalue(objRegistry,G_CONST_REGISTRY_PATH & "\" & strSettingID ,"InterfaceMetric",F_nConnectionMetric,CONST_DWORD)
If intReturnValue = FALSE Then
Exit Function
End If
'Set to Nothing
Set objService=Nothing
Set objRegistry=Nothing
Set objInstance=Nothing
End Function
'Function: GetReturnURL
'Description: Forms new URL for changed IP
'Input Variables: strNewIP
'Output Variables: strRetURL 'returns newly formed URL
'Returns: string
'Global Variables: None
Function GetReturnURL(strNewIp)
On Error Resume Next
GetReturnURL = ""
Dim strRetURL
Dim strBase
Dim strTab
strBase = SA_GetNewHostURLBase(strNewIp, SA_DEFAULT, FALSE, SA_DEFAULT)
strRetURL = strBase & "network/nicinterface_prop.asp"
strTab = GetTab1()
If ( Len(strTab) > 0 ) Then
Call SA_MungeURL(strRetURL, "Tab1", strTab)
End If
strTab = GetTab2()
If ( Len(strTab) > 0 ) Then
Call SA_MungeURL(strRetURL, "Tab2", strTab)
End If
Call SA_TraceOut(SOURCE_FILE, strRetURL)
GetReturnURL = strRetURL
End Function
Function Ping(ByVal sIP)
on error resume next
Dim oHelper
Ping = FALSE
Set oHelper = CreateObject("ComHelper.NetworkTools")
if ( Err.Number <> 0 ) Then
Call SA_TraceOut("INC_GLOBAL", "Error creating ComHelper.NetworkTools object, error: " + CStr(Hex(Err.Number)))
Exit Function
End If
Ping = oHelper.Ping(sIP)
if ( Err.Number <> 0 ) Then
Ping = FALSE
Call SA_TraceOut("INC_GLOBAL", "oHelper.Ping(), error: " + CStr(Hex(Err.Number)) + " " + Err.Description)
Exit Function
End If
if ( Ping > 0 ) Then
Ping = TRUE
End If
Set oHelper = Nothing
End Function