#include #include #include "sapi.h" #include "sphelper.h" #include "spddkhlp.h" #include "spttseng.h" #include "spttseng_i.c" #include "spcommon.h" #include "spcommon_i.c" #include #include "ms1033ltsmap.h" // This code does not ship // This code creates the registry entries for the TTS voices. The // datafiles registered here are the ones checked in the slm source tree. This is not // done using a reg file because we need to compute the absolute path of the datafiles // which can be different on different machines because of different root slm directories. // BUGBUG: Check out the ATL UpdateRegistryFromResource et al. and see whether you could // use them instead, a la RegSR. That seems much easier. #ifndef _WIN32_WCE #define DIRS_TO_GO_BACK_TTSENG 4 // Back 4 levels and up 1 to 'Voices" directory #define DIRS_TO_GO_BACK_LEX 6 // Back 6 levels to Lex Data directory #else #define DIRS_TO_GO_BACK_TTSENG 1 // #define DIRS_TO_GO_BACK_LEX 1 // #endif CSpUnicodeSupport g_Unicode; /***************************************************************************** * CreateLexSubKey * *------------------* * Description: * Each TTS voice gets installed under one registry sub-key. * This function installs the single voice from the passed params. * ********************************************************************** MC ***/ HRESULT CreateLexSubKey( ISpObjectToken * pToken, const WCHAR * pszSubKeyName, const CLSID * pclsid, const WCHAR * pszFilePath, const WCHAR * pszLexName, const WCHAR * pszPhoneMap) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; //--------------------------------------- // Create the lex sub-key (Lex or LTS) //--------------------------------------- CComPtr cpSubToken; hr = SpGetSubTokenFromToken(pToken, pszSubKeyName, &cpSubToken, TRUE); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = SpSetCommonTokenData( cpSubToken, pclsid, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); } WCHAR szLexDataPath[MAX_PATH]; if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { //-------------------------------- // Lex DATA file location //-------------------------------- wcscpy(szLexDataPath, pszFilePath); wcscat(szLexDataPath, pszLexName); hr = cpSubToken->SetStringValue(L"DataFile", szLexDataPath); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && pszPhoneMap) { CComPtr cpPhoneToken; if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = SpGetSubTokenFromToken(cpSubToken, L"PhoneConverter", &cpPhoneToken, TRUE); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = SpSetCommonTokenData(cpPhoneToken, &CLSID_SpPhoneConverter, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) hr = cpPhoneToken->SetStringValue(L"PhoneMap", pszPhoneMap); } return hr; } /***************************************************************************** * CreateVoiceSubKey * *--------------------* * Description: * Each TTS voice gets installed under one registry sub-key. * This function installs the single voice from the passed params. * ********************************************************************** MC ***/ HRESULT CreateVoiceSubKey( const WCHAR * pszSubKeyName, const WCHAR * pszDescription, BOOL fVendorDefault, const WCHAR * pszGender, const WCHAR * pszAge, const WCHAR * pszVoicePath, const WCHAR * pszVoiceName, const WCHAR * pszLexPath) { HRESULT hr; CComPtr cpToken; CComPtr cpDataKeyAttribs; hr = SpCreateNewTokenEx( SPCAT_VOICES, pszSubKeyName, &CLSID_MSVoiceData, pszDescription, 0x409, pszDescription, &cpToken, &cpDataKeyAttribs); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = cpDataKeyAttribs->SetStringValue(L"Name", pszDescription); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = cpDataKeyAttribs->SetStringValue(L"Gender", pszGender); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = cpDataKeyAttribs->SetStringValue(L"Age", pszAge); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = cpDataKeyAttribs->SetStringValue(L"Vendor", L"Microsoft"); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = cpDataKeyAttribs->SetStringValue(L"Language", L"409"); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && fVendorDefault) { hr = cpDataKeyAttribs->SetStringValue(L"VendorPreferred", L""); } WCHAR szVoiceDataPath[MAX_PATH]; if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { //-------------------------------- // Voice DATA file location //-------------------------------- wcscpy(szVoiceDataPath, pszVoicePath); wcscat(szVoiceDataPath, pszVoiceName); wcscat(szVoiceDataPath, L".SPD"); hr = cpToken->SetStringValue(L"VoiceData", szVoiceDataPath); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { //-------------------------------- // Voice DEF file location //-------------------------------- wcscpy(szVoiceDataPath, pszVoicePath); wcscat(szVoiceDataPath, pszVoiceName); wcscat(szVoiceDataPath, L".SDF"); hr = cpToken->SetStringValue(L"VoiceDef", szVoiceDataPath); } //------------------------------------------------ // Register TTS lexicons //------------------------------------------------ if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = CreateLexSubKey(cpToken, L"Lex", &CLSID_SpCompressedLexicon, pszLexPath, L"LTTS1033.LXA", NULL); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = CreateLexSubKey(cpToken, L"LTS", &CLSID_SpLTSLexicon, pszLexPath, L"r1033tts.lxa", pszms1033ltsmap); } return hr; } /***************************************************************************** * main * *-------* * Description: * Locate the abs path to the Mary, Mike and Sam voices * and register them in the system registry. * ********************************************************************** MC ***/ int _tmain() { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CoInitialize(NULL); //---------------------------------------- // Get the exe's location... //---------------------------------------- WCHAR szVoiceDataPath[MAX_PATH]; if (!g_Unicode.GetModuleFileName(NULL, szVoiceDataPath, MAX_PATH)) { hr = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(::GetLastError()); } WCHAR szLexDataPath[MAX_PATH]; if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { wcscpy(szLexDataPath, szVoiceDataPath); } //---------------------------------------- // ...and derive abs path to VOICE data //---------------------------------------- if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // modulename is "\TTS\msttsdrv\RegVoices\obj\i386\RegVoices.exe" // Data is at "\TTS\msttsdrv\voices\" WCHAR * psz; psz = szVoiceDataPath; for (int i = 0; i < DIRS_TO_GO_BACK_TTSENG; i++) { psz = wcsrchr(psz, '\\'); if (!psz) { hr = E_FAIL; break; } else { *psz = 0; psz = szVoiceDataPath; } } } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { #ifndef _WIN32_WCE wcscat(szVoiceDataPath, L"\\Voices\\"); #else wcscat(szVoiceDataPath, L"\\"); #endif } //---------------------------------------- // Derive abs path to LEX data //---------------------------------------- if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { // modulename is "\Src\TTS\msttsdrv\voices\RegVoices\debug_x86\RegVoices.exe" // Data is at "\Src\lexicon\data\" WCHAR * psz = szLexDataPath; for (int i = 0; i < DIRS_TO_GO_BACK_LEX; i++) { psz = wcsrchr(psz, '\\'); if (!psz) { hr = E_FAIL; break; } else { *psz = 0; psz = szLexDataPath; } } } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { #ifndef _WIN32_WCE wcscat(szLexDataPath, L"\\src\\lexicon\\data\\"); #else wcscat(szLexDataPath, L"\\"); #endif } //------------------------------------------------ // ...then register the three Microsoft voices.. //------------------------------------------------ if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = CreateVoiceSubKey(L"MSMary", L"Microsoft Mary", TRUE, L"Female", L"Adult", szVoiceDataPath, L"Mary", szLexDataPath); } #ifndef _WIN32_WCE if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = CreateVoiceSubKey(L"MSMike", L"Microsoft Mike", FALSE, L"Male", L"Adult", szVoiceDataPath, L"Mike", szLexDataPath); } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { hr = CreateVoiceSubKey(L"MSSam", L"Microsoft Sam", FALSE, L"Male", L"Adult", szVoiceDataPath, L"Sam", szLexDataPath); } #endif //_WIN32_WCE CoUninitialize(); if (FAILED(hr)) return -1; return 0; }