//Microsoft Developer Studio generated resource script. // #include "menures.h" #define APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Generated from the TEXTINCLUDE 2 resource. // #include "winuser.h" ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #undef APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // English (U.S.) resources ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Menu // IDR_BROWSER_MENU MENUEX DISCARDABLE BEGIN POPUP "&File", ID_POPUP_FILE BEGIN POPUP "&New", ID_POPUP_NEW BEGIN MENUITEM "&Mail Message", ID_NEW_MAIL_MESSAGE MENUITEM "&News Message", ID_NEW_NEWS_MESSAGE MENUITEM "&Instant Message", ID_SEND_INSTANT_MESSAGE MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Folder...\tCtrl+Shift+E", ID_NEW_FOLDER2 MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Contact...", ID_NEW_CONTACT END MENUITEM "&Open\tCtrl+O", ID_OPEN MENUITEM "Save &As...", ID_SAVE_AS MENUITEM "Sa&ve Attachments...", ID_SAVE_ATTACHMENTS MENUITEM "Save as S&tationery...", ID_SAVE_STATIONERY MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR POPUP "&Folder", ID_POPUP_FOLDER BEGIN MENUITEM "&New...\tCtrl+Shift+E", ID_NEW_FOLDER MENUITEM "&Move...", ID_MOVE MENUITEM "&Rename...", ID_RENAME MENUITEM "&Delete", ID_DELETE_FOLDER MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Compact", ID_COMPACT MENUITEM "Compact All &Folders", ID_COMPACT_ALL END MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR POPUP "&Import", ID_POPUP_IMPORT BEGIN MENUITEM "&Address Book...", ID_IMPORT_WAB MENUITEM "Other Address &Book...", ID_IMPORT_ADDRESS_BOOK MENUITEM "M&essages...", ID_IMPORT_MESSAGES MENUITEM "&Mail Account Settings...", ID_IMPORT_MAIL_ACCOUNTS MENUITEM "&News Account Settings...", ID_IMPORT_NEWS_ACCOUNTS // Not for Beta 2 #ifdef NEVER MENUITEM "Message &Rules...", ID_IMPORT_RULES #endif // NEVER END POPUP "&Export", ID_POPUP_EXPORT BEGIN MENUITEM "&Address Book...", ID_EXPORT_ADDRESS_BOOK MENUITEM "&Messages...", ID_EXPORT_MESSAGES // Not for Beta 2 #ifdef NEVER MENUITEM "Message &Rules...", ID_EXPORT_RULES #endif // NEVER END MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Print...\tCtrl+P", ID_PRINT MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Switch Identity...", ID_SWITCH_IDENTITY POPUP "I&dentities", ID_IDENTITIES BEGIN MENUITEM "&Add New Identity...", ID_NEW_IDENTITY MENUITEM "&Manage Identities...", ID_MANAGE_IDENTITIES END MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "P&roperties\tAlt+Enter", ID_PROPERTIES MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Work Offline", ID_WORK_OFFLINE MENUITEM "Exit and &Log Off Identity", ID_EXIT_LOGOFF MENUITEM "E&xit", ID_EXIT END POPUP "&Edit", ID_POPUP_EDIT BEGIN MENUITEM "&Copy\tCtrl+C", ID_COPY MENUITEM "Select &All\tCtrl+A", ID_SELECT_ALL MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR POPUP "&Find", ID_POPUP_FIND BEGIN MENUITEM "&Message...\tCtrl+Shift+F", ID_FIND_MESSAGE MENUITEM "Message in this &Folder...\tShift+F3", ID_FIND_IN_FOLDER MENUITEM "Find &Next...\tF3", ID_FIND_NEXT MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&People...\tCtrl+E", ID_FIND_PEOPLE MENUITEM "&Text in this Message...", ID_FIND_TEXT END MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Move to Folder...\tCtrl+Shift+V", ID_MOVE_TO_FOLDER MENUITEM "Co&py to Folder...", ID_COPY_TO_FOLDER MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Delete\tCtrl+D", ID_DELETE MENUITEM "&Undelete", ID_UNDELETE MENUITEM "Empt&y 'Deleted Items' Folder", ID_EMPTY_WASTEBASKET MENUITEM "Pu&rge Deleted Messages", ID_PURGE_DELETED MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Mar&k as Read\tCtrl+Q", ID_MARK_READ MENUITEM "Mark as U&nread", ID_MARK_UNREAD MENUITEM "Mark Conversa&tion as Read\tCtrl+T", ID_MARK_THREAD_READ MENUITEM "Mark All R&ead\tCtrl+Shift+A", ID_MARK_ALL_READ MENUITEM "Catc&h Up", ID_CATCH_UP END POPUP "&View", ID_POPUP_VIEW BEGIN POPUP "Current &View", ID_POPUP_FILTER BEGIN MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR END POPUP "Sort &By", ID_POPUP_SORT BEGIN MENUITEM "&Color", ID_SORT_COLOR MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Sort &Ascending", ID_SORT_ASCENDING MENUITEM "Sort &Descending", ID_SORT_DESCENDING, END MENUITEM "&Columns...", ID_COLUMNS MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Layout...", ID_LAYOUT MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR POPUP "T&ext Size", ID_POPUP_FONTS BEGIN MENUITEM "Lar&gest", ID_FONTS_LARGEST MENUITEM "&Larger", ID_FONTS_LARGE MENUITEM "&Medium", ID_FONTS_MEDIUM MENUITEM "&Smaller", ID_FONTS_SMALL MENUITEM "Sm&allest", ID_FONTS_SMALLEST MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Fixed", ID_FONTS_FIXED END POPUP "Enco&ding", ID_POPUP_LANGUAGE_DEFERRED BEGIN MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR END MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Previous Message\tCtrl+<", ID_PREVIOUS POPUP "&Next", ID_POPUP_NEXT BEGIN MENUITEM "&Next Message\tCtrl+>", ID_NEXT_MESSAGE MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Next Unread &Message\tCtrl+U", ID_NEXT_UNREAD_MESSAGE MENUITEM "Next Unread Conversa&tion\tCtrl+Shift+U", ID_NEXT_UNREAD_THREAD MENUITEM "Next Unread Fol&der\tCtrl+J", ID_NEXT_UNREAD_FOLDER END MENUITEM "&Go to Folder...\tCtrl+Y", ID_GO_FOLDER MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "E&xpand", ID_EXPAND MENUITEM "Coll&apse", ID_COLLAPSE MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "St&op\tEsc", ID_STOP MENUITEM "&Refresh\tF5", ID_REFRESH END POPUP "&Tools", ID_POPUP_TOOLS BEGIN POPUP "&Send and Receive", ID_POPUP_SEND_AND_RECEIVE BEGIN MENUITEM "Send and Receive &All\tCtrl+M", ID_SEND_RECEIVE MENUITEM "&Receive All", ID_RECEIVE_ALL MENUITEM "&Send All", ID_SEND_ALL MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR END MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Synchroni&ze All", ID_SYNCHRONIZE MENUITEM "Synchro&nize Folder", ID_SYNC_THIS_NOW POPUP "Mar&k for Offline", ID_POPUP_RETRIEVE BEGIN MENUITEM "Download &Message Later", ID_MARK_RETRIEVE_MESSAGE MENUITEM "Download Conversa&tion Later", ID_MARK_RETRIEVE_THREAD MENUITEM "Download &All Messages Later", ID_MARK_RETRIEVE_ALL MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Do &Not Download Message", ID_UNMARK_MESSAGE END MENUITEM "Get Ne&xt 300 Headers", ID_GET_HEADERS MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Address &Book...\tCtrl+Shift+B", ID_ADDRESS_BOOK MENUITEM "A&dd Sender to Address Book", ID_ADD_SENDER MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR POPUP "Message &Rules", ID_POPUP_RULES BEGIN MENUITEM "&Mail...", ID_MESSAGE_RULES_MAIL MENUITEM "&News...", ID_MESSAGE_RULES_NEWS MENUITEM "&Junk Mail...", ID_MESSAGE_RULES_JUNK MENUITEM "Blocked &Senders List...", ID_MESSAGE_RULES_SENDERS END MENUITEM "", SEP_MESSENGER, MFT_SEPARATOR POPUP "%s", ID_POPUP_MESSENGER BEGIN MENUITEM "&Send Instant Message", ID_SEND_INSTANT_MESSAGE MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Log on...", ID_LOGIN_MESSENGER MENUITEM "Log o&ff", ID_LOGOFF_MESSENGER MENUITEM "&Options...", ID_MESSENGER_OPTIONS MENUITEM "&Add Online Contact...", ID_NEW_ONLINE_CONTACT END POPUP "M&y Online Status", ID_POPUP_MESSENGER_STATUS BEGIN MENUITEM "&Online", ID_MESSENGER_ONLINE MENUITEM "&Invisible", ID_MESSENGER_INVISIBLE MENUITEM "&Busy", ID_MESSENGER_BUSY MENUITEM "Be Right Ba&ck", ID_MESSENGER_BACK MENUITEM "&Away From Computer", ID_MESSENGER_AWAY MENUITEM "On the &Phone", ID_MESSENGER_ON_PHONE MENUITEM "Out to &Lunch", ID_MESSENGER_LUNCH END MENUITEM "", SEP_SUBSCRIBE, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Ne&wsgroups...\tCtrl+W", ID_NEWSGROUPS MENUITEM "IMAP &Folders...", ID_IMAP_FOLDERS MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Accounts...", ID_ACCOUNTS MENUITEM "N&ew Account Signup", ID_POPUP_NEW_ACCT MENUITEM "&Options...", ID_OPTIONS END POPUP "&Message", ID_POPUP_MESSAGE BEGIN MENUITEM "&New Message\tCtrl+N", ID_NEW_MSG_DEFAULT MENUITEM "New Message &Using", ID_POPUP_NEW_MSG MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Reply to Sender\tCtrl+R", ID_REPLY MENUITEM "Reply to A&ll\tCtrl+Shft+R", ID_REPLY_ALL MENUITEM "Reply to Gr&oup\tCtrl+G", ID_REPLY_GROUP MENUITEM "&Forward\tCtrl+F", ID_FORWARD MENUITEM "Forwar&d As Attachment", ID_FORWARD_AS_ATTACH MENUITEM "&Cancel Message", ID_CANCEL_MESSAGE MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Cr&eate Rule From Message...", ID_CREATE_RULE_FROM_MESSAGE MENUITEM "Block &Sender...", ID_BLOCK_SENDER MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Fl&ag Message", ID_FLAG_MESSAGE MENUITEM "Wa&tch Conversation", ID_WATCH_THREAD MENUITEM "&Ignore Conversation", ID_IGNORE_THREAD MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Unscramble (ROT1&3)", ID_UNSCRAMBLE MENUITEM "Com&bine and Decode...", ID_COMBINE_AND_DECODE END // menu get's dynamically added MENUITEM "&Help", ID_POPUP_HELP END IDR_READ_NOTE_MENU MENUEX DISCARDABLE BEGIN POPUP "&File", ID_POPUP_FILE BEGIN POPUP "&New", ID_POPUP_NEW BEGIN MENUITEM "&Mail Message", ID_NEW_MAIL_MESSAGE MENUITEM "&News Message", ID_NEW_NEWS_MESSAGE END MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Save &As...", ID_NOTE_SAVE_AS MENUITEM "Sa&ve Attachments...", ID_NOTE_SAVE_ATTACHMENTS MENUITEM "Save as S&tationery...", ID_NOTE_SAVE_STATIONERY MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Move to Folder...", ID_NOTE_MOVE_TO_FOLDER MENUITEM "C&opy to Folder...", ID_NOTE_COPY_TO_FOLDER MENUITEM "&Delete Message\tCtrl+D", ID_NOTE_DELETE MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Print...\tCtrl+P", ID_PRINT MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "P&roperties\tAlt+Enter", ID_NOTE_PROPERTIES MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Work Offline", ID_WORK_OFFLINE MENUITEM "&Close", ID_CLOSE END POPUP "&Edit", ID_POPUP_EDIT BEGIN MENUITEM "Cu&t\tCtrl+X", ID_CUT MENUITEM "&Copy\tCtrl+C", ID_NOTE_COPY MENUITEM "&Paste\tCtrl+V", ID_PASTE MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Select &All\tCtrl+A", ID_SELECT_ALL MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR POPUP "F&ind", ID_POPUP_FIND BEGIN MENUITEM "&Message...", ID_FIND_MESSAGE MENUITEM "Pe&ople...\tCtrl+E", ID_FIND_PEOPLE MENUITEM "&Text in this message...\tCtrl+Shift+F", ID_FIND_TEXT END END POPUP "&View", ID_POPUP_VIEW BEGIN MENUITEM "&Previous Message\tCtrl+<", ID_PREVIOUS POPUP "&Next", ID_POPUP_NEXT BEGIN MENUITEM "&Next Message\tCtrl+>", ID_NEXT_MESSAGE MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Next Unread &Message\tCtrl+U", ID_NEXT_UNREAD_MESSAGE MENUITEM "Next Unread Conversa&tion\tCtrl+Shift+U", ID_NEXT_UNREAD_THREAD END MENUITEM "", POPUP "Te&xt Size", ID_POPUP_FONTS BEGIN MENUITEM "Lar&gest", ID_FONTS_LARGEST MENUITEM "&Larger", ID_FONTS_LARGE MENUITEM "&Medium", ID_FONTS_MEDIUM MENUITEM "&Smaller", ID_FONTS_SMALL MENUITEM "Sm&allest", ID_FONTS_SMALLEST MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Fixed", ID_FONTS_FIXED END POPUP "Enco&ding", ID_POPUP_LANGUAGE_DEFERRED BEGIN MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR END MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&All Headers", ID_FULL_HEADERS MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR POPUP "&Toolbar", ID_POPUP_TOOLBAR BEGIN MENUITEM "&Standard Buttons", ID_SHOW_TOOLBAR MENUITEM "", MENUITEM "&Customize...", ID_CUSTOMIZE END MENUITEM "&Status Bar", ID_STATUS_BAR END POPUP "&Tools", ID_POPUP_TOOLS BEGIN MENUITEM "Address &Book...\tCtrl+Shift+B", ID_ADDRESS_BOOK POPUP "A&dd to Address Book", ID_POPUP_ADDRESS_BOOK BEGIN MENUITEM "&Sender", ID_ADD_SENDER MENUITEM "&Everyone on To List", ID_ADD_ALL_TO END END POPUP "&Message", ID_POPUP_MESSAGE BEGIN MENUITEM "&New\tCtrl+N", ID_NEW_MSG_DEFAULT MENUITEM "New &Using", ID_POPUP_NEW_MSG MENUITEM "", MENUITEM "&Reply to Sender\tCtrl+R", ID_REPLY MENUITEM "Reply to A&ll\tCtrl+Shft+R", ID_REPLY_ALL MENUITEM "Reply to Gr&oup\tCtrl+G", ID_REPLY_GROUP MENUITEM "&Forward\tCtrl+F", ID_FORWARD MENUITEM "Forwar&d As Attachment", ID_FORWARD_AS_ATTACH MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Cr&eate Rule From Message...", ID_CREATE_RULE_FROM_MESSAGE MENUITEM "Block &Sender...", ID_BLOCK_SENDER MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Fl&ag Message", ID_FLAG_MESSAGE MENUITEM "Wa&tch Conversation", ID_WATCH_THREAD MENUITEM "&Ignore Conversation", ID_IGNORE_THREAD MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Unscramble (ROT1&3)", ID_UNSCRAMBLE END MENUITEM "&Help", ID_POPUP_HELP END IDR_SEND_NOTE_MENU MENUEX DISCARDABLE BEGIN POPUP "&File", ID_POPUP_FILE BEGIN POPUP "&New", ID_POPUP_NEW BEGIN MENUITEM "&Mail Message", ID_NEW_MAIL_MESSAGE MENUITEM "&News Message", ID_NEW_NEWS_MESSAGE END MENUITEM "S&end Message\tAlt+S", ID_SEND_DEFAULT MENUITEM "Send &Later", ID_SEND_LATER MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Save\tCtrl+S", ID_SAVE MENUITEM "Save &As...", ID_NOTE_SAVE_AS MENUITEM "Sa&ve Attachments...", ID_NOTE_SAVE_ATTACHMENTS MENUITEM "Save as S&tationery...", ID_NOTE_SAVE_STATIONERY MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Move to Folder...", ID_NOTE_MOVE_TO_FOLDER MENUITEM "C&opy to Folder...", ID_NOTE_COPY_TO_FOLDER MENUITEM "&Delete Message\tCtrl+D", ID_NOTE_DELETE MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Print...\tCtrl+P", ID_PRINT MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "P&roperties\tAlt+Enter", ID_NOTE_PROPERTIES MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Work Offline", ID_WORK_OFFLINE MENUITEM "&Close", ID_CLOSE END POPUP "&Edit", ID_POPUP_EDIT BEGIN MENUITEM "&Undo\tCtrl+Z", ID_UNDO MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Cu&t\tCtrl+X", ID_CUT MENUITEM "&Copy\tCtrl+C", ID_NOTE_COPY MENUITEM "&Paste\tCtrl+V", ID_PASTE MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Select &All\tCtrl+A", ID_SELECT_ALL MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR POPUP "F&ind", ID_POPUP_FIND BEGIN MENUITEM "&Message...", ID_FIND_MESSAGE MENUITEM "Pe&ople...\tCtrl+E", ID_FIND_PEOPLE MENUITEM "&Text in this message...\tCtrl+Shift+F", ID_FIND_TEXT END MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Remove Hyperlink", ID_UNLINK END POPUP "&View", ID_POPUP_VIEW BEGIN MENUITEM "&All Headers", ID_FULL_HEADERS MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR POPUP "&Toolbars", ID_POPUP_TOOLBAR BEGIN MENUITEM "&Standard Buttons", ID_SHOW_TOOLBAR MENUITEM "&Formatting Bar", ID_FORMATTING_TOOLBAR MENUITEM "", MENUITEM "&Customize...", ID_CUSTOMIZE END MENUITEM "&Status Bar", ID_STATUS_BAR MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Source &Edit", ID_SOURCE_EDIT END POPUP "&Insert", ID_POPUP_INSERT BEGIN MENUITEM "File &Attachment...", ID_INSERT_ATTACHMENT MENUITEM "&Text from File...", ID_INSERT_TEXT MENUITEM "&Picture...", ID_INSERT_PICTURE MENUITEM "Horizontal &Line", ID_INSERT_LINE MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "My Business &Card", ID_INSERT_CONTACT_INFO MENUITEM "&Signature", ID_INSERT_SIGNATURE MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Hyperlink...", ID_EDIT_LINK END POPUP "F&ormat", ID_POPUP_FORMAT BEGIN MENUITEM "St&yle", ID_POPUP_STYLE MENUITEM "&Font...", ID_FONTS_DIALOG MENUITEM "Para&graph...", ID_FORMAT_PARADLG MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Increase Indent", ID_INDENT_INCREASE MENUITEM "&Decrease Indent", ID_INDENT_DECREASE MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR POPUP "&Background", ID_POPUP_BACKGROUND BEGIN MENUITEM "&Picture...", ID_BACKGROUND_PICTURE MENUITEM "&Color", ID_POPUP_BACKGROUND_COLOR MENUITEM "&Sound...", ID_BACKGROUND_SOUND END MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR POPUP "E&ncoding", ID_POPUP_LANGUAGE_DEFERRED BEGIN MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR END MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Rich Text (HTML)", ID_RICH_TEXT MENUITEM "Plain Te&xt", ID_PLAIN_TEXT MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR POPUP "Apply &Stationery", ID_POPUP_STATIONERY BEGIN MENUITEM "&More Stationery...", ID_APPLY_STATIONERY_MORE MENUITEM "&No Stationery", ID_APPLY_STATIONERY_NONE END MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Send &Pictures with Message", ID_SEND_OBJECTS END POPUP "&Tools", ID_POPUP_TOOLS BEGIN MENUITEM "&Spelling...\tF7", ID_SPELLING MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Select &Newsgroups...", ID_SELECT_NEWSGROUPS MENUITEM "Reques&t Read Receipt", ID_REQUEST_READRCPT MENUITEM "Chec&k Names\tCtrl+K", ID_CHECK_NAMES MENUITEM "Select &Recipients...", ID_SELECT_RECIPIENTS MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Address &Book...\tCtrl+Shift+B", ID_ADDRESS_BOOK MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Encrypt", ID_ENCRYPT MENUITEM "&Digitally Sign", ID_DIGITALLY_SIGN #ifdef SMIME_V3 MENUITEM "Re&quest Secure Receipt", ID_SEC_RECEIPT_REQUEST MENUITEM "Include Security &Label", ID_INCLUDE_LABEL MENUITEM "Securit&y Label Settings...", ID_LABEL_SETTINGS #endif // SMIME_V3 END POPUP "&Message", ID_POPUP_MESSAGE BEGIN MENUITEM "&New\tCtrl+N", ID_NEW_MSG_DEFAULT MENUITEM "New &Using", ID_POPUP_NEW_MSG MENUITEM "", POPUP "Set &Priority", ID_POPUP_PRIORITY BEGIN MENUITEM "&High", ID_PRIORITY_HIGH MENUITEM "&Normal", ID_PRIORITY_NORMAL MENUITEM "&Low", ID_PRIORITY_LOW END END // Gets dynamically Added MENUITEM "&Help", ID_POPUP_HELP END IDR_FIND_MENU MENUEX DISCARDABLE BEGIN POPUP "&File", ID_POPUP_FILE BEGIN POPUP "&New", ID_POPUP_NEW BEGIN MENUITEM "&Mail Message", ID_NEW_MAIL_MESSAGE MENUITEM "&News Message", ID_NEW_NEWS_MESSAGE MENUITEM "&Instant Message", ID_SEND_INSTANT_MESSAGE MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Folder...\tCtrl+Shift+E", ID_NEW_FOLDER MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Contact...", ID_NEW_CONTACT END MENUITEM "&Open\tCtrl+O", ID_OPEN MENUITEM "O&pen Containing Folder", ID_OPEN_CONTAINING_FOLDER MENUITEM "Save &As...", ID_SAVE_AS MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "P&roperties\tAlt+Enter", ID_PROPERTIES MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Close\tAlt+F4", ID_CLOSE END POPUP "&Edit", ID_POPUP_EDIT BEGIN MENUITEM "&Copy\tCtrl+C", ID_COPY MENUITEM "Select &All\tCtrl+A", ID_SELECT_ALL MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Move to Folder...\tCtrl+Shift+V", ID_MOVE_TO_FOLDER MENUITEM "Co&py to Folder...", ID_COPY_TO_FOLDER MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Delete\tCtrl+D", ID_DELETE MENUITEM "&Undelete", ID_UNDELETE MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Mar&k as Read\tCtrl+Q", ID_MARK_READ MENUITEM "Mark as U&nread", ID_MARK_UNREAD MENUITEM "Mark Conversa&tion as Read\tCtrl+T", ID_MARK_THREAD_READ MENUITEM "Mark All R&ead\tCtrl+Shift+A", ID_MARK_ALL_READ END POPUP "&View", ID_POPUP_VIEW BEGIN POPUP "Current &View", ID_POPUP_FILTER BEGIN MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR END POPUP "Sort &By", ID_POPUP_SORT BEGIN MENUITEM "&Color", ID_SORT_COLOR MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Sort &Ascending", ID_SORT_ASCENDING MENUITEM "Sort &Descending", ID_SORT_DESCENDING, END MENUITEM "&Columns...", ID_COLUMNS MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Previous Message\tCtrl+<", ID_PREVIOUS POPUP "&Next", ID_POPUP_NEXT BEGIN MENUITEM "&Next Message\tCtrl+>", ID_NEXT_MESSAGE MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Next Unread &Message\tCtrl+U", ID_NEXT_UNREAD_MESSAGE MENUITEM "Next Unread Conversa&tion\tCtrl+Shift+U", ID_NEXT_UNREAD_THREAD MENUITEM "Next Unread Fol&der\tCtrl+J", ID_NEXT_UNREAD_FOLDER END MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "E&xpand", ID_EXPAND MENUITEM "Coll&apse", ID_COLLAPSE MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "St&op\tEsc", ID_STOP MENUITEM "&Refresh\tF5", ID_REFRESH END POPUP "&Message", ID_POPUP_MESSAGE BEGIN MENUITEM "&New Message\tCtrl+N", ID_NEW_MSG_DEFAULT MENUITEM "New Message &Using", ID_POPUP_NEW_MSG MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Reply to Sender\tCtrl+R", ID_REPLY MENUITEM "Reply to A&ll\tCtrl+Shft+R", ID_REPLY_ALL MENUITEM "Reply to Gr&oup\tCtrl+G", ID_REPLY_GROUP MENUITEM "&Forward\tCtrl+F", ID_FORWARD MENUITEM "Forwar&d As Attachment", ID_FORWARD_AS_ATTACH MENUITEM "&Cancel Message", ID_CANCEL_MESSAGE MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Cr&eate Rule From Message...", ID_CREATE_RULE_FROM_MESSAGE MENUITEM "Block &Sender...", ID_BLOCK_SENDER MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Fl&ag Message", ID_FLAG_MESSAGE MENUITEM "Wa&tch Conversation", ID_WATCH_THREAD MENUITEM "&Ignore Conversation", ID_IGNORE_THREAD MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Unscramble (ROT1&3)", ID_UNSCRAMBLE MENUITEM "Com&bine and Decode...", ID_COMBINE_AND_DECODE END END IDR_BA_DRAGDROP_POPUP MENU DISCARDABLE BEGIN POPUP "" BEGIN MENUITEM "Save &All Addresses", ID_SAVE_ALL_ADDRESSES MENUITEM "&Save", ID_SAVE MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Cancel", ID_CANCEL END END IDR_BA_POPUP MENUEX DISCARDABLE BEGIN POPUP "" BEGIN MENUITEM "Send Instant &Message", ID_SEND_INSTANT_MESSAGE MENUITEM "Send &E-Mail", ID_SEND_MESSAGE MENUITEM "&Set as Online Contact", ID_SET_ONLINE_CONTACT MENUITEM "&Delete", ID_DELETE_CONTACT MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "New &Online Contact...", ID_NEW_ONLINE_CONTACT MENUITEM "New &Contact...", ID_NEW_CONTACT MENUITEM "&Find People...", ID_FIND_PEOPLE MENUITEM "&Address Book...", ID_ADDRESS_BOOK MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "P&roperties", ID_PROPERTIES END END IDR_ADDRESS_POPUP MENUEX DISCARDABLE BEGIN /* !!! README !!! careful with the IDR_ADDRESS_POPUP Menu, some code depends on * it's structure. You are NOT free to move the menu items around without * changing code in addrobj.cpp!! * NOTE the ID's SEPARATORS *are* important! */ POPUP "" BEGIN MENUITEM "A&dd to Address Book", ID_ADDROBJ_OLE_ADD_ADDRESS_BOOK MENUITEM "&Find...", ID_ADDROBJ_OLE_FIND MENUITEM "&Block Sender...", ID_ADDROBJ_OLE_BLOCK_SENDER MENUITEM "", ID_SEPARATOR_1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Cu&t", ID_CUT MENUITEM "&Copy", ID_COPY MENUITEM "&Paste", ID_PASTE MENUITEM "", ID_SEPARATOR_2, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Select &All", ID_SELECT_ALL MENUITEM "", ID_SEPARATOR_3, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "P&roperties", ID_ADDROBJ_OLE_PROPERTIES END END IDR_ATTACHMENT_POPUP MENU DISCARDABLE BEGIN POPUP "" BEGIN MENUITEM "&Open", ID_OPEN MENUITEM "&Print", ID_PRINT MENUITEM "Save &As...", ID_SAVE_ATTACH_AS MENUITEM "Save A&ll...", ID_SAVE_ATTACHMENTS MENUITEM "&Quick View", ID_QUICK_VIEW MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "A&dd...", ID_ADD MENUITEM "Re&move", ID_REMOVE END END IDR_NEW_MSG_POPUP MENUEX DISCARDABLE BEGIN POPUP "", ID_POPUP_NEW_MSG BEGIN MENUITEM "&Select Stationery...", ID_STATIONERY_MORE MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&No Stationery", ID_STATIONERY_NONE MENUITEM "&Web Page...", ID_WEB_PAGE END END IDR_VIEW_POPUP MENUEX DISCARDABLE BEGIN POPUP "", ID_POPUP_FILTER BEGIN MENUITEM "&Customize Current View...", ID_VIEW_CUSTOMIZE MENUITEM "Define &Views...", ID_VIEW_MANAGER MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Group Messages by Conversation", ID_THREAD_MESSAGES END END IDR_HELP_POPUP MENUEX DISCARDABLE BEGIN POPUP "", ID_POPUP_HELP BEGIN MENUITEM "&Contents and Index\tF1", ID_HELP_CONTENTS MENUITEM "&Read Me", ID_README MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR POPUP "Microsoft on the &Web", ID_POPUP_MSWEB BEGIN MENUITEM "Windows &Update", ID_MSWEB_FREE_STUFF MENUITEM "&Product News", ID_MSWEB_PRODUCT_NEWS MENUITEM "Frequently Asked &Questions", ID_MSWEB_FAQ MENUITEM "Online &Support", ID_MSWEB_SUPPORT MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Send Fee&dback", ID_MSWEB_FEEDBACK MENUITEM "&Best of the Web", ID_MSWEB_BEST MENUITEM "Search the &Web", ID_MSWEB_SEARCH MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "H&otmail", ID_MSWEB_HOTMAIL MENUITEM "&MSN Home", ID_MSWEB_HOME END MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&About Microsoft Outlook Express", ID_ABOUT END END IDR_COLUMNS_POPUP MENU DISCARDABLE BEGIN POPUP "" BEGIN MENUITEM "Sort &Ascending", ID_SORT_ASCENDING MENUITEM "Sort &Descending", ID_SORT_DESCENDING MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Columns...", ID_COLUMNS END END IDR_TOOLBAR_POPUP MENU DISCARDABLE BEGIN POPUP "" BEGIN MENUITEM "&Customize...", ID_CUSTOMIZE END END IDR_SECURE_MESSAGE_POPUP MENUEX DISCARDABLE BEGIN POPUP "" BEGIN MENUITEM "View Security P&roperties...", ID_SECURITY_PROPERTIES MENUITEM "View Signing &Digital ID...", ID_DIGITAL_ID MENUITEM "", ID_SEPARATOR_1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Edit Trust...", ID_EDIT_TRUST MENUITEM "", ID_SEPARATOR_2, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Help About Secure Messages...", ID_HELP_SECURITY END END IDR_ATTACHMENT_DRAGDROP_POPUP MENU DISCARDABLE BEGIN POPUP "" BEGIN MENUITEM "&Move Here", ID_MOVE MENUITEM "&Copy Here", ID_COPY MENUITEM "Create &Shortcut(s) Here", ID_CREATE_SHORTCUT MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Cancel", ID_CANCEL END END IDR_SERVER_POPUP MENU DISCARDABLE BEGIN POPUP "" BEGIN MENUITEM "&Open", ID_OPEN_FOLDER MENUITEM "F&ind...", ID_FIND_FOLDER MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Re&move Account", ID_REMOVE_SERVER MENUITEM "&Set as Default Account", ID_SET_DEFAULT_SERVER MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&New Folder...", ID_NEW_FOLDER MENUITEM "Ne&wsgroups...", ID_NEWSGROUPS MENUITEM "IMAP &Folders...", ID_IMAP_FOLDERS MENUITEM "Reset &List", ID_RESET_LIST MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Add to Outloo&k Bar", ID_ADD_SHORTCUT MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "P&roperties", ID_PROPERTIES END END IDR_FOLDER_POPUP MENUEX DISCARDABLE BEGIN POPUP "" BEGIN MENUITEM "&Open", ID_OPEN_FOLDER MENUITEM "&Empty 'Deleted Items' Folder", ID_EMPTY_WASTEBASKET MENUITEM "&Empty 'Junk Mail' Folder", ID_EMPTY_JUNKMAIL MENUITEM "F&ind...", ID_FIND_FOLDER MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Catch Up", ID_CATCH_UP MENUITEM "", SEP_CATCH_UP, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&New Folder...", ID_NEW_FOLDER MENUITEM "Rena&me...", ID_RENAME MENUITEM "&Delete", ID_DELETE_FOLDER MENUITEM "", SEP_MAILFOLDER, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Subscribe", ID_SUBSCRIBE MENUITEM "&Unsubscribe", ID_UNSUBSCRIBE MENUITEM "", SEP_SUBSCRIBE, MFT_SEPARATOR POPUP "Synchroni&zation Settings", ID_POPUP_SYNCHRONIZE BEGIN MENUITEM "&Don't Synchronize", ID_UNMARK_RETRIEVE_FLD MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&All Messages", ID_MARK_RETRIEVE_FLD_ALL_MSGS MENUITEM "New &Messages Only", ID_MARK_RETRIEVE_FLD_NEW_MSGS MENUITEM "&Headers Only", ID_MARK_RETRIEVE_FLD_NEW_HDRS END MENUITEM "", SEP_SYNCHRONIZE, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Add to Outloo&k Bar", ID_ADD_SHORTCUT MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "P&roperties", ID_PROPERTIES END END IDR_SYNCHRONIZE_POPUP MENUEX DISCARDABLE BEGIN POPUP "" BEGIN MENUITEM "&Don't Synchronize", ID_UNMARK_RETRIEVE_FLD MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&All Messages", ID_MARK_RETRIEVE_FLD_ALL_MSGS MENUITEM "New &Messages Only", ID_MARK_RETRIEVE_FLD_NEW_MSGS MENUITEM "&Headers Only", ID_MARK_RETRIEVE_FLD_NEW_HDRS END END IDR_PRIORITY_POPUP MENU DISCARDABLE BEGIN POPUP "" BEGIN MENUITEM "&High Priority", ID_PRIORITY_HIGH MENUITEM "&Normal Priority", ID_PRIORITY_NORMAL MENUITEM "&Low Priority", ID_PRIORITY_LOW END END IDR_PREVIEW_POPUP MENU DISCARDABLE BEGIN POPUP "" BEGIN MENUITEM "Show &Preview Pane", ID_PREVIEW_SHOW MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Below Messages", ID_PREVIEW_BELOW MENUITEM "Be&side Messages", ID_PREVIEW_BESIDE MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Show &Header", ID_PREVIEW_HEADER END END IDR_VCARD_POPUP MENU DISCARDABLE BEGIN POPUP "" BEGIN MENUITEM "&Open", ID_OPEN_VCARD MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Delete", ID_DELETE_VCARD END END IDR_COOLBAR_POPUP MENU DISCARDABLE BEGIN POPUP "" BEGIN MENUITEM "&Toolbar", ID_SHOW_TOOLBAR MENUITEM "&Views Bar", ID_SHOW_FILTERBAR END END IDR_TBCHEV_MENU MENUEX PRELOAD DISCARDABLE BEGIN POPUP "", IDR_TBCHEV_MENU BEGIN MENUITEM "", , MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Customize...", ID_CUSTOMIZE END END IDR_OUTLOOKBAR_ITEM_POPUP MENU DISCARDABLE BEGIN POPUP "" BEGIN MENUITEM "&Open Folder", ID_OPEN_FOLDER MENUITEM "&Empty 'Deleted Items' Folder", ID_EMPTY_WASTEBASKET MENUITEM "&Find Message...", ID_FIND_MESSAGE MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Re&move from Outlook Bar", ID_REMOVE_SHORTCUT MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "P&roperties", ID_PROPERTIES END END IDR_OUTLOOKBAR_POPUP MENU DISCARDABLE BEGIN POPUP "" BEGIN MENUITEM "&Large Icons", ID_LARGE_ICONS MENUITEM "S&mall Icons", ID_SMALL_ICONS MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&New Outlook Bar Shortcut", ID_NEW_SHORTCUT MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Hide Outlook Bar", ID_HIDE END END IDR_BA_TITLE_POPUP MENUEX DISCARDABLE BEGIN POPUP "" BEGIN MENUITEM "&New Contact...", ID_NEW_CONTACT MENUITEM "New &Online Contact...", ID_NEW_ONLINE_CONTACT MENUITEM "Set &as Online Contact", ID_SET_ONLINE_CONTACT MENUITEM "", SEP_MESSENGER, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&Sort by Name", ID_SORT_BY_NAME MENUITEM "So&rt by Status", ID_SORT_BY_STATUS END END IDR_SEND_RECEIEVE_POPUP MENU DISCARDABLE BEGIN POPUP "" BEGIN MENUITEM "Send and Receive All\tCtrl+M", ID_SEND_RECEIVE MENUITEM "&Receive All", ID_RECEIVE_ALL MENUITEM "&Send All", ID_SEND_ALL MENUITEM SEPARATOR END END IDR_FIND_POPUP MENU DISCARDABLE BEGIN POPUP "" BEGIN MENUITEM "&Message...\tCtrl+Shift+F", ID_FIND_MESSAGE MENUITEM "Message in this &Folder...\tShift+F3",ID_FIND_IN_FOLDER MENUITEM "Find &Next...\tF3", ID_FIND_NEXT MENUITEM SEPARATOR MENUITEM "&People...\tCtrl+E", ID_FIND_PEOPLE MENUITEM "&Text in this Message...", ID_FIND_TEXT END END IDR_LOCAL_MESSAGE_POPUP MENUEX DISCARDABLE BEGIN POPUP "" BEGIN MENUITEM "&Open", ID_OPEN MENUITEM "&Print", ID_PRINT MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Reply to &Sender", ID_REPLY MENUITEM "Reply to &All", ID_REPLY_ALL MENUITEM "&Forward", ID_FORWARD MENUITEM "For&ward As Attachment", ID_FORWARD_AS_ATTACH MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Mar&k as Read", ID_MARK_READ MENUITEM "Mark as U&nread", ID_MARK_UNREAD MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Mo&ve to Folder...", ID_MOVE_TO_FOLDER MENUITEM "&Copy to Folder...", ID_COPY_TO_FOLDER MENUITEM "&Delete", ID_DELETE MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Add Sender to Address &Book", ID_ADD_SENDER MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "P&roperties", ID_PROPERTIES END END IDR_IMAP_MESSAGE_POPUP MENUEX DISCARDABLE BEGIN POPUP "" BEGIN MENUITEM "&Open", ID_OPEN MENUITEM "&Print", ID_PRINT MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Reply to &Sender", ID_REPLY MENUITEM "Reply to &All", ID_REPLY_ALL MENUITEM "&Forward", ID_FORWARD MENUITEM "For&ward As Attachment", ID_FORWARD_AS_ATTACH MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Mar&k as Read", ID_MARK_READ MENUITEM "Mark as U&nread", ID_MARK_UNREAD MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Mo&ve to Folder...", ID_MOVE_TO_FOLDER MENUITEM "&Copy to Folder...", ID_COPY_TO_FOLDER MENUITEM "&Delete", ID_DELETE MENUITEM "&Undelete", ID_UNDELETE MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Add Sender to Address &Book", ID_ADD_SENDER MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Download &Message Later", ID_MARK_RETRIEVE_MESSAGE MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "P&roperties", ID_PROPERTIES END END IDR_HTTP_MESSAGE_POPUP MENUEX DISCARDABLE BEGIN POPUP "" BEGIN MENUITEM "&Open", ID_OPEN MENUITEM "&Print", ID_PRINT MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Reply to &Sender", ID_REPLY MENUITEM "Reply to &All", ID_REPLY_ALL MENUITEM "&Forward", ID_FORWARD MENUITEM "For&ward As Attachment", ID_FORWARD_AS_ATTACH MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Mar&k as Read", ID_MARK_READ MENUITEM "Mark as U&nread", ID_MARK_UNREAD MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Mo&ve to Folder...", ID_MOVE_TO_FOLDER MENUITEM "&Copy to Folder...", ID_COPY_TO_FOLDER MENUITEM "&Delete", ID_DELETE MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Add Sender to Address &Book", ID_ADD_SENDER MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Download &Message Later", ID_MARK_RETRIEVE_MESSAGE MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "P&roperties", ID_PROPERTIES END END IDR_NEWS_MESSAGE_POPUP MENUEX DISCARDABLE BEGIN POPUP "" BEGIN MENUITEM "&Open", ID_OPEN MENUITEM "&Print", ID_PRINT MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Reply to &Group", ID_REPLY_GROUP MENUITEM "Reply to &Sender", ID_REPLY MENUITEM "&Forward", ID_FORWARD MENUITEM "For&ward As Attachment", ID_FORWARD_AS_ATTACH MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Comb&ine and Decode...", ID_COMBINE_AND_DECODE MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Mar&k as Read", ID_MARK_READ MENUITEM "Mark Conversa&tion as Read", ID_MARK_THREAD_READ MENUITEM "Mark as U&nread", ID_MARK_UNREAD MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Mo&ve to Folder...", ID_MOVE_TO_FOLDER MENUITEM "&Copy to Folder...", ID_COPY_TO_FOLDER MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Add Sender to Address &Book", ID_ADD_SENDER MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Download &Message Later", ID_MARK_RETRIEVE_MESSAGE MENUITEM "Download Conversation &Later", ID_MARK_RETRIEVE_THREAD MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "P&roperties", ID_PROPERTIES END END IDR_FIND_MESSAGE_POPUP MENUEX DISCARDABLE BEGIN POPUP "" BEGIN MENUITEM "&Open", ID_OPEN MENUITEM "&Print", ID_PRINT MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Reply to &Sender", ID_REPLY MENUITEM "Reply to &Group", ID_REPLY_GROUP MENUITEM "Reply to &All", ID_REPLY_ALL MENUITEM "&Forward", ID_FORWARD MENUITEM "For&ward As Attachment", ID_FORWARD_AS_ATTACH MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Mar&k as Read", ID_MARK_READ MENUITEM "Mark as U&nread", ID_MARK_UNREAD MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Mo&ve to Folder...", ID_MOVE_TO_FOLDER MENUITEM "&Copy to Folder...", ID_COPY_TO_FOLDER MENUITEM "&Delete", ID_DELETE MENUITEM "&Undelete", ID_UNDELETE MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Add Sender to Address &Book", ID_ADD_SENDER MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "Download &Message Later", ID_MARK_RETRIEVE_MESSAGE MENUITEM "Download Conversation &Later", ID_MARK_RETRIEVE_THREAD MENUITEM "", -1, MFT_SEPARATOR MENUITEM "P&roperties", ID_PROPERTIES END END ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Accelerators // IDA_BROWSER_ACCEL ACCELERATORS DISCARDABLE BEGIN "A", ID_SELECT_ALL, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT "A", ID_MARK_ALL_READ, VIRTKEY, SHIFT, CONTROL, NOINVERT "B", ID_ADDRESS_BOOK, VIRTKEY, SHIFT, CONTROL, NOINVERT "C", ID_COPY, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT "C", ID_CONTACTS_MNEMONIC, VIRTKEY, ALT, NOINVERT "D", ID_DELETE, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT "E", ID_FIND_PEOPLE, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT "E", ID_NEW_FOLDER, VIRTKEY, SHIFT, CONTROL, NOINVERT "F", ID_FORWARD, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT "F", ID_FIND_MESSAGE, VIRTKEY, SHIFT, CONTROL, NOINVERT "G", ID_REPLY_GROUP, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT "H", ID_SHOW_REPLIES, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT "I", ID_GO_INBOX, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT "I", ID_GO_INBOX, VIRTKEY, SHIFT, CONTROL, NOINVERT "J", ID_NEXT_UNREAD_FOLDER, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT "M", ID_SEND_RECEIVE, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT "M", ID_SYNCHRONIZE, VIRTKEY, SHIFT, CONTROL, NOINVERT "N", ID_NEW_MSG_DEFAULT, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT "N", ID_NEW_CONTACT, VIRTKEY, SHIFT, CONTROL, NOINVERT "O", ID_OPEN, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT "O", ID_OPTIONS, VIRTKEY, SHIFT, CONTROL, NOINVERT "P", ID_PRINT, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT "Q", ID_MARK_READ, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT "R", ID_REPLY, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT "R", ID_REPLY_ALL, VIRTKEY, SHIFT, CONTROL, NOINVERT "T", ID_MARK_THREAD_READ, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT "U", ID_NEXT_UNREAD_MESSAGE, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT "U", ID_NEXT_UNREAD_THREAD, VIRTKEY, SHIFT, CONTROL, NOINVERT "V", ID_MOVE_TO_FOLDER, VIRTKEY, SHIFT, CONTROL, NOINVERT "W", ID_NEWSGROUPS, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT "Y", ID_GO_FOLDER, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT VK_DELETE, ID_DELETE_ACCEL, VIRTKEY, NOINVERT VK_DELETE, ID_DELETE_NO_TRASH_ACCEL, VIRTKEY, SHIFT, NOINVERT VK_RETURN, ID_MARK_READ, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT VK_RETURN, ID_PROPERTIES, VIRTKEY, ALT, NOINVERT VK_RETURN, ID_MARK_UNREAD, VIRTKEY, SHIFT, CONTROL, NOINVERT 0xBE, ID_NEXT_MESSAGE, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT 0xBC, ID_PREVIOUS, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT 0xBE, ID_NEXT_MESSAGE, VIRTKEY, SHIFT, CONTROL, NOINVERT 0xBC, ID_PREVIOUS, VIRTKEY, SHIFT, CONTROL, NOINVERT VK_BACK, ID_UP_ONE_LEVEL, VIRTKEY, NOINVERT VK_ESCAPE, ID_STOP, VIRTKEY, NOINVERT VK_F1, ID_HELP_CONTENTS, VIRTKEY, NOINVERT VK_F2, ID_RENAME, VIRTKEY, NOINVERT VK_F3, ID_FIND_NEXT, VIRTKEY, NOINVERT VK_F3, ID_FIND_IN_FOLDER, VIRTKEY, SHIFT, NOINVERT VK_F3, ID_VIEW_MSG_SOURCE, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT VK_F5, ID_REFRESH, VIRTKEY, NOINVERT VK_F2, ID_VIEW_SOURCE, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT END IDA_READ_NOTE_ACCEL ACCELERATORS DISCARDABLE BEGIN "A", ID_SELECT_ALL, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT "B", ID_ADDRESS_BOOK, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, SHIFT, NOINVERT "E", ID_FIND_PEOPLE, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT "F", ID_FIND_TEXT, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, SHIFT, NOINVERT "F", ID_FORWARD, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT "N", ID_NEW_MSG_DEFAULT, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT "P", ID_PRINT, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT "R", ID_REPLY, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT "G", ID_REPLY_GROUP, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT "R", ID_REPLY_ALL, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, SHIFT, NOINVERT "D", ID_NOTE_DELETE, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT "U", ID_NEXT_UNREAD_MESSAGE, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT "U", ID_NEXT_UNREAD_THREAD, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, SHIFT, NOINVERT VK_RETURN, ID_NOTE_PROPERTIES, VIRTKEY, ALT, NOINVERT VK_ESCAPE, ID_CLOSE, VIRTKEY, NOINVERT 0xBE, ID_NEXT_MESSAGE, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, SHIFT, NOINVERT 0xBC, ID_PREVIOUS, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, SHIFT, NOINVERT 0xBE, ID_NEXT_MESSAGE, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT 0xBC, ID_PREVIOUS, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT VK_RIGHT, ID_NEXT_MESSAGE, VIRTKEY, ALT, NOINVERT VK_LEFT, ID_PREVIOUS, VIRTKEY, ALT, NOINVERT VK_F1, ID_HELP_CONTENTS, VIRTKEY, NOINVERT VK_F3, ID_FIND_TEXT, VIRTKEY, NOINVERT VK_F2, ID_VIEW_SOURCE, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT VK_F3, ID_VIEW_MSG_SOURCE, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT END // ~~~ This goes with IMAP, but it is not used now. Should we add it in??? // "M", idmDeliverMail, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT IDA_SEND_NOTE_ACCEL ACCELERATORS DISCARDABLE BEGIN "A", ID_SELECT_ALL, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT "B", ID_ADDRESS_BOOK, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, SHIFT, NOINVERT "B", ID_FULL_HEADERS, VIRTKEY, ALT, NOINVERT "D", ID_NOTE_DELETE, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT "E", ID_FIND_PEOPLE, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT "F", ID_FIND_TEXT, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, SHIFT, NOINVERT "K", ID_CHECK_NAMES, VIRTKEY, ALT, NOINVERT "K", ID_CHECK_NAMES, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT "N", ID_NEW_MSG_DEFAULT, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT "S", ID_SEND_DEFAULT, VIRTKEY, ALT, NOINVERT "S", ID_SAVE, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT "S", ID_INSERT_SIGNATURE, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, SHIFT, NOINVERT "V", ID_PASTE, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT VK_RETURN, ID_SEND_DEFAULT, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT VK_RETURN, ID_NOTE_PROPERTIES, VIRTKEY, ALT, NOINVERT VK_ESCAPE, ID_CLOSE, VIRTKEY, NOINVERT VK_F1, ID_HELP_CONTENTS, VIRTKEY, NOINVERT VK_F7, ID_SPELLING, VIRTKEY, NOINVERT VK_F3, ID_FIND_TEXT, VIRTKEY, NOINVERT VK_F2, ID_VIEW_SOURCE, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT END IDA_SEND_HDR_ACCEL ACCELERATORS DISCARDABLE BEGIN "A", ID_SELECT_ALL, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT "B", ID_ADDRESS_BOOK, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, SHIFT, NOINVERT "B", ID_ENV_BCC, VIRTKEY, ALT, NOINVERT "K", ID_CHECK_NAMES, VIRTKEY, ALT, NOINVERT "K", ID_CHECK_NAMES, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT "S", ID_SEND_MESSAGE, VIRTKEY, ALT, NOINVERT "S", ID_INSERT_SIGNATURE, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, SHIFT, NOINVERT "V", ID_PASTE, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT VK_RETURN, ID_SEND_MESSAGE, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT END IDA_FIND_ACCEL ACCELERATORS DISCARDABLE BEGIN "A", ID_SELECT_ALL, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT "A", ID_MARK_ALL_READ, VIRTKEY, SHIFT, CONTROL, NOINVERT "C", ID_COPY, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT "D", ID_DELETE, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT "F", ID_FORWARD, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT "G", ID_REPLY_GROUP, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT "N", ID_NEW_MSG_DEFAULT, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT "O", ID_OPEN, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT "Q", ID_MARK_READ, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT "R", ID_REPLY, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT "R", ID_REPLY_ALL, VIRTKEY, SHIFT, CONTROL, NOINVERT "T", ID_MARK_THREAD_READ, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT "U", ID_NEXT_UNREAD_MESSAGE, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT "U", ID_NEXT_UNREAD_THREAD, VIRTKEY, SHIFT, CONTROL, NOINVERT "V", ID_MOVE_TO_FOLDER, VIRTKEY, SHIFT, CONTROL, NOINVERT VK_DELETE, ID_DELETE, VIRTKEY, NOINVERT VK_DELETE, ID_DELETE_NO_TRASH, VIRTKEY, SHIFT, NOINVERT VK_RETURN, ID_MARK_READ, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT VK_RETURN, ID_PROPERTIES, VIRTKEY, ALT, NOINVERT VK_RETURN, ID_MARK_UNREAD, VIRTKEY, SHIFT, CONTROL, NOINVERT 0xBE, ID_NEXT_MESSAGE, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT 0xBC, ID_PREVIOUS, VIRTKEY, CONTROL, NOINVERT 0xBE, ID_NEXT_MESSAGE, VIRTKEY, SHIFT, CONTROL, NOINVERT 0xBC, ID_PREVIOUS, VIRTKEY, SHIFT, CONTROL, NOINVERT VK_ESCAPE, IDCANCEL, VIRTKEY, NOINVERT VK_F1, ID_HELP_CONTENTS, VIRTKEY, NOINVERT VK_F5, ID_REFRESH, VIRTKEY, NOINVERT END ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // BEGIN String Resources // // MENU HELP strings STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN MH(ID_POPUP_FILE) "Contains commands for working with the selected items." MH(ID_POPUP_FOLDER) "Contains commands for working with folders." MH(ID_POPUP_IMPORT) "Contains commands for importing data." MH(ID_POPUP_EXPORT) "Contains commands for exporting data." MH(ID_POPUP_USERS) "Create, modify, and remove users." MH(ID_POPUP_MESSENGER) "Contains commands for %s." MH(ID_POPUP_EDIT) "Contains commands for creating editing items." MH(ID_POPUP_FIND) "Contains commands for finding messages, people and text." MH(ID_POPUP_VIEW) "Contains commands for changing the view." MH(ID_POPUP_FILTER) "Contains commands for filtering the display of messages in the view." MH(ID_POPUP_SORT) "Arranges messages in the message list." MH(ID_POPUP_NEXT) "Contains commands for going to the next message." MH(ID_POPUP_FONTS) "Contains commands for changing the text size." MH(ID_POPUP_GO) "Contains commands for navigating." MH(ID_POPUP_MESSAGE) "Contains commands relating to a message." MH(ID_POPUP_NEW_MSG) "Creates a new message using a stationery." MH(ID_POPUP_RETRIEVE) "Contains commands that mark messages to be downloaded upon synchronization." MH(ID_POPUP_TOOLS) "Contains command to assist you while working with mail and news." MH(ID_POPUP_SEND_AND_RECEIVE) "Contains options for sending and retrieving messages." MH(ID_POPUP_ADDRESS_BOOK) "Contains commands for adding contacts to your address book." MH(ID_POPUP_HELP) "Contains commands for getting help." MH(ID_POPUP_MSWEB) "Gets help and other product information on the Internet." MH(ID_POPUP_INSERT) "Contains commands for inserting items into the message." MH(ID_POPUP_FORMAT) "Contains commands for formatting items in the message." MH(ID_POPUP_PRIORITY) "Contains commands to set the priority of the message." MH(ID_POPUP_STYLE) "Contains commands to set the style tag to the current selection." MH(ID_POPUP_ALIGN) "Changes the alignment of selected characters." MH(ID_POPUP_RULES) "Contains commands for defining and viewing rules for messages." MH(ID_POPUP_NEW_ACCOUNT) "Contains a list of accounts that you can set up in Outlook Express." MH(ID_POPUP_LANGUAGE_DEFERRED) "Contains commands for setting the language encoding of messages." MH(ID_POPUP_LANGUAGE) "Contains commands for setting the language encoding of messages." MH(ID_POPUP_NEW) "Contains commands for creating new items" MH(ID_POPUP_MESSENGER_STATUS) "Contains commands for changing your %s status." MH(ID_OPEN) "Opens the selected messages." MH(ID_SAVE_AS) "Saves the selected messages to a file." MH(ID_SAVE_ATTACHMENTS) "Saves attachments from the selected message to disk." MH(ID_SAVE_STATIONERY) "Saves the selected message as stationery." MH(ID_RESET_LIST) "" MH(ID_SUBSCRIBE) "" MH(ID_UNSUBSCRIBE) "" MH(ID_COMPACT) "Compacts the selected local folder." MH(ID_COMPACT_ALL) "Compacts all of the local folders." MH(ID_IMPORT_ADDRESS_BOOK) "Imports Addresses." MH(ID_IMPORT_MESSAGES) "Imports Messages from other e-mail clients." MH(ID_IMPORT_MAIL_ACCOUNTS) "Imports e-mail account settings from other e-mail clients." MH(ID_IMPORT_NEWS_ACCOUNTS) "Imports news account settings from other news reader clients." MH(ID_EXPORT_ADDRESS_BOOK) "Exports Addresses." MH(ID_EXPORT_MESSAGES) "Exports messages." MH(ID_PRINT) "Print the selected message." MH(ID_SWITCH_IDENTITY) "Allows you to change who is currently using Outlook Express." MH(ID_LOGOFF_IDENTITY) "Logs off the current identity." MH(ID_WORK_OFFLINE) "Prevents Outlook Express from attempting to establish an Internet connection while you work." MH(ID_PROPERTIES) "Displays properties for the selected item." MH(ID_EXIT) "Closes Outlook Express." MH(ID_COPY) "Copies the source from the selected messages to the clipboard." MH(ID_SELECT_ALL) "Selects all items or text." MH(ID_COPY_TO_FOLDER) "Copies selected messages to a folder." MH(ID_MOVE_TO_FOLDER) "Moves selected messages to a folder." MH(ID_DELETE) "Deletes the selected messages." MH(ID_UNDELETE) "Undeletes the selected messages." MH(ID_EMPTY_WASTEBASKET) "Permanently deletes messages located in the Deleted Items folder." MH(ID_PURGE_DELETED) "Permanently removes messages marked for deletion in the selected folder from your IMAP account." MH(ID_FIND_MESSAGE) "Finds messages across all folders." MH(ID_FIND_NEXT) "Finds messages in this folder." MH(ID_FIND_IN_FOLDER) "Finds messages in this folder." MH(ID_FIND_PEOPLE) "Finds people in your address book or on the Internet." MH(ID_FIND_TEXT) "Finds text in the current message." MH(ID_VIEW_ALL) "Shows all messages in the currently selected folder." MH(ID_VIEW_UNREAD) "Hides read messages in the currently selected folder." MH(ID_VIEW_DOWNLOADED) "Shows only downloaded messages in the currently selected folder." MH(ID_SHOW_REPLIES) "Shows only replies to my messages in the currently selected folder." MH(ID_SHOW_DELETED) "Show deleted messages in the currently selected folder." MH(ID_VIEW_IGNORED) "Hides read or ignored messages in the currently selected folder." MH(ID_SORT_COLOR) "Sorts the messages according to the text color in the message list." MH(ID_SORT_ASCENDING) "Sorts the selected column in ascending order." MH(ID_SORT_DESCENDING) "Sorts the selected column in descending order." MH(ID_COLUMNS) "Configures the columns displayed in the folder list." MH(ID_PREVIOUS) "Views the previous message." MH(ID_NEXT_MESSAGE) "Views the next message." MH(ID_NEXT_UNREAD_MESSAGE) "Views the next unread message." MH(ID_NEXT_UNREAD_THREAD) "Views the next unread message conversation." MH(ID_NEXT_UNREAD_FOLDER) "Views the next unread message folder." MH(ID_EXPAND) "Expands view to see grouped messages." MH(ID_COLLAPSE) "Collapses view to hide grouped messages" MH(ID_FONTS_LARGEST) "Changes the font size to the largest available." MH(ID_FONTS_LARGE) "Changes the font size to large." MH(ID_FONTS_MEDIUM) "Changes to a medium font." MH(ID_FONTS_SMALL) "Changes to a small font." MH(ID_FONTS_SMALLEST) "Changes the font size to the smallest available." MH(ID_FONTS_FIXED) "Toggles a plaintext message from appearing in a fixed font." MH(ID_STOP) "Stops the download in progress." MH(ID_REFRESH) "Gets messages not downloaded from the server." MH(ID_UP_ONE_LEVEL) "Goes Up one level." MH(ID_GO_FOLDER) "Allows you to pick a folder to go to." MH(ID_GO_SELECTED) "Goes to the selected item." MH(ID_GO_INBOX) "Displays the Inbox folder." MH(ID_GO_NEWS) "Goes to your news server." MH(ID_GO_NETMEETING) "" MH(ID_GO_OUTBOX) "Displays the Outbox folder." MH(ID_GO_SENT_ITEMS) "Displays the Sent Items folder." MH(ID_GO_DRAFTS) "Displays the Drafts folder." MH(ID_NEW_MSG_DEFAULT) "Creates a new message." MH(ID_REPLY) "Creates a message to reply to the sender." MH(ID_REPLY_ALL) "Creates a message to reply to everyone on the To and CC lines." MH(ID_REPLY_GROUP) "Creates a message to reply to the newsgroup." MH(ID_FORWARD) "Creates a message to forward to someone." MH(ID_FORWARD_AS_ATTACH) "Creates a message with current message(s) as attachments." MH(ID_UNMARK_MESSAGE) "Unmarks the selected messages for download." MH(ID_FLAG_MESSAGE) "Mark message for follow up." MH(ID_MARK_RETRIEVE_MESSAGE) "Marks the selected messages for download." MH(ID_MARK_RETRIEVE_THREAD) "Marks the selected messages and the ones associated in the conversation for download." MH(ID_MARK_RETRIEVE_ALL) "Marks all messages in selected newsgroup or folder for download." MH(ID_MARK_READ) "Marks the selected messages as read." MH(ID_MARK_UNREAD) "Marks the selected messages as unread." MH(ID_MARK_THREAD_READ) "Marks the selected conversation as read." MH(ID_MARK_ALL_READ) "Marks all messages in selected newsgroup or folder as read." MH(ID_CATCH_UP) "Marks all messages in selected newsgroup as read, including messages not yet downloaded." MH(ID_UNSCRAMBLE) "Unscrambles the selected message." MH(ID_COMBINE_AND_DECODE) "Combines the selected messages and decodes their attachments." MH(ID_SEND_RECEIVE) "Checks for new messages, and sends e-mail messages from your Outbox." MH(ID_RECEIVE_ALL) "Checks for new messages." MH(ID_SEND_ALL) "Sends e-mail messages from your Outbox." MH(ID_SYNC_THIS_NOW) "Gets the most current data for the selected item." MH(ID_SYNCHRONIZE) "Prepare Outlook Express for use offline." MH(ID_GET_HEADERS) "Downloads the specified number of headers from the server." MH(ID_ADDRESS_BOOK) "Opens the Address Book." MH(ID_ADD_SENDER) "Adds the sender of the selected messages to your address book." MH(ID_ADD_ALL_TO) "Adds everyone on the To line of the selected messages to your address book." MH(ID_ACCOUNTS) "Configures your accounts." MH(ID_POPUP_NEW_ACCT) "Allows you to sign up for a brand new e-mail account." MH(ID_OPTIONS) "Allows you to configure options." MH(ID_HELP_CONTENTS) "Displays help topics." MH(ID_README) "Brings up the readme file." MH(ID_MSWEB_BASE) "Gets help and other product information on the Internet." MH(ID_MSWEB_FREE_STUFF) "Displays information about free products to download from Microsoft." MH(ID_MSWEB_PRODUCT_NEWS) "Displays information about Microsoft Outlook Express." MH(ID_MSWEB_FAQ) "Displays answers to common questions." MH(ID_MSWEB_SUPPORT) "Displays help for problems you might be having." MH(ID_MSWEB_FEEDBACK) "Sends feedback to Microsoft." MH(ID_MSWEB_BEST) "Displays a list of interesting sites on the web." MH(ID_MSWEB_SEARCH) "Finds interesting sites on the web." MH(ID_MSWEB_HOME) "Displays the MSN home page." MH(ID_MSWEB_OUTLOOK) "Learn more about Microsoft Outlook." MH(ID_MSWEB_HOTMAIL) "Displays Hotmail's site on the web." MH(ID_SEND_NOW) "Sends the message." MH(ID_SEND_LATER) "Puts message in the outbox to be sent at a later time." MH(ID_ABOUT) "Displays program information, version number, and copyright." MH(ID_SAVE) "Saves the message to your drafts folder." MH(ID_CLOSE) "Closes the window." MH(ID_UNDO) "Undoes the last action." MH(ID_CUT) "Removes the selected text and copies it to the clipboard." MH(ID_PASTE) "Inserts the text from the clipboard to the selected location." MH(ID_FULL_HEADERS) "Shows or hides header information for this message." MH(ID_STATUS_BAR) "Shows or hides the status bar." MH(ID_FORMATTING_TOOLBAR) "Shows or hides the formatting toolbar." MH(ID_ENVELOPE_BCC) "" MH(ID_SHOW_TOOLBAR) "Shows or hides the toolbar." MH(ID_INSERT_ATTACHMENT) "Inserts Files to include as an attachment to the message." MH(ID_INSERT_TEXT) "Inserts the text from the selected file." MH(ID_INSERT_PICTURE) "Inserts a picture into the message." MH(ID_INSERT_CONTACT_INFO) "Inserts your contact information to the message." MH(ID_INSERT_LINE) "Inserts a horizontal line into the message." MH(ID_INSERT_SIGNATURE) "Contains a list of signatures you can add to the message" MH(ID_EDIT_LINK) "Modifies the selected text to associate it as a hyperlink." MH(ID_PRIORITY_HIGH) "Sets the priority of the message to high." MH(ID_PRIORITY_NORMAL) "Sets the priority of the message to normal." MH(ID_PRIORITY_LOW) "Sets the priority of the message to low." MH(ID_ALIGN_LEFT) "Left justifies the text in the message." MH(ID_ALIGN_CENTER) "Centers the selected text in the message." MH(ID_ALIGN_RIGHT) "Right justifies the text in the message." MH(ID_ALIGN_JUSTIFIED) "" MH(ID_NUMBERS) "Sets numbers to the selected paragraph." MH(ID_BULLETS) "Sets bullets to the selected paragraph." MH(ID_INDENT_INCREASE) "Increases the indent of the selected paragraph." MH(ID_INDENT_DECREASE) "Decreases the indent of the selected paragraph." MH(ID_BACKGROUND_PICTURE) "Allows you to select a background picture to the message." MH(ID_BACKGROUND_SOUND) "Allows you to select a background sound to the message." MH(ID_BACKGROUND_COLOR) "Allows you to select a background color to the message." MH(ID_RICH_TEXT) "Changes the format of the message to HTML." MH(ID_PLAIN_TEXT) "Sets the message to plain text format." MH(ID_ENCRYPT) "Encrypts the message." MH(ID_REMOVE_LINK) "Modifies the selected text to associate it as a hyperlink." MH(ID_SEND_OBJECTS) "Sends the pictures, sounds, and other items with the message." MH(ID_SPELLING) "Checks the spelling in a message." MH(ID_CHECK_NAMES) "Checks the addresses with the enabled Directory Service Accounts." MH(ID_SELECT_RECIPIENTS) "Brings up the Address Book so you can select contacts." MH(ID_SAVE_ALL_ADDRESSES) "Saves all addresses on the To list to the address book." MH(ID_CANCEL) "Cancels the drag and drop action." MH(ID_SEND_INSTANT_MESSAGE) "Sends an instant message to the selected contact." MH(ID_SEND_MESSAGE) "Creates a new e-mail message." MH(ID_NEW_CONTACT) "Allows you to add a new contact to your Address Book." MH(ID_ADD_ADDRESS_BOOK) "Contains options for adding people from the selected messages to your Address Book." MH(ID_QUICK_VIEW) "Opens the attachment with a registered quick view application." MH(ID_SAVE_ALL) "Allows you to save all of the attachments with the message." MH(ID_CUSTOMIZE) "Allows you to add, remove, and change the order of the toolbar buttons." MH(ID_TOOLBAR_TOP) "Moves the toolbar to the top of the Outlook Express Window." MH(ID_TOOLBAR_LEFT) "Moves the toolbar to the left of the Outlook Express Window." MH(ID_TOOLBAR_BOTTOM) "Moves the toolbar to the bottom of the Outlook Express Window." MH(ID_TOOLBAR_RIGHT) "Moves the toolbar to the right of the Outlook Express Window." MH(ID_SECURITY_PROPERTIES) "Displays security properties for the selected message." MH(ID_DIGITAL_ID) "Views the Digital ID." MH(ID_EDIT_TRUST) "Allows you to edit the trust." MH(ID_HELP_SECURITY) "Provides information about secure messages in Outlook Express." MH(ID_MOVE) "Moves the selected folder to the specified location." MH(ID_CREATE_SHORTCUT) "Creates a shortcut in the currently selected location." MH(ID_REMOVE_SERVER) "Removes the selected account from the Account Manager." MH(ID_SET_DEFAULT_SERVER) "Makes the selected account the default account." MH(ID_RENAME) "Renames the selected folder." MH(ID_NEW_FOLDER) "Creates a new Folder in the selected node." MH(ID_DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE) "Downloads the message body of the selected message from the server." MH(ID_CANCEL_MESSAGE) "Removes the selected message posted by you from the newsgroup." MH(ID_BLOCK_SENDER) "Prevent messages from selected sender from being downloaded." MH(ID_PREVIEW_SHOW) "Toggles the ability to view your messages without opening a separate window." MH(ID_PREVIEW_BELOW) "Places the preview pane below the message list." MH(ID_PREVIEW_BESIDE) "Places the preview pane beside the message list." MH(ID_PREVIEW_HEADER) "Toggles the ability to see message header information in the preview pane." MH(ID_DIGITALLY_SIGN) "Signs the message digitally to send the message securely." MH(ID_AVAILABLE_OFFLINE) "" MH(ID_APPLY_STATIONERY) "Applies selected stationery to the message." MH(ID_STATIONERY_LIST) "" MH(ID_START_NETMETTING) "Invites the selected contact to use Microsoft NetMeeting." MH(ID_LOGIN_MESSENGER) "Establishes a connection with the %s." MH(ID_MESSENGER_ONLINE) "Changes your status to let others know you are online." MH(ID_MESSENGER_INVISIBLE) "Prevents others from knowing you are online." MH(ID_MESSENGER_BUSY) "Changes your status to let others know you are busy." MH(ID_MESSENGER_BACK) "Changes your status to let others know you will be back soon." MH(ID_MESSENGER_AWAY) "Changes your status to let others know you are currently away from the computer." MH(ID_MESSENGER_ON_PHONE) "Changes your status to let others know you are on the phone." MH(ID_MESSENGER_LUNCH) "Changes your status to let others know you have gone to lunch." MH(ID_LANGUAGE) "" MH(ID_NEWSGROUPS) "Allows you to specify which newsgroups to subscribe or unsubscribe from." MH(ID_IMPORT_RULES) "Imports rules." MH(ID_EXPORT_RULES) "Exports rules." MH(ID_IMAP_FOLDERS) "Allows you to manage which IMAP folders are shown and hidden." MH(ID_CREATE_RULE_FROM_MESSAGE) "Create a rule based on the selected message." MH(ID_FOLDER_LIST) "Shows or hides the folder list." MH(ID_PREVIEW_PANE) "Shows or hides the ability to read messages without opening a separate window." MH(ID_THREAD_MESSAGES) "Arranges messages according to subject." MH(ID_ADD) "Adds additional items as attachments to the message." MH(ID_REMOVE) "Removes the selected attachment from the message." MH(ID_NEW_HOTMAIL_ACCOUNT) "Takes to Hotmail's site to set up a new account." MH(ID_NEW_ATT_ACCOUNT) "" MH(ID_NEW_GROUP) "" MH(ID_SEND_INSTANT_MESSAGE2) "Creates an instant message to the selected recipient." MH(ID_MARK_RETRIEVE_FLD_ALL_MSGS) "Synchronizes all messages for the selected folder or newsgroup." MH(ID_MARK_RETRIEVE_FLD_NEW_HDRS) "Synchronizes all new headers for the selected folder or newsgroup." MH(ID_MARK_RETRIEVE_FLD_NEW_MSGS) "Synchronizes all new messages for the selected folder or newsgroup." MH(ID_UNMARK_RETRIEVE_FLD) "Unmarks the selected messages for retrieval." MH(ID_TOGGLE_SUBSCRIBE) "Subscribes or Unsubscribes the selected newsgroup." MH(ID_STATIONERY_RECENT_0) "Creates a new message with the selected stationery." MH(ID_STATIONERY_RECENT_1) "Creates a new message with the selected stationery." MH(ID_STATIONERY_RECENT_2) "Creates a new message with the selected stationery." MH(ID_STATIONERY_RECENT_3) "Creates a new message with the selected stationery." MH(ID_STATIONERY_RECENT_4) "Creates a new message with the selected stationery." MH(ID_STATIONERY_RECENT_5) "Creates a new message with the selected stationery." MH(ID_STATIONERY_RECENT_6) "Creates a new message with the selected stationery." MH(ID_STATIONERY_RECENT_7) "Creates a new message with the selected stationery." MH(ID_STATIONERY_RECENT_8) "Creates a new message with the selected stationery." MH(ID_STATIONERY_RECENT_9) "Creates a new message with the selected stationery." MH(ID_STATIONERY_MORE) "Choose a different stationery from the ones listed above." MH(ID_RESYNCHRONIZE) "Perform a synchronize using the settings you specified last time." MH(ID_MESSAGE_RULES_MAIL) "Create rules for e-mail messages." MH(ID_MESSAGE_RULES_NEWS) "Create rules for News messages." MH(ID_MESSAGE_RULES_JUNK) "Block messages from Junk Mail and Adult content senders." MH(ID_MESSAGE_RULES_SENDERS) "View and modify your list of blocked senders." MH(ID_DOCDIR_LTR) "Changes document direction to left-to-right." MH(ID_DOCDIR_RTL) "Changes document direction to right-to-left." MH(ID_CREATE_MAIL_ACCOUNT) "Creates a new Mail account." MH(ID_CREATE_NEWS_ACCOUNT) "Creates a new News account." MH(ID_NEW_MAIL_MESSAGE) "Creates a new Mail Message." MH(ID_NEW_NEWS_MESSAGE) "Creates a new News Message." MH(ID_DELETE_FOLDER) "Deletes the selected folder." MH(ID_MESSENGER_OPTIONS) "Allows you to configure %s options." MH(ID_LAYOUT) "Allows you to customize the Outlook Express window layout." MH(ID_STATIONERY_NONE) "Creates a new message without using stationery." MH(ID_WEB_PAGE) "Creates a new message based upon a saved HTML file." MH(ID_WATCH_THREAD) "Show when new messages arrive in the selected conversation." MH(ID_IGNORE_THREAD) "Ignore the selected thread." MH(ID_NEW_IDENTITY) "Create a new identity." MH(ID_IDENTITIES) "Contains commands for working with Identities." MH(ID_MANAGE_IDENTITIES) "Allows you to configure Identities." MH(ID_VIEW_MANAGER) "Allows you to create and modify views." MH(ID_OPEN_CONTAINING_FOLDER) "Opens the folder where the selected message is contained." MH(ID_NOTE_SAVE_AS) "Saves the message to a file." MH(ID_NOTE_SAVE_ATTACHMENTS) "Saves attachments in the message to disk." MH(ID_NOTE_SAVE_STATIONERY) "Saves the message as stationery." MH(ID_NOTE_MOVE_TO_FOLDER) "Moves the message to a folder." MH(ID_NOTE_COPY_TO_FOLDER) "Copies the message to a folder." MH(ID_NOTE_DELETE) "Deletes this message." MH(ID_NOTE_PROPERTIES) "Displays the properties for the message." MH(ID_NOTE_COPY) "Copies the selected text to the clipboard." MH(ID_POPUP_TOOLBAR) "Contains commands for configuring the toolbar." MH(ID_SEND_DEFAULT) "Sends this message to the recipients immediately." MH(ID_UNLINK) "Removes the selected hyperlink." MH(ID_SOURCE_EDIT) "Enables you to edit the HTML source of messages." MH(ID_FONTS_DIALOG) "Changes the font and character spacing formats of the selected text." MH(ID_FORMAT_PARADLG) "Changes the alignment and adds/removes bullets to the selected text." MH(ID_POPUP_BACKGROUND) "Contains commands to configure the background of the message." MH(ID_POPUP_BACKGROUND_COLOR) "Changes the background color of the message." MH(ID_POPUP_STATIONERY) "Contains list of stationery to apply to the message." MH(ID_APPLY_STATIONERY_MORE) "Selects other stationery to apply to the message." MH(ID_APPLY_STATIONERY_NONE) "Applies a blank stationery to the message." MH(ID_VIEW_CUSTOMIZE) "Allows you to customize the current view." MH(ID_SELECT_NEWSGROUPS) "Allows you to select newsgroups for this message." END #ifdef APSTUDIO_INVOKED ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // TEXTINCLUDE // 1 TEXTINCLUDE DISCARDABLE BEGIN "menures.h\0" END 2 TEXTINCLUDE DISCARDABLE BEGIN "#include ""winuser.h""\r\n" "\0" END 3 TEXTINCLUDE DISCARDABLE BEGIN "\r\n" "\0" END #endif // APSTUDIO_INVOKED ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #ifndef APSTUDIO_INVOKED ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Generated from the TEXTINCLUDE 3 resource. // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #endif // not APSTUDIO_INVOKED