// Debug Property import "ocidl.idl"; import "oleidl.idl"; interface IDebugProperty; interface IDebugExtendedProperty; interface IEnumDebugPropertyInfo; interface IEnumDebugExtendedPropertyInfo; interface IPerPropertyBrowsing2; /* IDebugProperty Intro * * The IDebugProperty interface provides a language-neutral way to browse entities such as: * * - object properties, methods, and events * - interfaces * - local variables * -·etc. * * IDebugProperty is not intended to be a general replacement for ITypeInfo. * For example, it does not include enough low-level information to construct vtable * calls or implement IDispatch. * * Instead, IDebugProperty is intended to provide human-readable information to * allow IDE users to browse and modify objects at design * or run-time. Because of this more limited scope, IDebugProperty is much easier * to use and to implement than ITypeInfo. * * INTERFACE NOTES: * =============== * 1) Run-time type vs. declared type * The type of a DebugProperty can be determined via two methods. When the type * is obtained via GetPropertyInfo, the type is the *run-time* type. However, * when the type obtained via a GetMemberEnum on the parent, the type is the * *declared* type. In other words, object 'A' will give you its run-time * type, but A's parent will give you A's declared type. * * ISSUE: other guids? guidSuperClass, guidMostDerived? * ISSUE: too many QIs to get IDebugExtendedProp * ISSUE: out of attrib bits * ISSUE: specify filters (thru guids?) */ typedef enum tagOBJECT_ATTRIB_FLAG { // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // OBJECT ATTRIBUTES // AD1 type was OBJECT_ATTRIB, enums were OBJECTATTRIB_foo, struct was PropertyInfo // AD2 type is OBJECTATTRIB, enums are OBJECT_ATTRIB_foo,struct is DebugPropertyInfo // confusing, oh yes indeed, please someone come up with a better solution // --------------------- // Slot Characteristics OBJECT_ATTRIB_NO_ATTRIB = 0x00000000, OBJECT_ATTRIB_NO_NAME = 0x00000001, // this slot has no name OBJECT_ATTRIB_NO_TYPE = 0x00000002, // this slot has no type OBJECT_ATTRIB_NO_VALUE = 0x00000004, // this slot has no value OBJECT_ATTRIB_VALUE_IS_INVALID = 0x00000008, // the value in this slot is invalid OBJECT_ATTRIB_VALUE_IS_OBJECT = 0x00000010, // value is an object that can be expanded into a new object browser OBJECT_ATTRIB_VALUE_IS_ENUM = 0x00000020, // value has enumerated values that might go into a drop down OBJECT_ATTRIB_VALUE_IS_CUSTOM = 0x00000040, // value has a custom viewer (use custom view CLSID) OBJECT_ATTRIB_OBJECT_IS_EXPANDABLE =0x00000070, // the object has children OBJECT_ATTRIB_VALUE_HAS_CODE = 0x00000080, // the value has associated code // --------------------- // Attributes about a slot's type OBJECT_ATTRIB_TYPE_IS_OBJECT = 0x00000100, // the type has an object browser OBJECT_ATTRIB_TYPE_HAS_CODE = 0x00000200, // the type has associated code OBJECT_ATTRIB_TYPE_IS_EXPANDABLE = 0x00000100, // the type is expandable OBJECT_ATTRIB_SLOT_IS_CATEGORY = 0x00000400, // indication that this slot is a category OBJECT_ATTRIB_VALUE_READONLY = 0x00000800, // the value is read-only // --------------------- // Common attributes // field access control OBJECT_ATTRIB_ACCESS_PUBLIC = 0x00001000, OBJECT_ATTRIB_ACCESS_PRIVATE = 0x00002000, OBJECT_ATTRIB_ACCESS_PROTECTED = 0x00004000, OBJECT_ATTRIB_ACCESS_FINAL = 0x00008000, // storage types OBJECT_ATTRIB_STORAGE_GLOBAL = 0x00010000, OBJECT_ATTRIB_STORAGE_STATIC = 0x00020000, OBJECT_ATTRIB_STORAGE_FIELD = 0x00040000, // type modifiers OBJECT_ATTRIB_STORAGE_VIRTUAL = 0x00080000, // this slot is virtual (do we need pure virtual?) OBJECT_ATTRIB_TYPE_IS_CONSTANT = 0x00100000, // this slot is a constant value OBJECT_ATTRIB_TYPE_IS_SYNCHRONIZED =0x00200000, // this slot is thread synchronized OBJECT_ATTRIB_TYPE_IS_VOLATILE = 0x00400000, // this slot is volatile WRT persistent storage OBJECT_ATTRIB_HAS_EXTENDED_ATTRIBS =0x00800000, // has attributes above and beyond these predefined bits // --------------------- // Kind information (I'm not sure how useful these are) OBJECT_ATTRIB_IS_CLASS = 0x01000000, OBJECT_ATTRIB_IS_FUNCTION = 0x02000000, OBJECT_ATTRIB_IS_VARIABLE = 0x04000000, OBJECT_ATTRIB_IS_PROPERTY = 0x08000000, OBJECT_ATTRIB_IS_MACRO = 0x10000000, OBJECT_ATTRIB_IS_TYPE = 0x20000000, OBJECT_ATTRIB_IS_INHERITED = 0x40000000, OBJECT_ATTRIB_IS_INTERFACE = 0x80000000, } OBJECT_ATTRIB_FLAGS; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // DebugPropertyInfo // Basic info that all IDebugProperty implementations must support typedef enum tagPROP_INFO_FLAGS { // Flags used to specify DebugPropertyInfo (and ExtendedDebugPropertyInfo) fields PROP_INFO_NAME = 0x001, // init the bstrName field PROP_INFO_TYPE = 0x002, // init the bstrType field PROP_INFO_VALUE = 0x004, // init the bstrValue field PROP_INFO_FULLNAME = 0x020, // init the full name field PROP_INFO_ATTRIBUTES = 0x008, // init the dwAttrib field PROP_INFO_DEBUGPROP = 0x010, // init the pDebugProp field PROP_INFO_AUTOEXPAND = 0x8000000, // make the Value result auto-expand } PROP_INFO_FLAGS; const DWORD PROP_INFO_STANDARD = PROP_INFO_NAME | PROP_INFO_TYPE | PROP_INFO_VALUE | PROP_INFO_ATTRIBUTES; const DWORD PROP_INFO_ALL = PROP_INFO_NAME | PROP_INFO_TYPE | PROP_INFO_VALUE | PROP_INFO_FULLNAME | PROP_INFO_ATTRIBUTES | PROP_INFO_DEBUGPROP; typedef struct tagDebugPropertyInfo { DWORD m_dwValidFields; // which DebugPropertyInfo fields were successfully initialized BSTR m_bstrName; // property name BSTR m_bstrType; // property type, as formatted string BSTR m_bstrValue; // property value, as formatted string BSTR m_bstrFullName; // property's full name, like pObject->m_fFlag DWORD m_dwAttrib; // property attributes (ORed OBJECT_ATTRIB_* above) IDebugProperty* m_pDebugProp; // IDebugProperty object corresponding to this DebugPropertyInfo } DebugPropertyInfo; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Extended info that some IDebugProperty implementations support typedef enum tagEX_PROP_INFO_FLAGS { // Flags used to specify ExtendedDebugPropertyInfo fields EX_PROP_INFO_ID = 0x0100, // init the nDISPID field EX_PROP_INFO_NTYPE = 0x0200, // init the nType field EX_PROP_INFO_NVALUE = 0x0400, // init the varValue field EX_PROP_INFO_LOCKBYTES = 0x0800, // init the plb field EX_PROP_INFO_DEBUGEXTPROP = 0x1000, // init the pDebugExtProp field } EX_PROP_INFO_FLAGS; typedef struct tagExtendedDebugPropertyInfo { // members from DebugPropertyInfo DWORD dwValidFields; // which ExtendedDebugPropertyInfo fields were successfully initialized LPOLESTR pszName; // property name LPOLESTR pszType; // property type, as formatted string LPOLESTR pszValue; // property value, as formatted string LPOLESTR pszFullName; // property's full name, like pObject->m_fFlag DWORD dwAttrib; // property attributes (ORed OBJECT_ATTRIB_* above) IDebugProperty* pDebugProp; // IDebugProperty object corresponding to this DebugPropertyInfo // extra members DWORD nDISPID; // DISPID of this child (DISPID_NIL, if n/a or none) DWORD nType; // property type VARIANT varValue; // property value (if value can physically fit in VARIANT) ILockBytes* plbValue; // property value (actual data bytes) IDebugExtendedProperty* pDebugExtProp; // IDebugExtendedProperty object corresponding to this DebugPropertyInfo } ExtendedDebugPropertyInfo; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // IDebugProperty [ object, uuid(51973C50-CB0C-11d0-B5C9-00A0244A0E7A),, pointer_default(unique) ] interface IDebugProperty : IUnknown { // Get Information for this object // By setting various PROPERTY_INFO_FLAGS, any subset of the basic info // contained in DebugPropertyInfo can be fetched [local] HRESULT GetPropertyInfo( // OR together PROP_INFO_* defines [in] DWORD dwFieldSpec, [in] UINT nRadix, [out] DebugPropertyInfo* pPropertyInfo); // The following custom marshaller works around a marshalling bug [call_as(GetPropertyInfo)] HRESULT RemoteGetPropertyInfo( [in] DWORD dwFieldSpec, [in] UINT nRadix, [out] DWORD *dwValidFields, [out] BSTR *pbstrName, [out] BSTR *pbstrType, [out] BSTR *pbstrValue, [out] BSTR *pbstrFullName, [out] DWORD *pdwAttrib, [in, out, unique] IDebugProperty **ppDebugProperty); // Get ExtendedInfo for this object // // An array of GUIDs and result VARIANTs is passed so that multiple items // of extended info can be fetched at the same time. If a variant cannot // be initialized for some reason, the vt field should be set to VT_ERROR. // The currently defined extended info guids are described below. // A QI is typically required to obtain interfaces on the right from // IUnknowns in the variant. // GUID VALUE // // guidDefinitionContext IDebugDocumentContext2 // ISSUE: Add additional GUIDS, such as: // BSTR // I4 HRESULT GetExtendedInfo( [in] ULONG cInfos, [in, size_is(cInfos)] GUID* rgguidExtendedInfo, // this arg causes MIDL_CANT_COPE [out, size_is(cInfos)] VARIANT* rgvar); // Set the value of this object as a string HRESULT SetValueAsString( [in] LPCOLESTR pszValue, [in] UINT nRadix); // Get enumerator for props of members HRESULT EnumMembers( // OR together PROP_INFO_* defines [in] DWORD dwFieldSpec, [in] UINT nRadix, [in] REFIID refiid, [out] IEnumDebugPropertyInfo **ppepi); // Get the parent property HRESULT GetParent( [out] IDebugProperty **ppDebugProp); }; [ object, uuid(51973C51-CB0C-11d0-B5C9-00A0244A0E7A), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IEnumDebugPropertyInfo : IUnknown { // Enumerate information for sub-objects // get the next celt elements, if possible [local] HRESULT Next( [in] ULONG celt, [out] DebugPropertyInfo *pi, [out] ULONG *pcEltsfetched ); [call_as(Next)] HRESULT __stdcall RemoteNext( [in] ULONG celt, [in, out,unique,size_is(celt),length_is(*pcEltsfetched)] DebugPropertyInfo *pinfo, [out] ULONG *pcEltsfetched ); // skip the next celt slots HRESULT Skip( [in] ULONG celt); // restart from the beginning HRESULT Reset(void); // clone this property browser at the current enumeration state HRESULT Clone( [out] IEnumDebugPropertyInfo **ppepi); HRESULT GetCount( [out] ULONG* pcelt); }; [ object, uuid(51973C52-CB0C-11d0-B5C9-00A0244A0E7A), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IDebugExtendedProperty : IDebugProperty { // Get Information for this object // By setting various EXPROPERTY_INFO_FLAGS and PROPERTY_INFO_FLAGS, // any subset of the basic info contained in ExtendedDebugPropertyInfo // can be fetched HRESULT GetExtendedPropertyInfo( // OR together EX_PROP_INFO_* defines [in] DWORD dwFieldSpec, [in] UINT nRadix, [out] ExtendedDebugPropertyInfo *pExtendedPropertyInfo); // this arg is BAD // Get enumerator for props of members HRESULT EnumExtendedMembers( // OR together EX_PROP_INFO_* defines [in] DWORD dwFieldSpec, [in] UINT nRadix, [out] IEnumDebugExtendedPropertyInfo **ppeepi); }; [ object, uuid(51973C53-CB0C-11d0-B5C9-00A0244A0E7A), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IEnumDebugExtendedPropertyInfo : IUnknown { // Enumerate information for sub-objects // get the next celt elements, if possible HRESULT Next( [in] ULONG celt, [out, size_is(celt), length_is(*pceltFetched)] ExtendedDebugPropertyInfo *rgExtendedPropertyInfo, [out] ULONG *pceltFetched); // skip the next celt slots HRESULT Skip( [in] ULONG celt); // restart from the beginning HRESULT Reset(void); // clone this property browser at the current enumeration state HRESULT Clone( [out] IEnumDebugExtendedPropertyInfo **pedpe); HRESULT GetCount( [out] ULONG* pcelt); }; [ object, uuid(51973C54-CB0C-11d0-B5C9-00A0244A0E7A), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IPerPropertyBrowsing2 : IUnknown { // Get a string to display for those types which are inheritly non-viewable // Note: The returned string is *not* a legal value for the property, // just an indication to the user of what the property is. HRESULT GetDisplayString( [in] DISPID dispid, [out] BSTR *pBstr); // Return the CLSID of the property page which can be used to edit this // property. HRESULT MapPropertyToPage( [in] DISPID dispid, [out] CLSID *pClsidPropPage); // These methods allow the caller to fill a listbox with a set of strings // which _represent_ potential values for this property. When an item // is chosen, the cookie is passed back to the object, so that the object // can set itself to the corresponding value. HRESULT GetPredefinedStrings( [in] DISPID dispid, [out] CALPOLESTR *pCaStrings, [out] CADWORD *pCaCookies); HRESULT SetPredefinedValue( [in] DISPID dispid, [in] DWORD dwCookie); }; // the IDebugPropertyEnumType interfaces are really defined for their IIDs, // we have no need currently to *implement* any of them, but we might one day // These IIDs are passed to EnumMembers for filtering the enumerator. [ object, uuid(51973C55-CB0C-11d0-B5C9-00A0244A0E7A), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IDebugPropertyEnumType_All : IUnknown { HRESULT GetName([out] BSTR *); }; [ object, uuid(51973C56-CB0C-11d0-B5C9-00A0244A0E7A), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IDebugPropertyEnumType_Locals : IDebugPropertyEnumType_All { }; [ object, uuid(51973C57-CB0C-11d0-B5C9-00A0244A0E7A), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IDebugPropertyEnumType_Arguments : IDebugPropertyEnumType_All { }; [ object, uuid(51973C58-CB0C-11d0-B5C9-00A0244A0E7A), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IDebugPropertyEnumType_LocalsPlusArgs : IDebugPropertyEnumType_All { }; [ object, uuid(51973C59-CB0C-11d0-B5C9-00A0244A0E7A), pointer_default(unique) ] interface IDebugPropertyEnumType_Registers : IDebugPropertyEnumType_All { };