// // resource.h // // contains global resource identifiers // #ifndef __RESOURCE_H_ #define __RESOURCE_H_ #define RT_FILE 2110 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // * * * RESOURCE NAMING CONVENTIONS * * * // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Resource Type Prefix Comments // ------------- ------ -------- // // String ids menu help strings should end in MH // Menu command idm // Menu resource idmr // Bitmap idb // Icon idi // Animation idan // Dialog idd // Dialog control idc // Cursor idcur // Raw RCDATA idr // Accelerator idac // Window idw // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // BEGIN String Resource IDs // // MENU HELP strings #define MH_BASE 1 #define idsNewMsgMH (idmNewMsg + MH_BASE) #define idsNewMsg2MH (idmNewMsg2 + MH_BASE) #define idsNewContactMH (idmNewContact + MH_BASE) #define idsHelpAboutMH (idmHelpAbout + MH_BASE) #define idsPrintMH (idmPrint + MH_BASE) #define idsCompactAllMH (idmCompactAll + MH_BASE) #define idsSpellingMH (idmSpelling + MH_BASE) #define idsOpenMH (idmOpen + MH_BASE) #define idsSaveAsMH (idmSaveAs + MH_BASE) #define idsSaveAttachMH (idmSaveAttach + MH_BASE) #define idsSubscribeNewsMH (idmSubscribeNews + MH_BASE) #define idsSubscribeGroupMH (idmSubscribeGroup + MH_BASE) #define idsConnectMH (idmConnect + MH_BASE) #define idsPropertiesMH (idmProperties + MH_BASE) #define idsUndoMH (idmUndo + MH_BASE) #define idsCutMH (idmCut + MH_BASE) #define idsCopyMH (idmCopy + MH_BASE) #define idsPasteMH (idmPaste + MH_BASE) #define idsSelectAllMH (idmSelectAll + MH_BASE) #define idsMarkReadMH (idmMarkRead + MH_BASE) #define idsMarkTopicReadMH (idmMarkTopicRead + MH_BASE) #define idsMarkAllReadMH (idmMarkAllRead + MH_BASE) #define idsMarkDownloadMH (idmMarkDownload + MH_BASE) #define idsMarkTopicDownloadMH (idmMarkTopicDownload + MH_BASE) #define idsFindMH (idmFind + MH_BASE) #define idsFindNextMH (idmFindNext + MH_BASE) #define idsViewDecryptMH (idmViewDecrypt + MH_BASE) #define idsColumnsMH (idmColumns + MH_BASE) #define idsNextMH (idmNext + MH_BASE) #define idsPreviousMH (idmPrevious + MH_BASE) #define idsNewArticleMH (idmNewArticle + MH_BASE) #define idsNewArticle2MH (idmNewArticle2 + MH_BASE) #define idsReplyPostMH (idmReplyPost + MH_BASE) #define idsReplyMailMH (idmReplyMail + MH_BASE) #define idsForwardMH (idmForward + MH_BASE) #define idsGetNextHeadersMH (idmGetNextHeaders + MH_BASE) #define idsHelpTopicsMH (idmHelpTopics + MH_BASE) #define idsGotoNewsgroupMH (idmGotoNewsgroup + MH_BASE) #define idsViewContactsMH (idmViewContacts + MH_BASE) #define idsPopupOfflineMH (idmPopupOffline + MH_BASE) #define idsPopupArrangeMH (idmPopupArrange + MH_BASE) #define idsFindTextMH (idmFindText + MH_BASE) #define idsReplyMH (idmReply + MH_BASE) #define idsReplyAllMH (idmReplyAll + MH_BASE) #define idsGotoInboxMH (idmGotoInbox + MH_BASE) #define idsDeliverMailMH (idmDeliverMail + MH_BASE) #define idsMoveToMH (idmMoveTo + MH_BASE) #define idsCopyToMH (idmCopyTo + MH_BASE) #define idsFldrCreateMH (idmFldrCreate + MH_BASE) #define idsFldrCreate2MH (idmFldrCreate2 + MH_BASE) #define idsFldrRenameMH (idmFldrRename + MH_BASE) #define idsFldrEmptyMH (idmFldrEmpty + MH_BASE) #define idsDeleteMH (idmDelete + MH_BASE) #define idsPopupImportMH (idmPopupImport + MH_BASE) #define idsPopupExportMH (idmPopupExport + MH_BASE) #define idsImportAddressBookMH (idmImportAddressBook + MH_BASE) #define idsImportMessagesMH (idmImportMessages + MH_BASE) #define idsImportAcctsMH (idmImportAccts + MH_BASE) #define idsExportAddressBookMH (idmExportAddressBook + MH_BASE) #define idsExportMessagesMH (idmExportMessages + MH_BASE) #define idsMarkUnreadMH (idmMarkUnread + MH_BASE) #define idsPopupPreviewMH (idmPopupPreview + MH_BASE) #define idsThreadArticlesMH (idmThreadArticles + MH_BASE) #define idsViewAllArticlesMH (idmViewAllArticles + MH_BASE) #define idsViewUnreadArticlesMH (idmViewUnreadArticles + MH_BASE) #define idsCombineAndDecodeMH (idmCombineAndDecode + MH_BASE) #define idsViewNewGroupsMH (idmViewNewGroups + MH_BASE) #define idsPrintNowMH (idmPrintNow + MH_BASE) #define idsForwardMsgAttachMH (idmForwardMsgAttach + MH_BASE) #define idsSortToggleMH (idmSortToggle + MH_BASE) #define idsFldrCompactMH (idmFldrCompact + MH_BASE) #define idsExpandThreadMH (idmExpandThread + MH_BASE) #define idsCollapseThreadMH (idmCollapseThread + MH_BASE) #define idsCancelArticleMH (idmCancelArticle + MH_BASE) #define idsAddToWABMH (idmAddrObj_AddToWAB + MH_BASE) #define idsReadmeMH (idmReadme + MH_BASE) #define idsLanguagePopupMH (idmLanguagePopup + MH_BASE) #define idsCleanUpFilesMH (idmCleanUpFiles + MH_BASE) #define idsCustomizeToolbarMH (idmCustomizeToolbar + MH_BASE) #define idsInboxRulesMH (idmInboxRules + MH_BASE) #define idsPostAndDownloadMH (idmPostAndDownload + MH_BASE) #define idsSaveMessageMH (idmSaveMessage + MH_BASE) #define idsMarkNewsgroupsMH (idmMarkNewsgroups + MH_BASE) #define idsMarkAllDownloadMH (idmMarkAllDownload + MH_BASE) #define idsUnmarkMH (idmUnmark + MH_BASE) #define idsReplyPostAndMailMH (idmReplyPostAndMail + MH_BASE) #define idsDisconnectMH (idmDisconnect + MH_BASE) #define idsHelpMSWebMH (idmHelpMSWeb + MH_BASE) #define idsViewNewsMH (idmViewNews + MH_BASE) #define idsViewMailMH (idmViewMail + MH_BASE) #define idsBrowseWebMH (idmBrowseWeb + MH_BASE) #define idsStopMH (idmStop + MH_BASE) #define idsViewTipOfTheDayMH (idmViewTipOfTheDay + MH_BASE) #define idsViewRefreshMH (idmViewRefresh + MH_BASE) #define idsUnDeleteMH (idmUnDelete + MH_BASE) #define idsExpungeMH (idmExpunge + MH_BASE) #define idsViewDeletedArticlesMH (idmViewDeletedArticles + MH_BASE) #define idsFoldersMH (idmFolders + MH_BASE) #define idsSubscribeFolderMH (idmSubscribeFolder + MH_BASE) #define idsDownloadAttachMH (idmDownloadAttach + MH_BASE) #define idsViewFilteredArticlesMH (idmViewFilteredArticles + MH_BASE) //#define idsDigSignMH (idmDigSign + MH_BASE) //#define idsEncryptMH (idmEncrypt + MH_BASE) #define idsSaveAttachAllMH (idmSaveAttachAll + MH_BASE) #define idsRefreshFoldersMH (idmRefreshFolders + MH_BASE) #define idsSpoolerWarningsMH (idmSpoolerWarnings + MH_BASE) #define idsSpoolerShowMH (idmSpoolerShow + MH_BASE) // TOOLTIP strings #define TT_BASE (IDM_LAST + MH_BASE + 1) #define idsNewMsg (idmNewMsg + TT_BASE) #define idsNewContactTT (idmNewContact + TT_BASE) #define idsPrint (idmPrint + TT_BASE) #define idsNextUnreadNewsgroup (idmNextUnreadNewsgroup + TT_BASE) #define idsNextUnreadArticle (idmNextUnreadArticle + TT_BASE) #define idsNextUnreadTopic (idmNextUnreadThread + TT_BASE) #define idsMarkRead (idmMarkRead + TT_BASE) #define idsConnect (idmConnect + TT_BASE) #define idsMarkDownload (idmMarkDownload + TT_BASE) #define idsFind (idmFind + TT_BASE) #define idsSpellingTT (idmSpelling + TT_BASE) #define idsNewArticleTT (idmNewArticle + TT_BASE) #define idsReplyPostTT (idmReplyPost + TT_BASE) #define idsReplyMailTT (idmReplyMail + TT_BASE) #define idsForwardTT (idmForward + TT_BASE) #define idsPrintNowTT (idmPrintNow + TT_BASE) #define idsReplyTT (idmReply + TT_BASE) #define idsReplyAllTT (idmReplyAll + TT_BASE) #define idsGotoInboxTT (idmGotoInbox + TT_BASE) #define idsDeliverMailTT (idmDeliverMail + TT_BASE) #define idsUndoTT (idmUndo + TT_BASE) #define idsDeleteTT (idmDelete + TT_BASE) #define idsSendMsgTT (idmSendMsg + TT_BASE) #define idsSaveTT (idmSave + TT_BASE) #define idsCutTT (idmCut + TT_BASE) #define idsCopyTT (idmCopy + TT_BASE) #define idsPasteTT (idmPaste + TT_BASE) #define idsCheckNamesTT (idmCheckNames + TT_BASE) #define idsPickRecipientsTT (idmPickRecipients + TT_BASE) #define idsInsertFileTT (idmInsertFile + TT_BASE) #define idsPreviousTT (idmPrevious + TT_BASE) #define idsNextTT (idmNext + TT_BASE) #define idsFindTextTT (idmFindText + TT_BASE) #define idsFmtSizeTT (idmFmtSize + TT_BASE) #define idsFmtColorTT (idmFmtColor + TT_BASE) #define idsFmtBoldTT (idmFmtBold + TT_BASE) #define idsFmtItalicTT (idmFmtItalic + TT_BASE) #define idsFmtUnderlineTT (idmFmtUnderline + TT_BASE) #define idsFmtBulletsTT (idmFmtBullets + TT_BASE) #define idsFmtDecreaseIndentTT (idmFmtDecreaseIndent + TT_BASE) #define idsFmtIncreaseIndentTT (idmFmtIncreaseIndent + TT_BASE) #define idsFmtLeftTT (idmFmtLeft + TT_BASE) #define idsFmtCenterTT (idmFmtCenter + TT_BASE) #define idsFmtRightTT (idmFmtRight + TT_BASE) #define idsPostMsgTT (idmPostMsg + TT_BASE) #define idsMarkAllReadTT (idmMarkAllRead + TT_BASE) #define idsMarkTopicReadTT (idmMarkTopicRead + TT_BASE) #define idsMarkTopicDownloadTT (idmMarkTopicDownload + TT_BASE) #define idsInsertSigTT (idmInsertSig + TT_BASE) #define idsViewContactsTT (idmViewContacts + TT_BASE) #define idsSaveAsTT (idmSaveAs + TT_BASE) #define idsUnDeleteTT (idmUnDelete + TT_BASE) #define idsExpungeTT (idmExpunge + TT_BASE) #define idsViewDeletedArticlesTT (idmViewDeletedArticles + TT_BASE) #define idsFoldersTT (idmFolders + TT_BASE) #define idsSubscribeFolderTT (idmSubscribeFolder + TT_BASE) #define idsDownloadAttachTT (idmDownloadAttach + TT_BASE) #define idsDigSignTT (idmDigSign + TT_BASE) #define idsEncryptTT (idmEncrypt + TT_BASE) #define idsLanguage (idmLangFirst + TT_BASE) #define idsFolderListTT (idmViewFolders + TT_BASE) #define idsSpoolerWarningsTT (idmSpoolerWarnings + TT_BASE) #define idsSpoolerShowTT (idmSpoolerShow + TT_BASE) #define idsDownloadAccountTT (idmSyncAccount + TT_BASE) #define idsDownloadNewsgroupTT (idmSyncSelected + TT_BASE) #define idsPostDefaultTT (idmPostDefault + TT_BASE) #define idsSendDefaultTT (idmSendDefault + TT_BASE) #define idsViewRefreshTT (idmViewRefresh + TT_BASE) #define idsPurgeTT (idmExpunge + TT_BASE) // regular strings (not tooltips and not menu help strings) #define STR_FIRST (IDM_LAST + TT_BASE + 1) #define idsAthena (STR_FIRST + 8) #define idsAthenaMail idsAthena #define idsAthenaNews idsAthena #define idsNlogErrConnClosed (STR_FIRST + 10) #define idsNlogIConnect (STR_FIRST + 11) #define idsNlogErrConnError (STR_FIRST + 12) #define idsTo (STR_FIRST + 13) #define idsFrom (STR_FIRST + 14) #define idsSubject (STR_FIRST + 15) #define idsReceived (STR_FIRST + 16) #define idsSent (STR_FIRST + 17) #define idsSize (STR_FIRST + 18) // keep the mailview column description string ids in sequence #define idsFromField (STR_FIRST + 21) #define idsToField (STR_FIRST + 22) #define idsCcField (STR_FIRST + 23) #define idsSubjectField (STR_FIRST + 24) #define idsTTFormattingFont (STR_FIRST + 25) #define idsTTFormattingSize (STR_FIRST + 27) #define idsAutoColor (STR_FIRST + 31) #define idsColor1 (STR_FIRST + 32) #define idsColor2 (STR_FIRST + 33) #define idsColor3 (STR_FIRST + 34) #define idsColor4 (STR_FIRST + 35) #define idsColor5 (STR_FIRST + 36) #define idsColor6 (STR_FIRST + 37) #define idsColor7 (STR_FIRST + 38) #define idsColor8 (STR_FIRST + 39) #define idsColor9 (STR_FIRST + 40) #define idsColor10 (STR_FIRST + 41) #define idsColor11 (STR_FIRST + 42) #define idsColor12 (STR_FIRST + 43) #define idsColor13 (STR_FIRST + 44) #define idsColor14 (STR_FIRST + 45) #define idsColor15 (STR_FIRST + 46) #define idsColor16 (STR_FIRST + 47) #define idsSmapiClose (STR_FIRST + 48) #define idsHideHotmailMenu (STR_FIRST + 49) #define idsNewsgroups (STR_FIRST + 52) #define idsDescription (STR_FIRST + 53) #define idsEmptyTo (STR_FIRST + 60) #define idsEmptyCc (STR_FIRST + 61) #define idsEmptySubject (STR_FIRST + 62) #define idsNoCcOrTo (STR_FIRST + 63) #define idsNoSubject (STR_FIRST + 64) #define idsTTTo (STR_FIRST + 65) #define idsTTCc (STR_FIRST + 66) #define idsTTSubject (STR_FIRST + 67) #define idsTTRecipients (STR_FIRST + 68) #define idsTTStampForSendnote (STR_FIRST + 69) #define idsSaveChangesMsg (STR_FIRST + 71) #define idsCantSaveMsg (STR_FIRST + 72) #define idsCantDeleteMsg (STR_FIRST + 73) #define idsNewsgroupsField (STR_FIRST + 81) #define idsEmptyNewsgroups (STR_FIRST + 82) #define idsDateField (STR_FIRST + 83) #define idsErrInvalidGroup (STR_FIRST + 84) #define idsWantToSubscribe (STR_FIRST + 85) #define idsWantToUnSubscribe (STR_FIRST + 89) #define idsUnsubscribeMenu (STR_FIRST + 90) #define idsSubscribeMenu (STR_FIRST + 91) #define idsErrNewsCantReply (STR_FIRST + 92) #define idsHTMLErrNewsCantOpen (STR_FIRST + 93) #define idsErrAttmanLoadFail (STR_FIRST + 94) #define idsSaveAttachmentAs (STR_FIRST + 97) #define idsNoFromField (STR_FIRST + 102) #define idsTTNewsgroups (STR_FIRST + 103) #define idsDownloadArtTitle (STR_FIRST + 104) #define idsDownloadArtMsg (STR_FIRST + 105) #define idsErrNoPoster (STR_FIRST + 106) #define idsDownloadingGroups (STR_FIRST + 110) #define idsSortingGroups (STR_FIRST + 111) #define idsDownloadingDesc (STR_FIRST + 112) #define idsWritingFile (STR_FIRST + 113) #define idsUnknown (STR_FIRST + 114) #define idsNewsLogon (STR_FIRST + 116) #define idsShowDetails (STR_FIRST + 117) #define idsHideDetails (STR_FIRST + 118) #define idsFilterAttSave (STR_FIRST + 129) #define idsCompose (STR_FIRST + 139) #define idsPostReply (STR_FIRST + 140) #define idsMailReply (STR_FIRST + 141) #define idsForward (STR_FIRST + 142) #define idsReply (STR_FIRST + 144) #define idsReplyAll (STR_FIRST + 145) #define idsDefMailExt (STR_FIRST + 148) #define idsDefNewsExt (STR_FIRST + 149) #define idsNewsSaveAsTitle (STR_FIRST + 150) #define idsMailSaveAsTitle (STR_FIRST + 151) #define idsUnableToSaveMessage (STR_FIRST + 152) #define idsDownloadingHeaders (STR_FIRST + 172) #define idsDownloadingArticle (STR_FIRST + 173) #define idsNewsStatus (STR_FIRST + 174) #define idsErrPeerClosed (STR_FIRST + 179) #define idsErrAuthenticate (STR_FIRST + 193) // Options Spelling dialog strings #define idsSpellClose (STR_FIRST + 201) #define idsSpellCaption (STR_FIRST + 202) #define idsSpellRepeatWord (STR_FIRST + 203) #define idsSpellWordNeedsCap (STR_FIRST + 204) #define idsSpellWordNotFound (STR_FIRST + 205) #define idsSpellNoSuggestions (STR_FIRST + 206) #define idsSpellDelete (STR_FIRST + 207) #define idsSpellDeleteAll (STR_FIRST + 208) #define idsSpellChange (STR_FIRST + 209) #define idsSpellChangeAll (STR_FIRST + 210) #define idsSpellMsgDone (STR_FIRST + 212) #define idsSpellMsgContinue (STR_FIRST + 213) #define idsSpellMsgConfirm (STR_FIRST + 214) #define idsSpellMsgSendOK (STR_FIRST + 215) #define idsErrSpellGenericSpell (STR_FIRST + 221) #define idsErrSpellGenericLoad (STR_FIRST + 222) #define idsErrSpellMainDictLoad (STR_FIRST + 223) #define idsErrSpellVersion (STR_FIRST + 224) #define idsErrSpellUserDictLoad (STR_FIRST + 226) #define idsErrSpellUserDictOpenRO (STR_FIRST + 227) #define idsErrSpellCacheWordLen (STR_FIRST + 230) #define idsPrefixReply (STR_FIRST + 231) #define idsPrefixForward (STR_FIRST + 232) #define idsErrCannotOpenMailMsg (STR_FIRST + 233) #define idsErrSpellLangChanged (STR_FIRST + 234) #define idsErrSpellWarnDictionary (STR_FIRST + 235) #ifdef WIN16 // Because Win16 don't have long file name support!!! #define idsInboxFile (STR_FIRST + 236) #define idsOutboxFile (STR_FIRST + 237) #define idsSentItemsFile (STR_FIRST + 238) #define idsDeletedItemsFile (STR_FIRST + 239) #define idsDraftFile (STR_FIRST + 240) #define idsNewsOutboxFile (STR_FIRST + 241) #endif // keep this contiguous please, or i'll kill you #define idsInbox (STR_FIRST + 242) #define idsOutbox (STR_FIRST + 243) #define idsSentItems (STR_FIRST + 244) #define idsDeletedItems (STR_FIRST + 245) #define idsDraft (STR_FIRST + 246) #define idsSharedInbox (STR_FIRST + 247) // keep this contiguous please, or i'll kill you #define idsAllFilesFilter (STR_FIRST + 248) #define idsTextFileFilter (STR_FIRST + 249) #define idsLinkExtension (STR_FIRST + 251) #define idsAttach (STR_FIRST + 252) #define idsInsertAttachment (STR_FIRST + 253) #define idsOverwriteFile (STR_FIRST + 254) #define idsDropLinkDirs (STR_FIRST + 255) #define idsAttConfirmDeletion (STR_FIRST + 256) #define idsTextOrHtmlFileFilter (STR_FIRST + 257) // leave a little space for addrview stuff... // end addrview strings #define idsErrCreateNewFld (STR_FIRST + 259) #define idsErrRenameFld (STR_FIRST + 260) #define idsErrDeleteFld (STR_FIRST + 261) #define idsWarnDeleteFolder (STR_FIRST + 262) #define idsErrRenameSpecialFld (STR_FIRST + 263) #define idsErrFolderNameConflict (STR_FIRST + 264) #define idsErrBadFolderName (STR_FIRST + 265) #define idsErrDeleteSpecialFolder (STR_FIRST + 266) #define idsWarnEmptyDeletedItems (STR_FIRST + 267) #define idsWarnPermDelete (STR_FIRST + 268) #define idsWarnPermDeleteSome (STR_FIRST + 269) #define idsErrStartupFailed (STR_FIRST + 270) #define idsDoYouWantToSave (STR_FIRST + 274) #define idsXMsgsYUnread (STR_FIRST + 277) #define idsXMsgs (STR_FIRST + 278) #define idsErrNoRecipients (STR_FIRST + 299) #define idsPropPageSecurity (STR_FIRST + 301) #define idsPropPageGeneral (STR_FIRST + 302) #define idsPropPageDetails (STR_FIRST + 303) #define idsErrReplyForward (STR_FIRST + 304) #define idsShowFavorites (STR_FIRST + 310) #define idsNewArticleTitle (STR_FIRST + 311) #define idsAttDefaultName (STR_FIRST + 313) #define idsErrNoGroupsFound (STR_FIRST + 314) #define idsErrCantResolveGroup (STR_FIRST + 315) #define idsEmptySubjectRO (STR_FIRST + 316) #define idsReplyTextPrefix (STR_FIRST + 318) #define idsMailRundllFailed (STR_FIRST + 319) #define idsNewsRundllFailed (STR_FIRST + 320) #define idsRecipient (STR_FIRST + 322) #define idsWarnMultipleOpens (STR_FIRST + 323) #define idsNoNewGroupsAvail (STR_FIRST + 328) #define idsNewGroups (STR_FIRST + 329) #define idsDllExpired (STR_FIRST + 332) #define idsErrNoSubject (STR_FIRST + 333) #define idsEmlFileFilter (STR_FIRST + 334) #define idsNwsFileFilter (STR_FIRST + 335) #define idsBase64 (STR_FIRST + 338) #define idsQuotedPrintable (STR_FIRST + 339) #define idsEnterPollTime (STR_FIRST + 342) #define idsEnterSigText (STR_FIRST + 345) #define idsEnterSigFile (STR_FIRST + 346) #define idsOptions (STR_FIRST + 347) #define idsWarnSigTruncated (STR_FIRST + 348) #define idsWarnSigNotFound (STR_FIRST + 350) #define idsWarnSigBinary (STR_FIRST + 351) #define idsDLChecking (STR_FIRST + 352) #define idsWarnUnsentMail (STR_FIRST + 355) #define idsErrRemoveServer (STR_FIRST + 358) #define idsEnterPreviewTime (STR_FIRST + 361) #define idsEnterDownloadChunks (STR_FIRST + 362) #define idsSBSending (STR_FIRST + 367) #define idsSBReceiving (STR_FIRST + 368) #define idsSBConnecting (STR_FIRST + 369) #define idsSBNoNewMsgs (STR_FIRST + 370) #define idsSBNewMsgsControl (STR_FIRST + 371) #define idsSBChecking (STR_FIRST + 372) #define idsPropAttachNone (STR_FIRST + 373) #define idsUnderComp (STR_FIRST + 375) #define idsSortAsc (STR_FIRST + 376) #define idsSortMenuHelpControl (STR_FIRST + 377) #define idsReplyTextAppend (STR_FIRST + 378) #define idsErrPreviewLoadFail (STR_FIRST + 379) #define idsCharsetMapChange (STR_FIRST + 380) #define idsDisplayFavoritesDlg (STR_FIRST + 383) #define idsNoNewsgroupParen (STR_FIRST + 384) #define idsNewsStatusNoServer (STR_FIRST + 385) #define idsNone (STR_FIRST + 387) #define idsAuthorizing (STR_FIRST + 389) #define idsPropNoSubject (STR_FIRST + 390) #define idsErrNoMailInstalled (STR_FIRST + 394) #define idsErrCantCompactFolder (STR_FIRST + 395) #define idsErrCantCompactInUse (STR_FIRST + 396) #define idsCompactStore (STR_FIRST + 397) #define idsRenameFolderTitle (STR_FIRST + 398) #define idsTabSubscribed (STR_FIRST + 399) #define idsTabAll (STR_FIRST + 400) #define idsTabNew (STR_FIRST + 401) #define idsFile (STR_FIRST + 402) #define idsVersion (STR_FIRST + 403) #define idsFollowupToField (STR_FIRST + 404) #define idsReplyToField (STR_FIRST + 405) #define idsOrgField (STR_FIRST + 406) #define idsDistributionField (STR_FIRST + 407) #define idsKeywordsField (STR_FIRST + 408) #define idsApprovedField (STR_FIRST + 409) // Address Book Strings #define idsPickNamesTitle (STR_FIRST + 410) #define idsGeneralWabError (STR_FIRST + 412) #define idsStartupError (STR_FIRST + 413) #define idsEmptyFollowupTo (STR_FIRST + 415) #define idsEmptyDistribution (STR_FIRST + 416) #define idsEmptyKeywords (STR_FIRST + 417) #define idsEmptyReplyTo (STR_FIRST + 418) #define idsNotSpecified (STR_FIRST + 419) #define idsVerifyCancel (STR_FIRST + 420) #define idsCantCancel (STR_FIRST + 421) #define idsCancelFailed (STR_FIRST + 422) #define idsErrRemoveServerInUse (STR_FIRST + 423) #define idsHTMLPressSpaceToDownload (STR_FIRST + 425) #define idsEnterAutoWrap (STR_FIRST + 427) #define idsLines (STR_FIRST + 428) #define idsReadingCachedHeaders (STR_FIRST + 436) #define idsErrEmptyMessage (STR_FIRST + 437) #define idsErrOnlyQuotedText (STR_FIRST + 438) #define idsErrLinesLongerThan80 (STR_FIRST + 439) #define idsErrTooMuchQuoted (STR_FIRST + 440) #define idsMsgRecipients (STR_FIRST + 441) #define idsErrAddToWAB (STR_FIRST + 442) #define idsErrAddrProps (STR_FIRST + 443) #define idsErrBadRecipients (STR_FIRST + 444) #define idsErrDeleteMsg (STR_FIRST + 445) #define idsErrPickNames (STR_FIRST + 446) #define idsErrAddrDupe (STR_FIRST + 447) #define idsControlField (STR_FIRST + 448) #define idsTTControl (STR_FIRST + 449) #define idsErrConfigureServer (STR_FIRST + 450) #define idsErrCantForward (STR_FIRST + 451) #define idsErrAddCertToWAB (STR_FIRST + 452) #define idsErrOpenManyMessages (STR_FIRST + 453) #define idsIgnoreResolveError (STR_FIRST + 458) #define idsErrSendMail (STR_FIRST + 473) #define idsErrStoreInit (STR_FIRST + 475) #define idsErrMailInit (STR_FIRST + 476) #define idsErrDelete (STR_FIRST + 478) #define idsErrImport (STR_FIRST + 480) #define idsErrImportLoad (STR_FIRST + 481) #define idsHTMLErrNewsExpired (STR_FIRST + 483) #define idsBack (STR_FIRST + 484) #define idsNext (STR_FIRST + 485) #define idsTTFollowup (STR_FIRST + 510) #define idsTTDistribution (STR_FIRST + 511) #define idsTTKeywords (STR_FIRST + 512) #define idsTTReplyTo (STR_FIRST + 513) #define idsTTApproved (STR_FIRST + 514) #define idsTTPickNewsgroups (STR_FIRST + 515) #define idsErrDeleteOnExit (STR_FIRST + 518) #define idsFolderLocked (STR_FIRST + 519) #define idsGenericError (STR_FIRST + 520) #define idsCcWell (STR_FIRST + 521) #define idsErrOnlyOneReplyTo (STR_FIRST + 522) #define idsReplyToWell (STR_FIRST + 523) #define idsErrMove (STR_FIRST + 525) #define idsErrCopy (STR_FIRST + 528) #define idsWarnMailEmptySubj (STR_FIRST + 531) #define idsEnterDays (STR_FIRST + 532) #define idsAllServers (STR_FIRST + 533) #define idsWastedKB (STR_FIRST + 536) #define idsEnterCompactPer (STR_FIRST + 538) #define idsDelete (STR_FIRST + 542) #define idsCantLoadMapi32Dll (STR_FIRST + 544) #define idsErrBadFindParams (STR_FIRST + 545) #define idsNoMoreMsgFound (STR_FIRST + 546) #define idsErrNewsgroupLineTooLong (STR_FIRST + 549) #define idsNoteLangTitle (STR_FIRST + 550) #define idsCompacting (STR_FIRST + 551) #define idsConfirmDelAll (STR_FIRST + 552) #define idsConfirmDelGroup (STR_FIRST + 553) #define idsConfirmDelServer (STR_FIRST + 554) // don't make me kill you for reordering the following ids... #define idsNotConnected (STR_FIRST + 556) #define idsReconnecting (STR_FIRST + 557) #define idsFindingHost (STR_FIRST + 558) #define idsFoundHost (STR_FIRST + 559) #define idsConnecting (STR_FIRST + 560) #define idsConnected (STR_FIRST + 561) #define idsSecuring (STR_FIRST + 562) // don't make me kill you for reordering the preceding ids... #define idsBCcField (STR_FIRST + 563) #define idsEmptyBCc (STR_FIRST + 564) #define idsTTBCc (STR_FIRST + 565) #define idsErrCompactAll (STR_FIRST + 566) #define idsMemory (STR_FIRST + 567) #define idsDiskFull (STR_FIRST + 568) #define idsErrExport (STR_FIRST + 574) #define idsCleaningUp (STR_FIRST + 575) #define idsErrBadRecips (STR_FIRST + 576) #define idsSaveAs (STR_FIRST + 577) #define idsCancelArticle (STR_FIRST + 578) #define idsMarkAllRead (STR_FIRST + 579) #define idsMarkUnread (STR_FIRST + 580) #define idsGotoOutbox (STR_FIRST + 581) #define idsGotoPosted (STR_FIRST + 582) #define idsMarkNewsgroups (STR_FIRST + 583) #define idsMarkThreadDownload (STR_FIRST + 584) #define idsMarkAllDownload (STR_FIRST + 585) #define idsMarkThreadRead (STR_FIRST + 586) #define idsHelp (STR_FIRST + 587) #define idsProgDLPost (STR_FIRST + 588) #define idsProgDLMessage (STR_FIRST + 589) #define idsProgDLGetLines (STR_FIRST + 593) #define idsPostedItems (STR_FIRST + 596) #define idsGoToSentItems (STR_FIRST + 598) #define idsMarkReadTT (STR_FIRST + 599) #define idsErrSelectGroup (STR_FIRST + 602) #define idsSavedItems (STR_FIRST + 605) #define idsActionMoveTo (STR_FIRST + 606) #define idsActionCopyTo (STR_FIRST + 607) #define idsActionDontDownload (STR_FIRST + 608) #define idsIf (STR_FIRST + 609) #define idsSubjectContains (STR_FIRST + 610) #define idsFromContains (STR_FIRST + 611) #define idsToContains (STR_FIRST + 612) #define idsCCContains (STR_FIRST + 613) #define idsAnd (STR_FIRST + 614) #define idsMaxCoolbarBtnWidth (STR_FIRST + 619) #define idsProgCombiningMsgs (STR_FIRST + 620) #define idsProgCopyMessages (STR_FIRST + 621) #define idsProgMoveMessages (STR_FIRST + 622) #define idsProgDeleteMessages (STR_FIRST + 623) #define idsMaxOutbarBtnWidth (STR_FIRST + 624) #define idshrRasInitFailure (STR_FIRST + 625) #define idshrRasDialFailure (STR_FIRST + 626) #define idshrRasServerNotFound (STR_FIRST + 627) #define idsRasError (STR_FIRST + 628) #define idshrGetDialParamsFailed (STR_FIRST + 630) #define idsEndOfListReached (STR_FIRST + 631) #define idsMime (STR_FIRST + 632) #define idsUUEncode (STR_FIRST + 633) #define idsPriLow (STR_FIRST + 634) #define idsPriHigh (STR_FIRST + 635) #define idsPriNormal (STR_FIRST + 636) #define idsWarnHTMLToPlain (STR_FIRST + 638) #define idsMoveTo (STR_FIRST + 647) #define idsCopyTo (STR_FIRST + 648) #define idsDisconnect (STR_FIRST + 649) #define IDS_BROWSE_FOLDER (STR_FIRST + 650) #define idsRasErrorGeneral (STR_FIRST + 651) #define idsRas_Dialing (STR_FIRST + 652) #define idsRas_Authentication (STR_FIRST + 653) #define idsErrorText (STR_FIRST + 654) #define idsRas_Authenticated (STR_FIRST + 655) #define idsRASCS_OpenPort (STR_FIRST + 657) #define idsRASCS_PortOpened (STR_FIRST + 658) #define idsRASCS_ConnectDevice (STR_FIRST + 659) #define idsRASCS_DeviceConnected (STR_FIRST + 660) #define idsRASCS_AuthNotify (STR_FIRST + 661) #define idsRASCS_AuthRetry (STR_FIRST + 662) #define idsRASCS_AuthCallback (STR_FIRST + 663) #define idsRASCS_AuthChangePassword (STR_FIRST + 664) #define idsRASCS_AuthProject (STR_FIRST + 665) #define idsRASCS_AuthLinkSpeed (STR_FIRST + 666) #define idsRASCS_AuthAck (STR_FIRST + 667) #define idsRASCS_Authenticated (STR_FIRST + 669) #define idsRASCS_PrepareForCallback (STR_FIRST + 670) #define idsRASCS_WaitForModemReset (STR_FIRST + 671) #define idsRASCS_WaitForCallback (STR_FIRST + 672) #define idsRASCS_Projected (STR_FIRST + 673) #define idsRASCS_Connected (STR_FIRST + 674) #define idsRASCS_Disconnected (STR_FIRST + 675) #define idshrSetDialParamsFailed (STR_FIRST + 676) #define idsOK (STR_FIRST + 677) #define idsRASCS_AllDevicesConnected (STR_FIRST + 678) #define idsErrCouldntCopyMessage (STR_FIRST + 679) #define idsErrMailBombHtml (STR_FIRST + 680) #define idsDefault (STR_FIRST + 681) #define idsFailACacheCompact (STR_FIRST + 682) #define idsFailACacheCompactReason (STR_FIRST + 683) // For the HTML Welcome message #define idsWelcomeMessageSubj (STR_FIRST + 686) #define idsSecWelcomeMessageSubj (STR_FIRST + 687) #define idsSpoolerDisconnect (STR_FIRST + 696) #define idsHTMLErrArticleNotCached (STR_FIRST + 699) #define idsStopTT (STR_FIRST + 701) #define idsSecurityWarning (STR_FIRST + 702) #define idsErrServerNotConnected (STR_FIRST + 703) #define idsCacheRemovingReadArts (STR_FIRST + 704) #define idsCacheRemovingExpired (STR_FIRST + 705) #define idsProgDLPostTo (STR_FIRST + 707) #define idsCacheRemovingBody (STR_FIRST + 708) // Bug# 51180 (v-snatar) #define idsHelpMSWebFirst (STR_FIRST + 710) #define idsHelpMSWebFree (STR_FIRST + 711) #define idsHelpMSWebProductNews (STR_FIRST + 712) #define idsHelpMSWebFaq (STR_FIRST + 713) #define idsHelpMSWebSupport (STR_FIRST + 714) #define idsHelpMSWebFeedback (STR_FIRST + 715) #define idsHelpMSWebBest (STR_FIRST + 716) #define idsHelpMSWebSearch (STR_FIRST + 717) #define idsHelpMSWebHome (STR_FIRST + 718) #define idsHelpMSWebOutlook (STR_FIRST + 719) #define idsHelpMSWebIE (STR_FIRST + 720) #define idsHelpMSWebCert (STR_FIRST + 721) #define idsHelpMSWebCertSubName (STR_FIRST + 722) #define idsHelpMSWebHotmail (STR_FIRST + 723) #define idsHelpMSWebLast (STR_FIRST + 730) #define idsCombineAndDecodeTT (STR_FIRST + 732) #define idsPostAndDownloadTT (STR_FIRST + 733) #define idsGetNextTT (STR_FIRST + 734) #define idsUnscrambleTT (STR_FIRST + 735) #define idsUnmarkTT (STR_FIRST + 736) #define idsErrCantCombineNotConnected (STR_FIRST + 737) #define idsDefTextExt (STR_FIRST + 738) #define idsInsertTextTitle (STR_FIRST + 739) #define idsErrHTMLInNewsIsBad (STR_FIRST + 740) #define idsRasPromptDisconnect (STR_FIRST + 741) #define idsProgReceivedLines (STR_FIRST + 743) #define idsErrServerNotCongured (STR_FIRST + 744) #define idsErrSendDownloadFail (STR_FIRST + 745) #define idsErrSaveDownloadFail (STR_FIRST + 746) #define idsHTMLErrNewsDLCancelled (STR_FIRST + 781) #define idsErrGrpListDL (STR_FIRST + 782) #define idsNewMailNotify (STR_FIRST + 794) #define idsXMsgsYUnreadZonServ (STR_FIRST + 795) #define idsGetHeaderFmt (STR_FIRST + 796) #define idsPassReqd (STR_FIRST + 798) #define idsHTMLDiskOutOfSpace (STR_FIRST + 799) // Bug# 50704 (v-snatar) #define idsToWell (STR_FIRST + 822) #define idsFromWell (STR_FIRST + 823) #define idsFolder (STR_FIRST + 829) #define idsErrCantRepairInUse (STR_FIRST + 832) #define idsRulesNoActions (STR_FIRST + 833) #define idsRulesNoCriteria (STR_FIRST + 834) #define idsRuleNoForwardTo (STR_FIRST + 835) #define idsActionForwardTo (STR_FIRST + 836) #define idsIn (STR_FIRST + 838) #define idsOn (STR_FIRST + 839) #define idsForAllMessages (STR_FIRST + 840) #define idsMessagePostedMoreThan (STR_FIRST + 841) #define idsDaysAgo (STR_FIRST + 842) #define idsMessageSizeGreaterThan (STR_FIRST + 843) #define idsKB (STR_FIRST + 844) #define idsActionReplyWith (STR_FIRST + 845) #define idsActionDeleteOffServer (STR_FIRST + 846) #define idsDontShowMessages (STR_FIRST + 847) #define idsInAnyGroup (STR_FIRST + 848) #define idsRulesPickGroup (STR_FIRST + 850) #define idsRuleNoReplyWithFile (STR_FIRST + 851) #define idsRulePickFrom (STR_FIRST + 852) #define idsRulePickTo (STR_FIRST + 853) #define idsRulePickForwardTo (STR_FIRST + 854) #define idsRulePickCC (STR_FIRST + 855) #define idsReasonMoveTo (STR_FIRST + 856) #define idsReasonCopyTo (STR_FIRST + 857) #define idsReasonForwardTo (STR_FIRST + 858) #define idsReasonReplyWith (STR_FIRST + 859) #define idsReasonActions (STR_FIRST + 860) #define idsNameCol (STR_FIRST + 861) #define idsUnread (STR_FIRST + 862) #define idsNew (STR_FIRST + 863) #define idsLastUpdated (STR_FIRST + 864) #define idsWastedSpace (STR_FIRST + 865) #define idsTotal (STR_FIRST + 866) #define idsErrDDFileNotFound (STR_FIRST + 867) #define idsGroupPropStatusDef (STR_FIRST + 871) #define idsFolderPropStatusDef (STR_FIRST + 872) #define idsGroupPropStatus (STR_FIRST + 873) #define idsFolderPropStatus (STR_FIRST + 874) #define idsTipOfTheDay (STR_FIRST + 875) #define idsNextTip (STR_FIRST + 876) #define idsEmptyControl (STR_FIRST + 878) #define idsEmptyApproved (STR_FIRST + 879) #define idshrCantOpenOutbox (STR_FIRST + 908) #define idsUrlDetecting (STR_FIRST + 909) #define idshrAuthFailed (STR_FIRST + 912) #define idsInetMailConnectingHost (STR_FIRST + 923) #define idsInetMailRecvStatus (STR_FIRST + 932) #define idsReplySep (STR_FIRST + 933) #define idsReplyFont (STR_FIRST + 934) #define idsDetail_Account (STR_FIRST + 941) #define idsDetail_Server (STR_FIRST + 942) #define idsDetail_UserName (STR_FIRST + 943) #define idsDetail_Protocol (STR_FIRST + 944) #define idsDetail_Port (STR_FIRST + 945) #define idsDetail_Secure (STR_FIRST + 946) #define idsDetail_ErrorNumber (STR_FIRST + 947) #define idsDetail_HRESULT (STR_FIRST + 948) #define idsDetails_Config (STR_FIRST + 949) #define idshrLockUidCacheFailed (STR_FIRST + 986) #define idshrCantLeaveOnServer (STR_FIRST + 988) #define idsNewsRulesTitle (STR_FIRST + 989) #define idsUpOneLevel (STR_FIRST + 990) #define idsAccount (STR_FIRST + 997) #define idsSendMsgUsing (STR_FIRST + 999) #define idsSendMsgAccelTip (STR_FIRST + 1000) #define idsDefaultAccount (STR_FIRST + 1001) #define idsConnection (STR_FIRST + 1002) #define idsConnectionLAN (STR_FIRST + 1003) #define idsConnectionManual (STR_FIRST + 1004) #define idsGroupFilters (STR_FIRST + 1007) #define idsSendMsgOneAccount (STR_FIRST + 1008) #define idsErrNoSendAccounts (STR_FIRST + 1009) #define idshrErrNoSmtpResponse (STR_FIRST + 1011) #define idshrErrNoPop3Response (STR_FIRST + 1012) #define idsWarnDeleteAccount (STR_FIRST + 1014) #define idsPollAllAccounts (STR_FIRST + 1015) #define idsSecurityField (STR_FIRST + 1017) #define idsStitchingMessages (STR_FIRST + 1018) #define idsRuleReplyWithFilter (STR_FIRST + 1019) #define idsCopy (STR_FIRST + 1020) #define idsCopyCaption (STR_FIRST + 1021) #define idsMove (STR_FIRST + 1022) #define idsMoveCaption (STR_FIRST + 1023) #define idsNoMoveDestinationFolder (STR_FIRST + 1024) #define idsNoCopyDestinationFolder (STR_FIRST + 1025) #define idsErrFolderMove (STR_FIRST + 1026) #define idsErrCantMoveIntoSubfolder (STR_FIRST + 1027) #define idsErrURLExec (STR_FIRST + 1028) #define idsErrNoteDeferedInit (STR_FIRST + 1029) #define idsErrCannotMoveSpecial (STR_FIRST + 1030) #define idsErrLoadingHtmlEdit (STR_FIRST + 1031) #define idsErrLoadingWAB (STR_FIRST + 1032) #define idsErrWAB (STR_FIRST + 1033) #define idsErrWABNotFound (STR_FIRST + 1034) // Languages for purposes of spelling #define idsSpellLangAmerican (STR_FIRST + 1035) #define idsSpellLangAustralian (STR_FIRST + 1036) #define idsSpellLangBritish (STR_FIRST + 1037) #define idsSpellLangCatalan (STR_FIRST + 1038) #define idsSpellLangCzecheslovakian (STR_FIRST + 1039) #define idsSpellLangDanish (STR_FIRST + 1040) #define idsSpellLangDutch (STR_FIRST + 1041) #define idsSpellLangFinnish (STR_FIRST + 1042) #define idsSpellLangFrench (STR_FIRST + 1043) #define idsSpellLangFrenchCanadian (STR_FIRST + 1044) #define idsSpellLangGerman (STR_FIRST + 1045) #define idsSpellLangGreek (STR_FIRST + 1046) #define idsSpellLangHungarian (STR_FIRST + 1047) #define idsSpellLangItalian (STR_FIRST + 1048) #define idsSpellLangNorskBokmal (STR_FIRST + 1049) #define idsSpellLangNorskNynorsk (STR_FIRST + 1050) #define idsSpellLangPolish (STR_FIRST + 1051) #define idsSpellLangPortBrazil (STR_FIRST + 1052) #define idsSpellLangPortIberian (STR_FIRST + 1053) #define idsSpellLangRussian (STR_FIRST + 1054) #define idsSpellLangSpanish (STR_FIRST + 1055) #define idsSpellLangSwedish (STR_FIRST + 1056) #define idsSpellLangTurkish (STR_FIRST + 1057) #define idsSpellLangDefault (STR_FIRST + 1058) #define idsErrCantDeleteFolderWithSub (STR_FIRST + 1060) #define idsIMAP (STR_FIRST + 1064) #define idsErrResetSubList (STR_FIRST + 1065) #define idsMessagesOn (STR_FIRST + 1069) #define idsWarnDeleteManyFolders (STR_FIRST + 1070) #define idsErrMsgURLNotFound (STR_FIRST + 1071) #define idsDownloadingImapFldrs (STR_FIRST + 1072) #define idsColLines (STR_FIRST + 1073) #define idsNewFolder (STR_FIRST + 1074) #define idsNewFolderNumber (STR_FIRST + 1075) #define idsImapLogon (STR_FIRST + 1076) #define idsFontSize0 (STR_FIRST + 1079) #define idsFontSize1 (STR_FIRST + 1080) #define idsFontSize2 (STR_FIRST + 1081) #define idsFontSize3 (STR_FIRST + 1082) #define idsFontSize4 (STR_FIRST + 1083) #define idsFontSize5 (STR_FIRST + 1084) #define idsFontSize6 (STR_FIRST + 1085) #define idsErrLoadWinMM (STR_FIRST + 1086) #define idsErrInetcplLoad (STR_FIRST + 1087) #define idsErrSicilyFailedToLoad (STR_FIRST + 1089) #define idsErrSicilyLogonFailed (STR_FIRST + 1090) #define idsOui (STR_FIRST + 1101) #define idsNon (STR_FIRST + 1102) #define idsBit (STR_FIRST + 1103) #define idsMaybe (STR_FIRST + 1104) #define idsMessageSizeLessThan (STR_FIRST + 1106) #define idsLogCouldNotConnect (STR_FIRST + 1110) #define idsErrCoCreateTrident (STR_FIRST + 1122) #define idsLogErrorGroup (STR_FIRST + 1123) #define idsLogErrorConnection (STR_FIRST + 1124) #define idsLogCheckingNewMessages (STR_FIRST + 1125) #define idsErrNotSaveUntilDownloadDone (STR_FIRST + 1126) #define idsLogErrorSwitchGroup (STR_FIRST + 1127) #define idsSendBeforeFullyDisplayed (STR_FIRST + 1128) #define idsLogStartDownloadAll (STR_FIRST + 1132) #define idsDetails (STR_FIRST + 1145) #define idsIMAPCmdCompletionError (STR_FIRST + 1149) #define idsIMAPFolderListFailed (STR_FIRST + 1150) #define idsIMAPCreateFailed (STR_FIRST + 1151) #define idsIMAPCreateListFailed (STR_FIRST + 1152) #define idsIMAPCreateSubscribeFailed (STR_FIRST + 1153) #define idsIMAPFolderCacheTitle (STR_FIRST + 1154) #define idsIMAPFolderCacheError (STR_FIRST + 1155) #define idsIMAPSendNextOpErrTitle (STR_FIRST + 1157) #define idsIMAPSendNextOpErrText (STR_FIRST + 1158) #define idsIMAPFmgrInitErrTitle (STR_FIRST + 1159) #define idsIMAPFmgrInitErrText (STR_FIRST + 1160) #define idsIMAPCreateFldrErrorTitle (STR_FIRST + 1161) #define idsIMAPCreateFldrErrorText (STR_FIRST + 1162) #define idsIMAPFldrInitHdrsErrTitle (STR_FIRST + 1163) #define idsIMAPFldrInitHdrsErrText (STR_FIRST + 1164) #define idsIMAPServerAlertTitle (STR_FIRST + 1165) #define idsIMAPServerAlertIntro (STR_FIRST + 1166) #define idsIMAPServerParseErrTitle (STR_FIRST + 1167) #define idsIMAPServerParseErrIntro (STR_FIRST + 1168) #define idsIMAPOutOfSyncTitle (STR_FIRST + 1169) #define idsWarnChangeSecurity (STR_FIRST + 1170) #define idsIMAPNewHdrErrTitle (STR_FIRST + 1171) #define idsIMAPNewHdrErrText (STR_FIRST + 1172) #define idsIMAPNewBodyErrTitle (STR_FIRST + 1173) #define idsIMAPNewBodyErrText (STR_FIRST + 1174) #define idsIMAPNewFlagsErrTitle (STR_FIRST + 1175) #define idsIMAPNewFlagsErrText (STR_FIRST + 1176) #define idsIMAPErrorNotificationText (STR_FIRST + 1177) #define idsIMAPAuthFailureText (STR_FIRST + 1178) #define idsIMAPMsgDeleteSyncErrTitle (STR_FIRST + 1179) #define idsIMAPMsgDeleteSyncErrText (STR_FIRST + 1180) #define idsIMAPSelectFailureTitle (STR_FIRST + 1181) #define idsIMAPSelectFailureTextFmt (STR_FIRST + 1182) #define idsIMAPNewMsgDLErrTitle (STR_FIRST + 1183) #define idsIMAPNewMsgDLErrText (STR_FIRST + 1184) #define idsIMAPOldMsgUpdateFailure (STR_FIRST + 1185) #define idsIMAPFldrDeleteSyncErrTitle (STR_FIRST + 1186) #define idsIMAPFldrDeleteSyncErrText (STR_FIRST + 1187) #define idsErrNewsgroupBlocked (STR_FIRST + 1188) #define idsErrNewsgroupNoPosting (STR_FIRST + 1189) #define idsNewsOutbox (STR_FIRST + 1190) #define idsIMAP_HCFCouldNotDelete (STR_FIRST + 1191) #define idsIMAPNoHierarchy (STR_FIRST + 1192) #define idsIMAPNoHierarchyLosePrefix (STR_FIRST + 1193) #define idsIMAPPrefixCreateFailedFmt (STR_FIRST + 1194) #define idsSaveAttachControl (STR_FIRST + 1196) #define idsOpenAttachControl (STR_FIRST + 1197) #define idsAll (STR_FIRST + 1198) #define idsSaveAllBrowse (STR_FIRST + 1199) #define idsErrCmdFailed (STR_FIRST + 1200) #define idsEmptyFolderMenuCommand (STR_FIRST + 1201) #define idsIMAPDeleteFldrFailed (STR_FIRST + 1203) #define idsIMAPDeleteFldrUnsubFailed (STR_FIRST + 1204) #define idsIMAPUnselectFailed (STR_FIRST + 1205) #define idsIMAPDeleteFldrErrorTitle (STR_FIRST + 1206) #define idsIMAPDeleteFldrErrorText (STR_FIRST + 1207) #define idsIMAPUpldProgressFmt (STR_FIRST + 1208) #define idsIMAPAppendFailed (STR_FIRST + 1209) #define idsIMAPUploadMsgFailedTitle (STR_FIRST + 1211) #define idsIMAPUploadMsgStoreFail (STR_FIRST + 1212) #define idsIMAPUploadMsgMoveDelFail (STR_FIRST + 1213) #define idsIMAPUploadMsgNoRootLvl (STR_FIRST + 1214) #define idsIMAPUploadMsgErrorText (STR_FIRST + 1215) #define idsInlineImageHeader (STR_FIRST + 1216) #define idsInlineImagePlaceHolder (STR_FIRST + 1217) #define idsBccWell (STR_FIRST + 1218) #define idsErrNewsCantOpen (STR_FIRST + 1219) #define idsErrNewsExpired (STR_FIRST + 1220) #define idsPrintHeader (STR_FIRST + 1221) #define idsIMAPImapCopyMoveNYI (STR_FIRST + 1223) #define idsIMAPCopyMsgsFailed (STR_FIRST + 1224) #define idsIMAPMoveMsgsFailed (STR_FIRST + 1225) #define idsIMAPCopyMsgProgressFmt (STR_FIRST + 1226) #define idsIMAPMoveMsgProgressFmt (STR_FIRST + 1227) #define idsIMAPCopyDlgTitleFmt (STR_FIRST + 1228) #define idsIMAPMoveDlgTitleFmt (STR_FIRST + 1229) #define idsButtonReadNews (STR_FIRST + 1231) #define idsButtonReadMail (STR_FIRST + 1232) #define idsButtonCompose (STR_FIRST + 1233) #define idsButtonUpdate (STR_FIRST + 1234) #define idsButtonFind (STR_FIRST + 1235) #define idsAthenaTitle (STR_FIRST + 1236) #define idsIMAPDnldDlgErrorTitle (STR_FIRST + 1238) #define idsIMAPDnldProgressFmt (STR_FIRST + 1239) #define idsIMAPDnldDlgDLFailed (STR_FIRST + 1240) #define idsIMAPDnldDlgAbort (STR_FIRST + 1241) #define idsIMAPDnldDlgHeaderFailure (STR_FIRST + 1242) #define idsIMAPDnldDlgGetMsgFailure (STR_FIRST + 1243) #define idsIMAPDnldDlgSaveFailure (STR_FIRST + 1244) #define idsIMAPBodyFetchFailed (STR_FIRST + 1245) #define idsIMAPDeleteFailed (STR_FIRST + 1246) #define idsIMAPDnldDlgInitFailure (STR_FIRST + 1247) #define idsSecurityLineDigSign (STR_FIRST + 1249) #define idsSecurityLineSignGood (STR_FIRST + 1250) #define idsSecurityLineSignBad (STR_FIRST + 1251) #define idsSecurityLineSignUnsure (STR_FIRST + 1252) #define idsSecurityLineBreakStr (STR_FIRST + 1253) #define idsSecurityLineEncryption (STR_FIRST + 1254) #define idsSecurityLineEncGood (STR_FIRST + 1255) #define idsSecurityLineEncBad (STR_FIRST + 1256) #define idsPerformingRepair (STR_FIRST + 1257) #define idsErrViewLanguage (STR_FIRST + 1258) #define idsReplaceContents (STR_FIRST + 1259) #define idsFromAccount (STR_FIRST + 1260) #define idsErrorPickAccount (STR_FIRST + 1261) #define idsSpellingOptions (STR_FIRST + 1264) #define idsErrSecurityNoSigningCert (STR_FIRST + 1265) #define idsIMAPNoHierarchyCharsFmt (STR_FIRST + 1266) #define idsIMAPRenameFldrErrorTitle (STR_FIRST + 1267) #define idsIMAPRenameFldrErrorText (STR_FIRST + 1268) #define idsIMAPRenameFailed (STR_FIRST + 1269) #define idsIMAPRenameFCUpdateFailure (STR_FIRST + 1270) #define idsIMAPReconnectFailed (STR_FIRST + 1271) #define idsIMAPRenameSubscribeFailed (STR_FIRST + 1272) #define idsIMAPRenameUnsubscribeFailed (STR_FIRST + 1273) #define idsIMAPRenameINBOX (STR_FIRST + 1274) #define idsIMAPAtomicRenameFailed (STR_FIRST + 1275) #define idsIMAPFldrInitError (STR_FIRST + 1276) #define idsEmptyStr (STR_FIRST + 1277) #define idsIMAPTurnOnPolling (STR_FIRST + 1278) #define idsIMAPUIDValidityError (STR_FIRST + 1279) #define idsErrSecurityBadSigningPrint (STR_FIRST + 1280) #define idsSecurityLineSignPreProblem (STR_FIRST + 1281) #define idsSecurityLineEncExpired (STR_FIRST + 1282) #define idsSecurityLineSignDistrusted (STR_FIRST + 1283) #define idsSecurityLineSignExpired (STR_FIRST + 1284) #define idsSecurityLineListStr (STR_FIRST + 1285) #ifdef ATHENA_RTM_RELEASE #error Need to remove beta1 strings #else // NYI strings for beta1 - pull these out before RTM!! #define idsNYIGeneral (STR_FIRST + 1289) #define idsNYITitle (STR_FIRST + 1290) // NYI strings for beta1 - pull these out before RTM!! #endif #define idsViewLangMimeDBBad (STR_FIRST + 1301) #define idsIMAPViewInitFldrErr (STR_FIRST + 1302) #define idsIMAPViewInitFldrMgrErr (STR_FIRST + 1303) // standard warning -- reorder and die vvv #define idsSecurityCertMissing (STR_FIRST + 1305) #define idsSecurityCertExpired (STR_FIRST + 1306) #define idsSecurityCertChainTooLong (STR_FIRST + 1307) #define idsSecurityCertNoIssuer (STR_FIRST + 1308) #define idsSecurityCertRevoked (STR_FIRST + 1309) #define idsSecurityCertNotTrusted (STR_FIRST + 1310) #define idsSecurityCertInvalid (STR_FIRST + 1311) #define idsSecurityCertError (STR_FIRST + 1312) #define idsSecurityCertNoPrint (STR_FIRST + 1313) #define idsSecurityCertUnknown (STR_FIRST + 1314) // standard warning -- reorder and die ^^^ #define idsErrFailedNavigate (STR_FIRST + 1330) #define idsAthenaStoreDir (STR_FIRST + 1331) #define idsIMAPMustBeConnectedFmt (STR_FIRST + 1332) #define idsDisconnecting (STR_FIRST + 1333) #define idsWrnSecurityNoCertForEnc (STR_FIRST + 1334) #define idsErrSecurityNoPrivateKey (STR_FIRST + 1335) #define idsErrSecurityNoChosenCert (STR_FIRST + 1336) #define idsErrSecurityNoCertForDecrypt (STR_FIRST + 1338) #define idsNYIMail (STR_FIRST + 1339) #define idsIMAPNoInferiorsFmt (STR_FIRST + 1343) #define idsViewLanguageGeneralHelp (STR_FIRST + 1344) #define idsErrDuplicateAccount (STR_FIRST + 1345) #define idsErrRenameAccountFailed (STR_FIRST + 1346) #define idsSecurityLineSignUntrusted (STR_FIRST + 1350) #define idsCtxtAddToWab (STR_FIRST + 1351) #define idsCtxtAddToFavorites (STR_FIRST + 1352) #define idsErrNewsServerTimeout (STR_FIRST + 1353) #define idsNNTPErrUnknownResponse (STR_FIRST + 1354) #define idsNNTPErrNewgroupsFailed (STR_FIRST + 1355) #define idsNNTPErrListFailed (STR_FIRST + 1356) #define idsNNTPErrListGroupFailed (STR_FIRST + 1357) #define idsNNTPErrGroupFailed (STR_FIRST + 1358) #define idsNNTPErrGroupNotFound (STR_FIRST + 1359) #define idsNNTPErrArticleFailed (STR_FIRST + 1360) #define idsNNTPErrHeadFailed (STR_FIRST + 1361) #define idsNNTPErrBodyFailed (STR_FIRST + 1362) #define idsNNTPErrPostFailed (STR_FIRST + 1363) #define idsNNTPErrNextFailed (STR_FIRST + 1364) #define idsNNTPErrDateFailed (STR_FIRST + 1365) #define idsNNTPErrHeadersFailed (STR_FIRST + 1366) #define idsNNTPErrXhdrFailed (STR_FIRST + 1367) #define idsDetail_ServerResponse (STR_FIRST + 1368) #define idsFavoritesFromOutlook (STR_FIRST + 1369) #define idsErrFavorites (STR_FIRST + 1370) #define idsErrSendWebPageUrl (STR_FIRST + 1371) #define idsTasks (STR_FIRST + 1374) #define idsErrors (STR_FIRST + 1375) #define idsStatusCol (STR_FIRST + 1377) #define idsErrCantFindHost (STR_FIRST + 1378) #define idsFmtTagGeneralHelp (STR_FIRST + 1379) #define idsHtmlNoFrames (STR_FIRST + 1380) #define idsErrPostWithoutNewsgroup (STR_FIRST + 1381) #define idsNewsTaskPost (STR_FIRST + 1382) #define idsStateExecuting (STR_FIRST + 1384) #define idsStateCompleted (STR_FIRST + 1385) #define idsStateFailed (STR_FIRST + 1386) #define idsErrNewMsgsFailed (STR_FIRST + 1387) #define idsCheckingNewMsgsServer (STR_FIRST + 1388) #define idsCheckNewMsgsServer (STR_FIRST + 1389) #define idsChooseName (STR_FIRST + 1390) #define idsVCFName (STR_FIRST + 1391) #define idsRasErrorGeneralWithName (STR_FIRST + 1392) #define idsErrFindWAB (STR_FIRST + 1393) #define idsErrAttachVCard (STR_FIRST + 1394) #define idsErrInsertVCard (STR_FIRST + 1395) #define idsNewsTaskPostError (STR_FIRST + 1396) #define idsSyncAccountFmt (STR_FIRST + 1397) #define idsDLHeaders (STR_FIRST + 1398) #define idsDLHeadersAndMarked (STR_FIRST + 1399) #define idsDLNewMsgs (STR_FIRST + 1400) #define idsDLNewMsgsAndMarked (STR_FIRST + 1401) #define idsDLAllMsgs (STR_FIRST + 1402) #define idsDLMarkedMsgs (STR_FIRST + 1403) #define idsSpoolerIdleErrors (STR_FIRST + 1404) #define idsSpoolerIdle (STR_FIRST + 1405) #define idsStateWarnings (STR_FIRST + 1406) #define idsNewsTaskArticleError (STR_FIRST + 1407) #define idsForwardMessage (STR_FIRST + 1408) #define idsColPriority (STR_FIRST + 1409) #define idsColAttach (STR_FIRST + 1410) #define idsServerErrorNumber (STR_FIRST + 1411) #define idsSocketErrorNumber (STR_FIRST + 1412) #define idsOtherInformation (STR_FIRST + 1413) #define IDS_IXP_E_TIMEOUT (STR_FIRST + 1414) #define IDS_IXP_E_USER_CANCEL (STR_FIRST + 1415) #define IDS_IXP_E_INVALID_ACCOUNT (STR_FIRST + 1416) #define IDS_IXP_E_WINSOCK_WSAVERNOTSUPPORTED (STR_FIRST + 1417) #define IDS_IXP_E_SOCKET_CONNECT_ERROR (STR_FIRST + 1418) #define IDS_IXP_E_SOCKET_INIT_ERROR (STR_FIRST + 1419) #define IDS_IXP_E_SOCKET_WRITE_ERROR (STR_FIRST + 1420) #define IDS_IXP_E_SOCKET_READ_ERROR (STR_FIRST + 1421) #define IDS_IXP_E_CONNECTION_DROPPED (STR_FIRST + 1422) #define IDS_IXP_E_WINSOCK_FAILED_WSASTARTUP (STR_FIRST + 1423) #define IDS_IXP_E_LOAD_SICILY_FAILED (STR_FIRST + 1424) #define IDS_IXP_E_INVALID_CERT_CN (STR_FIRST + 1425) #define IDS_IXP_E_INVALID_CERT_DATE (STR_FIRST + 1426) #define IDS_IXP_E_CONN (STR_FIRST + 1427) #define IDS_IXP_E_CANT_FIND_HOST (STR_FIRST + 1428) #define IDS_IXP_E_SICILY_LOGON_FAILED (STR_FIRST + 1429) #define IDS_IXP_E_FAILED_TO_CONNECT (STR_FIRST + 1430) #define IDS_IXP_E_SMTP_RESPONSE_ERROR (STR_FIRST + 1431) #define IDS_IXP_E_SMTP_UNKNOWN_RESPONSE_CODE (STR_FIRST + 1432) #define IDS_E_OUTOFMEMORY (STR_FIRST + 1433) #define IDS_IXP_E_UNKNOWN (STR_FIRST + 1434) #define IDS_IXP_E_SMTP_REJECTED_SENDER (STR_FIRST + 1435) #define IDS_SP_E_SENDINGSPLITGROUP (STR_FIRST + 1436) #define IDS_SP_E_SMTP_CANTOPENMESSAGE (STR_FIRST + 1437) #define IDS_SP_E_SMTP_CANTAUTOFORWARD (STR_FIRST + 1438) #define IDS_IXP_E_SMTP_NO_RECIPIENTS (STR_FIRST + 1439) #define IDS_IXP_E_SMTP_NO_SENDER (STR_FIRST + 1440) #define IDS_IXP_E_SMTP_REJECTED_RECIPIENTS (STR_FIRST + 1441) #define IDS_SPS_SMTPEVENT (STR_FIRST + 1442) #define IDS_SPS_POP3EVENT (STR_FIRST + 1443) #define IDS_SPS_SMTPPROGRESS (STR_FIRST + 1444) #define IDS_SPS_SMTPPROGRESS_SPLIT (STR_FIRST + 1445) #define IDS_SPS_SMTPPROGGEN (STR_FIRST + 1446) #define IDS_SPS_POP3CHECKING (STR_FIRST + 1447) #define IDS_SPS_POP3STAT (STR_FIRST + 1448) #define IDS_SPS_POP3DELE (STR_FIRST + 1449) #define IDS_SPS_POP3UIDL_TOP (STR_FIRST + 1450) #define IDS_SPS_POP3UIDL_UIDL (STR_FIRST + 1451) #define IDS_SPS_PREDOWNRULES (STR_FIRST + 1452) #define IDS_IXP_E_POP3_RESPONSE_ERROR (STR_FIRST + 1453) #define IDS_IXP_E_POP3_INVALID_USER_NAME (STR_FIRST + 1454) #define IDS_IXP_E_POP3_INVALID_PASSWORD (STR_FIRST + 1455) #define idsNNTPErrPasswordFailed (STR_FIRST + 1456) #define idsStateCanceled (STR_FIRST + 1457) #define idsSBCheckingNews (STR_FIRST + 1458) #define idsSBSendingNews (STR_FIRST + 1459) #define idsSBReceivingNews (STR_FIRST + 1460) #define idsLogStartDownloadMarked (STR_FIRST + 1461) #define idsTTSecurityCircSign (STR_FIRST + 1462) #define idsTTSecurityCircEnc (STR_FIRST + 1463) #define idsTTStampForReadnote (STR_FIRST + 1464) // standard warning -- reorder and die vvv //NOTE: some of the Ok ids are referenced by offset only #define OFFSET_SMIMEOK 20 #define idsWrnSecurityMsgTamper (STR_FIRST + 1465) #define idsOkSecurityMsgTamper (idsWrnSecurityMsgTamper + OFFSET_SMIMEOK) #define idsUnkSecurityMsgTamper (STR_FIRST + 1466) #define idsWrnSecurityTrustNotTrusted (STR_FIRST + 1467) #define idsOkSecurityTrustNotTrusted (idsWrnSecurityTrustNotTrusted + OFFSET_SMIMEOK) #define idsUnkSecurityTrust (STR_FIRST + 1468) #ifdef N_NEST #define idsWrnSigningValidity (STR_FIRST + 1469) #define idsOkSigningValidity (idsWrnSigningValidity + OFFSET_SMIMEOK) #endif #define idsWrnSecurityTrustAddress (STR_FIRST + 1470) #define idsOkSecurityTrustAddress (idsWrnSecurityTrustAddress + OFFSET_SMIMEOK) #define idsWrnSecurityCertRevoked (STR_FIRST + 1471) #define idsOkSecurityCertRevoked (idsWrnSecurityCertRevoked + OFFSET_SMIMEOK) #define idsWrnSecurityOtherValidity (STR_FIRST + 1472) #define idsOkSecurityOtherValidity (idsWrnSecurityOtherValidity + OFFSET_SMIMEOK) #define idsWrnSecurityTrustExpired (STR_FIRST + 1480) #define idsOkSecurityTrustExpired (idsWrnSecurityTrustExpired + OFFSET_SMIMEOK) // standard warning -- reorder and die ^^^ #define idsAbortMessageLoad (STR_FIRST + 1505) #define idsConnNoDial (STR_FIRST + 1506) #define idsRASWarnDidntDialConn (STR_FIRST + 1507) #define idsNonePicture (STR_FIRST + 1508) #define idsStationery (STR_FIRST + 1509) #define idsCaptionMail (STR_FIRST + 1510) #define idsCaptionNews (STR_FIRST + 1511) #define idsImageFileFilter (STR_FIRST + 1512) #define idsMoreStationery (STR_FIRST + 1513) #define idsErrNewStationery (STR_FIRST + 1514) #define idsHtmlFileFilter (STR_FIRST + 1515) #define idsErrVCardProperties (STR_FIRST + 1516) #define idsRSListGeneralHelp (STR_FIRST + 1517) #define idsTTVCardStamp (STR_FIRST + 1518) #define idsChoosePicture (STR_FIRST + 1519) #define idsInvalidPicture (STR_FIRST + 1520) // begin tip of the day strings #define IDS_TIP_FIRST_GENERAL (STR_FIRST + 1521) #define idsTipGen01 (STR_FIRST + 1521) #define idsTipGen02 (STR_FIRST + 1522) #define idsTipGen03 (STR_FIRST + 1523) #define idsTipGen04 (STR_FIRST + 1524) #define idsTipGen05 (STR_FIRST + 1525) #define idsTipGen06 (STR_FIRST + 1526) #define idsTipGen07 (STR_FIRST + 1527) #define idsTipGen08 (STR_FIRST + 1528) #define idsTipGen09 (STR_FIRST + 1529) #define idsTipGen10 (STR_FIRST + 1530) #define idsTipGen11 (STR_FIRST + 1531) #define idsTipGen12 (STR_FIRST + 1532) #define idsTipGen13 (STR_FIRST + 1533) #define idsTipGen14 (STR_FIRST + 1534) #define IDS_TIP_LAST_GENERAL (STR_FIRST + 1534) // #define IDS_TIP_FIRST_POP (STR_FIRST + 1535) #define idsTipPop01 (STR_FIRST + 1535) #define idsTipPop02 (STR_FIRST + 1536) #define idsTipPop03 (STR_FIRST + 1537) #define idsTipPop04 (STR_FIRST + 1538) #define idsTipPop05 (STR_FIRST + 1539) #define idsTipPop06 (STR_FIRST + 1540) #define idsTipPop07 (STR_FIRST + 1541) #define idsTipPop08 (STR_FIRST + 1542) #define idsTipPop09 (STR_FIRST + 1543) #define idsTipPop10 (STR_FIRST + 1544) #define idsTipPop11 (STR_FIRST + 1545) #define IDS_TIP_LAST_POP (STR_FIRST + 1545) // #define IDS_TIP_FIRST_NEWS (STR_FIRST + 1546) #define idsTipNews01 (STR_FIRST + 1546) #define idsTipNews02 (STR_FIRST + 1547) #define idsTipNews03 (STR_FIRST + 1548) #define idsTipNews04 (STR_FIRST + 1549) #define idsTipNews05 (STR_FIRST + 1550) #define idsTipNews06 (STR_FIRST + 1551) #define idsTipNews07 (STR_FIRST + 1552) #define idsTipNews08 (STR_FIRST + 1553) #define idsTipNews09 (STR_FIRST + 1554) #define idsTipNews10 (STR_FIRST + 1555) #define idsTipNews11 (STR_FIRST + 1556) #define IDS_TIP_LAST_NEWS (STR_FIRST + 1556) // #define IDS_TIP_FIRST_IMAP (STR_FIRST + 1557) #define idsTipIMAP01 (STR_FIRST + 1557) #define idsTipIMAP02 (STR_FIRST + 1558) #define idsTipIMAP03 (STR_FIRST + 1559) #define idsTipIMAP04 (STR_FIRST + 1560) #define idsTipIMAP05 (STR_FIRST + 1561) #define idsTipIMAP06 (STR_FIRST + 1562) #define idsTipIMAP07 (STR_FIRST + 1563) #define IDS_TIP_LAST_IMAP (STR_FIRST + 1563) // end tip of the day strings #define idsSendRecvOneAccount (STR_FIRST + 1600) #define idsSendRecvUsing (STR_FIRST + 1601) #define idsFPStatInbox (STR_FIRST + 1602) #define idsFPStatDraft (STR_FIRST + 1603) #define idsFPStatOutbox (STR_FIRST + 1604) #define idsFPStatNews (STR_FIRST + 1605) #define idsBold (STR_FIRST + 1606) #define idsItalic (STR_FIRST + 1607) #define idsComposeFontFace (STR_FIRST + 1608) #define IDS_SP_E_RETRFAILED (STR_FIRST + 1609) #define IDS_SPS_POP3TOTAL (STR_FIRST + 1610) #define IDS_SPS_POP3NEW (STR_FIRST + 1611) #define IDS_IXP_E_SMTP_553_MAILBOX_NAME_SYNTAX (STR_FIRST + 1612) #define IDS_SPS_SMTPUSEDEFAULT (STR_FIRST + 1613) #define idsNNTPErrServerTimeout (STR_FIRST + 1614) #define idsPictureTitle (STR_FIRST + 1615) #define idsErrNoSubscribedGroups (STR_FIRST + 1616) #define idsWarnErrorUnsentMail (STR_FIRST + 1617) #define idsClose (STR_FIRST + 1618) #define idsSelectFolder (STR_FIRST + 1619) #define idsApplyRulesCaption (STR_FIRST + 1620) #define idsLeftOnServerWarning (STR_FIRST + 1621) #define idsReplyForwardLoop (STR_FIRST + 1622) #define idsDeleteOnServerWarning (STR_FIRST + 1623) #define idsNotDefNewsClient (STR_FIRST + 1624) #define idsFontSample (STR_FIRST + 1625) #define idsSelectStationery (STR_FIRST + 1626) #define idsShopMoreStationery (STR_FIRST + 1627) #define idsFontFolderLarge (STR_FIRST + 1628) #define idsFontFolderSmall (STR_FIRST + 1629) #define idsFontViewTextLarge (STR_FIRST + 1630) #define idsFontViewTextSmall (STR_FIRST + 1631) #define idsEmptyEmailWarning (STR_FIRST + 1632) #define idsIMAPUnsubSubscribeErrTitle (STR_FIRST + 1633) #define idsIMAPUnsubSubscribeErrText (STR_FIRST + 1634) #define idsIMAPSubscribeFailedFmt (STR_FIRST + 1635) #define idsIMAPUnsubscribeFailedFmt (STR_FIRST + 1636) #define idsIMAPSubscribeAllFailed (STR_FIRST + 1637) #define idsSubscribingIMAPFldrs (STR_FIRST + 1638) #define idsUnsubscribingIMAPFldrs (STR_FIRST + 1639) #define idsSubscribingAllIMAPFldrs (STR_FIRST + 1640) #define idsUnsubscribingAllIMAPFldrs (STR_FIRST + 1641) #define idsIMAPSubscribeCountFmt (STR_FIRST + 1642) #define idsIMAPUnsubscribeCountFmt (STR_FIRST + 1643) #define idsIMAPSubscribeErrors (STR_FIRST + 1644) #define idsIMAPUnsubscrRemovalErrorFmt (STR_FIRST + 1645) #define idsIMAPSubscrAddErrorFmt (STR_FIRST + 1646) #define idsIMAPSubscribeAllSureFmt (STR_FIRST + 1647) #define idsIMAPUnsubscribeAllSureFmt (STR_FIRST + 1648) #define idsAreYouSureContinue (STR_FIRST + 1649) #define idsSyncThisAccount (STR_FIRST + 1650) #define idsModerated (STR_FIRST + 1651) #define idsBlocked (STR_FIRST + 1652) #define idsNoPosting (STR_FIRST + 1653) #define idsWindowLayout (STR_FIRST + 1654) #define IDS_IXP_E_SMTP_552_STORAGE_OVERFLOW (STR_FIRST + 1655) #define idsSigningCertProperties (STR_FIRST + 1656) #define idsRas_Dialing_Param (STR_FIRST + 1657) #define idsFormatK (STR_FIRST + 1658) #define idsIMAPRules (STR_FIRST + 1659) #define idsGoToFolderTitle (STR_FIRST + 1660) #define idsGoToFolderText (STR_FIRST + 1661) #define idsMicrosoft (STR_FIRST + 1662) #define idsComposeFontStyle (STR_FIRST + 1663) #define idsSendLaterUsing (STR_FIRST + 1664) #define idsSendLaterOneAccount (STR_FIRST + 1665) #define idsConfirmResetServer (STR_FIRST + 1666) #define idsConfirmResetGroup (STR_FIRST + 1667) #define idsNotApplicable (STR_FIRST + 1668) #define idsIMAPPollUnreadFailuresFmt (STR_FIRST + 1670) #define idsIMAPPollUnreadIMAP4Fmt (STR_FIRST + 1671) #define idsLameStatus (STR_FIRST + 1672) #define idsNoAccountsFound (STR_FIRST + 1673) #define idsErrSecurityCertDisappeared (STR_FIRST + 1674) #define idsErrSecuritySendExpiredSign (STR_FIRST + 1675) #define idsErrSecuritySendTrust (STR_FIRST + 1676) #define idsErrSecuritySendExpiredEnc (STR_FIRST + 1677) #define idsNoNewsAccountsFound (STR_FIRST + 1679) #define idsSpoolerTackTT (STR_FIRST + 1678) // Strings used in Simple MAPI - vsnatar #define idsAttachedFiles (STR_FIRST + 1700) #define idsBlank (STR_FIRST + 1701) #define idsIMAPFolderReadOnly (STR_FIRST + 1702) #define idsFolderPropStatusIMAP (STR_FIRST + 1703) #define idsFileExistWarning (STR_FIRST + 1704) #define idsIMAPDeleteFldrTitleFmt (STR_FIRST + 1705) #define idsThen (STR_FIRST + 1710) #define idsRulesLocal1 (STR_FIRST + 1711) #define idsRulesLocal2 (STR_FIRST + 1712) #define idsRulesLocal3 (STR_FIRST + 1713) #define idsIMAPNoFldrsRefreshPrompt (STR_FIRST + 1714) #define idsIMAPDirtyFldrsRefreshPrompt (STR_FIRST + 1715) #define idsIMAPNewAcctRefreshPrompt (STR_FIRST + 1716) #define idsLogOffUser (STR_FIRST + 1717) #define idsErrBadMHTMLLinks (STR_FIRST + 1718) #define idsAbortDownload (STR_FIRST + 1719) #define idsErrWorkingOffline (STR_FIRST + 1720) #define idsSyncCacheWithSvr (STR_FIRST + 1721) #define idsLogOffTitle (STR_FIRST + 1722) #define idsLogOffPrompt (STR_FIRST + 1723) #define idsIMAPSubscrAllMemory (STR_FIRST + 1724) #ifdef WIN16 #define idsOE16NotSupportNews (STR_FIRST + 1725) #define idsFileTooBig (STR_FIRST + 1726) #endif #define idsNewAthenaUser (STR_FIRST + 1727) #define idsStatusTipConnectedDUN (STR_FIRST + 1728) #define idsStatusTipWorkOffline (STR_FIRST + 1729) #define idsPickStationery (STR_FIRST + 1730) #define idsSearching (STR_FIRST + 1731) #define idsWarnBoringStationery (STR_FIRST + 1732) #define idsWarnSMapi (STR_FIRST + 1733) #define idsWelcomeFromDisplay (STR_FIRST + 1734) #define idsWelcomeFromEmail (STR_FIRST + 1735) #define idsOutlookNews (STR_FIRST + 1736) #define idsNewsgroupsMenu (STR_FIRST + 1737) #define idsNewsgroupFiltersMenu (STR_FIRST + 1738) #define idsNotDefOutNewsClient (STR_FIRST + 1739) #define idsAlwaysCheckOutNews (STR_FIRST + 1740) #define idsApplyStationeryGeneralHelp (STR_FIRST + 1741) #define idsCantSaveIMAPMsgFmt (STR_FIRST + 1742) #define idsUploadingIMAPDraftFmt (STR_FIRST + 1743) #define idsIMAPNoDraftsFolder (STR_FIRST + 1744) #define idsIMAPNoSentItemsFolder (STR_FIRST + 1745) #define idsIMAPCreatingSpecialFldrFmt (STR_FIRST + 1746) #define idsAboutOutlookNewsTitle (STR_FIRST + 1747) #define idsIMAPUpldSentItemsEventFmt (STR_FIRST + 1748) #define idsIMAPUpldSentItemsFailureFmt (STR_FIRST + 1749) #define IDS_ERROR_PREFIX1 (STR_FIRST + 1750) #define IDS_ERROR_CREATE_INSTMUTEX (STR_FIRST + 1751) #define IDS_ERROR_MIMEOLE_ALLOCATOR (STR_FIRST + 1752) #define IDS_ERROR_FIRST_TIME_ICW (STR_FIRST + 1753) #define IDS_ERROR_INITSTORE_DIRECTORY (STR_FIRST + 1754) #define IDS_ERROR_REGCREATE_ROOT (STR_FIRST + 1755) #define IDS_ERROR_CREATE_HDRHEAP (STR_FIRST + 1756) #define IDS_ERROR_REG_WNDCLASS (STR_FIRST + 1757) #define IDS_ERROR_CREATEWINDOW (STR_FIRST + 1758) #define IDS_ERROR_INIT_GOPTIONS (STR_FIRST + 1759) #define IDS_ERROR_OPTNOTIFY_REG (STR_FIRST + 1760) #define IDS_ERROR_INITSTORE (STR_FIRST + 1761) #define IDS_ERROR_ALLOC_SUBMAN (STR_FIRST + 1762) #define IDS_ERROR_CREATE_ACCTMAN (STR_FIRST + 1763) #define IDS_ERROR_ALLOC_MIGRATESRV (STR_FIRST + 1764) #define IDS_ERROR_INIT_MIGRATESRV (STR_FIRST + 1765) #define IDS_ERROR_ALLOC_ACCTADVISE (STR_FIRST + 1766) #define IDS_ERROR_INIT_ACCTADVISE (STR_FIRST + 1767) #define IDS_ERROR_INIT_ACCTMAN (STR_FIRST + 1768) #define IDS_ERROR_ADVISE_ACCTMAN (STR_FIRST + 1769) #define IDS_ERROR_ALLOC_CONMAN (STR_FIRST + 1770) #define IDS_ERROR_INIT_CONMAN (STR_FIRST + 1771) #define IDS_ERROR_CREATE_SPOOLER (STR_FIRST + 1772) #define IDS_ERROR_CREATE_FONTCACHE (STR_FIRST + 1773) #define IDS_ERROR_REASON1 (STR_FIRST + 1774) #define IDS_ERROR_REASON2 (STR_FIRST + 1775) #define IDS_ERROR_START_HELP (STR_FIRST + 1776) #define IDS_ERROR_UNKNOWN (STR_FIRST + 1777) #define IDS_ERROR_FILE_NOEXIST (STR_FIRST + 1778) #define idsOperationAborted (STR_FIRST + 1779) #define idsIMAPUpldSentItemsDeleteFail (STR_FIRST + 1780) #define idsIMAPUpldSentItemsMoveFail (STR_FIRST + 1781) #define idsConfirmChangeStoreLocation (STR_FIRST + 1782) #define idsCantMoveStoreToSubfolder (STR_FIRST + 1783) #define idsMoveStoreProgress (STR_FIRST + 1784) #define idsResNameEmailAddress (STR_FIRST + 1786) #define idsResNamePerInfo (STR_FIRST + 1787) #define idsResNameAddress (STR_FIRST + 1788) #define idsResNameBusInfo (STR_FIRST + 1789) #define idsResNameTitle (STR_FIRST + 1790) #define idsResNameDept (STR_FIRST + 1791) #define idsResNameOff (STR_FIRST + 1792) #define idsResNameComp (STR_FIRST + 1793) #define idsResNameNotes (STR_FIRST + 1794) #define idsResNamePhone (STR_FIRST + 1795) #define idsResNameFax (STR_FIRST + 1796) #define idsResNameCellular (STR_FIRST + 1797) #define idsResNameWeb (STR_FIRST + 1798) #define idsResNamePager (STR_FIRST + 1799) #define idsSavedToLocalDraftsInstead (STR_FIRST + 1800) #define idsSaveNowUploadLater (STR_FIRST + 1801) #define idsSavedToIMAPDraftFmt (STR_FIRST + 1802) #define idsSpoolerUserCancel (STR_FIRST + 1803) #define idsGrpDlgEmtpyList (STR_FIRST + 1804) #define idsEmptyFolder (STR_FIRST + 1805) #define idsEmptyFolderFilter (STR_FIRST + 1806) #define idsEmptyNewsgroup (STR_FIRST + 1807) #define idsEmptyNewsgroupFilter (STR_FIRST + 1808) #define idsNoFindResults (STR_FIRST + 1809) #define IDS_ERROR_PREFIX2 (STR_FIRST + 1810) #define IDS_ERROR_GETPROCSTART (STR_FIRST + 1811) #define IDS_ERROR_MISSING_DLL (STR_FIRST + 1812) #define idsDefaultSignature (STR_FIRST + 1813) #define idsSigNameFmt (STR_FIRST + 1814) #define IDS_SP_E_CANT_MOVETO_SENTITEMS (STR_FIRST + 1815) #define idsType (STR_FIRST + 1816) #define idsMail (STR_FIRST + 1817) #define idsNews (STR_FIRST + 1818) #define idsSearchingNews (STR_FIRST + 1819) #define idsSearchingIMAP (STR_FIRST + 1820) #define idsUnreadText (STR_FIRST + 1821) #define idsIMAPCloseFailed (STR_FIRST + 1822) #define idsPapFBarFont (STR_FIRST + 1823) #define idsPapFBarText (STR_FIRST + 1824) #define idsErrSelectOneColumn (STR_FIRST + 1825) #define idsWorkOffline (STR_FIRST + 1826) #define idsConfigServer (STR_FIRST + 1827) #define idsIMAPSearchSettingsFail (STR_FIRST + 1828) #define idsIMAPCouldNotConnectFmt (STR_FIRST + 1829) #define idsIMAPUploadSettingsFailFmt (STR_FIRST + 1830) #define idsIMAPDownloadSettingsFailFmt (STR_FIRST + 1831) #define idsIMAPDLSettingsTitle (STR_FIRST + 1832) #define idsIMAPULSettingsTitle (STR_FIRST + 1833) #define idsCouldNotSelectFldr (STR_FIRST + 1834) #define idsIMAPUploadingSettings (STR_FIRST + 1835) #define idsIMAPDownloadingSettings (STR_FIRST + 1836) #define idsIMAPSelectingSettingsFldr (STR_FIRST + 1837) #define idsIMAPSearchingForSettings (STR_FIRST + 1838) #define idsIMAPCreatingSettingsFldr (STR_FIRST + 1839) #define idsIMAPDeletingOldSettings (STR_FIRST + 1840) #define idsConfigSvrLogin (STR_FIRST + 1841) #define idsConfigServerAcct (STR_FIRST + 1842) #define idsConfigDataMsgText (STR_FIRST + 1843) #define idsColumnDlgTitle (STR_FIRST + 1844) #define idsMailSig (STR_FIRST + 1845) #define idsNewsSig (STR_FIRST + 1846) #define idsMigrateFolder (STR_FIRST + 1847) #define idsLocalStore (STR_FIRST + 1848) // // end string Resource IDs // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // BEGIN Menu Command IDs (commands, not MENU resources!) // // NOTE: toolbar cmd ids for DefView must be between // 0 and (SFVIDM_CLIENT_LAST-SFVIDM_CLIENT_LAST)!!! // all the commands between IDM_FIRST and IDM_LAST have // a tooltip string and/or a status bar string associated with them #define IDM_FIRST 100 #define idmNewMsg (IDM_FIRST + 0) #define idmNewContact (IDM_FIRST + 1) #define idmHelpAbout (IDM_FIRST + 2) #define idmPrint (IDM_FIRST + 3) #define idmCompactAll (IDM_FIRST + 4) #define idmCloseFind (IDM_FIRST + 5) #define idmOpenContainer (IDM_FIRST + 6) #define idmOpen (IDM_FIRST + 9) #define idmSaveAs (IDM_FIRST + 10) #define idmFind (IDM_FIRST + 11) #define idmRedo (IDM_FIRST + 12) #define idmHelpTopics (IDM_FIRST + 13) #define idmSaveAttach (IDM_FIRST + 15) #define idmProperties (IDM_FIRST + 16) #define idmUndo (IDM_FIRST + 17) #define idmCut (IDM_FIRST + 18) #define idmCopy (IDM_FIRST + 19) #define idmPaste (IDM_FIRST + 20) #define idmDelete (IDM_FIRST + 21) #define idmSelectAll (IDM_FIRST + 22) #define idmMarkRead (IDM_FIRST + 23) #define idmMarkUnread (IDM_FIRST + 24) #define idmMarkTopicRead (IDM_FIRST + 25) #define idmMarkAllRead (IDM_FIRST + 26) #define idmMarkDownload (IDM_FIRST + 27) #define idmMarkTopicDownload (IDM_FIRST + 28) #define idmViewDecrypt (IDM_FIRST + 35) #define idmColumns (IDM_FIRST + 37) #define idmPopupArrange (IDM_FIRST + 38) #define idmNext (IDM_FIRST + 39) #define idmPrevious (IDM_FIRST + 40) #define idmNewArticle (IDM_FIRST + 41) #define idmReply (IDM_FIRST + 42) #define idmReplyAll (IDM_FIRST + 43) #define idmReplyPost (IDM_FIRST + 44) #define idmReplyMail (IDM_FIRST + 45) #define idmForward (IDM_FIRST + 46) #define idmGetNextHeaders (IDM_FIRST + 47) #define idmNextUnreadNewsgroup (IDM_FIRST + 50) #define idmNextUnreadArticle (IDM_FIRST + 51) #define idmSubscribeNews (IDM_FIRST + 52) #define idmDeliverMail (IDM_FIRST + 54) #define idmGotoInbox (IDM_FIRST + 55) #define idmMoveTo (IDM_FIRST + 57) #define idmCopyTo (IDM_FIRST + 58) #define idmSortAsc (IDM_FIRST + 60) #define idmSortDesc (IDM_FIRST + 61) #define idmFldrCreate (IDM_FIRST + 63) #define idmFldrRename (IDM_FIRST + 64) #define idmFldrEmpty (IDM_FIRST + 65) #define idmFldrCreate2 (IDM_FIRST + 66) #define idmPrintNow (IDM_FIRST + 68) #define idmFmtFont (IDM_FIRST + 70) #define idmFmtSize (IDM_FIRST + 71) #define idmFmtColor (IDM_FIRST + 72) #define idmFmtColorAuto (IDM_FIRST + 73) #define idmFmtColor1 (IDM_FIRST + 74) #define idmFmtColor2 (IDM_FIRST + 75) #define idmFmtColor3 (IDM_FIRST + 76) #define idmFmtColor4 (IDM_FIRST + 77) #define idmFmtColor5 (IDM_FIRST + 78) #define idmFmtColor6 (IDM_FIRST + 79) #define idmFmtColor7 (IDM_FIRST + 80) #define idmFmtColor8 (IDM_FIRST + 81) #define idmFmtColor9 (IDM_FIRST + 82) #define idmFmtColor10 (IDM_FIRST + 83) #define idmFmtColor11 (IDM_FIRST + 84) #define idmFmtColor12 (IDM_FIRST + 85) #define idmFmtColor13 (IDM_FIRST + 86) #define idmFmtColor14 (IDM_FIRST + 87) #define idmFmtColor15 (IDM_FIRST + 88) #define idmFmtColor16 (IDM_FIRST + 89) #define idmFmtBold (IDM_FIRST + 90) #define idmFmtItalic (IDM_FIRST + 91) #define idmFmtUnderline (IDM_FIRST + 92) #define idmFmtBullets (IDM_FIRST + 93) #define idmFmtDecreaseIndent (IDM_FIRST + 94) #define idmFmtIncreaseIndent (IDM_FIRST + 95) #define idmFmtLeft (IDM_FIRST + 96) #define idmFmtCenter (IDM_FIRST + 97) #define idmFmtRight (IDM_FIRST + 98) #define idmFmtFontDlg (IDM_FIRST + 101) #define idmPriLow (IDM_FIRST + 102) #define idmPriNormal (IDM_FIRST + 103) #define idmPriHigh (IDM_FIRST + 104) #define idmFmtParagraph (IDM_FIRST + 105) #define idmSave (IDM_FIRST + 106) #define idmSendMsg (IDM_FIRST + 107) #define idmCheckNames (IDM_FIRST + 108) #define idmPickRecipients (IDM_FIRST + 109) #define idmInsertFile (IDM_FIRST + 110) #define idmToolbar (IDM_FIRST + 111) #define idmFormatBar (IDM_FIRST + 112) #define idmClose (IDM_FIRST + 113) #define idmPopupPri (IDM_FIRST + 114) #define idmPopupFormat (IDM_FIRST + 115) #define idmAccelCycleBkColor (IDM_FIRST + 117) #define idmSubscribeGroup (IDM_FIRST + 119) #define idmConnect (IDM_FIRST + 120) #define idmPopupPreview (IDM_FIRST + 126) #define idmNextUnreadThread (IDM_FIRST + 127) #define idmSpelling (IDM_FIRST + 128) #define idmGotoNewsgroup (IDM_FIRST + 129) #define idmCancelArticle (IDM_FIRST + 130) #define idmViewContacts (IDM_FIRST + 131) #define idmPopupOffline (IDM_FIRST + 132) #define idmFindText (IDM_FIRST + 133) #define idmPostMsg (IDM_FIRST + 134) #define idmPickGroups (IDM_FIRST + 135) #define idmPopupImport (IDM_FIRST + 136) #define idmPopupExport (IDM_FIRST + 137) #define idmImportAddressBook (IDM_FIRST + 138) #define idmImportMessages (IDM_FIRST + 139) #define idmExportAddressBook (IDM_FIRST + 140) #define idmExportMessages (IDM_FIRST + 141) #define idmImportAccts (IDM_FIRST + 142) #define idmThreadArticles (IDM_FIRST + 149) #define idmViewNewGroups (IDM_FIRST + 152) #define idmCombineAndDecode (IDM_FIRST + 153) #define idmInsertSig (IDM_FIRST + 154) #define idmNotePopupInsert (IDM_FIRST + 158) #define idmForwardMsgAttach (IDM_FIRST + 161) #define idmExpandThread (IDM_FIRST + 162) #define idmCollapseThread (IDM_FIRST + 163) #define idmSortToggle (IDM_FIRST + 164) #define idmFldrCompact (IDM_FIRST + 165) #define idmSaveAttachAll (IDM_FIRST + 167) // Ole Object Verbs // #define idmNoteOle_First (IDM_FIRST + 168) #define idmNoteOle_Last (IDM_FIRST + 200) // brettm: reserved a block of extra verbs for ole objects // please don't reassign these, without talking to me. // AddrObject: #define idmAddrObj_Props (idmNoteOle_First) #define idmAddrObj_AddToWAB (idmNoteOle_First+1) #define idmAddrObj_Find (idmNoteOle_First+2) // End: Ole Object Verbs // #define idmFillPreview (IDM_FIRST + 201) #define idmViewFullHeaders (IDM_FIRST + 202) #define idmSep1 (IDM_FIRST + 203) #define idmSep2 (IDM_FIRST + 204) // reserved block of cmds for add to WAB dynamic menu #define idmAddRecipToWAB_First (IDM_FIRST + 207) #define idmAddRecipToWAB_Last (IDM_FIRST + 230) // reserved block of cmds for add to WAB dynamic menu #define idmPopupAddToWAB (IDM_FIRST + 231) #define idmAddSenderToWAB (IDM_FIRST + 232) #define idmReadme (IDM_FIRST + 233) #define idmFindNext (IDM_FIRST + 234) //------------------------------------------------------- // Language Command Ids #define idmLanguagePopup (IDM_FIRST + 237) #define idmUSASCII (IDM_FIRST + 238) #define idmLangFirst idmUSASCII #define idmWesternEuropean (IDM_FIRST + 239) #define idmCentralEuropeanISO (IDM_FIRST + 240) #define idmCentralEuropeanWindows (IDM_FIRST + 241) #define idmRussianKOI8R (IDM_FIRST + 242) #define idmRussianWindows (IDM_FIRST + 243) #define idmBalticISO (IDM_FIRST + 244) #define idmBalticWindows (IDM_FIRST + 245) #define idmGreekISO (IDM_FIRST + 246) #define idmGreekWindows (IDM_FIRST + 247) #define idmTurkishISO (IDM_FIRST + 248) #define idmTurkishWindows (IDM_FIRST + 249) #define idmJapaneseJisAuto (IDM_FIRST + 250) #define idmJapaneseJis (IDM_FIRST + 251) #define idmJapaneseSJisAuto (IDM_FIRST + 252) #define idmJapaneseSJis (IDM_FIRST + 253) #define idmJapaneseEucAuto (IDM_FIRST + 254) #define idmJapaneseEuc (IDM_FIRST + 255) #define idmSimpChineseCnGb (IDM_FIRST + 256) #define idmSimpChineseHzGb (IDM_FIRST + 257) #define idmSimpChineseGbk (IDM_FIRST + 258) #define idmTradChineseCnBig5 (IDM_FIRST + 259) #define idmTradChineseBig5 (IDM_FIRST + 260) #define idmKoreanKsc (IDM_FIRST + 261) #define idmLangLast (IDM_FIRST + 280) #define idmLanguage (IDM_FIRST + 281) //------------------------------------------------------- #define idmCleanUpFiles (IDM_FIRST + 282) #define idmCustomizeToolbar (IDM_FIRST + 283) #define idmCoolbarTop (IDM_FIRST + 284) #define idmCoolbarLeft (IDM_FIRST + 285) #define idmCoolbarBottom (IDM_FIRST + 286) #define idmCoolbarRight (IDM_FIRST + 287) #define idmPostAndDownload (IDM_FIRST + 288) #define idmMarkNewsgroups (IDM_FIRST + 289) #define idmMarkAllDownload (IDM_FIRST + 290) #define idmUnmark (IDM_FIRST + 291) #define idmDisconnect (IDM_FIRST + 292) #define idmGotoOutbox (IDM_FIRST + 293) #define idmInboxRules (IDM_FIRST + 295) #define idmReplyPostAndMail (IDM_FIRST + 296) #define idmPopupFmtAlign (IDM_FIRST + 297) #define idmFmtSettings (IDM_FIRST + 298) #define idmFmtHTML (IDM_FIRST + 299) #define idmFmtPlain (IDM_FIRST + 300) #define idmIconsWithText (IDM_FIRST + 301) #define idmSaveMessage (IDM_FIRST + 303) #define idmDebugCoolbar (IDM_FIRST + 304) #define idmWebNewsFind (IDM_FIRST + 305) #define idmStop (IDM_FIRST + 307) #define idmHelpMSWeb (IDM_FIRST + 308) #define idmHelpMSWebFree (IDM_FIRST + 309) #define idmHelpMSWebProductNews (IDM_FIRST + 310) #define idmHelpMSWebFaq (IDM_FIRST + 311) #define idmHelpMSWebSupport (IDM_FIRST + 312) #define idmHelpMSWebFeedback (IDM_FIRST + 313) #define idmHelpMSWebBest (IDM_FIRST + 314) #define idmHelpMSWebSearch (IDM_FIRST + 315) #define idmHelpMSWebHome (IDM_FIRST + 316) #define idmHelpMSWebOutlook (IDM_FIRST + 317) #define idmHelpMSWebHotmail (IDM_FIRST + 321) #define idmHelpMSWebLast (IDM_FIRST + 328) #define idmViewNews (IDM_FIRST + 329) #define idmViewMail (IDM_FIRST + 330) #define idmBrowseWeb (IDM_FIRST + 331) #define idmInsertText (IDM_FIRST + 332) #define idmPopupFilter (IDM_FIRST + 338) #define idmViewAllArticles (IDM_FIRST + 339) #define idmViewUnreadArticles (IDM_FIRST + 340) #define idmViewBodiedArticles (IDM_FIRST + 341) #define idmGroupFilters (IDM_FIRST + 342) #define idmViewTipOfTheDay (IDM_FIRST + 343) #define idmNewsNewServer (IDM_FIRST + 344) #define idmNewsRemoveServer (IDM_FIRST + 345) #define idmNewsSetDefaultServer (IDM_FIRST + 346) #define idmAccounts (IDM_FIRST + 348) #define idmGetNewHeaders (IDM_FIRST + 349) #define idmGetNewMsgs (IDM_FIRST + 350) #define idmGetAllMsgs (IDM_FIRST + 351) #define idmCatchUp (IDM_FIRST + 352) #define idmGetMarkedMsgs (IDM_FIRST + 353) #define idmDigSign (IDM_FIRST + 360) #define idmEncrypt (IDM_FIRST + 361) #define idmViewFolders (IDM_FIRST + 362) #define idmViewRefresh (IDM_FIRST + 365) #define idmViewOptions (IDM_FIRST + 366) #define idmGoBack (IDM_FIRST + 368) #define idmGoForward (IDM_FIRST + 369) #define idmGoUpOneLevel (IDM_FIRST + 370) #define idmGoNextUnreadMsg (IDM_FIRST + 371) #define idmGoNextUnreadFolder (IDM_FIRST + 372) #define idmFavoritesAddToFavorites (IDM_FIRST + 373) #define idmFavoritesOrganizeFavorites (IDM_FIRST + 374) #define idmPopupGo (IDM_FIRST + 375) #define idmPopupFavorites (IDM_FIRST + 376) #define idmLanguageDelay (IDM_FIRST + 377) #define idmSendImages (IDM_FIRST + 379) // why are these in the 400s? #define idmReceiveFrom (IDM_FIRST + 450) #define idmSendOutbox (IDM_FIRST + 451) #define idmMarkNewHeaderDownload (IDM_FIRST + 452) #define idmMarkAllMsgDownload (IDM_FIRST + 453) #define idmMarkNewMsgDownload (IDM_FIRST + 454) #define idmInsertImage (IDM_FIRST + 458) #ifdef BETA2_MENU #define idmInsertLink (IDM_FIRST + 459) #endif #define idmUnDelete (IDM_FIRST + 460) #define idmExpunge (IDM_FIRST + 461) #define idmViewDeletedArticles (IDM_FIRST + 462) #define idmFolders (IDM_FIRST + 463) #define idmSubscribeFolder (IDM_FIRST + 464) #define idmDownloadAttach (IDM_FIRST + 465) #define idmStatusbar (IDM_FIRST + 466) #define idmUnInsertLink (IDM_FIRST + 467) #define idmRefreshFolders (IDM_FIRST + 469) #define idmViewFilteredArticles (IDM_FIRST + 471) #define idmSyncAll (IDM_FIRST + 472) #define idmSyncSelected (IDM_FIRST + 473) #define idmMarkDownloadMenu (IDM_FIRST + 474) #define idmFmtNumbers (IDM_FIRST + 475) #define idmFmtInsertHLine (IDM_FIRST + 476) #define idmPopupFmtBkground (IDM_FIRST + 480) #define idmFmtBkgroundImage (IDM_FIRST + 481) #define idmPopupFmtBkgroundColor (IDM_FIRST + 482) #define idmBkColorAuto (IDM_FIRST + 490) #define idmBkColor1 (IDM_FIRST + 491) #define idmBkColor2 (IDM_FIRST + 492) #define idmBkColor3 (IDM_FIRST + 493) #define idmBkColor4 (IDM_FIRST + 494) #define idmBkColor5 (IDM_FIRST + 495) #define idmBkColor6 (IDM_FIRST + 496) #define idmBkColor7 (IDM_FIRST + 497) #define idmBkColor8 (IDM_FIRST + 498) #define idmBkColor9 (IDM_FIRST + 499) #define idmBkColor10 (IDM_FIRST + 500) #define idmBkColor11 (IDM_FIRST + 501) #define idmBkColor12 (IDM_FIRST + 502) #define idmBkColor13 (IDM_FIRST + 503) #define idmBkColor14 (IDM_FIRST + 504) #define idmBkColor15 (IDM_FIRST + 505) #define idmBkColor16 (IDM_FIRST + 506) #define idmBodyViewSource (IDM_FIRST + 507) #define idmMarkAllHeaderDownload (IDM_FIRST + 508) #define idmPopupCompose (IDM_FIRST + 509) #define idmPopupFolder (IDM_FIRST + 510) #define idmPopupFonts (IDM_FIRST + 511) #define idmPopupNew (IDM_FIRST + 512) #define idmPopupNext (IDM_FIRST + 513) #define idmPopupSynchronize (IDM_FIRST + 514) #define idmPopupToolbar (IDM_FIRST + 515) #define idmPopupTools (IDM_FIRST + 516) #define idmGotoMeeting (IDM_FIRST + 517) #define idmViewNewWindow (IDM_FIRST + 518) #define idmFldrMove (IDM_FIRST + 519) #define idmFldrCopy (IDM_FIRST + 520) #define idmFldrDelete (IDM_FIRST + 521) #define idmGotoChat (IDM_FIRST + 522) #define idmFontSmallest (IDM_FIRST + 523) #define idmFontSmaller (IDM_FIRST + 524) #define idmFontMedium (IDM_FIRST + 525) #define idmFontLarger (IDM_FIRST + 526) #define idmFontLargest (IDM_FIRST + 527) #define idmGotoFolder (IDM_FIRST + 528) #define idmGotoNews (IDM_FIRST + 529) #ifdef BETA2_MENU #define idmEditPicture (IDM_FIRST + 530) #endif #define idmEditLink (IDM_FIRST + 531) #define idmTridentProps (IDM_FIRST + 532) #define idmNewMsg2 (IDM_FIRST + 533) #define idmNewArticle2 (IDM_FIRST + 534) #define idmPopupFile (IDM_FIRST + 535) #define idmPopupEdit (IDM_FIRST + 536) #define idmPopupView (IDM_FIRST + 537) #define idmPopupHelp (IDM_FIRST + 538) #define idmBodyViewMsgSource (IDM_FIRST + 539) #define idmCtxtAddToWab (IDM_FIRST + 541) #define idmCtxtAddToFavorites (IDM_FIRST + 542) #define idmSendWebPage (IDM_FIRST + 543) #define idmPopupFmtTag (IDM_FIRST + 544) #define idmFmtTag (IDM_FIRST + 545) #define idmViewReplyArticles (IDM_FIRST + 546) #define idmInsertVCard (IDM_FIRST + 547) #define idmSyncAccount (IDM_FIRST + 548) #define idmMarkThisNewsgroup (IDM_FIRST + 549) #define idmStationery (IDM_FIRST + 550) #define idmFindPeople (IDM_FIRST + 551) #define idmRSList0 (IDM_FIRST + 552) #define idmRSList1 (IDM_FIRST + 553) #define idmRSList2 (IDM_FIRST + 554) #define idmRSList3 (IDM_FIRST + 555) #define idmRSList4 (IDM_FIRST + 556) #define idmRSList5 (IDM_FIRST + 557) #define idmRSList6 (IDM_FIRST + 558) #define idmRSList7 (IDM_FIRST + 559) #define idmRSList8 (IDM_FIRST + 560) #define idmRSList9 (IDM_FIRST + 561) #define idmMoreStationery (IDM_FIRST + 562) #define idmNewPopup (IDM_FIRST + 563) #define idmVCardDelete (IDM_FIRST + 564) #define idmVCardProperties (IDM_FIRST + 565) #define idmGotoDraft (IDM_FIRST + 566) #define idmSpoolerWarnings (IDM_FIRST + 567) #define idmSpoolerShow (IDM_FIRST + 568) #define idmCloseBrowser (IDM_FIRST + 569) #define idmSubscribeAllFldrs (IDM_FIRST + 570) #define idmUnsubscribeAllFldrs (IDM_FIRST + 571) #define idmUnsubscribeFolder (IDM_FIRST + 572) #define idmSendLater (IDM_FIRST + 574) #define idmPostLater (IDM_FIRST + 575) #define idmNoStationery (IDM_FIRST + 576) #define idmSavePicture (IDM_FIRST + 577) #define idmSendDefault (IDM_FIRST + 578) #define idmPostDefault (IDM_FIRST + 579) #define idmPaneSigning (IDM_FIRST + 580) #define idmPaneEncryption (IDM_FIRST + 581) #define idmPanePaperclip (IDM_FIRST + 582) #define idmPaneVCard (IDM_FIRST + 583) #define idmDSPViewProp (IDM_FIRST + 584) #define idmDSPViewCert (IDM_FIRST + 585) #define idmDSPTrust (IDM_FIRST + 586) #define idmDSPHelp (IDM_FIRST + 587) #define idmEPViewProp (IDM_FIRST + 588) #define idmEPViewCert (IDM_FIRST + 589) #define idmEPHelp (IDM_FIRST + 590) #define idmLogOffUser (IDM_FIRST + 591) #define idmWorkOffline (IDM_FIRST + 592) #define idmIMAPDeliverMail (IDM_FIRST + 593) #define idmSaveBackground (IDM_FIRST + 594) #define idmSaveAsStationery (IDM_FIRST + 595) #define idmFmtApplyStationeryPopup (IDM_FIRST + 596) #define idmApplyMoreStationery (IDM_FIRST + 597) #define idmApplyNoStationery (IDM_FIRST + 598) #define idmApplyStationery0 (IDM_FIRST + 599) #define idmApplyStationery1 (IDM_FIRST + 600) #define idmApplyStationery2 (IDM_FIRST + 601) #define idmApplyStationery3 (IDM_FIRST + 602) #define idmApplyStationery4 (IDM_FIRST + 603) #define idmApplyStationery5 (IDM_FIRST + 604) #define idmApplyStationery6 (IDM_FIRST + 605) #define idmApplyStationery7 (IDM_FIRST + 606) #define idmApplyStationery8 (IDM_FIRST + 607) #define idmApplyStationery9 (IDM_FIRST + 608) #define idmImportNewsAcct (IDM_FIRST + 609) #define idmSetPriority (IDM_FIRST + 610) #define idmClearSelection (IDM_FIRST + 611) // DO NOT CHANGE IDM_LAST unless you have a really // good reason. when IDM_LAST changes, all the string ids // change and the localizers get really upset because they // have to re-localize everything. #define IDM_LAST (IDM_FIRST + 2000) // command ID's after IDM_LAST have no tooltip assoc. #define idmAccelBold (IDM_LAST + 5) #define idmAccelItalic (IDM_LAST + 6) #define idmAccelUnderline (IDM_LAST + 7) #define idmAccelIncreaseIndent (IDM_LAST + 8) #define idmAccelDecreaseIndent (IDM_LAST + 9) #define idmAccelBullets (IDM_LAST + 10) #define idmAccelLeft (IDM_LAST + 11) #define idmAccelCenter (IDM_LAST + 12) #define idmAccelRight (IDM_LAST + 13) #define idmAccelColor (IDM_LAST + 14) #define idmAccelFont (IDM_LAST + 15) #define idmAccelSize (IDM_LAST + 16) #define idmAccelNextCtl (IDM_LAST + 17) #define idmAccelPrevCtl (IDM_LAST + 18) //AttachWell context menu's #define idmAttCtxLI (IDM_LAST + 19) #define idmAttCtxSI (IDM_LAST + 21) #define idmAttCtxRemove (IDM_LAST + 23) #define idmAttCtxOpen (IDM_LAST + 24) #define idmAttCtxQuickView (IDM_LAST + 25) #define idmAttCtxSave (IDM_LAST + 26) #define idmAttCtxRename (IDM_LAST + 27) #define idmAttCtxPrint (IDM_LAST + 28) #define idmAttCtxInsertFile (IDM_LAST + 29) #define idmAttCtxProps (IDM_LAST + 30) #define idmAttCtxPopupView (IDM_LAST + 31) #define idmAttDragMove (IDM_LAST + 32) #define idmAttDragCopy (IDM_LAST + 33) #define idmAttDragLink (IDM_LAST + 34) // reserve 50 id's for sort menus #define idmSortMenuBase (IDM_LAST + 36) #define idmSortMenuLast (idmSortMenuBase + 50) #define idmSentItems (idmSortMenuLast +1) // Justin told me to put this id here. So don't blame me! Ann // Send Using Account Ranges.... (Allowing up to 100 Send Accounts) #define idmAccountMenuFirst (idmSentItems + 1) #define idmAccountMenuLast (idmAccountMenuFirst + 100) #define idmDebugMenuFirst (idmAccountMenuLast + 1) #define idmTridentTest1 (idmDebugMenuFirst) #define idmTridentTest2 (idmDebugMenuFirst + 1) #define idmTridentTest3 (idmDebugMenuFirst + 2) #define idmTridentTest4 (idmDebugMenuFirst + 3) #define idmTridentTest5 (idmDebugMenuFirst + 4) #define idmMessageSource (idmDebugMenuFirst + 5) #define idmAsyncTest (idmDebugMenuFirst + 6) #define idmRangeTest (idmDebugMenuFirst + 7) #define idmURLTest (idmDebugMenuFirst + 8) #define idmUUENCODETest (idmDebugMenuFirst + 9) #define idmIMAPTest (idmDebugMenuFirst + 10) #define idmPropTreeTest (idmDebugMenuFirst + 11) #define idmNewsNNTXTest (idmDebugMenuFirst + 12) #define idmStoreTest (idmDebugMenuFirst + 13) #define idmOfflineTest (idmDebugMenuFirst + 14) #define idmSpoolerStart (idmDebugMenuFirst + 15) #define idmUploadConfig (idmDebugMenuFirst + 16) #define idmDebugMenuLast (idmDebugMenuFirst + 16) // reserve 50 id's for SaveAttachments menu #define idmSaveAttachFirst (idmTridentTest5 + 35) #define idmSaveAttachLast (idmSaveAttachFirst + 50) #define CONNECT_MENU_BASE (idmSaveAttachLast + 1) #define CONNECT_MENU_LAST (CONNECT_MENU_BASE + 100) // reserve 50 id's for format bar style menu #define idmFmtTagFirst (CONNECT_MENU_LAST + 1) #define idmFmtTagLast (idmFmtTagFirst + 50) // Reserve 100 for send later accounts #define idmAccountLaterFirst (idmFmtTagLast + 1) #define idmAccountLaterLast (idmAccountLaterFirst + 100) // Reserve 100 for OE Extension #define idmExtensionFirst (idmAccountLaterLast + 1) #define idmExtensionLast (idmExtensionFirst + 100) #define idmSignatureFirst (idmExtensionLast + 1) #define idmSignatureLast (idmSignatureFirst + 100) // ------------------------------------------------------ // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // BEGIN Bitmap Resource IDs // #define idbToolbarBtns 1 #define idb16x16 2 #define idb16x16st 4 #define idbSplash 5 #define idbFormatBar 8 #define idbFormatBarFont 9 #define idbStamps 11 #define idbBtns 12 #define idbFolders 16 #define idbHorzStrip 17 #define idbSecurity 19 #define idbFoldersLarge 20 // Don't change the order of these - SteveSer #define idbCoolbar 27 #define idbCoolbarHot 28 #define idbOfflineHot 30 // Don't change the order of these - SteveSer #define idbBrand 31 #define idbSBrand 32 #define idbSpooler 36 #define idbStatusBar 37 // Don't change the order of these - SteveSer #define idb256Coolbar 38 #define idb256CoolbarHot 39 #define idbSmCoolbar 40 #define idbSmCoolbarHot 41 // Don't change the order of these - SteveSer // Don't change the order of these vvv (t-erikne) #define idbPaneBar32 42 #define idbPaneBar32Hot 43 #define idbPaneBar16 44 #define idbPaneBar16Hot 45 // Don't change the order of these ^^^ (t-erikne) #define idbPapLeft 46 #define idbPapRight 47 // // END Bitmap Resource IDs // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // BEGIN Icon Resource IDs // #define idiMail 2 #define idiMailNews idiMail #define idiNews 3 #define idiOEDocument 5 #define idiPasswordKeys 6 #define idiNewsServer 7 #define idiNewsGroup 8 #define idiFileAtt 9 #define idiMessageAtt 12 #define idiDefaultAtt 13 #define idiMsgPropSent 14 #define idiMsgPropUnSent 15 #define idiError 16 #define idiUpArrow 17 #define idiDownArrow 18 #define idiArtPropPost 19 #define idiArtPropUnpost 20 #define idiPhone 21 #define idiNewMailNotify 23 #define idiPickRecip 24 #define idiFolder 25 #define idiNewsFolder 27 #define idiDLNews 42 #define idiSecure 43 #define idiNoSecure 44 #define idiSendReceive 45 #define idiWindowLayout 46 #define idiToolbarLayout 47 #define idiPrePaneLayout 48 #define idiOfflineIcon 49 #define idiPapLargeIcon 50 #define idiPapSmallIcon 51 // // END Icon Resource IDs // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // BEGIN Animation Resource IDs // #define idanInbox 1 #define idanOutbox 2 #define idanMiniOut 4 #define idanMiniIn 5 #define idanDecode 6 #define idanCompact 7 #define idanDownloadNews 8 #define idanCopyMsgs 9 // // END Animation Resource IDs // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // BEGIN Dialog Resource IDs (DIALOG resource ids, not control ids!) // #define iddVersion 1 #define iddSubscribe 2 #define iddSubscribeOneServer 3 #define iddAdvSecurity 4 #define iddPerformingRepair 5 #define iddAthenaDefault 6 #define iddStoreLocation 7 #define iddAdvSig 8 #define iddAthPropSheet 9 #define iddSortBy 11 #define iddPassword 16 #define iddInsertFile 21 #define iddFileExists 24 #define iddFileExistsMult 25 #define iddSafeOpen 26 #define iddRasLogon 27 #define iddWebPage 28 #define iddBkImage 29 #define iddSpelling 30 #define iddRangeTest 39 #define iddPickGroup 40 #define iddDownloadGroups 41 #define iddURLTest 42 #define iddInboxRulesManager 43 #define iddInboxRulesEdit 44 #define iddNewFolder 45 #define iddRasCloseConn 46 #define iddOpt_Security 47 #define iddOpt_Spelling 48 #define iddOpt_DialUp 49 #define iddOpt_Read 50 #define iddOpt_General 51 #define iddOpt_Send 52 #define iddOpt_Advanced 53 #define iddOpt_Signature 54 #define iddMsgProp_General 58 #define iddMsgProp_Details 60 #define iddMsgSource 61 #define iddRasProgress 62 #define iddDetailedError 63 #define iddOrderMessages 69 #define iddArtProp_General 74 #define iddStoreTest 78 #define iddPlainRecipWarning 79 #define iddIMAPTest 80 #define iddArticleCacheTest 81 #define iddAsyncTest 83 #define iddCacheMan 85 #define iddProgress 87 #define iddFindMsg 88 #define iddFindNNTPMsg 89 #define iddNNTXTest 90 #define iddCombineAndDecode 92 #define iddDownloadImapFldrs 94 #define iddMsgProp_Security_Msg 95 #define iddMsgProp_Security_WIP 96 #define iddMsgProp_Security_Sent 97 #define iddSecCerificateErr 98 #define iddIMAPSubscribe 99 // "don't show me again" dialogs // kept in (dontshow.dlg) // these dialogs are message-box style with a checkbox // of id==idchkDontShowMeAgain #define iddDSSendMail 100 #define iddDSSendNews 101 #define iddDSWarnDeleteThread 102 #define iddDSCancelNews 103 #define iddDSAskSubscribe 104 #define iddHTMLSettings 105 #define iddPlainSettings 106 #define iddDSPostInOutbox 107 #define iddDSSavedInSavedItems 108 #define iddDSErrHTMLInNewsIsBad 109 #define iddDSNoteLost 110 #define iddFolderProp_General 115 #define iddGroupProp_General 116 #define iddDSDefSubList 117 //Bug# 6473 (v-snatar) #define iddNewsProp_Cache 121 #define iddGroupFilterEdit 125 #define iddInetMailError 126 #define iddFindNewsMsg 128 #define iddFindIMAPMsg 129 #define iddInsertLink 130 #define iddDSGroupFilters 131 #define iddDSTooMuchQuoted 132 #define iddCreateFolder 133 #define iddSelectFolder 134 #define iddImapUploadProgress 135 #define iddImapCopyProgress 136 #define iddImapDownloadProgress 137 #define iddTransportErrorDlg 138 #define iddSpoolerDlg 140 #define iddFrameWarning 141 #define iddUpdateNewsgroup 142 #define iddGroupProp_Update 143 #define iddRasStartup 144 #define iddStationery 145 #define iddIntlSetting 146 #define iddCharsetConflict 147 #define iddCharsetChange 148 #define iddTimeout 149 #define iddSelectStationery 150 #define iddViewLayout 152 #define iddImapDeleteFldr 153 #ifdef WIN16 #define iddFontSettings 154 #endif #define iddErrSecurityNoSigningCert 155 #define iddImapUploadDraft 156 #define iddDSIMAPDeletedMessagesWarning 158 #define iddColumns 160 // // END Dialog Resource IDs (DIALOG resource ids, not control ids!) // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // BEGIN Dialog Control IDs (control ids, not DIALOG resource ids!) // // These only need to be unique within a single dialog. // // universal dialog stuff #define IDC_STATIC -1 #define idcStatic1 3500 #define idcStatic2 3501 #define idcStatic3 3502 #define idcStatic4 3503 #define idcStatic5 3504 #define idchkDontShowMeAgain 3505 // charset conflict dialog #define idcSendAsUnicode 100 // version dialog #define idcVerFirst 101 #define idcVerLast 103 #define idcVerList 104 // WebPage dialog #define idTxtWebPage 1000 // header and note controls #define NOTE_FIRST 1000 #define idREBody (NOTE_FIRST + 0) #define idADTo (NOTE_FIRST + 1) #define idADNewsgroups (NOTE_FIRST + 2) #define idADCc (NOTE_FIRST + 3) #define idTXTSubject (NOTE_FIRST + 4) #define idADFrom (NOTE_FIRST + 5) #define idbtnTo (NOTE_FIRST + 7) #define idbtnCc (NOTE_FIRST + 8) #define idtbNoteWnd (NOTE_FIRST + 9) #define idTTWnd (NOTE_FIRST + 10) #define idStamp (NOTE_FIRST + 11) #define idAttach (NOTE_FIRST + 12) #define idREFmtbar (NOTE_FIRST + 13) #define idNoteToolbar (NOTE_FIRST + 14) #define idcNoteHdr (NOTE_FIRST + 15) #define idTXTDate (NOTE_FIRST + 16) #define idAttNoteBody (NOTE_FIRST + 17) #define idTXTFollowupTo (NOTE_FIRST + 18) #define idADReplyTo (NOTE_FIRST + 19) #define idTXTOrg (NOTE_FIRST + 20) #define idTXTDistribution (NOTE_FIRST + 21) #define idTXTKeywords (NOTE_FIRST + 22) #define idADApproved (NOTE_FIRST + 23) #define idbtnFollowup (NOTE_FIRST + 24) #define idbtnReplyTo (NOTE_FIRST + 25) #define idADBCc (NOTE_FIRST + 26) #define idbtnBCc (NOTE_FIRST + 27) #define idSecurity (NOTE_FIRST + 28) #define idStatusbar (NOTE_FIRST + 29) #define idTxtBkImage (NOTE_FIRST + 30) #define idTxtControl (NOTE_FIRST + 31) #define idCheckSendPicture (NOTE_FIRST + 32) #define idBrowsePicture (NOTE_FIRST + 33) #define idVCardStamp (NOTE_FIRST + 34) #define idNoteRebar (NOTE_FIRST + 35) // dialog #define idbtnSendPlain 101 #define idbtnSendHTML 102 // Tools.Spelling dialog #define PSB_Spell_Ignore 101 #define PSB_Spell_IgnoreAll 102 #define PSB_Spell_Change 103 #define PSB_Spell_ChangeAll 104 #define PSB_Spell_Add 105 #define PSB_Spell_Suggest 106 #define PSB_Spell_UndoLast 107 #define EDT_Spell_WrongWord 108 #define TXT_Spell_Error 109 #define PSB_Spell_Options 110 #define TXT_Spell_Suggest 111 #define LBX_Spell_Suggest 112 #define EDT_Spell_ChangeTo 113 #define TXT_Spell_ChangeTo 114 #define CHK_AlwaysSuggest 202 #define CHK_CheckSpellingOnSend 203 #define CHK_IgnoreUppercase 204 #define CHK_IgnoreNumbers 205 #define CHK_IgnoreDBCS 206 #define CHK_IgnoreOriginalMessage 207 #define CHK_IgnoreURL 208 #define idcSpellLanguages 209 #define idcViewDictionary 210 #define GRP_SpellOptions 511 #define GRP_SpellIgnore 512 #define idtxtFolderName 101 #define IDC_CAPTION 1049 #define IDC_TREEVIEW 1050 #define IDC_NEWFOLDER_BTN 1051 #define IDE_URL 1052 //Mail Options // now stored in mail/mailopt.h // Folder dialogs // message property sheets: // now stored in inc/mpropdlg.h #define idcTxtSubject 125 #define idcTxtBody 126 #define idcAttachCheck 127 #define idcTxtFrom 132 #define idcTxtRecip 151 #define idcDateFrom 153 #define idcDateTo 154 #define idcFindNow 155 #define idcStop 156 #define idcReset 157 #define idcFindCombo 158 #define idcSubFolders 159 // Certificate error dlg #define idcCertList 1234 #define idGetDigitalIDs 1235 #ifdef WIN16 #define IDC_UNUSED 1300 #define IDC_FONTS_SCRIPTS_GROUPBOX 1301 #define IDC_FONTS_CODE_PAGES_LIST 1302 #define IDC_FONTS_PROP_FONT_COMBO 1303 #define IDC_FONTS_FIXED_FONT_COMBO 1304 #define IDC_FONTS_MIME_FONT_COMBO 1305 #define IDC_FONTS_SIZE_FONT_COMBO 1306 #define IDC_FONTS_SETDEFAULT_BUTTON 1307 #define IDC_FONTS_DEFAULT_LANG_TEXT 1308 #endif // // END Dialog Control IDs (control ids, not DIALOG resource ids!) // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // BEGIN Menu Resource IDs (MENU resources, not commands!) // #define idmrMailContext 4 #define idmrColumnSort 5 #define idmrFindPopContext 6 #define idmrStampPriority 7 #define idmrCtxtEdit 8 #define idmrCtxtReadonly 9 #define idmrMailReadNote 10 #define idmrMailSendNote 11 #define idmrCtxtWell 12 #define idmrNewsContext 13 #define idmrFind 14 #define idmrAttCtxSend 16 #define idmrAttCtxRead 17 #define idmrAttCtxNoSel 18 #define idmrAttPopupDrapDrop 19 #define idmrNewsReadNote 20 #define idmrNewsSendNote 21 #define idmrAddrObjCtx 23 #define idmrCoolbarContext 24 #define idmrNewsServerContext 29 #define idmrNewsGroupContext 30 #define idmrIMAPSpecialContext 31 #define idmrLocalFolderContext 32 #define idmrIMAPContext 34 #define idmrLocalFolder 38 #define idmrNewsFolder 39 #define idmrIMAPFolder 40 #define idmrCommonFolder 41 #define idmrMailSpecialContext 42 #define idmrIMAPServerContext 43 #define idmrIMAPFolderContext 44 #define idmrRootContext 45 #define idmrIMAPOfflineFolder 46 #define idmrIMAPOfflineServer 47 #define idmrIMAPSyncFolder 48 #define idmrIMAPSyncServer 49 #define idmrNewsOfflineFolder 50 #define idmrNewsOfflineServer 51 #define idmrNewsSyncFolder 52 #define idmrNewsSyncServer 53 #define idmrStampVCard 54 #define idmrDigSigPopup 55 #define idmrEncryptionPopup 56 #define idmrStationeryPopup 57 #define idmrFindNewsContext 58 // // END Menu Resource IDs (MENU resources, not commands!) // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // BEGIN Cursor Resource IDs // #define idcurSplitHoriz 2 #define idcurSplitVert 3 #define idcurHand 4 // // END Cursor Resource IDs // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // BEGIN RCDATA Resource IDs // #define IDR_FIRST 1 // // END RCDATA Resource IDs // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // BEGIN Accelerator Resource IDs // #define idacBrowser 1 #define idacNewsView 2 #define idacMailView 3 #define idacMail_ReadNote 4 #define idacNews_ReadNote 5 #define idacMail_SendNote 6 #define idacNews_SendNote 7 #define idacFolderNews 8 #define idacFolderMail 9 #define idacIMAPView 10 #define idacFind 11 // // END Accelerator Resource IDs // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // BEGIN import/export ids. // #define STR_IMP_FIRST 23000 #define iddExport 23602 #define iddImpProgress 23603 #define iddMigrate 23605 #define iddSelectClient 23606 #define iddLocation 23607 #define iddSelectFolders 23608 #define iddAddressComplete 23609 #define iddSelectCommUser 23610 #define iddSelectAth16User 23611 #define iddProvideMailPath 23612 #define IDC_IMPORTALL_RADIO (STR_IMP_FIRST + 1000) #define IDC_SELECT_RADIO (STR_IMP_FIRST + 1001) #define IDC_IMPFOLDER_LISTVIEW (STR_IMP_FIRST + 1002) #define IDC_IMPFOLDER_EDIT (STR_IMP_FIRST + 1003) #define IDC_SELECTFOLDER_BUTTON (STR_IMP_FIRST + 1004) #define IDC_NEWIMPFOLDER_EDIT (STR_IMP_FIRST + 1005) #define IDC_SKIPFOLDER_BUTTON (STR_IMP_FIRST + 1008) #define IDC_ERROR_STATIC (STR_IMP_FIRST + 1009) #define IDC_IMPORT_COMBO (STR_IMP_FIRST + 1010) #define IDC_CMD_STATIC (STR_IMP_FIRST + 1011) #define IDC_IMPORT_PROGRESS (STR_IMP_FIRST + 1012) #define IDC_FOLDER_STATIC (STR_IMP_FIRST + 1013) #define IDC_MESSAGE_STATIC (STR_IMP_FIRST + 1014) #define idcClientsListbox (STR_IMP_FIRST + 1015) #define idcMessagesCheck (STR_IMP_FIRST + 1016) #define idcAddrBookCheck (STR_IMP_FIRST + 1017) #define IDC_LOCATION_STATIC (STR_IMP_FIRST + 1018) #define IDC_LABEL (STR_IMP_FIRST + 1019) #define IDC_USERLIST (STR_IMP_FIRST + 1020) #define IDC_BUTT1 (STR_IMP_FIRST + 1021) #define IDC_EDT1 (STR_IMP_FIRST + 1022) #define IDB_IMPORT 24023 #define idsOutOfMemory (STR_IMP_FIRST + 1) #define idsNotEnoughDiskSpace (STR_IMP_FIRST + 2) #define idsImport (STR_IMP_FIRST + 3) #define idsPerformExport (STR_IMP_FIRST + 4) #define idsExport (STR_IMP_FIRST + 5) #define idsExportTitle (STR_IMP_FIRST + 6) #define idsImportTitle (STR_IMP_FIRST + 7) #define idsImportingFolderFmt (STR_IMP_FIRST + 11) #define idsExportingFolderFmt (STR_IMP_FIRST + 12) #define idsImportingMessageFmt (STR_IMP_FIRST + 13) #define idsExportError (STR_IMP_FIRST + 14) #define idsMAPIStoreOpenError (STR_IMP_FIRST + 15) #define idsMAPIInitError (STR_IMP_FIRST + 16) #define idsAddressUnknownFmt (STR_IMP_FIRST + 17) #define idsFolderOpenFail (STR_IMP_FIRST + 18) #define idsFolderReadFail (STR_IMP_FIRST + 19) #define idsFolderImportErrorFmt (STR_IMP_FIRST + 20) #define idsOut (STR_IMP_FIRST + 22) #define idsTrash (STR_IMP_FIRST + 23) #define idsEudora (STR_IMP_FIRST + 25) #define idsNetscape (STR_IMP_FIRST + 26) #define idsImportABTitle (STR_IMP_FIRST + 27) #define idsImportAB (STR_IMP_FIRST + 28) #define idsImportingABFmt (STR_IMP_FIRST + 29) #define idsBrowseFolderText (STR_IMP_FIRST + 30) #define idsLocationUnknown (STR_IMP_FIRST + 31) #define idsLocationInvalid (STR_IMP_FIRST + 32) #define idsCancelWizard (STR_IMP_FIRST + 33) #define idsMsgsOrAddrs (STR_IMP_FIRST + 34) #define idsABImportError (STR_IMP_FIRST + 35) #define idsExchange (STR_IMP_FIRST + 36) #define idsCommunicator (STR_IMP_FIRST + 37) #define idsMapiInitError (STR_IMP_FIRST + 38) #define idsNoMapiProfiles (STR_IMP_FIRST + 39) #define idsMapiImportFailed (STR_IMP_FIRST + 40) #define idsSelectFolders (STR_IMP_FIRST + 41) // END import/export ids. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // BEGIN window ids. // #define idwAttachWell 1000 // END window ids // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // BEGIN indices into the toolbar button bitmap // enum { itbNewMsg = 0, itbPrint, itbCut, itbCopy, itbPaste, itbUndo, itbDelete, itbFind, itbGotoInbox, itbDeliverNowUsingAll, itbReply, itbReplyAll, itbForward, itbSend, itbSaveAs, itbPickRecipients, itbCheckNames, itbAttach, itbNext, itbPrevious, itbNextUnreadArticle, itbNextUnreadThread, itbNextUnreadSubscr, itbMarkAsRead, itbDisconnect, itbNewPost, itbMarkDownload, itbReplyByPost, itbConnect, itbMarkTopicRead, itbMarkAllRead, itbMarkTopicDownload, itbNextTopic, itbInsertSig, itbPostNow, itbViewContacts, itbEncrypted, itbSigned, itbSetPriority, ctbBtns }; // FormatBar stuff enum { itbFormattingTag, itbFormattingBold, itbFormattingItalic, itbFormattingUnderline, itbFormattingColor, itbFormattingNumbers, itbFormattingBullets, itbFormattingDecreaseIndent, itbFormattingIncreaseIndent, itbFormattingLeft, itbFormattingCenter, itbFormattingRight, itbFormattingInsertHLine, itbFormattingInsertLink, itbFormattingInsertImage, ctbFormatting }; // Folder bitmap stuff // Do NOT move the first two entries beyond 14. enum { iNullBitmap = 0, iDisconnected, iFolderClosed, iInbox, iOutbox, iSendMail, iWastebasket, iFolderDraft, iNewsGroup, iNewsServer, iPostFolder, iUnsubGroup, iUnsubServer, iSortAsc, iSortDesc, iMailServer, iMailServerGrayed, iMailRoot, iInboxFull, iOutboxFull, iWastebasketFull, iFolderFull, iMailTrust, iFolderOpen, iFolderUnsub, iNewsSavedItems, iMailNews, iLDAPServer, iNewsGroupSync }; // Coolbar bitmaps enum { iCBBack = 0, iCBNext, iCBNewArticle, iCBReplyPost, iCBReplyAll, iCBForward, iCBPrint, iCBNewsgroup, iCBNewMessage, iCBReplyMail, iCBDeliverNow, iCBNextUnreadArt, iCBNextUnreadThread, iCBNextUnreadGroup, iCBDelete, iCBGotoInbox, iCBGotoOutbox, iCBGotoPosted, iCBGotoSentItems, iCBAddressBook, iCBSaveAs, iCBFind, iCBNextMsg, iCBPrevMsg, iCBMarkRead, iCBMarkThreadRead, iCBMarkAllRead, iCBMarkAsUnread, iCBStop, iCBRefresh, iCBHelp, iCBMarkDownload, iCBMarkThreadDownload, iCBMarkAllDownload, iCBCancelPost, iCBMailMarkUnRead, iCBMailMarkRead, iCBMarkNewsgroups, iCBCombineAndDecode, iCBPostAndDownload, iCBGetNext300Headers, iCBUnscramble, iCBUnmarkDownload, iCBReplyPostAndMail, iCBMoveTo, iCBCopyTo, iCBConnect, iCBDisconnect, iCBUpOneLevel, iCBShowHideTree, iCBLanguage, iCBDownloadAccount, iCBDownloadNewsgroup, iCBPurgeDeletedMessages, iCBWorkOffline, iCBCoolbarMax, }; enum { iCBEncryption, iCBSigning, iCBBadEnc, iCBBadSign, iCBPaperclip, iCBVCard, }; // Folder State bitmap stuff enum { iDownloadHeaders = 0, iDownloadNew, iDownloadAll, iStateMax }; enum { iColorMenu = 0, iColorCombo, iColorMax }; // // END indices into the toolbar button bitmap // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #endif // __RESOURCE_H_