NAME=openfiles TARGETNAME=openfiles TARGETPATH=$(SASS_BINDIR) TARGETTYPE=DYNLINK DLLENTRY=_DllMainCRTStartup DLLDEF=openfiles.def INCLUDES=\ $(SASS_INC);\ $(BASEDIR)\public\sdk\inc\atl30; \ $(BASEDIR)\public\sdk\inc\crt; \ $(BASEDIR)\public\sdk\inc; \ PRECOMPILED_INCLUDE = stdafx.h PRECOMPILED_SOURCEFILE = stdafx.cpp PRECOMPILED_CXX=1 MIDL_OPTIMIZATION=-Oicf -robust -no_format_opt -error all USE_STATIC_ATL=1 ATL_VER=30 USE_PDB=1 # required for STL (list, vector, string, etc.) USE_STL=1 # required to support dynamic_cast USE_RTTI=1 # link with vccomsup.lib USE_VCCOM=1 # required for thread-safe heap USE_MSVCRT=1 # enable unwind semantics. remove C4530: warnings USER_C_FLAGS=/EHsc # define UNICODE, undefine _ATL_NO_DEBUG_CRT to use ATL dbgdrt.h C_DEFINES=$(C_DEFINES) -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE #C_DEFINES=$(C_DEFINES) -DUNICODE -D_UNICODE -DUSE_POLARITY #C_DEFINES=$(C_DEFINES) -DSHOWCALLS TARGETLIBS= \ $(SDK_LIB_PATH)\kernel32.lib \ $(SDK_LIB_PATH)\advapi32.lib \ $(SDK_LIB_PATH)\user32.lib \ $(SDK_LIB_PATH)\ole32.lib \ $(SDK_LIB_PATH)\oleaut32.lib \ $(SDK_LIB_PATH)\uuid.lib \ $(SDK_LIB_PATH)\netapi32.lib \ $(SASS_LIB)\satrace.lib \ SOURCES=\ openfiles.idl \ openfiles.cpp \ openfiles.rc \ openf.cpp \ ShareInfo.cpp \ # # Misc files to be binplaced by the build. # MISCFILES = OpenFiles.reg