//********************************************************************* //* Microsoft Windows ** //* Copyright(c) Microsoft Corp., 1994 ** //********************************************************************* // // WALKER.CPP - Functions for walking an HTML input file // // HISTORY: // // 05/13/98 donaldm Created. // //********************************************************************* #include "pre.h" #include #include #include #include const TCHAR cszEquals[] = TEXT("="); const TCHAR cszAmpersand[] = TEXT("&"); const TCHAR cszPlus[] = TEXT("+"); const TCHAR cszQuestion[] = TEXT("?"); const TCHAR cszFormNamePAGEID[] = TEXT("PAGEID"); const TCHAR cszFormNameBACK[] = TEXT("BACK"); const TCHAR cszFormNamePAGETYPE[] = TEXT("PAGETYPE"); const TCHAR cszFormNameNEXT[] = TEXT("NEXT"); const TCHAR cszFormNamePAGEFLAG[] = TEXT("PAGEFLAG"); const TCHAR cszPageTypeTERMS[] = TEXT("TERMS"); const TCHAR cszPageTypeCUSTOMFINISH[] = TEXT("CUSTOMFINISH"); const TCHAR cszPageTypeFINISH[] = TEXT("FINISH"); const TCHAR cszPageTypeNORMAL[] = TEXT(""); const TCHAR cszOLSRegEntries[] = TEXT("regEntries"); const TCHAR cszKeyName[] = TEXT("KeyName"); const TCHAR cszEntryName[] = TEXT("EntryName"); const TCHAR cszEntryValue[] = TEXT("EntryValue"); const TCHAR cszOLSDesktopShortcut[] = TEXT("DesktopShortcut"); const TCHAR cszSourceName[] = TEXT("SourceName"); const TCHAR cszTargetName[] = TEXT("TargetName"); #define HARDCODED_IEAK_ISPFILE_ELEMENT_ID TEXT("g_IspFilePath") // COM interfaces STDMETHODIMP CWalker::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, LPVOID* ppv) { *ppv = NULL; if (IID_IUnknown == riid || IID_IPropertyNotifySink == riid) { *ppv = (LPUNKNOWN)(IPropertyNotifySink*)this; AddRef(); return NOERROR; } else if (IID_IOleClientSite == riid) { *ppv = (IOleClientSite*)this; AddRef(); return NOERROR; } else if (IID_IDispatch == riid) { *ppv = (IDispatch*)this; AddRef(); return NOERROR; } else { return E_NOTIMPL; } } STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CWalker::AddRef() { return ++m_cRef; } STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CWalker::Release() { if (!(--m_cRef)) { delete this; } return m_cRef; } // Fired on change of the value of a 'bindable' property STDMETHODIMP CWalker::OnChanged(DISPID dispID) { HRESULT hr; if (DISPID_READYSTATE == dispID) { // check the value of the readystate property assert(m_pMSHTML); VARIANT vResult = {0}; EXCEPINFO excepInfo; UINT uArgErr; DISPPARAMS dp = {NULL, NULL, 0, 0}; if (SUCCEEDED(hr = m_pMSHTML->Invoke(DISPID_READYSTATE, IID_NULL, LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, DISPATCH_PROPERTYGET, &dp, &vResult, &excepInfo, &uArgErr))) { assert(VT_I4 == V_VT(&vResult)); if (READYSTATE_COMPLETE == (READYSTATE)V_I4(&vResult)) SetEvent(m_hEventTridentDone); VariantClear(&vResult); } } return NOERROR; } // MSHTML Queries for the IDispatch interface of the host through the IOleClientSite // interface that MSHTML is passed through its implementation of IOleObject::SetClientSite() STDMETHODIMP CWalker::Invoke(DISPID dispIdMember, REFIID riid, LCID lcid, WORD wFlags, DISPPARAMS __RPC_FAR *pDispParams, VARIANT __RPC_FAR *pVarResult, EXCEPINFO __RPC_FAR *pExcepInfo, UINT __RPC_FAR *puArgErr) { if (!pVarResult) { return E_POINTER; } switch(dispIdMember) { case DISPID_AMBIENT_DLCONTROL: // respond to this ambient to indicate that we only want to // download the page, but we don't want to run scripts, // Java applets, or ActiveX controls V_VT(pVarResult) = VT_I4; V_I4(pVarResult) = DLCTL_DOWNLOADONLY | DLCTL_NO_SCRIPTS | DLCTL_NO_JAVA | DLCTL_NO_DLACTIVEXCTLS | DLCTL_NO_RUNACTIVEXCTLS; break; default: return DISP_E_MEMBERNOTFOUND; } return NOERROR; } // A more traditional form of persistence. // MSHTML performs this asynchronously as well. HRESULT CWalker::LoadURLFromFile(BSTR bstrURL) { HRESULT hr; LPPERSISTFILE pPF; // MSHTML supports file persistence for ordinary files. if ( SUCCEEDED(hr = m_pMSHTML->QueryInterface(IID_IPersistFile, (LPVOID*) &pPF))) { hr = pPF->Load(bstrURL, 0); pPF->Release(); } return hr; } // Local interfaces // This function will attached trient to a location FILE: URL, and ensure that it is ready // to be walked HRESULT CWalker::InitForMSHTML() { HRESULT hr; LPCONNECTIONPOINTCONTAINER pCPC = NULL; LPOLEOBJECT pOleObject = NULL; LPOLECONTROL pOleControl = NULL; // Create an instance of an dynamic HTML document if (FAILED(hr = CoCreateInstance( CLSID_HTMLDocument, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IHTMLDocument2, (LPVOID*)&m_pTrident ))) { goto Error; } if (FAILED(hr = m_pTrident->QueryInterface(IID_IOleObject, (LPVOID*)&pOleObject))) { goto Error; } hr = pOleObject->SetClientSite((IOleClientSite*)this); pOleObject->Release(); if (FAILED(hr = m_pTrident->QueryInterface(IID_IOleControl, (LPVOID*)&pOleControl))) { goto Error; } hr = pOleControl->OnAmbientPropertyChange(DISPID_AMBIENT_DLCONTROL); pOleControl->Release(); // Hook up sink to catch ready state property change if (FAILED(hr = m_pTrident->QueryInterface(IID_IConnectionPointContainer, (LPVOID*)&pCPC))) { goto Error; } if (FAILED(hr = pCPC->FindConnectionPoint(IID_IPropertyNotifySink, &m_pCP))) { goto Error; } m_hrConnected = m_pCP->Advise((LPUNKNOWN)(IPropertyNotifySink*)this, &m_dwCookie); Error: if (pCPC) pCPC->Release(); return hr; } // Clean up connection point HRESULT CWalker::TermForMSHTML() { HRESULT hr = NOERROR; // Disconnect from property change notifications if (SUCCEEDED(m_hrConnected)) { hr = m_pCP->Unadvise(m_dwCookie); } // Release the connection point if (m_pCP) m_pCP->Release(); if (m_pTrident) m_pTrident->Release(); return hr; } HRESULT CWalker::ExtractUnHiddenText(BSTR* pbstrText) { VARIANT vIndex; LPDISPATCH pDisp; IHTMLInputHiddenElement* pHidden; IHTMLElement* pElement; BSTR bstrValue; VARIANT var2 = { 0 }; long lLen = 0; vIndex.vt = VT_UINT; bstrValue = SysAllocString(A2W(TEXT("\0"))); Walk(); if (!m_pNextForm) return E_UNEXPECTED; m_pNextForm->get_length(&lLen); for (int i = 0; i < lLen; i++) { vIndex.lVal = i; pDisp = NULL; if(SUCCEEDED(m_pNextForm->item(vIndex, var2, &pDisp)) && pDisp) { pHidden = NULL; if(SUCCEEDED(pDisp->QueryInterface(IID_IHTMLInputHiddenElement, (LPVOID*)&pHidden)) && pHidden) { pHidden->put_value(bstrValue); pHidden->Release(); } pDisp->Release(); } } if (SUCCEEDED(m_pNextForm->QueryInterface(IID_IHTMLElement, (LPVOID*)&pElement)) && pElement) pElement->get_innerHTML(pbstrText); SysFreeString(bstrValue); return S_OK; } HRESULT CWalker::AttachToMSHTML(BSTR bstrURL) { HRESULT hr; // Release any previous instance of the HTML document pointer we might be holding on to if(m_pMSHTML) { m_pMSHTML->Release(); m_pMSHTML = NULL; } m_pMSHTML = m_pTrident; m_pMSHTML->AddRef(); m_hEventTridentDone = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL); hr = LoadURLFromFile(bstrURL); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) || (E_PENDING == hr)) { if (m_hEventTridentDone) { MSG msg; DWORD dwRetCode; HANDLE hEventList[1]; hEventList[0] = m_hEventTridentDone; while (TRUE) { // We will wait on window messages and also the named event. dwRetCode = MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(1, &hEventList[0], FALSE, 300000, // 5 minutes QS_ALLINPUT); // Determine why we came out of MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(). If // we timed out then let's do some TrialWatcher work. Otherwise // process the message that woke us up. if (WAIT_TIMEOUT == dwRetCode) { break; } else if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 == dwRetCode) { break; } else if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1 == dwRetCode) { // Process all messages in the Queue, since MsgWaitForMultipleObjects // will not do this for us while (TRUE) { if (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { if (WM_QUIT == msg.message) { break; } else { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } } else { break; } } } } CloseHandle(m_hEventTridentDone); m_hEventTridentDone = 0; } else { // If we were pending, and we could not wait, we got a problem... if(E_PENDING == hr) hr = E_FAIL; } } return (hr); } HRESULT CWalker::AttachToDocument(IWebBrowser2 *lpWebBrowser) { HRESULT hr; LPDISPATCH pDisp; // Release any previous instance of the HTML document pointer we might be holding on to if(m_pMSHTML) { // If the m_pMSHMTL is NOT our internal Trident object (for walking files) // then sombody did not do a detach, so we need to release the previous // MSHTML object if (m_pMSHTML != m_pTrident) m_pMSHTML->Release(); m_pMSHTML = NULL; } // Make sure we have a webbrowser to grab onto ASSERT(lpWebBrowser); // Get the document pointer from this webbrowser. if (SUCCEEDED(hr = lpWebBrowser->get_Document(&pDisp))) { if (pDisp) { hr = pDisp->QueryInterface( IID_IHTMLDocument2, (LPVOID*)&m_pMSHTML ); // Paranoia, but trident/shdocvw might say OK, but really not give us a document if (!m_pMSHTML) hr = E_FAIL; pDisp->Release(); } else { hr = E_FAIL; } } return (hr); } HRESULT CWalker::Detach() { if (m_pPageIDForm) { m_pPageIDForm->Release(); m_pPageIDForm = NULL; } if (m_pBackForm) { m_pBackForm->Release(); m_pBackForm = NULL; } if (m_pPageTypeForm) { m_pPageTypeForm->Release(); m_pPageTypeForm = NULL; } if (m_pNextForm) { m_pNextForm->Release(); m_pNextForm = NULL; } if (m_pPageFlagForm) { m_pPageFlagForm->Release(); m_pPageFlagForm = NULL; } if(m_pMSHTML) { // If the m_pMSHMTL is NOT our internal Trident object (for walking files) // then sombody did not do a detach, so we need to release the previous // MSHTML object if (m_pMSHTML != m_pTrident) m_pMSHTML->Release(); m_pMSHTML = NULL; } return S_OK; } // Walk the object model. HRESULT CWalker::Walk() { HRESULT hr; IHTMLElementCollection* pColl = NULL; assert(m_pMSHTML); if (!m_pMSHTML) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } // retrieve a reference to the ALL collection if (SUCCEEDED(hr = m_pMSHTML->get_all( &pColl ))) { long cElems; assert(pColl); // retrieve the count of elements in the collection if (SUCCEEDED(hr = pColl->get_length( &cElems ))) { // for each element retrieve properties such as TAGNAME and HREF for ( int i=0; iitem( vIndex, var2, &pDisp ))) { // Look for
tags IHTMLFormElement* pForm = NULL; if (SUCCEEDED(hr = pDisp->QueryInterface( IID_IHTMLFormElement, (LPVOID*)&pForm ))) { BSTR bstrName; assert(pForm); // Get the Name hr = pForm->get_name(&bstrName); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { LPTSTR lpszName = W2A(bstrName); // See what kind it is if (lstrcmpi(lpszName, cszFormNamePAGEID) == 0) { m_pPageIDForm = pForm; m_pPageIDForm->AddRef(); } else if (lstrcmpi(lpszName, cszFormNameBACK) == 0) { m_pBackForm = pForm; m_pBackForm->AddRef(); } else if (lstrcmpi(lpszName, cszFormNamePAGETYPE) == 0) { m_pPageTypeForm = pForm; m_pPageTypeForm->AddRef(); } else if (lstrcmpi(lpszName, cszFormNameNEXT) == 0) { m_pNextForm = pForm; m_pNextForm->AddRef(); } else if (lstrcmpi(lpszName, cszFormNamePAGEFLAG) == 0) { m_pPageFlagForm = pForm; m_pPageFlagForm->AddRef(); } SysFreeString(bstrName); } pForm->Release(); } pDisp->Release(); } // item } // for } // get_length pColl->Release(); } // get_all return hr; } HRESULT CWalker::get_IsQuickFinish(BOOL* pbIsQuickFinish) { if (!m_pPageTypeForm) return (E_FAIL); IHTMLElement* pElement = NULL; VARIANT varValue; VariantInit(&varValue); V_VT(&varValue) = VT_BSTR; *pbIsQuickFinish = FALSE; if (SUCCEEDED(m_pPageTypeForm->QueryInterface(IID_IHTMLElement, (void**)&pElement))) { if (SUCCEEDED(pElement->getAttribute(A2W(TEXT("QUICKFINISH")), FALSE, &varValue))) { if (VT_NULL != varValue.vt) { if(lstrcmpi(W2A(varValue.bstrVal), TEXT("TRUE")) == 0) *pbIsQuickFinish = TRUE; } } pElement->Release(); } return S_OK; } HRESULT CWalker::get_PageType(LPDWORD pdwPageType) { BSTR bstr; HRESULT hr; if (!m_pPageTypeForm) return (E_FAIL); // Get the Action for the PageType Form hr = m_pPageTypeForm->get_action(&bstr); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { LPTSTR lpszType = W2A(bstr); // See what kind it is if (lstrcmpi(lpszType, cszPageTypeTERMS) == 0) *pdwPageType = PAGETYPE_ISP_TOS; else if (lstrcmpi(lpszType, cszPageTypeCUSTOMFINISH) == 0) *pdwPageType = PAGETYPE_ISP_CUSTOMFINISH; else if (lstrcmpi(lpszType, cszPageTypeFINISH) == 0) *pdwPageType = PAGETYPE_ISP_FINISH; else if (lstrcmpi(lpszType, cszPageTypeNORMAL) == 0) *pdwPageType = PAGETYPE_ISP_NORMAL; else *pdwPageType = PAGETYPE_UNDEFINED; SysFreeString(bstr); } return (hr); } HRESULT CWalker::get_PageFlag(LPDWORD pdwPageFlag) { BSTR bstr; HRESULT hr; *pdwPageFlag = 0; if (!m_pPageFlagForm) return (E_FAIL); // Get the Action for the PageFlag Form hr = m_pPageFlagForm->get_action(&bstr); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { LPTSTR lpszType = W2A(bstr); // See what kind it is *pdwPageFlag = _ttol(lpszType); SysFreeString(bstr); } return (hr); } HRESULT CWalker::get_PageID(BSTR *pbstrPageID) { HRESULT hr; if (!m_pPageIDForm) return (E_FAIL); if (!pbstrPageID) return (E_FAIL); // Get the Action for the PageType Form hr = m_pPageIDForm->get_action(pbstrPageID); return (hr); } HRESULT CWalker::getQueryString ( IHTMLFormElement *pForm, LPTSTR lpszQuery ) { HRESULT hr; long lFormLength; if (SUCCEEDED(pForm->get_length(&lFormLength))) { for (int i = 0; i < lFormLength; i++) { VARIANT vIndex; vIndex.vt = VT_UINT; vIndex.lVal = i; VARIANT var2 = { 0 }; LPDISPATCH pDisp; if (SUCCEEDED(hr = pForm->item( vIndex, var2, &pDisp ))) { // See if the Item is a Input button IHTMLButtonElement* pButton = NULL; IHTMLInputButtonElement* pInputButton = NULL; IHTMLInputFileElement* pInputFile = NULL; IHTMLInputHiddenElement* pInputHidden = NULL; IHTMLInputTextElement* pInputText = NULL; IHTMLSelectElement* pSelect = NULL; IHTMLTextAreaElement* pTextArea = NULL; IHTMLOptionButtonElement* pOptionButton = NULL; // First check to see if this is an OptionButton. if (SUCCEEDED(hr = pDisp->QueryInterface( IID_IHTMLOptionButtonElement, (LPVOID*)&pOptionButton ))) { BSTR bstr = NULL; // See if it is a Radio or a CheckBox if (SUCCEEDED(pOptionButton->get_type(&bstr))) { LPTSTR lpszType = W2A(bstr); if ((lstrcmpi(lpszType, TEXT("radio")) == 0) || (lstrcmpi(lpszType, TEXT("checkbox")) == 0)) { short bChecked; // See if the button is checked. If it is, then it needs to be // added to the query string if (SUCCEEDED(pOptionButton->get_checked(&bChecked))) { if(bChecked) { BSTR bstrName; BSTR bstrValue; if ( SUCCEEDED(pOptionButton->get_name(&bstrName)) && SUCCEEDED(pOptionButton->get_value(&bstrValue)) ) { if (bstrValue) { size_t size = sizeof(TCHAR)*(lstrlen(W2A(bstrValue)) + 1); TCHAR* szVal = (TCHAR*)malloc(size * 3); if (szVal) { memcpy(szVal, W2A(bstrValue), size); URLEncode(szVal, size * 3); URLAppendQueryPair(lpszQuery, W2A(bstrName), szVal); // Cleanup free(szVal); } SysFreeString(bstrName); SysFreeString(bstrValue); } } } } } SysFreeString(bstr); } // Release the interface pOptionButton->Release(); continue; } // For the rest we need to form Name=Value pairs if (SUCCEEDED(hr = pDisp->QueryInterface( IID_IHTMLButtonElement, (LPVOID*)&pButton ))) { BSTR bstrName; BSTR bstrValue; if (SUCCEEDED(pButton->get_name(&bstrName)) && SUCCEEDED(pButton->get_value(&bstrValue)) ) { if (bstrValue) { size_t size = sizeof(TCHAR) * (lstrlen(W2A(bstrValue)) + 1 ); TCHAR* szVal = (TCHAR*)malloc(size * 3); if (szVal) { memcpy(szVal, W2A(bstrValue), size); URLEncode(szVal, size * 3); URLAppendQueryPair(lpszQuery, W2A(bstrName), szVal); // Cleanup free(szVal); } SysFreeString(bstrName); SysFreeString(bstrValue); } } // Release the interface pointer pButton->Release(); continue; } if (SUCCEEDED(hr = pDisp->QueryInterface( IID_IHTMLInputFileElement, (LPVOID*)&pInputFile ))) { BSTR bstrName; BSTR bstrValue; if (SUCCEEDED(pInputFile->get_name(&bstrName)) && SUCCEEDED(pInputFile->get_value(&bstrValue)) ) { if (bstrValue) { size_t size = sizeof(TCHAR)*(lstrlen(W2A(bstrValue)) + 1); TCHAR* szVal = (TCHAR*)malloc(size * 3); if (szVal) { memcpy(szVal, W2A(bstrValue), size); URLEncode(szVal, size * 3); URLAppendQueryPair(lpszQuery, W2A(bstrName), szVal); // Cleanup free(szVal); } SysFreeString(bstrName); SysFreeString(bstrValue); } } // Release the interface pointer pInputFile->Release(); continue; } if (SUCCEEDED(hr = pDisp->QueryInterface( IID_IHTMLInputHiddenElement, (LPVOID*)&pInputHidden ))) { BSTR bstrName; BSTR bstrValue; if (SUCCEEDED(pInputHidden->get_name(&bstrName)) && SUCCEEDED(pInputHidden->get_value(&bstrValue)) ) { if (bstrValue) { size_t size = sizeof(TCHAR)*(lstrlen(W2A(bstrValue)) + 1); TCHAR* szVal = (TCHAR*)malloc(size * 3); if (szVal) { memcpy(szVal, W2A(bstrValue), size); URLEncode(szVal, size * 3); URLAppendQueryPair(lpszQuery, W2A(bstrName), szVal); // Cleanup free(szVal); } SysFreeString(bstrName); SysFreeString(bstrValue); } } // Release the interface pointer pInputHidden->Release(); continue; } if (SUCCEEDED(hr = pDisp->QueryInterface( IID_IHTMLInputTextElement, (LPVOID*)&pInputText ))) { BSTR bstrName; BSTR bstrValue; if (SUCCEEDED(pInputText->get_name(&bstrName)) && SUCCEEDED(pInputText->get_value(&bstrValue)) ) { if (bstrValue) { size_t size = sizeof(TCHAR)*(lstrlen(W2A(bstrValue)) + 1); TCHAR* szVal = (TCHAR*)malloc(size * 3); if (szVal) { memcpy(szVal, W2A(bstrValue), size); URLEncode(szVal, size * 3); URLAppendQueryPair(lpszQuery, W2A(bstrName), szVal); // Cleanup free(szVal); } SysFreeString(bstrName); SysFreeString(bstrValue); } } // Release the interface pointer pInputText->Release(); continue; } if (SUCCEEDED(hr = pDisp->QueryInterface( IID_IHTMLSelectElement, (LPVOID*)&pSelect ))) { BSTR bstrName; BSTR bstrValue; if (SUCCEEDED(pSelect->get_name(&bstrName)) && SUCCEEDED(pSelect->get_value(&bstrValue)) ) { if (bstrValue) { size_t size = sizeof(TCHAR)*(lstrlen(W2A(bstrValue)) + 1); TCHAR* szVal = (TCHAR*)malloc(size * 3); if (szVal) { memcpy(szVal, W2A(bstrValue), size); URLEncode(szVal, size * 3); URLAppendQueryPair(lpszQuery, W2A(bstrName), szVal); // Cleanup free(szVal); } SysFreeString(bstrName); SysFreeString(bstrValue); } } // Release the interface pointer pSelect->Release(); continue; } if (SUCCEEDED(hr = pDisp->QueryInterface( IID_IHTMLTextAreaElement, (LPVOID*)&pTextArea ))) { BSTR bstrName; BSTR bstrValue; if (SUCCEEDED(pTextArea->get_name(&bstrName)) && SUCCEEDED(pTextArea->get_value(&bstrValue)) ) { if (bstrValue) { size_t size = sizeof(TCHAR)*(lstrlen(W2A(bstrValue)) + 1); TCHAR* szVal = (TCHAR*)malloc(size * 3); if (szVal) { memcpy(szVal, W2A(bstrValue), size); URLEncode(szVal, size * 3); URLAppendQueryPair(lpszQuery, W2A(bstrName), szVal); // Cleanup free(szVal); } SysFreeString(bstrName); SysFreeString(bstrValue); } } // Release the interface pointer pTextArea->Release(); } pDisp->Release(); } } } // Null out the last Ampersand, since we don't know when we added the last pair, so we got // a trailing ampersand lpszQuery[lstrlen(lpszQuery)-1] = '\0'; return S_OK; } HRESULT CWalker::get_FirstFormQueryString ( LPTSTR lpszQuery ) { HRESULT hr; IHTMLElementCollection *pColl = NULL; BOOL bDone = FALSE; assert(m_pMSHTML); if (!m_pMSHTML) { return E_UNEXPECTED; } // retrieve a reference to the ALL collection if (SUCCEEDED(hr = m_pMSHTML->get_all( &pColl ))) { long cElems; assert(pColl); // retrieve the count of elements in the collection if (SUCCEEDED(hr = pColl->get_length( &cElems ))) { // for each element retrieve properties such as TAGNAME and HREF for ( int i=0; (iitem( vIndex, var2, &pDisp ))) { // Look for tags IHTMLFormElement* pForm = NULL; if (SUCCEEDED(hr = pDisp->QueryInterface( IID_IHTMLFormElement, (LPVOID*)&pForm ))) { assert(pForm); if (SUCCEEDED(getQueryString(pForm, lpszQuery))) { hr = ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { hr = E_FAIL; } pForm->Release(); bDone = TRUE; } pDisp->Release(); } } } pColl->Release(); } // If we fall out of the loop, that is bad, so return a failure code if (!bDone) hr = E_FAIL; return (hr); } // For the URL for the next page HRESULT CWalker::get_URL ( LPTSTR lpszURL, BOOL bForward ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; BSTR bstrURL; TCHAR szQuery[INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH]; IHTMLFormElement * pForm = bForward ? get_pNextForm() : get_pBackForm(); if (!pForm) return (E_FAIL); // Get the Action for the Next Form hr = pForm->get_action(&bstrURL); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { memset(szQuery, 0, sizeof(szQuery)); lstrcpy(szQuery, cszQuestion); // Get the Query String if (SUCCEEDED(getQueryString(pForm, szQuery))) { // Catenate the two together into the dest buffer lstrcpy(lpszURL, W2A(bstrURL)); lstrcat(lpszURL, szQuery); } SysFreeString(bstrURL); } return hr; } HRESULT CWalker::get_IeakIspFile(LPTSTR lpszIspFile) { ASSERT(m_pMSHTML); IHTMLElementCollection* pColl = NULL; // retrieve a reference to the ALL collection if (SUCCEEDED(m_pMSHTML->get_all( &pColl ))) { LPDISPATCH pDisp = NULL; VARIANT varName; VARIANT varIdx; VariantInit(&varName); V_VT(&varName) = VT_BSTR; varName.bstrVal = A2W(HARDCODED_IEAK_ISPFILE_ELEMENT_ID); varIdx.vt = VT_UINT; varIdx.lVal = 0; if (SUCCEEDED(pColl->item(varName, varIdx, &pDisp)) && pDisp) { IHTMLElement* pElement = NULL; if (SUCCEEDED(pDisp->QueryInterface(IID_IHTMLElement, (void**)&pElement))) { BSTR bstrVal; if (SUCCEEDED(pElement->get_innerHTML(&bstrVal))) { lstrcpy(lpszIspFile, W2A(bstrVal)); SysFreeString(bstrVal); } pElement->Release(); } pDisp->Release(); } pColl->Release(); } return S_OK; } void CWalker::GetInputValue ( LPTSTR lpszName, BSTR *pVal, UINT index, IHTMLFormElement *pForm ) { VARIANT varName; VariantInit(&varName); V_VT(&varName) = VT_BSTR; varName.bstrVal = A2W(lpszName); VARIANT varIdx; varIdx.vt = VT_UINT; varIdx.lVal = index; LPDISPATCH pDispElt = NULL; // Get the IDispatch for the named element, from the collection of elements in the // passed in form object. if (SUCCEEDED(pForm->item(varName, varIdx, &pDispElt)) && pDispElt) { IHTMLInputElement *pInput = NULL; // Get the HTMLInputElement interface, so we can get the value associated with // this element if (SUCCEEDED(pDispElt->QueryInterface(IID_IHTMLInputElement,(LPVOID*) &pInput)) && pInput) { pInput->get_value(pVal); pInput->Release(); } pDispElt->Release(); } } // Grovel through the OLS HTML and update the registry, and make any desktop shortcuts HRESULT CWalker::ProcessOLSFile(IWebBrowser2* lpWebBrowser) { LPDISPATCH pDisp; // Get the document pointer from this webbrowser. if (SUCCEEDED(lpWebBrowser->get_Document(&pDisp))) { // Call might succeed but that dosen't guarantee a valid ptr if(pDisp) { IHTMLDocument2* pDoc; if (SUCCEEDED(pDisp->QueryInterface(IID_IHTMLDocument2, (void**)&pDoc))) { IHTMLElementCollection* pColl = NULL; // retrieve a reference to the ALL collection if (SUCCEEDED(pDoc->get_all( &pColl ))) { long cElems; assert(pColl); // retrieve the count of elements in the collection if (SUCCEEDED(pColl->get_length( &cElems ))) { VARIANT vIndex; vIndex.vt = VT_UINT; VARIANT var2 = { 0 }; for ( int i=0; iitem( vIndex, var2, &pElementDisp ))) { IHTMLFormElement* pForm = NULL; if (SUCCEEDED(pElementDisp->QueryInterface( IID_IHTMLFormElement, (LPVOID*)&pForm ))) { BSTR bstrName = NULL; // Get the name of the form, and see if it is the regEntries form if (SUCCEEDED(pForm->get_name(&bstrName))) { if (lstrcmpi(W2A(bstrName), cszOLSRegEntries) == 0) { BSTR bstrAction = NULL; // The Action value for this form contains the number of // reg entries we need to process if (SUCCEEDED(pForm->get_action(&bstrAction))) { int iNumEntries = _ttoi(W2A(bstrAction)); for (int x = 0; x < iNumEntries; x++) { BSTR bstrKeyName = NULL; BSTR bstrEntryName = NULL; BSTR bstrEntryValue = NULL; HKEY hkey; HKEY hklm; // For each entry we need to get the // following values: // KeyName, EntryName, EntryValue GetInputValue((LPTSTR)cszKeyName, &bstrKeyName, x, pForm); GetInputValue((LPTSTR)cszEntryName, &bstrEntryName, x, pForm); GetInputValue((LPTSTR)cszEntryValue, &bstrEntryValue, x, pForm); if (bstrKeyName && bstrEntryName && bstrEntryValue) { if (RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, NULL, 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hklm) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD dwDisposition; if (ERROR_SUCCESS == RegCreateKeyEx(hklm, W2A(bstrKeyName), 0, NULL, REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &hkey, &dwDisposition)) { LPTSTR lpszValue = W2A(bstrEntryValue); RegSetValueEx(hkey, W2A(bstrEntryName), 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE) lpszValue, sizeof(TCHAR)*(lstrlen(lpszValue)+1)); RegCloseKey(hkey); } RegCloseKey(hklm); } SysFreeString(bstrKeyName); SysFreeString(bstrEntryName); SysFreeString(bstrEntryValue); } } SysFreeString(bstrAction); } } else if (lstrcmpi(W2A(bstrName), cszOLSDesktopShortcut) == 0) { // Need to create a desktop shortcut BSTR bstrSourceName = NULL; BSTR bstrTargetName = NULL; // For each entry we need to get the // following values: // KeyName, EntryName, EntryValue GetInputValue((LPTSTR)cszSourceName, &bstrSourceName, 0, pForm); GetInputValue((LPTSTR)cszTargetName, &bstrTargetName, 0, pForm); if (bstrSourceName && bstrTargetName) { TCHAR szLinkPath[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szDestPath[MAX_PATH]; LPITEMIDLIST lpItemDList = NULL; IMalloc *pMalloc = NULL; // Get a reference to the shell allocator if (SUCCEEDED (SHGetMalloc (&pMalloc))) { if (SUCCEEDED(SHGetSpecialFolderLocation( NULL, CSIDL_PROGRAMS, &lpItemDList))) { SHGetPathFromIDList(lpItemDList, szLinkPath); lstrcat(szLinkPath, TEXT("\\")); lstrcat(szLinkPath, W2A(bstrSourceName)); pMalloc->Free (lpItemDList); lpItemDList = NULL; // Form the name where we will copy to if (SUCCEEDED(SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(NULL, CSIDL_DESKTOP,&lpItemDList))) { SHGetPathFromIDList(lpItemDList, szDestPath); pMalloc->Free (lpItemDList); lstrcat(szDestPath, TEXT("\\")); lstrcat(szDestPath, W2A(bstrTargetName)); CopyFile(szLinkPath, szDestPath, FALSE); } } // Release the allocator pMalloc->Release (); } SysFreeString(bstrSourceName); SysFreeString(bstrTargetName); } } SysFreeString(bstrName); } pForm->Release(); } pElementDisp->Release(); } // item } // for } // get_length pColl->Release(); } // get_all pDoc->Release(); } pDisp->Release(); } } return S_OK; }