/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- resource.h Constants used by .rc file for ICWCONN2 Copyright (C) 1996 Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved Authors: ChrisK Chris Kauffman Histroy: 7/22/96 ChrisK Cleaned and formatted NOTE: DO NOT EDIT THESE RESOURCES WITH MSVC -----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifdef APSTUDIO_INVOKED #error DO NOT EDIT WITH MSVC #endif #define IDD_PROGRESS 101 #define IDD_BACK 102 #define IDD_CONTEXT 103 #define IDI_PHONE 104 #define IDB_ARROW 105 #define IDB_WORLD 106 #define IDD_STEPTWO 107 #define IDB_PHONE 108 #define IDB_ICW 109 #define IDD_DONE 110 #define IDD_DIALING 111 #define IDD_DIALERR 112 #define IDD_DONEREBOOT 113 #define IDD_DIALREALLYCANCEL 114 #define IDS_TITLE 500 #define IDS_CANTDOWNLOAD 501 #define IDS_RECEIVING_RESPONSE 502 #define IDS_OUTOFMEMORY 503 #define IDS_CALLHOME 504 #define IDS_DOWNLOAD_SW 505 #if !defined(WIN16) #define IDS_CONNECTED_TO 506 #endif //!WIN16 #define IDS_INVALIDPHONE 507 //#if defined(WIN16) #define IDS_CANTEXECUTE 508 //#endif #define IDS_MISSING_FILE 509 #define IDS_BAD_CMDLINE 510 //#define IDS_NT_AUTODIAL_SUCKS 511 #define IDC_STATIC -1 #define IDC_PROGRESS 1000 #define IDC_CMDCANCEL IDCANCEL #define IDC_PCTARROW1 1002 #define IDC_PCTARROW2 1003 #define IDC_PCTARROW3 1004 #define IDC_CMDHELP 1005 #define IDC_CMDNEXT 1007 #define IDC_CMDBACK 1008 #define IDC_LBLTITLE 1009 #define IDC_LBLSTATUS 1010 #define IDC_LBLEXPLORE 1011 #define IDC_CMDCLOSE 1012 #define IDC_LBLARROW3NUM 1014 #define IDC_LBLARROW3TEXT 1015 #define IDC_LBLNUMBER 1016 #define IDC_TEXTNUMBER 1017 #define IDC_LBLERRMSG 1020 #define IDC_CMBMODEMS 1021 #define IDC_CMDDIALPROP 1023 #define IDS_WANTTOEXIT 1040 #define IDS_CANTSAVEKEY 1042 #define IDC_LBLCALLHOME 1043 #define IDC_CLICK 1044 #define IDC_EXPLORE 1045 #define IDC_CLICK2 1046 #define IDC_RESTART 1047 #define IDC_CMDEXPLORE 2023 #define IDC_NOTDONE 2024 #define IDC_EXITNOW 2025 #define IDC_ATTEMPT 2026 #define IDC_DIALING_TEXT2 2028 #define IDC_DIALING_TEXT3 2029 #define IDC_DIALERR_TEXT1 2030 #define IDC_DIALERR_TEXT2 2031 #define IDC_DIALERR_TEXT3 2032